KHALEEJIA Issue (103) January 2020

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Issue 103 - January 2020

Newsletter issued by Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company

GPIC takes part in MEPEC 2019

GPIC attends GPCA 3rd Responsible Care Conference

P.O.Box 26730 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: (+973)17731777, Fax: (+973)17731047 Web page: Email Address:

In this issue ... GPIC achieves positive results in 4th Quarter of 2019


GPIC holds Board meeting


GPIC takes part in MEPEC 2019


Two GPIC Employees Honoured by Minister of Labour


GPIC attends GPCA 3rd Responsible Care Conference


House of Lords honour for Dr. Jawahery


Dr. Jawahery receives top NEBOSH award


HE the Deputy Chairman meets GPIC and PIC Marketing Teams


GPIC Marketing Superintendents attend PIC training course


HE the Japanese Ambassador visits GPIC


A delegation from Turkmenistan visits GPIC


Dr. Jawahery receives IFA Top Award


GPIC Road Runners Team Wins Charity Marathon Relay


GPIC supports Green Wave project


Korean Business delegation visits GPIC


GPIC celebrates the Kingdom of Bahrain's National Day


GPIC holds its Annual Celebration and celebrates its 40th Anniversary


‫جائزة صاحبة السمو الملكي‬ ‫األميرة سبيكة بنت إبراهيم آل‬ ‫خليفة لتمكين المرأة البحرينية‬

The year 2020 is upon us and with it have come blessings for everyone who gave, sacrificed, committed, fulfilled and contributed to the development of GPIC and devoted days and years of their lives to preserve its name, reputation and principles. It is also an occasion for GPIC to celebrate 40 years of its existence – a time that was never smooth sailing and with its share of challenges. It was also never a path of roses and accomplishments were not at all easy. They were laced with challenges but a spirit to succeed and overcome those challenges with a spirit of determination and teamwork was what got us though with flying colours. This was also due to the support of our leaders, loyalty of workers and, above all, the blessings of the Almighty and his care for the petrochemical family. Significant and important achievements were the hallmark of 2019 that saw once again ideal cooperation between the company and its shareholders on the one hand and between the Board of Directors, the executive management and employees on the other. This resulted in impressive figures, prestigious awards and record production. GPIC won the award from the Dubai Chamber of Commerce for Corporate Social Responsibility, the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Business and the Arab Award for Corporate Social Responsibility, in addition to the Gold Medal in Industrial Excellence from the International Fertilizer Association. The company also won the Corporate Social Responsibility Award in Arab countries from the Regional Network for Social Responsibility. In the realm of safety, for which GPIC is known and has excelled globally, 2019 brought for it the British Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Award in safety, a certificate of excellence in maintenance and the procurement risk management award.


We are proud of our achievements for which we have worked for with sincerity. It is truly a feeling of overwhelming joy and great happiness. But this has been soured by the sad demise of one of the most important industrial leaders in the region, Engineer Yousef bin Abdul Rahman Al-Zamil, who as a representative of SABIC, was on the company’s Board of Directors for 12 years. It was the expertise of Engineer Al-Zamil that enabled GPIC attain excellence in a highly-competitive industry and helped it cross the borders of Bahrain and the Gulf Arab region to take its place on the global map in areas of operation, management, environment, security, safety and social responsibility. There is no doubt that in his passing we have lost a towering personality, known for his leadership and wisdom. He has, however, left the company in the safe hands of talented people who continue to enrich the company's performance to achieve more growth and prosperity. His Excellency Engineer Ebrahim Al-Musaiter, the former Managing Director, also left the company’s board. We were fortunate to have his guidance and his direct communication with various departments and technical and administrative teams. He often went on inspection visits to various departments, control rooms, maintenance workshops and service warehouses. The successful march of GPIC has strengthened over the last 40 years during which it has become a model for efficiency in conducting business and effective integration between employees and its technical and administrative departments. It has also succeeded in setting up an institutional culture that represent the best in the high values it has established. This is monitored by a professional and well-managed corporate governance system in the Board of Directors. I thank everyone who contributed to these efforts with their experience and work in taking the company forward. With God's grace, we will continue on our march of development and prosperity year after year.

Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery


GPIC achieves positive results in Q4-2019 GPIC achieved positive results and fulfilled all obligations, while achieving targets set up by the Board of Directors during the fourth quarter of 2019, in spite of the challenges and changes taking place in the industry regionally and globally. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said GPIC witnessed several challenges in the last quarter, including the continued instability in the balance of demand and supply. This, he said, was in addition to the intense competition in the availability of materials for export. He said despite all this, the company managed, thanks to the ambitious approach of its Board of Directors and the commitment of its employees, to successfully overcome all challenges and achieve the goals set out in the business plan. “GPIC is keen not only to succeed but strive to achieve excellence and maintain the confidence of its customers on the one hand and continue to achieve success on the other," Dr. Jawahery said. He spoke of the resolve of the management to continue to achieve new heights and preserve GPIC’s achievements as well as build on gains to maintain its position as the leading company in this vital industry, regionally and globally.


Dr. Jawahery praised GPIC’s approach in occupational safety, which the company considers

the backbone of operations, and ensuring the continuation of its success, along with preserving the environment.

The President expressed happiness at the results achieved by GPIC during this period in the field of occupational safety, clocking approximately 7,639 days without a lost-time accident, which is equivalent to more than 27 million hours. He said this was a source of pride with regard to the company's success in ensuring the safety of workers, who are the backbone of its sustainable development. Dr. Jawahery said that GPIC has succeeded yet again in setting new records, exporting a total of 1.23 million tons of ammonia, urea and methanol, an increase of 3.6 per cent over what had been planned for 2019. He said 43,600 metric tons of Ammonia, 459,165 metric tons of Methanol and 727,616 metric tons of Urea were sold and all exports were loaded on 62 ships. This was in addition to 791 metric tons of urea allocated to the local market to support Bahrain’s agricultural sector. He said India has acquired the largest share of the company's total exports – at 31 per cent followed by Taiwan with 17 per cent and Thailand with 11 per cent.

The President said despite challenges as a result of increasing supply of urea, it did not constitute any obstacle for the company to continue its production and export operations to alternative markets and getting good returns. He said this indicated secure marketing plans and flexible strategies developed by the Board of Directors to face all challenges.

and gatherings organised by other bodies.

He said the company’s marketers – the Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait for Ammonia and Urea and the Saudi Basic Industries Company for methanol contributed to the success.

Dr. Jawahery expressed his appreciation at the continuous support the company receives from Bahrain’s leadership, which enabled it to maintain a steady growth pace and balance despite challenges.

Dr. Jawahery said GPIC continued to implement its plans related to the development of its Bahraini manpower by providing specialized training courses at home and abroad and setting up workshops related to all areas of the petrochemical industry. Employees were also involved in forums

The President thanked Their Excellences Chairman and the members of the Board of Directors, stressing the accomplishments would not have been possible without their unlimited support as well as the support of the Executive Management and the Labour Union.

He said GPIC has worked hard to provide comprehensive training programmes for its nationals, and has also coordinated between Shareholders companies to define training needs and find the best way to achieve them with a focus on the quality of training.

Cummulative Exports by Region 2019 South America



16% Australia




Total: 1,231,170 Metric Tons


GPIC holds Board meeting

The Board of Directors of GPIC held its 194th meeting, chaired by His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Ali Al Sharyan. Speaking on the occasion, His Excellency thanked the members of the Board for their efforts in 2019 and appreciated their support to the company and its aspirations, while looking at overcoming obstacles that may be a hinderance. He said he is proud to work with his colleagues on the Board and praised their commitment by working together and cooperating to achieve more honours locally, regionally and globally. The board reviewed the company’s achievements since the last meeting and discussed items on the agenda, while taking appropriate decisions in matters related to company operations.


They discussed projects the company has implemented, especially those related to social responsibility and which help the community by contributing to its development. The Board also made sure the employees had a safe work environment that motivates them to better perform. They discussed plans to further develop the national teams which have proved to have a high degree of professionalism.

The Board reviewed the success and excellence of the company in spite of the challenges and said it is proud of GPIC’s achievements in the field of safety. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said he was happy at GPIC’s promising results in the field of occupational safety. He said the company had achieved approximately 9,098 working days without any lost time accident, which is equivalent to more than 32 million hours. He said this is no mean achievement, not only in terms of the figures achieved, but also with regard to GPIC’s success in preserving the safety of workers, the backbone of its development. Dr. Jawahery said the company had succeeded, as usual, in setting new records in operations, exporting a total of 1.23 million tons of ammonia, urea and methanol, an increase of 3.6 per cent over what had been planned in 2019. He said a total of 43,600 tons of ammonia, 459,165 tons of methanol and 727,616 tons of urea were sold and all these exports were sent to their final destination on board 62 ships. In addition, 791 tons of urea was packed in bags to be allocated to the local market to support Bahrain’s agricultural sector.

He said India acquired the largest share of the company's total exports at 31 per cent. He added this market represents a major strategic importance for all producers. This was followed by Taiwan at 17 per cent and Thailand at 11 per cent. The Board noted the achievements of the company in 2019, which included Dr. Jawahery being the founder of the Responsible Care Committee of the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA). The President of the company was awarded the International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety by the British National Council for Occupational Safety and Health Examinations (NEBOSH) and he was selected an international ambassador for the British Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). The company emerged the winner of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Business Excellence, the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Business Innovation, the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry Corporate Social Responsibility Award and the Arab Award for Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition, GPIC won the gold medal in the field of industrial excellence from the International Fertilizer Association, the Corporate Social Responsibility Award in the Arab countries from the Regional Network of social Responsibility and the RoSPA Award for Safety from the United Kingdom. His Excellency Dr. Al Sharyan thanked the Board of Directors for its efforts in the success of the meeting and taking appropriate decisions that would enhance the success of the company and help it move forward. He praised the members of the executive management who worked with professionalism in implementing the Board’s decisions, policies and strategies. The members of the Board of Directors expressed satisfaction at the results of the Board

meeting and thanked the Chairman for the good management of the meeting and his directives. They applauded the efforts of the Executive Management and employees who contributed towards achieving continued success of GPIC, which is a successful example of joint Gulf cooperation. They said the Board of Directors would work to take advantage of economic and development opportunities offered by the petrochemical industry and to make the most of all resources available in the region. GPIC was established in 1979 AD as a nucleus for cooperation between the countries of the GCC in the fertilizer and petrochemical industry, to benefit from the natural gas produced by Bahrain as raw material.

The company is a joint venture owned equally by the Government of Bahrain represented by The National Oil and Gas Holding Company, Saudi Arabia, represented by the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) and Kuwait, represented in the Petrochemical Industries Company. The company’s Board of Directors is made up of representatives from the three shareholding countries. GPIC’s first project was to establish a petrochemical complex. Initially, it consisted of two factories to produce ammonia and methanol. The company then increased its production and developed a urea fertilizer plant.

The company looks to the future as one that is distinguished in the production and export of high-quality petrochemical products and maintain the unique position. Efforts and investment have been made in developing and modernizing major plant equipment, management and control. This is in addition to the expansion plans aimed at either doubling the capacity of existing factories or to build new ones.


GPIC takes part in MEPEC 2019 GPIC participated in the fifth edition of the Middle East Operations Engineering Conference and Exhibition (MEPEC 2019), held under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister. The event was held at the Bahrain International Exhibition Centre from October 14 to 16. H.E. Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil, after opening the event, visited the National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA) pavilion, set up for companies under its umbrella. His Excellency listened to an explanation of the history of each of the companies and their production processes.


He was briefed on the achievements of each company and the excellence awards they have received for their products, operational processes

and their active contribution in the field of health, environment, safety and community service.

The event, on the theme, “Transformation of Process Engineering through Innovation�, was attended by scores of local, regional and international companies working in the oil, gas and petrochemicals sector. They used the occasion to identify opportunities in the region in light of increasing demand for the use of modern technology to raise level of efficiency and performance. Minister of Oil His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, in a statement, thanked His Royal Highness for his interest in following up on the oil and gas sector and patronising the event, which is one of the most prestigious in the Middle East.

H.E. the Oil Minister said the event had become a forum to attract regional and international companies specialized in the field of process engineering techniques and those related to the oil industry. He said it was a platform to display the latest experiences, and provide the best management and technical practices as well as review the best modern technologies and engineering solutions. H.E. the Minister pointed out that process engineering is an important topic related to several specialized aspects such as production and control and spoke of Bahrain’s efforts in attracting modern technology that contribute to the development of various projects. These include the Bahrain Refinery Modernization Project, the third gas plant, the liquefied gas project and the oil pipeline project. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the organization of the conference, considered one of the most important regional oil events attended by representatives of prestigious international companies. He said this year's conference included the launch of a series of strategic initiatives in which participating industry leaders in the oil sector discussed a range of innovative solutions for development and improvement as well as global economic issues. Dr. Jawahery thanked His Royal Highness the Prime Minister for his patronage and said this shows the interest shown by the wise leadership in sponsoring everything related to the oil and gas sector. He added the company is committed to its presence and participation in events that contribute to the development of this strategic sector. This year's conference consisted of a Middle East Regional Chem-E-Car Competition, that engages college students in designing and constructing a car powered by a chemical energy source that

will safely carry a specified load over a given distance and stop. The event was dedicated to celebrating the professional and leadership excellence in innovation and talent demonstrated by women in the academic and business sectors of the oil and gas industry. The first edition of the World Petroleum Council (WPC) conference in Bahrain was also launched on the occasion. The conference discussed important topics in the refining strategy, the leadership of petrochemicals, changes in national visions, business models and customer requirements, environment, sustainability, security, and other related topics.

Middle East Energy Events and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers have been organizing this global event since 2011, in cooperation and coordination with NOGA and with the support of Saudi Aramco. Around 3,500 participants, including researchers, officials and executives, as well as engineers, specialists, businessmen and investors in the process engineering and oil and gas technology sector, universities from Bahrain, the Gulf Cooperation Council States and the Middle East took part. The 8000 square meter exhibition also attracted more than 500 national and international oil and gas companies and refining and petrochemical companies from 50 countries.

The conference and exhibition is held every two years under the patronage of His Royal Highness and discusses the efficiency and performance in oil, gas and petrochemicals sectors and looks at how to add quality to the process engineering industry through intelligent engineering as well as manufacturing and operating excellence.


Two GPIC Employees Honoured by Minister of Labour GPIC celebrated the honouring of two of its employees during an annual ceremony to recognize hard-working and distinguished workers of 2019, organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Development under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. Ministers, senior officials and heads of companies and institutions from the government and private sectors were present. GPIC Human Resources and Corporate Communications Manager Ms. Najat Mohammed Sharif was among those honoured, as was GPIC Procurement and Warehouse Department Material Engineer Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Amin. GPIC was also honoured with the Excellence Award in the field of occupational and workplace safety for adhering to occupational health and safety standards and providing a safe working environment for its employees.


In his comments on the occasion, GPIC President spoke of the important role of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development in supporting Bahraini workers and its keenness to honour those who distinguished themselves.

Dr. Jawahery said the ceremony is also recognition of a company that takes pride in excellence of its employees who have excelled in their dedication to work at all levels. "GPIC trusts its employees before anything else,� he said. “Efficiency alone is not enough for the smooth running of operations but teamwork is. It is this that brings out the best in everyone.� Dr. Jawahery said the management would continue to empower women and support their progress, opening the way for their access to the highest positions. He congratulated Ms. Sharif and said she had shown her competence from the time she joined the company to attaining a position in the executive management. He said she is the first woman at GPIC to reach this executive position. Dr. Jawahery also congratulated Mr. Amin and said he deserved the honour for his dedication in fulfilling his responsibilities professionally and with competence. Dr. Jawahery spoke of the training GPIC provides to its employees that allows them to develop their capabilities and skills to meet their job requirements for future needs.

GPIC attends GPCA 3rd Responsible Care Conference GPIC took part in the Responsible Care conference organised by the Gulf Petrochemical and Chemical Association (GPCA) in Jubail, Saudi. The attendance at the event, on the theme, Responsible Care: A Decade of Excellence, was to enhance the company’s important role in supporting GPCA activities. The conference was inaugurated by Governor of the Eastern Province His Royal Highness Prince Saud bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in the presence of a group of senior petrochemicals and chemicals leaders from the GCC and around the world. Senior Executives of international companies operating in the petrochemicals and chemicals sector, service providers and heads of Government bodies and industry associations in member states also attended. Speaking during the opening, His Royal Highness visited the GPIC pavilion and saw the company’s products that are exported to the largest international markets and manufactured according to the highest standards of occupational safety. He was acquainted with the company's plants and advanced facilities as well as achievements and awards it has won in quality, production and

safety, occupational health and environmental areas. GPCA Deputy Chairman Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed his satisfaction at the success of the conference, praised its organizers and excellence of speakers who were able to convey their rich experiences. Dr. Jawahery stressed the importance of the event as the only one of its kind at the regional level and said the conference was an important opportunity to connect with the world's leading government and industry leaders. He said the event brought to the table several topics, including the global value added of the Responsible Care Initiative, and a review of industry best practices in the field of environment, health and safety. Dr. Jawahery, who is also GPIC President, said the event highlighted the achievements of the last decade of the Responsible Care programme. He said this year's conference coincided with the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Responsible Care Initiative, which has resulted in a commitment to the continuous improvement of environmental, safety, health and industrial security management in the Arabian Gulf region.


House of Lords honour for Dr. Jawahery The United Kingdom’s Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has invited GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery to visit the House of Lords in London as guest of honour. The invitation came from RoSPA Vice President H.E. Lord Bill Jordan in recognition of Dr. Jawahery’s outstanding professional achievements and contributions to the society's programmes. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery said he is honoured and thanked Lord Jordan for the invitation. He said this is testimony to the fact that RoSPA appreciates GPIC’s active role and a commitment to its principles, mission and objectives. He said it were this that enabled the company received two RoSPA awards this for its outstanding role in the field of safety, health and safe practices in the chemical industry. These awards were won in competition with 3,000 companies from around the world.


Dr. Jawahery said his being hosted at the House of Lords is huge appreciation for the company he represents. He said this is due to GPIC’s commitment to adhere to the principles of occupational safety and the Board of Directors’ balanced policies. He said the board strives to maintain GPIC’s excellence and achievements in the field.

He said company employees give priority to maintaining excellence in all areas of safety and GPIC is honoured to receive the highest and most prestigious international awards related to safety, especially the annual RoSPA awards. “We are very proud of the top awards we have won in succession and this confirms the soundness of our policies and strategies,” said Dr. Jawahery. He said GPIC now has a prominent role in promoting principles that would further improve operations. He said the company is working with the Bahrain community in promoting safety as well as in its own operations, with the aim that safe practices would become normal behavior. Dr. Jawahery said this latest honour will motivate everyone to continue to work hard to bring more awards and enhance GPIC's record of achievements. He said everyone would continue to make efforts to maintain the company’s high level in all fields, especially in the application of occupational safety and health. GPIC has won two RoSPA awards this year, both of which were received by Dr. Jawahery during a ceremony under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and in the presence of Lord Jordan.

Dr. Jawahery receives top NEBOSH award GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has been awarded the British National Council for Occupational Health and Safety Examinations (NEBOSH) International Diploma. The event was held in the presence of NEBOSH Chief Executive His Excellency Mr. Ian Taylor to commemorate its 40th anniversary celebrations. Top international safety experts who attended praised Dr. Jawahery’s in promoting the application of international standards of occupational safety. Mr. Taylor applauded Dr. Jawahery's contribution as ambassador to the Middle East, as well as through his position as a member of NEBOSH, which helped it spread the principles and culture of safety in Arabic in the Middle East. He also praised Dr. Jawahery’s efforts through active participation in NEBOSH programmes, which helped it reach a

large segment and achieve the desired goals. Mr. Taylor stressed this was the first time this award had been conferred on a leading figure who has been instrumental in supporting NEBOSH objectives. Dr. Jawahery thanked the GPIC Chairman and Board of Directors who set up policies and followed up their implementation, while working to encourage the company management and staff to adopt standards of occupational safety so that the company can continue its emergence and excellence, regionally and globally. He said the GPIC team had played a leading role in this regard and have demonstrated a commitment to the application of international standards of occupational health and safety and made it a daily practice at all its work sites.


HE the Deputy Chairman meets GPIC and PIC Marketing Teams GPIC Deputy Chairman His Excellency Mr. Hamad Dakheel Al Subaie met with the Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) of Kuwait marketing team on the sidelines of the 10th Gulf Petrochemical and Chemical Association (GPCA) Fertilizer Conference in the Omani capital, Muscat. H.E. Mr. Al-Subaie praised the success of GPIC’s production levels and profits, which have achieved record levels in recent times. He also spoke about the awards and accolades from the international organizations specialized in matters of occupational safety. The Deputy Chairman pointed out that cooperation between GPIC and PIC had contributed to opening wider horizons to achieve integration between the producers, the marketers and the shareholders. He praised the high level of performance of employees on both sides, especially with regard to the keenness shown by all about the application of the principle of participation.


GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the efforts made by employees of the

PIC marketing department who, he said, show great professionalism in the marketing of urea and ammonia produced by GPIC. Dr. Jawahery thanked and appreciated the Deputy Chairman for his meeting the marketing team and their counterparts at the PIC and their excellence in marketing the company's products. He spoke of the interest shown by the GPIC Board members in developing appropriate and ambitious marketing plans consistent with economic conditions in global markets. Dr. Jawahery praised the cooperation and integration that brings together the two partners which, he said, had made the company a successful model to be followed by others in the GCC region. He praised the board’s keenness in following up the work details and to overcome any obstacles that may affect operations, exports and marketing of high quality products. Dr. Jawahery said the GPIC Management is fully committed to implementing the policies set by the board of directors through cooperation and efforts of its staff, who are characterized by their professionalism and sincerity.

GPIC Marketing Superintendents attend PIC training course GPIC Ammonia and Urea Marketing Manager Munther Muhammad Bujiri and Methanol Marketing Manager Ahmed Issa Al-Jowder attended a training course organized by Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) of Kuwait. The course was part of the existing close cooperation between the two companies to exchange experiences.

executive management team and employees who work extremely well together and co-operate to successfully implement these strategies, which have led to increased production and profits.

The two-week course is also in line with the Board of Directors directives to take advantage of modern strategies related to all aspects of the company's work and a desire to adopt the best ways to ensure and maintain the company's success and continued pace of growth.

Dr. Jawahery said GPIC has been able to build strong relationships with global markets based on trust. These markets, he said, are keen to buy GPIC’s products because of their high quality and for following global standards in health, safety and the environment. He added GPIC’s transparency in dealing with its customers and ensuring the high reliability were the other reasons for the open rapport.

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the unlimited support from PIC and its efforts in marketing ammonia and urea on behalf of GPIC to global markets since the beginning of ammonia production in 1985 and urea production in 1998.

PIC Chief Executive Officer, Engineer Mutlaq Al-Azmi received Mr. Bujiri and Mr. Al-Jowder at their Let’s Talk Strategy event, organized by the Department of Comprehensive Planning to educate employees on the PIC goals and vision of its 2040 strategy.

The President said he is proud of the company’s team who have the responsibility for continuously improving GPIC’s performance. He spoke of the flexible strategies developed by the Board of Directors and the professionalism of the

Engineer Al-Azmi expressed his happiness at the bilateral relations between the two companies, stressing that such courses contribute to enhancing cooperation and exchanging successful strategies.


Her Excellency the Egyptian Ambassador visits GPIC GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the company’s executive management received Egyptian Ambassador to Bahrain H.E. Ms. Suha Ebrahim Al Far.

The two sides reviewed the most important areas of cooperation during Her Excellency’s tenure, during which she made several visits to the complex.

In a statement, Dr. Jawahery praised the friendly relations with Her Excellency, who he described as one of those who left no stone upturned on ways to enhance relations between Bahrain and Egypt. He said Her Excellency showed great interest in boosting cooperation between the two countries and accompanied several highprofile delegations visiting the complex.


Dr. Jawahery expressed the hope that the same level of cooperation would continue and that the ambassador’s efforts would contribute towards

further strengthening the existing bilateral relations between the two friendly countries as well as increasing cooperation in all fields.

Her Excellency the ambassador said she greatly appreciated the co-operation she received from Dr. Jawahery and all officials. She thanked him and the executive management for the warm welcome and the hospitality each time she visited the complex and stressed the fruitful cooperation would contribute to the consolidating relations between the two friendly countries.

She also thanked Dr. Jawahery for his efforts, which contributed to the success of her tenure in Bahrain. She said the support of the executive management and all employees for all activities of the Egyptian Embassy contributed to strengthening of relations between Bahrain and Egypt. She expressed her desire for the people of Bahrain and Egypt to gain further progress and prosperity.

His Excellency the Japanese Ambassador visits GPIC Japanese Ambassador to Bahrain His Excellency Mr. Hideki Ito visited. He was received by company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the Executive Management. Dr. Jawahery conveyed to His Excellency the greetings of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors and spoke about the historic close ties between Bahrain and Japan, noting the cooperation between the two countries in all fields. Dr. Jawahery praised the role of Japanese industrial giants such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which built the company's Urea plant, inaugurated in March 1998 under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister. He said the facility has had several global achievements to its credit since its establishment. Dr. Jawahery said the company has an excellent reputation among its Japanese customers and commended His Excellency’s efforts to enhance cooperation between the two sides.

The President gave the visitor a presentation on the plant, briefly explaining its work and operational strategy. He also outlined details of production and export and reviewed GPIC’s achievements and awards for its high-quality products while applying the best and the latest international standards in the areas of safety, quality and environmental protection. Dr. Jawahery briefed His Excellency on the Carbon Dioxide Recovery plant, the first of its kind in the Middle East, and it’s significant contribution in reducing harmful emissions resulting from factory operations. The Ambassador was also briefed on the urea formaldehyde plant, inaugurated earlier this year, and whose main contractor is another Japanese company, JGC. Dr. Jawahery then escorted His Excellency on a tour of the complex during which he saw the environmental projects, the Princess Sabeeka Garden, the Medicinal Plants and Herbs Garden, the Charity Fish Farm and the Bird Sanctuary.


A delegation from Turkmenistan visits GPIC GPIC hosted a visiting delegation from the Republic of Turkmenistan, consisting of representatives from TURKMENHIMIYA and TURKMENGAS. This was in support of the existing strategic partnership between the Kingdom of Bahrain and Turkmenistan, which entered a new stage following the visit of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to the country. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery welcomed the guests and exchanged views on joint investment projects in Turkmenistan. He also discussed ways to find appropriate solutions to the challenges that may come up following the implementation of these projects. He said GPIC views these as a promising investment that would enhance its position as a leading industrial entity in the region. The visitors were given a summary about GPIC’s operations and the global markets to which its products are exported. The guests were acquainted with the company’s strategy and its commitment to clean industry standards during all stages of production and export, and were told about GPIC’s most important achievements and awards.


They were briefed on the GPIC’s high quality petrochemical materials and fertilizers and its application of best practices and the latest international standards in the areas of safety, quality and environmental protection.

The visitors were taken on a tour of the complex during which they inspected the factories and saw the modern operations on the latest equipment and systems. They also visited the carbon dioxide recovery plant, set up as part of the company’s efforts to preserve the environment and combat pollution. The delegation toured the environmental projects spread throughout the complex and got acquainted with the Medicinal Plants and Herbs Garden, set up to preserve the rare medicinal herbs that were used in the past for therapeutic purposes. They visited the olive oasis, the bird sanctuary and the fish farm that contributes to support Bahrain’s fish population. The visitors also planted a tree to commemorate their visit and as support to GPIC’s commitment to preserving the environment. The guests concluded their visit by attending a lunch in their honor at the company's club. They also later visited several of Bahrain’s historical and archeological sites. Dr. Jawahery said that the visit had provided an opportunity for fruitful discussions, which centered on the mechanism for activating what was agreed in the memorandum of understanding signed between the two parties. He said the visit was also an opportunity to familiarize the guests with GPIC’s factories, facilities and projects that support sustainability.


Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports Undersecretary visits GPIC The Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports Undersecretary, Mr. Ashraf Saleh Ahmed, on a visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain, was welcomed at GPIC by company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and other members of the Executive. The visit of Mr. Ahmed, who is also Head of the Central Department of Ministry Affairs in Egypt, came as Bahrain and Egypt signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of media and international cooperation among youth. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery conveyed to the visitors the greetings of the Board of Directors and gave them an explanation of the company’s production and export operations. Dr. Jawahery thanked Mr. Ahmed for the visit and closely observe the role the company plays to serve the community and to empower the youth. He expressed pride at the close relations between Bahraini and Egyptian companies.


He said GPIC is keen on exchanging visits and experiences with these leading companies, which have considerable experience in the field of petrochemicals and fertilizers.

Dr. Jawahery said that Egypt boasts of some of the most advanced industrial companies in the fertilizers and petrochemicals in the Arab world and the world. These companies, he added, are rich in experience and professional and knowledgeable among developed Arab and regional countries in the field of agriculture and food industry.

He said these companies play an active and influential role in supporting the work of the Arab Fertilizers Association, based in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

The guests were taken around the plants and other facilities, particularly the environmental projects. They went to the Learning and Leadership Academy and learnt about specialized training programmes that are provided not only to its employees, but to all those interested, including trainees from universities. The visitors listened to a detailed explanation of factory operations with the help of a simulator and saw the e-learning centre.


Dr. Jawahery receives IFA Top Award GPIC has won a Gold Medal in the field of Industrial Excellence (Industry Stewardship Champion) awarded by the International Fertilizer Association (IFA) on the sidelines of the International Fertilizer Conference held in Versailles, France. The medal was received by company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery from IFA President Dr. Mustafa Al-Turab. The event was attended by IFA Director General Ms. Charlotte Hebebrand, the Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) Secretary General, Engineer Mohamed Abdallah Zain along with more than 300 leaders of the fertilizer industry from around the world. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery expressed happiness at the honour, which is given to companies that have made exemplary contributions in the service and dedication of the fertilizer industry standards related to safety and environmental care as well as a commitment to sustainable management in the agricultural nutrient industry.


Dr. Jawahery said GPIC is keen to ensure the

safety of employees and the work environment, which is its top priority. He said preliminary results indicate that the rate of recurrence of work injuries had fallen to record levels, which reflects the company's efforts to promote a safety culture. He spoke of the partnership between GPIC, IFA and AFA as well as with Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association as an important factor in supporting best practices. He said the company also pays close attention to sustainability and adherence to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the agricultural nutrient industry. Dr. Jawahery appreciated the support of the Board of Directors in the field of sustainable development management, and the efforts exerted by the executive management and all employees to achieve the highest objectives and maintain success and excellence at all levels. He said high productivity depends heavily on a safe and stable workforce in its environment.

GPIC honours sports drag race champion GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has congratulated employee Mr. Tariq Ismail Hadi on achievements in the sporting field. Mr. Hadi, who recently took part in drag race competitions in Bahrain and abroad, was honoured during a ceremony attended, among others, by visiting Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports Undersecretary Ashraf Saleh Ahmed, who is also head of the Central Department of Ministry Affairs. Dr. Jawahery praised Mr. Hadi’s outstanding achievements that have contributed to raising Bahrain’s flag at local and international tournaments. Dr. Jawahery said he is very proud of a large number of sports stars, both men and women, at GPIC, stressing that the management of would continue to support them as well as sponsor competitions, tournaments, clubs and sports federations. Dr. Jawahery spoke of the brilliance of company employees in various competitions which, he said, had proved once again the soundness of its approach in terms of supporting such talents.

He also expressed the hope these sports stars would continue on the path of winning with determination and win more through hard work and perseverance. Mr. Hadi thanked and appreciated the members of the Executive Management, headed by Dr. Jawahery for the honor, which, he added, would motivate him to achieve more. He said the Executive Management, particularly Dr. Jawahery, always co-operated with him. He said Dr. Jawahery always facilitated his participation in local and overseas championships and helped him overcome all difficulties. Mr. Hadi also praised the exceptional circumstances and positive atmosphere provided by the company not only for himself, but for all talented employees at the company. Mr. Hadi used a car he himself designed and manufactured in Bahrain. He used fiberglass to make the exterior of the car and polycarbonate, a material produced by the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, a GPIC shareholder, to make its windows.


Specialised AFA workshop held in Bahrain The Kingdom of Bahrain is hosting a specialized workshop on Health, Safety and Environment in the Fertilizer Industry. The three-day event, which began on November 5, is organized by the Arab Fertilizer Association (AFA) and being held under the patronage of the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA).

The workshop aims to share best practices in the management of HSE, help build the commitment of the fertilizer industry towards excellence, and demonstrate to local communities and the general public that the fertilizer industry has taken, and is taking, measures to continuously improve production safety.

It is being held to strengthen an AFA policy to enhance the culture and concept of sustainability in fertilizer factories and interacting with member companies to exchange experiences and holding workshops and specialized training programmes.

About 50 participants from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Libya, the United Arab Emirates and the Netherlands are taking part.

Since its inception in 1975, the AFA has maintained a strong focus on health, safety and environmental issues to contribute to global food security and the environment. AFA also strives to improve the health, safety and environment levels of all its members and to spread its culture to protect the human element and contribute to sustainable development of the fertilizer sector.


(HSE) standards, laws and regulations through the Department of Operational Safety.

The fertilizer industry also strives to maintain a safe, healthy and clean environment for all employees, visitors and the society through the application of health, safety and environment

The workshop programme will include three main topics covering the issues of health, peace and environment by the NEBOSH Foundation, one of the most important international institutions working in the field. It will also discuss the safe operation of production units on an equal footing with the efficiency of operation and productivity, which will be provided by experts from the Dutch company STAMICARBON, one of the world's leading in the fertilizer industry technology. Case studies of Arab companies - members of the AFA – and those from the AFA, which reflects the efforts and expertise and as well as attention to the aspects of health, peace and environment would also be discussed.

AFA workshop delegates visit GPIC Delegates in Bahrain for a workshop on Health, Safety and Environment in the Fertilizer Industry, organized by the Arab Fertilizer Association and sponsored by GPIC, visited its complex, where they were received by its President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the Executive Management. Welcoming the visitors, Dr. Jawahery said it would give them the opportunity to get acquainted with the nature of the company's work and they would get to see the development of its factories and other facilities. The delegation was briefed on the nature of GPIC work, its operational strategy, production and exports as well the awards it has received for high-quality products while applying the best and the latest international standards in the areas of safety and environmental protection. The guests saw the state-of-the-art carbon dioxide recovery plant, the first of its kind in the Middle East, which contributes to significantly reducing harmful emissions from plant operations, making GPIC a clean industry. They then went to the Academy of Leadership and Learning and the eLearning Centre, where they were briefed on a range of training programmes and activities the academy offers

and its contribution to a continuous education process for employees. They were also told about its role in providing practical training programmes for university students and higher academic institutions. The visiting delegation praised the modern technology and advanced teaching and training methods and said such a facility within the complex confirms GPIC’s attention to train employees and make sure they are provided with the latest technologies, which helps the company keep pace with rapid industry developments and remain competitive. The visitors toured the several environmental projects within the complex, which reflect the harmony between the industry and the environment. They went to the Princess Sabeeka Aromatic Plants Garden and the Medicinal Plants and Herbs Garden set up by the company to preserve rare medicinal herbs used in the past for therapeutic purposes. They also went to the Charity Fish Farm and the Bird Sanctuary. The visitors thanked and appreciated Dr. Jawahery and the executive management for the welcome and the hospitality and said the visit helped them get acquainted with the great development witnessed by Bahrain’s industry in general and GPIC in particular.


Honouring Ebrahim Al Ali GPIC Department of Human Resources and Corporate Communications employee Mr. Ebrahim Al Ali has been honoured for obtaining a degree in Business Administration from the Applied Sciences University.

that would support and help them in the implementation of their tasks efficiently. He said this would contribute to the development of methods, foundations and skills of management leadership and create positive trends.

The honouring ceremony was held in the presence of visiting Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports Undersecretary Ashraf Saleh Ahmed, who is also the Head of the Central Department for Ministry Affairs. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery was present on the occasion.

He said the company is also working to provide comprehensive training programmes for its Bahraini employees and is keen to coordinate between shareholders to identify training needs and find the best ways to achieve them.

In his comments, Dr. Jawahery congratulated Mr. Al Ali and praised his diligence and determination to study with a clear goal to pursue a university degree. He expressed the company's pride not only in his graduation and his degree, but also for the excellence showed during his education. He said it was an example of excellence and a role model for the company's employees. Dr. Jawahery stressed that the company provides all support to its employees and encourages them to continue their education. He said they are also keen to provide scholarships for the employees’ children.


Dr. Jawahery spoke of the importance of workers seeking to acquire the skills and knowledge

Dr. Jawahery stressed the company management's commitment to a strategy of developing and training all employees and give them opportunities to upgrade to the top positions, noting the support the company enjoys from its Board of Directors. Mr. Al Ali thanked the company management, especially Dr. Jawahery, for their kindness. He said Dr. Jawahery is a leading supporter of education and development and has worked to encourage him and provided him with all forms and support. He called on his colleagues to never stop educational excellence and added they should constantly be aware of rapid scientific developments. He said he hoped he would have the opportunity to apply everything he has learnt at the company that gave him so much, and that he would be able to contribute with other workers to bring more achievements.

GPIC honours Ms. Qoot Abdulla for Obtaining Master's Degree GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery honoured employee Ms. Qoot Abdulla on her obtaining a Master's Degree in Business Administration. The honouring ceremony was held in the presence of members of the executive management, Labour Union Chairman and the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports Undersecretary Mr. Ashraf Saleh Ahmed. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Jawahery congratulated Ms. Abdulla not only for the achievement but also for the excellence she had shown to obtain the highest certificates and degrees. He said Ms. Abdulla had demonstrated during her tenure at the Executive Management Department of the company great proficiency in work and competence in completing of the tasks assigned to her. He added the master’s degree would enhance her competence and merit. Dr. Jawahery said the company always strives to provide opportunities that would equip employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their jobs in a way that helps them in carrying out tasks assigned to them and work efficiently and competently.

He said this would contribute to the development of methods, foundations and skills of management leadership and create positive trends. The company is also working to provide comprehensive training programmes for its Bahraini employees and is keen to coordinate between the shareholders in identifying their training needs and to find the best ways to focus on the quality of training. Dr. Jawahery spoke of the company management’s commitment to the strategy of developing and training all workers without any exception and with a special focus on women to promote Bahrain’s programme of advancement of women, and give them appropriate opportunities to reach top positions. He said the Board of Directors is keen to follow up on various training and development programmes adopted by the company to promote its women employees in particular and, praised the important role they play. Ms. Abdulla expressed her gratitude to the Board of Directors and the Chairman, His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Bin Ali Al Sharyan, and all members of the Executive Management, in particular Dr. Jawahery, who, she said, is a major supporter of women in the company.


Dr. Jawahery honours Sports Star

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has congratulated company employee and gold medal winner at the Sixth Gulf Bowling Women's Championship Kuwait, Noura Majid Sultan. He said Noura’s successive achievements had raised Bahrain’s flag at several Gulf, Arab and regional tournaments. Dr. Jawahery said he is proud of sports stars men and women - the company has produced, and stressed the management would continue to support its talents and sponsor sports tournaments, clubs and federations. He said these heroes had proved once again GPIC’s sound approach in nurturing employees’ skills and they would be provided all facilities, support and encouragement.


Ms. Noura thanked Dr. Jawahery for the honour and said the gesture would motivate and encourage her to continue winning and achieving. She said the President and the executive management are the employees’ most ardent supporters.

She also applauded the facilities and the infrastructure provided by the company for employees to hone their skills and nurture their talents.

Ms. Noura said she would do her best to continue on the path of success since she would always wish to see Bahrain’s flag fly high in Gulf, Arab and regional tournaments.

GPIC Road Runners Team Wins Charity Marathon Relay A team from GPIC, led by Dr. Mohammed Salem, won the first place in a Charity Marathon held recently at the Bahrain International Circuit.

the team and thanked them for their efforts, perseverance and determination to be at the top in the event.

Presenting the winner’s trophy to the team, Assistant Undersecretary for Youth Organizations and Centers Sheikh Saqr bin Salman Al Khalifa congratulated them on the achievement and appreciated the members’ perseverance and keenness to take part in such events.

He said the achievement proves once again the ability of company employees to compete and achieve top positions in any field.

His Excellency said that the success of the company's team in marathon and other sports competitions is not surprising since the company management shows great interest in their development and encourages them to take part in regional and other competitions. In his comments, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery congratulated the Dr. Salem and

Dr. Jawahery also praised the team’s one family spirit and their preservation of GPIC values and principles. He expressed the hope they would continue to maintain the momentum and achieve top positions.

Dr. Salem thanked Dr. Jawahery for his follow-up of the team's preparations and his continuous encouragement to provide training and other requirements. He said participation in such events came from a desire to achieve top positions.


GPIC supports Green Wave project GPIC completed its fourth green initiative in support of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) "Green Wave" project.

schools are the ideal place to familiarize young people with the need and importance of caring for the environment.

As part of the campaign, the Company cooperates with the Ministry of Education in conducting an agricultural campaign involving students in Public Schools.

Dr. Jawahery thanked the Ministry of Education for its cooperation and stressed the Company always finds in the ministry a willing partner in choosing schools where seedlings are to be planted and in making all the necessary arrangements. He said this year, they provided 800 seedlings of Bahraini fruit trees, and these were planted in 20 schools.

Local tree seedlings are supplied to the selected schools and these are then planted in the school yard, as a contribution of GPIC in supporting the development of the environment and increase the green area. The GPIC’s Agri- Nutrients Committee visited the schools and helped plant fruit trees. Students were also trained on the correct steps they should adopt and were also supervised in their efforts. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said that the Green Wave Project promotes a culture of biodiversity and awareness of the importance of agriculture and afforestation, especially among young people.


He said GPIC has supported this annual event in cooperation with the Ministry of Education since

Dr. Jawahery also thanked the Chairman and members of the Committee for their efforts in implementing the project. He expressed confidence that such environmental initiatives would ultimately contribute to raising awareness among young people about the importance of respecting the environment and preserving its components. He said the Company’s Board of Directors is keen to support sustainable development issues and encourages partnerships in a number of programmes and events that support the development of the agricultural sector and its initiatives.

Number of schools as per educational level (Primary, Intermediate, Secondary) ٩






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Korean Business delegation visits GPIC A delegation of heads of companies and senior officials from South Korea, now visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain, were welcomed at GPIC, where they learnt about its operations and products. Plants Operations Manager Mr. Khalid Al-Binali, who received the visitors along with members of the Executive Management, gave them a briefing on GPIC’s work systems, its operations and highquality products, exported to the world’s largest markets. The visitors were also briefed on GPIC complying with international standards of occupational health and safety as well as environmental care. They were told about the initiatives launched by the company to care for the elements of sustainability and the development of human resources, which have contributed to it being in a distinguished position.


In a statement, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery stressed the visit, organised by the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry, would strengthen closer bilateral relations between the company and South Korea in the important strategic area.

He said such visits contribute to both sides becoming aware of investment opportunities in addition to advanced training programmes offered by the institutions in both countries. He said this was also an opportunity to discuss increased cooperation and integration, especially through conferences. Dr. Jawahery praised the historical and friendly relations between Bahrain and South Korea and said both leaderships have maintained their growth and development through cooperation, especially in the economic field, which has been reinforced by the exchange of visits between leaders and officials. The visiting delegation was acquainted with the nature of the company's work and the strategy in which its business is run, especially with regard to global safety, quality and environmental protection. The guests learnt about the training programmes and activities offered by the Learning and Leadership Academy and the e-learning Centre as well as the academy’s contribution in the continuous education process to the company's employees and in providing practical training

programmes for university students and higher academic institutions. The visitors saw the modern technologies and advanced education and training methods offered and stressed the existence of such a facility speaks about the attention the company pays to staff training and care for the employees. The visiting delegation later toured the environmental projects within the complex that

reflect the harmony between the industry and the environment. They also visited the charity fish farm and the bird sanctuary. The delegation members thanked Dr. Jawahery and members of the executive management for the welcome and the hospitality and said they had common ground on the success and continuity of institutions, including maintaining safety, health and environmental standards, as well as adherence to the principles of social responsibility.


GPIC hosts MEPEC delegates GPIC hosted delegates taking part in the Middle East Operations Engineering Conference and Exhibition (MEPEC 2019). Human Resources and Corporate Communication Manager Ms. Najat Sharif, welcomed the visitors to the company complex and told them about its operations and achievements in the field of production, operation and export. She highlighted GPIC's plans and programmes on preserving the environment, occupational safety and health and briefed the guests on the company's management style, which enabled it to get international acclaim and win awards. The visitors were also briefed on the company’s vision and principles as well as its management systems. The company’s strong support in the area of sustainability sponsorship and community partnership was highlighted.


The guests also learned about the education and training services at the Leadership and Learning Academy and the e-learning center, as part of efforts to enhance the continuous learning process of employees, university students and higher academic institutions.

The guests said the existence of such a training facility within the company's complex confirms the attention paid to the training staff and to acquaint them with the latest technology and knowledge. The visiting delegation toured the complex and saw the manufacturing facilities and the environmental projects that reflects the harmony between the industry and the environment. They went to the HRH Princess Sabeeka Garden for Aromatic Plants, and then visited the Medicinal Herbs an Plant Garden, which the company has set up to preserve the rare medicinal herbs used in the past for therapeutic purposes. They then went to the Charity Fish Farm, which reflects the company's interest in preserving and caring for marine wealth. In a statement, company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery stressed the visit was an appropriate opportunity to inform the delegation about the nature of the company’s work and the development of its factories and facilities. He said the visit was an opportunity for the company to showcase its quality products, as well as its contributions to the field of sustainable development.

Dr. Jawahery stressed the importance of hosting the conference, a platform for all aspects of engineering issues related to the operations of the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. He appreciated the event organizers and spoke of the importance of the event for the oil industry. He said it were an occasion to communicate effectively with prominent oil industry professionals in the region and beyond.

The visitors thanked the GPIC officials for the welcome and the hospitality, stressing they were delighted at the visit, which allowed them to get acquainted with the development of Bahrain’s industry in general and the GPIC in particular.

They expressed admiration at the unique environmental projects, which confirm the company's commitment towards a clean industry.

Middle East Energy Events and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers have been organizing this global event since 2011, in

cooperation and coordination with NOGA and with the support of Saudi Aramco.

Around 3,500 participants, including researchers, officials and executives, as well as engineers, specialists, businessmen and investors in the process engineering and oil and gas technology sector, universities from Bahrain, the Gulf Cooperation Council States and the Middle East took part.

The 8000 square meter exhibition also attracted more than 500 national and international oil and gas companies and refining and petrochemical companies from 50 countries.

The conference and exhibition is held every two years under the patronage of His Royal Highness and discusses the efficiency and performance in oil, gas and petrochemicals sectors and looks at how to add quality to the process engineering industry through intelligent engineering as well as manufacturing and operating excellence.


GPIC organises lecture on obesity The Health Committee of GPIC organized a lecture on fighting obesity. General Medicine Consultant at the Ministry of Health Dr. Kawther Al Eid spoke on the importance of maintaining a harmonious and disease-free body. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery thanked Dr. Al Eid for accepting the invite for the lecture and her interest in spreading awareness and enlightening the community about the importance of fighting obesity in all its forms. He said there was an abundance of information in the lecture in addition to focussing on the means to help people who are overweight. The lecture spoke on the how to lose weight by adhering to a proper diet or following an exercise programme.


Dr. Jawahery thanked the Chairman and members of the Health Committee for organizing the lecture and their keenness for company staff to benefit from it, keeping in mind the ultimate goal them becoming better people, healthy and fit, not only to do their jobs but also to live a healthy and active life.

Dr. Jawahery said Bahraini society, like other parts of the world, are facing radical changes in nutrition and health, including those related to eating habits. He said the lifestyle these days had limited peoples’ movement and activity and there is a lack of physical and sports activities. This, he added, has led to an alarming increase in the number of people suffering from overweight and obesity, making it necessary to move quickly to fight the menace and prevent disease. Dr. Jawahery stressed the importance of monitoring health and maintaining ideal weight, in addition to the need to have a balanced diet that contains all the nutrients needed by the body. He said there has to be an effort to change the way of life and control one’s diet. This can also be done by taking the advice of specialists. He said people should be wary of advertisements propagating “slimming systems” and warned these could case complications if not followed on the advice of specialists. The committee has hosted several specialists and nutrition and disease consultants and organized courses for staff on first aid training.

Employee of the Month

Eman Abdulhameed

Gaurav Mishra

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery along with Labour Union Chairman and Senior Officials presented a certificate and an award to Mr. Gaurav Mishra from the Information Technology and Knowledge Department, who has been named the

Saud Faqeeh

Employee of the Month for June 2019. Mr. Ashraf Saleh Ahmed Chairman also presented a certificate and an award to Ms. Eman Abdulhameed from the Maintenance Department, who has been named the Employee of the Month for June as well.

Manivannan Kesavan

Mr. Ashraf Saleh Ahme presented a certificate and an award to Mr. Saud Faqeeh from the Maintenance Department, who has been named the Employee of the Month for July 2019, and to Mr. Manivannan Kesavan from the Procurement and Warehousing Department, who has been

Hesham Albusmait

named the Employee of the Month for August 2019, and to Mr. Hesham Albusmait from the Plants Operations Department, who has been named the Employee of the Month for September 2019.


GPIC celebrates the Kingdom of Bahrain's National Day GPIC celebrated the Kingdom of Bahrain’s National Day and the 20th Anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa taking over the reins of power. The occasion also coincided with the victory of Bahrain’s National Football team in the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup. Members of the company’s Executive Management, Labour Union Chairman and members along with employees joined in the celebrations. In a statement, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the celebrations come in the midst of the citizens’ happiness to commemorate the Bahrain National Day and the 20th Anniversary of His Majesty’s accession as the King of the Country.


He also congratulated and gave his best wishes to His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister.

He said the Kingdom of Bahrain is at the highest level of progress and prosperity, thanks to God Almighty, to His Majesty’s vision and wisdom and the concrete steps taken by the Government. He said this has ensured Bahrain walks confidently and steadily on the path of human development and also distinguished itself in the sporting arena by winning the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup.

GPIC holds Bahrain Women's Day celebrations GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the Executive Management took part in a celebration to mark Bahrain Women’s Day. Women employees of the company were honoured on the occasion. Dr. Jawahery congratulated the employees and conveyed to them the greetings and appreciation of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors. He said the day, a national occasion during the holiday season, was launched by Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women. He said it is an occasion to honour Bahraini women who contributed to Bahrain’s development. He spoke of the outstanding contributions of company's employees in improving productivity and performance, which has been appreciated by the Board of Directors and the executive management. He said the Company looks forward to this day as an occasion to honour employees and appreciate their efforts to elevate and consolidate its successful operations. He said GPIC is continuing its strategy of developing and training all employees. Dr. Jawahery said the empowerment of women is a priority at the Company and this given them the opportunity for promotion and access to senior positions in the technical and administrative work. He noted the support of the Board of Directors to continue the advancement of women and said a

large number of them regularly attend conferences, forums and workshops to further their skills. He said women in Bahrain have demonstrated they are a class apart since the beginning of history and have proved beyond doubt their success at the work they do. In the course of time, he added, women have continued to search for new horizons for their advancement in keeping with their desire to reconcile family and career paths. He said women's access to the field of work and their participation in the development process is a national duty and had resulted in a lot of positive effects at social and economic. Dr. Jawahery praised the role and support of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ebrahim Al Khalifa, who was the first to call for the establishment of equal opportunities units in the government and private sector to avoid implicit discrimination against women. Dr. Jawahery said GPIC announced in 2013 the formation of the first Equal Opportunities Committee in the Oil Sector. This was later transferred to an independent board headed by the Company President. He praised the important role of the Supreme Council for Women under the leadership of Her Royal Highness and her continuous initiatives to benefit from the potential enjoyed by Bahraini women in accordance with scientific methodologies and mechanisms.


During its 40th anniversary GPIC recalls its achievements in 2019 and honors its employees GPIC celebrated the Kingdom of Bahrain’s National Day and the 20th Anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa taking over the reins of power. The occasion also coincided with the victory of Bahrain’s National Football team in the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup.

He also congratulated and gave his best wishes to His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the Prime Minister and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister.

GPIC held a celebration to mark its 40 Anniversary under the patronage of Chairman of the Board of Directors, His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Ali Al Sharyan. Members of the Board of Directors were present during the ceremony, held at the Ghazal Hall of the Ritz Carlton Bahrain Hotel and Spa.

He said the Kingdom of Bahrain is at the highest level of progress and prosperity, thanks to God Almighty, to His Majesty’s vision and wisdom and the concrete steps taken by the Government. He said this has ensured Bahrain walks confidently and steadily on the path of human development and also distinguished itself in the sporting arena by winning the 24th Arabian Gulf Cup.


Members of the company’s Executive Management, Labour Union Chairman and members along with employees joined in the celebrations.


In a statement, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the celebrations come in the midst of the citizens’ happiness to commemorate the Bahrain National Day and the 20th Anniversary of His Majesty’s accession as the King of the Country.

Invited guests, including members of the Executive Management, the President and members of the company's Labour Union, employees and retirees were present. GPIC’s achievements in 2019 and the awards it has won from local, regional and international organisations as a result of balanced strategies and policies of the Board of Directors and the

professional efforts and sacrifices of the workers, were reviewed during the event.

and perform to preserve the company's successes and gains.

Speaking on the occasion, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery welcomed His Excellency the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors and congratulated them on the four decades of operations of the company, a successful model of co-operation with brotherly Gulf countries.

Dr. Jawahery also thanked the leaders of the partner GCC Countries and said they always provided all kinds of support in enabling GPIC to become an example of successful cooperation. He expressed gratitude to all those who contributed and worked diligently to make the company what it is today. He particularly thanked the Government of Bahrain, represented by the National Oil and Gas Authority headed by His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of Oil.

He said the achievements and accomplishments in the last 40 years did not come easily. “The path to success was full of many challenges that motivated employees to show excellence and high professionalism in their tasks and responsibilities.” He said the company had made unprecedented achievements and had overcome challenges witnessed by global markets at all levels. He spoke of the strategies, policies and principles set by successive Boards of Directors that made it different in everything and contributed to its recognition as a global entity and as one of the most advanced in the region. Dr. Jawahery said the Anniversary coincided with the Kingdom of Bahrain National Day celebrations and the Anniversary of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa taking over the reins of Government. He thanked and appreciated the wise Leadership for its continuous interest in harnessing all capabilities and providing them with a safe and stimulating atmosphere that enabled them to continue to work

Speaking about GPIC's successes in 2019, he said a correct approach and strategic planning of the Board of Directors as well as the commitment of the Executive Management was responsible. “This is in addition to the cooperation from the company's Labour Union and the professionalism of the employees as well as their keenness to work in the one family spirit.” He praised the exemplary cooperation of the company’s shareholders and the safe investment climate in Bahrain. Dr. Jawahery spoke of the professional and skilled Bahraini employees at the company and said they are today recognized for their excellence, know-how and knowledge of the latest technologies related to the vital industry. He said the company has strengthened this even further by its continued encouragement of these employees who are regularly sent to attend various regional and international conferences and workshops to gain confidence and experience.


During the event, Dr. Jawahery was honoured as the founder of the Responsible Care Committee of the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA), for obtaining an international diploma in Occupational Health and Safety from NEBOSH and for his selection as an international ambassador for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). His Excellency the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors later honoured distinguished workers who showed sincerity in their work during the current year, as well as the employees who completed long years of continuous service. The celebration was followed by a gala dinner. GPIC received several awards in 2019, including the award of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Corporate Social Responsibility, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business Award and the Arab Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.


The company also won the gold medal in the field of industrial excellence from the International Fertilizers Association, the Corporate Social

Responsibility Award in the Arab countries from the Regional Network of Social Responsibility in the field of occupational safety and a safety award, a certificate of excellence in maintenance and a procurement risk management award from RoSPA. GPIC was established on December 5, 1979 as a joint venture for the manufacture of fertilizers and petrochemicals. It is equally owned by the Government of the Bahrain, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) and the Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait (PIC). In recent years, GPIC has achieved progressive growth in production operations, which resulted in achieving rates and record numbers not only in terms of production, operation and export, but also in the field of maintenance and occupational safety, making it an example of a clean and successful industry in the region. GPIC has set a record for continuous working without a lost time accident, which strengthened the level of productivity due to its strict adherence to maintenance and occupational safety standards.


Speech of His Excellency Yousif bin Abdulrahman Al Zamil Former GPIC Managing Director

At the outset, I congratulate you all on the success of your Annual Celebration for this year, which reflects the professionalism and standards of GPIC and its values and culture that embody the essence of a unified family. I also pay tribute to GPIC’s positive results and achievements that have become something of a tradition over years. I seek the blessings of the Almighty to support your ongoing success, which is supporting Bahrain’s vision as well as supporting the Gulf’s industrial integration. My friends, I am overwhelmed and find it difficult to express my gratitude for your recognition of my time with GPIC. Thank you so very much. This brings mixed emotions - of both joy and sorrow. Joy – because the recognition comes during this auspicious occasion and in front of such an esteemed gathering, and it has been made even greater because it is an acknowledgement of achievements of the past years. Sorrow - because I am leaving GPIC, a company so much a part of my professional development. Allow me to share with you some memories that I will cherish - because these are associated with my special relationship with this young company, its team, its growth and its achievements.


My relationship with GPIC began 12 years ago, when SABIC chose me and two colleagues to represent it on GPIC’s Board of Directors. I was then appointed Managing Director of GPIC and with this came many opportunities for me to interact directly with the executive management,

with various departments as well as technical and administrative teams at meetings, visits and field trips. I also went to technical departments, control rooms, maintenance workshops and warehouses. It did not take long for me to I realise this position was an honour rather than a job. I have looked closely at the company’s efficient business management model, examined the effective integration between technical and administrative employees, divisions and departments, and admired GPIC’s culture which is reflected in the professionalism and high values of human capital and complex systems. This evening, I would like to say, once again, that I am honoured to be associated with GPIC and with its professionalism and accomplishments that have gone far beyond the borders of Bahrain, the GCC and even the Arab region and now have spread worldwide. These achievements are evident from the many local, regional and global awards in the fields of employment, administration, environment, security, safety, and corporate social responsibility, as well as those in training and development of our local talent and leaders of tomorrow.

These awards show the worth and merit of the employees who have ensured GPIC is placed in this prestigious position and firmly on the map of the global petrochemical industry. The United Nations has underpinned this, when it classified GPIC as a company that has contributed significantly to the sustainability of the environment.

So my question is - why does GPIC as a company stand out from the others? I do not exaggerate or flatter when I say each and every one of you, GPIC’s employees, are responsible for this excellence – the elite teams, the men and women who follow the highest ethical and professional values with their hard work, efficiency, outstanding creativity and unparalleled loyalty. GPIC’s leadership have successfully laid realistic foundations and created a productive work environment in a professional and effective manner. The Board of Directors, despite their multiple institutional and country affiliations, have succeeded in putting the interests and concerns of GPIC outside the formal framework at Board meetings. The management has been able to focus on the interest of the company and its affiliates in a positive climate of cooperation and harmony. As part of this creative company, I have learned many lessons. I learned from my colleagues on the Board of Directors - during discussions and meetings - about GPIC’s issues and opportunities, how differences are managed professionally, and how to reach a unanimous decision through discussions in spite of differences of opinion. I understood the strength of cooperation and integration among the members of the Board of Directors, in taking responsibility for the advancement of GPIC and the development of its business, administrative, technical and human resources through an ambitious vision and strategy to expand the scope of its impact in all fields. I learned from the company's leadership the importance of creating an atmosphere that encourages cooperation and integration between Board Members and the executive management. This cooperation and integration supports the transferring, reporting and implementing of the company's vision and strategy professionally to achieve its ambitious goals. I learned from the company’s administrative and

technical teams and from the service, maintenance and operational technicians working in front of control panels or on towers, tanks, equipment, workshops and warehouses, the commitment, discipline, responsibility and professionalism they have in performing their duties. I express great appreciation for your support during my tenure, which I consider one of the most beautiful and enriching times of my career. As I stand here, I cannot fail to ask for the mercy and forgiveness of His Excellency the late Shaikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa, the Chairman of the Board of Directors. He was a guiding light and an inspiration for us in charting the company's vision, an influential supporter in the implementation of its strategy, and a passionate follower of its programmes and the development of national human capital. May Almighty cover him with mercy and to accommodate him in his spacious garden. Before I conclude this speech, I would like express gratitude to His Excellency Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza, Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Authority and former Minister of Oil. I appreciate his support for the company's business, projects and growth plans. I also thank His Excellency Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Minister of Oil, whose continued support and constructive directives has helped overcome difficulties and challenges and take advantage of opportunities and successes, as well as promoting the growth of the company and its employees. I appreciate the support of His Excellency the Chairman of the Board, Dr. Ahmed Ali Al Sharyan and my fellow Board members with whom I worked in the current or previous sessions of the Board. I learned a lot from them. I also appreciate the wisdom, vision and courage of my brother and colleague, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, the President of the company, and wish him continued success for his outstanding leadership in guiding GPIC with efficiency and


competence. The company is proud of its local, regional and global achievements under his leadership, and its unique global position, including, but not limited to, the RoSPA award in the field of the environment and safety, as well as the NEBOSH International Diploma, which has never before been awarded to any global leader in its forty-year history.


even more growth and prosperity. I also cannot forget to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to SABIC for its confidence in me, and for the honour and privilege to serve this great organisation for four consecutive sessions.

The secret to the success of this distinguished company is the “one-family spirit�, where human It is for you, my brothers and sisters in the capital, professional teams and leadership wisdom executive management and various teams of are supremely valued. the company, employees in all departments and divisions; I give my praise and appreciation for I congratulate you on the company, I congratulate what you have given me in terms of practical you on the homeland, and I congratulate you support under the umbrella of the GPIC family. on the management of the company in Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. My retirement has not come as a surprise, yet it was not easy for me when the time finally In conclusion, I thank you all for your kindness, and arrived. My consolation is that I have left the I apologise if I took for granted your generosity. I company in safe hands - with its highly qualified wish you more success. Board of Directors, who will continue to provide distinguished leadership, contribute to and May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be improve the company’s performance to achieve upon you.


Honoring the former Board Members

Best Committee Award


Winners of the Special Contribution Award during the past 40 years

Best Department Award




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Articles inside

GPIC holds its Annual Celebration and celebrates its 40 th Anniversary

pages 42-53

Korean Business delegation visits GPIC

pages 34-39

GPIC Road Runners Team Wins Charity Marathon Relay

page 31

A delegation from Turkmenistan visits GPIC

pages 20-23

GPIC celebrates the Kingdom of Bahrain's National Day

pages 40-41

Dr. Jawahery receives IFA Top Award

pages 24-30

HE the Japanese Ambassador visits GPIC

page 19

GPIC Marketing Superintendents attend PIC training course

pages 17-18

GPIC takes part in MEPEC 2019

pages 10-11

GPIC achieves positive results in 4th Quarter of 2019

pages 6-7

Two GPIC Employee s Honoured by Minister of Labour

page 12

House of Lords honour for Dr. Jawahery

page 14

GPIC attends GPCA 3rd Responsible Care Conference

page 13

GPIC holds Board meeting

pages 8-9

HE the Deputy Chairman meets GPIC and PIC Marketing Teams

page 16

Dr. Jawahery receives top NEBOSH award

page 15
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