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Issue 102 - October 2019

Newsletter issued by Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company

GPIC delegation in Turkmenistan talks

GPIC achieves Q2 record production

Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) is delighted to affirm its' pledge that it stands united behind the leadership of His Majesty the King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, may Allah protect him. GPIC is in full support and adherence to His Majesty's Reform Project as well as acknowledging its importance. The company renews its loyalty to His Majesty the King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, may Allah protect him, as the Leader of our beloved Kingdom and supports his innovative and ongoing approach to enhance the Kingdom of Bahrain's status both regionally and internationally. His Majesty is the driving force behind the reform process within the Country, and we continue to pray that Allah protects Bahrain and keeps its Leaders and citizens safe.

You read in this issue ... GPIC achieves Q2 record production


GPIC delegation in Turkmenistan talks


GPIC wins top RoSPA Awards


GPIC Receives Risk Management Award


GPIC Chairman applauds staff on another RoSPA Award


Tunisian Envoy visits GPIC


GPIC sets up Bahrain-India Friendship Garden


Dr. Jawahery receives promoted employee


GPIC organizes Interdepartmental Football Tournament


GPIC organizes Ramadan Tennis Tournament


GPIC organizes Ramadan Basketball Tournament


GPIC organises SHE Family Event


GPIC organizes Eid celebrations


GPIC summer programme begins


RCO children at GPIC summer camp


Traffic lectures for summer camp participants


GPIC organizes Eid celebrations


P.O.Box 26730 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: (+973)17731777, Fax: (+973)17731047 Web page: Email Address:

‫جائزة صاحبة السمو الملكي‬ ‫األميرة سبيكة بنت إبراهيم آل‬ ‫خليفة لتمكين المرأة البحرينية‬

I would like to start this edition of Khaleejieh by sharing the very sad news of the passing away of a top industry luminary in the Gulf region and a pioneer who contributed to the establishment of GPIC. The late Engineer Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Zamil, was one of the first members of our Board of Directors, he was one of the most important pioneers of industry in Saudi Arabia and took up leading positions at many companies to help them achieve remarkable success. We will never forget what the he gave to GPIC, his gift will remain immortal and he will be remembered by successive generations in our industry. His contributions will be eternal forever, may God have mercy on his soul. Al Zamil’s legacy continues to encourage GPIC to implement the well thought out policies set by its Board of Directors, one of which is its goal for excellence, both in terms of business operations, which continues with steady growth as well as GPIC’s positive impact on the improvement of Bahraini society. GPIC will implement this through a selection of targeted community programmes. GPIC is playing a prominent role in promoting many initiatives to improve both its operations and Bahraini society. This includes safety, which is always our number one priority and of paramount importance to us, and as always thanks to our workforce, we keep 100% focused on safety. This edition of Khaleejiya covers the company’s latest award – which was presented from the Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) in the United Kingdom. GPIC won first prize for its outstanding role in the field of safety and health and safety practices in the chemical industry. The ROSPA International Award for Excellence in Health and Safety was won in competition with more than 3,000 global companies operating in all economic sectors. The issue is also looks at the company's annual family celebration of safety, health and the environment, which this year saw a wide participation from our employees, their families as well as esteemed guests. The combined efforts of our employees and the executive management team have contributed to GPIC being able to maintain the company’s success and launch many distinguished programmes and events. These are highlighted in this comprehensive issue, which also has coverage of GPIC’s ongoing efforts to share knowledge and sponsor key initiatives to support the company and Bahrain. I am confident this issue of Khaleejiah will be an interesting read for everyone.

Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery


A Leader's Depart



Obituary Engineer Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Zamil One of the first members of the Board of Directors of GPIC, Engineer Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Al-Zamil, passed away in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on 6 October 2019. Born in Manama in 1941, Engineer Al-Zamil was one of the most important industry leaders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. During his illustrious career, he held several top Government positions. He was appointed Minister of Industry and Electricity in 1983 and was on leadership positions in many companies, leading them to major successes. He was also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC). The actions and successes of the deceased will forever remain eternal and his approach to life and work will remain a guiding light for future generations.

GPIC achieves Q2 record production GPIC produced a record 292,000 metric tons of Ammonia, Urea and Methanol in the second quarter of this year, the Company President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery has said.

He said the Company continues to develop its human elements through training programmes, courses and workshops as well as taking part in conferences and exhibitions.

He said this achievement, which came without recording any lost time accident, is commendable since it happened during a time when the plant had been shut down for the regular periodic maintenance of plants.

He spoke about the challenges of the global market, especially to the fall in global demand and a significant increase in production. He said this was due to new plants being set up all over the world. The president these challenges had not deterred the Company from moving forward towards achieving its objectives by adhering to the highest quality standards.

The President also disclosed GPIC had exported a total of 520,000 metric tons of its production since the beginning of the year. He said China earned the largest share of the total exports (25 per cent), followed by Thailand (22 per cent). All exports were made on board 30 vessels that departed Bahrain from GPIC’s terminal.


Dr. Jawahery said the Company is always striving to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and productivity by implementing its sustainability policy, which is based on modernization and development of operations and equipment. He stressed GPIC’s keenness to carry out regular maintenance procedures on schedule.

Dr. Jawahery said the Company had successfully managed the three-week periodic maintenance of its plants due to its commitment to the highest standards of occupational safety and health, while fulfilling its obligations to customers. Dr. Jawahery said the Management made all efforts to achieve set goals and said it was done with teamwork and working in a one-family spirit. He said it was done in a way that ensured the continuity of operations and to achieve the best financial returns. The President also spoke about the effective and continuous coordination between the

Company and tits marketers – the Petrochemical Industries Company of Kuwait for Ammonia and Urea and the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation for Methanol and applauded their role in GPIC’s success. Dr. Jawahery said all of GPIC’s products are subject to international regulations for environmental protection, occupational health and safety and responsible care. He said GPIC received the highest honours and awards in this field, indicating its excellence and quality of products and safety of its administrative and operational systems. He said the Company is keen to train its staff,

both within and outside Bahrain, and double efforts and continue to work in a team spirit to achieve sustainability in operations and services. He said GPIC pays great attention to occupational safety, health, the environment and community partnership and is keen to promote this culture among all institutions and sectors. The Company provides all support to various organisations for the activities they organize. He said GPIC is also making efforts in the field of environmental care and conservation and plays a major role in the rationalization of energy and water to meet future challenges through awareness activities.


U.S.A Mexico



Republic of China


South Korea


Republic of Sudan

Kingdom of Thailand


10% Ethiopia


Taiwan India


22% Total: 638,700 metric Tons


GPIC delegation in Turkmenistan A delegation from GPIC accompanied His Majesty King Hamad during his official trip to Turkmenistan. During the visit, the delegation held several meetings with the aim of enhancing bilateral cooperation between the two countries in the oil and gas, fertilizer, petrochemicals and mining industries. The GPIC delegation was headed by President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, and this Royal visit was a good opportunity to support GPIC in exploring the possibilities and opportunities to expand and look at the options in the fields of petrochemical, and fertilizer manufacturing. During the visit, Dr. Jawahery signed two Memorandum of Understandings (MoU’s) and Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA’s) State Concern “TurkmenGas” who are responsible for gas refining projects and the petrochemical industry, as well as State Concern “Turkmenhimiya” who have the responsibility for fertilizer and mining projects. Dr. Jawahery also participated in a meeting with


Bahrain’s Minister of Oil, His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, and His Excellency Myratgeldi Meredov, Deputy Prime Minister for Oil & Gas in Turkmenistan, Mr.Archayev representative of TurkmenGas, and Mr.Haiyyev Tachdurdyyeviv representative of TurkmenOil was also present. During the meeting, they discussed several issues of common interest related to the oil exploration industry, gas extraction and refining, as well as the petrochemical industry. Chief Executive Officer of the National Oil and Gas Authority H.E. Nasser bin Sultan Al Suwaidi and GPIC General Manager of Manufacturing Yasser Al Abbasi also attended the meeting. At the meeting, the Bahrain’s Minister of Oil, His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, thanked his Turkmen counterpart for providing the opportunity for GPIC to investigate investment opportunities available in Turkmenistan. He also invited his Turkmen colleagues to visit Bahrain to appreciate its economic climate and great potential as well as understanding in depth the GPIC complex operation.

GPIC wins top RoSPA Awards GPIC has once again achieved a high level of excellence by winning two Awards from RoSPA. The Awards were presented during a ceremony under the patronage of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and attended by RoSPA Vice President Lord Jordan of Bournville, dignitaries in the field of occupational safety and representatives of companies around the world. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery received the Awards to thunderous applause from those attending, who praised the company for its global achievement in competing with 5,500 companies. GPIC was awarded the first prize for its outstanding role in the field of safety and health and safety practices in the chemical industry and the RoSPA International Award for Excellence in Health and Safety. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery expressed pride in the company’s approach under the leadership of the Board of Directors, led by H.E. Dr. Ahmed AlSharyan, especially with regard to investing in human resources. He said the board has taken great care to organise

courses and workshops for the employees to help train and qualify them. He said GPIC’s primary concern lies in the safety of individuals and not on making profits. "The Management and entire team are committed to working in accordance with balanced policies approved by the Board of Directors,” he said. “We are all keen to follow up on the implementation of the principles of safety and maintain the company's achievements.” He said GPIC has been very keen to maintain excellence in the field of safety for many years. “We are proud of this for many years and of annual Awards we get from RoSPA.” He said the company has worked on setting up a variety of activities related to safety and health and is keen on the implementing a comprehensive management system aimed at promoting and continuously developing performance, while increasing profitability and efficiency. Dr. Jawahery thanked the Kingdom of Bahrain’s wise Leadership for the attention and patronage to the petrochemical industry and its interest in safety, health and environment issues.


GPIC Receives Risk Management Award GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery presented the Procurement Risk Management Award to the company Chairman H.E. Dr. Ahmed Ali Al-Sharyan on the sidelines of the recent Board of Directors meeting. GPIC had won the award during the Middle East Procurement Conference 2019, which was held under the patronage of Tender Board Chairman H.E. Mr. Bassem Bin Yaqoub Al Hamer. The Chairman praised the company's success in getting the award, which, he said, emphasized the progress it had made in procurement operations. He spoke of the efforts exerted by GPIC President and members of the Executive Management in implementing the company's policies and strategies, adopting continuous development in all aspects of the company's work and to maintain the excellence of operations. The Chairman also praised the performance and professionalism of the company's team, and the commitment they show in ensuring development and modernization to keep abreast of the rapid changes that characterize this vital and strategic sector.


In his comments, Dr. Jawahery said that GPIC has

seen a lot of positive and progressive changes in procurement and supply management in recent years, thanks to greater transparency that has helped speed up response time, enabling companies to assess risk in a more deliberate and accurate manner. He said the company is very proud to receive the prestigious award in recognition of its outstanding strategy in the field of purchasing risk management, noting that the strategy helped the company to build a strong and sustainable supply chain that supports its growth objectives achieves the aspirations of the Board of Directors. Dr. Jawahery praised the continuous modernization and development of the company's procurement and warehouse management, where modern technologies such as e-procurement system, SAP system for purchasing and storage systems management have been introduced. Dr. Jawahery thanked and appreciated H.E. the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors for their continuous encouragement to the Executive Management and their keenness to provide all development components along with their efforts to develop their national cadres to qualify them to deal with the latest systems and software.

GPIC Chairman applauds staff on another RoSPA Award GPIC Chairman H.E. Dr. Ahmed Al Sharyan was presented the Royal Society of Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Award the Company won recently during an event in London. The Award, for being the winner in the Chemical Industry Sector for Health and Safety Practices, was handed over to the Chairman by GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, in the presence of members of the Executive Management. The President stressed everyone at the Company would continue their efforts to maintain its standards and reputation in the application of occupational safety and health practices. Dr. Jawahery said he was proud of the Board of Directors’ approach, under the guidance of H.E. Dr. Al Sharyan, regard to investment in the human resources. He said the board follows up on courses and workshops for Company employees, which contribute in training and qualifying them in applying international safety standards. He said the Company's operations during all stages of manufacturing and production demonstrated its concern towards the safety of individuals rather than profit. He said the Management and all employees appreciate the Board’s balanced policies, through which it confirms a keenness to follow up on principles of safety to maintain GPIC’s

achievements. He said the Company, for many years, had confirmed this excellence by repeatedly winning the RoSPA Award. The Chairman congratulated the Management and staff for the achievement, which, he said, is of great importance to the list of successes. He reaffirmed the Company following high levels of global safety. H.E. Dr. Al Sharyan said the Board of Directors would continue to provide all support to maintain the Company's achievements and excellence in the field of occupational health and safety, an important element of the success of any business. He added the Management and employees are keen to continue to win safety Awards by committing to high standards of performance and global safety indicators. The Award was also in recognition of GPIC’s practices and achievements in helping its staff, customers, clients and contractors get home safely at the end of the working day. The Award is recognised internationally as the most prestigious in the industry. It is highly valued by organizations around the world and recognizes achievements in health and safety management systems, including leadership and manpower best practices.


Tunisian Envoy visits GPIC Tunisian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain H.E. Mr. Slim Ghariani was welcomed during a visit to GPIC. He was received by Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the Executive Management and Deputy Chairman of the Labour Union. Dr. Jawahery conveyed to the Ambassador the greetings of the Chairman and members of the Board of Directors and said the visit would contribute to strengthening cooperation with Tunisian petrochemical companies and would consolidate bilateral relations between Bahrain and Tunisia. Dr. Jawahery briefed the Ambassador on the Company's operations and its corporate philosophy, which enabled it to win several international awards and enhance GPIC’s reputation in international markets. He also spoke about the Company’s


programs and achievements in terms of production, safety, marketing and environmental conservation. Dr. Jawahery and the Ambassador reviewed relations with Tunisian fertiliser companies and praised the way they had developed over the years. The Ambassador met several Tunisian women, who are in Bahrain as part of a joint programme supervised by the Institute of Public Administration to train future leaders. He also toured the complex and went to the Ammonia, Methanol and Urea plants, closely looking at steps in place in the fields of safety, environment and occupational health. He saw the environmental and charitable projects like the Charity Fish Farm, the Medicinal Herbs Garden, the Vegetable Garden and the Bird Sanctuary, besides planting a palm tree to commemorate his visit.

GPIC sets up Bahrain-India Friendship Garden GPIC has set up a Bahrain-India Friendship Garden for neem trees within its complex in Sitra. The garden was inaugurated in the presence of Indian Ambassador H.E. Mr. Alok Kumar Sinha and United Nations Environment Office in West Asia Regional Director H.E. Mr. Sami Dimassi. Invited guests and those interested in the environment sector were also present. H.E. Mr. Sinha was received by GPIC General Manager Corporate Support Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari, members of the company’s Executive Management and senior officials. Mr. Al Ansari conveyed to the Ambassador the greetings of GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and spoke of the developing bilateral relations between Bahrain and India. The Smbassador said the historical ties go back several years and stressed the strength of trade and economic relations. Mr. Al-Ansari spoke of GPIC’s efforts to take care of the environment and its interest in setting up gardens. He said they had already set up the Bahrain-Japan Friendship Gsrden in Al Areen Park in support of Bahrain’s efforts to promote environmental sustainability and awareness. This garden, he said, contained more than 35 species of plants and flowers.

He said encouraged with the success, the company has now established the Bahrain-India Friendship Park for Neem trees. “We carry out many environmental initiatives within the complex and close to the company's factories and facilities. We make efforts to promote social awareness of the importance of preserving the environment and define how to deal properly with the components of the environment.” The gsrden, which has 150 neem trees, has been built according to the latest designs and advanced irrigation systems to keep the evergreen trees healthy. These trees are characterized by their rapid growth and adaptability to desert conditions. H.E. Mr. Sinha thanked GPIC for its efforts in the field of environmental care and gardens. He said the park is a translation of the friendly relations between the two countries and is appreciation of India’s status. In a statement, Dr. Jawahery said the park is a new addition to the company's environmental initiatives and contributes to the promotion of sustainable development. He said the park is part of the company's strong commitment to protecting the environment and maintaining a balance of its elements.


GPIC Education and Environment Research Programme winners honoured GPIC honored the winners of the GPIC Education and Environmental Research Programme for 20182019. The ceremony took place on the sidelines of the Family Safety, Health and Environment Evening. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery gave away prizes to the top three winners - Al Istiqlal Secondary School for Girls, Al Hidd Secondary School for Girls and Al Noor Secondary School for Girls, respectively. The President expressed his happiness at the continuous success of the programme, which encourages students to engage in scientific research in the field of the environment. He urged them to innovate and develop their ideas on spreading environmental awareness and encouraging young people to adopt behaviour that would enhance interest among the community. Dr. Jawahery praised the cooperation by the Ministry of Education, under the leadership of H.E. Dr. Majid bin Ali Al Nuaimi, who, he said, spared no effort to provide all support. He also applauded the contribution of the Ministry working group in coordination with GPIC’s Environment Committee.


He said the company would continue through

with events and programmes that support the young generation and encourage them to raise awareness on the environment and how to protect it from pollution. He said this is part of GPIC’s objectives on achieving sustainable development, which would have a positive impact on society and the community. Dr. Jawahery thanked all participating schools, represented by principals, supervisors and students participating, wishing them success in future courses. The programme for environmental research started in the 2004-2005 academic year, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education. The Ministry’s Department of Student Services coordinates the programme with GPIC’s Environment Committee. This programme is the first of its kind to support scientific research in the field of environment, for which the company has allocated a specific budget. The winning projects are selected by a special secretariat consisting of environmental experts from the Ministry of Education and specialized environmental consultancy offices. Specialists from Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company are also included.


Dr. Jawahery receives promoted employee GPIC President, Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery and members of the executive management received Mr. Hassan Nabeel, an engineer who was recently promoted to the position of Laboratory Superintendent. The promotion came within the framework of the GPIC’s Bahrainisation policy and recognizing Bahraini competence.


Dr. Jawahery said the company believes that the development of human resources is necessary and the best investment the company can make. “This will reflect positively on the performance in all aspects and fields, in addition to its impact on development,” he said. "There will be lasting challenges, and the best way to overcome them depends on the efficiency of the manpower we train and develop."

Dr. Jawahery congratulated Mr. Hassan Nabeel, urging him to keep abreast of the latest technical developments in his field of work and be aware of the rapid changes and developments. The President applauded Mr. Hassan Nabeel’s professionalism and dedication over the years, stressing that he will have more tasks and responsibilities to face and would require to make more efforts. Mr. Hassan Nabeel thanked Dr. Jawahery and the executive management and pledged his keenness to preserve the GPIC's achievements and success, while doing his best to serve the company. Mr. Hassan Nabeel, has a B.Sc in Chemical Engineering from the University of Bahrain, joined the company in 2004.

GPIC workers honoured on Labour Day The Bahrain's Free Trade Union Federation organised a celebration to mark World Labour Day. The event, at the Gulf Hotel, was held under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad and attended by Labor and Social Development Minister H.E. Mr. Jamil Mohammed Humaidan. H.E. the Minister honored employees, including those from GPIC, with prizes and certificates of appreciation. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said since its establishment, the company has focussed on the human element and has been keen on developing their skills through training courses and workshops, both at the company’s Leadership and Learning Academy and abroad, to impart them with the knowledge and benefit from modern experiences and technologies. Dr. Jawahery praised the employees’ team spirit, which, he said, distinguishes them, strengthens their loyalty and supports their dedication to work. He said the company Management is keen to provide employees a conducive social and recreational environment by organising events to entertain workers and their families. He said GPIC Club also organises recreational activities aimed at workers and implements

summer programmes and competitions for employees’ children. Dr. Jawahery said the care is evident as company employees have excelled and achieved a lot while winning local, regional and international awards that have made GPIC a distinguished name in the petrochemical industry. He said the employees’ personal achievements, not only in their professional careers, but also in other areas such as sports, public speaking and voluntary work, are praiseworthy. Dr. Jawahery spoke about the advantages enjoyed by the company’s Bahraini workers and the excellent work environment they are provided. Dr. Jawahery thanked H.E. the Chairman and the Board of Directors for their unlimited and continuous support for the benefit of the employees. He also noted the role of the workers union, under the chairmanship of Mr. Yacoub Yousef, and their co-operation with the administration. He said union officials work hard to strengthen the relationship to preserve the gains of the workplace on the one hand and the rights of workers on the other.


GPIC workers honoured on Labour Day



Employee of the Month

Ahmed Nass

Husain Ahmed

GPIC Managing Director H.E. Mr. Samir A. Al Abdrabbuh along with Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery GPIC President, presented a certificate and an award to Mr. Ahmed Nass from the Human Resources and Corporate Communications Department,


who has been named the Employee of the Month for February 2019, and to Mr. Husain Ahmed from the Plants Operations Department, who has been named the Employee of the Month for May 2019.

GPIC organizes Interdepartmental Football Tournament GPIC organized an Interdepartmental Football Tournament at its Club, as part of its approach to promoting a one family spirit. Eight teams representing the Company’s different Departments, took part.

Mohamed Khalfan honoured the winning teams. The first place was won by the Methanol team, followed by the teams from Urea Handling and Administration, respectively.

Hundreds of employees and their families In a statement, Company President took part in the event to cheer on their Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said such teams and encourage them. competitions are an occasion for family gatherings and bring together members The event was organized by the of society. He praised the Company’s Company’s Social Activities Committee. role in organizing various events that The Committee Chairman and GPIC contribute to strengthening relations and Corporate Communications Manager increases ties of familiarity. He said these Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, Mr. Khalid Bin Ali also contribute in encouraging employees Plants Operations Manager along with to engage in sporting activities that Committee Deputy Chairman and GPIC stimulate the body and increases its Logistics Services Superintendent Mr. efficiency.


GPIC organizes Ramadan Tennis Tournament GPIC organized a Ramadan Tennis Tournament at its Club, as part of its approach to promoting a one family spirit. Teams representing the Company’s different Departments took part. Hundreds of employees and their families were at the event to cheer on their teams and encourage them. The event was organized by the Company’s Social Activities Committee. GPIC Corporate Communications Manager and Committee Chairman Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi honoured the winners, Mr. Jassem Haji and Mr. Salah Al Najar, who were placed first and Mr. Mohammed Ali and Mr. Ammar Rafie, who came in second. In a statement, Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said such competitions


during the holy month are an occasion for family gatherings and bring together members of society. He praised the Company’s role during the holy month in organizing various events that contribute to strengthening relations and increases ties of familiarity. He said these also contribute in encouraging employees to engage in sporting activities that stimulate the body and increases its efficiency, especially during the month of fasting, when many are idle and refrain from exercise, while consuming excessive food. Dr. Jawahery thanked the Chairman and members of the Social Activities Committee for their efforts in organizing the event and preparing for it in a professional manner.

GPIC organizes Ramadan Basketball Tournament GPIC organized a Ramadan Basketball Tournament at its Club, as part of its approach to promoting a one family spirit. Four teams representing the Company’s different Departments, took part. Hundreds of employees and their families took part in the event to cheer on their teams and encourage them. The event was organized by the Social Activities Committee. GPIC’s Corporate Communications Manager, Social Activities Committee Chairman Mr. Zuhair Tawfiqi, along with Labour Union Deputy Chairman Mr. Ghassan Abdullah and GPIC Logistics Services Superintendent and Committee Deputy Chairman Mr. Mohamed Khalfan honoured the winning teams.

The first place was won by the Administration team, followed by the team from Plants Operation and the Maintenance team for third place. In a statement, Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said such competitions during the holy month are an occasion for family gatherings and bring together members of society. He praised the Company’s role during the holy month in organizing various events that contribute to strengthening relations and increases ties of familiarity. He said these also contribute in encouraging employees to engage in sporting activities that stimulate the body and increases its efficiency, especially during the month of fasting, when many are idle and refrain from exercise, while consuming excessive food.


GPIC organises SHE Family Event GPIC held an Annual Family Health and Safety evening at the Rotana Hotel.

Dr. Jawahery, speaking on the occasion, welcomed the guests and conveyed to them the greetings of the Chairman and the Board Members.

He said the even was also an occasion to shed light on the measures the Company has taken to comply with the 17 United Nations Development Goals in all its activities and daily programmes that contribute in one way or another to achieving them, especially the eradication of poverty, the protection of the planet and the improvement of living standards of future generations. He stressed the importance of these actions in consolidating the global concept of workers and their families.

He thanked the employees and their families for their keenness to attend the event, an occasion for staff to meet as one family during the holy month and to celebrate the Company's efforts and programmes.

Dr. Jawahery said the Management is keen to build bridges with employees’ families to draw their attention to the importance of spreading awareness of these goals and make them an inherent part of their daily lives.

Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery, members of the Executive Management, Labour Union representatives, employees and their families attended.


He spoke of the employees’ commitment at the workplace and said the company would continue to contribute in one way or another to achieve these sustainable goals. He said GPIC had already entered a new era by taking part in global sustainability initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact. It is now focussing more on leadership, cooperation, innovation and youth empowerment. Dr. Jawahery thanked the Chairman and members of the organizing Committee and said they had made great efforts in preparing for the family gathering. The event was held in a family atmosphere that emphasized the uniqueness of the family

spirit prevalent among employees. Prizes were awarded to children who won competitions, including a drawing and colouring contest and writing articles on the United Nations goals of sustainable development. The event also featured variety programmes, popular music and entertainment. Food and drinks were offered to all those present. The organizing Committee has also prepared educational publications that promote the United Nations development goals and organized competitions that aimed to raise awareness in the field.




GPIC organizes Eid celebrations The Social Activities Committee of GPIC organized a family celebration for Company employees and their families on the third day of the Eid. The ceremony, at the GPIC Club was attended by GPIC General Manager Corporate Support Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari, Labour Union Deputy Chairman and company officials. The event consisted of several fun activities and competitions for all those present. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said organizing such an event is part of the Company's keenness to provide a pleasant


family atmosphere for employees and their families to interact. Dr. Jawahery also praised the arrangements made for the ceremony and applauded the efforts of Chairman and members of the Social Activities Committee as well as all those who contributed to organizing the event, designed to bring joy to everyone. Those who attended thanked the Management and said they look forward to the annual event, which creates a cheerful atmosphere between employees and their families and contributes to revitalizing employees in their work.


GPIC Working Ladies Committee visits BHR Cancer Society The members of the Working Ladies Committee of the GPIC visited the Bahrain Cancer Society to provide support to its volunteer activities and services for cancer patients. This came as part of its strong commitment to supporting the awareness and educational role of the community.


Commenting on the occasion, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the company is used to launch humanitarian initiatives that serve the community and sought to emphasize

its commitment to its social responsibilities, one of the reasons for its success. Dr. Jawahery praised the efforts of the president and members of the committee, who he said are keen to organize targeted events and launch programmes and initiatives to raise awareness and educate the community. He urged them to have periodic examinations to avoid diseases that are easily treatable their early stages.

GPIC Ladies Working Committee members visit children at hospital Members of the Ladies Working Committee at are keen to extend a helping hand and assistance GPIC distributed gifts to children at King Hamad to all. University Hospital to provide them with joy during Eid Al Fitr. Dr. Jawahery said that the Company, under the direction of the Board of Directors, is keen to Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery provide all forms of support for any charitable and thanked the Chairperson and members of the humanitarian project that benefits the community Committee for the initiative which, he said, reflected and considers this support as part of community the humanitarian spirit and love of others. partnership. He praised the efforts of Committee members, which translate the Company's policy to build bridges of cooperation and support for all categories of Bahraini society. He said the initiative is not new to the employees of the Company who

Children and their parents expressed happiness at the initiative and thanked the Management and the members of the Committee for the generous gesture. They wished the Company success and prosperity.


GPIC summer programme begins GPIC has launched its summer activities programme for children of company employees to take advantage of private and public-school vacations and in keeping with its annual policy.

of the Social Activities Committee and its members. He said they have all contributed to the success of the programme and setting up new and innovative games and activities.

GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery praised the success of the programme over time and said it had developed a lot since it was first organised several years ago. He said the participants take part in the events with great enthusiasm.

Dr. Jawahery spoke of the cooperation by Government and other institutions, especially the General Directorate of Traffic. He said the camp is proving to be very attractive because of its recreational, sports and educational activities.

Dr. Jawahery praised the outstanding efforts of the organising committee led by the Chairman


The president said GPIC Management strives for the success of the programme and will continue to provide unlimited support by providing all

facilities to company is category of programmes

ensure excellence. He said the looking at the emerging young who are in need of specialised and events.

He said the summer programme meets the needs of this category and makes sure participants are provided an opportunity to make new friends and enjoy the family atmosphere in a spirit of the cohesion of Bahraini society. Social Activities Committee Chairman and GPIC Logistics Services Superintendent Mr. Mohammed Khalfan thanked the Committee members for

their support and guidance. He said children cultivate a spirit of intimacy and love among themselves. He said they also discover multiple talents in various fields of sports, culture and science. The programme also includes educational and recreational tours and visits to several important and well-known Bahrain landmarks. The camp is open for children between six and 14 years old.


Summer camp participants visit GPIC complex Children of GPIC employees, who are taking part in a summer camp organized by its Social Activities Committee, came on a field visit to the company to familiarize themselves with the place and nature of their parents' work. The children also saw the company's operations and got to know the responsibilities of their parents, besides being briefed on the GPIC’s work environment, safety and security standards to maintain personal safety and environmental integrity. The children visited the various environmental projects such as the fish


farm, bird sanctuary, Princess Sabeeka Garden for Aromatic plants and the Olive Garden. The visiting children said they were very happy at getting acquainted with the responsibilities of their parents and their role in the company’s success. They thanked the camp organisers for their keenness to schedule the useful visit. In a statement, company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the management is keen to provide all possible facilities to ensure the success of the annual programme to enhance the one family spirit and give employees the opportunity to spend their

summer vacation in a comfortable and safe environment. Dr. Jawahery praised the efforts of the Chairman and members of the Social Activities Committee and all those involved in these activities. He said organizing the camp took a lot of time and effort. He said that participating in these activities encouraged students to experience new and useful things. He added the activities provide enjoyable times, a change from the daily stress, and allow participants to make new friends and develop their social skills.

Dr. Jawahery called on parents to ensure that their children are included in the programme because of its benefits, the most important being building self-confidence through interacting with others, gaining experience and improving their respect for themselves and others. The GPIC started the summer camp programme in 2005. It includes activities for children in the age groups six to 14 years old. The programme is aimed at developing students’ intellectual and cultural skills and to expand their knowledge in a safe environment that allows them to interact with their peers under the supervision of a group of specialists.




RCO children at GPIC summer camp


Children from the Royal Charity Organisation (RCO) were invited to take part in summer activities and programmes of GPIC as part of the company’s social responsibility initiative.

He also applauded His Highness' continuous endeavour to improve the work of the RCO while developing it to provide all services and special care for Bahraini families in need.

In a statement, GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery expressed appreciation for the role of RCO Secretary General Dr. Mustafa Al-Sayed in leading it towards achieving its goals in accordance with the directives of Representative of His Majesty the King for Charity Work and Youth Affairs and RCO Board of Trustees Chairman His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa.

Dr. Jawahery said the company is proud of its fruitful cooperation with the RCO in all fields, which would benefit the children and needy families. He said the GPIC was keen to invite the children to participate in the summer programme, which the company organizes

every summer. He said the activities served to stimulate children and encourage them to experiment with new and useful things. These programmes, he added, would also contribute to providing children with enjoyable times away from the routine of daily life. Dr. Jawahery called on parents to ensure their children participate in the activities because of its great benefits, the most important of which is to contribute to building self-confidence through interacting with others.

Dr. Al Sayed thanked the GPIC for the initiative and said the company always launched targeted initiatives at all levels. He praised the close cooperation between the RCO and the GPIC and said the two had already implemented several joint programmes and activities that serve the RCO children. He expressed confidence that the children would benefit greatly from the participation.


Summer camp participants visits Lost Paradise Park Scores of children taking part in GPIC annual Summer Camp visited the Lost Paradise Water Park as part of their activities. GPIC President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the Management is keen to provide all possible facilities that contribute to the success of the summer programme, which aims to enhance the family spirit and gives employees’ children the opportunity to spend their summer vacation in a comfortable and safe environment. Dr. Jawahery also praised the efforts exerted


of the Chairman and members of the Social Activities Committee and all those involved to achieve its social objectives. He stressed the programme is reviewed and strengthened by activities combining fun and interest. GPIC started the summer programme for its employees in 2005. It includes activities for children in the age groups of six to 14 years and aim to develop students' intellectual and cultural skills while expanding their knowledge in a safe environment that allows them to interact with their peers under the supervision of specialists.


Traffic lectures for summer camp participants GPIC, in co-operation with the General Directorate of Traffic, organized an activity to spread traffic awareness among children of employees taking part in the Company’s Annual Summer Camp. A team from the Directorate, during their visit to the Company's headquarters, briefed the children on a set of traffic guidelines that they should observe on the road for their safety. They also learned about road signs regulate organizing the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as providing some


awareness programs and competitions. The Company, in cooperation and coordination with Government and non-governmental bodies, provides awareness programmes during the summer camp activities. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery thanked the Chairman and members of the Social Activities Committee for their hard work and diligence to organize the programme and praised the cooperation between the company and the General Directorate of Traffic.

GPIC started the summer camp programme in 2005. It includes activities for children in the age groups six to 14 years old. The programme is aimed at developing students' intellectual and cultural skills and to expand their knowledge in a safe environment that allows them to interact with their peers under the supervision of a group of specialists.


GPIC organizes Eid celebrations The Social Activities Committee of GPIC organized a family celebration for Company employees and their families on the third day of the Eid. The ceremony, at the GPIC Club was attended by GPIC General Manager Corporate Support Mr. Fadhel Al Ansari, General Manager Manufacturing Mr. Yasser Al Abbasi, Labour Union Deputy Chairman and company officials. The event consisted of several fun activities and competitions for all those present. Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said organizing such an event is part of the Company's keenness to provide


a pleasant family atmosphere for employees and their families to interact. Dr. Jawahery also praised the arrangements made for the ceremony and applauded the efforts of Chairman and members of the Social Activities Committee as well as all those who contributed to organizing the event, designed to bring joy to everyone. Those who attended thanked the Management and said they look forward to the annual event, which creates a cheerful atmosphere between employees and their families and contributes to revitalizing employees in their work.


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