Self Promotion Continued

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To gain a better understanding of how i wanted my business card to look and what is on the market already, i looked into exisiting business cards. The aesthetics of the ones on this page suited my style; [simplistic with elements of modernity] the most. I really like the idea of printing colour on the edge of the card, especially if it was to contrast with a plain white card. I also like the block, bold type used on most of the designs as i feel it makes an impact but in a simplicist way, a quality I would like my business card to have.

[old logo]

Although at the time i did really like my logo, when reviewing it i felt like it was too commerical and didnt represent me correctly. I believe that when first given this task i was too caught up on making a logo. The fact that there are 4 ‘G’s’ confused on lookers when I asked them what they thought of the design. They thought that the quantity of them represented something which is not the case. Looking back on the design I feel that the B is not prominant enough in comparison to the g’s. Positives that i wanted to carry forward are; i liked the font and the impact it made through the weight of it. I liked keeping the colour palette of black and white for the made body and maybe introducing a colour onto the edges of the card as mentioned previously. I did like the shape that was made by the g’s, and liked how i could use that on materials instead of just repeating the logo all over documents. I will be looking at taking these atributes that i have just outlined and carry them onto to further develope my design, which you will see in the next couple of pages.

[fresh ideas]

[new logo] This is the design that i have choosen to replace my original one. Therefore will be displayed on all work, sites, headings of paper and my business card. However the design is not as simple as appears on here. The design will wrap over the edges of the medium used whether paper, card etc. Although a very simple design I feel the bold, San sanif font really stands out. I believe the design is quite versitille for all promotional elements. I would endevour to use the same tyepface BEBAS on all materials as this will keep the consitancy and provide total cohesion over all of the promotional tools. I feel the simplicity of the ‘logo’ will always have association to a graphic trend, in a cliche way that it is timeless as there isn’t elements that could really date.


This is my final business card, An image does not it justice unfortunately as in 3D it looks like the text is wrapped over the card hence why the text is cut off the top and you can see it on the back of the card too. Although a very simple design I really like it and feel it represents me well. The quality of having the text wrapped over the edge gives the card a quality that differs it from what it really is a plain white card with black text.

[online] It’s important to me that my online and offline presence as well as my creative work have total cohesion. I want my work ethic, personality and creative style to be reflected in my aesthetic and all should be recognisable as the ‘Grace Burt’ Brand. Therefore all of my online platforms that represents me as a creative profession will display my so called logo.


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