Division 30 August 2011 Newsletter

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The Jelly Journal Dear Division 30, It’s August! There’s only a month left of summer until school starts again But it’s not a bad thing because that means another year for your Club to grow and serve our communities! There will be quick refreshers and fundraising ideas and important information in this newsletter. Seattle Rally is less than week! The theme is Peace, Love, and Service! Make sure that you have at least 2 chaperones! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call. The forms must be postmarked to me by August 9th, or you will have to bring the forms to the door and pay $7 instead of $5. My mailing address is at the end of the newsletter. The August DCM is going to be a fun one. So go through the newsletter to find out the details! There’ll be a conference call on August 11th at 8pm. So make sure you are able to call in. We’ll be talking about a fundraising plan for the upcoming year for KCCP. More details in the newsletter. Communication is something that is very important and vital in life. So please continue to check your e-mail during the rest of the summer and the school year. I will also be sending texts about upcoming events, reminders, etc.

In This Issue! Introduction.......................... 1 KCCP and Eliminate............. 2/3 Quick Refreshers Officer Duties.................... 4-7 Membership Recruitment....... 8-11 Fundraiser Ideas............... 12-17 August DCM/Seattle Rally... 18/19 Club/Kiwanis Info.............. 20/21 Events and Reminders............ 22 Jelly Board.......................... 23 District Contacts................... 24

Hope to see you all at the August DCM!! In Caring Service,

Grace Chon Division 30 Lieutenant Governor

BONNEY LAKE ● EMERALD RIDGE ● ENUMCLAW ● PUYALLUP ● ROGERS ● SUMNER ● WHITE RIVER Official Newsletter of Division 30 – Pacific Northwest District – Key Club International Volume 11-12, Issue 5, August 2011


Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program (KCCP) Inspiration: In 1964 PNW Governor Frank Morehouse had the opportunity to work as a Medical Technologist at Rogue Valley Medical Center, Medford Oregon, where he met Penny, a 10 year old brain cancer patient. His relationship with Penny and her fatal condition is the inspiration for this PNW District Program. Governor Frank is dedicating his Governor’s Program to the memory of Penny to help change the future for children suffering from cancer, especially brain cancer.

Goal: Support the Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, Portland, Oregon. Mike Davis, President KDCCP, michael629@ccwebster.net

Support the Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Fellowship Program at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle Washington. Mike La Franchi, President KCCPNW, lafranchim@quidnunc.net

Support the Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Fellowship Program at British Columbia Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia. Darlene Smith, President KCCPBCY, dar_smith@shaw.ca

"Fifty years ago, most children with leukemia lived less than one year, and almost none survived. Now, thanks to advances made at research and teaching hospitals like Doernbecher, most children with leukemia reach adulthood, cured of their disease." Dr. Linda Stork, MD., Division Head, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital

Participation: Tour the Children’s Cancer Research Hospital in your area. • Sponsor a fundraiser for the Research Program – Walks, Bike Rides, and Relays. • Schedule a speaker from any of the Kiwanis Cancer Research Programs. • Make hats, trauma dolls, and quilts for children going through cancer treatment.

Reward: Gain satisfaction for changing the world one child at a time and making a real difference in the lives and future of children in each of our communities. “This PNW Kiwanis Program will continue for as long as there is the need to find cures for children’s cancer.” Claudell King, PNW Governor Elect 2010-2011.

"The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope. ”-- Frank Lloyd Wright 2

The ELIMINATE Project Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to save the lives of babies and their mothers by eliminating maternal/neonatal tetanus (MNT), a disease that kills an estimated 60,000 newborns and a significant number of women each year.

1, 2, 3, 4 Let’s Kick Tetanus Out the Door 2, 4, 6, 8 Why Do We

5, 6, 7, 8 Together We’ll

MNT is easily prevented by a series of three vaccinations to women of childbearing age, costing roughly US$1.80. The Eliminate Project: Kiwanis eliminating maternal/neonatal tetanus will raise US$110 million over the next five years to fill the funding gap required to provide an estimated 387 million doses of the vaccine. The Eliminate Project will deliver life saving vaccines to the most vulnerable women and children in the world: those in remote and difficult to reach areas; conflict zones; and with little access to healthcare.

To Serve, To Serve, To Serve the Children of the World! Stay connected and updated with: http://sites.kiwanis.org/Kiwanis/en/ theELMINATEproject/home.aspx

"Hope is like peace. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift only we can give one another. "-- Elie Wiesel 3

Quick Refreshers

Officer Duties

Here is a quick refresher on your officer duties. If you have any questions or want more information, let me know!


 Appoint and delegate tasks.  Attend committee meetings, regular club meetings, board meetings, and all club activities. Attend and encourage others to attend Key Club International Convention and division and district functions.  Analyze club meetings and events for continuous improvement for the club.  Set clear and attainable goals that can be accomplished by the end of the year. Continuously monitor the club’s progress on the goals, activities, and responsibilities of all officers and appointees.  Establish a climate of enthusiasm, openness, and concern. Then follow up, congratulate and listen.  Create an agenda for club and board meeting so that it’s well planned and organized so that it flows smoothly, ends on time, and that each member has fun. Conduct and preside over Key Club meetings.  Seek input and explore alternative ideas before making important decisions.  Recruit and retain new members and make sure all members are active and involved.  Have an aggressive, yearlong membership campaign with weekly and monthly goals to be achieved. Make certain new members understand Key Club before induction and are actively involved immediately after induction.  Prepare next year's president for duties. Encourage new members to run for positions. Be observant of those you think can do well with certain positions next year.  Train club officers, board, and committee chairpersons to understand and carry out their responsibilities throughout the year.  Assist the new president in every way possible to learn about the office and the Key Club.

VICE-PRESIDENT The duties of the vice-president also include the duties of the president. The vice-president may administer the Key Club in the absence of the president.  Receive all materials and possible help from the past vice-president of your club.  Preside over weekly club meetings in the absence of the president.  Gather materials for and help edit a club newsletter. See that a weekly club newsletter is produced.  Attend all club meetings and meetings of the project committee as a counselor and ex-officio member.  Become acquainted with the president's duties so you can assist the president in every way.  Watch over the committee system and assist the committee chairs.  Collect the monthly reports of the committees and submit them to the secretary.  Make sure the club secretary has turned in the club monthly report.  Talk to prospective members of the Key Club and help them decide whether or not to join.  Conduct an educational program for new members.  Work with the new vice-president and help him/her prepare to take over next year.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 4

Officer Duties continued SECRETARY

 Maintain all of the records, files, and details that are important for the smooth operation of the Key Club.  Be prompt, neat, organized, and efficient.  Keep the club materials organized and these items on file: 1. Inventory of all Key Club property 8. Collected committee reports from 2. Club bylaws committee chairs 3. Key Club Guidebook 9. List of committee chairs and members 4. District bylaws 10. Club’s past achievement reports 5. Minutes of all regular club meetings and board meetings 11. Club’s past monthly reports 6. Names and addresses of present Key Club officers 7. Copies of current and past KEY CLUB magazines and district publications  Prepare board of directors meeting agenda with the president. Attend the board meeting and take the minutes.  Collect the monthly committee reports.  Submit a monthly report to the district.  Maintain a roster of club officers. Be sure to send any updated contact information to the lieutenant governor.  After elections, notify the lieutenant governor of your new club officers for the next year.  Maintain a complete club membership roster and produce a club member roster (electronic or printed version). Include the following information: 1. Member’s full name, home address, phone and e-mail 6. Service project interests 2. Preferred communication method: e-mail, texting, phone 7. Personal interests 3. Date of birth 8. Committee interests 4. Date he/she joined Key Club 5. Committee assignments and offices held in Key Club  Make sure attendance is taken at every meeting. Record the following at each regular Key Club meeting: 1. Number of members present 6. Dues collected from whom (if applicable) 2. Names of those absent 7. Committee reports, written and oral 3. List of guests attending 8. Announcements 4. Presiding officer 9. Any motions or decision acted upon by the membership 5. Speaker and subject  Answer all correspondence promptly and inform officers and advisors of the communication. Give prompt attention from the district and Key Club International offices. Share correspondence with all club members.  Send thank you and/or congratulatory notes on behalf of the club. Work with the president to finish the Annual Achievement report and any award applications for your Key Club.  Assist the secretary-elect to be familiar with the duties and receive all materials and knowledge base from the past secretary.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 5

Officer Duties continued TREASURER

 Control the club’s money, its collection, and disbursement.  Collect the money from club projects and member dues.  Update the membership roster with the faculty advisor and secretary. Submit dues to the Key Club International Office. Collect dues from new members and forward them to the International Office.  Prepare a financial report for the board meeting and a budget to present to the board for approval.  Attend all meetings within the club and the club officer training conferences with the lieutenant governor.  Keep an account of all transactions as they are made and receipts as evidence of payment when disbursing money.  Send district convention registration fees to the proper place and send Key Club International convention registration fees to the appropriate address.  Work with the treasurer-elect and help him/her prepare to take over next year and receive all financial records, receipts, files and training from immediate past treasurer.

HOW TO SUBMIT DUES: 1. First get to the Membership Update Center and fill out the "Key Club Number" and "Password" field. (Go to www.keyclub.org > Click "Dues & Reports" > Click "Access the Membership Update Center Now.") (Call 1-800-549-2647 and ask for "Member Services", they will give you your password if you don't have them) 2. Click the link "Club Advisors" and update the Club Advisor information if needed. Then click the link "CLICK IF YOU ARE FINISHED ADDING/UPDATING/DELETING ADVISORS" when you're finished. 3. Do you have any members you wish to delete? Click "Yes" to delete members, the member list will appear, edit where necessary, and then click "CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE FINISHED DELETING MEMBERS". Or click "No" if there are no members to delete and to continue to Step 3. 4. Do you wish to add new members and/or edit existing members? Click "Yes" to add/update members, the member list will appear, edit where necessary, and then click "CLICK HERE IF YOU ARE FINISHED ADDING AND UPDATING MEMBERS". Or click "No" if there are no members to add/update and to continue to Step 4. 5. Have you made all of your additions/corrections and deletions? Click "Yes" to continue. Or click "No" if you aren't finished and to go back to Step 2. 6. Are you ready to generate your invoice? Click "Yes" to produce an invoice containing the number of members in the club and the corresponding amount of dues to be paid. Or click "No" if you aren't ready to create an invoice and to go back to Step 2. 7. On the "Invoicing" page, click "Click here for a printable invoice." Review the invoice for accuracy. Then click ">>> CLICK HERE TO PRINT <<<" to print. After printing, click on "YOU MUST CLICK HERE TO FINISH THE PROCESS." 8. Did you successfully print your invoice? If you click "Yes", you can't make another invoice so be sure it printed correctly and you will see "You have successfully generated an invoice". Or click "No" if you aren't ready to create an invoice and to go back to Step 2. 9. For bookkeeping purposes, copy the invoice for your records. After that, you are done and have turned in dues!

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 6

Officer Duties continued BULLETIN EDITOR

 Make sure the public and club is informed about the service Key Club is doing and will be doing.  Use technology for communication and marketing.  Utilize various forms of communication, including wikis, websites, text messaging and e-mail.  Be creative.  Be proficient in and follow the Key Club graphic standards.  Keep an updated copy of the Key Club graphic standards CD.  Make sure KEY CLUB magazine and district publication are distribution for all members to read about the exciting service Key Clubbers are leading.  Develop and/or order membership recruitment materials for club growth efforts.  Make public service announcements, contact local media, and send articles to community newspapers.  Create media releases for club service projects.  Complete and submit a mayoral proclamation in honor of Key Club Week.  Take pictures at meetings and events. Take responsibility of the club camera, if your club has one, very seriously.  Save all published newsletters, signs, calendars, and banners.  Organize pictures and club events, meetings, and overall work in a scrapbook to be entered in district and international contest (when applicable).  Post a calendar of events to publicize meetings and upcoming projects.  Make morning announcements, posters, signs, and banners to promote projects and meetings.  Visit www.keyclub.org to see current Key Club news and upcoming events.  Produce a bi-monthly or monthly newsletter.  Create a website or wiki or maintain the current one.  Manage and update weekly a bulletin board in your meeting location or school.  Take the lead to celebrate Key Club Week. Use the resources at www.keyclub.org/keyclubweek each fall to get your club week know in your community.  Order helpful materials from Key Club International by calling 1-317-875-8755, ext. 411, or download materials at www.keyclub.org/downloads .  Work with the editor-elect and help him/her prepare to take over next  Work with the editor-elect and help him/her prepare to take over next year. Provide and complete technology training where necessary. This is just a quick refresher on your officer duties since... ... it’s August and September is just around the corner! ... many of you cannot attend the officer forums at Seattle Rally. ... a refresher is always nice.  If you have any questions, please ask!

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 7

Membership Recruitment MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT There is no secret formula to adding members to your club’s roster. Membership development is a challenge—it takes work, determination, creativity and enthusiasm. But, most important, it takes a plan. Although club members should always be on the lookout for students who would make good Key Clubbers, Key Club International recommends that your club have two membership drives: one occurring at the beginning of your school year, the fall drive and one occurring at the end of your school year, the spring drive. The reason for suggesting a membership drive in the spring, as well as in the fall, is very important. It will strengthen your club in the summer, so it will be in full operation when school starts. To ensure the success of your club’s effort, review and implement the following guidelines:

How can you approach new members? Various methods can be used in approaching prospective members. Many clubs open their membership to all interested students, and by means of posters, school announcements and displays at orientation meetings, invite interested students to attend an informational meeting. Hanging posters and fliers in areas where students congregate is very important. You cannot overadvertise a meeting. Make sure the word is out. But sometimes membership is difficult to build at certain times through the year. Using a ―gimmick‖ to provide incentives for people might help get people to the informational meeting. Advertise this gimmick to encourage attendance. A gimmick can be anything from building the biggest banana split to drawing for free tickets to an upcoming school event. While you have the prospects at the meeting, make sure you provide information about Key Club in a motivating and exciting manner. A social gathering might also provide a casual but entertaining evening for club prospects. Perhaps a swim party at the beginning of the school year for all members and new prospects could be held to get the word out about Key Club. Make the event fun, but informative. Membership should remain open to all students. Some clubs set limits on the number of members allowed, but a club that establishes a membership quota not only denies prospective members the opportunity to serve, but limits the scope and amount of service the club can provide as well. The argument that a large membership is harder to work with and more difficult to monitor is refuted by the many clubs with more than 100 members that can boast an active membership with a successful service record.

Establish goals Anticipate your club’s volunteer needs. Does your club participate in regularly scheduled projects that require a certain number of hours for completion? Are there projects that your club has set aside because of a lack of members? Consider the history of your club’s membership. Has your club experienced steady and sufficient growth? Have the members expanded their contribution to the school and community? Establishing performance standards for individual members through the use of a point system can help prospective members (along with present members) realize the emphasis Key Club places on participation. Such standards also would allow the club to highlight the accomplishments of the club’s go-getters. A sample point system can be found later in this document. There is a growing demand for people to address the needs of the community. Key Club can help meet that demand.

Develop a prospect list Remember that caring and sincerity are key words in your search for new members. Look for students with a desire to serve. Freshmen and sophomore representatives should be given top priority because they are the future of any Key Club and are too often overlooked by older club members. Get input from your principal, guidance counselors, teachers, and fellow club members. They might know names of students interested in joining an organization like Key Club. Try to increase your membership with students from a variety of backgrounds to provide diversity to your club.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 8

Membership Recruitment continued Understanding why growth is vital Although more than one-fourth of Key Club international’s total membership graduates annually, this is just one justification for a membership drive. Growth produces new talent, brainpower, and manpower. Growth boosts the club toward greater and more significant school and community service. Growth gives a club a greater ability to raise funds for charities and community service work.

 Establish goals.


Determine, as a club or as a board, the number of new members for which you strive. Provide incentives for present members for bringing new members.

 Advertise. Make sure that whatever formats your club chooses to recruit new members, that the entire student body is aware of it. Posters, fliers, table tents in the lunchroom, e-mail, announcements, school newsletters, bulletin boards, electronic bulletin boards and personal contact should all be used to get the word out about an upcoming Key Club recruitment event.

 Be organized. Planning an informational membership event, regardless of whether or not it is a social or formal event, needs to be thorough and done well in advance. Involve your club officers and as many members as possible. Establish a timetable. Arrange for the facilities, refreshments and all outside assistance.

 Get help from outside sources. The club can contact the division’s lieutenant governor for ideas. Perhaps a district officer would be available to speak at the meeting.

 Arrange for transportation. This is probably the most overlooked aspect of membership. Assign upperclassmen to a transportation committee to provide transportation for those students who have difficulty making meetings and projects outside of school hours.

 Invite students to join. After the informational aspects of your membership event are completed, present a membership application to each prospect. Avoid high-pressured sales, but make sure you do ask all prospects to join the club. Follow up on all prospects and access from their responses how successful your events/meetings have been in recruitment.

 Assign duties to new members. Students who join the club should be formally inducted at an installation meeting. They should be assigned specific duties within the club immediately. It is important for new members to feel useful and needed. Don’t overdo it, though, as you don’t want your new members to experience burnout.

 The club structure. All members, new and old, should know exactly how they fit into the club’s structure. All members are important—all should be involved in committees and projects that rely on their participation. The viability of the club depends on the involvement of the total membership, and it’s best to start new members out right.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 9


 Call to order—president  Pledge—members

 Introduction of guests and general welcome—membership chairman  Key Club, a general overview—president  Key Club’s relationship to Kiwanis—Kiwanis advisor  Key Club’s relationship to school—faculty advisor  Experiences unique to Key Club—member  Service projects performed in the past—member  Structure of Key Club International—district or club officer  District and international conventions—member (who has attended)  What Key Club means to me—member  Video/PowerPoint: Utilize the Major Emphasis Program CD, online video magazine or create your own slideshow with photos and footage of club service projects.

 Adjournment for refreshments  Invitation for prospective members to join or come back for additional education on the Key Club program and induction into the club.

 Final adjournment MEMBERSHIP FORM Applications should be printed and passed out at the end of the first informational meeting to all prospective members. Many different types of applications can be used depending on what information you want to know about your prospective members.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 10

Membership Recruitment continued Sample membership form Name, address, grade, phone, e-mail, texting capabilities In answering the following questions, please be sincere and honest with yourself and the membership of this club. 1. What service projects are you interested in? 2. What are your interests? 3. What organizations do you now belong to or have you belonged to? List any offices held. 4. List any honors or special achievements you have received, explain: 5. What ―out of school‖ activities do you participate in? 6. Why do you want to join Key Club and what can you contribute if you do join? 7. Do you have or would you need transportation to projects or meetings? 8. Do you have a friend who wants to join, as well? 9. If so, give his/her name. 10. It is our aim to get to know you as well as possible through this application. With this in mind, please list any concerns, experiences or anything else you would want us to know.

ADDITIONAL MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT RESOURCES  Public relations 101: www.keyclub.org  Key Club tri-fold brochures  Graphic standards CD  Online video magazine: Short videos explaining Key Club’s structure, programs, service and purpose. www.keyclub.org.  Major Emphasis Program CD: Videos, PowerPoint presentations and additional resources highlighting Key Club Service Partners and Service Initiative.

 Key Club marketing poster: A four-color poster to recruit new members and announce service projects and meetings.  Key Club marketing video: www.keyclub.org SUPPLIES: KIWANIS FAMILY STORE The supplies department of Kiwanis International carries a complete line of Key Club supplies. Catalogs are available upon request or order online at www.keyclub.org. You will be able to order member pins, certificates, posters and other Key Club-related supplies.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 11

Fundraising Ideas Since another school year is approaching, here are fundraising ideas to help get your Key Club back into the rhythm of service. Change these ideas to work with your club! Activity board Buy an activity board for the school. One member can be assigned to maintain it throughout the week, announcing all school activities and sports events. Sell advertising on a weekly basis, with all revenue to be used to pay for the board. Aluminum cans Collect cans and flatten them in a race to see who can collect the most for the recycling center. The money from the center can be used to treat contest winners to prizes and to purchase recycling containers for the school. Provide recycling containers at the cafeteria exits so students can discard aluminum cans. Once a month, take the cans to the recycling center. Store the cans in a trailer or bin outside the school. Bake-off Sponsor a bake-off, perhaps between the high school athletic teams, clubs and faculty. This could become a fundraiser where your club could charge an entry fee. After the competition, sell the baked goods during a school lunch hour or after school.

Bake sale Key Club members bake food and arrange to sell treats at school or local events. This project is most successful when planned for the holidays. Barbecue dinners This is an especially good project to do in early fall. Food usually can be secured wholesale. This project would be ideal before a school sporting event. Sell tickets prior to the dinner, and make sure you promote the event. Birthday kits At the beginning of the school year, send a direct mail order to students’ parents selling “birthday kits.” The Key Club can deliver birthday cakes, donuts, cookies, balloons or something similar to students celebrating birthdays. If the club does a one-time sale, it alleviates an ongoing problem of accurate ordering. This project would require strong committee organization. Buttons During sporting events, sell buttons with pictures of athletes in uniform.

Candy and nut sales Caramels, chewing gum, hard candy, nuts, chocolate and other treats are excellent sale items any time, but especially during the holiday season. Car smash An old car usually will be donated to a club by a service station or a junk yard (or ask members of your sponsoring Kiwanis club). After painting the name of a rival school on the car and removing the glass, the club can charge a fee for each swing at the car with a sledgehammer. Publicity and active support of the principal are extremely important. Car washes Shopping centers or gas stations usually will provide a place for this sure profit-maker. Sell tickets in advance, and promote the event heavily. Carnival night A hall or auditorium can be decorated to suit the theme of the carnival. You can offer a range of activities, such as a cakewalk and weight guessing. Sell refreshments and provide entertainment too.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 12

Fundraising Ideas continued Chili cook-off These are very popular. Whether your club just participates by being an entry in a cook-off or actually organizes a contest, you can raise funds. Involve your Kiwanis club in the planning of this type of event. These can be fun, but they will require a lot of work and planning. Christmas trees The sale of Christmas trees involves a good deal of money and a lot of planning. It is best when done with the help of your sponsoring Kiwanis club. Coat checks Have members of the club offer this service at high school functions. This project offers 100 percent profit, though one can’t expect a huge amount of money from any one function. Keep costs reasonable. Concession stands Many clubs operate concession stands for parades, fairs, festivals, athletic events, plays or other school functions. This activity can be very lucrative and should be investigated as a possible project. You may wish to divide your proceeds with the sponsor to demonstrate your support and appreciation for allowing you to be a part of its event.

Daffodils Purchase daffodils from the American Cancer Society in March, and then give them to teachers. Contact the society to see if your club could sell the daffodils. Dances Your Key Club can sponsor a dance after a sporting event. This is a good moneymaker if it’s promoted well. Date-match During Valentine’s Day week, pass out compatibility surveys. Then sell the lists of compatible students for a profit. Desk blotters Many clubs make a considerable amount of money from this project. Ads are sold to local merchants, the school store or even school organizations wishing to advertise. The ads are printed on a standardsize blotter, along with schedules of football and basketball games, a calendar for the year, class officers and anything else you want. Ads should cover the cost plus profit, and blotters can be sold at a minimum cost or simply distributed to the students. Donate time to PTA Help parent/teacher associations with projects, baby-sitting or fundraising.

Donuts and pizza Through arrangements with donut shops and pizzerias, food can be brought in at a relatively low cost when bought in large numbers. Best results have been achieved by selling donuts before classes or during lunch. Pizzas sell well at evening events that draw large crowds. Easter bunnies Selling chocolate bunnies at Easter time can be a successful project. Contact a local vendor. Selling on a pre-order, pre-pay basis can cut down on surplus bunnies. Face painting Set up a face-painting booth at games, carnivals, etc. Finals survival kits Sell final exam survival kits for students by advertising through student publications, radio and by direct mail, if possible. Target parents. The kits can include a can of pop, candy bar, pens/pencils, gum, jokes, inspirational messages, coupons, etc. Deliver these in school via homeroom, lunch periods or study halls. Flea market Collect “junk” from members, people in school and Kiwanis members, and then sell them at a local flea market.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 13

Fundraising Ideas continued Florida fling Sponsor a Florida fling—a dance with a Sunshine State theme. Write to cities in Florida and travel agencies to get posters to decorate the gymnasium. When students buy tickets to this event, they receive a shirt with the Florida fling logo on it. Participants come to the dance ready for the beach. Similar themes include Caribbean cruise, Mexican fiesta and Hawaiian luau. Hairy leg contest Advertise the contest well ahead of time. Contestants’ legs are photographed, and the pictures are fastened to glass jars. One vote costs a quarter, and the money is placed right in the jar. The Key Club can arrange for prizes to be donated by local merchants to ALL entries. Halloween party Sponsor a community Halloween party for kids in a local gymnasium. Urge parents to allow the kids to attend the party, and provide an entertaining evening for everyone, donating your collections to a UNICEF fund. Homecoming flowers Mums for football games or homecoming weekends usually can be acquired for about US$3 each and resold for US$3.50 or more. Contact a florist.

Haunted house Work with a mall to see if it has an open room. Choose a theme. Work with your sponsoring Kiwanis club to secure materials, assistance in building and working the event. This makes a great fundraiser around Halloween. Holiday bazaar A holiday bazaar open to the public is a great fundraiser. Secure a location, sell spaces—including a concessions area—arrange for set-up and take down helpers, decorations and a radio announcement. Local craftsmen count on the same date each year, which seems to ensure a successful turnout. This project has minimal costs to Key Club and is financially beneficial. Jukebox Work with your school administration on the plan of buying a jukebox for the cafeteria. Not only does this bring in money, but it also provides students with an environment in which to enjoy lunch and socialize with friends. Junior high fundraiser A noon dance is a favorite fundraiser. Admission to the dance is fifty cents. Work with the junior high school’s administration to organize this type of function.

Just like the good old days Homecoming week is a great time to sponsor a community picnic. All school groups and clubs set up booths to sell food or products (such as T-shirts). The picnic is open to the entire community. It serves as a kickoff for homecoming, as well as a popular fund-raiser. Key Club/faculty sporting events Determine an event that would be most popular in your school’s community. Ask the most popular teachers to participate, sell tickets, promote the event heavily and enjoy your success! Kiss a senior goodbye Take pre-orders and pre-payments for bags of chocolate kisses and messages for graduating seniors. These can be advertised and sold during lunch periods and before and after school. Parents enjoy sending these to their graduates, so find a way to advertise to them as well. Lights, camera, goodbye Give each senior 45 seconds in front of a video camera to say farewell. The tape can include shots of the prom and graduation. Students can have one copy if they supply a blank tape. This is virtually a cost-free fundraiser.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 14

Fundraising Ideas continued Lost and found auction Conduct an auction with the school’s large number of lost and found articles. In most cases fantastic deals are available to students. May baskets Accept pre-orders/pre-payment for delivery (either in school or to area elementary and junior high schools) on May Day. Decorate jumbo drinking cups and fill them with candy (buy it in bulk or from a vendor), balloons, coupons and gum. Try to get as much of the materials donated as possible. Miracle mile of quarters This is an easy project to do on a daily basis in a high school setting or for a district project/district convention. Determine the charity or receiver of funds and advertise this well. Make “paper quarters‖, and for every US$.25 donated, post a paper quarter, perhaps by beginning in the lunchroom or corridor. Determine a goal and end date. Old books and CDs sale Collect old books and CDs to be sold. Limit the hours of the sale, and try to sell out during the allotted time. Many clubs run a regular used bookstore and exchange center for their school.

Movie parties Acquire recent, full-length motion pictures for showing at the high schools. Charge prices for admission and arrange the setting for the showing, either a standard auditorium or a more informal venue. Consult your Yellow Pages for motion picture distributors. Music week Take a week to celebrate different musical eras. One day could be music from the ’50s, the next day could celebrate music from the 1800s. Students dress according to that day’s era. At the end of the week, transform the school’s tennis courts into a little Hawaii. Games (pie throwing, dunking machine, wheel of fortune) abound, flower leis are distributed, and Hawaiian music is that day’s theme. Pancake breakfast A pancake breakfast can be a highprofit fundraiser. It also can be fun, easy to organize and an excellent joint Key Club-Kiwanis project. Don’t overlook the sale of placemat advertising. The income derived from ad sales often exceeds the breakfast receipts. Parking cars Park cars for school events. Check with your school’s administration on how to proceed with this project.

Peanut day Involve all club members by accepting donations on street corners in exchange for a bag of peanuts. Some clubs attach small handbills to the bag, explaining the purpose of the club and how the money will be used. For complete information on organizing such an event, contact: Kiwanis Peanut Day Inc., 900 Jorie Blvd., Oak Brook, IL 60521. Powder puff football The girls put on uniforms and play a football game—after first modifying the rules. The boys lead the cheers! The novelty of this idea, if well publicized, will attract a large crowd. Money comes from gate receipts and refreshment sales. This is an ideal homecoming week activity. Prom flowers Take orders for prom corsages and boutonnieres. Work with a florist for a profitable situation. Rummage sale This is a very popular sale of used odds and ends. The collection of goods can be made door-to-door or solicited through ads. Save or shave Choose a willing faculty member who is ready to donate his beard for a fund-raiser. Students then vote...

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 15

Fundraising Ideas continued Save or shave continued.. ... with money whether the beard should be saved or shaved. (It is hopefully shaved at a school assembly.)

Senior auction Auction off your seniors. Sell them to anyone who has a job for them! The money raised from this sale can go toward a deserving graduating senior’s college expenses.

Sports programs Publish basketball game programs for your varsity team. Sell ads to local merchants and have the programs printed in the school’s commercial office. Distribute the programs at the door free of charge.

School bazaar This kind of activity can be a joint effort with all the clubs in your school. The Key Club, along with other interested clubs and homerooms, can operate various booths throughout the day. All proceeds can go to a charity or to a school improvement need.

Singing Christmas cards Set up a booth at a fall parentteacher conference, sporting events, or after church services to sell ―Singing Christmas cards.” People pay a fee to have carolers go to someone’s home and sing Christmas carols. A card would be given to the recipient with the giver’s name.

Sport tournaments Host a sports tournament in conjunction with homecoming, spring flings, etc. Many sport tournaments make money, and they can be a lot of fun at the same time. Some suggestions are basketball, baseball, table tennis, golf and pool.

School dances Take any opportunity to sponsor a dance on school grounds with the school’s permission. This can be an easy way to make money. Hire an inexpensive DJ, or produce your own music/dance tapes and find someone with a great stereo system. Also, approach area junior high principals to see if they would allow you to sponsor a dance for junior high students. Check for your school’s rules in regard to dances.

Scooping for money Host a “Make Your Own Sundae‖ event. Schedule this project during lunch.

Spring sales A successful springtime fundraiser is a garage sale. Collect items door-todoor for the sale. Also make advertisements and hand them out at grocery stores.

Spice up your dances A good way to add fun to your dances is to use an overhead projector. For 25 cents, students send messages, which are projected onto a wall. For example, one message might read: "Mary, will you dance with me?—John.” “John, yes, I’ve been waiting all night for you to ask.—Mary.” It’s suggested that a faculty member proofread the messages to prevent hurt feelings or improper language.

Sweetheart ball Host a sweetheart ball around Valentine’s Day. Rent the ballroom of a local hotel. Make sure the event receives adequate publicity, decoration planning and pre-event ticket sales.

Spirit sweats Sell sweatshirts and pants—printed with the school name, logo and colors—to students. Work with a local vendor to ensure the best price.

“-Thons” Sponsor a dance–a–thon, rock–a– thon, bowl–a–thon, game–a–thon, swing–a–thon, teeter totter–a–thon, etc. Donate the proceeds to a charity.

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 16

Fundraising Ideas continued Students and faculty arrested ―Jail and bail‖ is a popular fundraiser. Build the jail out of any available materials, such as cardboard. Hold students, teachers and administrators during two days of ―arrests.‖ Sell arrest warrants for one dollar. Charges can range from skipping class to imitating a student. On the third day, warrants are served during homeroom. ―Criminals‖ must raise $5 bail or spend their free period in the jail, which can be located in the cafeteria. Talent shows Host a talent show in conjunction with Key Club Week, homecoming, spring fling, etc. With good promotion throughout the school, a successful show can be organized. Have a Key Club emcee introduce several acts from the school, including Key Club skits, for a successful variety night. Key Clubbers usher, serve as doormen and sell refreshments. Ushers Some organizations will pay very well for ushers at ball games, plays and other events.

Traffic safety week Sponsor a traffic safety week in your school and town. Arrange for a speaker from the police force at the first of the week. After the kick-off, he or she can show a movie. The rest of the week can be filled with a “driver road-eo.‖‖Sell backseat drivers’ licenses and arrange a contest for safety posters. Turkey grams/ghoul grams/bunny grams For a small fee, sell ―grams‖ during various holidays. These grams can be a card with some candy or something similar. Singing telegrams also can be used for a fun project. Turkey teacher competition For teachers who are willing to participate, students bring in money or canned food and place it under the name of their favorite teacher. The teacher with the most money and ounces of food wins. That teacher either wears a turkey costume or carries a stuffed toy turkey all day. He or she also wins a turkey dinner. The canned food and money is donated to the Salvation Army.

Ugly teacher contest Display pre-approved photos of faculty members during the lunch hour. Students could vote for the cutest, funniest or ugliest photo. Stuffing the ballot boxes IS permitted. Donations are sent to the Heart Fund, Cancer Society or some other worthy cause. Valentine’s Day kisses, flowers, cookies This holiday provides many opportunities for fundraising. Selling bags of chocolate kisses (and delivering them in school) is an easy project. Also, taking orders for red, pink or white carnations with delivery (in school) on Valentine’s Day can be a successful project. Selling Valentine cookies during a lunch period or before or after school also can raise funds. Weigh and pay Host a supper or luncheon, preferably a social event, and charge each person a penny a pound for whatever she or he weighs. You need a ―weigh station‖‖booth at the door. Try this with your sponsoring Kiwanis club.

Again, these are just some ideas! So feel free to change them up and go with it. I would love to see each club do at least one project each month though! .

Information from Key Club Resources and www.keyclub.org 17

August Divisional Council Meeting (DCM) Bradley Lake Park 531 31st Ave. SE Puyallup, WA

The DCM for August will be at Bradley Lake in Puyallup at August 24th, which is a Wednesday. It will start at 2pm and probably end at 4 or 5pm. We’ll be meeting under the Picnic Shelter.

We will... ... talk about and finalize ideas for the Divisional BBQ. ... talk about KCCP. ... make trauma dolls for KCCP. So be sure to bring $5 for material costs.

For August, this DCM is mandatory for officers. And I would like Advisors to come as well. If you cannot come, please PLEASE let me know ahead of time so I know not to deduct points from your Club.

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. "-- Ralph Waldo Emerson 18

Seattle Rally


Service 2011 Seattle Rally!


Peace, Love, and Service!



Key Clubbers from the surrounding Seattle area. Incoming freshman and outgoing seniors are also invited.



August 15, 2011 from 10am – 4pm

How much?

Kent-Meridian High School 10020 Southeast 256th Street Kent, WA 98030

It’s a great chance to meet new people or to meet people you met at DCON that were from the Seattle area!

Only $5. This includes lunch too! From Tacoma (South) 1. Take the I-5 NORTH 2. Take the WA-18 EAST exit towards AUBURN/NORTH BEND, exit #142A 3. Merge on WA-18 EAST 4. Take the WA-167 NORTH exit towards KENT/RENTON 5. Merge on WA-167 NORTH 6. Take the WA-516/WILLIS ST. exit towards DES MOINES 7. Turn Right on WILLIS ST/WA-516 EAST 8. Continue on WILLIS ST Turn Left on CENTRAL AVE. 9. Turn Right on E SMITH ST, go through lights and uphill. 10. Continue uphill past French Field Stadium and merge left. 11. Turn left into Kent-Meridian at light at top of hill.

"Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. "--Muhammad Ali 19

Club Information

1) BONNEY LAKE HS 10920 199th Avenue Ct E Bonney Lake, WA 98391

4) PUYALLUP HS 105 7th St SW Puyallup, WA 98371

2) EMERALD RIDGE HS 12405 184th Street East Puyallup, Washington 98374

5) ROGERS HS 12801 86th Ave E Puyallup, WA 98373

3) ENUMCLAW HS 226 Semanski Street Enumclaw, WA 98022

6) SUMNER HS 1707 Main Street Sumner, WA 98390

7) WHITE RIVER HS 26928 120th Street East Buckley, WA 98321

Be sure to keep in touch with your officers, advisors, and Kiwanians!

"Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success." -- Unknown 20

Kiwanis Information A huge ―Thank You‖ to all the Kiwanis Clubs that help sponsors Key Club. Be sure to attend some of your sponsoring Kiwanis Club meetings to show your appreciation and to let them know what is going on within your clubs, like any events or projects that are planned out.




1) BONNEY LAKE President – Robert Blest Secretary – Rex Pulfrey

4) EDGEWOOD/MILTON President – Danny Bowling Secretary – Don Nelson

7) PUYALLUP President – Rudy Fyles Secretary – Ethyl Dow

meets Cedar Ridge Retirement Center 9515 198th Ave E. 7 AM, Tuesdays

meets at Johnny’s at Fife 5211 20th Street E., Fife 7:30 AM, Thursdays

meets at Salvation Army 4009 9th St. SW., Puyallup Noon Thursdays

2) BUCKLEY President – Wayne Heisserman Secretary – Rose Clark

5) ENUMCLAW President – Vicky Stratton Secretary – Trina Huebler

8) PUYALLUP SUNRISERS President – Lorraine Kramer Secretary – Nancy Ritchie

meets at School District DDC 320 N. River Ave 6:45 AM, 1st and 3rd Thursdays

meets at Four Seasons Restaurant 820 Griffin Ave., Enumclaw 6:30 PM, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays

meets at Denny’s Restaurant 626 South Hill Park Dr., Puyallup 7 AM Wednesday

3) DAFFODIL VALLEY President – John Pistilli Secretary – Joe Morris

6) ORTING President – Barbara Ford Secretary –

meets at Mrs. Turner’s Restaurant 701 E. Main, Puyallup 6:30 AM, Wednesdays

meets at Orting Senior Center 120 Washington Ave. N., Orting 7:30 AM Tuesdays

"The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side. "--Margaret Carty 21

Events and Reminders 2011 Seattle Rally! Theme? When? Where? Who?

Divisional Council Meeting (DCM)

Peace, Love, and Service! August 15, 2011 @ 10am – 4pm Kent-Meridian High School

Key Clubbers from the surrounding Seattle area. Incoming freshman, outgoing seniors, and advisors are also invited.

Bulletin Editors! This is something new for the Division, but I would love to get a copy of your Club Bulletins! Club Bulletins help me know what’s going on and that communication is going well. The first bulletin of the month is worth 25 points and any bulletin after is worth 10. If I don’t get a bulletin from your Club it’s -10 points. Just e-mail me a copy of your Bulletin whenever you finish it. If you need help making a Bulletin or have any other questions, please give me a call or text or an e-mail!

When? Where?

August 24, 2011 Bradley Lake Park in Puyallup, WA

Club officer attendance is mandatory. Advisor attendance would be wonderful!


Secretaries! Do not forget that your Club Reports are due every 5th of each month! This includes the summer months too! Please do not forget to do them and get them done early! Jelly Board points will be given out if they’re turned in on time! It doesn’t matter if it’s late as long as you get it in! Submit them at pnwkeyclub.org/secretary_form.html Have questions? Don’t hesitate to call/text/email!

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. "--Ralph Waldo Emerson 22

Jelly Board What is this “Jelly Board”?

It’s a scoreboard that I’ve started for our Division, all of the Clubs started with 0 points. By the end of the Key Club year, the winning Club will receive handmade trophy! The officers and members of that Club that attend my last DCM will also receive a prize! So be sure to do everything you can to get points. Look out in the newsletters for updates!


Bulleting Editors-

Send in your reports to get points for your clubs!

Start sending in your Bulletins/Newsletters to get points! Summer bulletins are optional but you still get points for them 

Point Scale - DCM’s Every officer that attends................................+10 points Every member................................................+5 points Full officer attendance...................................+20 points No officer or member......................................-10 points - Contact Information First club to complete contact info....................+50 points Completed contact info.................................+30 points - Monthly Duties Secretary Report on time................................+25 points Secretary Report late.....................................+10 points Secretary Report not turned in..........................-10 points At least one bulletin for the month....................+25 points Every bulletin afterwards.................................+10 points No bulletin for the month.................................-10 points - DCON/ICON/Rallies/Divisional Projects Each Key Clubber attending DCON..................+10 points Each Key Clubber attending ICON....................+25 points Each Key Clubber attending a Rally..................+10 points Each Key Clubber attending a Division Project.....+15 points

Scoreboard Bonney Lake HS..... -10 points Emerald Ridge HS.... 80 points Enumclaw HS.......... 0 points Puyallup HS......... 380 points Rogers HS........... -10 points Sumner HS.......... 200 points White River HS..... 395 points *If you have negative points.. .. Send in your Secretary Report .. Send in Club Bulletins .. Attend DCM’s .. Send me your Club Contact Info .. And look on Page 24

"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three. "--Elayne Boosler 23

District Contacts 2011-2012 District Board Members & Administrators

Governor Varun Awasthi varun.awas@gmail.com

Secretary Emerson Kim emersonkim1221@gmail.com Treasurer Neha Dalal neha.dalal101@gmail.com Editor MaryAlice Peng maryalice.peng@gmail.com Convention Chair Felicia Nguyen feliciakn@yahoo.com Project Director Samuel Kim samkeem@gmail.com Communications Director Marcus Frates marcusfrates@gmail.com Growth Director Candace Aguirre ltg.candaceaguirre@gmail.com District Administrator John Jay jmjay@bainbridge.net Assistant Administrator Suzanne Endroedy suzbeth1@comcast.net

If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m just a phone call/text/e-mail away!

Ways to get points... 1. When/where is the August DCM? First 5 people to text me the answer gets 10 points. The next 5 people will earn 5 points.

2. What should you bring to the August DCM and what is it for? First 5 people to text me the answer gets 10 points. The next 5 people will earn 5 points.

3. When do dues become payable? First 5 people to text me the answer gets 10 points. The next 5 people will earn 5 points.

- Send me a Divisional Shirt design using the Divisional Colors and the Mascot. E-mail me your design and get 30 points for your Club.


Last Reminders

August 15 – Seattle Rally at Kent-Meridian HS from 10am-4pm August 24th – August DCM at Bradley Lake at 2pm Sometime in September – Division 30 BBQ October 15th – Youth Opportunities Fund application due! 5th of each month – Club Secretary Reports are due! At least once a month – Club Bulletins due!

My Contact Information Cell Number: E-mail: Skype: ooVoo: Address:

253-389-6144 . gracechon94@gmail.com gracechon94 .... gracechon . 1125 Rose Pl. . Buckley, WA 98321

Dues Dates

October 1st – Dues become payable November 1st – Early Bird* Dues due December 1st – Regular Dues due *An award that a Key Club can win if it has at least 15 paid members by November 1st.

"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. "--George Burns 24

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