Can ICTs improve the livelihoods of Egyptian women artisans? Findings and Recommendations
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
The Gender Research in Africa into ICTs for Empowerment (GRACE) – a research network of 12 countries, 14 research teams. The projects explores the ways African women use ICTs, the external structural barriers, and the internal factors preventing or enabling them to use ICTs to their advantage. The projects aims to understand what “empowerment” and “gender” mean in multiple African ICT contexts. The lessons learned will be shared with policy makers and educators.
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Egypt and e-commerce: any potential for crafts? Phased
introduction of financial transactions over the Internet Law 15 of 2004 and the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) ITIDA to date focus on B2B E-commerce as a way to lower trading middle layers for crafts women? Fair Trade? Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Application of ICTs by women in the crafts sector? Egypt
Difficulty locating producers who use ICTs for their crafts Reluctance of traders to uncover their producers NGO based producers as main interviewees Cairo based female trader using Internet Use of Internet for design research Use of computing for inventory.
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Crafts marketing: international examples Internet
based: Novica (wholesaler model), Peoplink (SMEs targeted) Traditional with Internet offerings:
Aid to Artisans EarthBound
New York and San Francisco Gift Fairs Out of Africa – Into Africa – the South African hegemony Weavers Online Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
ICTs a solution for producers: examples from the Agricultural Sector DrumNet:
Pride Africa using mobiles to triangulate producers, traders, lending institutions
An Internet based produce collection model
Leila Hassanin
- the way to go.
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Factors affecting Crafts Trade Demand Fashion
trends Theme creation (African, Scandinavian, etc.) Marketing is King Traditional markets vs. E-commerce Transportation, customs, regulations Quality, quality, quality Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Women’s Voices
From the Zabbaleen: Yvonne, Samia
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
A Glimpse of the production process
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Patchwork ‌ of lives
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
Siwan women
Siwa: Laila and her ICT classroom The ICT roving table – alternative solutions.
Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta
What’s outside the box? Could it be new rooms and structures of their own? Leila Hassanin
Presentation for Rooms of Their Own, 2-4 May, 2007, Univ. of Alberta