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Moving On

We have seen that the world is opening slowly but surely. The promise of a return to normalcy has been supported with the availability of a vaccine, following CDC guidelines and continuation of hygiene practices. These may be enough for some to get ready to move on, but others need more than information in order to decide, they need their faith. Belief in what God is doing in the lives of those walking in the Spirit is what will keep us in this season. Moving on is not just something we have to do as a country or community. There are also pivotal times when we must decide in our personal, professional and spiritual lives that a change for the better is necessary.


We must face the fact that moving on is difficult and sometimes a challenge but is a part of life that comes our way through circumstances or is something we choose. Either way, moving on requires motivation and perseverance. Motivation is critical because it helps you develop and focus on a plan of action. Inspiration and purpose are important once you determine moving on is your only option. Being stuck or forced stagnation can be a challenge to overcome but knowing what drives you can be critical to success in moving into your next season.

The other important factor is perseverance. You must be determined to complete the goal you are pursuing especially when it is a result of circumstances and not by choice. When life happens and pushes us to move on it can take fortitude and strength to push through the baggage that may have gotten you there. Perseverance helps to get past the burdens and into the place of contentment and peace. Moving on is possible when you rely on God to order your steps. Use your faith and pursue wisdom in this crucial time. The world may be opening, but make sure your next move is with the strength of your faith. Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian

Counseling Center

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