Want a drink?

Page 1






This is for you

The one who wants to know a little more about cocktails , their history and how to be the bar’s king This is a gift for you and the world.



40 Rum



50 Champagne




7 The Bar´s King 9 Summer Season

12 13 14 15-19

22 23 24 25-29

A little History Features Types Time to try

A short Story Wine & Food Glasses to use Sangría Party

30 Vodka

32 Some real Facts 33 Top 5 tasting 34-39 Party Mode On

42 43 44 45-49

52 53 54 55-59

Birth of Brands Random Facts Types Of Rum Time to try

Champagne vs. Prosecco Cristal Rose Some Brands Popping Time


62 A tale to tell 63 Things you didnt’t know 65-69 No shot Party

70 Shots time

71 Now it’s Shots time 72 To heal the heat




A bartender, also known as a barkeep, barman, barmaid, is a person who formulates and serves alcoholic beverages behind the bar, usually in a licensed establishment. Bartenders also usually maintain the supplies and inventory for the bar.

Personality Sure, the bartender is there to mix drinks, but


he's also there to tell jokes, listen to work gripes and provide amateur psychology services. Some bartenders excel at remembering patrons' usual drinks, some are aces at trading gossip, and some will give you quarters for the jukebox. Whatever their particular asset or gimmick, a bartender has to relate to a customer with charm, style and humor as well as provide first-rate customer service.

Memory Bartenders must know the difference between a dry martini and a dirty martini, and all the variations in between. Particularly successful bartenders remember the names of regular patrons, and also what they normally drink. For this reason, having a good memory is an important trait for a top-notch bartender.

Mixology Skills Bartenders must know enough about wine to recommend a good vintage, enough about beer to describe the difference between an ale and a lager, and also be able to mix an array of cocktails, from the classic to the trendy.

7 7



9 9



The invention of bread and beer has been argued to be responsible for humanity’s ability to develop technology and build civilization. The earliest chemically confirmed barley

Beer is one of the oldest beverages hu-

beer to date was discovered at Godin Tepe in

mans have produced, dating back to at

the central Zagros Mountains of Iran, where

least the fifth millennium BC and recorded fragments of a jug, at least 5,000 years old in the written history of ancient Egypt and

was found to be coated with beerstone, a by

Mesopotamia. As almost any cereal con-

product of the brewing process.

taining certain sugars can undergo spontaneous fermentation due to wild yeasts

Beer produced before the Industrial Revo-

in the air, it is possible that beer-like

lution continued to be made and sold on a

beverages were independently developed

domestic scale, although by the 7th century

throughout the world soon after a tribe or

AD beer was also being produced and sold by

culture had domesticated cereal. Chemi-

European monasteries. During the Industrial

cal tests of ancient pottery jars reveal that Revolution, the production of beer moved beer was produced as far back as about

from artisanal manufacture to industrial

7,000 years ago in what is today Iran.

manufacture, and domestic manufacture ceased to be significant by the end of the

Beer 19th century.



brewed fermented alcoholic drinks

3000 BC: Barley beer was being produced in the mountain or Iran

1000: Beer was popular in medieval times, partly because the brewing process killed off diseases

1750: Beer production moved

1420: Bottom- fermented beers were discovered by accident and are known today as largers


7000 BC: Villagers in China


from artisanal and domestic to industrial manufacture

1820: G. Sedmay produced pale larger by mixing pale ale and larering techniques

1953: Coutts created continuous fermentation, which is still used commercially in New Zealand

1989: Plastic widget discs were put in canned beer to create a smooth head when poured

2010: A 55 % abv ale called The end of History is claimed to be the strongest beer produced to date

2012: National Planning Policy Framework ( NPPF) was created and has helped save pubs from closure





The first thing you experience when you get a beer is the appearance. You see the beer in the glass and take in how it looks. This is one of the reasons it is vital to use the proper glass



After you take in the appearance of the beer, aroma would be the next characteristic you should notice. Hold your once close to the surface of the beer, ideally inside the lip of a snifter

for the beer. I don’t care how good a beer

or tulip glass. Take a deep breath in

is, if it’s served to you in a red plastic cup,

and notice all the aromas in the beer.

it won’t be appealing to you, or at least

There are a multitude of different aro-

not as appealing as it could be.

mas you can pic up from a beer.


Flavor and Mouthfeel


After the first initial taste, take a second drink, swish it around in your mouth, and exhale while the beer is still in your mouth. This can give a secondary aroma “smell” as well, as you force the aroma


The last characteristic here we can put a number on is color. We mentioned color above in reference to appearance. Color is somewhat subjective, but there is a scale to place beer into color categories.

into your nose in the opposite direction.

This is useful to see if a beer lines up

You can pick up on unique notes by do-

correctly within it’s style, and to make

ing this. Swallow the beer and notice the

sure it was brewed correctly. The system

lasting taste in your mouth. This, paired

used here is the Standard Reference

with the taste as you swallowed, is the

Method, or SRM. The SRM allows some-


one, including a BJCP judge, to quickly estimate the color of a beer.



AMBER A very versatile beer, Amber beers are full bodied malt aromas with hints of caramel, these beers could be lager

Dark amber or brown in colour,

BLONDE Blonde ales are very pale in colour and tend to be clear, crisp,

brown ale have evidence of caramel and chocolate flavours and

and dry, and aroma from hops

may have a slight citrus accent.

and some sweetness from malt.

Appearance The first thing you experience when you get a beer is the appearance. You see the beer in the glass and take in how it looks. This is one of the reasons it is vital to use the proper glass for the beer. I don’t care how good a beer

GOLDEN is, if it’s served to you in a red plastic cup, First developed in the UK, GoldDark ale is a British type beer, It’s FRUITto you, or at least it won’t be appealing en ales are straw coloured with a a medium chestnut brown colour, In appealing order to allow thebe. fruit not as as it for could slight hint of citrus and vanilla. with a delicate fruity smell and flavor to come through nicely, It contain spicier flavours. robust, malty character. the malt’s flavor is not dominant DARK

and there is a low bitterness level to the beer.

WHEAT Light and easy to drink with very little aftertaste. Wheat provides a soft character to beer and is some-


times hazy or cloudy with a touch of spice notes.



Red Michelada



6oz can tomato juice


limes, juiced (about 1/3 cup juice)

1/4 teaspoon celery salt 1

teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1/4 teaspoons Tabasco or preferred hot sauce



Prepare the glasses: rub the rims of four tall glasses with the lime wedges then coat the rims with either celery or plain salt.


In a bowl or measuring cup, combine the tomato juice, lime juice, celery salt, Worcestershire and Tabasco (or desired hot sauce) and mix well.


Adjust seasoning to taste, and a handful of ice to each of the prepared glasses


Top up the glasses with half a bottle of beer each, then garnish with a lime wedge and finally add half cup of tomato juice


1 12oz bottles or cans of beer (Modelo is ideal)

12. Oz Cherry soda

12. Oz Jose Cuervo Tequila

Cherry Beer- garita

12. Oz Corona beer

12. Oz Limeade Concetrate

Serve in a mason jar

17 17

Black Velvet

This famous drink was invented in 1861 at Brook’s Club in London. Prince Albert had died, everyone was in mourning. The story goes that the steward at the club, overcome with the emotion of the occasion, ordered that even the champagne should be put into mourning and proceeded to mix it with Guinness. The taste was so delicious the Black Velvet quickly became extremely popular.

INGREDIENTS 1/2 Flute Champagne 1/2 Flute Guinness Extra Stout


1 2 18

Pour the Guinness Extra Stout into a clean/polished champagne flute. Top up the glass with the champagne, being careful to ensure there is no overspill.

Summer Beer

THINGS TO USE 5-6 strawberries, cut up into chunks 2-4 White Beers or Wheat Beers


1 2

Place the strawberries chunks in your blender.

Puree until smooth, then pour into a sifter over a bowl.

3 4

Strain until only the juice is left and there is no pulp chill for at least an hour. Fill a glass with the beer and pour the watermelon juice on top. Serve immediately.


Wine 20

LETS of wine production yet found has been at sites in Georgia (c. 6000 BC),Iran (c. 5000 BC), Greece (c. 4500 BC) and Armenia (c. 4100 BC), where the oldest winery to date was uncovered. The altered consciousness produced by wine has been considered religious since its origin. The Greeks worshiped Dionysus and Bacchus and the Romans carried on his cult.Consumption of ritual wine was part of Jewish practice since Biblical times and, as part of the eucharist commemorating Jesus’s Last Supper, became even more essential to the Christian Church.

The Turkic Uyghurs were even responsible for reïntroducing viticulture to China from the Tang dynasty onwards. Wine production and consumption increased, burgeoning from the 15th



The earliest archaeological evidence

century onwards as part of European expansion. Despite the devastating 1887 phylloxera louse infestation, modern science and technology adapted and industrial wine production and wine consumption now occur throughout the world.

Although Islam nominally forbade the production or consumption of wine, during its Golden Age, alchemists such as Geber pioneered wine’s distillation for medicinal and industrial purposes such as the production of perfume.

21 21

production of wine is dated to 10


thousand years ago, in an ancient

4000 : Remains of the

region of Colchis (modern day

oldest winery were found


in Armenia.

1600 AD : Wine pottery was used in burial ceremonies of Chinese Xia Dynasty royal members.


8000 BC: Earliest known

1729 : Ruinart, world oldest French champagne house was founded.

1864: First sighting of Phylloxera in France. 19th-20th: Wine productions spreads across the entire world. Vineyards in California, Australia, South America and New Zealand gain acclaim.

1920: American prohibition starts. Sale and consumption of alcohol became illegal, which brought closure to many vineries.

1934: Prohibition ends. In California, only 160 of 700 wineries survive.

1976 : For the first time, Californian wine managed to beat French in the famous “Judgment of Paris� tasting.

2010:The total wine production intended for export vreached the number of 8.3 million tons, with Italy (1.7 million), France (1.4 million) and Spain (1.3 million) having biggest


market share.


Sushi, Popcorn,

Salads, roasted vegeta-

Thai and Chinese cuisine

Soups, pasta, and

chicken and fish

bles and flachy fish

Oily fish and chicken




Mediterranean cuisine,

Risotto mushroom soup,

rich shelfish, and pork

pizza, and chicken pie










Wine & food



Italian cuisine, pizzan,

Roasted smoked and

pork, duck, and lamb

barbecued meats


cured mear and beef

Glasses to use BURGUNDY RED WINE









White sangría

2 lime wedges 6 fresh mint leaves 1 teaspoon agave 1/2 cup chilled white wine 1/4 cup chilled club soda Ice

DIRECTIONS Combine the lime, mint, and agave in a glass and muddle gently with a spoon. Add the wine, club soda, and ice and stir.

INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup sugar

1 ½ cups strawberry lemonade

Strawberry sangría

2 cups ginger ale 1 bottle Rosé wine 1 cup strawberries, sliced 1 orange, sliced


all but ginger ale into a pitcher and chill for 1 Combine at least an hour.

2 Before serving, add in ginger ale and serve over ice.

26 26

Sparkling sun sagría INGREDIENTS 3 cups white grape juice ½ cup orange juice ¼ cup granulated sugar 3 tbs honey 1 nectarine, chopped ½ cup blueberries ½ cup cherries ½ cup raspberries ½ cup fresh basil ½ cup fresh mint 1 orange, quartered and sliced 1 bottle sparkling white wine, chilled

DIRECTIONS Combine all but sparkling wine together in a large pitcher and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Just before serving, add sparkling wine and mix. Serve over ice.


Red Wine SangrĂ­a

The best base for sangria, of course, is a wine from Spain. In terms of red, go for

something like a Rioja blend or straight-up tempranillo. For white, you can use a Spanish white like albarino, or you could also opt for sauvignon blanc or pinot grigio. Also, for sparkling, cava is ideal.

THINGS TO USE 1 bottle red Spanish wine 1 cup fresh orange juice 1/2 pineapple, chopped (roughly 1 cup) 1/2 pear, cubed 1 orange, sliced into thin rounds and then halved



1 2


Slice fruit and drop into a large pitcher. Add orange juice, then wine and stir

Refrigerate until serving 4-6 hours would be ideal so the flavors can mingle.

Red Wine Fudgesicles THINGS TO USE 1 cup red wine 1 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips 1 1/2 cup milk.



In a small pot simmer the wine over low/medium heat for 12-18 minutes, allowing it to reduce



Remove from heat and whisk in the chocolate until completely melted.

Stir in the milk. Pour into your popsicle tray and freeze over night. Or you can just add wine and stir in your cup

29 29


Eastern Europe, the name stemming


from the Russian word ‘voda’ meaning

water or, as the Poles would say ‘woda’. The first documented production of vodka in Russia was at the end of the 9th century, but the first known distillery at, Khylnovsk, was about two hundred years later as reported in the Vyatka Chronicle of 1174. The first identifiable Polish vodkas appeared in the 11th century when they were called ‘gorzalka’, originally used as medicines. The spread of awareness of vodka continued throughout the 19th century, helped by the presence in many parts of Europe of Russian soldiers involved in the Napoleonic Wars.


Increasing popularity led to escalating demand and to meet this demand, lower grade products were produced


Vodka is a drink which originated in

based largely on distilled potato mash. of perfume. The Turkic Uyghurs were

even responsible for reïntroducing viticulture to China from the Tang dynasty onwards. It is only at the end of the 19th century, with all state distilleries adopting a standard production technique and hence a guarantee of quality, that the

name vodka was officially and formally recognised. louse infestation, modern science and technology adapted and

Vodka industrial wine production and wine consumption now occur throughout the world.

31 31

As opposed to popular belief, vodka does go bad if stored for longer periods of time. Georgia). While traditional vodka has exactly 38 percent alcohol, the

Up until 1885, vodka was only sold in 12.3 litre buckets and even still, it was a very popular drink.

European Union recognizes any such drink with more than 37.5 % alcohol content as vodka.

October 4th: Vodka National Day

Due to the high production and consumption of vodka in America, countries like Russia, and Ukraine constitute the Vodka Belt.

While this drink is normally associated with Russian culture, the first version was actually

The first variations of Russian vodka were meant for medicinal

brought to Russia by Italians early in the 15th century.

purposes. It is also reported that Polish vodka was scented and used as aftershave

According to some historic accounts, vodka was used to make gunpowder in Sweden in the 15th century

While clear vodka is very popular, its flavored versions are also widely available.

Some of the best vodka flavors are red pepper, ginger, varying fruit flavors, vanilla, chocolate (unsweetened), and cinnamon.




Top 5 tasting












1997, France Grey Goose is made by wheat and represents one of the best French Vodkas which is produced since 1997.

CRYSTAL HEAD ($50-90) 2007, Canada It’s Canadian origin premium class Vodka with original bottle design.

1860, Russia

1970, Finland Represents one of

One of the oldest

the best tradition-

Russian Vodka

al Finnish Vodkas

with reach tradi-

(since 1970) which is relatively cheap but really distinguished by its mild taste.

ABSOLUT ($15-35)

tions and numbers of variants.

1879, Sweden We recommend you to consume it if you like Vodka with moderate taste.

33 33



Upside Down CAKE



2 oz Smirnoff iced cake 1 oz Orange juice 1 oz Pineapple juice 1 Top off with club soda

Shake pineapple juice and vanilla vodka with ice in a tumbler. Pour into a martini cocktail glass. Add dash of grenadine, and serve


Classic Bloody Mary

INGREDIENTS 1 oz Absolut No. 21 Vodka 3 oz tomato juice 2 red hot sauce 2 green hot sauce 1 dash Worcestershire sauce 0.5 oz lemon juice 1 pinch salt 1 pinch peppers 1 stalk celery

DIRECTIONS Add Absolut No.21 Vodka, tomato juice, red hot sauce, green hot sauce, worchester sauce, lemon juice, pinch of salt, pinch of pepper. Pour back and forth between two mixing glasses. Strain into an ice-filled highball glass. Garnish with celery stalk.


California Lemonade INGREDIENTS 12 oz 7-Up速 soda 2 oz Absolut速 vodka 2 oz blended whiskey juice of 1 lemons juice of 1 limes 1 tbsp powdered sugar 1/4 tsp grenadine syrup carbonated water

STEPS Shake all ingredients (except carbonated water) with ice and strain into a collins glass over shaved ice. Fill with carbonated water and stir. Decorate with slices of orange and lemon.


White Russian INGREDIENTS 1 oz. Smirnoff No. 21 0.75 oz. Godiva Mocha Liqueur 2 oz. heavy cream

DIRECTIONS To make the drink, start by mixing the vodka and liqueur in an old-fashioned glass filled with ice, stir, and top it off with the heavy cream.

Caramel Spiced TEA


1.5 oz. Smirnoff Kissed Caramel 2 oz. strong Chai tea 1 oz. milk or half & half 0.5 oz. simple syrup

DIRECTIONS To prepare the drink, shake all of the above ingredients with ice. Then shake and pour the mixture into a double rocks glass.


Finally, drizzle with caramel.


IN TIME Rum is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from sugarcane byproducts, such as molasses, or directly from sugarcane juice, by a process of fermentation and distillation. The distillate, a clear liquid, is then usually aged in oak barrels. The majority of the world’s rum production occurs in the Caribbean and Latin

islands of the West Indies as well as in The Maritimes and Newfoundland. This beverage has famous associations with the Royal Navy (where it was mixed with water or beer to make grog) and piracy (where it was consumed as bumbo). Rum has also served as a popular medium of economic exchange, used to help fund enterprises such as slavery, organized crime, and military insurgencies The first distillation of rum took place on the sugarcane plantations of the Caribbean in the 17th century. Plantation slaves first dis-


covered molasses, a byproduct of the sugar

Rums are produced in various grades. Light

alcohol.Later, distillation of these alcoholic

rums are commonly used in cocktails, whereas “golden” and “dark” rums were typically consumed straight or neat, on the rocks, or used for cooking, but are now commonly consumed with mixers. Premium rums are also available, made to be consumed either straight or iced.

40 40

Rum plays a part in the culture of most

refining process, could be fermented into byproducts concentrated the alcohol and removed impurities, producing the first true rums. Tradition suggests rum first originated on the island of Barbados. However, in the


decade of the 1620s, rum production was recorded in Brazil



1703: Mount Gay Ru

Birth Of... 1804 : Lemon Hart

1876 : Ron Zacapa 1878 : Havana Club

1890: Flor de Cana 1893: Malibu

1930: Barcelo 1959: Cacique

1992 : El Dorado



2013:Nine Leaves

Random 1 3 5


The precursors to rum date back to ancient India

and China where fermented drinks were produced from sugarcane.


Other names for rum include Nelson’s blood, kill-devil, demon water, pirate’s drink, navy neaters, Barbados water, grog, and rumbullion.

George Washington was quite the mixologist — he was well known for hisMount Vernon eggnog, which he fortified with dark Jamaican rum.


In the 1800s, rum was highly revered as a go-to beauty product for its ability to clean hair and strengthen its roots.

Jamaica’s Wray & Nephew currently owns the most expensive rum in the world . There are four remai ning bottles from the 1940s going for $40,000 a pop.


Types ofRum WHITE RUM

Light rum is also known as white or silver rum and has nearly no color and a light flavor. It is filtered multiple times to remove any impurities and is

SPICY RUM Spiced rum typically is aged for the same length of time as black rum but spices and caramel colorings are added to give it a signature sweet spice taste.

not aged very long.



Gold rum is also known as

Coconut flavored caribbean white

amber rum. This rum has been

rum, with a taste reminiscent of

aged in wooden casks for some

coconut, almonds and mocha.

period of time which gives the

Sold in over 80 countries, Mali-

spirit its signature color and

bu rum is a leading global brand

sweeter, richer flavor.

among rum products.


Time to TRY




1½ oz. Oronoco Rum 5 wedge lime 1 tbsp. sugar 3 oz. fresh squeezed lime juice Crushed ice

STEPS In shaker, muddle 4 lime wedges and sugar. Add Oronoco, lime juice, and ice. Shake vigorously. Strain contents into a chilled martini glass and garnish with lime wedge.



THINGS TO USE 1村 oz. Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum 6 oz. pi単a colada mix 1 spear pineapple 1 maraschino cherry

STEPS Add Captain Morgan Rum and pi単a colada mix over crushed ice in a blender. Blend until smooth and pour into specialty glass. Garnish with pineapple spear and maraschino cherry.



12 whole mint leaves 1Ÿ oz. Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum 1 tsp. sugar ½ oz. lime juice 2 oz. Soda water

STEPS Place mint leaves in bottom of glass. Add crushed ice, Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, sugar, and lime juice, and muddle. Add soda water and garnish with mint leaves.



3 oz. Myers’s Original Dark Rum 3 oz. Captain Morgan Silver Spiced Rum 1½ oz. Grand Marnier 6 oz. orange juice 6 oz. pineapple juice 1½ oz. lime juice 1½ oz. simple syrup 4 dash bitters 2 oz. grenadine 1 orange wheel


Add in a pitcher Myers’s Original Dark Rum, Captain Morgan Silver Spiced Rum, Grand Marnier, orange juice, pineapple juice, lime juice, simple syrup, bitters, and grenadine. Pour into shaker and add ice. Shake and strain into an ice-filled highball glass. Garnish with orange wheel.




of ships, toasted billions of weddings and special occasions, flutes attended countless parties, and shared untold special moments between two people. Champagne is the wine of celebration. No other wine is so associated with joy and festivity. Its meaning and appeal are universal. Champagne makes the young sages and the old young again. Champagne has exported its techniques around the world. Sparkling wines are made the world over, but here we will explore the sparkling wines from the north of France called Champagne.


Champagne gained importance in its


Champagne has launched thousands

LETS own right, during the middle ages as a

center of European trade. The medieval counts of C100 Years Warhampagne were wise enough to encourage commerce and strong enough to protect

the traveling merchants. They created the then famous, Fairs of Champagne. Though these fairs were mainly about cloth, they were of obvious benefit for the wines of Champagne as it gave them easy exposure and access to important wine markets.

ampagne Champagne was a region long before it

was a sparkling wine. The region lies at a crossroads of northern Europe the river valleys leading south to the Mediter-

ranean and north to Paris, the English Channel and Western Germany.

51 51

Champagne VS.Prosecco 1963: Dom PĂŠrignin produces the 1st sparkling version of Champagne

1868: CapernĂŠ Malvoti produces the 1st sparkling version of Prosecco 2-4 atmospheres of pressure

6-7 atmospheres of pressure

Made with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot

Made with Prosecco grapes

Meunier grapes

$12-14 for a $40 for a good entry-level Champagne


good entry level Prosecco

Louis Roederer first made a clear-

Cristal is typically a bled of 60%

bottled champagne in 1867 for

Pinot Noir and 40% Chardonay

the Three Emperors Dinner. The wine was an 1847 vintage



Louis Roederer is the largest independent family owned

As Champagne ages, it becomes a deeper old color, Cristal is aged over 6 years.

Cristal is always a vintage champagne

champagne house in the world

The bottle is specially designed without a punt

53 53

Some Brands





$110- $130






The bubbles you see, are formed during a second fermentation process, because of the addition of sugar and yeast. The two ingredients react to form carbon dioxide. This creates millions of bubbles trapped in a very small space.










5 pomegranate seeds 1 ounce pomegranate liqueur 4 ounces of chilled Champagne

STEPS Add pomegrantate seed to glass. Add liqueur, and pour in champagne.

Classic Cocktail


1 sugar cube Angostura bitters Champagne Lemon or orange twist, for garnish

STEPS Soak the sugar cube in Angostura bitters and drop into a champagne flute.


Top with a luxury champagne or a sparkling wine. Garnish with a lemon or orange twist.


*FOR 8 MIMOSA COCKTAIL 1 750 ml bottle chilled dry champagne 3 cups (750 ml) chilled orange juice 1/2 cup (118 ml) Grand Marnier or triple sec (optional) *FOR 1 MIMOSA COCKTAIL 1/3 cup (79 ml) chilled dry sparkling wine 1/3 cup (79 ml) chilled orange juice 1 tablespoon (15 ml) Grand Marnier or triple sec


Fill 8 champagne flutes 1/2 full with chilled sparkling wine. Top with orange juice. If you are using, top mimosa with 1 tablespoon of Grand Marnier or triple sec.

57 57


12 ounce bag frozen raspberries, defrosted 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract Dry Champagne





1. In a small saucepan over medium heat add the bag of raspberries and sugar.

2. Stir and mash the raspberries with the back of a spoon until broken up and the raspberries have released their juices.

3. Once the mixture is mostly smooth remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla.

4. Press the raspberries through a mesh strainer to remove the seed and pulp

5. Chill.


1. In champagne flutes at a couple spoonfuls of raspberry sauce to the bottom of each flute.

2. Add a couple small scoops of vanilla ice cream on top of the sauce.

3. Top off each champagne flute with champagne, fresh raspberries and a drizzle of raspberry sauce.






Few spirits are as shrouded in myth

and mystery as tequila—and for good reason. This spicy and instantly recognizable Mexican spirit has been around for centuries, which is plenty of time for a few good tall tales to surface. The Cuervo family, who everyone now knows and loves, began commercially distilling tequila in 1758, followed later by the Sauza family in 1873 (and, we’re sure, a few other small producers in between).

Tequila found a home among Amer-

ican scofflaws. Unable to get their hands on much beyond second-rate whiskey and bathtub gin, drinkers in the U.S. began taking advantage of Mexico’s sweet agave nectar—not to mention the more than one hundred bars in Tijuana that were plentiful with drink and easy to access. In a move to take ownership of the term “tequila,” the Mexican government declared the term as its intellectual property in 1974. This made it necessary for tequila to be made and aged in certain areas of Mexico, and it also made it illegal for other countries to produce or sell their own “tequila.” Regulatory Council was additionally created to ensure quality


and promote the culture surrounding the spirit.



A tale to TELL 600: Don Pedro Sánches de Tagle, starts the first commercial tequila factory, in now Jalisco

1758 : The King of Spain gives a land grant to Don Jose Antonio de

1853 : Don Cenobio Sauza exports

Cuervo to grow agave.

three barrels to El Paso, Texas. Today, the U.S. is the No. 1 market for tequila. Mexico is second.

1931:The frozen-margarita machine is invented by Dallas restaurateur Mari-

1938 :The margarita is invented. It’s

ano Martinez Jr.

now America’s most popular cocktail

1977: Jimmy Buffett charts his only top-10 single, “Margaritaville.”

1983: Entrepreneur Robert Denton begins importing the 100% agave Chinaco.

Early 1900s: A surprising surge in tequila’s popularity leads to a shortage of agave. 2009 :Cuervo’s 250 Aniversario ($2,250), with agave grown on King Carlos’s original land grant, will be released on the 251st anniversary.


May 5th: International Tequila day established in México

1 2 3 4 5

Things you didn’t KNOW ... Tequila is made from the blue agave, or agave tequilana Weber. According to WebMD, the core of the plant contains aguamiel or “honey water,” which is used for syrup (and tequila) production.

In the mid-20th century, tequila sales spiked after California residents thought it was a psychedelic. Nope. They were just confusing mezcal with mescaline (the psychoactive alkaloid of peyote).

Physicists at the National Autonomous University of Mexico figured out a way to make artificial diamonds out of tequila. Sadly, the synthetic diamonds are too small to be turned into jewelry, but they can be used for an array of electronic and industrial purposes. Serious Tequila Aficionados Generally Don’t Do Shots. Instead, they sip tequila from a special tequila glass or brandy snifter. That way, the agave flavors and aromas can be properly enjoyed.

A Bottle Of Tequila Can Last Unopened For Years: However, once you open a bottle, you have about one to two months before oxidization and evaporation lower the quality of the tequila and destroys the agave profile.

63 63


Shot Party 65

Paloma BRAVA INGREDIENTS Pinch of salt 1 1/2 ounces reposado tequila, such as Don Julio 3/4 ounce fresh lime juice, from 1 lime 2 ounces fresh orange juice, from 1 small orange 6 ounces fresh grapefruit juice, from 1 small pink grapefruit 4 ounces grapefruit soda Agave nectar to taste

Garnish: Lime wheel


1. Fill a large glass mug with ice. 2. Add salt, tequila, lime, orange, and grapefruit juice. Stir gently.

3. Top off with grapefruit soda, add agave nectar to taste and garnish with lime wheel.


Tequila Mockingbird INGREDIENTS 2 Parts Tequila Reposado ½ Part Spearmint Liqueur ½ lime juice ¼ Almíbar 1 sprig mint leaf

DIRECTIONS Fill a shaker with ice. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass . Garnish with mint leaf..

67 67

Blood orange margarita INGREDIENTS

11/2 oz. Tequila Avi贸n 3/4 oz. Cointreau Orange liqueur 1 oz. blood orange juice 1/2 oz. fresh sour mix

DIRECTIONS In a cocktail shaker, add all ingredients with ice. Shake and strain. Best served over fresh ice and garnish with an orange twist.

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INGREDIENTS 1-1/2 oz. silver tequila 1 oz. Cointreau 1/2 oz. fresh lime juice splash simple syrup salt rim

STEPS Salt the rims of 8 glasses. Fill the glasses with ice. In a blender, combine sweet and sour mix, triple sec, tequila and Grand Marnier. Blend until smooth. Pour into glasses, squeeze a quarter lime into each glass, and serve.

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it’s Shots time 71

To heal the HEAT

1 part vodka 1 part peach schnapps 1 part cranberry juice 1 part orange juice


2 parts sour apple schnapps 1 part pineapple juice dash of lemon juice

1 part vodka 1 part amaretto 1 part melon liqueur 1 part raspberry liqueur

1 part tequila 1 part triple sec 1 part vodka Splash of orange juice Splash of sour mix

1 part blue curacao 1 part pineapple juice Dash of grenadine Splash of lemon-lime soda

1 part vodka 1 part coconut rum 1 part cherry juice Splash of lemonade




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