Opening Remarks
Congregational Hymn
Revelation 21:1-5
Tributes From Friends
Pastor Frank Kellier
Elder Moses Langston (Son-in-law)
Pentecostal Tabernacle, Miami, FL
How Great Thou Art
Elder Ralston McKenzie
Pentecostal Tabernacle, Miami, FL
Sis. Jackie Pitter
Sis. Richardson & Family
Tribute From Kings Chapel Sis. Pearletta Kerr
Song Selection
Tributes To Be Read
Scripture Reading
John 14:1-4
Tributes from Family
Congregational Hymn
Kings Chapel Women’s Fellowship Choir
Bishop G. O. Barnes
Pastor, Faith Tabernacle, Florida
Boysie Hall & Family, Toronto, Canada (Nephew/niece)
Sis. Vinette Virgo - Kings Chapel
Merlene Lewis (Sister)
Sean Campbell (Grandson)
Petchur Langston & Deltoria Green (Daughters)
Kings Chapel Praise Singers
Rose Ann Whitter (Grandniece)
When We All Get To Heaven
Kings Chapel Praise Singers
An offering will be collected in aid of The Tennyson Palmer Early Childhood Education Institution at Kings Chapel.
A video presentation will be played during the offering
Prayer For The Family
Closing Song
Minister Lincoln Black
Minister Claudette Hamilton
Kings Chapel Praise Singers
Frances Farquharson nee Anderson, was a woman ordained by God to be a gift, and the source of opportunities, for her children and others within her path. She was known to different people as, Miss Frances, Miss Sweetie, Auntie Sweetie, Mama Sweetie, Mom, Sister Sweetie, Mama, Grandma Sweetie, and Sister Farquharson. We all loved her dearly and had our own personal relationships with her.
Frances Anderson made her entrance in the world on May 5, 1931. She was the 8th of 9 children born to Caleb and Ann-Drusilla Anderson. Frances’ early years were spent with her parents in Madras, St Ann, Jamaica. She attended Gibraltar All Age and Stewart Town All Age Schools. After leaving school she assisted her parents on their farm, and cooked for her sister whenever visiting ministers and pastors attended the church. While in Madras, she was blessed with two beautiful daughters Petchur (Milina) and Deltoria (Valrie).
As she sought increased opportunities in life, she travelled to House of Spring and Browns Town to work. Later, she moved to Albion in Montego Bay, St. James.
Frances’ first employment in Montego Bay was at Montego Pharmacy. Following that she worked at Burger House for many years. While at Montego Pharmacy she met Louis Agustus Farquharson and they were joined in holy matrimony. The union between Louis and Frances produced three sons, Peter (Patrick), Philip (Clive), and
Louis (Devon), while they were residing in Green Pond, Montego Bay.
In 1975, Frances, and her daughter Petchur (Milina), sat together and discussed their life and options for church attendance. Petchur did not like the ‘noisy’ churches, so they went to The Church of the Nazarene. Frances was involved in the Ladies Auxiliary Department while her daughter taught Sunday School. As they read the Bible and discussed what they read, they did not see all the evidence of what they read in the church they attended. Frances wanted more.
In 1977, her daughter visited the ‘noisy’ church, Kings Chapel, in Albion, Montego Bay. There she received the Holy Ghost and was baptized in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. Frances wanted it too, and in February 1977, she also received the gift of the Holy Ghost and was baptized in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. She served in the Ladies Auxiliary Department and in the Evangelism Ministry at Kings Chapel.
In the 90’s Frances travelled to the United States to visit her daughter. During that time, she attended Faith Tabernacle Church, Ft. Lauderdale, pastored by G. Oliver Barnes and Sis. Sonia Barnes. Frances returned to Jamaica, and on returning to the USA after that, she attended Pentecostal Tabernacle Int., Miami Gardens, under the leadership of Pastor S. Robert Stewart and Sis Jennifer Stewart. Later in her life, she migrated to the United Kingdom to live with her son, Pastor Louis Woodrow Farquharson.
Sis Frances Farquharson was a praying woman of God. Even if she did not know your name, she would refer to the color of your clothing when talking to Jesus about you. She held on to her faith in God even in the midst of life’s adversaries. Although ill, she continued to sing His praises. In June 2024, she was laying on her bed dancing and singing “He is a Miracle Working God”.
On July 31, 2024, Frances transitioned to glory. She was the 8th of the siblings to depart from this life, leaving behind the last of nine siblings, Merline Lewis (aka Sister). Also mourning her loss are four children and their families, grandchildren, numerous relatives, friends, and church family. Her son Philip (Clive), predeceased her on April 16, 2024. She will be deeply missed, but will be remembered by everyone near and far. We will always carry her lessons, laughter, love, and the memories we hold.
2 Timothy 4:7 states: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”
This is true of Frances Farquharson. She is now resting in eternal peace.
We are extremely grateful for the overwhelming support shown on the loss of our beloved Frances Farquharson. For every expression of love, sympathy, and care, we thank you. You have demonstrated the love of God and we do not take it for granted.
Please join us in the King’s Chapel Banquet Hall, immediately after the service, for a time of fellowship and refreshment.