1 minute read

Our Role Model

Mum set the standard for me as a woman, mother, sister, daughter, wife and most importantly, child of God. I didn’t have to look far for a role model because Mum was the greatest role model of all.


My fondest memory is of our special time together when I was about 5 years old, and Mum worked nights. When I would come home from school, about midday, we would watch her soap operas in bed. She was supposed to be resting so she could be able to work that night but instead we were watching Days of Our Lives.

Another fond memory, again when I was a little girl, we had a school trip to Broadway to see Mary Poppins. I wanted her to come with us and even though she didn’t plan to come on the trip and I’m sure she was tired, she changed clothes, made arrangements and came. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

I feel so blessed to have been granted 56 years with you. Saying goodbye was tough but I knew it was time and I know that you are now resting in your heavenly home.

Sleep in Peace. Love Nadine (Nadz) Sinclair (Taylor) - daughter

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