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Sister! Sister!

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Grandma’s Gems

Grandma’s Gems

Our sweet Sister G, Joan, ‘Gitucks’

Gone from this earth, away you flew.


Teary eyes and broken hearts left behind.

The memories of you will forever live in our hearts.

You fought every health battle you were faced with. This time around the shocking phone call, the one you don’t want to get. It blew my mind. The moment of disbelief, no way, this can’t be real, are you telling me my sister is going to die?

Then again, the reality of the news blew my mind. We are missing you dearly G, we are holding you close, so close in our hearts.

Ethnie Spence-Newman (Em), Beryl Spence-Campbell, Sandra (Pet) and Joyce, share the same sentiment.

Until we meet in the clouds, you will be our Angel.

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