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The Strength Of A Woman

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Our Role Model

Our Role Model

My mother-in-law, Joan Elaine Taylor, affectionately called Miss G, was simply one of the greatest human beings that I’ve ever known. I first met this wonderful lady over 35 years ago, so I have known her for more than half my life. Throughout those years I found her to be a most compassionate, caring, and loving person, one who put God and family above all else.

I met her daughter, Nadine, while attending college and I recall that day when I was introduced to her parents. I had been away at college for three years and so it was a joy for me to meet two of the loveliest people in the world, Ron and Joan Taylor, who accepted me with open arms into their home and subsequently into their lives. I felt like I had won the jackpot; not only had I found the love of my life, but also two people who would become the best parents-in-law one could ask for. I had a wonderful relationship with Miss G and could talk to her about anything and expect great advice and guidance. Advice on how to keep my wife happy was paramount because as the saying goes “happy wife, happy life.” It was always a joy to be around her and there was, indeed, never a dull moment.


I grew to have great respect and honor for my mother-in-law as I watched her deal with her health issues in the most dignified way. She epitomized the words made famous by Shaggy, “Strength of a Woman” as she played the cards that life had dealt her with poise and grace. One could easily overlook her incapacitation as she remained involved in all aspects of the running of her family and attending all the family events possible. She never missed a beat. Such was the strength and conviction of my mother-inlaw, Joan Elaine Taylor, Miss G.

I will forever be thankful to God for having her in my life, for the quality time we spent together, for the lessons learned, and for the abundance of love that she blessed me with. I will miss the physical aspect of her smile, her laugh, her hug, her talks, and her presence. I will carry on knowing all the memories will forever reside in my heart and soul.

well Miss G. - Turhan Sinclair (son-in-law)

Joan Taylor, Mom, you opened your home, your heart, and your love to Duval, Danielle, and me from day one. We have shared a lot of happy times and we have shared heart-broken times but through it all we have shared love, kindness, and joy. I have been truly blessed to have had you in my life. You will always be in our hearts. Thank you for everything. Gone but never forgotten, you will be greatly missed. Sleep our angel -God needs you more.

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” - Irish Proverb

Val Taylor (daughter-in-law)

Mother T was a special lady and I have been blessed to have had her in my life. One of my fondest memories was the first time I tried making one of my favorite desserts that she used to make, strawberry delight. It did not turn out well to say the least. I remember calling her to let her know that the strawberries and jello that should be on top sank to the bottom and I asked what I did wrong. She laughed so hard! We laughed together and then she told me what I did wrong. She took the time to go through the recipe with me step by step. I will forever appreciate her kindness and the way she warmly welcomed me into the family.

You will be missed, your loving daughter-in-law, Sharon.

Those special memories of you will always bring a smile. If only I could sit and talk again, just like we used to do. You always meant so very much and always will do too. The fact that you’re no longer here will always cause me pain, but my love and memory of you, shall never pass away. Rest in peace Mrs. Taylor until we meet again.

Alisia Taylor (daughter-in-law)

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