Steak Super Delicious Tastes so luscious Excellent tenderloin Awesome thickness Kai loves it!
Baseball Fun, Irreplaceable Batting, Pitching,Catching You know my dream? Majors
My Lie Collection A friend of mine始s soccer shots are laser beams In baseball,I can throw 100 miles fast. I have 3 older brothers My mom is as quiet as autumn night There are 3000 teachers in CDNIS. Derek Jeter is my neighbor and he is my best friend.
My wish city I wish I had three day weekends then I could watch baseball game every day I wish I had more free time afterschool then I could play catch with my dad I wish I were wind as strong as typhoon then I could blow away rainclouds on weekends I wish I was a Professional Baseball Player then I could play baseball every day. I wish I could have an ipad 2 then I could make music as relaxing as sitting on my sofa using Garage Band.
Greedy Sam There once was a boy called Sam “Who said I’m a greedy boy”...Bam! Give me more Foods and Drinks! He shrieks and then blinks “I also want ham!”