The Melbourne Graduate May 2009 Special Edition Building Appeal

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# Name......................................... Signature........................................................


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All donations of $2 or more to the Stella Langford Project Appeal are tax deductible (gift under S20-25 of the ITAA 1997) I am pleased to donate the amount of $.................................

Stella Langford Project Appeal Please indicate your contribution:

Stella Langford Project Appeal

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Former Chairman, Mr Neil Taylor Over the last fifty years I have attended several conferences each year in areas of professional or private interests. The importance of appropriately designed and equipped conference rooms for delegates to discuss and debate issues are vital to a successful meeting. I have enjoyed and valued greatly my decade on the Graduate Council. All of our family have benefited from a University education and it is a great pleasure to recognize this with the naming of a conference room for my family in the Stella Langford Building. May those who confer in the Taylor Room gain greatly from their conversations and contacts.


Andrew and Fiona Cochrane




Naming Rights Donors to the Stella Langford Project

Andrew and Fiona Cochrane established a charitable trust in 2004 after the death of their mother (Margaret Schofield), their father (Donald Cochrane) having died earlier. Both are medical graduates and Andrew is a life member of the Graduate Union. Donald Cochrane CBE was an economist, initially undergoing his tertiary studies at the University of Melbourne, and later appointed as a staff member in the Commerce Faculty, then Professor of Economics in 1955, and Dean of the Commerce Faculty in 1960. He then moved to establish a new faculty, as Dean of Economics & Politics at Monash University, until 1981. He also served on many government commissions and boards. Margaret Schofield OAM graduated from the Faculty of Music at the University of Melbourne in the late 1930’s and was a well-known concert pianist and piano teacher in Melbourne from the 1950’s to the 1990’s. She was a staff member at the Faculty of Music for over 25 years, and senior piano teacher for many years. She was involved with many charitable organizations. The Cochrane-Schofield Charitable Trust was established to support students and currently provides several scholarships and prizes in the area of music and one major business/economics scholarship (the Donald Cochrane Postgradate Scholarship at Monash University). This role of supporting students in their studies fits in well with the function of the Graduate Union, which supports postgraduate students in their studies, and the naming of a conference room allows a means of commemorating the contribution of our parents to the University of Melbourne, as students and later teaching staff members.

Mr John Kearney AM QC and Mrs Alison Kearney

The Graduate Union of The University of Melbourne Inc.


MELBOURNE GR ADUATE Letter from the President

From the Class of 1948 at Melbourne Law School, also a tutor at the Melbourne Law School in property drafting for 15 years, subsequently graduating as Bachelor of Laws 1962. A life member Melbourne Law School Alumni, life member of the Graduate Union of the University of Melbourne and member of the Chancellor’s Circle. Wife Alison is also a graduate of the University of Melbourne as was her mother Mary Copley in 1917. Son R John is also a graduate in Medicine at the University of Melbourne. Interest in assisting Graduate House springs from personal friendship with former Chancellor Ted Woodward and current Chancellor Alex Chernov as well as Sir Zelman Cowen and Michael Crommelin. My wife Alison and I have a special association with the University of Melbourne and these days have a special interest in Law School through sponsorship of the Overseas Studies Programme for senior law students.

RECOGNITION OF YOUR DONATIONS All donations to the Stella Langford Project are tax deductible

Naming rights apply to donations in the categories below Conference Rooms (1 remaining) …...................…... $25,000 Apartments (9 remaining) .………......…. $10,000 each Car Park Spaces (75)….…... $ 5,000 each All donations of $5,000 and above will be recorded on an Honour Roll of Donors

Dear Member of the Graduate Union I am able to report to you that the Stella Langford Project is well underway. This letter is to ask you to consider donating to our fundraising appeal. As you know, the development will provide additional conference facilities, accommodation and undercover car parking. It has been planned over a number of years and reflects the wishes of our members, as determined by research. The final cost of the development will be approximately $6 million. For this money we are providing the Graduate Union with additional first-rate facilities to meet increasing demands. Naming rights are available for one Conference Room, nine Apartments and 75 Car Spaces. Already a number of members have made contributions. Our Appeal continues, seeking to diminish the debt that will need to be incurred to complete the project. I hope you will give serious consideration to playing a part. Sincerely

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