The Melbourne Graduate November 2006

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THE GRADUATE UNION of The University of Melbourne Inc.

Periodical newsletter of the graduate union of the university of melbourne incorporated Print Post approved pp337834/00022 registered association no. AA0023234B November 2006 Volume 59 No. 4
















Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and Safe & Prosperous New Year Office Bearers President: The Honourable John Cain Vice President: Dr Robert Gibson Chairman: Mr Neil Taylor Vice Chairman: Mr Andrew Binns Secretary-Warden (CEO) Mr Eugene Spanti


HE University of Melbourne has adopted a bold new vision for its strategic development which lays out Melbourne's aspiration to be a public-spirited institution highly regarded for making distinctive contributions to society in research, teaching and knowledge transfer. ‘Growing Esteem’ is the University’s new 10-year strategic direction, at the core of which is the most comprehensive curriculum review in its 150-year history. From 2008, the University will introduce the Melbourne Model which draws on similar models in the US and Europe’s Bologna process but within a distinctively Australian Higher Education context. The Melbourne Model will consist of three years of generalist undergraduate study followed by two or three year graduate vocational programs. The six ‘new generation’ undergraduate degrees in Arts, Science, Commerce, Environments, Music and Bioscience will be characterised by a sound discipline base and greater breadth of knowledge across disciplines. As well as providing intellectual breadth, the new courses will be based on sufficient disciplinary rigour to be both high-quality 'stand-alone' degrees and adequate preparation for graduate programs. Students undertaking these degrees will benefit from a more comprehensive cohort experience and develop well-rounded generic and disciplinary skills which will enable them to move into increasingly diverse workplaces, or onto postgraduate programs. These degrees will be pathways into new graduate professional programs which will be introduced by the University, and graduates of other universities will also be able to apply for entry into the professional programs. Alongside the development of the Melbourne Model, the University is also undertaking extensive reviews of its research activity and knowledge transfer. This will ensure our place in the Australian and international research environments and offer our staff and students extended opportunities for community engagement.

MS PAULINE SHI, NOMINEE OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Graduate Council welcomed Miss Pauline Shi at its August meeting. For some time the two Vice-Chancellor nominee positions on Council have been vacant. Recently our President met with the ViceChancellor, inviting him to fill these positions and he nominated Ms Pauline Shi of the Human Resources Department.

Pauline was educated at Presbyterian Ladies’ College, Burwood and the University of Melbourne where she completed a Bachelor of Commerce/Arts, a Postgraduate Diploma in Finance and a Master of Financial Management. She currently works in the Division


Thomas Hugh Kneen died peacefully at home in North Balwyn, on July 8, after a long illness,. Wife Dorothy predeceased him by several weeks. Both were regular attendees at Graduate House functions until recent years and enthusiastically took part in the celebrations in the new building, in November 2005, at which our retiring President, Frank Lees presented John Cain to the Membership, as his successor. Tom became a Life Member of the Graduate Union in 1968, was elected to the Graduate Council in 1979, became ViceChairman in 1981, and was Chairman in 1983 and 1984. In 1985 his last appointment was as Chairman of the House Board, following the retirement of Professor Peter Reade after five years in that position.

of Human Resources at the University where she coordinates the Superannuation Unit. She was the Secretary of the University’s Tsunami Taskforce and has worked with student groups, such as MUOSS (Melbourne University Overseas Students Society) and SALP (Student Ambassador Leadership Program), to enhance students’ experience at the University. Pauline is multilingual, speaking fluent Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) and some German. Her leisure time interests include reading, cooking and travelling. As a member of Graduate Council, Pauline hopes to play an active role in providing a collegial and supportive environment for our residents and members and in promoting the facilities of the Graduate Union, both in Australia and overseas.

Born in Melbourne on 24 November, 1913, after finishing at Melbourne High School, Tom entered into his life-long association with Agricultural Science, graduating Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 1930. He then entered the State Department of Agriculture, in the Horticultural Division, transferring in 1946 to the Agricultural Educational Division, and became in turn Principal at each of the Department’s Colleges, at Burnley, Longerenong and Dookie. Finally, he was appointed Chief of the Division. All five of Tom and Dorothy’s children became graduates of the University of Melbourne: two sons as Engineers, and three daughters as Agricultural Scientists. Could this perhaps be a record for a Graduate Union member’s family devotion to our Alma Mater? The Chairman and Secretary-Warden attended the Service of Thanksgiving which was held on Friday, 14 July at the Le Pine Chapel in Kew.

November 2006 volume 59 No.4 –

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