LifeSaving Rules
Ensuring a safety culture in all work environments!
Our Beliefs 1. Nothing we do is worth getting hurt for. 2. Safety can and must be managed daily and continuously. 3. My safety and my co-workers’ safety is my personal responsibility. 4. Every workplace injury can and should be prevented. 5. Health, Safety, and Environmental Protection is every employee’s right and responsibility. 6. We must employ the Stop, Think, Act approach when performing any task.
Follow all safety rules Nothing is worth getting hurt for. • Never take risks. If you don’t know, ask. • Employees should only operate equipment or perform tasks for which they have received safety training and for which they are qualified. • Never put yourself, your colleagues, visitors or property at risk by creating conditions for an injury, environmental incident, fire or property damage.
Stop Think Act Stop all unsafe conditions and behaviors. • Stop… before you work, evaluate each basic step from start to finish. • Think… about all existing or potential hazards associated with each step. • Act… determine ways to eliminate, reduce or manage each hazard using the ERIC PD hierarchy: Eliminate Reduce Isolate Control PPE Discipline
Never bypass safeguards or safety devices • Never operate a machine or piece of equipment unless all safety devices are installed and working correctly. • Protective devices may only be removed with the correct tools or they must be interlocked to control hazardous energy. • Use proper Lockout/Tagout procedures before removing any guarding from machines or equipment. • Only operate equipment when guards are in place and properly adjusted. • Do not use unauthorized or damaged guards.
Control the energy • Verify isolation of hazardous energy and use the specified life-saving equipment. • Prior to any minor intervention (includes all CIL tasks): • • Stop the machine in a safe condi tion within the boundaries of the defined job procedures. • • Always use your padlock before you enter the machine or equipment area with your full body. • Prior to any major intervention (repair and maintenance work and removal of defects in machines or equipment): • • Switch off all energy, release stored energy and secure all energy switches against accidental startup with a personal padlock. • • Ensure all employees working on the same machine lock themselves onto the same isolators (e.g. by hasps) or by using a group lockout box.
Use the right tools • Use only suitable, undamaged tools and equipment for the task. • Inspect equipment for any damage prior to each use. • Only use certified tools; self-made and home-made tools are forbidden. • Never use a damaged tool. • Use, adjust and repair equipment only when authorized or properly trained. • Use proper devices for carrying tools, such as tool boxes or tool belts. Avoid carrying tools in your pockets, especially cutting tools.
Drug or alcohol use on site is strictly forbidden • Do not light up or smoke any cigarettes, cigars, or pipes in non-smoking areas. • Never drive or work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. • Never use drugs or drink alcohol on site. • Never come to work while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Pay maximum attention using stairs and ladders • Use a harness when operating or working from any kind of mobile elevating work platforms. • Use the handrail on every stairway and stepladder. • Be sure to always have one hand free when carrying a load on stairs or ladders. Never carry a load with both hands. • Unless it is clear that other protection is in place, never work at height (>1m) without a safety harness.
Prepare yourself with the right PPE No rings or jewelry are permitted. • In pulp and paper making, converting, warehousing and associated areas, the wearing of loose clothing, wrist-watches, rings, necklaces, neckties, bangles and earrings is prohibited. • Long hair (longer than chin) has to be worn “up” under a hairnet or a cap. Ties have to be removed. • The mandatory personal protective equipment must be available and used.
Control the motion Do not touch moving equipment. Stay away from nip points. • Confirm all people and body parts are free and clear from danger areas before any part of a machine is put into motion or energized (manually or automatically). • Never leave machines unattended with parts still moving. • Never reach into nip points or place any part of the body under elevated loads. • Never use handheld or mobile electronic devices while working with a machine.
Obtain a valid permit for hazardous work • Always analyze specific hazards with the support of a valid work permit before starting the task. • Specific hazard types that are typical in our working environment include but are not limited to: • Confined space entry • Hot work • Working at heights • Bridging safety devices • Line breaking
Drive safely Wear seat belts; respect speed limits. • Wear your seat belt on powered industrial forklift trucks whenever a seat belt is available. • Never use a handheld or mobile electronic device while you are driving a vehicle. • Always obey the speed limit. • Provide clear segregation between vehicles and pedestrians. • High bay storage or high traffic areas must be closed to pedestrians. • Respect all traffic rules. • Use the horn before entering dangerous areas.
Stay prepared Make yourself familiar with emergency procedures. • Know the location of exits, assembly points, portable fire extinguishers, manual alarm activation points and first-aid equipment in any area you may be working. • Provide training for delivering assistance in a medical emergency. Make yourself aware of who has training. • Participate in emergency drills.
Do not walk or reach under a suspended load • Respect all the rules of load handling at all times. • Never stand or work under a suspended load. • Only an authorized person may operate an overhead crane. • Place yourself in the safe zone before ordering the lifting. • Never transport a load above people. • Follow the load instead of walking in front of it. • Lifting equipment (hooks, chains) must be inspected and in good condition.