Objectives Construir os conceitos de língua padrão e variação lingüística; Conhecer diferentes variantes da língua inglesa e suas características; Desenvolver atitudes de respeito em relação às variantes lingüísticas; Ler e interpretar mapas, gráficos, figuras, diálogos e resenhas de livro; Identificar expressão de opinião e posicionamento do autor do texto; Elaborar argumentos orais devidamente sustentados; Indicar traços de oralidade no discurso; Identificar traços gramaticais da variante padrão da língua inglesa; Aprofundar conhecimentos de pronomes interrogativos e indefinidos; Familiarizar-se com uso e forma de question tags.
Where Do You Stand? Pre-reading: O mapa abaixo ilustra a dispersão da língua inglesa e suas diversas comunidades falantes no mundo. Cada uma desenvolveu características próprias no que diz respeito à morfologia, sintaxe, pronúncia, sotaque etc. Que relação você pode estabelecer entre dispersão linguística e variação lingüística? World Map of English
Jenkins, J. World Englishes: a resource book for students. London: Routledge, 2003, p. 18
O mapa identifica e localiza os países por onde o inglês se disseminou, dando origem às variantes lingüísticas e ao que tem sido chamado de World Englishes. Ainda que considerado “gramaticalmente incorreto”, o termo denomina a área de pesquisas em variações dialetais e regionais da língua inglesa. Sugere-se envolvimento dos alunos em leitura e interpretação de mapas, recuperando o que foi trabalhado na lição anterior, mas enfatizando a co-existência de diversas variantes de inglês, tais como: o inglês filipenho, australiano, canadense, africano, asiático etc. Uma possibilidade seria questionar o porquê da pergunta típica “Você fala inglês britânico ou americano?”. Seriam essas duas as únicas variantes existentes? Se afirmativo, por que ambas são mais prestigiadas que as outras? Que fatores determinam prestígio ou desprestígio de uma língua ou dialeto? Encorajar a construção de argumentos e expressão de ponto de vista. O mesmo tema está presente no texto da página seguinte, veiculado pelo mesmo livro .
Objectives Construir os conceitos de língua padrão e variação lingüística; Conhecer diferentes variantes da língua inglesa e suas características; Desenvolver atitudes de respeito em relação às variantes lingüísticas; Ler e interpretar mapas, gráficos, figuras, diálogos e resenhas de livro; Identificar expressão de opinião e posicionamento do autor do texto; Elaborar argumentos orais devidamente sustentados; Indicar traços de oralidade no discurso; Identificar traços gramaticais da variante padrão da língua inglesa; Aprofundar conhecimentos de pronomes interrogativos e indefinidos; Familiarizar-se com uso e forma de question tags.
Ao se disseminar e entrar em contato com línguas/ dialetos locais e se distanciar da metrópole lingüística, variações são inevitáveis, a exemplo das que ocorreram entre o português do Brasil e o de Portugal durante os últimos 500 anos.
Where Do You Stand? Pre-reading: O mapa abaixo ilustra a dispersão da língua inglesa e suas diversas comunidades falantes no mundo. Cada uma desenvolveu características próprias no que diz respeito à morfologia, sintaxe, pronúncia, sotaque etc. Que relação você pode estabelecer entre dispersão linguística e variação lingüística? World Map of English
Jenkins, J. World Englishes: a resource book for students. London: Routledge, 2003, p. 18
Text Comprehension 2.1. The text below illustrates and complements the map above. Decide which alternative (a, b or c) more coherently fills the blanks left in the text: The two dispersals of English We can ♦ of two dispersals, or diasporas, of English. The ♦ diaspora, initially, involving the migration of around 25,000 people from the south and east of England primarily to America and Australia, resulted in new mother-tongue ♦ of English. The ♦ diaspora, involving the ♦ of Asia and Africa led to the development of second-language varieties, often referred to as ‘New Englishes’. The vast majority of ♦ (all except British English) belong to one of these ♦ groups. The former group consists primarily of North America (the US and Canada), Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The latter group of Englishes, those commonly described as the ‘New Englishes’ were, and still ♦, learnt as ♦ languages or as one language within a wider ♦ repertoire of acquisition.
dispersal - diaspora first - 1st mother-tongueb L1, first language majority - the larger number or part of something those - plural of ‘that’ the former - the first of two the latter - the second of two learnt [BrE]learned[AmE] led - past tense of lead
Jenkins, J. World Englishes: a Resource Book for Students. London: Routledge, 2003, p.5.
a. talk, first, varieties, second, colonisation, Englishes, two, is, second, multilingual. b. speak, first, varieties, second, colonisation, Englishes, two, are, second, multilingual. c. say, first, varieties, second, colonisation, Englishes, two, are, second, monolingual. 2.2. Match the columns: a. The text is about b. The first dispersal c. The second dispersal d. ‘New Englishes’ are the result of e. American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, and South African ( e ) belong to the first group of English as mother tongue. ( b ) is primarily related to migration from England to North America and Australia. ( a ) the two dispersals of English. ( d ) the second dispersal. ( c ) is primarily related to migration from England to Asia and Africa. 2.3. Based on Lesson 1 and your own world knowledge, name two multilingual countries in which English is one of the languages spoken. Índia, Nigéria, Papua Nova-Guiné, África do Sul etc.
A diáspora do inglês resultou em dois grupos: as novas variantes nativas de inglês e aquelas denominadas [New Englishes]. Text Comprehension 2.1. The text below illustrates and complements the map above. Decide which alternative (a, b or c) more coherently fills the blanks left in the text: The two dispersals of English We can ♦ of two dispersals, or diasporas, of English. The ♦ diaspora, initially, involving the migration of around 25,000 people from the south and east of England primarily to America and Australia, resulted in new mother-tongue ♦ of English. The ♦ diaspora, involving the ♦ of Asia and Africa led to the development of second-language varieties, often referred to as ‘New Englishes’. The vast majority of ♦ (all except British English) belong to one of these ♦ groups. The former group consists primarily of North America (the US and Canada), Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. The latter group of Englishes, those commonly described as the ‘New Englishes’ were, and still ♦, learnt as ♦ languages or as one language within a wider ♦ repertoire of acquisition. Jenkins, J. World Englishes: a Resource Book for Students. London: Routledge, 2003, p.5.
a. talk, first, varieties, second, colonisation, Englishes, two, is, second, multilingual. b. speak, first, varieties, second, colonisation, Englishes, two, are, second, multilingual. c. say, first, varieties, second, colonisation, Englishes, two, are, second, monolingual. 2.2. Match the columns: a. The text is about b. The first dispersal c. The second dispersal d. ‘New Englishes’ are the result of e. American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, and South African ( e ) belong to the first group of English as mother tongue. ( b ) is primarily related to migration from England to North America and Australia. ( a ) the two dispersals of English. ( d ) the second dispersal. ( c ) is primarily related to migration from England to Asia and Africa. 2.3. Based on Lesson 1 and your own world knowledge, name two multilingual countries in which English is one of the languages spoken. Índia, Nigéria, Papua Nova-Guiné, África do Sul etc.
dispersal - diaspora first - 1st mother-tongue L1, first language majority - the larger number or part of something those - plural of ‘that’ the former - the first of two the latter - the second of two learnt [BrE]learned[AmE] led - past tense of lead
Pre-reading: A figura abaixo faz uma representação gráfica diferente daquela do mapa da página 51. De que forma eles diferem? Discuta com seus(suas) colegas e construa seus argumentos com base em evidências fornecidas tanto pelo mapa quanto pelo gráfico abaixo. Geographic distribution of English
15,9% 4,9% 4,8% 3,7%
American British Canadian Australian Other
Text Comprehension 2.4. What does the category ‘other’ include? Outras variantes.
2.5. Are American English varieties (Black English, English from California, Texas, Chicago, New York etc) included in 70.7%?
Estão,embora o percentual com a denominação Inglês Americano crie a ilusão de que existe apenas uma variante do inglês americano. Seria equivalente a dizer que o português do norte do Brasil é igual ao do sul, do nordeste, do norte etc.
2.6. What British English varieties might be included in the category British English?
might [modal verb] indicates probability
Inglês da BBC (RP), Cockney, Estuary English, Yorkshire English, Black British English.
In our lives we argue about different things all the time. Strong arguments present convincing and undeniable evidence/support whereas weak arguments lack convincing evidence and support. As such, they are easily counter-argued. Develop strong arguments to sustain your opinion!
Food For Thought Pre-reading: A dispersão e a atual variação linguística do inglês são fenômenos sem precedentes na história. A figura abaixo identifica as diversas variantes linguísticas do inglês. O que denominamos inglês Americano e Britânico são apenas duas dessas variantes que, em algum momento da história, também detinham o status de dialetos. Por razões históricas, políticas e econômicas, essas duas variantes são as mais conhecidas e 53
Além de pertencerem a gêneros distintos (gráfico e mapa), eles retratam fenômenos diferentes. O gráfico quantifica o percentual de falantes das variedades do inglês Americano, Britânico, Canadense, Australiano e ‘outros’. O mapa trata da disseminação da língua inglesa pelo mundo, realizada pela Inglaterra. O gráfico mostra a hegemonia da variante americana (70.7% vs. 15.9%) - tema da Lição 3, mas não aponta para a questão da variação interna de cada variante listada. O mapa também não o faz. Afinal, não é esse o propósito dos mesmos. Encoraje argumentos embasados nas evidências fornecidas pelo mapa e gráfico .
O que fortalece um argumento são as evidências e não opiniões que possam ser facilmente refutadas. Mesmo que realizados em língua portuguesa, os argumentos nas aulas de língua inglesa são alvo de ensino e reflexão sobre o uso da língua, devendo ser devidamente embasados em evidências (nesse caso, os dados estatísticos, o mapa) e não em opiniões como ‘eu acho ....’ sem qualquer evidência textual. Isso não quer dizer que opiniões não sejam importantes. Pelo contrário, elas podem e devem ser o ponto de partida para a busca de evidências e sustentação dos argumentos. Construir argumentos embasados não é um dom. Isso pode ser ensinado, mas antes se faz necessário criar um ambiente de respeito para que os(as) alunos(as) sintam-se confiantes e seguros para expressarem suas opiniões.
Pre-reading: A figura abaixo faz uma representação gráfica diferente daquela do mapa da página 51. De que forma eles diferem? Discuta com seus(suas) colegas e construa seus argumentos com base em evidências fornecidas tanto pelo mapa quanto pelo gráfico abaixo. Geographic distribution of English
15,9% 4,9% 4,8% 3,7%
American British Canadian Australian Other
Text Comprehension 2.4. What does the category ‘other’ include? Outras variantes.
2.5. Are American English varieties (Black English, English from California, Texas, Chicago, New York etc) included in 70.7%?
Estão,embora o percentual com a denominação Inglês Americano crie a ilusão de que existe apenas uma variante do inglês americano. Seria equivalente a dizer que o português do norte do Brasil é igual ao do sul, do nordeste, do norte etc.
2.6. What British English varieties might be included in the category British English? Inglês da BBC (RP), Cockney, Estuary English, Yorkshire English, Black British English.
In our lives we argue about different things all the time. Strong arguments present convincing and undeniable evidence/support whereas weak arguments lack convincing evidence and support. As such, they are easily counter-argued. Develop strong arguments to sustain your opinion!
Food For Thought Pre-reading: A dispersão e a atual variação linguística do inglês são fenômenos sem precedentes na história. A figura abaixo identifica as diversas variantes linguísticas do inglês. O que denominamos inglês Americano e Britânico são apenas duas dessas variantes, que, em algum momento da história, também detinham o status de dialetos. Por razões históricas, políticas e econômicas, essas duas variantes são as mais conhecidas e
might [modal verb] indicates probability
prestigiadas em vários países, inclusive no Brasil, mas não são “melhores” ou “mais corretas” do que as outras. A diversidade ilustrada evidencia que uma língua não é um fenômeno homogêneo. Por isso, é impossível ensinar todas as variantes padrão (faixa intermediária) e todos os regionalismos (faixa externa) do círculo abaixo. É por isso, também, que na comunicação intercultural com falantes não nativos, o uso de uma variante padrão internacional (o núcleo) tem sido sugerida.
The Global Language in a Circle McArthur’s Circle of World English tries to organize an unruly language. In the middle is an idealized formal language. Farther out lie the regional varieties that either have a standard usage or are developing one, and on the fringe lie burgeoning, freely evolving regional dialects. Despite its spot at the hub of the wheel, no one really speaks World Standard English.
unruly - something difficult to control or organize farther - more distant fringe - outer part of an area to burgeon - to grow or develop rapidly evolving - developing usage - meaning that a word has or a way in which it can be used wheel - a circular object which turns round and round hub - the center of a wheel
Newsweek, March 7, 2005, p.43.
Dialects that are closer to the center of the wheel have the most formal rules of usage.
Text Comprehension 2.7. Based on the picture above, what conclusion do you get in relation to the phenomenon of language variety in English? Resposta pessoal. A existência de muitas variantes faz surgir a necessidade de se eleger uma como a variante padrão. A intenção é instigar os alunos sobre o processo de estandardização, pelo qual um dialeto é elevado à categoria de língua padrão. Tal processo faz parte de um processo econômico, político-cultural e ideológico mais amplo.
prestigiadas em vários países, inclusive no Brasil, mas não são “melhores” ou “mais corretas” do que as outras. A diversidade ilustrada evidencia que uma língua não é um fenômeno homogêneo. Por isso, é impossível ensinar todas as variantes padrão (faixa intermediária) e todos os regionalismos (faixa externa) do círculo abaixo. É por isso, também, que na comunicação intercultural com falantes não nativos, o uso de uma variante padrão internacional (o núcleo) tem sido sugerida.
The Global Language in a Circle McArthur’s Circle of World English tries to organize an unruly language. In the middle is an idealized formal language. Farther out lie the regional varieties that either have a standard usage or are developing one, and on the fringe lie burgeoning, freely evolving regional dialects. Dialects that are closer to the center of the wheel have the most formal rules of usage.
Despite its spot at the hub of the wheel, no one really speaks World Standard English.
Newsweek, March 7, 2005, p.43.
Mais uma vez resgatamos os PCNs de LE (p. 47-48) para embasar o fazer pedagógico: “A questão da variação linguística em LE pode ajudar não só a compreensão do fenômeno linguístico da variação na própria língua materna, como também do fato de que a língua estrangeira não existe só na variedade padrão, conforme a escola normalmente apresenta. Sugestão: Use a figura para explanar o fenômeno da diversidade e variação linguística e o surgimento de uma variante padrão internacional no centro do círculo. Embora alguns pesquisadores defendam que essa variante não exista e que não seja falada por ninguém [no one really speaks world standard English], em contextos multilíngues, onde a comunicação entre falantes de línguas diversas é mediada pela língua inglesa (ex: reunião de negócios de uma empresa multinacional, eventos internacionais etc.), tem havido maior conscientização por parte dos falantes da necessidade de cooperar no processo de comunicação e compreensão intercultural e evitar regionalismos, coloquialismos etc. Uma forma de problematizar essa questão é trazendo a discussão para o Português. Peça aos alunos que imaginem uma variante padrão internacional do português falado. Qual delas seria? A de Lisboa, Porto, Porto Alegre, São Paulo, Angola, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Moçambique, Salvador? Permita que a turma, na e pela troca de ideias, perceba quão complexa e ideológica é essa questão.
Text Comprehension 2.7. Based on the picture above, what conclusion do you get in relation to the phenomenon of language variety in English? Resposta pessoal. A existência de muitas variantes faz surgir a necessidade de se eleger uma como a variante padrão. A intenção é instigar os alunos sobre o processo de estandardização, pelo qual um dialeto é elevado à categoria de língua padrão. Tal processo faz parte de um processo econômico, político-cultural e ideológico mais amplo.
unruly - something difficult to control or organize farther - more distant fringe - outer part of an area to burgeon - to grow or develop rapidly evolving - developing usage - meaning that a word has or a way in which it can be used wheel - a circular object which turns round and round hub - the center of a wheel
Standard English - The standard English of an English-speaking country is a minority variety (identified chiefly by its vocabulary, grammar, and orthography) which carries most prestige and is most widely understood. Crystal D. The cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language. Cambridge: CUP, 2004, p. 110.
World Standard English - [or standard English as used worldwide]. The concept of the English language as a global means of communication in numerous dialects, and the movement towards an international standard for the language. It is sometimes referred to as Global English, World English, Standard English or lingua franca.
McArthur, T. World English and World Englishes. Language Teaching, 34, p. 4-5, 2001.
Text Comprehension 2.8. What is standard English?
É uma variante que, apesar de minoritária, é considerada de prestígio.
2.9. What variety of Brazilian Portuguese is considered standard? Do you agree with this choice? Why (not)? A do Rio de Janeiro sem o chiado é adotada pela mídia. Uma referência bibliográfica acerca desse tema é o livro de Marcos Bagno ‘Preconceito Linguístico: o que é, como se faz’ .
2.10. Do you agree with the following statement: “Being a prestige variety, a standard language is spoken by a minority of people within a society, typically those occupying positions of power”.
Resposta pessoal. A afirmação ‘Sendo uma variante de prestígio, a língua padrão é falada por uma minoria na sociedade, geralmente, aquela que ocupa posições de poder’ tem a função de gerar reflexão crítica sobre instrumentos de exclusão e desigualdade social.
Pre-reading: Sabe-se que as variantes padrão da língua inglesa, apresentadas na faixa intermediária do círculo acima, desenvolveram-se em detrimento de vários outros dialetos, apresentados na faixa externa. Vários desses dialetos foram ou têm sido estigmatizados por serem considerados “incorretos”, “corrompidos”, “feios”, “irritantes”, “vulgares” etc. Ou seja, lado a lado com o fenômeno da diversidade linguística, há preconceito em relação a variantes não padrão, quer no Brasil, quer no exterior. No depoimento abaixo, fica claro que o(a) jovem sofre discriminação pelo fato de falar inglês com sotaque Galês. A discriminação sofrida é marcada, linguisticamente, no discurso do(a) jovem. Leia o texto abaixo, identifique o que ele(a) diz sobre a reação das pessoas ao seu sotaque e se posicione.
My mum and my nan talk to each other in Welsh and for as long as I can remember my mum has always spoken to me and my brother in Welsh. Our dad speaks to us in English so we grew up speaking both languages. I don’t like the way people take the mickey out of my accent and try to copy it, but it’s not what I call a big hassle!
mum [BrE informal] - mother, mom [AmE] nan [UK - informal] - grandmother each other - used to show that each person in a group of two or more people does something to the others hassle - a situation that causes problems
Um debate sobre o fato de a variante padrão ser a de prestígio, falada por uma minoria, que geralmente ocupa posições de poder, pode conscientizar sobre a relação entre linguagem e poder. Segundo Fairclough (1991), é imprescindível elevar um dialeto ao status de língua padrão para estruturar uma sociedade capitalista. A adoção de uma língua padrão otimiza a comunicação nas atividades econômicas que sustentam esse sistema e é determinante para o estabelecimento e unificação de uma nação, forma preferida do sistema capitalista. Fairclough ressalta a necessidade de os países dominantes do mundo globalizado elegerem uma língua padrão internacional (lingua franca), que viabilize, as relações comerciais e aumente o poder das classes dominantes.
Standard English - The standard English of an English-speaking country is a minority variety (identified chiefly by its vocabulary, grammar, and orthography) which carries most prestige and is most widely understood. Crystal D. The cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language. Cambridge: CUP, 2004, p. 110.
World Standard English - [or standard English as used worldwide]. The concept of the English language as a global means of communication in numerous dialects, and the movement towards an international standard for the language. It is sometimes referred to as Global English, World English, Standard English or lingua franca. McArthur, T. World English and World Englishes. Language Teaching, 34, p. 4-5, 2001.
O(a) jovem cresceu no seio de uma família que falava duas variantes. Sua mãe e avó falavam galês e seu pai, inglês britânico. Em consequência da exposição às variantes, o(a) jovem fala inglês com sotaque galês. Ele(a) diz que as pessoas zombam, fazem brincadeiras, com seu sotaque. Como alertam os PCNs de LE, “ Não é suficiente mostrar a relação entre grupos sociais diferentes (regionais, de classe social, profissionais, de gênero etc.) e suas realizações linguísticas; é necessário também indicar que as variações linguísticas marcam as pessoas de modo a posicioná-las no discurso (p.47).
Text Comprehension 2.8. What is standard English?
É uma variante que, apesar de minoritária, é considerada de prestígio.
2.9. What variety of Brazilian Portuguese is considered standard? Do you agree with this choice? Why (not)? A do Rio de Janeiro sem o chiado é adotada pela mídia. Uma boa referência bibliográfica acerca desse tema é o livro de Marcos Bagno ‘Preconceito Lingüístico: o que é, como se faz’ .
2.10. Do you agree with the following statement: “Being a prestige variety, a standard language is spoken by a minority of people within a society, typically those occupying positions of power”.
Resposta pessoal. A afirmação ‘Sendo uma variante de prestígio, a língua padrão é falada por uma minoria na sociedade, geralmente, aquela que ocupa posições de poder’ tem a função de gerar reflexão crítica sobre instrumentos de exclusão e desigualdade social.
Pre-reading: Sabe-se que as variantes padrão da língua inglesa, apresentadas na faixa intermediária do círculo acima, desenvolveram-se em detrimento de vários outros dialetos, apresentados na faixa externa. Vários desses dialetos foram ou têm sido estigmatizados por serem considerados “incorretos”, “corrompidos”, “feios”, “irritantes”, “vulgares” etc. Ou seja, lado a lado com o fenômeno da diversidade linguística, há preconceito em relação a variantes não padrão, quer no Brasil, quer no exterior. No depoimento abaixo, fica claro que o(a) jovem sofre discriminação pelo fato de falar inglês com sotaque Galês. A discriminação sofrida é marcada, linguisticamente, no discurso do(a) jovem. Leia o texto abaixo, identifique o que ele(a) diz sobre a reação das pessoas ao seu sotaque e se posicione.
My mum and my nan talk to each other in Welsh and for as long as I can remember my mum has always spoken to me and my brother in Welsh. Our dad speaks to us in English so we grew up speaking both languages. I don’t like the way people take the mickey out of my accent and try to copy it, but it’s not what I call a big hassle!
” www.britkid.org
mum [BrE informal] - mother, mom [AmE] nan [UK - informal] - grandmother each other - used to show that each person in a group of two or more people does something to the others hassle - a situation that causes problems
Text Comprehension 2.11. What do the expressions take the mickey out of and a big hassle mean? What do they suggest?
‘Zombam da minha cara’, ‘tiram sarro da minha cara’ e um ‘grande problema’. Ambas denunciam preconceito linguístico em relação à variante empregada pelo(a) jovem..
2.12. What does the boy dislike?
dislike - opposite of like
O fato de as pessoas zombarem do sotaque dele.
2.13. What is your position in relation to the phenomenom of linguistic prejudice? Think about your own Portuguese accent? Is it discriminated? Where? In which situation? How? Resposta pessoal.
O objetivo da pergunta é colocar-se no lugar do outro e assumir postura crítica diante do preconceito linguístico e começar a desenvolver atitudes de respeito e não discriminação em relação às variantes linguísticas. O respeito, no entanto, é fruto de um processo longo e sistemático de educar para transformar a realidade social, como nos ensina Paulo Freire.
2.14. What relations would you establish between discrimmination and ideology? Resposta pessoal.
Ideology means a particular set of ideas which reflects the beliefs individuals or groups of individuals have about the way society works. Swann, J et al. A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics. Edingburgh: Edingburgh University Press, 2004, p.141
Building Knowledge Pre-reading: Que tal explorarmos algumas práticas sociais, faladas ou escritas, realizadas nas diversas variantes? Traremos frases soltas, títulos de livros, diálogos etc., a fim de ilustrar algumas variantes. Lembre-se que as variantes, abaixo, diferem da variante padrão que se estuda na escola. É por isso que quem tem a oportunidade de viajar para o exterior sempre estranha a diferença entre a língua que aprendeu nos livros e a variante realmente falada no cotidiano. Começaremos pelo Welsh English. Welsh English There’s cosy/lovely etc! Where to’s the car? Where to are you going? You like it, innit? You’re studying it, yes? You had a nice weekend, innit?
Exercises 2.15. What is the equivalent standard form to the following Welsh sentences? a. There’s cosy/lovely etc! b. Where to’s the car? c. Where to are you going? d. You like it, innit? e. You’re studying it, yes? f. You had a nice weekend, innit?
( e ) You’re studying it, aren’t you? ( b ) Where is the car? ( a ) That’s cosy/lovely, etc! ( c ) Where are you going? ( f ) You had a nice weekend, didn’t you? ( d ) You like it, don’t you? 56
A question tag is a reduced interrogative clause added to the end of a declarative clause. It has the interactive function of eliciting the hearer’s agreement or confirmation about something. It is equivalent in function to the Brazilian ‘né?’ or ‘não é/foi/era?’.
Fairclough (2003) diferencia definições descritivas e críticas de ideologia. Segundo este autor, a visão crítica concebe ideologia como uma modalidade de poder, e se diferencia, portanto, das visões descritivas que incluem atitudes, crenças, posicionamentos, perspectivas de grupos sociais, sem fazer referência a questões que envolvem estabelecimento e manutenção de poder.
Text Comprehension 2.11. What do the expressions take the mickey out of and a big hassle mean? What do they suggest? ‘Zombam da minha cara’, ‘tiram sarro da minha cara’ e um ‘grande problema’. Ambas denunciam preconceito linguístico em relação a variante empregado pelo(a) jovem.
2.12. What does the boy dislike? O fato de as pessoas zombarem do sotaque dele.
dislike - opposite of like
2.13. What is your position in relation to the phenomenom of linguistic prejudice? Think about your own Portuguese accent? Is it discriminated? Where? In which situation? How? Resposta pessoal.
O objetivo da pergunta é colocar-se no lugar do outro e assumir postura crítica diante do preconceito linguístico e começar a desenvolver atitudes de respeito e não discriminação em relação às variantes linguísticas. O respeito, no entanto, é fruto de um processo longo e sistemático de educar para transformar a realidade social, como nos ensina Paulo Freire.
2.14. What relations would you establish between discrimmination and ideology? Resposta pessoal.
Ideology means a particular set of ideas which reflects the beliefs individuals or groups of individuals have about the way society works. Swann, J et al. A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics. Edingburgh: Edingburgh University Press, 2004, p.141
Reitere que as variações dialetais são decorrentes de diferenças geográficas e culturais.
Building Knowledge Pre-reading: Que tal explorarmos algumas práticas sociais, faladas ou escritas, realizadas nas diversas variantes? Traremos frases soltas, títulos de livros, diálogos etc., a fim de ilustrar algumas variantes. Lembre-se que as variantes, abaixo, diferem da variante padrão que se estuda na escola. É por isso que quem tem a oportunidade de viajar para o exterior sempre estranha a diferença entre a língua que aprendeu nos livros e a variante realmente falada no cotidiano. Começaremos pelo Welsh English. Welsh English
Permita o estranhamento e encoraje a tentativa de correspondência/“tradução” para uma das variantes padrão. Talvez os alunos percebam o uso de ‘There’s’ no sentido de ‘that is’, o uso invariável de ‘innit’, independentemente de pessoa ou tempo verbal (e que seria equivalente ao ‘né?’ ou ‘não é?’ da língua portuguesa. Há ainda o operador ‘yes’, que assume a função de solicitar confirmação de algo que foi dito. Aliás, o uso do’ yes’ como ‘tag question’ também é utilizado em algumas variantes do inglês americano.
There’s cosy/lovely etc! Where to’s the car? Where to are you going? You like it, innit? You’re studying it, yes? You had a nice weekend, innit?
Exercises 2.15. What is the equivalent standard form to the following Welsh sentences? a. There’s cosy/lovely etc! b. Where to’s the car? c. Where to are you going? d. You like it, innit? e. You’re studying it, yes? f. You had a nice weekend, innit?
( e ) You’re studying it, aren’t you? ( b ) Where is the car? ( a ) That’s cosy/lovely, etc! ( c ) Where are you going? ( f ) You had a nice weekend, didn’t you? ( d ) You like it, don’t you?
A question tag is a reduced interrogative clause added to the end of a declarative clause. It has the interactive function of eliciting the hearer’s agreement or confirmation about something. It is equivalent in function to the Brazilian ‘né?’ or ‘não é/foi/era?’.
2.16. Observe the following examples from Scottish English. Scottish English (ScotE) How no? She’s no/not/isnae/isn’t leaving. It’s your shot. My hair is needing washed. My hair needs washed. I amn’t invited. Got a bairn have you? She might could be coming home late. He’ll can help us tomorrow. That’s miles away, is it no?
Why not? She isn’t leaving. It’s your turn. My hair needs washing. I’m not invited. You’ve got a child, haven’t you? She might be coming home late. He can help us tomorrow. That’s miles away, isn’t it?
2.17. Rewrite the sentences using the standard variety of English: Resposta acima.
2.18.What differences do you spot between Scottish and Standard English? As singularidades do inglês escocês estão no uso do how significando why, da negativa com no, not isnae, ou isn’t, da contração negativa amn’t, do uso de Am I no ou Amn’t I na interrogativa, enquanto as outras variantes utilizam Aren’t I, o uso de duplo modal e question tag com not ou no.
2.19. “Scots texts for thaim that’s efter lairnin Scots or for thaim that haes it an is efter enjoyin hit.” is a sample of Scottish English. Can you transcribe it into Standard English?
“Scots texts for those who are interested in learning Scots or for those who already speak it and wish to enjoy it”. ‘That’ foi substituído por ‘Who’.
Canadian English(CanE) a. runners b. ABM c. caisse populaire d. bus depo e. driver’s permit
f. washroom g. tap h. pop i. chocolate bar j. rubber
k. pissed l. railway m. dick n. elevator o. vacations
Exercises 2.20. Match the Canadian words above with the standard variety of English below: ( a ) sneakers/tennis shoes ( i ) candy bar ( l ) railroad ( j ) condom ( e ) driver’s licence ( b ) ATM [AmE], hole-in-the-wall or cash dispenser [BrE] ( f ) restroom [AmE] or toilet [BrE, AuE] ( g ) faucet
( m ) absolutely nothing ( o ) holidays ( n ) lift ( h ) soda ( d ) bus station ( k ) angry or drunk ( c ) kind of co-op bank, found in Quebec and popularly known as a caisse pop. 57
Outros exemplos da variante escocesa podem ser obtidos no sítio do dicionário ‘Scottish Vernacular Dictionary’, disponível em http://www.firstfoot. com/scottish_dictionary.org ou em http://www.britannia.org/scotland/ scotsdictionary/i.shtml.
2.16. Observe the following examples from Scottish English. Scottish English (ScotE) How no? She’s no/not/isnae/isn’t leaving. It’s your shot. My hair is needing washed. My hair needs washed. I amn’t invited. Got a bairn have you? She might could be coming home late. He’ll can help us tomorrow. That’s miles away, is it no?
Why not? She isn’t leaving. It’s your turn. My hair needs washing. I’m not invited. You’ve got a child, haven’t you? She might be coming home late. He can help us tomorrow. That’s miles away, isn’t it?
2.17. Rewrite the sentences using the standard variety of English: Resposta acima.
2.18.What differences do you spot between Scottish and Standard English? As singularidades do inglês escocês estão no uso do how significando why, da negativa com no, not isnae, ou isn’t, da contração negativa amn’t, do uso de Am I no ou Amn’t I na interrogativa, enquanto as outras variantes utilizam Aren’t I, o uso de duplo modal e question tag com not ou no.
2.19. “Scots texts for thaim that’s efter lairnin Scots or for thaim that haes it an is efter enjoyin hit.” is a sample of Scottish English. Can you transcribe it into Standard English? “Scots texts for those who are interested in learning Scots or for those who already speak it and wish to enjoy it”. ‘That’ foi substituído por ‘Who’.
Canadian English(CanE) a. runners b. ABM c. caisse populaire d. bus depo e. driver’s permit
f. washroom g. tap h. pop i. chocolate bar j. rubber
k. pissed l. railway m. dick n. elevator o. vacations
Exercises 2.20. Match the Canadian words above with the standard variety of English below: ( a ) sneakers/tennis shoes ( i ) candy bar ( l ) railroad ( j ) condom ( e ) driver’s licence ( b ) ATM [AmE], hole-in-the-wall or cash dispenser [BrE] ( f ) restroom [AmE] or toilet [BrE, AuE] ( g ) faucet
( m ) absolutely nothing ( o ) holidays ( n ) lift ( h ) soda ( d ) bus station ( k ) angry or drunk ( c ) kind of co-op bank, found in Quebec and popularly known as a caisse pop.
2.21. Canadian English shares most vocabulary with the American English variety. But it also shares some words with Britain. Read the following sentences written in the English version of the Canadian Government homepage and identify features of both American and British spelling. a. Red and white were approved as Canada’s official colours in the proclamation of the royal arms of Canada in 1921 by King George V. colours [BrE]
b. This section contains links to information on Aboriginal languages across Canada. It also contains links to on-line dictionaries, laws and programs related to language preservation. programs [AmE]
c. The Aboriginal Languages Initiative maintains and revitalizes Aboriginal languages for future generations. revitalizes [AmE]
d. Canadian comedians fulfill their mandate of political humour about Canada’s culture and issues. fulfill [AmE], humour [BrE]
Pre-reading: Ainda um pouco mais sobre as variantes do inglês britânico, passemos, agora, ao Estuary English, uma variante linguística de Essex e Kent, arredores do Rio Tâmisa na Inglaterra. Segundo Rosewarne, o Estuary English é atualmente a variante mais influente no sul da Inglaterra. Apesar de ainda sofrer discriminação, essa variante está cada vez mais presente, até mesmo, no Parlamento Inglês.
Dijja Wanna Say Sumfing? A Guide to Estuary English, by Steve Crancher
prepositions: as is used to express comparison along is used to express motion
Estuary English Estuary English is the form of the English language widely spoken in South East England, especially along the River Thames and its1 estuary. It2 is a hybrid of Received Pronunciation (RP) and South Eastern accents, particularly from the London, Kent and Essex area. It3 first came to public prominence in an article by David Rosewarne in the Times Education Supplement in October 1984. Rosewarne argued that it4 may eventually replace RP as the Standard English pronunciation. cohesive devices in the text: 1 - ‘its’ refers to River Thames. 2, 3 and 4 - ‘It’ refers to Estuary English.
A descrição de alguns traços fonéticos do Estuary English pode ser encontrada em: http://www.phon.ucl. ac.uk/home/estuary/ transcree.htm
prominence importance eventually - finally to replace - to substitute
Text Comprehension 2.22. Answer the following questions: a. What is Estuary English? É uma mistura do inglês padrão e dos sotaques do Sudeste, particulamente de Londres, Kent e da área de Essex.
b.Where is Estuary English spoken? É falado no Sudeste da Inglaterra, especialmente ao longo do Rio Tâmisa e seus arredores. 58
c.When did Estuary English come to public prominence? How? Em Outubro de 1984, quando obteve destaque com um artigo de D. Rosewarne.
d.What does RP stand for? What does it mean? Received Pronunciation significa variante padrão do Inglês da Inglaterra.
e. Can you figure out what Dijja Wanna Say Sumfing? means in Standard English? A tradução literal seria ‘Do you want to say something?’
f. If ‘eventually’ (1.8) is a false cognate, how would you say ‘eventualmente’ in English? Remeta o(a) aluno(a) à linha 8 do texto anterior. Occasionally.
g. Cockney is the largest London working-class variety. Read the passage from the play My Fair Lady and try to transcribe it into Standard English. “Ow, eez ye-ooa san, is e? Wal, fewd dan y’ de-ooty bawmz a mather should, eed now bettern to spawl a pore gel’s flahrzn than ran awy athaht pyin. Will ye-oo py me f’them?” “Oh he’s your son, is he. Well if you’d done your duty by him as a mother should he’d know better than to spoil a poor girl’s flowers then run away without paying. Will you pay me for them?”
h. Now read the following dialog and observe the use of she, the negative construction and the auxiliary do in a non-standard dialect of Birmingham (also in England). Then, report it in Portuguese:
Contexto de produção: AF tem 86 anos de
ya - oral pronunciation of you in some varieties of English
AF - I met Rose in … I met ’er in Studley Street. idade e narra seu primeiro encontro com sua esposa, Rose. A variante linguística I - Did ya? do inglês da região de Birmingham é AF - Yes ’cause they lived in Omsbersley Road. caracterizada pelo uso de ’er no lugar de she [And ’er said to me], dupla negativa I - Yeah. [I don’t want to marry nobody] e da AF - The Archers. forma invariável do auxiliar ‘do’ [it don’t worry me]. I - Yeah. AF - And ’er said to me ‘Would you marry me?’, I said ‘I don’t want to marry nobody’. She said ‘Oh I know you like a drop to drink, you know, but …I don’t drink, it don’t worry me’. adapted from Hewings, A.; Hewings M. Grammar and context: an advanced resource book. London: Routledge, 2005, p.300.
AF - initials of a 86-year old man I - interviewer
Pre-reading: Como todo organismo vivo, as línguas vivas também passam por transformações. Esse processo é denominado variação linguística. Leia a resenha do livro New Zealand English: Its Origins and Evolution (Gordon et al., 2004), e observe a variação linguística no inglês neozelandês em aproximadamente 150 anos de sua existência. Omitimos do texto as preposições on, of, in, over, at, apresentadas na lição anterior, para que você as recoloque em seus devidos lugares. newest [ superlative form of new] - the most recent unique - singular, unusual full - complete to undergo to experience something which involves a change
Book review New Zealand English - ♦ only 150 years old - is one of the newest varieties of English, and is unique ♦ that its full history and development are documented in extensive audio-recordings. This book examines and analyzes the extensive linguistic changes New Zealand English has undergone ♦ the past 150 years ♦ the basis ♦ these recordings. at, in, over, on, of www.amazon.com
Text Comprehension 2.23. What is the objective of a book review? Fazer uma apreciação crítica de um livro. Há também resenhas de filmes, peças de teatro etc.
2.24. What words and expressions in the review refer to language variation? Uma das mais recentes variantes da língua inglesa (l.1), extensivas mudanças linguísticas (l.3).
New Zealand English (NZE) New Zealand English is famous for its unique pronunciation. Words such as ear/ıər/ and air/eər/ or beer/bıər/ and bear/beər/ are pronounced the same, that is, they are not distinguished. We gotta make sure it goes right. We better see some veges. That team that beat yous. Gidday.
We have got to make sure it goes right. We had better get some vegetables. That team that beat you (plural). Good day. A omissão do have (em have got e had better) é comum nas variantes da Nova Zelândia.
Exercises 2.25. How do you say the sentences above in Standard English? Resposta acima.
2.26. The following words are New Zealand English. Try to figure them out. a. banger b. choice c. afo d. frenchie e. OE or Big OE
( ( ( ( (
a e c b d
) sausage ) overseas experience ) afternoon ) very good ) condom to be fond of - to like someone or something
Australian English (AuE) Australians are fond of shortening words (Butler, 1998). This process of word formation is usually done by keeping the first syllable of the word and adding the prefixes -ie or -o at the end. Try to figure out words that are closest in meaning in Standard English. Bastard, for example, is an affectionate term in AuE! A typical greeting is G’day, ya bastard! meaning Good day, (you) mate! And bathroom means a room with a bathtub but not necessarily with toilet.
aussie chockie hollies postie tinnie frenchie greenie chalkie druggie vego demo lezzo
Australian. pronounced as /’O-zee/ chocolate holidays mail deliver can of beer condom or rubber environmentalist school teacher drug addict vegetarian demonstration lesbian
Sugestão de atividade: Pesquise resenhas de livro ou filme de interesse dos alunos e explore-os em sala para que os(as) alunos(as) aprendam a perceber segmentos da resenha que veiculam apreciação crítica da obra. Na seção Building vocabulary and genre knowledge, apresentaremos a estrutura composicional de uma resenha.
Text Comprehension 2.23. What is the objective of a book review? Fazer uma apreciação crítica de um livro. Há também resenhas de filmes, peças de teatro etc.
2.24. What words and expressions in the review refer to language variation? Uma das mais recentes variantes da língua inglesa (l.1), extensivas mudanças linguísticas (l.3).
New Zealand English (NZE) New Zealand English is famous for its unique pronunciation. Words such as ear/ıər/ and air/eər/ or beer/bıər/ and bear/beər/ are pronounced the same, that is, they are not distinguished. We gotta make sure it goes right. We better see some veges. That team that beat yous. Gidday.
We have got to make sure it goes right. We had better get some vegetables. That team that beat you (plural). Good day. A omissão do have (em have got e had better) é comum nas variantes da Nova Zelândia.
Exercises 2.25. How do you say the sentences above in Standard English? Resposta acima.
2.26. The following words are New Zealand English. Try to figure them out.
O sítio http://www.nz.com/newzealand/guide-book/language/ dictionary.aspx disponibiliza um dicionário comparativo entre o inglês neozelandês e o inglês americano.
a. banger b. choice c. afo d. frenchie e. OE or Big OE
( ( ( ( (
a e c b d
) sausage ) overseas experience ) afternoon ) very good ) condom
Australians are fond of shortening words (Butler, 1998). This process of word formation is usually done by keeping the first syllable of the word and adding the prefixes -ie or -o at the end. Try to figure out words that are closest in meaning in Standard English. Bastard, for example, is an affectionate term in AuE! A typical greeting is G’day, ya bastard! meaning Good day, (you) mate! And bathroom means a room with a bathtub but not necessarily with toilet.
to be fond of - to like someone or something
Australian English (AuE)
aussie chockie hollies postie tinnie frenchie greenie chalkie druggie vego demo lezzo
Australian. pronounced as /’O-zee/ chocolate holidays mail deliver can of beer condom or rubber environmentalist school teacher drug addict vegetarian demonstration lesbian
Exercises 2.27. How could you rewrite the list of words above in Standard English? Resposta ao lado da bandeira australiana.
Pre-reading: O termo American ou British Black English foi substituído, na última década, por African American e British Creole. Um dos argumentos utilizados pelo Reverendo Jesse Jackson é que o termo black refere-se à cor da pele enquanto que o termo African evoca a descendência de um povo, grupo ou pessoa. Os termos African (no lugar de Black), Asian (no lugar de Oriental) e Hispanic (no lugar de Latino), por exemplo, fazem parte, portanto, de uma lista de termos considerados ‘politicamente corretos’. Leia a definição de African American e British Creole English e, em seguida, dois excertos ilustrativos nessas variantes. African American English (AAVE) The term African American was originally used for a black person born in Africa. It is now commonly used for any African descent. The designation avoids the symbolism of skin color and suggests the equality of ethnic groups in a plural society. For many, the term African American conveys a more positive image than does the term black. Do you agree with it? Do you see any relation between the terms Afro-American and Afro-Brasileiro(a)?
In MEC. Parâmetros em ação do Ensino Médio: Língua Estrangeira. Anexo 7
Embora incentivados por organismos governamentais e não governamentais como ONU, UNESCO, Peace.org. etc, a diversidade linguística bem como o multiculturalismo tem encontrado resistência e preconceito em diversas partes do mundo. Há várias formas de discriminação e preconceito. O preconceito linguístico-cultural é um deles. O diálogo entre dois jovens, moradores do Brooklin, não apenas ilustra o Black English, mas também o preconceito racial, além de exemplificar a cultura (modo de pensar, ser e agir) desse grupo do Harlem, no que diz respeito a 3 aspectos, cada um em um trecho separado no texto: 1 Joias e dente folheado a ouro: sinal de poder aquisitivo: [the jewelry represents, you know, that you got money]. 2. o uso do termo nigger pelos negros: ser nigger não implica querer o mal a ninguém [we just don’t mean nobody no harm.]. 3. o uso do termo ‘nigger’ por brancos: os brancos usam o termo de forma ofensiva, pejorativa [when they call us that they ‘just tryin’ to be down.]. Uma outra questão é a interface linguagem e identidade, isto é, como a linguagem é constitutiva da identidade social das pessoas. O resgate aos PCNs de LE (1998) é novamente oportuno: “... apresentar para o aluno, por exemplo, como a variedade do inglês falado pelos negros americanos é discriminada na sociedade e, portanto, como estes, equivocadamente, são posicionados no discurso como inferiores” (p. 47).
Exercises 2.27. How could you rewrite the list of words above in Standard English? Resposta ao lado da bandeira australiana.
Pre-reading: O termo American ou British Black English foi substituído, na última década, por African American e British Creole. Um dos argumentos utilizados pelo Reverendo Jesse Jackson é que o termo black refere-se à cor da pele enquanto que o termo African evoca a descendência de um povo, grupo ou pessoa. Os termos African (no lugar de Black), Asian (no lugar de Oriental) e Hispanic (no lugar de Latino), por exemplo, fazem parte, portanto, de uma lista de termos considerados ‘politicamente corretos’. Leia a definição de African American e British Creole English e, em seguida, dois excertos ilustrativos nessas variantes. African American English (AAVE) The term African American was originally used for a black person born in Africa. It is now commonly used for any African descent. The designation avoids the symbolism of skin color and suggests the equality of ethnic groups in a plural society. For many, the term African American conveys a more positive image than does the term black. Do you agree with it? Do you see any relation between the terms Afro-American and Afro-Brasileiro(a)?
Note que as terminologias tradicionais Black American English e Black British English foram abandonadas. Discuta essa mudança terminológica, chame a atenção dos(as) alunos(as) para o uso do termo afro-brasileiro(a) no Brasil. O termo afro-americano também já foi abandonado, pois muitos alegaram que o hífen é discriminatório, pois sugere ‘parcialmente’. Sugere-se que os(as) alunos(as) pesquisem junto ao professor de português e história sobre o uso (ou não) do hífen em afro-brasileiro (a, os, as), bem como o efeito do uso (ou não) do hífen. Essa é uma questão de linguagem importantíssima para o letramento crítico, afinal pôr ou não pôr hífen tem implicação ideológica.
In MEC. Parâmetros em ação do Ensino Médio: Língua Estrangeira. Anexo 7
British creole British creole is the product of dialect contact between the Creole language varieties of migrants from the Caribbean (most Jamaican) and vernacular varieties of urban EngE (Sebba, 2004, p. 196).
One morning, it was ‘bout teabreak time an’ dem fly upstairs to di canteen. One big queue deh in front a dem but dem noh business ‘bout dat. Sutcliffe, D. British Black English. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1984, p.24
creole - a language that has developed from a mixture of languages one big queue deh there certainly was a queue dem noh business they didn’t care.
Text Comprehension 2.28. Text 2 is a piece of oral conversation among four female friends. How would you translate it into current written standard English?
One morning, it was about tea break time and they flew upstairs to the canteen. There certainly was a queue in front of them but they didn’t care.
2.29. Can you identify in text 1 any feature of non-standard grammar?
A dupla negativa [we just don’t mean nobody harm’ (não queremos o mal de ninguém)], o uso da forma invariante do be [we just be sayin’ (estamos apenas dizendo)], a omissão do be [we ø black man, we ø poor], apagamento do ‘g’ de ‘ing’ [sayin’]. Vale resgatar e destacar as marcas de oralidade no diálogo: see, you know, know what I mean? You know what I´m sayin’?
2.30. Try to figure out how the following features of Urban African American Vernacular English (urban AAVE) and British creole (BrC) would be said in standard English: Examples
English variety
Nobody don’t like it.
[urban AAVE]
Did him give you what you a look for?
I ain’t go yesterday.
[urban AAVE]
We a play.
I always be playing ball.
[urban AAVE]
What that is?
[urban AAVE]
That a you business.
She run everyday.
[urban AAVE]
Him deh ah jail.
Standard English ♦ Nobody likes it. he give you what you ♦ Did were looking for? ♦ I didn’t go yesterday. ♦ We are playing. ♦ I will always be playing ball. ♦ What is that? ♦ That’s your business. ♦ She runs everyday. ♦ He is in jail.
Ain’t is a widespread feature of non-standard English dialects, both in Great Britain and in the United States. It is the contraction of am not, is not, are not, has not, or have not.
2.31. Change the two following sentences with ain’t into standard English: a. There ain’t nothing over there. There isn’t anything over there.
How come? [informal] - used to ask about the reason for something
b. How come that ain’t working? How come that isn’t working?
Building Vocabulary and Genre Knowledge Words on the spot (1): Standard American and British English Differences in Vocabulary:
O projeto original para esse quadro era apresentar diferenças entre todas as variantes do Inner Circle. Como não encontramos materiais que disponibilizassem tais comparações de forma sistematizada, apresentamos apenas as variantes padrão inglesa e americana.
potato chips
French fries
parking place/lot
parking lot
Work, money & commerce
curriculum vitae
van, lorry
running shoes
Telephone & Post Service
area code
dialing code
busy (time)
engaged line
collect call
reverse charge
restroom, ladies’ or men’s room
WC [short for water closet], toilet, public convenience, ladies’ or men’s room or loo [informal English]
American English
English English
Differences in Spelling:
one -l versus double -ll
-or versus -our
-ter versus -tre
-og versus -ogue
-se versus -ce
-ize (-yze) versus -ise* (-yse)
-ction versus -xion
-zation versus -sation
-dgement versus -dgment acknowledgement
acknowledgement American English
English English
*Essas diferenças ortográficas têm sofrido algumas alterações. Vários lexicógrafos têm comentado sobre flutuações na ortografia britânica. Vide a ressalva feita no Mcquaire Australia´s National Dictionary(1) e depois contronte-a com a entrada para o verbete ‘organise/-ize’(2) no dicionário online da Cambridge: 1.“American practices favours -ize and BrE practice remains divided...” (1997, p. xiv). 2. organize (arrange) [UK, usually organise].
2.32. Based on these differences can you guess what English variety is being used by the authors of this book? Inglês americano, variante padrão.
2.33. What about the texts taken from different sources? What language variety is(are) used? As variantes padrão utilizadas pelos próprios autores.
those of loser to c e r a a gs are strali an spellin on, -or es of Au c ic r ti e c a m r p A e ing but som ow comm arty. The spell merica, ram is n A g n o bor P r a p th , mple alian La practice a Britain tr x s e u r A o F e sed. in th spelling widely u otably labor, as ustralian ans regularly A n ly , e s v g spellin distincti llings. Australi the most ise spe ularise. Perhaps . 3 ed. nce for - , recognise, reg e r e f ictionary e r p ational D , 1997, p. xiv. rgise is the e n tralia’s N e Ltd us y A , Pt e re ai ry is Macqu thor re Libra Macquai write au dney: The rd
About 440 words in AuE are borrowed from Aboriginal languages. Most of them name animals and plants. Kangaroo and Koala are two examples. Butler, S. 1998. Australian phrasebook. Lonely Planet. p. 12, 21.
Canadian English spelling can be described as a mixture of American English, British Eng lish, Quebec French, and unique Canadianism. Most freq uently (but not 100%) spelling includes: -our, -re, -ce (in nouns) and -se (in verbs), -ize, double -ll. Canadian vocabu lary is similar to American English, yet with key differences and local variations. “In Canada we have enough to do keeping up with two spoken languages without trying to invent slang, so we just go right ahead and use English for liter ature, Scotch for sermons and American for conversation.” Stephen Leacock
sp el li ng is T he B ri ti sh fo un d in N ew un iv er sa ll y E st ic ks ve ry Z ea la nd . N Z in ri ti sh E ng li sh cl os el y to B es do e so th an sp el li ng , m or li sh . ng E n A us tr al ia
Word on the spot (2): vary
Exercises 2.34. Add the following affixes (prefixes or suffixes) to vary so as to make up derived words: in- • -ity • -able • -s • -ant • -ed • -bly • -ance • -tion varies / varia (3 ♦ invariable / invariável pessoa singular, variable / ♦ variável (subst.) presente) ♦
variably ♦ / variavelmente invariably /♦ invariavelmente variance /♦ variância
♦ variables / variáveis
/ ♦ variant variante / ♦variants variantes
♦ variability / variabilidade varying♦/ variando (v) ou variável (adj)
♦ various / vários(as)
varied / variado(a,-va, ♦ -vam,- ram,- ra...)
♦variation / variação
♦ variations / variações
2.35. Translate each derived word.
As respostas encontram-se no diagrama acima.
2.36. Which of the previous derived words fill in the blanks below more appropriately? a. There are many ♦ reasons to respect language diversity. varied or various b. Dialects of ♦ kinds are spoken all over the world. various or varied c. ♦ in World English can be in spelling, grammar, phonetics/phonology, syntax, pragmatics etc. variations d. Our ideas have been at ♦ for many years. variance e. For ♦ reasons, English has been adopted as a lingua franca. various f. The English language is ♦. varied g. On the basis of small ♦ in spelling, lexis and grammar, we are able to group different texts into ♦ of Standard English. variations, varieties 2.37. What is the difference between ‘vary’ and ‘differ’ in English?
Vary é usado para se referir à maneira que várias coisas do mesmo tipo diferem enquanto que differ é usado para dizer que duas ou mais coisas têm diferentes qualidades ou características. ‘To vary’ is used to refer to the way several things of the same type are different whereas [enquanto que] ‘to differ’ is used to say that two or more things have different qualities or features.
Word on the spot (3): nationalities (word formation) Country or continent
Nationality or language
people (the ...) or people (2, 3...)
Africa America Argentina Asia Australia Belgium Brazil Europe Germany Hungary India Indonesia Iran Italy Norway (Arabia)
African American Argentinean Asian Australian Belgian Brazilian European German Hungarian Indian Indonesian Iranian Italian Norwegian Arabian / Arabic
Africans Americans Argentineans Asians Australians Belgians Brazilians Europeans Germans Hungarians Indians Indonesians Iranians Italians Norwegians Arabs
Greece Iraq Israel Pakistan Thailand
Greek Iraqi Israeli Pakistani Thai
Greeks Iraqis Israelis Pakistanis Thais
China Japan Portugal Vietnam
Chinese Japanese Portuguese Vietnamese
Chinese Japanese Portuguese Vietnamese
England Turkey Ireland Wales Britain Denmark Finland Poland Spain Sweden Scotland (a)
English Turkish Irish Welsh British Danish Finnish Polish Spanish Swedish Scottish or Scots
Englishmen Turks Irishmen Welshmen Britons Danes Finns Poles Spanish Swedes Scotsmen or Scots
Scotland (b) France the Netherlands
Scotch French Dutch
Scotchmen Frenchmen Dutchmen
O povo ou as pessoas (dois, três africanos etc).
Arabian - belonging or relating to Arabian, especially to Saudi Arabia Arabic - language that is spoken in the Middle East and in parts of North Africa; something that is Arabic belongs or relates to the language, writing, or culture of the Arabs.
Sugestão: Há várias atividades interativas disponíveis no sítio da Universidade de Franché-Comté. adapted from: cla.univ-fcomte.fr Acesse:http://cla.univ-fcomte.fr/english/grammar/natwords/natindex.htm
Exercises 2.38. Have you noticed that the nationalities above are distributed in five (05) groups. Find out which criterion was used. Os sufixos adicionados para formação dos adjetivos, que foram: -an, -i, -ese, -sh, -ch.
2.39. Fill in the chart below with the appropriate word class: The author comes from … (country)
She/He is … (nationality)
♦ China
♦ German
♦ Colombia
♦ Wales
♦ Welsh
♦ Swede
She/He speaks … (language) ♦ Chinese ♦ German ♦ Spanish Welsh ♦ Swedish
Genre on the spot (1): Review specialists Reviews are texts written by ws, sho , about books, artistic works and ng rmi movies. Its purpose is info m of icis crit giving positive or negative what is being reviewed.
Basic struture of a review cover - to deal with loan - lending a word to another language borrowing - getting a word from another language to mirror - to represent to appeal - to attract wide - broad, large
prepositions on - used after nouns such as influence on, emphasis on, focus on.
English Norwegian Contact Reviewed by CECILIA OVESDOTTER ALM 3 Norwegian Academic Press, 2002, 318 pp. 4 Johansson and Graedler’s book written in Norwegian covers primarily the influence of English on the Norwegian language, with emphasis on lexical loans and borrowings. 5It is accessible to readers proficient in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language and mirrors the currently strong interest in the changing role of English and the process of Englishization in the Nordic setting. Although relevant to students in English studies, the book will appeal to a wide readership. 1 2
1 - title 2 - name of reviewer 3 - publisher, date, number of pages. 4 - overview (general view) of the book, movie, etc. 5 - critical appraisal of it (positive and negative aspects), including adjectives.
World Englishes, 23,4, 613-26, 2004.
Os substantivos ‘loan’ e ‘borrowing’, ambos significando ‘empréstimo’ na resenha , demandam uma explicação cuidadosa. Os verbos ‘lend (to)’e ‘borrow (from)’ significam ‘emprestar’ e ‘pegar/tomar emprestado’, respectivamente. Ressalte que, em inglês, quando emprestamos alguma coisa para alguém, dizemos ‘lend something to somebody’, mas quando pegamos algo emprestado, dizemos ‘borrow something from somebody’.
2.40. Identify positive and negative adjectives in the review above. Os positivos são: relevant, remarkable (notável), useful, impressive, careful, explanatory. Os negativos: limited, restricted. A categoria ‘other’ abre espaço para adjetivos ambíguos: ‘ambitious’ e ‘modest’, que podem ser usados nos dois sentidos.
Standard Language: Use and Form The article system
The article system involves 3 categories: 1. the definite article 2. the indefinite article 3. the absence of an article (the zero article)
These categories allow us:
1. to talk generally about something: zero article (Ă˜)
plural nouns or uncountable nouns secrets superstar speakers Tupi is ‌ International English World Englishes
the definite article (the)
people from a place, region or country Angels Jutes Ashers Greeks Italians
2. to talk specifically about something: the indefinite article (a/an) a a a an an
the definite article (the)
singular noun (something unidentified to the interlocutor) similar language hybrid or RP small town informative and entertaining introduction interest
singular/plural/uncontable nouns (something identified to the interlocutor) British Isles English language gold tooth jewelry
‘a’ or ‘an’? singular countable nouns with beginning consonant sound
a a
an an
language map world language singular countable nouns with beginning vowel sound informative introduction unruly language
Observe how the pronunciation of university and union differs from update and urgent and how the pronunciation of hour and honest (silent ‘h’) differs from hero, hassle (pronounced ‘h’, making it a consonant sound). In these cases, the definite article ‘a’ precedes university, union and also hero and hassle. Why is this so? Because university and union begin with a consonant sound /j/ or /y/ whereas hour, honest begin with ‘h’ which is not pronounced.
Exercises 2.41. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or Ø:
Se a escola oferecer os recursos necessários, o acesso a dicionários online que ofereçam a opção pronúncia, geralmente sinalizada por , será enriquecedor. Um sítio é: http://m-w.com/dictionary . Basta digitar o vocábulo desejado. English is ♦ Germanic language of ♦ Indo-European family. a, the
a. b. It is ♦ second most spoken language in ♦ world. the, the c. ♦ global language in ♦ circle. The, a d. McArthur’s Circle of World English tries to organize ♦ unruly language. an e. In ♦ middle is ♦ idealized formal language. the, an f. ♦ dialects closer to ♦ center of ♦ wheel have ♦ most formal rules of ♦ language. Ø, the, the, the, Ø g. I call it ♦ big hassle. a h. World map of ♦ English. Ø Standard English
Standard English is educated English with distinguishing grammatical features. In Standard English: • plural ‘-s’ is redundantly added to nouns already modified by numeral [two dogs]. This is also true in Portuguese. • 3rd person singular (present tense) is marked by ‘-s’ and has irregular morphology [goes, studies, speaks]; • multiple negations [I don’t want nothing] are not permitted. In Standard English, it becomes [I don’t want anything]; • reflexive pronouns are irregularly formed. Some derive from possessive pronouns (myself) and others from objective pronouns (himself); • singular and plural personal pronoun you is not distinguished;
• be is irregular in present and past [am, is, are, was, were]; • past tense is represented in two different forms [I saw, I have seen]; • many verbs are irregular [seen/saw, sung/sang (see list at the end of your book)]; • the demonstrative pronouns are this (sing.), these (pl.), that (sing.), those (pl.); • question tags are irregular [is it?, isn’t it?, does it?, doesn’t it? etc] are used mainly in oral conversations. adapted from Stockwell, P. Sociolinguistics: a resource book for students. London: Routledge, 2002, p. 14.
Exercises 2.42. It is argued that these irregularities of Standard English make it difficult. What is your opinion about it?
Question tags
Question tags (variant or invariant, in standard or non standard English) mainly have an interactional (when they ask for the hearer’s confirmation or evaluation of a previous statement) function.
The tag question contains 2 (two) words: a form of be, auxiliary or modal + subject pronoun If the statement is positive the tag is negative. If the statement is negative, the tag is positive. It is (+) easy, isn’t (-) it? He was (+) here, wasn’t(-) he?
You can (+) understand Welsh, can’t (-) you? She wasn’t (-) Canadian, was (+) she?
Most varieties have different invariant ways of getting confirmation of a previous statement. For example, eh? [CanE], eh?, ok? right? [EngE], yeah? hunh? [AmE], ay? [Welsh English], eh what? [BrE], not so [Indian and West African English]. In teenage talk, tags are highly frequent and invariant. The most common ones are innit?, eh?, yeah?, okay?, right?, huhn?. Invariant tags are similar to the Brazilian né?
Exercises 2.43. Match samples of teenagers’ use of tags (informal, non standard English) with school question tags (formal, standard English): a. It goes past the hospital. Right? b. Let me finish, okay? c. It is so stupid, innit? d. You had a nice trip, yeah?
( a ) doesn’t it? ( d ) didn’t you? ( c ) isn’t it? ( b ) won’t you?
Which strategy did you (or your peers) use to get it right?
peer - classmate
Sugere-se troca de ideias sobre as irregularidades e arbitrariedades de uma língua padrão (seja o inglês, seja o português). O objetivo é perceber que as variantes não padrão simplificam a língua padrão. Encoraje a reflexão sobre as questões econômicas (poder) que estão por trás do estabelecimento de uma variante padrão. Sugira uma visita a uma livraria e a observação de livros que alimentam o mercado de Aprenda Português!, Fale corretamente!. O mesmo vale para o Inglês padrão. A renda da Inglaterra com ensino do Inglês da BBC é a segunda maior fonte de renda de economia do país e, logicamente, é uma forma de controle. Por outro lado, há a questão de unidade e identidade de uma nação (como dito na Lição 1, no texto sobre a Austrália). Como fazer isso se não for pela língua e pela determinação de uma língua padrão? A História mostra nos processos de colonização a imposição da língua dominante sobre o povo dominado. Levantar essas questões favorece o desenvolvimento de pensamento crítico.
Listamos apenas exemplos com verbo ‘to be’ e o modal ‘can’. Dependendo do nível de proficiência da turma, sugere-se exploração de outros ‘question tags’ com do(es), did, will, would etc. Há inúmeros sítios com atividades mecânicas e estruturais que podem auxiliar na automatização desse aspecto linguístico, se for de interesse do grupo. Algumas sugestões são fornecidas ao final do livro.
Resposta pessoal. Socializar e avaliar a eficácia das estratégias utilizadas permite a conscientização e expansão de um repertório de estratégias que podem (mas não asseguram) auxiliar na aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira.
• be is irregular in present and past [am, is, are, was, were]; • past tense is represented in two different forms [I saw, I have seen]; • many verbs are irregular [seen/saw, sung/sang (see list at the end of your book)]; • the demonstrative pronouns are this (sing.), these (pl.), that (sing.), those (pl.); • question tags are irregular [is it?, isn’t it?, does it?, doesn’t it? etc] are used mainly in oral conversations. adapted from Stockwell, P. Sociolinguistics: a resource book for students. London: Routledge, 2002, p. 14.
Exercises 2.42. It is argued that these irregularities of Standard English make it difficult. What is your opinion about it?
Question tags
Question tags (variant or invariant, in standard or non standard English) mainly have an interactional (when they ask for the hearer’s confirmation or evaluation of a previous statement) function.
The tag question contains 2 (two) words: a form of be, auxiliary or modal + subject pronoun If the statement is positive the tag is negative. If the statement is negative, the tag is positive. It is (+) easy, isn’t (-) it? He was (+) here, wasn’t(-) he?
You can (+) understand Welsh, can’t (-) you? She wasn’t (-) Canadian, was (+) she?
Most varieties have different invariant ways of getting confirmation of a previous statement. For example, eh? [CanE], eh?, ok? right? [EngE], yeah? hunh? [AmE], ay? [Welsh English], eh what? [BrE], not so [Indian and West African English]. In teenage talk, tags are highly frequent and invariant. The most common ones are innit?, eh?, yeah?, okay?, right?, huhn?. Invariant tags are similar to the Brazilian né?
Exercises 2.43. Match samples of teenagers’ use of tags (informal, non standard English) with school question tags (formal, standard English): a. It goes past the hospital. Right? b. Let me finish, okay? c. It is so stupid, innit? d. You had a nice trip, yeah?
( a ) doesn’t it? ( d ) didn’t you? ( c ) isn’t it? ( b ) won’t you?
Which strategy did you (or your peers) use to get it right?
peer - classmate
As seen in Lesson 1, wh-words are placed at the beginning of the sentence. They can act as adverbs [Why, When, Where, How]. But they can also be used in some commonly phrases that are a combination of what, which and how: [What kind of, How often, How many, How much, Which one, What about]. wh-word
to ask about the reason for something
Why is Estuary English spoken in South East England?
How many
to ask about quantity
How many English varieties are spoken in the world?
How often
to ask about frequency
How often do you read maps?
Exercises 2.44. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate wh-word: a. ♦ English language varieties are there in the world? How many b. ♦ do you listen to other varieties of Brazilian Portuguese? How often c. ♦ do you listen to other varieties of Portuguese? How often d. ♦ do people usually discriminate accents such as rural ones or the one from the northeast? Why 2.45. Match wh-words and typical responses: a. Why? b. How often? c. How many?
( b ) always (100% yes), never (100% no), usually (85%), sometimes (70-80%), seldom (30%) ( c ) one, two, three, several ( a ) Because ...
2.46.Use the appropriate wh-word to ask a question that relates to that piece of information. Example: The British spelling is universally found in New Zealand. What is universally found in New Zealand? a. Canadian English can be described as a mixture of American, British Englishes and Quebec French.
How can Canadian English be described?
b. About 440 words in AuE are borrowed from Aboriginal languages.
How many words in AuE are borrowed from Aboriginal languages?
c. The designation avoids the symbolism of skin color. What does the designation avoid?
d. One morning, it was about tea break time and they flew upstairs to the canteen. When did they fly upstairs to the canteen?
e. There certainly was a queue in front of them. What was there in front of them?
f. They can’t call us that because when they call us that they are just trying to be down. Why can’t they call us that?
The use and meaning of ‘-ed’ The -ed is used both in the past tense and past participle. Take a look at the chart at the end of your book and observe that a verb list in English always includes three columns: the infinitive form (1st), the past tense (2nd), and the past particple (3rd). -ed as past tense • it indicates that an action is finished: [Rosewarne argued that it may eventually replace RP] -ed as past participle to evolve – to develop
• with ‘have’ auxiliaries (active verb): [The history of English in Africa has evolved in three distinct segments: West African, East African and South African English]. • with ‘be/being’ auxiliaries (passive verb): [English was transported to Asia and Africa]. • as adjective [idealized formal language, Received pronunciation]
Exercises 2.47. As a polysemeous word, ‘varied’ can have different meanings in different contexts. For example, it can be translated into Portuguese as: várias; vários; variou; variaram; variava; variavam; variada; variado; variadas; variados. The context will determine its meaning. Decide which of these meanings is the most appropriate for the sentences below: a. There are many varied reasons to respect language diversity. (razões) variadas
b. Dialects of varied kinds are spoken all over the world. (tipos) variados
c. Definitions of ‘standard English’ are varied. variadas
Polysemy is a semantic process by which certain words have several meanings.
Compound indefinite pronouns
Compound indefinite pronouns refer to quantity of things (-thing) or people (-one; -body) without mentioning what or who they are. Compound indefinite pronouns consist of two elements: Sugestão: resgate o exercício feito no Getting Started com os pronomes indefinidos. indefinite pronoun
suffix referring to persons
compound indefinite pronoun
-one -body
everyone / everybody someone / somebody anyone / anybody no one / nobody
suffix referring to things
compound indefinite pronoun
everything something anything nothing
The process of word formation (cont.)
The process of word formation involves using different mechanisms (derivation, compounding, blend, shortening, borrowing) to build new words from existing ones. Observe the following words:
Entender os processos de derivação, composição, aglutinação, abreviação e empréstimos de palavras demanda tempo, prática e frequência de exposição à língua estrangeira. O objetivo, aqui, é apenas chamar atenção para esses processos.
dispersal, widely
World English(es)
autobus, brunch
RP = Received pronunciation ya=you
pasta, hooligan
(words derive from (world + English(es), disperse and wide) nation + wide)
(auto+bus, breakfast+lunch)
(acronym or not)
(from Italian and Irish, respectively)
acronym – in Portuguese, ‘sigla’
Where Do You Stand Now? • One objective of teaching English to L1 speakers in England is to make students “understand the importance of Standard English as the language of public communication nationally and often internationally”. Do you think the teaching of standard language is important at school? Write down one strong reason for or against the importance of learning standard Portuguese at school.
for – in favor of against – in opposition to
Chamar a atenção para o ‘L1’ que, neste contexto, significa inglês como língua nativa.
Self-Assessment Aboriginal English is the name given to the different forms of the minority dialect spoken by Aboriginal people in Australia. It is an important marker of ethnic identity.
‘Singlish’ is an indigenized variety of English spoken informally in Singapore. It is mostly spoken as a second language, but is now a common native language in Singapore.
Bislama is the dialect of Melanesian Pidgin spoken by over 120.000 people throughout Vanuatu. It has been declared the national language of the country.
Tok Pisin is the dialect of Melanesian Pidgin spoken by more than 2,5 million people in Papua New Guinea. It is used in the broadcast and print media, and in the Parliament. adapted from: www.une.edu.au
1. After reading the texts above, one may infer that ♦. I. most of them are English varieties. II. none of them are English varieties. III. all of them are either English varieties or dialects. The correct statesment(s) is (are): a. only I b. only II c. only III
d. I and II
e. I and III
2. According to the texts: a. All these varieties reflect ethnic identity. b. All these varieties are declared official languages. c. All these varieties are Aboriginal. d. All these varieties are spoken by 120,000 people. e. All these varieties are also called Ebonics. 3. Based on this Lesson what does it mean to learn English?
key: 1. c / 2.a 3. Resposta aberta resultante de reflexão e autoavaliação do(a) aluno(a).
Objectives - Checklist To build the concepts of standard language and language varieties; To get to know different varieties of English and their features; To develop attitudes of respect towards language varieties; To read and interpret maps, graphs, charts, dialogs and book reviews; To locate an author’s opinion and positioning; To develop appropriately sustained oral arguments; To point out oral language features; To identify grammatical features of the standard English variety; To deepen knowledge of ‘interrogative’ and ‘indefinite’ pronouns; To get familiar with use and form of question tags.
Answer Key 2.1
e / b / a / c / f / d.
2.18 2.19 2.20
Why not? She isn’t leaving. It’s your turn. My hair needs washing. I’m not invited. You’ve got a child, haven’t you? She might be coming home late. He can help us tomorrow. That’s miles away, isn’t it? As singularidades do inglês escocês estão no uso do how significando why, da negativa com no, not isnae, ou isn’t, da contração negativa amn’t, do uso de Am I no ou Amn’t I na interrogativa, enquanto as outras variantes utilizam Aren’t I, o uso de duplo modal e question tag com not ou no. “Scots texts for those who are interested in learning Scots or for those who already speak it and wish to enjoy it”. ( a ) sneakers/tennis shoes ( i ) candy bar ( l ) railroad ( j ) condom ( e ) driver’s licence ( b ) ATM [AmE], hole-in-the-wall or cash dispenser [BrE] ( f ) restroom [AmE] or toilet [BrE, AuE] ( g ) faucet ( m) absolutely nothing ( o ) holidays ( n ) lift ( h ) soda ( d ) bus station ( k ) angry or drunk ( c ) kind of co-op bank, found in Quebec and popularly known as a caisse pop. a. Colours [BrE] b. Programs [AmE] c. Revitalizes [AmE] d. Fulfill [AmE], Humour {BrE] We have got to make sure it goes right. We had better get some vegetables. That team that beat you (plural). Good day.
a / e / c / b / d.
Australian. pronounced as /’O-zee/ chocolate holidays mail deliver can of beer condom or rubber environmentalist school teacher drug addict vegetarian demonstration lesbian
Nobody likes it. Did he give you what you were looking for? I didn’t go yesterday. We are playing. I will always be playing ball. What is that? That’s your business. She runs everyday. He is in jail.
2.34 / 2.35
variably♦ / variavelmente
♦ variables / variáveis
invariably ♦ / invariavelmente
/ ♦ variant variante
♦ variability / variabilidade varying♦/ variando (v) ou variável (adj)
♦ various / vários(as) varied / variado(a,-va, ♦ -vam,- ram,- ra...)
/ ♦variants variantes
variance /♦ variância
varies / varia (3a pessoa singular, presente)
♦ invariable / invariável / ♦ variable variável (subst.)
♦variation / variação
♦ variations / variações
a. varied or various b. various or varied c. variations d. variance e. various f. varied g. variations, varieties
The author comes from … (country) ♦ China Germany ♦ Colombia ♦ Wales Sweden
a. a, the b. the, the c. The, a d. an e. the, an f. Ø, the, the, the, Ø g. a h. Ø
a d c b
a. How many b. How often c. How often d. Why
She/He is … (nationality) Chinese
She/He speaks … (language) ♦ Chinese
♦ German Colombian ♦ Welsh ♦ Swede
♦ German ♦ Spanish Welsh ♦ Swedish
b c a
a. How can Canadian English be described? b. How many words in AuE are borrowed from Aboriginal languages? c. What does the designation avoid? d. When did they fly upstairs to the canteen? e. What was there in front of them? f. Why can’t they call us that?
a. (razĂľes) variadas b. (tipos) variados c. variadas