Grafset Inglês

Page 1

English in a Multilingual World









Objectives Entender o fenômeno da diversidade linguístico-cultural; Identificar países nos quais as línguas portuguesa e inglesa são faladas; Reconhecer o status das línguas portuguesa, inglesa e algumas línguas minoritárias no mundo; Ler e interpretar mapas, rankings, diagramas, legendas e informação iconográfica; Estudar o processo de formação de palavras; Distinguir speak, say e tell; Sistematizar as formas do verbo to be; Entender o uso de diferentes pronomes interrogativos; Diferenciar voz ativa da passiva; Perceber o(s) efeito(s) de sentido criado(s) pelo uso da voz passiva.

Where Do You Stand? Pre-reading: Segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, “para viver democraticamente em uma sociedade plural é preciso respeitar os diferentes grupos e culturas que a constituem” (1998, v. 10.2, p. 117). Discuta com sua turma o que significa respeitar diferentes grupos e culturas. De que forma um mapa pode (des)respeitar 1 um grupo linguísticocultural? Até que ponto o mapa 1 dá conta da natureza multilíngue e multicultural de cada país? Como um indígena ou usuário de línguas de sinais deve se sentir ao ver sua língua excluída de um mapa de línguas do mundo? adapted 33

Turkic - in Portuguese, (línguas) turcomanas ou túrquicas


Com base nos PCNs sobre o tema transversal Pluralidade Cultural (1998, v. 10.2), o objetivo desse mapa é instigar, no e pelo debate, a percepção sobre fatos que tendem a ser naturalizados tanto na escola quanto na sociedade. Se as línguas indígenas, de sinais etc. são línguas (ainda que minoritárias), por que não são contempladas no mapa 1? Esse é um exemplo de como a lingua(gem) pode ser excludente e ideológica (refletir valores e opiniões). O mapa ainda ilustra o que os PCNs de LE (1998) destacam como tópico de conscientização crítica, na aula de LE. Note-se como os grupos linguísticos minoritários são posicionados no discurso como inferiores e, portanto, excluídos da condição de figurarem no mapa. Segundo os PCNs, “Consciência crítica da linguagem tem a ver com a consciência de como as pessoas usam a linguagem para agirem no mundo social a partir de seus projetos políticos e da representação que fazem dos seus interlocutores (branco, rico, falante de uma variedade hegemônica etc.)” (p. 47 - 48).





Objectives Entender o fenômeno da diversidade linguístico-cultural; Identificar países nos quais as línguas portuguesa e inglesa são faladas; Reconhecer o status das línguas portuguesa, inglesa e algumas línguas minoritárias no mundo; Ler e interpretar mapas, rankings, diagramas, legendas e informação iconográfica; Estudar o processo de formação de palavras; Distinguir speak, say e tell; Sistematizar as formas do verbo to be; Entender o uso de diferentes pronomes interrogativos; Diferenciar voz ativa da passiva; Perceber o(s) efeito(s) de sentido criado(s) pelo uso da voz passiva.

Where Do You Stand?

Resposta pessoal, que demonstre interação entre processos descendentes (opinião, conhecimento de mundo) e ascendentes (observação do mapa, título, objetivo, legenda, línguas incluídas) de leitura.


Pre-reading: Segundo os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, “para viver democraticamente em uma sociedade plural é preciso respeitar os diferentes grupos e culturas que a constituem” (1998, v. 10.2, p. 117). Discuta com sua turma o que significa respeitar diferentes grupos e culturas. De que forma um mapa pode (des)respeitar 1 um grupo linguísticocultural? Até que ponto o mapa 1 dá conta da natureza multilíngue e multicultural de cada país? Como um indígena ou usuário de línguas de sinais deve se sentir ao ver sua língua excluída de um mapa de línguas do mundo? adapted Turkic - in Portuguese, (línguas) turcomanas ou túrquicas


Text Comprehension 1.1. Does map 1 represent the countries as being monolingual or multilingual? Monolíngue. O mapa não retrata o fenômeno da pluralidade linguístico-cultural nos países.

1.2. What is the implication of not including indigenous languages or dialects in a map entitled ‘Languages of the World’? Significa que elas não são consideradas línguas.

1.3. What changes would you make in the map to make it accurate? Resposta pessoal.

Linguistic diversity and multilingualism Linguistic diversity reflects the existence of the multitude of languages spoken in the world which is variously estimated at between 6.000 and 7.000 languages. Estimates suggest that at least half of them are in danger of disappearing in the coming years. While some countries are linguistically homogeneous, such as Iceland, many countries and regions display a wealth of linguistic diversity, for example, Indonesia, with over 700 languages, and Papua New Guinea with over 800 languages.

accurate - precise, correct

such as - used to exemplify something to display - to show a wealth of - large number of over [prep] - more than

In Education in a Multilingual World. Paris: The United Nations, 2003, p.12

When several languages coexist, as in some countries of Africa, and in India, societies are multilingual. Languages don’t overlap, there is a place for each in different situations and contexts. Languages which live together influence and enrich each other.

Text Comprehension

• Prefix en- [em-] When added to a verb means to cause to be something [enrich]. • Existential there used to state the existence or occurrence of something.

overlap - the amount by which two things cover the same area (in portuguese, sobrepor) to enrich each other - ‘A’ enriches ‘B’ and ‘B’ enriches ‘A’

1.4. In your opinion, do languages enrich each other? If so, how? Resposta pessoal. Encorajar o debate e a percepção de como a linguagem não é neutra, como ela constrói perspectivas, posicionamentos, valores e crenças, sendo, portanto, lugar de embate e de ação.

1.5. What word in the text means ‘consisting of things which are similar to each other or are of the same type? Homogeneous (also homogenous).

1.6. What idea is suggested by the expressions: diversity, multitude of languages, 6000 to 7000 languages, a wealth of linguistic diversity over 700/800 languages? A ideia de pluralidade linguística, o multilingualismo. A repetição dessa ideia por meio das palavras e expressões acima contribui para a coesão do texto.

1.7. Linguistically homogeneous countries are compared to linguistically heterogeneous ones. What linking word is used to establish this comparison? How would you translate it? While / enquanto.



O objetivo é convidar o(a) aluno(a) a criar/ transformar a realidade criada no (e pelo) mapa, mobilizando os saberes aprendidos. Colocamos na prática a proposta de uma pedagogia crítica, i.e., aquela que concebe práticas de linguagem em sala de aula como forma de ação e tranformação da realidade criada na (e pela) linguagem. Nesse caso, a exclusão de línguas minoritárias no mapa.

Text Comprehension 1.1. Does map 1 represent the contries as being monolingual or multilingual? Monolíngue. O mapa não retrata o fenômeno da pluralidade linguístico-cultural nos países.

1.2. What is the implication of not including indigenous languages or dialects in a map entitled ‘Languages of the World’? Significa que elas não são consideradas línguas.

1.3. What changes would you make in the map to make it accurate? Resposta pessoal.

Linguistic diversity and multilingualism Linguistic diversity reflects the existence of the multitude of languages spoken in the world which is variously estimated at between 6.000 and 7.000 languages. Estimates suggest that at least half of them are in danger of disappearing in the coming years. While some countries are linguistically homogeneous, such as Iceland, many countries and regions display a wealth of linguistic diversity, for example, Indonesia, with over 700 languages, and Papua New Guinea with over 800 languages.

accurate - precise, correct

such as - used to exemplify something to display - to show a wealth of - large number of over [prep] - more than

In Education in a Multilingual World. Paris: The United Nations, 2003, p.12

When several languages coexist, as in some countries of Africa, and in India, societies are multilingual. Languages don’t overlap, there is a place for each in different situations and contexts. Languages which live together influence and enrich each other.

Text Comprehension

• Prefix en- [em-] When added to a verb means to cause to be something [enrich]. • Existential there used to state the existence or occurrence of something.

1.4. In your opinion, do languages enrich each other? If so, how? Resposta pessoal. Encorajar o debate e a percepção de como a linguagem não é neutra, como ela constrói perspectivas, posicionamentos, valores e crenças, sendo, portanto, lugar de embate e de ação.

1.5. What word in the text means ‘consisting of things which are similar to each other or are of the same type? Homogeneous (also homogenous).

O texto da lâmpada só menciona o enriquecimento causado pelo contato entre as línguas, mas poderia também tratar da suplantação de uma língua por outra, dominação, desaparecimento de línguas etc. Destaque a predominância da visão romântica (apenas aspectos positivos do contato entre as línguas) do texto.


1.6. What idea is suggested by the expressions: diversity, multitude of languages, 6000 to 7000 languages, a wealth of linguistic diversity over 700/800 languages? A idéia de pluralidade linguística, o multilingualismo. A repetição dessa ideia por meio das palavras e expressões acima contribui para a coesão do texto.

1.7. Linguistically homogeneous countries are compared to linguistically heterogeneous ones. What linking word is used to establish this comparison? How would you translate it? While / enquanto.


overlap - the amount by which two things cover the same area (in portuguese, sobrepor) to enrich each other - ‘A’ enriches ‘B’ and ‘B’ enriches ‘A’

1.8. Look at the maps below to learn more about where Portuguese and English are spoken: 2


a. Where is Portuguese spoken?

Pelo mapa 1, observa-se que o Português é falado no Brasil, Portugal, Moçambique, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Macau, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste. Ao todo, são nove os países onde a língua portuguesa é oficial.

b. Where is English spoken?

Pelo mapa 2, o inglês é falado no Canadá, EUA, Guiana Inglesa, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Índia, Irlanda, Reino Unido (Escócia, Inglaterra, País de Gales e Irlanda do Norte), Ilhas do Caribe, África do Sul, Libéria, Nigéria, Gâmbia, Serra Leoa, Gana, Namíbia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzânia, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistão, Sri Lanka etc.

c. Where were the maps taken from? Do Wikipedia.

d. What is Wikipedia? Pay a visit to its website and find out more about it. É uma enciclopédia virtual de livre acesso na internet. Ao visitarem a Wikipedia, os alunos poderão perceber que os textos podem ser editados, traduzidos, revisados por todos os usuários.

e. Which of the countries shown above are predominantly monolingual? E.U.A., Grã-Bretanha, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Brasil, Portugal, Irlanda.

f. Which ones are multilingual? Nova Zelândia, Angola, Moçambique, África do Sul, Ilhas do Caribe, Libéria, Nigéria, Gâmbia, Serra Leoa, Gana, Namíbia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzânia, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistão, Sri Lanka etc.

1.9. Do you think Portuguese and English hold the same status in all countries they are spoken? Em todos, o português é a língua oficial, inclusive em Portugal e coexiste com outras línguas. Em Portugal, por exemplo, há o Mirandês e vários outros dialetos. O inglês não possui o mesmo status nos países onde é falado.

Food For Thought Pre-reading: Qual a função de um ranking? Em que contextos os rankings são geralmente utilizados? Que posição o Português e o Inglês ocupam nos rankings abaixo? 1 Rank


First Language speakers in millions




















adapted from

World Language Ranking: Most Spoken Languages

Most is used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs [The most spoken language].

Mandarin - a group of dialects of spoken Chinese, or more specifically, its standardized version, which is the most common form of Chinese language spoken today Hindi - an IndoEuropean language spoken mainly in Northern and Central India Bengali - an IndoAryan language


A função de um ranking é fornecer a posição ocupada por diferentes coisas ou pessoas em um listagem ordenada por certos critérios (velocidade, desempenho, quantidade, riqueza, nível de educação etc.). O ranking abaixo mostra que a língua portuguesa é a 6ª língua mais falada, enquanto que o inglês ocupa a 3ª posição.

1.8. Look at the maps below to learn more about where Portuguese and English are spoken: 2


a. Where is Portuguese spoken? Pelo mapa 1, observa-se que o Português é falado no Brasil, Portugal, Moçambique, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Macau, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste. Ao todo, são nove os países onde a língua portuguesa é oficial.

b. Where is English spoken?

Pelo mapa 2, o inglês é falado no Canadá, EUA, Guiana Inglesa, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Índia, Irlanda, Reino Unido (Escócia, Inglaterra, País de Gales e Irlanda do Norte), Ilhas do Caribe, África do Sul, Libéria, Nigéria, Gâmbia, Serra Leoa, Gana, Namíbia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzânia, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistão, Sri Lanka etc.

c. Where were the maps taken from? Do Wikipedia.

d. What is Wikipedia? Pay a visit to its website and find out more about it. É uma enciclopédia virtual de livre acesso na internet. Ao visitarem a Wikipedia, os alunos poderão perceber que os textos podem ser editados, traduzidos, revisados por todos os usuários.

e. Which of the countries shown above are predominantly monolingual? E.U.A., Grã-Bretanha, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Brasil, Portugal, Irlanda.

f. Which ones are multilingual?

Nova Zelândia, Angola, Moçambique, África do Sul, Ilhas do Caribe, Libéria, Nigéria, Gâmbia, Serra Leoa, Gana, Namíbia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzânia, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistão, Sri Lanka etc.

1.9. Do you think Portuguese and English hold the same status in all countries they are spoken? Em todos, o português é a língua oficial, inclusive em Portugal e coexiste com outras línguas. Em Portugal, por exemplo, há o Mirandês e vários outros dialetos. O inglês não possui o mesmo status nos países onde é falado.

Food For Thought Pre-reading: Qual a função de um ranking? Em que contextos os rankings são geralmente utilizados? Que posição o Português e o Inglês ocupam nos rankings abaixo? 1





First Language speakers in millions



















adapted from

World Language Ranking: Most Spoken Languages

Most is used to form the superlative of many adjectives and adverbs [The most spoken language].

Mandarin - a group of dialects of spoken Chinese, or more specifically, its standardized version, which is the most common form of Chinese language spoken today Hindi - an IndoEuropean language spoken mainly in Northern and Central India Bengali - an IndoAryan language


Exercises 1.10. Fill in the blanks, based on the rankings above: Ranking 1: a. Mandarin is spoken in ♦. China b. Hindi is spoken in ♦. India c. Bengali is spoken in ♦. Bangladesh d. Portuguese is the sixth most ♦ language in the world. spoken Ranking 2: e. Portuguese is the ♦ most spoken language in the world. seventh f. ♦ is the most spoken language in the world. Chinese 1.11. If, in 2004, the estimated population in Brazil was 180 million inhabitants, how updated are the rankings above? Ambos os rankings estão desatualizados. 1.12. According to the Portuguese Government, Portuguese is currently spoken by more than 200 million people ( If so, what conclusion do you get based on the total number of speakers and on the total amount of the Brazilian population?

updated containing recent information currently presently, now

A posição da língua portuguesa no ranking se deve ao expressivo número de brasileiros, falantes de português.



Building Knowledge Pre-reading: Alguns linguístas têm distribuído os países onde a língua inglesa é falada em três círculos, chamados inner, outer e expanding circles. Os círculos levam em conta como a língua difundiu-se pelo mundo. No círculo mais interno (inner), encontram-se as bases tradicionais da língua inglesa. No círculo externo (outer), encontramos os países para onde a língua inglesa expandiu-se e possui, atualmente, status de língua oficial ou segunda língua. O terceiro círculo, denominado em expansão (expanding), envolve as nações que reconhecem o status atual da língua e onde a mesma é, geralmente, ensinada como língua estrangeira. Em quais desses círculos você colocaria o Brasil? Em seguida compare ambos os textos.

adapted from:

adapted from Jenkins, J. World Englishes: a Resource Book for Students. London: Routledge, 2003, p. 16.

The Three-Circle Model of World Englishes

countries where English is the first language (L1) of most people. countries where besides English as a native language (L1) there is at least one other significant native tongue. countries where English is not native, only official language. Explique que L1 significa língua materna ou língua nativa.

Text Comprehension 1.13. Take a closer look at The Three-Circle Model of World Englishes: a. What does it show in terms of number of native English speakers in the world? O modelo mostra que o número de falantes nativos é inferior ao de falantes não nativos.

b. Is the “Expanding Circle” also represented in the map? Não. O mapa só dá conta do círculo interno e parte do externo.

c. What country from South America is included in the map as a native English speaking country? Is this country also in “The Three-Circle Model”? A Guiana Inglesa. Não.



1.14. What is the purpose of the map? Identificar o status da língua inglesa nos países destacados.

1.15. Are “The three-Circle Model” and the map texts? Why?

Sim. Pois ambos os mapas (gêneros) têm um propósito e formam um todo comunicativo. A pergunta se o modelo de três círculos e o mapa são textos visa construir a noção de que texto é um todo significativo e não um conjunto de palavras corretas.

Texts are communicative and meaningful language occurrences. Maps, figures, pictures, graphs, tables and diagrams are texts.

Pre-reading: A figura abaixo mostra o número de falantes de Inglês como L1, L2 e LE. Há alguma informação numérica contraditória entre essa figura e os rankings das páginas 35 e 36? O número de falantes de inglês como primeira língua difere nas duas fontes pesquisadas, embora sejam próximos.

Possible language shift

375 million L1 speakers

Possible language shift

375 million L2 speakers

750 million EFL speakers

Graddol, D. The future of English? London: The British Council, 2000, p. 10.

Text Comprehension 1.16. How many ESL speakers are there in the world: 375 million or 750 million? 375 milhões.

1.17. How many L2 and L1 speakers are there in the world: 375 million or 750 million? 750 milhões.

Pre-reading: O texto abaixo trata da origem da língua inglesa. Leia-o atentamente e observe se o status da língua inglesa, informado no texto, confirma ou contradiz a posição ocupada pela língua inglesa nos rankings das páginas 35 e 36: Contradiz. No texto, o inglês aparece como a 2ª língua mais falada.

The Origin and History of the English Language English is a Germanic language of the Indo-European family. It is the second most spoken language in the world. The history of the language can be traced back to the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD (Angles, Saxons and Jutes). The Angles were named from Engle, their land of origin. Their language was called ‘Englisc’ from which the word ‘English’ derives. adapted from:


of - used to combine two nouns. Note that the 1st noun identifies features of the 2nd: noun 1 + of + noun 2 from - used to indicate the origin of something or someone

to trace back - to discover the origin of something AD - Anno Domini to derive - to originate from, to come from


Text Comprehension 1.18. Fill in the chart below: ♦ Indo-European (family) ♦ Germanic (tribes) ♦ Angles

♦ Saxons

♦ Englisc (language)

♦ Jutes

The three tribes that arrived at the British Isles

♦ Engle (land of origin)


1.19. What do the pronouns ‘it’ and ‘their’ refer to in the following two sentences? ● It is the second most spoken language in the world. ● Their language was called ‘Englisc’.

1.20. Read the following text and choose the most adequate answers: Tupi is the name of a language family that was spoken along the Brazilian coast at the time of its discovery. The Portuguese, when landing in Brazil, found out that wherever they went along the vast coast of this newly discovered land, natives spoke a similar language which was then named “língua geral” (general language). It was systematized by the Jesuits and spoken until the nineteenth century in that region. In the 19th century, it was prohibited by Marquês de Pombal. But it is still used today by Indians around the Rio Negro region, where it is called Nheengatu [ñeengatOO], or “fine language”. adapted from:

A. Nheengatu is an ♦ language. ( ) famous ( ) international

( ) indian

B. “This newly discovered land” refers to ♦. ( ) Portugal ( ) Brazil ( ) Africa C. When was Tupi prohibited by Marquês de Pombal? ( ) in Portugal ( ) in Brazil ( ) in the 19th century D. Who landed in Brazil in 1500? ( ) the Portuguese ( ) the king of Portugal

( ) the Indians

E. Which language was systematized by the Jesuits? ( ) Portuguese ( ) the general language ( ) English 42


1.21. Put the following words in the blanks left along the chart: Afrikaans • Maori • Canberra • South African • Canada • The United States of America • dollar • Irish • Muslim • Australian • Euro • British • Washington D.C. • New Zealander




New Zealand

South Africa

United Kingdom



Full Name

Commonwealth of Australia

♦ Canada

Republic of Ireland

New Zealand


♦ Canberra




Official Language


English, French

English, ♦, Gaelic


English,  ♦, New Zealand Sign Language


Republic of South Africa

Pretoria/Cape Town

♦, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu

United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

♦ States of


♦ D.C.


English (in 28 states), French (in Louisiana), Hawaiian (in Hawaii), Spanish (in New Mexico and Puerto Rico) NB: no official language at the national federal level



Dollar (AUD)

♦ (CAD)

♦ (EUR)


♦ Australian










Main Religions

The United

Christian, Muslim, Hindu

Christian, ♦


Christian, Muslim, Jewish

Dollar (NZD)

Rand (ZAR)

Pound (GBP)

US Dollar (USD)

♦ New

♦ South

♦ British





AUD - Australian dollar CAD - Canadian dollar NZD - Neo-Zealand dollar USD - American dollar

Building Vocabulary and Genre Knowledge Words on spot (1): speak, say and tell say

names • a word • hello • good morning • good afternoon • good evening • good night


the truth • lies • a lie • tales • a story • stories • the difference • apart • the time • a joke • something to somebody • somebody • something

speak languages • one’s mind • to somebody



O quadro explora as palavras que coocorrem com os verbos em destaque. Se necessário, alguma das traduções são: He says names [Ele diz palavrões], Don’t say a word [Não diga uma palavra], They always say the truth [Eles dizem a verdade], I like to tell tales/stories [Gosto de contar estórias] / to tell lies [de dizer mentiras], Tell the difference between A and B [Diga a diferença entre A e B], To tell the time [Dizer a hora], To tell a joke [Contar uma piada], To speak one’s mind [Dizer o que pensa].

1.21. Put the following words in the blanks left along the chart: Afrikaans • Maori • Canberra • South African • Canada • The United States of America • dollar • Irish • Muslim • Australian • Euro • British • Washington D.C. • New Zealander




New Zealand

South Africa

Republic of South Africa

United Kingdom



Full Name

Commonwealth of Australia

♦ Canada

Republic of Ireland

New Zealand


♦ Canberra




Official Language


English, French

English, ♦, Gaelic


English,  ♦, New Zealand Sign Language


Pretoria/Cape Town

♦, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu

United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

♦ States of


♦ D.C.


English (in 28 states), French (in Louisiana), Hawaiian (in Hawaii), Spanish (in New Mexico and Puerto Rico) NB: no official language at the national federal level



Dollar (AUD)

♦ (CAD)

♦ (EUR)


♦ Australian










Main Religions

The United

Christian, Muslim, Hindu


Christian, ♦

Christian, Muslim, Jewish

Dollar (NZD)

Rand (ZAR)

Pound (GBP)

US Dollar (USD)

♦ New

♦ South

♦ British





Building Vocabulary and Genre Knowledge Words on spot (1): speak, say and tell say

names • a word • hello • good morning • good afternoon • good evening • good night


the truth • lies • a lie • tales • a story • stories • the difference • apart • the time • a joke • something to somebody • somebody • something

speak languages • one’s mind • to somebody



AUD - Australian dollar CAD - Canadian dollar NZD - Neo-Zealand dollar USD - American dollar

Exercises 1.22. Fill in with the appropriate verb: a. I always ♦ (tell, say) the children a story before bedtime. tell b. It’s difficult ♦ (to tell, to speak) Bob and John apart. to tell c. Do as I ♦ (speak, say), not as I do. say d. Please ♦ (tell, speak) everybody I’ll be away for ten days. tell e. I always ♦ (tell, speak) the truth. tell f. He ♦ (speaks, say) many languages. speaks g. ♦ (speak, say) your name. say 1.23. Fill in the blanks with say, tell or speak: a. Can you ♦ me the way to the station, please? tell b. He didn’t ♦ a word. say c.Let me ♦ you something about my hobbies. tell d. Why didn’t you ♦ that before? say e.They are going to ♦ to the student after class. speak Word on spot (2): speak (derived words)

Exercises Observe the word family of speak: speakers spoken

spoke speak

speaker speaks



1.24. Match the three following meanings of speak with the sets below:

O (a) aluno (a) deverá relacionar os significados ‘a’ e ‘b’ (abaixo) da palavra ‘speak’ com os dois blocos com três enunciados cada.

a. to speak a language b. to use voice, to have a conversation with someone (a) I remember, Excellency, I can still speak Arabic. Unfortunately he doesn’t speak any English either. My grandfather could speak Russian and French fluently.


Either is used in negative sentences and too is used in positive sentences.


(b) Don’t move and don’t speak. I can’t speak very well. He turned toward me and I waited for him to speak. 1.25 What is the meaning of speak out in the following set?

to be scared to - to be afraid of

They speak out about injustices. Some of its most senior peers are expected to speak out against him. The staff were scared to speak out. Opinar publicamente acerca de um tema.

1.26. Observe the following uses of speak to and speak of. When do you use speak to? When do you use speak of? a. Will you ever speak to Mike again?

Você falará algum dia com Mike de novo? Geralmente usamos ‘speak to people’ e ‘speak of things’. Compare com a língua portuguesa: ‘falar com alguém’ e ‘falar de (sobre) alguma coisa’. Isso não quer dizer que ‘speak of someone’ não seja usado. Quando usado, significa, ‘falar de alguém’.

b. Speak to me, please! Fale comigo, por favor!

c. We speak of an option. Podemos falar de uma opção.

d. It makes no sense to speak of ‘authenticity’. Não faz sentido falar de ‘autencidade’.

Genre on the spot (1): Map phical tes the geogra A map indica es. It makes between plac relationships verbal rbal and nonuse of both ve a legend usually brings languages. It mbols. colors and sy to codify used maps: erent kinds of maps There are diff gh and hi way • road, street s • political map aps m on • populati s ap m y • econom s ap m • thematic

Genre on the spot (2): Ranking k, or uality, ran n. q y b s g nizatio s or thin of person by an official orga Division e d ually, ma grade, us



Exercises 1.27.What other maps/rankings do you know? Take a look at different kinds of maps at and and rankings at or to find top universities, models, movies, players etc. Then draw a chart in your notebook: kind of map/ranking



Does it have a legend?

Is it informative?

Standard Language: Use and Form Word formation

The area of word formation studies the principles which govern the construction of words in a language. Words can be formed by adding affixes. The undividable part is called base form or stem.

Two types of word formation

• Prefixation (prefix + base form) When prefixes are added (un-, co-, en-) the base word’s meaning is changed [international, enrich, undocumented] prefixes added to (+) word class formed



enrich empower endanger

to cause to be something to provide with something to put into something

verb or noun verb or noun

coexist coexistence

together with





not, opposite to





not, opposite to


adjective or noun

adjective or noun

multilingual many multilingualism


noun or verb noun or verb


adjective or noun



misconception misunderstand


• Suffixation ( base form + suffix) There are two types of suffix: 1. inflectional - A grammatical ending (-s, -ed, -er) is added to the base form. The inflection tells you something about the word’s grammatical behavior. Inflections do not change the base word’s meaning [maps, added, speaker]. 2. derivational - A derivational suffix (-tion, -dom, -ish etc) is added to the base form. The derivational suffix tells you what type of word (noun, adjective,verb) it is. It changes the base word’s meaning [freedom, English, Portuguese].



Sugerimos oficina de análise de rankings e mapas. Se os alunos tiverem acesso à rede, eles podem obter essas informações online. Outra possibilidade é os alunos trazerem jornais, revistas ou guia 4 rodas. Um trabalho integrado com o(a) professor(a) de geografia, também é recomendado.

Exercises 1.27.What other maps/rankings do you know? Take a look at different kinds of maps at and and rankings at http:// or to find top universities, models, movies, players etc. Then draw a chart in your notebook: kind of map/ranking



Does it have a legend?

Is it informative?

Standard Language: Use and Form Word formation

The area of word formation studies the principles which govern the construction of words in a language. Words can be formed by adding affixes. The undividable part is called base form or stem.

Two types of word formation

• Prefixation (prefix + base form) When prefixes are added (un-, co-, en-) the base word’s meaning is changed [international, enrich, undocumented] prefixes added to (+) word class formed



enrich empower endanger

to cause to be something to provide with something to put into something

verb or noun verb or noun

coexist coexistence

together with





not, opposite to





not, opposite to


adjective or noun

adjective or noun

multilingual many multilingualism


noun or verb noun or verb


adjective or noun



misconception misunderstand


• Suffixation ( base form + suffix) There are two types of suffix: 1. inflectional - A grammatical ending (-s, -ed, -er) is added to the base form. The inflection tells you something about the word’s grammatical behavior. Inflections do not change the base word’s meaning [maps, added, speaker]. 2. derivational - A derivational suffix (-tion, -dom, -ish etc) is added to the base form. The derivational suffix tells you what type of word (noun, adjective,verb) it is. It changes the base word’s meaning [freedom, English, Portuguese].




word class formed

-ish -ese -dom

adjective adjective noun (abstract)



English, Polish, Swedish Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese kingdom, freedom, wisdom

describing nationality or state of possessing something

The verb be

The verb be is the most common and also the most irregular verb in English. It has 8 (eight) different forms:


Past forms Present forms Base form

used with:

examples of be-forms


infinitive, imperative, modals (can, may, might, should etc)

The history of the language can be traced back.

am is are

I she, he, it or singular noun phrases you, we, they or plural noun phrases

I am Brazilian. English is a Germanic Language. Half of them are in danger of disappearing in the coming years.

was were

I, he, she, it or singular noun phrases It is a map. you, we, they or plural noun phrases Angles were named from English.


perfective aspect


continuous/progressive aspect

There may have been around 600. Aboriginal languages. Many languages are being simultaneously used in the event.

The there + be form

The there + be form construction is similar to the Portuguese verb ‘existir’. It is used to bring the content of a whole clause to the attention of the interlocutor, as in [There is a place for ...] and [There may have been around 600 Aboriginal languages].


Wh-questions are used to request specific information, that is, when you want someone to tell you more information than ‘yes’ or ‘no’. For instance, wh-questions are used in social interaction [What’s your name?], for getting directions [Where’s the post office?], in seeking explanations [Why is the plane late?], for eliciting vocabulary [What’s this?], and while asking who the owner of something is [Whose voice is this?], and so forth: what? which? where? when? who? wh- word

to ask about




What is the difference between Engle and the Angles?


things / people

Which language was systematized by the Jesuits?


person (name or identity)

Who was the king of Portugal in the sixteenth (16th) centuty?



Where is Portuguese spoken?



When were the Jesuits expelled from Brazil?



The structure of a wh-question with verb to be

To form a wh-question, place the ‘wh-word’ at the front of the sentence and the be form in front of the subject. wh-word



Which (language) Who Where

was (systematized) were is

by the Jesuits? the natives? Portuguese spoken?

wh- words + there to be

Place the wh-word at the beginning of the sentence, then invert the there to be form. Observe two examples with ‘how many’: wh-word

be (is, are, was, were) + there

prepositional phrase

How many official languages How many ESL speakers

are there

in Brazil? in the world?


How many is used to ask about quantity. It is used with countables.

1.28. Match the columns: a. What b. Which c. Where d. How many

( a ) language is spoken in China? ( c ) is Portuguese spoken? ( d ) languages are spoken in the world? ( b ) one is not a text?

Active and passive voice

Voice is the grammatical aspect that indicates whether the subject in a sentence is the agent (actor or doer) of an action or the patient (the one who is affected) by the action. Voice can be either active or passive. The choice of active or passive puts the focus either on the agent on the action itself. Active voice - The starting point of the clause is the agent (person or thing). Passive voice - The starting point of the clause is not the agent (person or thing). S





a general language.


A general language



was spoken



(by natives).

effect: The agent is more important than what was done.

effect: What was done is more important than the agent.

Exercises 1.29. Imagine you want to tell something without identifying who did it. Would you use active or passive voice? Passive voice.

1.30. Read the following newspaper headline: Hundreds of activists were arrested during June

a. Is the headline in active or passive voice? Underline it. Passiva.

b. Who arrested who? Why?

O agente não é informado, só que centenas de ativistas foram presos (isso é dito). Subentende-se que foi a polícia que efetuou a prisão (isso é o pressuposto). Talvez não interesse ao editor explicitar e colocar o foco na polícia. Esse é um exemplo do fenômeno da pressuposição, no qual temos tanto o que é posto (isto é, dito explicitamente. Nesse caso: ‘centenas de ativistas foram presos durante Junho’) e o que é pressuposto. Nesse caso, ‘o fato de ter havido uma manifestação dos ativistas bem como ação da polícia’.

c. Is this headline more likely to be in a conservative or a liberal newspaper? Why?

Muito mais provável que esteja [likely to be] na manchete de um jornal liberal. Estimule respostas pessoais que tragam à tona questões de ideologia e poder da mídia, tema das Lições 6 e 8.

Use of the passive voice a. the agent (actor or doer) is not important or should not be revealed or identified. b. processes are described (how something was done). c. the focus is on what happened.

Exercises 1.31. Distinguish active (A) from passive (P) voice: ( A ) The word English derives from ‘Englisc’. ( P ) The history of the language can be traced back to ... ( P ) The Angles were named from Engle. ( P ) Their language was called ‘Englisc’. ( P ) The general language was systematized by the Jesuits. 1.32. Observe the following pair of sentences: ● The general language was prohibited in the 19th century. ● Marquês de Pombal prohibited the general language in the 19th century.

a. What is the difference in focus between both sentences in terms of focus of information?

O foco da construção passiva está no que foi feito [a proibição da língua geral] e não no agente da ação. No 2º enunciado, o foco está, por sua vez, no agente da ação.

b. Is the agent (actor) in both sentences same or different?

O agente é o mesmo [O Marquês de Pombal], mas o foco é diferente, como vimos acima.



Sugestão de atividade: Peça ao(à) aluno(a) para contar algo que ocorreu durante o intervalo entre as aulas, sem identificar quem fez o quê. Isso feito, convide-os a perceber o funcionamento da lingua(gem). Nesse caso, o uso da passiva para omitir, por razões diversas, quem realizou uma determinada ação.

Exercises 1.29. Imagine you want to tell something without identifying who did it. Would you use active or passive voice? Passive voice.

1.30. Read the following newspaper headline: Hundreds of activists were arrested during June

a. Is the headline in active or passive voice? Underline it. Passiva.

b. Who arrested who? Why?

O agente não é informado, só que centenas de ativistas foram presos (isso é dito). Subentende-se que foi a polícia que efetuou a prisão (isso é o pressuposto). Talvez não interesse ao editor explicitar e colocar o foco na polícia. Esse é um exemplo do fenômeno da pressuposição, no qual temos tanto o que é posto (isto é, dito explicitamente. Nesse caso: ‘centenas de ativistas foram presos durante Junho’) e o que é pressuposto. Nesse caso, ‘o fato de ter havido uma manifestação dos ativistas bem como ação da polícia’.

c. Is this headline more likely to be in a conservative or a liberal newspaper? Why?

Muito mais provável que esteja [likely to be] na manchete de um jornal liberal. Estimule respostas pessoais que tragam à tona questões de ideologia e poder da mídia, tema das Lições 6 e 8.

Use of passive voice a. the agent (actor or doer) is not important or should not be revealed or identified. b. processes are described (how something was done). c. the focus is on what happened.

Exercises 1.31. Distinguish active (A) from passive (P) voice: ( A ) The word English derives from ‘Englisc’. ( P ) The history of the language can be traced back to ... ( P ) The Angles were named from Engle. ( P ) Their language was called ‘Englisc’. ( P ) The general language was systematized by the Jesuits. 1.32. Observe the following pair of sentences: ● The general language was prohibited in the 19th century. ● Marquês de Pombal prohibited the general language in the 19th century.

a. What is the difference in focus between both sentences in terms of focus of information?

O foco da construção passiva está no que foi feito [a proibição da língua geral] e não no agente da ação. No 2º enunciado, o foco está, por sua vez, no agente da ação.

b. Is the agent (actor) in both sentences same or different? O agente é o mesmo [O Marquês de Pombal], mas o foco é diferente, como vimos acima.




A preposition expresses a relationship of meaning between two parts of a sentence. Most prepositions are invariable. Here is a list of the top twenty (20) prepositions. of in to for with

on by at from as

into about like after between

through over against under out of

Leech et al. Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English. London: Longman, 2001

The following illustrations may help you with the prepositions to and into (destination), at, in and on (position). to

at •





Two main meanings of ‘at’

1. position in space (some frozen expressions):


Ø home • Ø work • the table • the back • the beginning • the bottom • the front • the top • the end • the entrance • the center • the airport

2. point in time (some frozen expressions):


the moment • that time • a certain time • lunch time • midday • midnight • noon • expressions of clock time (7:00, 7:15, 9:25 etc) • the New Year • Ø Christmas • Ø Easter • Ø night

In - preposition of place (inside an area or space) and time (inside a period of time). Into - preposition of motion (opposite of ‘out of’).

Exercises 1.33. Complete the following frozen expressions with one of these prepositions:

at - on - of from - over

a. a kind ♦  of b. ♦ the one hand on c. a great deal ♦  of d. come ♦  from e. based ♦  on f. ♦ the other hand on g. in terms ♦  of h. ♦ here/there over i. ♦ the start ♦  at / of j. large numbers ♦  of

k. apart ♦  of l. across ♦  from m. ♦ the surface on n. ♦ school at o. ♦ the basis ♦  on / of p. ♦ the age ♦ at / of q. ♦ the same time at / on r. ♦ the point ♦ view from / of s. ♦ a period ♦ time over / of t. ♦ the beginning/end at



Tendo em vista as dificuldades inerentes ao ensino e aprendizagem de preposições por falantes não nativos, optamos por trabalhar, sempre que possível, com preposições em expressões congeladas. As expressões selecionadas foram retiradas de estudos científicos com base na Linguística de Corpus (Ellis, 2006; Leech et al., 2001; Nation, 2001). Esses pesquisadores vêm mostrando que à medida que os(as) estudantes se familiarizam e internalizam essas expressões, eles(as) liberam espaço na memória de trabalho para o processamento de informação relevante à produção de sentido para um texto. Sugestão de atividade: Elaboração de um glossário no caderno para ser consultado sempre que necessário, bem como o grifo das mesmas quando do seu encontro em diferentes textos / contextos.


A preposition expresses a relationship of meaning between two parts of a sentence. Most prepositions are invariable. Here is a list of the top twenty (20) prepositions. of in to for with

on by at from as

into about like after between

through over against under out of

Leech et al. Word Frequencies in Written and Spoken English. London: Longman, 2001

The following illustrations may help you with the prepositions to and into (destination), at, in and on (position). to

at •





Two main meanings of ‘at’

1. position in space (some frozen expressions):


Ø home • Ø work • the table • the back • the beginning • the bottom • the front • the top • the end • the entrance • the center • the airport

2. point in time (some frozen expressions):


the moment • that time • a certain time • lunch time • midday • midnight • noon • expressions of clock time (7:00, 7:15, 9:25 etc) • the New Year • Ø Christmas • Ø Easter • Ø night

In - preposition of place (inside an area or space) and time (inside a period of time). Into - preposition of motion (opposite of ‘out of’).

Exercises 1.33. Complete the following frozen expressions with one of these prepositions:

at - on - of from - over



a. a kind ♦ of b. ♦ the one hand on c. a great deal ♦ of d. come ♦  from e. based ♦  on f. ♦ the other hand on g. in terms ♦  of h. ♦ here/there over i. ♦ the start ♦  at / of j. large numbers ♦  of

k. apart ♦  of l. across ♦  from m. ♦ the surface on n. ♦ school at o. ♦ the basis ♦  on / of p. ♦ the age ♦ at / of q. ♦ the same time at / on r. ♦ the point ♦ view from / of s. ♦ a period ♦ time over / of t. ♦ the beginning/end at

in - into

a. ♦ town in b. go ♦  into c. ♦ the twentieth (20th) century d. come ♦  into e. walk ♦  into f. ♦ 2010 in g. put ♦  into

h. ♦ love in i. ♦ trouble in j. get ♦ trouble into k. ♦ tears in l. ♦ such a way in m. ♦ order to in n. ♦ other words in o. ♦ this/that case in


Where Do You Stand Now? • There are about 180 languages and dialects spoken by Brazilian indigenous peoples. Only 30% have been fully described. Most indigenous languages are completely unknown. Write one sentence stating your opinion about the (un)importance of describing and documenting indigenous languages and cultures and the role of minority languages to the linguistic diversity phenomenom.

people - men, women and children peoples - society fully - completely

Self-Assessment Aboriginal Australia is made up of many different nations, each nation maintained its own language. Most people think that there is only one Aboriginal language in Australia- this is a misconception! It is estimated that, prior to colonization, there may have been around 600 Aboriginal languages. Sadly, many of these languages died out as whole nations of people were forced to speak English instead of their tribal tongue. Fortunately, not all traditional languages were lost. Today it is approximated that there are around 200 different Aboriginal dialects across Australia. Aboriginal languages are effective tools of communication which reflect the culture, experiences and traditions of Aboriginal people.

1. Match the columns: a. Aboriginal ( b ) to stop existing b. to die out ( c ) wrong, mistaken conception c. misconception ( a ) being one of the original inhabitants of a region 2. One objective of the text is to: a. describe Australia. b. define what Aboriginal is. c. explain how to get to Australia. d. inform that Australia is made of different nations. e. classify the various Australian Aboriginal languages. 3. A possible title for this text might be: a. Many nations, one people



Sugestão de leitura mediada: Pré-leitura: A comparação com variedades das línguas indígenas no Brasil pode ser esclarecedora para a percepção de semelhanças entre as situações brasileira e australiana no que tange às línguas nativas à época do descobrimento, ao processo de colonização e ao tratamento e à extinção de línguas nativas, bem como ao papel dessas línguas como artefatos culturais de identidade de um povo. Tratamento dos aspectos linguístico-enunciativos: Destacar aspectos de coesão e coerência que contribuem para a textualidade. A coerência depende, não apenas das relações internas entre partes do texto, mas também externas, i.e., entre partes do texto e o mundo onde vivemos. Há coerência nesse texto? Tomemos, por exemplo, os aspectos externos, ou seja, as condições de produção. O texto é veiculado pela ABC, The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, empresa estatal de comunicações da Austrália e encontra-se em um link educacional sobre a cultura e sociedade aborígenes, contendo uma série de oito episódios sobre a cultura e sociedade aborígenes. É aqui, que a coerência com o mundo surge. Os produtores dos episódios não poderiam negligenciar as línguas aborígenes ao falar de cultura. Nesse sentido, o tema do episódio já é coerente com a proposta da ABC de introduzir a cultura e sociedade aborígenes para alunos do ensino básico. O título, também, é coerente com a situação do país, que possui muitas nações com várias línguas aborígenes. O que pode(ria) ser argumento de falta de unidade, identidade e a. ♦ town in h. ♦ love in nacionalidade é, logo, apresentado como fator b. go ♦  into i. ♦ trouble in de unidade de um povo [one people], ou seja, c. ♦ the twentieth in j. get ♦ trouble into (20th) century k. ♦ tears in a unidade na diversidade. A coerência externa in - into d. come ♦  into l. ♦ such a way in do texto está na relação ao contexto social em e. walk ♦  into m. ♦ order to in que o texto se insere. E internamente? f. ♦ 2010 in n. ♦ other words in g. put ♦  into o. ♦ this/that case in O todo (a Austrália aborígene) é composto por partes (diferentes nações, cada nação com sua própria língua, 600 línguas aborígenes antes Where Do You Stand Now? da colonização, cerca de 200 dialetos em toda • There are about 180 languages and dialects spoken by Brazilian indigenous people - men, Austrália). Os elementos de coesão, dêiticos de women and children peoples. Only 30% have been fully described. Most indigenous languages are peoples - society pessoa, tempo e lugar, (pronomes anafóricos: completely unknown. Write one sentence stating your opinion about the (un) fully - completely importance of describing and documenting indigenous languages and cultures its referindo-se a cada nação, this referindo-se and the role of minority languages to the linguistic diversity phenomenom. ao entendimento das pessoas, these referindo-se às línguas aborígenes, their referindo-se as suas línguas tribais etc., os advérbios, que expressam Self-Assessment atitude do autor do texto em relação ao que diz. No caso das línguas aborígenes, infelizmente [sadly] muitas morreram, mas felizmente Aboriginal Australia is made up of many different nations, each nation maintained its own language. Most people think that there is only one Aboriginal language in [fortunately] nem todas se perderam. São essas Australia- this is a misconception! It is estimated that, prior to colonization, there may have been around 600 Aboriginal languages. Sadly, many of these languages died out conexões internas (realizadas por elementos de as whole nations of people were forced to speak English instead of their tribal tongue. Fortunately, not all traditional languages were lost. Today it is approximated that there coesão) e externas, que atribuem coerência ao are around 200 different Aboriginal dialects across Australia. Aboriginal languages are effective tools of communication which reflect the culture, experiences and traditions of texto em foco. Aboriginal people. Por fim, ressalte-se, o uso da passiva para falar da suplantação das línguas aborígenes 1. Match the columns: pelo Inglês [...à medida que nações inteiras a. Aboriginal ( b ) to stop existing b. to die out ( c ) wrong, mistaken conception de pessoas foram forçadas a falar inglês ao c. misconception ( a ) being one of the original inhabitants of a region invés de suas línguas tribais]. A construção 2. One objective of the text is to: passiva permite a não identificação dos agentes responsáveis pela brutalidade típica a. describe Australia. b. define what Aboriginal is. dos tempos de colonização. O uso da voz c. explain how to get to Australia. d. inform that Australia is made of different nations. ativa demandaria essa identificação, mas e. classify the various Australian Aboriginal languages. que, pelo contexto, deve ser vista como 3. A possible title for this text might be: desnecessária, visto que o foco não está nem nos colonizadores nem na língua inglesa, a. Many nations, one people mas na cultura e sociedade aborígenes, o que indubitavelmente, inclui as várias línguas. Vale reler os PCNs de LE (1998, p. 48-49).



b. Aboriginal people c. Australia d. Aboriginal dialects e. Languages in Australia 4. What did you learn in this lesson?

key: 1. b,c,a / 2. d / 3.a 4. Resposta aberta resultante de reflexão e autoavaliação do(a) aluno(a).

Objectives - Checklist To understand the linguistic and cultural diversity phenomenon; To identify in which countries Portuguese and English are spoken; To acknowledge the status of Portuguese, English and some minority languages in the world; To read and interpret maps, rankings, diagrams, legends and iconographic information; To study the process of word formation; To distinguish speak, say and tell; To systematize previous knowledge of ‘be forms’; To understand the use of different interrogative pronouns; To distinguish active from passive voice; To notice the effect(s) created by the use of passive voice.



Answer Key 1.8

a. Pelo mapa 1, observa-se que o Português é falado no Brasil, Portugal, Moçambique, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Macau, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste. b. Pelo mapa 2, o inglês é falado no Canadá, EUA, Guiana Inglesa, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Índia, Irlanda, Reino Unido (Escócia, Inglaterra, País de Gales e Irlanda do Norte), Ilhas do Caribe, África do Sul, Libéria, Nigéria, Gâmbia, Serra Leoa, Gana, Namíbia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzânia, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistão, Sri Lanka, etc. c. Do Wikipedia. d. É uma enciclopédia virtual de livre acesso na internet. e. E.U.A., Grã-Bretanha, Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Brasil, Portugal, Irlanda. f. Nova Zelândia, Angola, Moçambique, África do Sul, Ilhas do Caribe, África do Sul, Libéria, Nigéria, Gâmbia, Serra Leoa, Gana, Namíbia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzânia, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Pakistão, Sri Lanka etc.


a. China; b. India; c. Bangladesh; d. spoken; e. seventh; f. Chinese.


A. international; B. Brazil; C. in the 19th century; D. the Portuguese; E. the general language


Canberra; Australian Canada; dollar Irish; Euro Maori; New Zealander Afrikaans, South Africans Muslim; British The United States of America; Washington D.C.


a. tell; b. to tell; c. say; d. tell; e. tell; f. speaks; g. say.


tell, say, tell, say, speak.


a; c; d; b.


A, P, P, P, P.



Australia Canada Ireland New Zealand South Africa United Kingdom USA -

a. of; b. on; c. of; d. from; e. on; f. on; g. of; h. over; i. at/of; j. of; k. from; l. from; m. on; n. at; o. on/of; p. at/ of; q. at/on; r. from/of; s. over/of; t. at a. in; b. into; c. in; d. into; e. into; f. in; g. into; h. in; i. in; j. into; k. in; l. in; m. in; n. in; o. in


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