goBeyond A Guide to Giving & Getting Involved at Graland

The origins of Graland were defined by parents and educators working together to create an engaging, dynamic learning environment that promotes both intellectual excellence and strong character. Today, we continue to rely on that partnership between home and school to develop well-rounded individuals who are able to reach their fullest potential.
Within this partnership, you play a pivotal role in the education of children. First and foremost, you are the primary role model for your own children, consistently modeling good citizenship, character, and engagement. Though much of that engagement occurs at home, we also encourage you to engage at Graland; the following pages detail a variety of opportunities that might be meaningful to you.
Most importantly, we value all forms of involvement from sharing your talents to contributing your time to making financial gifts. All are incredibly valuable to us and maintain this tradition of parents and educators working together to ensure that Graland is a welcoming, creative, and inspirational place where children experience the joy of learning.
Josh Cobb, Head of SchoolThank you in advance for your commitment to being an active, supportive member of our community; each of you is vital to helping Graland be a school where children can thrive.
Josh H. Cobb Head of SchoolEvery school needs an active parent body and strong financial support. Graland parents will tell you that getting involved is a win-win for your family and the school. Here’s how!
Educating your child is truly a partnership between the school and your family. We encourage involvement in your child’s school experience by asking about your child’s day, communicating with your child’s teachers, watching a musical performance, cheering at a Graland sports event, and being a role model by following Graland’s Character and Community Framework.
Staying informed about school life is essential, so watch for informative messages from the school, such as teacher updates, room parent emails, and weekly “Graland Online” e-newsletters. Sign in to the Graland website, graland.org, to access more information, including the learning management system, the resource board, the directory, and the up-to-date school calendar.
Connecting with the community is important as well. At Graland, throughout the year, family events like the Graland Gallop bring us together for social interaction. Some activities are for adults only, such as the Parent Education Network (PEN) speakers or affinity groups, which help build supportive relationships. Put yourself out there! It’s worth it.
Volunteers are the heart of our community! If your schedule allows, we welcome your active participation to make the Graland community thrive. Volunteers are often organized through the Graland Parent Association and there are options for those who have extra hours in their day or just a few hours a year. You can help plan events, take photos at a recital, help out in the library... so many options!
Just as there are many ways to volunteer, there are also many ways to show financial support. First and foremost, Graland hopes 100% of parents will support the school through giving to the Annual Fund. Beyond this critical yearly fundraising endeavor, parents may also contribute to the school’s endowment, to campaigns for strategic priorities, and through estate planning. Charitable giving by parents is essential to the school’s success and stability. Every gift, of every size, makes a difference. Every gift matters!
• The Graland Parent Association (GPA)
• The Graland Board of Trustees, Board Working Groups, and Task Forces
• School Culture Advisory Committee (SCAC)
• Development Department
• Admission Department
• Affinity Group Leaders
• Other Curricular Endeavors
The GPA brings our community together through fun and educational activities and events. All current parents and guardians are members of the GPA and are welcome at monthly meetings to hear remarks by the Head of School, presentations about strategic work and programs, and news regarding upcoming GPA events and activities.
Inclusivity is an important characteristic of the Graland community and the GPA works to promote a welcoming school environment. Whether you have an open schedule to dedicate your time to Graland, or you can only share an hour or two, all volunteers at any capacity are valued and appreciated!
See all the options at graland.org/gpavolunteer and visit the GPA resource board on the school website to learn more.
GPA volunteers give as much as 3,000 volunteer hours during one school year.
• Art Show & Ice Cream Social
• Birch Street Bash
• Book Fair
• Carnival
• Community Outreach Events
• Digital Media & Photography Committee
• Donut Day
• Eagle Invitational Golf Tournament
• Educator Appreciation
• Family Movie Night
• Grade 8 Graduation Events
• Graland Cares
• Graland Community Dinner
• Graland Gallop
• Library Volunteers
• Lunchroom Volunteers
• Parent Education Network (PEN) Events
• Room Parents/Grade Representatives
• Spirit Store
• Volunteers of America Snowflake Party
• Winter Wishes All-Community Sing-Along
The Board has an important role in defining, upholding and supporting the school’s Mission, Guiding Principles of Education and other institutional policies. Board members also ensure the school’s short and long-term financial well-being. They serve a three-year term and are elected for membership. There are also opportunities to serve on a Board Working Group or Task Force. Participation does not require board membership.
The SCAC advises the Head of School on matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion with the goal of fostering a more inclusive community at Graland. Visit graland.org/inclusivity.
The admission team works with a dedicated Parent Admission Network (PAN) that assists with school tours and supports prospective families. The Ambassador program is also managed through the admission office and ensures incoming families are paired with a buddy family and make a smooth transition into our community.
Each year the Development Team recruits volunteers who are essential in getting the word out about the annual fund through one-on-one connections with their peers each fall. Volunteers on Grandparents and Special Friends Day are also recruited by the development office.
Affinity group leaders partner with a faculty liaison to facilitate small groups of peer parents and guardians who meet around a common interest, such as parents of students of color, parents of only children, international families, new Graland families, and more. These groups let parents share experiences, learn from each other and strengthen community ties on a more intimate level. Visit graland.org/affinity.
Sometimes our classroom teachers can use an extra set of hands! From helping build sets for a musical, volunteering for a special class party, or chaperoning students on a field trip, these requests vary from year to year.
• The Graland Annual Fund
• The Graland Endowment
• Capital and Restricted Gifts
• Planned Giving: The Montem Society
Common with other independent schools, Graland operates utilizing a combination of tuition dollars and donor support. Without these funds, Graland would not be able to fulfill its mission. The Graland Annual Fund
is our most important and impactful fundraising effort because these gifts support the annual operating expenses of the school. Each fall, we ask for 100% participation of families to support the “family of funds” through a gift that is personally meaningful.
“The gap” refers to the difference between tuition and the true cost of educating each child. The gap is approximately $3,700 per student.
The nice thing about giving to the Graland Annual Fund is that you have the ability to designate your gift to the area of the Graland experience that inspires you.
Select from:
• Greatest Need
• Financial Aid
• Faculty Professional Development
• Facilities/Campus Safety
• Innovation/Technology
The Graland Endowment is an investment fund developed to provide long-term financial security and to offer annual income to important initiatives in perpetuity. Many of the dollars are directed to specific uses and only the interest from the fund can be spent; the principle serves as an anchor for the endowment. The endowment today supports financial aid, faculty professional development and programs, operations, and faculty compensation. The Graland Foundation, a separate entity established in 1993, manages Graland’s endowment.
Capital and restricted gifts are designated to a specific purpose which can include a building project, campus enhancement, or school program. These gifts have a huge impact on Graland and its community with a focus on the future of the school.
Planned giving, also called legacy giving, is an arrangement for a future gift that is commonly disbursed through a will or trust. Planned gifts have potential tax benefits to donors. To learn more about bequests, beneficiary designations, or other planned giving vehicles, please visit plannedgiving.graland.org.
All financial contributions to Graland, whether to support the annual fund, the school’s endowment, or a sponsorship of a GPA event, qualify for the giving levels.
Leadership Circle
$25,000+ 1927 Circle
$10,000 - $24,999
Founders Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Head of School Circle
$3,500 - $4,999
Donors at the $3,500 level and above are invited to the annual Head of School reception.
Scholars Circle
$1,000 - $3,499
Honors Circle
$500 - $999
Faculty Fellows Circle up to $499
Why does Graland need an Annual Fund?
Doesn’t my tuition payment cover costs?
Following the current independent school model, Graland relies on a combination of tuition revenue and donor support to meet annual operating expenses. At Graland, tuition covers 86% of the full cost of educating a child and the Annual Fund plus distributions from the endowment account for the remaining 14%. All three revenue sources are critical to meet our operational needs and educational goals.
By raising tuition, we risk losing many valuable current and perspective students whose families could not afford the increase, which in turn would limit every student’s opportunity to receive the many benefits of socioeconomic diversity across campus. Tax-deductible gifts to the school help keep tuition levels comparable to other independent schools in the Denver area.
We strive to reach 100% parent participation in the Annual Fund as a key indicator that our parents support Graland’s culture of philanthropy. Giving back is a community-wide call to action that creates momentum and inspires others to contribute, many times at higher levels.
By focusing on participation, we ask families to give in a way that is meaningful to them. Every parent contribution plays a role in our success, regardless of size.
Gifts to the Graland Parent Association first support the GPA’s planned activities which are focused on community building. Once expenses are covered, the net funds are donated back to the school. Alternatively, 100% of Annual Fund dollars go directly and immediately into the school’s operating budget. Graland asks all parents to make a tax-deductible gift to the Annual Fund first. Many families are able to go above and beyond by both supporting the Annual Fund and GPA events and activities.
Gifts to the Annual Fund range from $5 to $50,000. Every gift, of every size, makes a difference.
We are grateful for your support!
To take advantage of a current year tax deduction, we kindly ask parents to make their gift by December 31. The sooner you give, the sooner your gift goes to work to benefit student learning. All pledges are payable by June 30.
Of course! Every donor who gives to the Annual Fund is recognized in the gratitude report and receives a thankyou letter from Graland. Anyone who gives at the $3,500 level and above is invited to the annual Head of School reception held each fall.
On the other hand, if you prefer to remain anonymous we will certainly respect your wishes. Please direct anonymous giving requests to the Development Office at 303-398-3623.
Yes, gifts to the Graland Annual Fund are 100% taxdeductible (while tuition is not). You will receive a gift acknowledgment which you can use for tax purposes.
Graland Country Day School is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, tax ID #84-0402699. Please consult your tax adviser about the tax-deductibility of your specific gift.
The Graland Annual Fund supports operational expenses for the current school year. Capital campaigns are conducted periodically when significant funds are needed for growth. Examples are construction, renovation of facilities and endowments to support faculty salaries or financial aid.
Pledges to capital campaigns and endowments vary according to the financial means of the donor and can be paid over multiple years. Because the Graland Annual Fund covers immediate operating expenses, we suggest that you make it your first priority followed by any capital and endowment contributions.
In addition to a financial goal, the Graland Annual Fund strives for 100% parent participation. We are all together in providing Graland students the best education possible and every family’s contribution is valued.
1. Credit Card/Direct Debit: To give or pledge securely online, please visit graland.org/donate. You may also call the Development Office (303-398-3623) and make your donation over the phone.
2. Check: Please make payable to “Graland Country Day School.”
3. Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Securities: If you have stock that has increased in value since you bought it (more than a year ago), and you itemize your taxes, you can take a charitable deduction for the stock’s fair market value on the day you make the gift. With this gift you can support Graland in a tax-efficient manner, as you avoid capital gains tax on the increase in value of the shares gifted. Consult with your tax advisor and please contact the Development Office at 303-398-3623 or email at development@graland.org for details about making a transfer.
4. Cash: Please visit the Development Office located in the Corkins Center to make a cash gift.
Many corporations offer matching gift programs for employees and their families, which can often double or triple the impact of your gift! Don’t know if your company offers matching gifts? Visit graland.org/matchinggifts to find out if your company participates. The best part is that donors are recognized at the giving level that reflects their total giving, including corporate matching gifts.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about giving at Graland. Contact the Development Office at 303-398-3623 or email at development@graland.org.
Your giving to Graland in all forms helps us GO BEYOND! We are grateful for your family’s involvement in our school and we look forward to seeing the many ways your support impacts students, teachers, and our programs.