Vol. 1 #8 Grand Bend Strip, August 15, 2007

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 1, No. 8

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


LET’S GO! Linda Carter and friends take you into the last few weeks of summer at the Exeter Rodeo. p. 7 Also: the Pinery Flea Market at 40, two new plays, Port Franks has art, Parkhill has darts, and Zurich’s beans will give you the... COVER PHOTO BY CASEY LESSARD Award for Dad p. - Regier Condolence Book p. - Sudoku p. - Golf Tips & Living in Balance p.

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Strip Thoughts

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Salvaging the good from the summer of 2007 View from the Strip By Casey Lessard It’s fair to say it’s been a tough summer for our community. Most obviously, we’ve had to deal with a murderer taking the lives of two of our own, Bill and Helene Regier. The act and subsequent mystery about the killer’s whereabouts made it difficult to grieve without wondering if he would strike again. The fact that the suspect, Jesse Imeson, was found in Quebec and believed to have been in that area since the day of the murders, stopped the worry but could not stop the emotional turmoil so many of our friends and neighbours have been facing. It hasn’t stopped the rumours, and we can only hope the impending trial will bring us some answers.

The summer has been tough on our farmers, bringing little relief from a drought that has already taken a toll on the quality and quantity of crop yields. Randy Regier (page 3) predicts his bean crop will yield 30 per cent less than hoped. He’s not alone, and with global warming, you have to wonder if we will be able to stop this year’s results from becoming a trend. Fewer American tourists are coming to Ontario each year because of the strong Canadian dollar and all the effort it takes to get across the border. According to the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, visits by Americans dropped one-third over the past five years and are expected to drop another five per cent this year. We can’t control the weather or other people’s vacation plans, and we can’t predict when something bad is going to happen to our loved ones. Instead of being focused on the bad, we must work to tune into the good that is around us, even when it feels like there’s

nothing to find. I can’t tell you where you’ll find comfort this summer. Perhaps you’ll celebrate at the Zurich bean festival or you’ll spend your vacation at home and stimulate the local economy. Or perhaps you’ll find comfort in the words of the people who share your concerns. Some of them are printed on page 5 of this week’s issue, and many more can be found in the pages of our last issue, a tribute to Bill and Helene Regier. Either way, remember that you’re not alone. If you would like to share the stories in our tribute issue, we are now making our remaining copies available for sale. Outside of the costs associated with shipping, the proceeds will go to the Our Lady of Mount Carmel church restoration fund, the project the Regiers cared so deeply about. Send us a cheque for $5 for each copy you would like (P.O. Box 218, Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0) and we’ll forward $3 (that’s what we figure will be left) to the church.

timely and informative. The service you are giving your community, without sensationalism, regarding the wishes of family, services, information about the alleged murderer, pictures, truck description, etc. is excellent. Jamie Hurley Haliburton

and events. I was especially moved by your last issue with the tribute to the Regiers. My favorite feature is the column each issue by Rita Lessard. But one thing puzzles me. Why are her columns so short? Rita and I go waaayyy back and I have never known her to write a short letter. The ones I receive are usually 7-9 pages long and beautifully written. Now, I can’t imagine that you would stifle her creativity by editing her words of love and wisdom. As her son, you must realize that each word she prints is carefully thought out and each paragraph is just as important to her as the next. As the editor of the Strip, I’m sure you can find other ways to cut space so that Rita’s columns can be printed in their entirety!! Please don’t deny your readers her words of wisdom. We need more honesty and humor and Rita is the person to put it out there for all the world to see. I can’t wait for my next issue to arrive. Thank you for listening. Judith Angyal London

Copies of the Grand Bend Strip’s August 1 special report “Remembering the Regiers” are now available to purchase. Each copy is $5 including shipping. $3 from each copy ordered will go to the Mount Carmel church restoration fund. Send cheque to: Box 218 Grand Bend N0M 1T0

Letters to the Editor: Hi Casey, Compliments on your paper in general, and special accolades for this special edition honouring the Regiers. Although I didn’t have the pleasure to know them personally I feel I know Helene and Bill now and what they believed in and stood for through your various interviews with those who knew them so well. Refreshing to be able to read so much coverage about the victims instead of Jesse Imeson. How they lived their lives, their faith and witness in the Church and community has helped their family and friends and those that live in the area to start to heal and forgive the unthinkable deed done by a very troubled young man. Thank you for your witness and thoughtful writing and reporting. Sincerely, Lynda Holmes

Beautiful tribute! Well done, Casey! Kelly (Glavin) Lorentz Via Email I just want to tell you Casey what a great job you and your staff did with the tribute to Bill and Helene. I know that this issue will be a keepsake for all who knew and loved them. Keep up the good work. Thank you for this beautiful gift. Sincerely, Nancy Rader Dashwood

Hi Casey, Dear Mr. Lessard, Just wanted to comment on your coverage I am a big fan of your paper. Since moving of the tragedy in Grand Bend. Your sensitivity to the privacy and grief of others is to be away a year ago it’s so nice to still be concommended and your online updates were nected to your area with all the happenings

Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Publisher: Casey Lessard Editor: Casey Lessard Editorial Assistant: Anjhela Michielsen Editorial Assistant: Michelle Martin Advertising Sales & Design: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard Contributors: Rita Lessard - my mom Tom Lessard - my dad Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Cameron Rankin golf pro, Sand Hills, Port Franks

Distribution: Casey Lessard, Rita Lessard

Grand Bend Strip is printed every two weeks in the summer and 4602 copies are delivered free to all homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood and Port Franks using Canada Post. An additional 1400 copies are available to other residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants.

Ed.: Thanks for your comments. As you know, this paper would not be possible without my mom’s contributions. She helps with writing, distribution and emergency financing. I try not to cut anything from her articles but sometimes it’s necessary. Please note this week’s article took mom five pages of 6”x9” note paper to write. Dear Casey and the Grand Bend Strip, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the tickets to Miss Saigon. My husband and I attended the Sunday, July 22nd matinee and really enjoyed the show. Thanks a million for the tickets. Your paper is great. It’s really nice to see local people and businesses showcased. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Sherry Selves Ed.: Drayton Entertainment graciously gave Grand Bend Strip readers four pairs of tickets to each of Miss Saigon and Mom’s the Word. Mom’s the Word winners: Carrie Hohner, Lisa McBride, Suzanne Toner, Deb McNair. Miss Saigon winners: Lana Shelton-Seys, Jenny True, Patrick Adrian, and Sherry Selves.

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© Copyright 2007

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Strip VIPs

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 3

A tough year for the bean crop Zurich Bean Festival Friday August  starting at  p.m. Cruise night, midway and fireworks Saturday August  –  a.m. to  a.m. Pancake and sausage breakfast, midway, car show, beans and pork chop dinner, entertainment all day and dance starting at  p.m. http://www.zurichbeanfestival.com Cash crop farmer Randy Regier, now nearing 50, has been growing edible beans in the Zurich area for all of his life. Regier operates 9,000 to 10,000 acres of land, rotating wheat, corn, soybeans and white beans.

As told to Casey Lessard It’s a family tradition right back to my grandfather. We’ve always been in the edible bean business. It’s always been a big part of our operations and that goes way back to the beginning. As a young fellow, it was an exciting time to get up at 3 or 4 in the morning and sit on a tractor and help my father with this crop. There’s a lot of enjoyment and pride in this crop and with that we always need a reward. Forty years ago, there were people who in a good year in a good market would sometimes grow 100 acres of edible beans and it would purchase that farm that year. Today, that could never happen. There’s been a huge change in the land values versus the return on a per acre basis. Today’s land value is probably 50 times higher than it was 40 years ago, and the value of the edible bean is probably still at the same price. They were getting $25-$30 to the hundredweight, and today that value is still the same. The production cost is probably three to four times higher. That reflects the industry as a whole. You make it up through volume. My grandfather grew probably 30 acres of edible beans. My father at the end of his time in the business was probably in the 1,000 to 2,000 acres a year. Between myself and my brothers, we are probably in the neighbourhood of 6,000 acres of beans. When we harvest them, we do a rod pulling process, where a rotating rod slides under the ground. It just pulls the plant out or nips it off. Another machine splits the ripe pod

– it has to be ripe and it has to be dry, so it’s in the mid-day harvesting – it separates the pod and the bean that’s inside away from each other. It’s collected through screenings and it goes into an elevator that takes it into a bin that collects only the bean itself. They thrash very easily once they’re dry. This pulling process has to be done through the evening hours when they’re in a tough stage from the dews so that the pod is hard to crack. Then you need the heat of the day to crack the pods open. Edible beans don’t like a lot of heat. If you go into the southern counties, where the heat units are a lot higher, that was a hindrance to this crop. In early spring or in the fall, the lake was a bit of a safeguard from frost. It keeps temperatures more moderated. I think that’s why it was started in this area and grew to a point where processing plants were established, and the industry has grown from there. It’s a labour intensive crop. We’re always dealing with weed control. We have insects. Five, six or seven years ago, we never thought of leafhoppers. Now, leafhoppers are quite an issue in the edible bean industry. It’s not a major issue to control but it comes at another expense. There’s always the concern of a frost in the spring that would mean a replant. And there’s always the possibility of an early frost that would hinder the plant from maturing and having a good quality bean. This year, the drought has been very devastating on all the crops in this part of the country. The edible beans are no exception. The drought has slowed down growth because of the lack of moisture. If we have a lack of plant, we have a lack of availability of spots to flower and set pods. With the drought we can have poor pollination taking place. There is a point when the plant triggers a shutoff and aborts. With the drought they’re in a stress form and are aborting small pods to ensure survival of the plant. I expect this year that yields will be probably 30 per cent off what we would normally have. If you have zero bushels, it doesn’t matter what the price is. This year, this crop will probably not be a profitable crop. The market values are respectable but yields will be down. You take the good with the bad, and this year, with the drought, it will be a severe year economically.

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Drought taking its toll on beans

Bean farmer Randy Regier (above) shows the difference between a maturing bean (right) and pods that are on the verge of being aborted (far right) because of this year’s drought.

The agricultural business has become not nearly as lucrative as it was in years gone by. For a lot of reasons, our expenses have continued to rise. Yields overall - with technology of different varieties - have increased some, but have not kept up with the pace of the expenses to operate these operations. When we have a situation like this, it’s going to be more difficult to recover. The effort that farmers put into putting a good quality product in front of the consumer is probably lost. There’s a lot of risk, a lot of hard work put into the quality the consumer wants and sometimes, because of Mother Nature, that quality is very hard to obtain. That comes at the expense of the producer. The consumer probably lacks education of really what the food chain is about in this day and age. Thirty to 50 years ago it was much more appreciated. Farmers are stubborn, and I think we will carry on and try to produce this crop for many years to come.



The Bean Festival A lot of people put a lot of work into making the Zurich Bean Festival a good event. I think it would be nice if the bean festival did what the London Rib Fest does, having a contest for different recipes. We have to change with the times and show people who come to the event all the new ways of displaying this product, and I think a competition would make it fun. There are a lot of different recipes that can be used to cook and serve beans and it would be good for the consumer to see there are many ways of enjoying beans. It would make the festival more of a bean event. It’s amazing how many people over the years have come here for this festival. I’ve been far and wide, and you say you’re from Canada. “Okay…” You say Ontario. “Okay…” You say Zurich. “Okay…” But you mention the bean festival and it’s “OH!” It’s put Zurich on the map and we shouldn’t lose sight of that.





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Strip Thoughts

4 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Did Tom deserve award? Somebody thought so Advice from mom

Keeping the Peace

By Rita Lessard

By Tom Lessard

Nurses deserve a lot of credit. They’re Honesty is the best policy doing the best they can. Sometimes I’m sure Honesty is the best policy, but I’ve never their patience is stretched with some of their understood the impulse to be honest when it patients. I say, keep up the good work. serves no purpose other than to hurt someone. Say, for example, your friend is showing off her new baby and this child is as ugly as A model patient Since Tom has been in and out of the hos- dirt. Surely, you’re not going to tell her that! pital for the last five months (eventually los- Better to say, “How lucky for you. I hope he’s ing his leg below the knee due to circulation healthy.” Now isn’t that better? Sometimes people want you to be dishonproblems), we’ve witnessed all the good work nurses do. I suppose it helps if the nurses have est. Another example, my friend purchased great patients like Tom; at least, Tom said that something at the store and when she got her the nurses were singing his praises as a very change back, the cashier had made a mistake nice patient and they were sorry to see him in her change to my friend’s advantage. She told the cashier this and the cashier responded leave. On the ride home from his surgery, Tom very indignantly, “I don’t make mistakes.” So my friend walks away, but she feels bad said he was surprised he didn’t get an award. I thought that was a little much. I’m sure he and puts the extra change into the box for the wasn’t so special that he deserved an award. I poor at the church. asked him, “Why would you get an award?” He said, “Well that’s what I wanted.” Lessons in honesty I said, “Well, not everyone gets an award. Be honest with your kids and they will trust That’s stretching it.” you. Tom said, “Yeah, but it’s very lonely in a Be honest with your boss: eight hours pay room without other people.” equals eight hours work. That’s when I realized he wanted in a ward, Bosses: If an employee has the decency to not an award. I almost peed my pants, I was give you notice of resignation, resist shortenlaughing so hard. ing their remaining hours as revenge. You can be honest, too.

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About 14 years into my military career by this point the late 1960s - I was working in the quartermasters stores in Wolseley Barracks as a clerk for the RCR. I’d just come off a court martial, got a $25 fine and was promoted to corporal rank – back-dated six months - all in the same orders parade. About 11 a.m., a call came through for me to report to the theatre. No one knew why, so I cleaned myself up and marched directly over there. When I arrived, there was a line of about ten other personnel waiting in the hallway, so I joined them. A while later the regimental sergeant major marched in and called us to attention before he moved down the line checking to see if we were properly dressed. When he finally got to me, he seemed perplexed and said, “What are you doing here, Lessard?” I replied, “I don’t know, sir. I was told to report to the theatre with no explanation. Sir!” He responded with, “I’ll see about that.” After a short time, he called us to attention and proceeded to march us onto the stage, where we were halted and turned left to face - of all things - a full house of our comrades. I was stunned, to say the least. Some were looking at me and chuckling. I found it hard to keep a straight face. Next on the agenda was the adjutant who inspected each soldier. When he got to me, he asked the RSM, “What is Lessard doing here?” The RSM replied, “I’m not sure, sir, but I’m checking into it.” The next thing I know, the commanding officer is presenting me with the Canadian Decoration (C.D.). My buddies were still chuckling at this turn of events.

Did he earn any of these?

Yes, he did indeed. From left are Tom Lessard’s military honours: United Nations Emergency Force Egypt, NATO service in Germany, United Nations Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP), Peacekeeping medal, and the Canadian Decoration (see story) for 12 years service, “nine with undetected crime.” photo by Casey Lessard

After the presentations were over, we were marched out of the theatre and dismissed. The RSM stopped me and told me that he would get back to me about how I got the medal. He never did. [I had qualified for the medal a couple years before this (you need 12 years of service, which I had already served), but by the time they got enough people to do a parade, it had been so long that people were confused about why I was getting it.] After being dismissed, I paraded myself over to the canteen and knocked back a few while we all had a good laugh.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Strip Special Report: Remembering the Regiers

GrandBendStrip.com • 5

Messages of condolence to the Regiers Visitors to the GrandBendStrip.com website sent at this time. We are sorry to hear of the loss of his powerful arms around your whole family their messages of condolence to the Regier family two loving and caring people. They will be sadly and give you the strength to get through these tough days. You’re in my prayers and may justice after the murders of Bill and Helene Regier July 23: missed. be served. Kim-Marie (Windsor): My condolences to Todd & Terri Lynn Cornies: With all of our The Hughes family (London): Our deepest deepest sympathy to all family and friends of the Regier family. This is truly a tremendous Bill & Helene, we are deeply sorry for your loss. loss no one should have to go through. May condolences. Stay strong and keep on praying. God guide you through your days of healing Andreozzi family (Tecumseh): Our thoughts Charlene Doak (London): So sorry about and always remember no one can take away your loss. I just lost my Dad three months your memories and the love you shared. Take and prayers are with you at this very difficult ago and know what a tremendous loss it is. care and may God bless and keep all of you safe. time. Unfortunately, to lose someone you love this Jan MacDonald (Mazatlan, Mexico formerly Racine family (London): Our condolences way is disgusting. Take care and my prayers are to the Regier family. We all pray for you at this of Crediton): I extend my heartfelt condolences with you. to the Regier family. extremely difficult time. The Stranos (London): Sorry to hear about Amanda Chambers and family (Woodstock): Randy, Nicole, Kim and Ben Nicholson your terrible loss - our thoughts are with you. (Kincardine): Our prayers are with you in this We are so sorry for your loss and want you to know we hold your family and community in Amy (London): I am very sorry for the loss time of need. our hearts and prayers as you go through this of what I can only imagine were two very dediJulie Sinclair (Leamington): Sorry for your sad and lonely time. cated and beautiful people. My thoughts and prayers are with you through this extremely dif- loss. Sister Joyce Smith (Waterdown): Please ficult time. Even though it was through tragedy, your parents have touched so many lives as we Dan, Brenda & Adam Hicks (Kitchener): accept my sympathy and know that the entire all come to know a little bit about them and We are really sad this happened. Please accept family is being held in love and prayer. How see how beautiful and happy they were in their our sincerest condolences to your entire family tragic and sad! Your parents were wonderful and very kind. Hold all the good memories of life. picture. and community. Blessings! Shawnda: I am sorry for your loss. My Sherry Cook (Port Franks): My prayers are Denis & Dawn McCann (Manitoulin thoughts are with you. with your family at this very sad and unfortuIsland): We are truly sorry this has happened nate time. God bless you all. and send our sincerest condolences to the entire Mike Lessard & family (Oshawa): Our hearts and prayers go out to the Regier family Tawnya DeClark (Exeter): May God wrap Regier family.

Marissa (Windsor): Please know that my prayers and my family’s prayers are with you in this overwhelmingly painful time. What has happened is senseless and difficult to understand but we are praying for your strength and ability to move forward and see justice for Bill and Helene. Diane (Leamington): I’m so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. Tammie & Ken Beecroft (St. Thomas): We are so sad and depressed over what happened to the beautiful Bill & Helene. Please know that everyone is at a loss to describe the sorrow we all feel. Please know that the public is also grieving with you. I wish there was more we could do for all the Regier family and the many, many other people who loved them. Miss Hone (London): I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that your family will stay strong and remain inspired by Helene and Bill. With my deepest sympathy, Sharon and Robert Dale and family (Exeter): Please know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers. You have our heartfelt sympathies. Jean Kargus (Foresters Falls): Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.

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Strip: Feature

6 • GrandBendStrip.com


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Balance Some of the art on display at Bliss Studio in Port Franks starting August 25. Above left: Big Red by Tony Miller Above: Girl on Trapeze by Tamara Croxall Above right: G. Girl by Stephen Shellenberger Left: Night by Sarah Kane Right: Calla by Lorraine Thomson

Bliss Studio Group Exhibition Opening August ,  p.m.  Riverside Drive, Port Franks () - Featured artists: Tony Miller and Lorraine Thomson (studio owners), Stephen Shellenberger, Tamara Croxall, Sarah Kane and Kim Ange Music by Joani Paige Story by Casey Lessard “I’ve been walking around here in my pajamas showing people our work,” says Tony Miller in the studio and gallery he shares with partner Lorraine Thomson. “They show up here and say, ‘Are you open?’ I’m walking around in my housecoat. We’re very low-key. We’ve taken that mystery and snobbishness out of art. We’ve got people walking in here in bikinis and stuff right off the beach.” The beach is where the artists and former art gallery managers took their first step

toward creating their studio in Port Franks. Taking a cue f rom American mythology professor Joseph Campbell’s “follow your bliss” philosophy, Miller asked Thomson during a vacation in Costa Rica what her bliss would be. “Her answer was, ‘To live with you, do art and be near the water.’ I said, ‘Let’s do it.’” The two did not set out to run an art gallery out of their home, but after discovering the former fishery and setting up the Bliss art studio, they decided it would make a great gallery, too. The building was once a stable and barn; now, the upper level is their living space and the lower level is a large open gallery and storage space. Wide open doors let in natural light and the room can easily accommodate a crowd of art lovers. “A friend of ours told us about it,” Thomson says. “A lot of people who live in the Port said that they considered buying it but it’s an unusual type of property as far as space. I think it just works perfectly for what we’re doing here.” Outside of her work as an art instructor in

local schools, Thomson has used the gallery to teach art classes for children and adults, including a course called ‘Everyone is Born an Artist,’ which has helped many local seniors discover their drawing and painting talents. Their focus now, however, is giving new artists a place to show their work as they develop. “It’s hard for young people to break into getting into a gallery,” Thomson says. “It really is,” Miller adds. “To get your first exhibition is brutally hard. You usually pay the gallery a fee and then it’s 40 percent commission on all the works you sell. We don’t do that. We do take a commission, but we don’t gouge people. The main thing we want to do it show the work. We don’t rely on this for an income. We just love doing art.” Miller and Thomson also believe in giving customers a chance to test drive art in their homes to see if it fits. “Take it home,” Miller says. “If you like it, you like it. If you don’t, bring it back. No one leaves here with something they don’t want. That’s a number one rule.”

“A painting or a piece, any piece of art work is a very personal choice,” Thomson adds. “You can only buy art for yourself. Either you connect or you don’t. Our art work isn’t for everybody. We’re not doing high realism. There is a lot of meaning behind our pieces. A lot of emotion and meaning.” The Port Franks community has welcomed the gallery and its owners with open arms – and a big opening party. “When we came here we weren’t sure if people would accept us,” Miller recalls. “The day before we opened the gallery, there’s a bouquet of roses on our front porch. No card. Then the day we opened there’s a parade of people walking down the street with trays of food. We hadn’t even met them, except for one couple. They all come marching down with trays of food and welcomed us. The River Road Gallery people showed up. They brought us a nice plant. We probably had 150 people our very first day. It was wonderful. “I guess they accepted us, and they’re happy we’re here. We’ve had a lot of people come by and say, ‘This is what we needed.’”

Strip: Feature

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 7

Cowfolk bring rodeo life to Exeter Hundreds of rodeo fans filled the stands at this weekend’s Exeter Rodeo, part of the Dodge rodeo tour. The tour continues to Eastern Ontario next weekend before returning to London’s Western Fair in September and Mississauga for the championships later in the month. Right: Katelyn Scully of Rockwood prepares for her run at breakaway roping. Below: Dylan Carter of Thamesford, Dustin McMullen of Aylmer, and Aaron Riley of Paris wait for bullriding to begin.

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Strip on Stage

8 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Play examines church politics Legends deserve Reverend Jonah Blyth Festival Until September  http://www.blythfestival.com Southcott Pines resident Paul Ciufo is a f inancial planner in Exeter by day, playwright by night. His f irst professional stage production, Reverend Jonah, premiered at the Blyth Festival last weekend to positive reviews. Ciufo’s story-line: “Reverend Jonah is a brand new minister out of seminary. He shows up at his first church in a f ictional small town in Huron County called Gilvray. “He’s the darling of the church at the outset. Then he encounters a woman who was pushed out of this church 10 years before because she started living with another woman. The United Church generally is in favour of being tolerant and accepting of gays and lesbians so he says, ‘ You have to let me make this right and bring you back into the church.’ And that’s when all hell breaks loose.”

As told to Casey Lessard I knew a minister who came into conflict with the powerful families in his church and who was pushed out. It was really devastating to him. That really prompted me to want to write about conflict in churches. A lot of people believe the church is supposed to be this loving place and sometimes it’s just a place of just vicious politics and people jockeying for power. All these worldly things and negative things about us as people - there should be no place for that in the church. I also had a relative who was a minister; I was close to him growing up and he struggled with addiction. He died quite young. I think I’ve always wanted to write about him. Ministers are often such giving people and spend all their time helping people. Sometimes they can

R-E-S-P-E-C-T become quite blind to their own problems and their own burdens. It can take a great toll on them. The title character Jonah is struggling with an addiction and some other burdens and he doesn’t really attend to those things because he’s so focused on what he has to do as a minister. The stakes are extremely high because the minister’s guidance doesn’t affect the wealth of shareholders in the here and now - it affects the immortal fate of the congregation and their very souls. They have a huge burden. Biblically it’s spelled out that they are held to account like a shepherd for his flock. The minister feels a great responsibility for the congregation on a very high level. Early in my research I watched this amazing documentary about a woman who was a United Church minister and I very vividly remember her being at her husband’s birthday party and the phone rang. Someone had just suffered a tragedy and needed comforting and she had to leave. It really is all consuming. It’s very tough to escape the demands of it. It’s unpredictable. Not everyone is of one mind and conflict is inevitable. It shouldn’t happen in a church. Idealistically you’d hope there wouldn’t be that terrible conflict that you often hear about, like how a minister leaves and half the church leaves over an issue that was dividing a congregation. When people are mistreated in that context, a place that’s supposed to strive to be kind and loving and above things like jealousy and greed, maybe it cuts even deeper. I know a woman who many years ago had a child out of wedlock and

Legends Huron Country Playhouse Until September  huroncountryplayhouse.com By Casey Lessard

Grand Bend playwright Paul Ciufo

her church would not baptize her child. She has never been back. When she saw a public reading of my play a year ago - it was read out to about 50 people so it wasn’t a production with costumes - she was in absolute tears afterwards. It stirred all that up about how hurtful being rejected by a church can be. Perhaps we’re idealistic about churches. If you have idealized expectations of a church and they are dashed, maybe that ’s what wounds so deeply. Look at people who are harmed by ministers or priests. That person is supposed to be a representative of God. That person is supposed to be nothing but kindness and love and comfort. Your expectations are so great and your hope is so great. M y s i s t e r, w h o l i v e s i n Saskatchewan, goes to a church where a homeless man in the church stands and talks to the Member of Parliament who attends the church. That to me is what church is all about. What happens out in the world should all be stripped away because none of that is important to God. Mary Alderson’s review of Reverend Jonah will be at GrandBendStrip.com

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It’s not too often you get to see 1960s music “legend” Tiny Tim on stage at the Huron Country Playhouse, and quite frankly, I’m not too sure how many people would pay to see him. This is one time you should consider doing so. “I remember watching (Tiny Tim) on the Johnny Carson Show,” says Keith Savage, who pays tribute to the super-strange ukulele-playing singer of “Tip-Toe Through the Tulips” in Legends, running until September 1. “I am old enough to love all this music. I went on YouTube and you see him. He was not extremely pretty. (Laughs) It’s fun to be him. I wanted the bigger nose.” Savage and his co-stars do such a good job of portraying rock’s icons, it’s easy to suggest you may have a hard time getting a ticket for Legends, on now until September 1. “It’s a sequel to Twist and Shout, the British Invasion,” says creator and director Alex Mustakas. “That idea I got when I was in New York City once. I got tickets to see the David Letterman Show, which happens in the old Ed Sullivan theatre. I got the idea to create something that ’s like a live television taping. We needed to find the right theme. I had an idea for the British Invasion for a long, long time. That was such a hit I thought, ‘How can we follow this up?’” The answer was a retirement show for Roy Solomon, the televisionhost character based on Ed Sullivan. All of the legends of rock ‘n’ roll are

invited to celebrate Roy’s 20 years in the television business. “It’s a thin story line,” Mustakas admits, although it’s doubtful anyone in the audience will care. “It’s obviously about the music. That’s what it is. We actually touch on 105 songs. It’s music that I grew up with and love. There isn’t a song in the show that everybody doesn’t know.” “It ’s great music,” says Adele MacKenzie, one of the many cast members born after most of the show’s music was produced. “Anyone growing up through the ages listens to this stuff so I know it all already. Dance is my first love but I get a chance to do some lead vocals as well. Everyone gets featured which is why I really like this show.” Paying tribute to memorable musicians and their work is very hot in this area, as evidenced by the touring song-and-dance troupe, the Lambton Main Street Players, and Parkhill’s Star Dust dinner theatre, which exclusively features tribute acts. “It’s a very nostalgic time,” says celebrity impressionist Houston MacPherson, who introduces the legends’ different songs and does some of his own. “I did a lot of work in Vegas for a year-and-a-half, and everything there is nostalgic. All the shows are legend-based. People want to hear those good times. I think that’s primarily their reason. There’s a lot of trouble in the world. Those were happy times.” Mary Alderson’s review of Legends will be at GrandBendStrip.com

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Strip Fun

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sudoku Puzzles from www.sudoku.name. Solutions pg. . Fill the grid so that each column, each row, and each 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9.

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Easy (above) and Hard (below)



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Darts league aims at kids Royal Canadian Legion  Broad Street, Parkhill Youth dart league Ron Wilcox: () - Story & photos by Casey Lessard

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Competitive darts isn’t at the top of the list of things to do for most young people, but area Legions are hoping to change that. The Parkhill branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is hosting one of Canada’s top dart players, two-time world champion John Part, who will spend Friday with local kids and dart lovers. (The event is sold out.) “He’s a great ambassador,” says Ron Wilcox, who coaches the youth dart league with Kathy Bullock. “He’s the only non-European to win the world championship twice. He works with youth leagues around the world. This is the only time he does it in Canada. Without the youth players ten years from now darts will be gone. We’ve got 200 teenagers in this area and we have five players. We want to get more kids in here.” “The first time I played darts was at a dart exhibition with John Part,” says Wilcox’s nine-year-old son Steven, a member of the youth league. “I was a little nervous. I almost beat him in the third game on double-4.”

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GrandBendStrip.com • 9


Parkhill youth dart league members Sara Carter (right), Dakota Duval (below left) and Steven Wilcox (below right).

Now hooked, Steven says he will likely play darts the rest of his life. Sara Carter, 15, agrees. “This is something I’ll do forever,” she says. “When I get up in the older group I’m going to play with my dad.” The family connection is how many of the young players get involved. Elevenyear-old Dakota Duval’s parents encouraged her to join the league after playing darts on their board at home. “I tried it and I really liked it,” she says. “It’s been fun because we’ve been going places and playing against other teams. It feels really good if you win. It gets you more motivated to play the next game. I win sometimes.” The squad almost won the provincial qualifier for the premier Darts Ontario league last year, placing second to the only team that advanced to the provincial championships. “I like the experience,” Carter says. “You go to tournaments and you learn more. You’re self-conscious. There’s a lot of noise at tournaments so you have to be aware and be able to block that out while playing. When you go up and you’re playing there are lots of people who like to watch you. You have to be confident and focused otherwise you might not shoot what you want.” “It gets them off the streets, gets them interested,” Ron Wilcox says. “Their math skills are great. It gives them confidence. Gives them different opportunities to travel and meet other people.”

All of the young players agree the hardest shot is the pressure cooker of doubling in or out. “It’s a planning thing,” Carter says. “It’s really frustrating,” adds Duval. “When we were in Ontario Darts my teammate and I kept trying to hit double and I’m the one that could hardly ever shoot double one, so luckily she got it.” The league’s roster of five players is expected to grow to about 20 as the small Grand Bend and Parkhill leagues merge when the next season begins in the fall. “If we got more kids involved we could do it two or three nights,” says Ron Wilcox. “As long as kids are interested we’ll keep going.”

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Hold the angle Golf Tips By Cameron Rankin

The angle we’re discussing is caused when the wrists break during the back swing and is held during the forward swing. Allow the inside (the core or center of your body) or shoulders to move your arms to hold the angle on the forward swing. The hands and arms do nothing and are only moved by the shoulders. Do not allow your right arm (opposite for lefties) to straighten out too early on the forward swing. You must hold the angle by allowing the right elbow to stay folded as it drops against your right hip. If your right arm straightens out too early, your right elbow will be pulled away from the body. This is called “casting” or “clubhead throw-away” and is the main cause of power loss. The backswing should be wide with maximum extension; the forward-swing should be becoming narrower as the shoulders turn the right elbow to the right hip. Remember there are two circles, one large circle for the backswing and one smaller circle for the forward-swing. Remember this angle for more consistent striking of the ball. Cameron Rankin is the head pro at Sand Hills Golf Resort. Email: golf@grandbendstrip.com

Strip Outside

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Help reduce the mosquito population Last summer a fellow gardener had supplied me with a packet of mystery seeds. All I knew is that they were some hybrid of squash. They turned out to be swan gourds (named for the long swan-like neck attached to a pear-shaped By Jenipher Appleton body). I allowed one to dry over the winter and hollowed out the contents in early spring. How would you like to dramatically So far there have been no martin residents in decrease the mosquito and insect population my natural birdhouse. Maybe next year. flying about your yard? You could erect a bat house (not popular with those who believe Choosy about lodgings the critters’ll end up in your hair), or…you Hundreds of pairs of martins have been could try to attract the insect-voracious purple known to nest together. A preferred style martin to your home. of housing is the bird apartment house, or T h e p u r p l e m a r t i n i s t h e l a r ge s t condo. It is recommended to install the condo North American swallow. The family is 40-60 feet from any taller trees. This will HIRUNDINIDAE and the species is Progne deter predators like hawks, owls, snakes and subis. They lay 3-8 plain white eggs to a raccoons from attacking the martins or their clutch, each about 2.4 cm long. The hand- young. Painting the house white will help to some male is uniformly blue/black above and reflect the sun’s heat. Landing shelves should below with a forked tail; the female is similar be very narrow to discourage other birds. It but light-bellied. Martins resemble the barn seems that purple martins love to be near swallow but are a few centimeters longer, and humans so don’t install your condo further stockier in appearance. than 60 feet from your home. Any water fea-

Living in Balance

Canada’s First Peoples knew benefits

ture is welcomed as the martins like to swoop down to dip their bills for a cool drink.

The early Native Canadians realized the Starlings and sparrows are a martins’ appetite for insects. Around their problem villages they would place hollow gourds as As if natural predators aren’t enough invitations for the birds to nest. It apparently trouble for the purple martin, there are two worked well, both for the martins and for the non-native enemies which were introduced natives, who had fewer insects to pester them. from England in the late 1800s. One is the

Purple martin condo. (US Fish & Wildlife Service)

European starling and the other is the house sparrow. If either species arrives in spring at the condo ahead of the martins, they will take over the structure. If a martin pair finds a vacant apartment, the starling is likely to enter while the martin is out and destroy the eggs or nestlings. Similarly, the house sparrow is likely to enter and poke holes in all the eggs; the objective being to reduce the purple martin population. Unfortunately, they have been successful. To discourage the invaders, condo holes can be plugged with styrofoam coffee cups attached to strings until the purple martins’ spring arrival has been observed. Then they can be popped out and the condo can be home to its rightful owners. For more information about purple martins and how to attract them, see www.purplemartin.org Email Jenipher: nature@grandbendstrip.com

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To Do List

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

To Do: August 15-28 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15  a.m. -  p.m. - Gill St. Parking Lot Grand Bend Farmers’ Market  a.m. -  p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre Storybook Gardens Trip Goderich, Huron County Museum Days of Discovery - Children’s Program. Children ages 6 to 10. $20 per child per day. Contact (519) 524-2686

THURSDAY, AUGUST 16 Forest Fairgrounds Western Ontario Steam Threshers Show, Forest Fairgrounds

FRIDAY, AUGUST 17  a.m. -  p.m. - Forest Forest Farmers Market Bayfield Community Centre Bayfield Fall Fair. Admission: $5 per day or $5 for a weekend pass. Forest Fairgrounds Western Ontario Steam Threshers Show, Forest Fairgrounds - p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw Bikini Bob’s Live Music with Mike & Terry Gables Live Music with The Zoo Oakwood Inn Pub Live Music with Greg Gallello


Bayfield Fall Fair. See August 17.

Forest Fairgrounds Western Ontario Steam Threshers Show, Forest Fairgrounds  a.m. Bayfield, 20 Bayfield Main St. N. Heritage walk. Walking tour of Bayfield’s heritage district. Admission: $5.

- p.m. - Grand Bend Legion week or $5 per family. Preschool to grade 6. cooked beans, smoked pork chops, car show, Live Music with King Creole a Tribute to Call Cathy Leckey to register 519-296-4802 free entertainment, midway, dance 9 p.m. to Elvis 1 a.m. Admission: Free except for dance.


Grand Bend Motorplex Thunder Series, Jrs & 7.90, TD/TS,

 a.m. Grand Bend Youth Centre Bayfield,  Bayfield Main St. N. Canada’s Wonderland week Heritage walk. Walking tour of Bayfield’s Enjoy lots of games, movies and fun this Grand Bend Speedway week with a trip to Wonderland planned! heritage district. Admission: $5. 1/2 scale racing: 6.5 & 9 MS, JLM, MT, Call 519-238-1155 4-Cyl Coronation Park, Parkhill VON Great Community Walk. More info Grand Bend Lions’ Pavilion 1-800-265-7058 Gables Flower Arranging Day Live Music with The Zoo Grand Bend Horticultural Society. Get Grand Bend Motorplex prepared for Sept. and Dec. flower shows. Hully Gully Summer Sizzler, Hindle Cdn Oakwood Inn Pub Small charge to cover costs. (519) 236-7884. Fastest Streetbike Shootout Live Music with Greg Gallello  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion - p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Pinery Park Bingo Live Music with Mid Life Crisis Explore The Night Sky: Join members of the London Centre for the Royal : p.m. - Port Franks Community Astronomical Society of Canada as they : p.m. -  a.m. Centre introduce you to the wonders of space. Shores Recreation Centre, Forest Garden Planning with Brian Folmer Visitors will be able to view the constellaGala Opening of the Shores Recreation tions through provided telescopes. Centre WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22  a.m. -  p.m. - Gill St. Parking Lot, Gables SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 Grand Bend Live Music with Adam’s Rib  a.m. to  p.m. - Goderich, Rotary Grand Bend Farmers’ Market Cove Park Oakwood Inn Pub Goderich Triathlon. Categories for all all day, Goderich, Huron County Live Music with Brian Dale ages. 1 km swim, 10 km run and a 45 km Museum bicycle race. Registration fee for particiDays of Discovery - Children’s Program. pants only. SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 See August 15. : a.m. to  p.m. Bayfield Fall Fair. See August 17. Pinery Flea Market THURSDAY, AUGUST 23 Live Music with Brian Dale  a.m. -  p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Forest Fairgrounds Centre Western Ontario Steam Threshers Show,  -  p.m. on the patio - Christine’s on Canada’s Wonderland Trip Forest Fairgrounds the River, Port Franks Live music with Julian FRIDAY, AUGUST 24 Grand Bend Motorplex  a.m. -  p.m. - Forest Thunder Series, Jrs & 7.90, TD/TS,  p.m. - Goderich, Lions Harbour Park Forest Farmers Market Harbour Park Band Concert : a.m. to  p.m. - p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Pinery Flea Market Gables Meat Draw Live music with Adam’s Rib Live Music with Brian Dale Evening - Zurich  p.m. - Grand Bend United Church Zurich Bean Festival. Car cruise and fire- MONDAY, AUGUST 27 The voices of Heaven’s Gate. Free will works. Port Blake Park offering. Everyone welcome. Grand Bend Horticultural Society Annual Picnic and Awards. Liz (519) 236-7884 Gables  -  p.m. on the patio - Christine’s on Live Music with Adam’s Rib the River, Port Franks TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 Live music with Mark Blayney Grand Bend Youth Centre Oakwood Inn Pub Talent Show and Carnival Day. Call 238Live Music with Brian Dale  p.m. - Goderich, Lions Harbour Park 1155 for details Harbour Park Band Concert SATURDAY, AUGUST 25  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Zurich MONDAY, AUGUST 20 Bingo Zurich Bean Festival. Pancake breakfast - p.m. - Thedford Arena starting at 7:00 a.m. at the arena. Home Vacation Bible School. $2 per child for


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12 • GrandBendStrip.com

Pinery market is a colourful treat Photos by Casey Lessard The Pinery Antique Flea Market is celebrating its 40th year and promises something for every visitor. The market, located on Highway 21 south of Grand Bend, is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Sunday until Thanksgiving. Right: Chantalle Gordon of Sarnia was looking for jewelry but found candy instead. Far right: Michael Muller of Petrolia can’t believe the selection of Yu-Gi-Oh cards available. Candy, books and toys are among the many treats. Bottom (from left to right): Karen Schmidt of Stratford and Rashika Dewcharan of Grand Bend were looking for unusual finds when they stumbled on amber jewelry. Henna tattoo artist Eyup Hapapci of Kitchener makes his mark on Arden Brown of Petrolia. Son Dang of Kitchener gets a haircut from Terry Gaudry while his wife runs her booth. Local icon Brian Dale is regularly booked to perform.

Strip at the Market

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

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