Vol. 1 #12 Grand Bend Strip, October 10, 2007

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 1, No. 12

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


THIS IS OCTOBER? Mother Nature gives Marta Fiore and Joseph Fasolato a chance to relax in high-20s temperature on a fall weekend . (More photos on p.12)

Plus: Church, a huge sailboat, and Christmas gift ideas (yes, it’s already that time of year)

Mom’s Advice p.  - Sudoku p.  - Principal’s Page p.  - Living in Balance p.  - To Do List p.

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Strip Thoughts

How to live your dream View from the Strip By Casey Lessard Maybe I have a soft spot for people who have taken a big risk and left the comfort of a job or home to start a new life doing something completely different. You’ ll read about Thomas and Gail Bailey, who started their own church. Hank and Diane VanderVelden have continued to simplify their lives so they could take it to an extreme: living the next ten years (that’s the plan for now) on a boat they built from scratch. And all of the people photographed for the front and back covers took a risk to move to Canada, including our cover subjects Marta Fiore and Joseph Fasolato, who moved from Argentina; on the back page, the Van Der Linde boys moved from South Africa, Elvis and Daniela

Gerber from Cuba, and the Selvarajans from Sri Lanka. My parents moved a lot before I was born, with my dad’s military service taking him all over Europe (my mom followed him to Germany) and into the Middle East. I’ve lived in England, and Anjhela has lived there and in Switzerland. Moving away from home takes a lot of courage and stamina, and you’re never quite sure what’s going to happen in the long-term, but that’s also one of the good things about it. As you’ll read in our stories, the most successful risks require both planning and faith. It’s important to know what you can expect, but it’s equally important to realize

that some things cannot be planned. Risktakers require an organic attitude, an edge that allows them to be prepared for the worst, and the adrenaline that comes from being imperfectly prepared. The key to success is having a good support system, and I’ve certainly found that to be true. I’m very thankful for the people who have helped me along the way. I hope people will read this issue and see that dreams can be fulfilled, as long as you are prepared for the work involved and surround yourself with good people. And don’t forget to keep the faith. Tell me about your adventures: drop me an note at mail@grandbendstrip.com

Keep it clean, boys Advice from mom By Rita Lessard Thanksgiving – what a great holiday. This is a wonderful time of year to celebrate and reflect on all the many gifts and blessings we have received throughout the years. Since I’ve lived quite a few years, my blessings have been numerous. I am especially thankful for my neighbours, my first family, friends, and last but not least, my husband and five sons. My siblings – whom I consider my first family – are very special indeed. I keep in touch with my brothers and sisters as much as I can. My sister Joan, who lives in Shipka, is very kind and generous to Tom and me, so to her I say thank you on this Thanksgiving Day. A couple of months ago, I was talking to my

Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

neighbour and she was quite astonished that I had raised five sons and lived to tell the tale. I told her that having five boys was the best thing that ever happened to me. “Well,” she said, “I had two sons and I find that boys are so dirty.” My response to her was, “Yes, you’re probably right, but I made sure that my guys were clean as they had to take a bath or shower every night,” to which she said, “Whatever!” I think the idea of taking a bath every night backfired on my son Glenn on one occasion. Glenn and Tom Jr. (my oldest boys) had an opportunity to visit and have a camp-out at a neighbour’s farm. Since we’re basically town folk, this was quite an adventure. Instead of having their bath the night before, I made the boys take their bath before they left for the farm. Tommy was okay with it, but Glenn put up quite a fuss. He insisted he was going to get dirty anyway, so what was the point? I prevailed and the boys were freshly bathed when they set out.

When they got to the farm with a group of other kids, they were quite excited to see the animals and the farm machinery and the rest of the makings of the farm. After they were there they were allowed to explore a bit, which was a lot of fun. Glenn decided he’d like to go up in the hayloft and see how that felt, so up he went. He got walking around and everything seemed fine. Then, all of a sudden, he stepped in a hole and fell through the loft into the cows’ toilet. He was covered in manure. Was he ever ticked! Glenn thought he would get dirty at the farm, but not this way. When he came out of the barn smelling like dung, the kids thought it was quite funny. Off he went to the bathroom for - you guessed it – another bath. So yes, boys do get dirty, but you can always clean them, and this is another thing I am thankful for. Count your blessings this year, and be ever so thankful today and every day.

Publisher: Casey Lessard Editor: Casey Lessard Editorial Assistant: Anjhela Michielsen Proofreader: Carmen Kinniburgh Advertising Sales & Design: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard

Grand Bend Strip is printed every other Wednesday and 4604 copies are delivered free to all homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood and Port Franks using Canada Post. An additional 1400 copies are available to other residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants.

Contributors: Rita Lessard - my mom Tom Lessard - my dad Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Cameron Rankin - golf Jeff Reaburn - SHDHS principal Distribution: Casey Lessard, Rita Lessard & Joan McCullough

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Spend weekend indoors or out Compiled by Casey Lessard Still looking for something to do on the October 13th and 14th weekend? There’s plenty going on, whether you want to walk, run or drive. Port Franks businesses are hosting the 4th annual Poinsettia Holiday Shopping Tour. Ten venues take part in this event to help you find unique gifts ahead of the holiday rush. Pull out our centre spread and take along our guide to the area and the businesses that are taking part. The tour runs 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Two of the stops listed on the map are part of the 26th annual Lambton Colour and Craft Festival, which takes place at the Thedford Community Centre and the Lambton Heritage Museum and runs at the same time, Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for the museum programming and raises about $30,000 each year. “The museum offers educational programs for students,” says event coordinator Gwen Watson, “and we preserve and interpret the history of Lambton County.” “The festival started small,” Watson says, “and we’ve increased the number of vendors to over 100 crafts people. We opened it up to Thedford to accommodate the number of vendors we have. “We have a wide variety of things. We have country decorating accessories, your wooden folk art, painted wood and that type of thing. We have Christmas decorations, jewelry, quilting, fused glass, clothing, food items, jams, dips and oils. It’s quite an assortment of products. Downtown Thedford will also feature the Fall Fantasia, which is a combination of farmers’ market, bog and orchard produce, and sidewalk sale for the different stores in the village. If you’re looking for a way to get some exercise, head to the Pinery for its annual Pinery Road Race. The event is in its 6th year and runs Sunday, October 14 with a children’s run at 9:45 a.m. and 5km and 10km runs for adults starting at 10 a.m. To sign up, visit: www.eventsonline.ca/events/grandbend_run/

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Strip VIPs

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 3

Church offers faith without pretense Grassroots ministry is not your average Saturday night ritual Story and photos by Casey Lessard “This is guts,” says Reg Finkbeiner. “This is Sermon on the Mount.” Finkbeiner is one of the regulars at Church, a grassroots faith ministry hosted at the Grand Bend Youth Centre at 7:30 p.m. every Saturday. “I come here to worship,” he says. “This is an expression of what I believe. If I want to put up my hands, I can do it. If I want to do a little bit of soft-shoe, I can do it. Nobody’s telling me I can’t.” Thomas and Gail Bailey started their ministry, earlier this year after leaving the Church of God congregation, the church where the Baileys met Finkbeiner. “Despite the fact that I left the organized church and the official title of pastor and whatever that means, I’m still a preacher,” Thomas Bailey says. “God has laid it on my heart to preach his word. That’s part of the reason for doing this: to continue to preach and reach people. The other reason is to provide a way to get the message to people who wouldn’t otherwise walk into a church building. The last several years I’ve realized there are a lot of people who are seeking or already have a faith in God, but have walked away from the status quo religion tradition for a variety of reasons, and there’s nowhere for them to go. Almost a third reason would be to prove that it can be done without all that stuff.” “A lot of people have been hurt in relationships with churches and other people in churches,” Gail adds. “I think they need a place to go that welcomes them with open arms.” Finkbeiner was attracted to the purity of their effort. “I connected with Tom and I connect with his principles. It’s not a theology, and it’s not a doctrine. It’s a way of being real. I love tradition, but tradition can produce a lot of incorrect reality.” “We seem to be connecting with people who are otherwise unconnected,” Thomas Bailey says, “and this gives them a chance to be with people and worship again and be connected, without all the strings that come with it. “There’s no offering. It’s certainly not money-oriented. People do donate, and the rest is out of our pocket. Our only expenses are rent and advertising. You have to really want to do that. I’m not here for the money. I’m here because this is what I want to do.” The Baileys make it work by maintaining normal jobs. Thomas works at the Seaforth E.D. Smith creamery while Gail works at the Forest Subway. “What makes this different is that we don’t own our own building and we don’t have an interest in owning one,” Thomas says. “We prefer to be in a public place that’s accessible to everyone. It’s more like we’re part of the community. The atmosphere is more relaxed. We certainly don’t care about


Your Saturday Night Alternative


All Ages Welcome

7:30 pm

Grand Bend Youth Centre


(Highway 21 behind Bank of Montreal)

Contact Thomas or Gail Bailey - (519) 243-1597

“Come just as you are... to worship.”

Thomas Bailey (above) leads the Church that gathers at the Grand Bend Youth Centre Saturday nights. Reg Finkbeiner (left) is one of the regulars. The service is grassroots, recalling a time when believers congregated not in formal church buildings but in homes and public spaces.

how people look when they come in. The worship style tends to be more upbeat and contemporary; not a hymn book in sight. There’s more emphasis on the worship and the preaching.” The average attendance at the services is between 10 and 12, he says. “I don’t know if we’ve hit 20. Sometimes it’s a little discouraging, but I take solace in the fact that we’re reaching people that wouldn’t otherwise be connected. We’re ministering to them, so we are filling a need.” One of the main ways the church separates itself from others is the Saturday night schedule. Bailey realizes it can conflict with other ways to spend a Saturday night, such as the nightlife in the summer and watching hockey in the winter. Their main concern, however, is getting out of the Sunday morning mold. “We’re not competing with other congregations because they’re pretty much all Sunday morning. We’re very much into unity, and that’s why we’re unaffiliated. We’re into the unity of all believers. If we went to Sunday morning, we would be forc“God asked us to do this,” Gail Bailey says, “and it took us a ing people to make a choice, and that’s divisive.” It’s a big risk for a couple that could have remained tradi- long time. We’ve left it in God’s hands. Whatever comes of it, comes of it. We’re just acting on faith.” tional church leaders, but they have no regrets.


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Strip at Night

4 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A sweet way to fight cancer

A sold out crowd of 168 enjoyed desserts prepared by their table hostesses at the first ever Grand Dessert Night, organized by Dr. Anne Wilson and Leni Vermeulen. Proceeds from the event went to the Canadian Cancer Society. “Every service we provide is available in Grand Bend and all over the province,” said CCS Lambton unit manager Helen Cole, noting they offer a peer support line and volunteer drivers to take patients to appointments. Left: Niki Vermeulen of Grand Bend serves finger treats to her table members, including Vic Gillman. Above: Judith Szabo of Grand Bend prepares her apple cake. Below left: Mary Blair of Grand Bend models clothing from A Propos as part of a fashion show at the event. Blair won the award for best-decorated table. Below right: Beth Sweeney’s Praline Caramel Cheesecake.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Strip Special: Poinsettia Tour

GrandBendStrip.com • 5

Start your holiday shopping this weekend in Port Franks The 4th annual Poinsettia Tour (October 13 and 14 at 10 venues) kicks off the holiday season in Port Franks, and gives visitors a chance to see what businesses are preparing for holiday gifts. Follow the poinsettia signs to the 10 venues along the way, and remember to sign up for draws at each store. 1) Northville Convenience Store 8575 Lakeshore Road (Highway 21) – (519) 243-2050 Owners: Rebecca and Barb Losee Fall/winter hours: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. What to expect: “We’re more like a general store,” says Rebecca Losee. “We sell just about everything: from unique giftware to groceries, movies, homemade popcorn, Shaw’s ice cream, power tools, camping and fishing equipment. We also have two other rooms; in the first room we have clothing and beachwear and jewelry, things for babies and toys. In our back room is home décor, including furniture, vases, and anything to decorate a home with.” 2) MacPherson’s Restaurant 8512 Lakeshore Road (Highway 21) – (519) 243-2990 Owners: Veronica Brennan Hours: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sundays 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. What to expect: Restaurant and variety store offering home-cooked meals, movies, an ATM, gift shop, greeting cards and lottery. We try to have a little bit of everything. 3) Port Franks Community Centre 9997 Port Franks Road 5) New Life Treasures (see ad) Presented by Ausable Port Franks Optimist 7574 Riverside Drive – (519) 243-2831 Club Owner: Glenna Hupka What to expect: Tearoom and craft show. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (for the tour); Luncheon. otherwise fall hours (to Christmas) are Wed to Sat 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 4) Miss Pia Jane (see ad) p.m. 7602 Ransford Street (off Port Franks What to expect: Treasures of yesterRoad) - (519) 243-3576 day, today and tomorrow. Home décor and Owner: Louise Lockney red-hat society items. All artwork will be Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the tour; on sale at half-price, candles are half-price. Wednesday to Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Refreshments include apple cider and lemon What to expect: Old, new, used and vintage and banana cake. I have a really interesting gifts for the home, cottage, and camp. See the new item: wine bottle night-lights that are store very festively decorated with lots of cool hand-made by Glenna Hupka, Gerda Prossler flowers and lovely holiday gifts. Bright stars and Noreen Baker. They’re Christmas lights and holiday balls. Lovely gifts, fabulous jew- in a wine bottle that is decorated and one-ofelry. Painted furniture, great artwork, home a-kind. Our designer Lolita wine and mardécor, fabulous flowers, jewelry and handbags. tini glasses come with recipes on the bottom. Explore the building and visit all the nooks Visitors can sample Wildly Delicious bread and crannies to see the surprises in store. dipping oils. “Last year was my first year,” says There’s always juice and hot cider all winter Hupka, “and I met a lot of nice ladies who long. “It’s a comfortable place to shop, browse stopped by from Kitchener and Toronto, and and meet friends,” Lockney says. I want to thank them for coming by.”

Clockwise from left: New Life Treasures (x2), Rustic Creations (x2), Gift Baskets by Birdie, a boxer by the Birdman, Bliss Studios, the view from Christine’s on the River, and Miss Pia Jane (x2)

6) Rustic Creations (see ad) 10000 Erie Street (at corner of Riverside Drive) – (519) 243-3090 Owners: Nancy and Wayne Millman Hours: for the tour 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; otherwise hours are Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. What to expect: Goodies and refreshments, and lots of primitive crafts and candles, Christmas items and fall items. Hand-made dolls, wooden birdhouses and angels, rustic looking crafts. Most items are hand-made by Michelle McIntosh and Wayne Millman. “Visitors can tour the property and we have lots of things in our garden for sale, too,” says McIntosh.

the birds are made of motorcycle gas tanks. All of his planters are made from propane tanks. He’ll make custom orders as well. The gift baskets are all occasions, including diaper cakes for babies, gift baskets for wedding showers, dog and cat baskets. “Whatever they want is what I make,” says Brenda Wilkinson.

9) Bliss Studios (see ad) 7617 Riverside Drive – (519) 243-3598 O wners: Tony Miller and L orraine Thomson Hours: by chance or appointment What to expect: It’s a contemporary art studio that shows established and emerging artists. Right now we’re showing Back in the Saddle, and it features Tamara Croxall, Sarah Kane, Kim Ange, Stephen Shellenberger, Lorraine Thomson and Tony Miller. “The most important thing is to see the art, although of course, the art is for sale,” says Miller. “We just want people to experience it. The building used to be a fishery, and it was one of the first buildings in Port Franks, so it’s an interesting place to visit.”

7) Christine’s on the River (see ad) 10070 Poplar Avenue (off Riverside Drive) – (519) 243-3636 Owner: Christine Orosz Hours: fall hours: Thursday 4 – 10 pm, Friday 4pm – 12am, Saturday and Sunday 12 – 10 pm What to expect: For the tour, the lunch specials will include chicken Caesar salad, a dock salad and a chicken Caesar wrap with choice of soup or fries. The menu will be 10) Rodgers Meat and Fruit Pies available at all the stops on the map. “The 7805 Alfred Street – (519) 243-1629 tour is a great way to get more people to Owner: Rosemary and Gary Rodgers know about Port Franks because it’s a hidden Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday for the gem that no one really knows about,” Orosz says. “If the weather is good, we’ll have a good tour (depending on stock) What to expect: Specializing in individualturnout.” and family-sized frozen meat pies (ground 8) Roadside Art – The Birdman of Port beef, steak, chicken and turkey pies) and frozen fruit pies that are in season. “It’s a Franks and gift baskets by Birdie (see ad) 7449 Sanderson Road (off Riverside at home-based business, so you’ll be visiting our intersection leading to Christine’s on the house,” Rosemary Rodgers says. “We also have a yummy lemon loaf. We’ll have good samples River) – (519) 243-3860 Owners: Doug (the Birdman) and Brenda and anyone who wants to buy, can.” (Birdie) Wilkinson 11) Thedford Arena and 12) Lambton Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment What to expect: Birdie will have a whole Heritage Museum - Lambton Colour and pile of gift baskets made, and the Birdman Craft Festival Fundraiser for the Lambton Heritage has made birds and planters. He’s making a bird made of rock right now, but normally Museum

6 • GrandBendStrip.com

Strip Around the World

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

From the Port to the Pacific Couple hopes to one day sail around the world in hand-built catamaran Story and photos by Casey Lessard Retired teachers Hank (North Lambton Secondary School, Forest) and Diane (Our Lady Immaculate, Strathroy) VanderVelden, both 58 years old, set sail from Port Franks Thursday, embarking on a journey they started almost 20 years ago. With an interest in sailing that started in the early 1990s, Hank has spent the last eight years building a 14-metre long by 8-metre wide catamaran they now call home. The boat has three queen-sized bedrooms, two bathrooms (one with a bathtub), a storage area, a full kitchen, and living room with television. Equipped with a machine to convert salt-water into drinking water and solar panels for electricity, the sailboat (with two backup diesel engines) allows the couple to be self-sufficient on the ocean. This year, their destination is Florida, next year the Caribbean, the following year Europe, and if all goes well, they will sail around the world the year after that. Hank: I’ve watched the round-the-world rally races for about 20 years, so it’s always been something I’ve been fascinated by. Certainly you get to see a lot of the world, and parts of the world you won’t see through a travel agency. Backwards parts of the world, interesting parts of the world, scary parts of the world; it’s not boring, that’s for sure. We plan to go to Europe in 2009 with a group called ARC – Atlantic Rally Crossing

– where you pay a fee and about 250 boats cross through Bermuda. They supply all the charting, weather forecasting and a doctor on one of the boats. It sounds like a lot of boats, but three or four days out you won’t see anybody anymore. You might see a mast way out in the distance, but you’re in radio contact if you have problems. We’ll go to Holland and the Mediterranean, and come back in September. We’ll see where we go from there. We may get out there and say, “Holy crap, this is not for us. This is too scary.” Maybe we’ll just float back and forth to the Caribbean. There’s no guarantee that we’ll circumnavigate. It’s our dream, but it’s a dream that has to come with a certain amount of reality. Diane: Hank said he wanted to do this for our retirement, so we started looking around. We got our plans f rom Roger Simpson Design in Australia. We sold our house about 10 years ago to stay with my mother who was dying of Alzheimer’s. Then we moved to an apartment and she moved into a nursing home, so we just stayed in the apartment. We just kept getting smaller - from a four-bedroom house to a two-bedroom apartment to a boat. The boat’s our home. Hank: We enjoyed sailing all the time, and we thought it would be nice to retire on a boat. The advantage of a catamaran is it doesn’t keel over. You can put a cup down and it doesn’t go sliding off the end of the table; everything stays on the level. And it’s got more room. A cat this size probably has as much room as a 65’ mono-hull. We started looking at boats, and we decided on a catamaran. Then we started looking at catamarans and realized they were too expensive for us (a new boat this size would cost about $800,000), so we had to build one; that’s the only way we could get one.

I first got interested when a good colleague of mine and I sailed on another f riend’s sailboat. The three of us guys would sail to the North Channel, to Tobermory. Then Diane decided she wanted to sail, too, so we took the courses together and we chartered together. As we became more confident in our skills, they let us go out on our own. Then we had the boat for two weeks alone in the North Channel, navigating around rocks and all that other stuff. Would I tell somebody else to go and do it (build and live on a boat)? I’d say, you’d better really think it over because there’s a lot of work involved. As long as you research and understand what it’s going to cost and what it’s going to take. When you’re out on the golf course, you know where I am. When you go away for the long weekend, you know where I am. It’s a dream, but there’s a cost. It’s hard, dirty work. If you want it, you have to pay for it one way or another. Diane: For the last month we’ve lived on the boat, and it’s been an uphill climb. There have been a number of setbacks – you get one thing fixed and something else comes up. Hank: Both of us have mixed feelings because you’re leaving behind friends and family. If I told you we had no second thoughts, I’d be lying. Of course I’m apprehensive. You’d be crazy not to be. But it’s a trade off: do you want to just sit around at Tim Horton’s every day talking to your friends or do you want to go out and do something? You decide. I can see it going ten years. That’s what we’re thinking right now. You don’t know until you go out and do it. We know what it’s like to live on it for two or three weeks, but we don’t know how it’s going to be over several years. Diane: I’ve survived 38 years with Hank; I think we can survive a few more.

Diane and Hank VanderVelden (top right) set sail from Port Franks with their home-made catamaran Thursday. The sailboat is fully equipped with solar panels (above right), a living room (left), three queensized bedrooms (one of them is at right), and all of the equipment a modern sailor needs (above).

Strip Feature

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 7

Sudoku This is an Easy puzzle from www.sudoku.name. Solution below (don’t peek!). Fill the grid so that each column, each row, and each 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9.

4 5 1 9 5 6 5 8 7 2 1 4 9 7 1 8 Theme Dinner:

“Oktoberfest” Fri. Oct. 19 - 7 p.m.

A RESTAURANT 42 Ontario St. S. (Hwy 21) Reservations Recommended

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real canadian


green or red

natural spring water

pork back ribs

seedless grapes

24 x 500ml


Lunch - 12-2 p.m. (Tues. to Sat.) Dinner - 5 p.m. (Wed. to Sun.)

effem or nestle


chocolate bars

red hots wieners 99 450g

selected varieties 4260g



red or bosc

pears prod. of canada & u.s.a. extra fancy 1.74/kg



no name

juice or drinks

cheese strings

pork cottage roll

honeydew melon


prod. of u.s.a.

selected varieties


selected varieties 168g

199 199



general mills

stewing beef


oatmeal crisp cereal

club pack, boneless cut from canada aa grade beef or higher

selected varieties




surf liquid detergent

OVER 100 CRAFTSPEOPLE Two Locations!

1.74 /kg.

black diamond

12x 113g

10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

247/lb. .79/lb.

del monte

selected varieties

October 13 & 14, 2007

5.45 /kg.

selected varieties 284ml

prod. of u.s.a. no 1 grade

cryovac pkg of 2


heinz soup

10x 200ml

Proprietor Erryn Shephard Chef Ben Sandwith

Call now to reserve your tickets for our

9 5 3 7 1 6 5 2 9 8 4 1 2 3 9 4 8 3 2 5




299 399



marc angelo

premiere pizza

porchetta roast

selected varieties 700736g







asparagus prod. of peru no. 1 grade 325g

199 pumpkins prod. of canada



Lambton Heritage Museum &

Thedford-Bosanquet Community Centre 1-800-265-0316 or 1-519-243-2600 Lambton Heritage Museum 8 km south of Grand Bend on Highway 21 www.lclmg.org


seasoned outside round

skillet sensations

oven roast

selected varieties 640g


cut from canada aa grade beef or higher or u.s.d.a. select

6.59 /kg.

celery prod. of canada canada no. 1

299/lb. .69



7 3 6 1 4 8 2 5 9

4 5 1 3 9 2 6 8 7

8 2 9 5 6 7 3 4 1

2 4 3 7 5 6 1 9 8

6 7 8 9 1 4 5 3 2

9 1 5 2 8 3 7 6 4

5 6 7 8 2 9 4 1 3

3 9 4 6 7 1 8 2 5

1 8 2 4 3 5 9 7 6

Strip Special: Poinsettia Tour

8 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Visit all of the stops on the 4th annual Port Franks Poinsettia Tour 1) Northville Convenience Store 8575 Lakeshore Road (Highway 21) – (519) 243-2050



2) MacPherson’s Restaurant 8512 Lakeshore Road (Highway 21) – (519) 243-2990

6 5

3) Port Franks Community Centre 9997 Port Franks Road


4) Miss Pia Jane (see ad) 7602 Ransford Street (off Port Franks Road) - (519) 243-3576


5) New Life Treasures (see ad) 7574 Riverside Drive – (519) 243-2831


6) Rustic Creations (see ad) 10000 Erie Street (at corner of Riverside Drive) – (519) 243-3090


7) Christine’s on the River (see ad) 10070 Poplar Avenue (off Riverside Drive) – (519) 243-3636 8) Roadside Art – The Birdman of Port Franks and gift baskets by Birdie (see ad) 7449 Sanderson Road – (519) 243-3860

2 1

Port Franks Poinsettia Tour


9) Bliss Studios (see ad) 7617 Riverside Drive – (519) 243-3598 10) Rodgers Meat and Fruit Pies 7805 Alfred Street – (519) 243-1629 11) Thedford Arena - Lambton Colour and Craft Festival Fundraiser for the Lambton Heritage Museum


12) Lambton Heritage Museum - Lambton Colour and Craft Festival Fundraiser for the Lambton Heritage Museum

Get ready for the holidays with Port Franks businesses during the 4th Annual Poinsettia Holiday Shopping Tour October 13 & 14 Tour runs 10 a.m. to 5 p..m. both days - see page 5 to learn about the stops along the way


Doug & Brenda Wilkinson

7449 Sanderson Road - 519-243-3860

Home Decor & Red Hat Store

7574 Riverside Drive, Port Franks (in the old schoolhouse)


(519) 243-2831 Friday Night Special: Shrimp & Wings - 50¢ a piece Saturday Night Special: Baby Back Ribs FALL HOURS: Thurs. - 4 to 10 p.m. Fridays - 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. Sat. & Sun. - 12 to 10 p.m.

10072 Poplar Ave.

Come out and play darts: Thursday nights - 7 p.m. Sunday afternoons - 2 p.m.

Port Franks 519-243-3636

Miss Pia Jane

7617 Riverside Drive, Port Franks - (519) 243-3598 By Chance or Appointment

in the Port


Gifts for the Home, Garden, Cottage & Camp!

Visit us on the Poinsettia Tour Oct. 13 & 14 Open Wednesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7602 Ransford St. Port Franks • 519-243-3576 VISA/MasterCard/Debit

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Tues. to Sat. 10-4 · Sun. & Mon. by appt. www.crowingaboutprimitives.com

Strip at School

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 9

What are you going to do with your life? Futures Week helps students figure that out with workshops and speakers Principal’s Page By Jeff Reaburn, SHDHS Next week the school, in conjunction with the School Council, is hosting a series of presentations intended to help students figure out what they may want to do with their lives. The program, called “Life After High School: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?” or Futures Week, for short, covers a range of post-secondary options from college, university and the workplace to small business and entrepreneurship. Our goal is to make students more aware of the range of possibilities beyond high school and to encourage them to explore the available options. The opening session on Monday afternoon (October 15) will focus on small business and entrepreneurship. We have subtitled this session “Small Business: Do It Yourself,” and have invited a number of local entrepreneurs and small business people for a panel discussion on running your own business. We have asked these individuals to talk about what inspired them to start up their businesses, how

they got started, and what challenges they have faced in running their own businesses. We hope to encourage students to consider the prospect of working for themselves and to consider the pros and cons of being your own boss. On Monday evening we have lined up a panel of experts to talk about where we are headed in a session called “The Future: Emerging Opportunities.” There is no doubt that we are currently trying to prepare young people for jobs that don’t even exist yet in a marketplace and world of work that are everchanging. We have asked our panel of local experts to discuss the future of manufacturing, tourism, business, and agriculture in our area and in the province so that students and parents can be more aware of the skills and knowledge that may be required to be successful in the years ahead. Our focus on Tuesday will be the world of work as we explore apprenticeships and nontraditional careers, occupations that students may be overlooking or of which they may be completely unaware. From journalism to politics, and accounting to engineering, this session is intended to get students thinking about a variety of occupations that they may not be considering, including niche careers

that satisfy a very particular market demand. This session will also explore the world of apprenticeships with a particular focus on the growing demand for skilled trades people. Wednesday’s sessions will be devoted to financial planning - how to pay for postsecondary education. Marilyn Davies from King’s College will be on hand for both the afternoon and evening sessions to talk about OSAP and budgeting for college and university. In addition, we have invited advisors from local financial institutions to talk about other sources of funding, from educational lines of credit to Registered Education Savings Plans. The afternoon session is intended primarily for graduating students who will be going on to post-secondary education next fall (and their parents), while the evening session will be open to everyone. On Thursday afternoon, the focus will be “Learning Outside the Box,” with a focus on private colleges and alternative sources of learning, including the new Lake Huron Learning Collaborative, which is providing university courses in Goderich. There will also be representation from the Canadian Armed Forces and students will be able to gather information about sources of education beyond community colleges and universities.

On Thursday evening there will be a career fair with representation from a range of businesses, industries and educational institutions. Finally, on Friday, our focus will be on agriculture where “Dirt is Only the Beginning.” The focus in this final session will be on the diversity of careers available in the agricultural sector, with representation from a variety of local agribusinesses. As you can see, we have tried to offer something for everyone. While the afternoon sessions will be aimed primarily at our senior students, parents are also welcome to attend and the evening sessions are open to everyone. The afternoon sessions on Monday and Friday are scheduled to run from 12:45 to 3:20, while the Tuesday through Thursday afternoon sessions will be in the last period of the day, from 2:05 to 3:20. All of the evening sessions will begin at 7:00 and run until approximately 9:00. Senior classes are being invited to attend the afternoon sessions, but students may also sign up for them individually if the entire class is not attending. A complete schedule of the Futures Week sessions can be found on our school web site, www.shdhs.ca, under the heading “Career Week at SHDHS.”

Get your tickets for the Parachute Plunge - October 19th

$20 each – only 529 tickets available 1st prize - Dirty Dancing trip to Toronto for 4 ($1500 value - no cash equivalent) courtesy Ellison Travel • 2nd prize: $1000 • 3rd prize: $500 • 4th prize: $200 • 5th prize: $100

Tickets available at SHDHS, Ellison Travel, M&M, Royal Bank, Scotiabank, Home Company, Curves, Hansen’s Your Independent (October 12 & 13 only) Presented by the South Huron District High School Council - Lottery Licence# M455264

Life After High School Career Week at South Huron District High School

Monday October 15 – Friday October 19

50% OFF Save 50% off all in stock Regency wood stoves, wood inserts and gas stoves Cash and Carry. Venting and installation not included

Afternoon and Evening Sessions – Parents Welcome Encouraged

I don’t know what I want to do • Is university or college better, or should I just work for a while? • There’s nothing for me in Huron County • New jobs are invented every day. How am I supposed to know what courses to take? • I can’t afford a farm and all that equipment but I’m attracted to agricultural jobs. What are my options? • I keep hearing that the Internet makes work more global. How does that affect me? • Life long learning - what does it mean? • If I have to borrow money for my education, how can I afford to pay it back and still have a life?

Want answers?

Grand Bend Heating Plus

We have over 120 presenters attending a variety of sessions

14 Main Street, Grand Bend

Explore the possibilities

(519) 238-6707

Visit www.shdhs.ca for complete schedule of dates and times

Strip Outside

10 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nuthatches can turn their world upside-down Living in Balance By Jenipher Appleton

Saving doesn’t have to be this uncomfortable

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the air and retrieve them on descent with their mouths (no names mentioned). The white-breasted nuthatch’s song is a sweet sounding “wee-wee,” and its favourite foods are nuts, seeds, spiders and insects. Unlike the red-breasted, the white-breasted nuthatch is non-migratory. We have a great tube-style feeder called the “squirrel buster.” It is carefully engineered so the weight of the squirrel causes the barrel of the feeder to descend and close off the openings in the tube. Most birds are too light to cause this reaction. Recently inspired by the presence of an inverted nuthatch on the squirrel buster feeder, I sat down to outline this article. I glanced up and noted the presence of a Cooper’s Hawk perched on a large spruce limb. This accipiter (or bird hawk) pays frequent visits to back yard feeders for a quick lunch. Down and feathers were flying as he furiously attacked the prey in his talons (likely a finch or sparrow). At the same moment, the red-breasted nuthatch had settled itself on the suet feeder, oblivious to the presence of the formidable predator barely twenty feet away. Fortunately for the nuthatch, the hawk was consumed with devouring his own repast. Meanwhile, inside the house, I was thoroughly entertained by the balance of nature at work in my own back yard. Both nuthatch species are frequent visitors at our home near Ailsa Craig. Keep those feeders full of sunflower seeds and suet and you can be sure to attract them to your yard.

Grand Bend Farmers’ Market Simply in Season Dining Partnership October 10 to 16

The Village Greek 18 Ontario St. N., Grand Bend features:

Cranberry Apple Crisp

October 17 to 23

The Schoolhouse 19 - 81 Crescent, Grand Bend features: Savoury Squash Bread Pudding & Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake

Farmers’ Market is open A whole lot more than great rates and friendly service.


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Wednesdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Gill Road Parking Lot

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Photo by Joe Kosack/Pennsylvania Game Commission

Imagine having the ability to maneuver head-first down the trunk of a tree; or better yet, to walk ably on the underside of a limb like a housefly on the ceiling. Such is the talent of the nuthatch. Upon close inspection of these little birds – they are relatively tame – their toes are quite elongated and sharp. This feature likely contributes to the skill of self-inversion; and like a good gymnast, they seem to have total control of their bodies while upside down. Two species, the red- and white-breasted nuthatches, are common in our area. The red-breasted nuthatch (Sitta canadensis) is about 11 cm long and weighs in around 11 g. The back is blue-gray, the under parts rusty, and both male and female sport a black streak from the beak, through the eye to the back of the head. This little fellow is known to eat from human hands, much like the chickadee or gray jay, and its song is reminiscent of a tin horn with its short “ank, ank” sound. Their preferred foods include conifer seeds, sunflowers seeds, and suet. Nuthatches usually nest in a coniferous tree. The male and female smear pine pitch around the nest entrance to ward off predators - a very sticky yet effective process. From this nest only one brood of eggs is hatched per year. The white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) is 13-15 cm and weighs 20 g. According to Fred J. Alsop III’s “Birds of Canada,” this species can catch a falling nut in midair. This is executed with considerably more expertise than some people (usually men), who strangely toss peanuts into

To Do List

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

To Do: Oct. 10 to 23 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10  a.m. -  p.m. - Gill St. Parking Lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12  a.m. - Bayfield, Rainbow Valley Campground 29th annual Joe Brandon memorial Rainbow Trout derby. Prizes for three heaviest rainbow trout weighed in at weigh-in station. Various age categories. Registration fee includes free family camping at Rainbow Valley. Children participation is encouraged. Contact Rusty Brandon (519) 233-3158

GrandBendStrip.com • 11


Pinery Park presentation by MTO’s John Warkentin. Fall Colours Weekend. See October 13. Pinery Park 7 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Fall Colours Weekend: Discover the  a.m. -  p.m. - Bayfield, Rainbow Bingo beauty of Pinery in full autumn colours. Valley Campground Take advantage of a self-guided driving tour 29th annual Rainbow Trout derby - Joe WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 through the oak savanna with stops highlighting the river channel and coastal dunes. Brandon Memorial. See October 12.  a.m. -  p.m. - Gill St. Parking Lot, Grand Bend : a.m. - Visitors’ centre, Pinery  a.m. - Rainbow Valley Campground, Grand Bend Farmers’ Market Provincial Park Bayfield 5k and 10k road race, with 400m fawn run. T HURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 29th annual Rainbow Trout derby - Joe Fawn run starts at 9:45 a.m., road races start Brandon Memorial. See October 12. : to : p.m. - Grand Bend CHC at 10 a.m. Registration and Awards will be Bereavement Support Series. Please join at the Visitors Centre beginning at 8:30 a.m. V.O.N. facilitator Kim Winbow for this 10Grand Bend Motorplex Spooktacular Race (rain date: Sunday, This excellent venue and the course will be a week group support program. This supportfast out and back run. There will be a 400m ive program will help you to come to terms October 14) Fun Run for children, who are asked to bring with your grief. a teddy bear for their entry fee which will be  a.m. to  p.m. - Lambton Heritage donated to needy area children through the SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 Museum Lambton Fall Colour & Craft Festival. Kause for Kids Motorcycle Parade held in  p.m. to  a.m. - Port Franks Over 100 craft people at two locations. November. Community Centre Features country decorating and Christmas October Fest Dance. Music by Carousel.  a.m. to  p.m. - Lambton Heritage crafts. Something for everyone. Start your Advanced tickets only please. Contact Iris at Museum shopping early. Admission: Adults $4 and 519-243-2090 or Ann at 519-786-5769 Lambton Fall Colour & Craft Festival. Children $1. Contact Gwen Watson - (519) See October 13. 243-2600. MONDAY, OCTOBER 22

: to  a.m. - Grand Bend CHC Chronic Pain Management Support and exercise Program. This excellent program is for people suffering from joint pain, chronic fatigue etc. Each week’s program includes guest speakers on pain management, a 30  to  p.m. - Pinedale Motor Inn minute gentle exercise program starts out Scrapbooking Workshop. Uninterrupted each session and we end with a facilitated time to work on your projects. Snacks progroup support. vided. Registration fee $10. To register, call Lynn at 519-238-2847 - p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live music with Mid Life Crisis Grand Bend Motorplex Fastpixs T&T


 a.m. - Grand Bend CHC Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. : a.m. - Grand Bend CHC Every Monday and Thursday. Program Healthy Eating In Store for You. Join us includes warm up, low impact aerobic workfor this fun educational program facilitated out, strength work and stretching. Contact by Miranda, our Community Dietitian. Call Cindy at 519-238-1556 ext 6 for details or to 519-238-1556 ext. 222 to register. register. No fee, everyone welcome!


TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Men’s Probus Meeting. Senior Drivers

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo

Benefit and Dance for

Tom Lessard November 3, 2007 - 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Crediton Community Centre

Age of Majority required — Lunch provided

Admission $5 Proceeds will go toward offsetting costs associated with leg amputation Tom received this summer.

For tickets: Corry Price - (519) 228-9907 or Debra McNair - (519) 235-0158

12 • GrandBendStrip.com

Strip at the Beach

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Keon Van Der Linde of London tries to outrun his brother Dustin during a splashing fight at the Grand Bend beach Saturday evening. The two were playing in the water when the day’s temperature topped out at 27°C.

Giving thanks for warm weather Left : Daniela and Elvis Gerber recently moved from Cuba to Wellesley, near Waterloo. “It’s my first time here,” Elvis said. “I like it. Two weeks ago, I went to Port Dover and it was terrible. This is nice.” Right: Senthil Shan photographs Joseph Selvarajan, Dharshi Sahathevan of London, England, Jaedon Selvarajan and Gowri Selvarajan as they wade in the cool waters. “This is our first visit here,” Joseph said, “and we love it so much. It’s amazing.”

Photos by Casey Lessard

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