Vol. 1 #13 Grand Bend Strip, October 24, 2007

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 1, No. 13

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


HIT THE PAVEMENT Grace Hartman and 283 friends run through the Pinery - p.16 “Sisters” share love of hockey - p.3 Tom Lessard’s road to recovery - p.4

Plus: Career week, CurvesSmart, Kause for Kids, Eddington’s recipes and Grand Bend beach revitalization

Mom’s Advice p.  - Sudoku p.  - Principal’s Page p.  - Living in Balance p.  - To Do List p. 

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Strip Thoughts

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Beach meeting Saturday; next Strip Nov. 21 View from the Strip By Casey Lessard An important meeting is taking place this weekend (Saturday at 9 a.m.) at the Grand Bend Public School, and anyone interested in the future of Grand Bend should attend. It’s billed as a beach revitalization meeting, but anyone who attended the last one in the summer knows it’s a lot more than that. Attendees at the last meeting left feeling like the municipality had ignored the realities of the village, and noting the town should get the main strip right before making changes to the beach. It will be hard walking into a room full of people who are skeptical of your plans, but

that could have been avoided by asking questions of the stakeholders in the first place. The people I’ve talked to about this issue say they’ve never been approached (before or after the meeting), and they should have been. Not all of the ideas presented at the last beach improvement meeting were bad; some weren’t considerate of the context of the village. Many people who attended would like to see the main street cleaned up and made more attractive first. They forgot the meeting was focused on beach improvement, not village improvement. Unfortunately for Lambton Shores, most people consider the two the

same. And yes, there were arguments about the quality and quantity of work put into maintaining the beach on a daily basis. They should not be forgotten either, and we’ll see whether they are addressed. It’s a good sign that the town has listened to residents who were furious over meetings held on weekdays. We’ll see Saturday morning whether the municipality has listened to anything else, and I’m sure there will be plenty of people who disagree with the plans walking in the door. Once bitten, twice shy, right?

Strip monthly until May Our next edition is November 21. We will appear in your mailbox monthly until the Victoria Day weekend. See updates at our website: http://www.grandbendstrip.com.

Name spelled wrong I also want to apologize for spelling Louise Lockrey’s name wrong. I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Letters: mail@grandbendstrip.com

Hit the ice, granny the arena, I never quite watched a complete hockey game. Usually I was working in the food booth, but that wasn’t my only excuse. Once the fans got going with their screaming and hollering, I couldn’t stand it and I would make myself scarce. By Rita Lessard I realize hockey is a rough sport, but fans With all of this nice warm weather we’re are sometimes more violent than the players experiencing, you would think that a win- on the ice. I remember one game in particular ter sport such as hockey would be the last when we experienced the wrath of the fans. thing on our minds but since we usually spend money for the kids when they go back Coming out swinging to school, we might as well add to that the (Note: names have been changed to protect expense of hockey registration. individuals’ identities) I don’t imagine families do any fundraisJack’s parents and grandparents never ing to offset the cost of registration, which in missed a game. They really enjoyed watchturn pays for ice time and other hockey needs. ing Jack play and he was a very good player Fortunately for us, when our five sons were but they got a little carried away with their playing we had a fundraising committee that screaming and hollering. Grandma was the raised lots of money that helped out a lot. worst. She was quite feisty and she really These days, I realize parents haven’t got didn’t appreciate it when Jack was in a scorthe time or the energy to raise money in the ing position and a player took a penalty to foil fashion that we did. Although I was always at him. Joe seemed to be in the penalty box a lot,

Advice from mom

Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Publisher: Casey Lessard Editor: Casey Lessard Editorial Assistant: Anjhela Michielsen Proofreader: Carmen Kinniburgh Advertising Sales & Design: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard Contributors: Rita Lessard - my mom Tom Lessard - my dad Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Cameron Rankin - golf Jeff Reaburn - SHDHS principal James Eddington - Eddingtons, Exeter Distribution: Casey Lessard, Rita Lessard & Joan McCullough

which wasn’t always a bad thing because most of the time he was there for stopping Jack from scoring. This time, granny notices Joe’s jersey number after one such incident, and her vindictive mind brews a plan. Granny waits a little bit until the game is over. As always, when the game is over, it is a custom for the players to line up and shake hands in a friendly manner; all things good or bad are forgotten. Not quite this time. All of a sudden, Granny makes an appearance on the ice heading straight for Joe. Holy cow! With her purse as a weapon, she gets on the ice and starts swinging like Willie Mays. Since she doesn’t have skates on, she’s not too steady on her pins and eventually she goes down. She ended up breaking her wrist and she was taken off the ice on a stretcher - screaming, of course. We couldn’t shut that woman up. If you can imagine how shocked we were at this performance, the fact that she was wear-

ing a skirt when she went bottoms up was quite comical. Not too pretty! Although Joe was startled, he wasn’t hurt. Grandma ended up getting a penalty: she wasn’t welcome at any more of Jack’s games.

Grand Bend Strip is printed once a month in the winter (middle Wednesday); 4604 copies are delivered free to all homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood and Port Franks using Canada Post. An additional 1400 copies are available to other residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants.

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Reach out and touch someone You know, it truly is amazing how times have changed. I was listening to the news the other day and in some schools, the kids are not allowed to touch each other in any manner – no embracing, no hand shaking, no playing tag. It saddens me to think my grandchildren are denied this act of affection. If that were the case in the real world, I’d probably be locked up by now. I encourage you to take a chance and hug somebody today. And remember, keep your stick on the ice and granny off the ice. You won’t hear from mom for a while - not because she’s locked up, but because the Strip doesn’t publish again until Nov. 21. Read more advice then.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Strip VIPs

GrandBendStrip.com • 3

Building bonds with a stranger Big and Little Sisters find common ground at hockey arena Natalie Priebe and Doris Osgood are Little and Big Sisters, paired through the South Huron division of the national agency. The two share a common interest in hockey, and volunteer together at the Exeter Hawks games. Among the tasks they perform is selling pucks for the Chuck-A-Puck contest that happens during intermission.


Friday, November ,  p.m. - South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter A Wild West murder mystery fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters South Huron with three-course dinner catered by Barbara’s, silent auction, and music by Stone Angels. Tickets: . Call -- Story and photos by Casey Lessard Exeter residents Doris Osgood, 48, and Natalie Priebe, 14, spend Friday nights together at the South Huron Community Centre. The two are Big and Little Sisters, and enjoy spending time together, but especially at the hockey rink, where they volunteer with the Exeter Hawks. Osgood’s son is the goalie for the team, and her husband is the announcer. Doris: My little sister is bigger than me (laughs). We’ve been together not quite a year. It was just before Christmas… Natalie: …December 19… Doris: …when we got together. Amy from Big Brothers Big Sisters was really excited because she knew how into hockey our family was. My son’s the goalie for the Hawks and she knew that Natalie was right into hockey, so she’d probably enjoy tagging along, and she does. Natalie: There were some other things we had a common interest in, but the hockey is how we hooked up. We both like hockey and really enjoy doing it. That’s why we enjoy seeing each other every week. Doris: My husband is the announcer for these games, so we’re up in the press box. He’s keeping track of the penalties and the shots on net. We’re there with a piece of paper keeping a count on that, which is verified with the person in the penalty box area. Natalie: I like doing the shots on net. That’s my job when I come to the games. If I miss a shot, Doris is right in there telling me that I need to put it down. Doris: We also come down in the intermission and help with the fundraiser activities - the 50-50 and the chuck-a-puck - if they need people to help there. It’s great for Natalie now that she’s in high school because I can sign for volunteer hours for her. I know the other people here appreciate having her here as well. With most groups and activities, you’re always looking for people to come along and help. Natalie: We moved to Exeter a year ago. My parents are separated, so it was difficult. I went to a new school, moved into a new house, got separated from my father. I was in Seaforth for my whole life so it was difficult leaving Seaforth and coming to Exeter, but in a way it’s better to start a new life and see

what else is out there. It helps to have someone there. (Without Doris,) I’d still be going through difficult times, not letting anybody know what’s going on in my life between my parents and with my family. When Doris is there, we talk about some of those things and how to resolve things. During the intermissions we’re usually down here talking about something. Doris: My son is 18 years old so, having had a teenager, it was okay for me to have an older child as a match instead of someone younger. I think it’s probably a more relatable match. She can talk to me and I still understand where a teenager is coming from and I’m in tune with what my own son is going through at the high school. Natalie: It makes you feel better that you’ve got one more person in your life. The first couple of days, I didn’t know what it was going to be like, but it’s pretty good. Doris: It is great to interact with somebody else who’s not in my family. Not having a daughter or sisters, it’s cool to be able to do girl things. But we’re not really girly-girls. It’s a comfortable interaction. It’s really nice to relate to somebody who does enjoy the same things but not my own age. This is something I always had in my heart: to be a Big Sister. We’re all busy these days, so it wasn’t that I decided all of a sudden that I had time. I realized that soon, if I didn’t say yes, I’d be looking back years later saying I wish I would have done it. It’s not about having time or money. Most of the stuff we do doesn’t cost much. It’s not about thinking you have so much to offer someone else and being an influence on them. It’s about just being there for someone else. In today’s world, where everybody’s going so fast, some people get left behind and it’s kind of nice that there’s a program that opens things up for her.

“(Big Brothers Big Sisters) gives them the support of a mentor,” says organization secretary Laurie Mackechnie, “support they might not be getting from other avenues or at home.” The organization has two major fundraisers each year, including the bowl-a-thon held across the country, and one local event. This year, the spring event had to be cancelled because of low ticket sales, and they’ve decided to try the Whodunnit to raise much-needed revenue. “Combined with money from the United Way, that’s all the money we have for the year. If there’s good attendance, we hope to raise about $5000.

“Finances have been tight. We need to have enough funds to pay the staff to run the programs. If this fundraiser is not a success, we may have to re-evaluate some of the programs we offer. We would have to find ways to cut costs or increase funding.” The murder mystery event is a new event for BBBS, but Mackechnie promises a fun night. “We have a group of actors coming in to do the murder mystery part of the night. I’ve seen them before and they do a great job and it’s a whole lot of fun.”

Osgood and Priebe spend the game in the press box, joining Osgood’s husband, who announces the game; Osgood’s son is an Exeter Hawks goalie. “I like doing the shots on net,” Priebe says. “That’s my job when I come to the games. If I miss a shot, Doris is right in there telling me that I need to put it down.” “It’s great for Natalie now that she’s in high school,” Osgood adds, “because I can sign for volunteer hours for her. I know the other people here appreciate having her here as well. With most groups and activities, you’re always looking for people to come along and help.”

4 • GrandBendStrip.com

Strip VIPs

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The long and winding road to recovery “I’m going to walk over on my artificial leg. And maybe get up and do a slow dance with somebody.” Benefit and dance for Tom Lessard Saturday, November  –  p.m. to  a.m. Crediton Community Centre Sponsored by Centralia-Huron Park Lions Club. Age of majority required. Lunch provided. Entertainment by Li’l Audrey. Admission: . Tickets: Corry Price () - or Debra McNair () -. Proceeds will offset costs associated with leg amputation Tom received this summer. An artificial leg costs (after government help) at least . Tom could need three in total. As told to Casey Lessard Photos by Casey Lessard Tom Lessard: The pain was out of this world. I’ve never gone through pain like that. Some of it was the gout, but that was just in the toe. The rest of the pain was just a constant screaming pain. Even morphine didn’t work. I had constant pain in my leg 24 hours a day. It was excruciating. It all started in 1988. I used to go back and forth to Exeter on Fridays. Then my leg started cramping up in my calves. I went to Dr. Gans, and he didn’t know what the heck it was. He was treating me with cortisone and all this other stuff for almost a year. Finally, he said, “You ever been tested for cholesterol?” I said no. “Well, let’s get you tested.” It was way up. “All right,” he says, “let’s get you on this stuff,” and he put me on Zocor. He got me an appointment with Dr. Mike Sweeney here in London. I got down to him and he said, “I’ll tell you what. You smoke?” “Yeah, I’ve smoked for 40 years.” “Well, you either quit smoking or I’ll take your legs.”

I said, “Well, that’s easy enough, I’ll quit smoking.” Smoking dried out the arteries and took away the elasticity they need. The cholesterol builds up in there. That’s hereditary from my mother and father, but back then we never knew. The doctor said, “We’re going to put artificial arteries in your legs between your groin and your knees. We’ll do the one this time…” I said, “Can you do them both?” “It’s quite an operation,” he said. I said, “Let’s do them both.” I got in on the 16th or 17th of December, they did both my legs, and I had some heat down there and the pain was gone. It was December 25th when I got out. He said, “I’ll guarantee it five years.” That worked along pretty good until about 2002 (14 years later), and then I had problems with my left leg. It started going crampy and all sorts of funny little things. So I went in and they gave me an angioplasty and sort of scraped out the inside of the artery, so that

Tom Lessard and physiotherapist Michelle Sealy examine his leg to see where his artificial leg, which he received last month, is rubbing against his stump. Lessard (the editor’s father) lost his leg due to circulation problems caused by high cholesterol and worsened by 40 years of smoking.

fixed my left leg. Then in 2004, the same thing happened in my right one. They did that one, but then I got a fungus in my toes. That was about a year and a half ago, at the beginning of 2006. My family doctor tried to treat it but it kept getting thicker and thicker and thicker. Then I got what seemed like gout in my big toe. At first, they said, “Just stick a piece of cotton batten in between your toes,” so I did that for a week and it didn’t work. So I went to a clinic and the doctor there said, “You’ve got gout.” She sent me over for x-rays and blood tests, and sure enough, that’s what it was. I got this gout treatment, but nothing was healing properly. My toenail fell off. The foot started swelling up and problems in my right calf again. I went to see my specialist, but I had a hard time getting to see him. Finally I did, and they hauled me in and that was February of this year. They did an artery bypass from my groin right to my ankle. After it was over, they took the stitches out a little early and in my calf, there were five or six of them and it didn’t heal properly. They treated that for six months. I’d go to the specialist and they kept taking pieces off my heel. Then I had an ulcer down there, the toenail was gone, and it was getting black. Finally, they said, we’ll take your toes off. This was the last week of June. They took the toes off and part of the heel, and two days later when they took the wrapping off, I looked down at my toe and my foot was all black. They took off the rest of the leg to the knee the next Friday. I came out of the operating room and I felt like a million dollars. I hadn’t been in my bed since October – I couldn’t sleep in my bed because it was too painful. I went 31 days with no sleep in that stretch between October and July.

I played pool the other day with the therapist. I had the leg on and you go around the pool table and see how long you can stand and move around. Also, we played shuffleboard last week. You try to stand for half an hour without too much pressure or getting too tired. My leg feels better, but I’ve got a job to do at the post office. I like to go visit my friends at the bar. I’d like to go shopping, running to town and back. I can’t rake the lawn or do anything outside, which I always liked to putter around. A lot of the time I can’t even sit out there because I need someone to make sure the doors open for me. I’ve lost my home life for the time being, and when I’m home I can’t do much. I have to ask Rita, “Can you take me out?” Then we have to get the wheelchair out and the walker and get down the steps. Then we get to where we’re going and it’s a big chore. So I very seldom even ask her. They say if you’ve had gangrene, it’s a 50 per cent chance you’ll lose your other leg in five years. I had gangrene, so 50 per cent; that’s not bad odds. I’ve had 70 years (his birthday is October 27), and I went 20 years on a five-year promise. If I have to lose the other one, what can you do about it? If you don’t want to live, you just say leave it on and let the gangrene take you. But I’m not going through that because that gangrene is deadly. I think it’s very nice of these friends and neighbours to hold this benefit. I’m not going to turn them down. If they raise some money for me, I can certainly use it. We don’t have a lot of money. I want to walk over there (to the benefit). I’m going to walk over on my artificial leg. And maybe get up and do a slow dance with somebody.

Strip at School

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 5

Career week opens new doors for students

Darren Kints of Dairy Queen, Grand Bend and Exeter

Jackie Rowe of the Garlic Box, Hensall

Paul Ciufo of Clarica, Exeter

Grade 11 student Ryan Consitt of Hensall is considering a career in plumbing and heating. “I learned what I need to take if I want to start a business.”

Story and photos by Casey Lessard What are you going to do with your life? It’s not an easy question for students to answer. The South Huron District High School council tried to help during Futures week last week. “Each of us has our own understanding

of what’s available,” says council chair Jim Brintnell, “but until you open it up, it’s hard to know what’s out there.” Two sessions focused on small businesses and entrepreneurship. “You have to have a goal,” said Alison Lobb of the Huron Small Business Enterprise Centre, “and then you have to put it on

paper.” Monday’s small business session inspired local shop owners to give their advice on how to be a success. “Whatever you do, do your best,” said Wilma Truemner of Bridal Elegance in Exeter. “Do a lot of research. Go to people who know what they’re doing and ask ques-

tions.” Julian Bayley of IceCulture reinforced the importance of a good first impression, and the importance of social skills: “You will always be using your networking skills.” Darren Kints of Dairy Queen encouraged students to ignore naysayers: “If you listen to people who say you can’t, you won’t.”

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Strip Fitness

6 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Get help getting into shape Curves Exeter introduces computer system to help members optimize workouts By Casey Lessard The women at Curves in Exeter are about to get an even better workout, says owner Ann Barteaux, thanks to a $15,000 computer and equipment upgrade. The new system, called CurvesSmart, determines each member’s individual optimal workout and guides the member when she (Curves is designed especially for women) is not optimizing her exercise. It will be operational as of October 29. “When someone comes in to register,” Barteaux says, “we do a health profile, see if they’re on medications, do blood pressure and heart rate tests. This is all entered into the system, we take the person to each machine, do a range of motion test and maximum power test, and this gives the computer a basis to work from. The person takes their personal key tag and touches it to the machine reader, and it monitors the range of motion and power, and you are aiming for the lights to turn green. “It enhances the quality of the workouts,” she adds. “It’s fairly easy to get distracted when you’re working out. Now, with the light sensor, you have to focus on your workout. All of our hydraulics are hooked up to a sen-

sor and if you need to increase the intensity of your workout, it will do that.” Not only will it increase the intensity, it will also keep track to make sure you’re not overdoing it. “If you’re working past your safe heart rate zone, the stepper will automatically reduce the intensity it will allow you to work at for the machines following it.” The stepper and a unit for stretching are the new equipment purchases that come with the CurvesSmart computer monitoring system. “We’ve had a lot of great feedback about this machine, even from die-hard stretchers.” “Your body doesn’t get as much out of a workout if you don’t stretch properly afterward,” says trainer Sid Reaburn. As one of the test subjects for setting up the computer, she’s also impressed with the new system. “This is so user-friendly. All you look for is the green light.” “Curves is the only fitness facility with this technology,” Barteaux says. “We are the only one in Huron County and north to have this system. Sarnia and Stratford are getting it, and London has it, but in this area, we are

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the only one with it.” She was convinced by the technology even before she bought the club. “I had committed to the purchase of the CurvesSmart prior to becoming an owner of a club because I believe it’s that important to women’s health.” CurvesSmart is just one more attribute the Exeter location has to its credit. The club has earned the Shining Star quality standard, which signifies it is an elite Curves club. “The members’ commitment to the club and to using the facility properly is a huge part of that,” Reaburn says. Curves members will soon be helping women at the chain’s 10,000 clubs around the world get into better shape. Baylor University will use the (anonymous) data gathered from the CurvesSmart system to research women’s health. “Obesity is a huge problem for all age groups in North America,” Barteaux says. “Women are the only demographic for whom obesity is not increasing. Men and children continue to rise, and Curves believes it must have a small part in that success.”

Above, Curves Exeter owner Ann Barteaux aims to hit the green light; below, the system determines whether you’re getting the most out of your workout.

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Strip Events

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Get your motor running for kids Motorcycle riders show their heart with fundraiser/parade

Kause for Kids

Saturday, November  Gables, Grand Bend  a.m. – staging  p.m. – parade Admission: New unwrapped toy plus , or  in pledges Tickets available at Colonial and Peckitt’s Mens’ Wear Entertainment by Hotel California, tribute to the Eagles “We think there’s a need to level the playing field for special needs kids,” says Nelson Desjardine, founder and committee member of the Kause for Kids. The event is a fundraiser operated by Ontario’s West Coast Riders in conjunction with the Grand Bend Optimist club. The annual motorcycle parade through Grand Bend and subsequent lunch and party is always a sell-out, and if you’re interested in taking part, you should register soon. “It’s been a great response,” Desjardine says. “Since year one, the tickets have sold out. We couldn’t do it without the community. They know what we’re all about. It’s about kids with special needs.” Even if you can’t take part in the ride, you can still participate. “We expect to sell out and the overflow will go to the Colonial. People can come out to the parade and donate toys at the parade. Bikes will be decorated in a Christmas theme. We’ll have quite a few spectators along the parade route. It’s just like a Santa Claus parade but with motorcycles.” Hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate, which it has for the last five years. Last year, the event raised $33,313, which was given

to the Grand Bend Optimist Club for distribution to various children’s charities (a full list is available at http://www.grandbend.com/kauseforkids/). Some of the funds raised at the event have been earmarked for a special needs project at the Grand Bend beach. Twelve hundred toys were received and distributed to needy children in the area. Here are some of the charities benefitting from the Kause for Kids: Thames Valley Children’s Centre, Sunshine Dreams for Kids, Spinabifida & Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario, War Amps Champ Program, Make a Wish Foundation, Camp Trillium, Huron United Way, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Sari Therapeutic Riding, Alexander MacKenzie Secondary School for Special Needs Students, Community Living Sarnia - Lambton Summer Respite Program, Foundation Huron, Grand Bend Optimists (Beach Project - Special Needs), Children’s Health Foundation, Bruce Shriners for Shriners Hospitals, Mocha Motor Corps for the Shriners Hospital Ride, Ride for Sight, Childhood Cancer Foundation/ Childhood Cancer Research Fund, Baby steps walk for NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit St. Joseph’s Hospital, London)

GrandBendStrip.com • 7

Prowling for owls Owl Prowl Morrison Dam Conservation Area (ABCA administration centre workshop), Morrison Line, east of Exeter Saturday, November ,  to  p.m. Register ahead of time at - or ---

The Ausable-Bayfield Conser vation Authority’s Owl Prowl is your chance to take a guided hike in search of night creatures, especially the Eastern Screech Owl. The evening begins at 7 p.m. sharp with a multimedia presentation focusing on the owls and how they adapt as nighttime hunters. “It’s really amazing to find out about nocturnal creatures such as owls in our area and the fascinating ways they adapt to their environment,” says Julie Hicks, ABCA conservation education specialist. After the slide show, you will join a guided night hike. Once your eyes will become accustomed to the dim light, you’ll be able to explore the wonderful world of owls and other creatures of the night. Dress appropriately for a nighttime hike, and bring a mug to enjoy hot chocolate around an outdoor fireplace after the hike. This helps reduce waste created from using disposable cups. Last year, more than 150 people joined the prowl. If rain is imminent on Nov. 3, call the ABCA for an update.

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Visit us Saturday, November 3 to see the Lennox outdoor display trailer Grand Bend Heating Plus and Lennox are proud to support the Kause for Kids by donating Lennox’s new clean-faced direct-vent fireplace (worth $2000)

8 • GrandBendStrip.com

Lambton County’s colourful crafts Here are scenes from the 26th annual Lambton Colour & Craft Festival held Oct 13 and 14 at the Lambton Heritage Museum and Thedford community centre. Photos by Casey Lessard

Above: pottery by Wendy Hoy of Port Franks. Right: Sylvia Louch of Varna checks out glasswork. “The fall weather’s great for this,” Louch says, “and there are so many talented people here.” Below from left: Kim Powell and Wendy Braun of Sarnia check out quilts. Joan Westgate of Watford tries on a sweater. Gillian Irwin of Forest tries on mittens. Joan Vandermey of Seaforth looks at rings.

Strip Feature

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Strip Feature

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 9

Sudoku This is an Easy puzzle from www.sudoku.name. Solution p. . Fill the grid so that each column, each row, and each 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9.

8 1 3 6 9 6 2 8 3 5 4 1 2 6 7 4 4 1 6 9 6 3 7 8 3 6 7 4 4 1 8 5 7 4 3 2 Fri. Nov. 16 - 7 p.m. Phone for your reservation:

We’d love it if you told them how appreciative you are the next time you visit their business.

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If you’d like to book an ad in our next issue (November 21), call (519) 614-3614.

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10 • GrandBendStrip.com

Grand Bend Strip

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pack a shoebox this Christmas Purse charity in 1993, has seen 54 million shoe boxes from 11 countries hand-delivered to children worldwide, with Canadians donating about 10 per cent of the boxes collected by the charity last year. This year’s shoe boxes will be collected from November 5 By Casey Lessard to 10 at collection centres across Canada, including Belongers in Exeter and other churches in the area. Operation Christmas Operation Christmas Child is back for its 15th year of proChild is calling on children, families, churches, businesses, viding the world’s poorest children with a Christmas gift of schools, scout troops, and civic organizations to join this mastoys, hygiene items and school supplies from Canadian famisive effort to bring joy and hope to needy children abroad. lies. The project, adopted by Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s

Operation Christmas Child helps needy children around the globe

One thing to note is the fact that toothpaste is not allowed this year due to customs regulations in the receiving countries. Shoe boxes should be filled with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, wrapped hard candy and an encouraging letter. To find the drop-off location closest to you, see http://www. samaritanspurse.ca or contact churches nearby to see if they are running the program. To volunteer to inspect and process the boxes between November 12 and December 8, call 1-800303-1269.

Fall has been very kind to golfers Golf Tips By Cameron Rankin Sand Hills Golf Resort What a fall season for golf! The weather has been great to get those last few rounds in. Even the professionals have enjoyed the weather, with Mike Weir taking down Tiger at Royal Montreal and Jon Mills making a great mid-season charge to get his PGA Tour playing privileges back for next season. Before you put your clubs away for the season, do some winter maintenance on them. Take the time to clean the grips, the grooves and if you still play with steel shafts, clean them with some chrome cleaner. Finally, store them in your house for the winter months; the truck doesn’t cut it due to the extreme temperature changes. For those golfers still playing, please take a few minutes to do some stretching and warm up exercises before you tee-off. Dress warmly and have some fun. I hope you all had a good season. Time to get those skis waxed and skates sharpened and ready to go. Go Leafs! Cameron Rankin will return to the Strip in the spring. Sand Hills Golf Resort remains open for special events.

Sudoku solution from p. 9

2 1 8 5 7 9 3 4 6

4 7 3 2 8 6 1 9 5

9 6 5 3 4 1 8 2 7

5 9 6 8 1 3 2 7 4

8 2 4 9 5 7 6 1 3

1 3 7 6 2 4 9 5 8

3 4 9 1 6 5 7 8 2

6 5 2 7 9 8 4 3 1

7 8 1 4 3 2 5 6 9

Strip in the Kitchen

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Enjoy fall’s bounty with James Eddington Recipes supplied by James Eddington, Eddington’s of Exeter Casual Fine Dining  Main St, Exeter. () - or http://www.eddingtons.ca

Fall arrives and nature’s growth comes to an end. Squash, turnips, beets, etc. lend themselves to soups and salads flavoured with the last of our summer’s herbs. Surplus ripe tomatoes are turned into canned or frozen salsas and sauce. This month, the first real frost brings an unconscious desire for heartier meals. A cook’s thoughts turn to stews with a fresh loaf of warm bread. Harvested root vegetables simmer in a rich, meat-filled broth to provide comfort and to ease the chill of a cool fall night. Enjoy the local harvest; we are truly blessed to live in an area full of the riches that our farmers and fields have to offer. Spend some time in the kitchen this season melding the deep rich flavors of the fall.

Butternut squash soup Serves four. 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil 2 lbs. butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into 1” chunks 1/2 cup chopped yellow onion 1 clove garlic 3/4 teaspoon ground allspice 2 cans (14 oz. each) vegetable broth In large sauté pan, heat olive oil, then add squash, onion and garlic. Sauté over medium high heat for 15 minutes or until squash is tender. Add allspice; cook two minutes longer. Stir in vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Cover; reduce heat to medium low. Cook 15 minutes, or until squash is soft. In batches, place mixture in bowl of food processor; blend until smooth. Place in saucepan and keep warm, or reheat as needed. To serve, ladle warm soup into bowls. Top with one tablespoon spiced cream and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds. This will make app. four servings. Multiply recipe for larger quantities.

GrandBendStrip.com • 11

Apple- and Walnut-Stuffed Pork Loin Serves eight. 5 tablespoons butter 2 apple - peeled, cored and chopped 1 small onion, chopped 1 celery stalk, diced 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 1/2 cups water 2 cups dry bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger Preheat oven to 325° F (165° C). Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the apple, onion, celery, and walnuts, and cook five minutes, until vegetables are tender. Mix in the applesauce, water, and breadcrumbs. Cook and stir until the breadcrumbs have absorbed the liquid. Season with cinnamon, kosher salt, cloves, nutmeg, and ginger. Unroll the pork roast, and place in a baking dish. Spoon the stuffing mixture over the roast. Arrange any excess stuffing around the roast. Roll the roast so that the fatty side is on top, and tie with kitchen twine. Bake 45 to 50 minutes in the preheated oven, to an internal temperature of 160° F (70° C). Unroll the pork roast, and place in a baking dish. Spoon the stuffing mixture over the roast. Arrange any excess stuffing around the roast. Roll the roast so that the fatty side is on top, and tie with kitchen twine. Bake 45 to 50 minutes in the preheated oven, to an internal temperature of 160° F (70° C). Let rest for five minutes, then slice and serve.

Grand Bend Farmers’ Market Simply in Season Dining Partnership


For the pumpkin seeds, heat olive oil in small sauté pan for one minute. Add pumpkin seeds and garlic salt; sauté over medium heat for three minutes or until seeds are toasted and fragrant.

Categories: (circumference)

Roasted Red Pepper Butternut Soup & Maple Pumpkin Pecan Pie

1/2 teaspoon olive oil 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 · Largest Pumpkin

Serves four.

Serves four.

Pumpkin Contest

The Colonial Spiced cream

Pumpkin seeds

Closing Day

October 24 to 30 1 Main St., Grand Bend

1/2 cup light sour cream 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 1 1/2 teaspoons real maple syrup 1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom (A Shot of Captain Morgan’s Spiced Rum wouldn’t hurt) Combine light sour cream, allspice, maple syrup and cardamom in bowl; mix well. Cover and chill in refrigerator until ready to use.

Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

Oct. 31 to Nov. 6

The Schoolhouse 19 - 81 Crescent, Grand Bend features: Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread

Farmers’ Market is open

Wednesdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Gill Road Parking Lot

See you there!!!

· Best Carved Pumpkin · Best Painted Pumpkin · Novelty Class (anything you can do with a pumpkin)

· Best Simply in Season Pumpkin Recipe Bring your entries to the manager’s tent by 10 a.m.

CELEBRITY JUDGES Contest is open to any individual or group.

Strip at School

12 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

SHDHS takes the (parachute) plunge The South Huron District High School council raised , through its parachute plunge Monday, which saw Bob Wright of the Grand Bend Sport Parachuting Centre land on the athletic field. The council sold  of the  tickets available.

Wright landed on a square that was worth $1,500 in prizes. Four squares around it were worth cash. Top prize went to Laura Noakes of Hensall; Cash prizes went to Gerald Johns of Kirkton ($1,000), Mary Lou Bilcke of Kirkton ($500), Don Winters of Exeter ($200), and Brianne Skinner of Exeter ($100).

Elanna McTavish of Grand Bend and Kurt Van Osch of Mount Carmel watch Wright coming in.


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LIVE MUSIC! Everyone welcome Saturdays 3-6 p.m. Nov. 3 - Join us for horse races Nov. 17 - Jimmy Vail

(Highway 21 behind Bank of Montreal)

Contact Thomas or Gail Bailey - (519) 243-1597

“Come just as you are... to worship.”

Tracy McLennan and Dave McLeod joined their students in watching the landing.

The World’s Most Advanced Training System!

Fun Darts Mondays @ 7 p.m. Bingo Tuesdays @ 7 p.m. Meat Draws Fridays @ 5 p.m. Hall rentals - contact Sharon (519) 238-6865

Strip at School

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

GrandBendStrip.com • 13

Tips for bringing phones and iPods to school Principal’s Page By Jeff Reaburn, SHDHS By now, parents should have received Interim Reports, which were mailed out last Thursday. While this is not an official report card, it should give parents an indication of how their sons or daughters are doing so far this year. As indicated on the newsletter that accompanied the Interim Report, the main purpose of the report is to give parents a “snapshot” of student progress in preparation for the first Parent-Teacher Interview night, which is this Thursday, October 25. Parents are asked to have their children arrange interview times with any teachers they wish to see. The interviews will take place in the cafeteria and small gym from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 8 p.m. The first official report card of the year, the Semester One Mid-Term Report, will be distributed on Friday, November 16.

Re: personal electronics Many students bring MP3 players, digital cameras, PSPs, and cell phones to school every day, which is fine as long as these items are used appropriately and are looked after by the students. Our policies and expectations

are outlined in the red planners that all students received in the first week of school. Students are permitted to have cell phones at school as long as they are not using them during class time or in assemblies. We expect students to leave them in their lockers or turn them off when they come to class. Students who are caught using cell phones during class time or in assemblies, especially to send text messages, can expect to have them confiscated for the remainder of the day. For a first offence, generally the phone will be kept until the end of the day at which point the student will have it returned on the understanding that the rules will be followed. Should there be subsequent infractions, the phone may be kept until a parent can come to the school to retrieve it. Should the misuse continue, more serious consequences could include a suspension from school. A similar policy exists for MP3 players, with the exception that some teachers permit students to listen to music while doing class work, as long as it is not interfering with the work of other students or distracting students from the work at hand. Each teacher is free to choose whether or not to allow MP3 players in the classroom as it has been reported that some students are more focused on their work while listening to music. Students generally have accepted this policy, but a bigger issue has emerged - students are increasingly reporting to us that their cell

Friday Night Special: Shrimp & Wings - 50¢ a piece Saturday Night Special: Baby Back Ribs FALL HOURS: Thurs. - 4 to 10 p.m. Fridays - 4 p.m. to 12 a.m. Sat. & Sun. - 12 to 10 p.m.

10072 Poplar Ave.

Come out and play darts: Thursday nights - 7 p.m. Sunday afternoons - 2 p.m.

Port Franks 519-243-3636

Our next issue is November 21. Call (519) 614-3614 to book your ad today.

phones, MP3 players, PSPs, or digital cameras have gone missing. With the tremendous number of these devices in the hands of students, it is not possible for us to ensure that all of them are looked after, especially if students have left them in classrooms or in the cafeteria. Some have had them taken from the phys. ed. change rooms or from their lockers and some have gone missing after being loaned to another student. There is little that we can do if one of them goes missing other than check with students who may have seen someone pick the item up. Most of these devices are small and easily concealed, making it almost impossible for us to catch someone who has taken one unless a witness comes forward. And if we find someone with a device that matches the description of the lost or stolen item, it is still a challenge to verify that it is the missing one and not simply an identical one, especially if the songs, games, or personal information have been removed. If we know the serial number or if the item has been engraved, it is much easier to get the item returned to its rightful owner. I am not suggesting that we don’t respond to the loss of these items. In fact, we spend a considerable amount of time trying to find such items when they go missing, and sometimes we are able to get them safely returned to the rightful owners, but as the items get smaller and smaller and more and more prevalent, our chances of success are diminishing.

Tips for students: • Don’t bring personal electronic items to school unless there is a good reason to do so. • If you bring them, mark or engrave them so they are easy to identify. • Don’t loan your devices to anyone, no matter how much you trust the person. • Keep devices in your locker, as long as no one knows your combination. Rarely are lockers broken into: most often someone else knows the student’s combination and the combination has been shared with others without the owner’s consent. Don’t share your combination and make sure no one is watching when you open your lock. • Don’t take personal electronics, money, jewelry, etc. into the phys. ed. change rooms. Leave in your locker or with your phys. ed. teacher to be locked in an office. Leaving the item inside a shoe or in a book bag will not ensure that it is there when the owner returns. Students are cautioned every year not to leave money or valuables in the change rooms, but they do not always heed this advice. We know that these items are important to the students and that they want to have them with them at all times. We have accepted this fact, but we would encourage them to take care to make sure that the devices are looked after properly and used appropriately. Whatever parents can do to reinforce this message would be greatly appreciated.

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14 • GrandBendStrip.com

Strip Outside

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

On the prowl for owls? Here’s a guide to local hooters Who are you? Who-who? Who-who?

Living in Balance

The Great Horned Owl is one of five owl species commonly found in Southwestern Ontario. Listen for them if you join the Owl Prowl at Morrison Dam November 3. Photo: Hal Kolber/Pennsylvania Game Commission

By Jenipher Appleton The term ‘wise owl’ dates back centuries. Owls are often used as symbols for higher education, even being depicted sporting a mortar board. Is the owl really wise, or is this simply how it appears to humans? The owl is the only bird whose eyes are placed adjacent to each other in its face (just like people). All other birds have an eye placed on either side of their heads. The front-facing facial disk feature undoubtedly helps the owl to see better at night. The fact that owls soar on silent wings affords another advantage in the stalking of prey. In southern Ontario five owl species are most common. The following facts may help you to identify these species either through riveting and his call is a deep Whoo! Whoo- Barred Owl physical features or by each owl’s distinct call. whoo-whoo! Whoo! Whoo! (You awake? Me The barred owl has very dark eyes, a length The source of information is my favourite too!) of up to 61 cm, no ear tufts and horizontal PhD in Ornithology, Fred J. Alsop III. barring on the upper breast. It is called the “hoot” owl of southern swamps. Its song is Saw-Whet Owl Great Horned Owl This tiny owl (just 20 cm long) is named for eight or more drawn out notes. “Who cooks With a length of up to 64 cm and a wing- its call, which sounds like a saw being sharp- for you! Who cooks for you aaawwl?” It is span up to 150 cm, this powerful owl will ened, or whetted. Without ear tufts, its dis- often heard in daytime and responds readily attack a house cat, skunk or porcupine and tinctive features are: dark bill, white eyebrows, to imitations (something our family has expeother animals sometimes larger than itself. It and pale buff to brownish facial disks. The rienced often in Algonquin Park). The barred has large ear tufts and colouring ranges from saw-whet hunts at night for small rodents, owl feeds on small mammals, frogs, salamanders, lizards, crabs, and crayfish. dark brown to buff. The huge yellow eyes are large insects, birds, and bats.

Eastern Screech Owl A small ear-tufted owl, the screech is perhaps the best known owl in eastern North America. It is 20-25 cm long and has a wingspan up to 60 cm. It has a bright rusty brown to gray body and bright yellow eyes (similar to the great horned). Its song is a tremolo whistle descending in pitch. Favourite foods are insects, arachnids, mammals, and amphibians.

Long-Eared Owl This is the most slender and nocturnal of the owls. It has a length of 30-40 cm and a wingspan of up to 100 cm. The long-eared owl has rusty facial disks and yellow eyes. The back is a mottled brown and the breast has heavy vertical streaks. The ear tufts are long, blackish and close-set. The song is a low “moooooo” or “booooo” at 10-second intervals. Pellets reveal a diet of mice, moles, voles and smaller birds. If you find yourself actively seeking out any of these owls, you can call yourself an owler.

Benefit and Dance for

Tom Lessard November 3, 2007 - 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Crediton Community Centre

Age of Majority required - Lunch provided - Entertainment by Li’l Audrey

Sponsored by the Centralia-Huron Park Lions Club

Admission $5 Proceeds will go toward offsetting costs associated with leg amputation Tom received this summer.

For tickets: Corry Price - (519) 228-9907 or Debra McNair - (519) 235-0158

To Do List

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

To Do: Oct. 24 to Nov. 20 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24  a.m. -  p.m. - Gill St. Parking Lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market  p.m. - Grand Cove Caddyshack Huron County Playhouse Guild annual meeting. Speakers Bill Creighton and Alex Mustakas from Drayton Entertainment. Call Mary 519-238-5640. Guests and members welcome!

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25  a.m. to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC, adult day wing Diabetes Support Program. Bring a diabetes friendly potluck dish to share. Contact Aileen Knip 519-238-1556 ext 226

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 - p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw



: to : p.m. - Exeter Legion Public Flu Shot Clinic. Please be sure to bring your health card.  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo


 a.m. -  p.m. - Gill St. Parking Lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

 a.m. - Grand Bend CHC  p.m. - Grand Bend Area CHC Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. Living with Breast Cancer Support. Call Mondays and Thursdays in Grand Bend, Cathy Campbell for info 519-238-5072 or Tuesdays and Thursdays in Port Franks. Cindy at 238-1556 ext 6 Low impact aerobics, stretching and  a.m. to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Men Can Cook. This monthly program weights. Call Cindy at 519-238-1556 ext 6  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion is geared to men who have basic knowledge for details. No fee! Bingo of how to cook but would like to expand their skills to include more nutritious and  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Boardroom WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 adventurous cooking. Contact Miranda at Alzheimer Caregiver Support and Just Huron County Playhouse Guild bus trip 238-1556 ext 222 for Us Program. This program is facilitated to St. Jacobs Country Playhouse. Bus leaves by the Alzheimer Society of Huron County at 8:30 a.m. For info contact Mary 519-238and provides support and information the 2519. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 first Thursday of every month. “Just For Us”  a.m. - Immaculate Heart of Mary is offered at the same time in the Adult Day  p.m. Grand Bend Area CHC Catholic church, Grand Bend Managing Your Stress Through the Beginner Tai Chi classes every Thursday. wing and is a fun supervised event for the client with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Holiday Season. Holidays can be a source Contact Bernice Hill: (519) 238-5958. of huge stress for many people. Join Social Worker Mickey Gurbin. Call 238-1556 ext.  to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 223 or 6 to register Bereavement Support Group. Please join  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Social Worker Mickey Gurbin for support Bingo and group discussion. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15  to : p.m. - Grand Bend CHC  a.m. - Grand Bend CHC Countdown to Quit Smoking. Four week Beginner Men Can Cook, four-week FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 program to learn the skills to help you quit. series. This program is geared to first time - p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Everyone welcome. Call Cindy Maxfield at cooks! Contact Miranda at 238-1556 ext. Meat Draw 519-238-1556 ext 6 to register. No fee. 222


 a.m. to  p.m. - Port Franks Pinery Park Community Centre Hallowe’en Weekend: Join in our special 6th Annual Ladies Day for special needs ‘spooky’ programming, decorate your campsite, enter our scarecrow contest, go trick- children. Cost $40. Contact Peggy Smith or-treating or visit the haunted museum 519-296-5834 across the road.  a.m. to  p.m. - Zurich Mennonite church  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Scrapbooking day fundraiser for Bean Pub Crawl. Tickets $10 at the bar. Sprouts nursery school. Tickets are $30, and include lunch and prizes. Consultants’ fair  p.m. - Star Dust dinner theatre, with Stampin’ Up and Memory Lane scrapParkhill “Grease-ish” A Greasy Murder Mystery & booking. Contact Amy Brown 519-236-7719 or amywesbrown@hay.net, or Janet Willert Costume Party. 519-237-3179. : to  p.m. - Lambton Heritage  a.m. to  p.m. - Governor’s House, Museum Huron Historic Gaol, Goderich S p o o k y T i m e H a u n t e d To u r s . Huron Tract Spinners and Weavers Spooktacular fun for everyone. Annual Sale and Exhibition. Sale and exhibition of weaving, spinning and basketry. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28 Demonstrations and children’s activities. Pinery Park Admission: free. Contact Gail Chrysler Hallowe’en Weekend: See October 27 (519) 524-6427  p.m. - Star Dust dinner theatre,  to  p.m. – Grand Bend Legion Parkhill Horse races “Grease-ish” A Greasy Murder Mystery & Costume Party.  to  p.m. - Exeter, Morrison Dam Owl Prowl - Come out to the Morrison MONDAY, OCTOBER 29 Dam to learn about the exciting world of : p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Horticultural Society. Talk owls! Be prepared to hear the haunting cry and slideshow on Christmas plants with of the screech owl. Also bring a mug to enjoy hot chocolate. Contact Julie Hicks (519) Diane Vaughan. 235-2610, http://www.abca.on.ca



GrandBendStrip.com • 15

 p.m. - Crediton Community Centre Fundraiser for Tom Lessard. $5 admission


: to  p.m. - Hensall Health Centre Bayfield Public Flu Shot Clinic. Please be sure to C hr istmas in Bay field. Celebrate Christmas the old fashion way. Picture bring your health card. this! Unique shops, charming atmosphere, friendly service, leisurely dining and fes- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 tive music, holiday decor, tree lighting fes- p.m. - Grand Bend Legion tival and much more. Christmas parade Sat. Meat Draw Contact Nora West (519) 565-5900  p.m. - South Huron Recreation - p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Centre, Exeter Meat Draw WHODUNNIT. Big Brothers and Sisters present this Mystery Dinner, silent auction and music by Stone Angels. A three SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10  to  a.m. - Stephen Central School course dinner catered by Barbara’s with a Public Flu Shot Clinic. Please be sure to Wild West Mystery you must solve! Tickets are $50.00 per person. Call 519-235-3307. bring your health card. Bayfield Christmas in Bayfield. See Nov. 9.  p.m. - Star Dust dinner theatre, Parkhill Fab Four - A Beatles tribute.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11  p.m. - Star Dust dinner theatre, Parkhill Fab Four - A Beatles tribute. Bayfield Christmas in Bayfield. See Nov. 9.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12 : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Women’s Probus Meeting. Topic: Emergancy Preparation Lambton Shores. Guest speaker John Bryne, CAO Lambton Shores.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17  to  p.m. – Grand Bend Legion Jimmy Vail

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20  a.m. (sharp) - Port Franks Community Centre Port Franks Senior Euchre-Rama. $5 fee includes lunch. Everyone welcome. For info call 243-3844 or 243-1126.  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Men’s Probus. Death and D ying - speaker Jim Hoffman from Hoffman Funeral home. Everyone welcome.  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo

: p.m. - Port Franks Community Centre Por t Franks Garden C lub. Topic: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Christmas decorating and crafts with Mary :  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion  a.m. -  p.m. - Governor’s House, Grand Bend Golden Agers’ Luncheon Lou Glenn. Huron Historic Gaol, Goderich Huron Tract Spinners and Weavers Meeting. New members welcome! Penny Sale, please bring in items early day of sale. Annual Sale and Exhibition. See Nov. 3.

16 • GrandBendStrip.com

Strip Outside

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A run in the park Photos by Casey Lessard

And they’re off… 284 runners participated in the Pinery Provincial Park road races October 14 to raise money for the Friends of Pinery Park. Above: Connie and Julia Feke of Delaware raced in tandem. “This is our first run,” Connie said. “I chose to do it pushing a stroller – not a good idea. But she was so good out there.”

Left: Doug Currie of Sarnia won the 10k run in a time of 32:31, 2:13 ahead of the second place runner. “This is my first run of this series,” Currie, 23, said. “I’ve done other road races. I mostly do cross-country. It’s nice (to win). I wasn’t expecting too much; I just go out and run as fast as I can.”

Above: Lambton OPP Constable Todd Monaghan cheers on runners making the final 200-metre dash. “ You have to be proud of them.” Monaghan, who runs duathlons said. “Help motivate people – gotta drive them in.”

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