Vol. 1 #16 Grand Bend Strip, January 23, 2008

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 1, No. 16

Wed. Jan. 23 to Feb. 12, 2008

Grand Bend








CELEBRATING THE SEASON - p.6 Keegan DeCalwe and classmates show their talents at school concert

REMEMBERING RYAN Drowned teen’s parents reflect on his life and death - p.3 ENVIRONMENT VS. ECONOMY: WILL 2008 BE MOTORPLEX’S FINAL SEASON? - p.7 PLUS: YOUR GRAND BEND WINTER CARNIVAL GUIDE AND 60 YEARS OF LOVE Mom’s Advice p. - Principal’s Page p. - James Eddington p. - Living in Balance p.  - Carnival Guide p. - To Do List p. 

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Strip Thoughts

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Keeping up with technology View from the Strip By Casey Lessard

But we’re in a new year again, and times have changed for Anjhela and me. We got rid of our CDs after I received a higher end iPod (see mom’s article), which I now use for long rides in the car including my weekly commute to Toronto. We’re contemplating canceling our home phone after discovering Skype, a computer program that allows us to call anywhere in North America for $3 a month using our internet connection. It’s even better for the newspaper because I can record conversations directly into iTunes using Call Recorder, a program I bought for $20. This is especially useful for journalists or anyone else who needs a copy of a phone conversation (legally, of course). So what’s next? I’d love to see the day when we all can download the Grand Bend Strip as it appears here, without the costs of printing or mailing (both of which have gone up this month). It might seem far-fetched, but I think I’ll see it in my lifetime; maybe next year?

I’ve frequently had the fortune of being on the cutting edge of technology, starting with my time at the University of Western Ontario. There, I took a computer science class that introduced me to email and websites, both of which were relatively new. Then, when I studied broadcast journalism at Fanshawe College, we were in transit from traditional tape-to-tape audio editing to digital editing. Then, when I went to Loyalist College for photojournalism, our year was the year that the industry as a whole moved from film to digital cameras. It’s only recently that I realized that I’m behind the times. I’ve never really caught on to Facebook (I’m stuck in the email/web genP.S. Big news from our household: my dad is eration), and my interest in MySpace lasted about a day. Social networking is the new feeling much better, and this week received his internet, and often I feel left behind. Until last license with ease. Congratulations dad! Watch year, I didn’t even have an iPod. I occasionally for him on the road. used the one I got for Christmas, usually for Letters: mail@grandbendstrip.com running (which wasn’t very often).

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new Advice from mom By Rita Lessard

sion to have what we call selective hearing. For example, how is it that the kids can always hear the ice cream truck coming up the road, yet they can’t hear you when you need the garbage taken out or the dishes done? Deaf again! If you were to pass gas a hundred yards away, you can bet your pay cheque they’d hear that. As we welcome in the year 2008, let’s hope that by now most of you are not struggling with New Year’s resolutions. May I suggest that, instead of aggravating yourself with resolutions, you just resolve to do things one day at a time? Just for today, live the next 12 hours and tackle one problem for that day and not a whole year of problems. Just for today, learn something useful and make a change just for that day. Although I’m giving this advice, I must confess I told my coworkers that this year I was going to be less critical. Hopefully I can stick with this resolution. Aim for the shortterm instead of the long-term. Regardless of the promises you’ve made to yourself, let’s hope 2008 will bring health and success to you all.

I hope your Christmas went well. Tom and I were fortunate to celebrate on two occasions: once at our son’s place, whose wife is a great cook; and at my brother’s home, where we had another good meal and lots of fun. Of course, that’s what Christmas is about: family and merriment. I received many lovely gifts. Casey thought I gave him some very useful presents, one being a new iPod. This surprised him because he hadn’t asked for one; I made a mistake when writing down his list. I didn’t know he already had one, and I bought him one that was better. I suggested he could take it back, but he decided to keep it, which was good for me because he gave me the one his brother gave his last year; I’m happy because I use it everyday when I go for my 3km walk. I wonder sometimes if all the noise and sounds we hear have any bad effects on our P.S. Thank you to the Crediton f iremen for hearing, but for centuries we’ve all had occa- putting up the Christmas lights in the park.

Coping with the loss of a student; exams start Friday; and planning for next year

Principal’s Page By Jeff Reaburn, SHDHS Last week was a very difficult one for students, staff, and families of the South Huron community as we struggled to come to grips with the loss of one of our students, Ryan VanValkengoed. Ryan was a fun-loving student with a great sense of humour who was well liked by all who knew him, and his death has caused us much sadness. The huge number of students, staff, friends, and community members who attended the visitation and funeral attests to the positive impact that Ryan had on our lives. He will be deeply missed. We will be meeting with students this week

Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

to plan a memorial service for Ryan, which will be held early in the new semester to celebrate his life and share our thoughts and stories so that we may keep him alive in our hearts and in our memories. Further details regarding the memorial will appear in next week’s column. Final exams for Semester One courses run from Fri., Jan. 25 to Wed., Jan. 30, with a P.A. day Thurs., Jan 31. Semester Two begins Fri., Feb. 1. The exam schedule is posted on our school website as well as in classrooms throughout the building. In the event of a snow day during exams, that day’s exams will be moved to the following day and the whole schedule will be moved back by a day. Students are advised to take home study materials in advance of exams so they have notes and texts for study purposes in case we have bad weather. The end of the first semester also means

that it is time to start preparing for next year’s course selection. Our guidance staff have already visited our public feeder schools and provided Grade 8 students with a course calendar and other materials needed for selecting courses for Grade 9 next year. Unfortunately, this year we have not been permitted to send our staff to the Catholic elementary schools; however, we are able to make our course selection materials available to students in these schools and they and their parents are most welcome to attend our Grade 8 Night presentation next month. The same holds true for Grade 8 students in Grand Bend Public School. Our Grade 8 Information Night and Open House will be held on Wed., Feb. 13, with a snow date of Wed., Feb. 20. The evening will commence with an informal tour of the school at 6:45 p.m. Students and parents will have the opportunity to see our facilities, meet our

staff and some of our students, see examples of the great learning opportunities and extracurricular activities, and ask questions about courses and programs. At 7:30, we will have a more formal presentation in the large gym. Students in Grades 9 to 12 have already received course calendars and pathway planners to assist them in choosing courses for next year. We encourage parents to sit down with them to review the materials and help students to make wise choices for next year. The Pathway Planner is a very informative document that provides excellent information about course selection as it relates to various post-secondary options, from the workplace and apprenticeships to college and university. Course selection for current students starts February 7. Any students who have questions or are uncertain about their choices are encouraged to consult their guidance counsellors.

Publisher: Casey Lessard Editor: Casey Lessard Editorial Assistant: Anjhela Michielsen Proofreader: Carmen Kinniburgh Advertising Sales & Design: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard

Grand Bend Strip is printed once a month in the winter (middle Wednesday); 4340 copies are delivered free to all homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood and Port Franks using Canada Post. An additional 1100 copies are available to other residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants.

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© Copyright 2008

Locally owned and operated

Contributors: Rita Lessard - my mom Tom Lessard - my dad Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Jeff Reaburn - SHDHS principal James Eddington - Eddingtons of Exeter Distribution: Casey Lessard, Rita Lessard & Joan McCullough

Alert Canada Post if you live in one of the towns above and want to receive Grand Bend Strip but are not receiving a copy in the mail.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Strip Special: Remembering Ryan

GrandBendStrip.com • 3

Remembering Ryan

Ryan VanValkengoed, 17, of Crediton went missing after leaving a friend ’s house a short distance from home the evening of January 11. Police divers found his body in the Ausable River Monday afternoon. Ryan was the oldest of three sons of Bob and Lorie VanValkengoed, owners of Advanced Auto Parts and Salvage and Lorie’s Advanced Hair Care.

Far left: Ryan VanValkengoed at birth, 17 years ago. Left: Ryan’s casual graduation photo, taken last year. Above: Ryan’s first birthday, complete with a face full of cake.

As told to Casey Lessard

shoe. It wasn’t the fall that hurt him. Bob: We always had golf carts or dirt bikes. All the kids rode around on this one golf cart. I told someone that we went through 50 gallons of gas in one summer. I bought him a new dirt bike in the spring, and he always wore a helmet. I was raised with a bike and I still ride without a helmet. But Ryan always wore a helmet. I always said, “What did I say to him to convince him to wear a helmet?” Lorie: I cut hair out of my home, and I was with a client one day and Ryan was at the top of the stairs. Ryan asked if I could come up the stairs. I said I was busy – I think I was doing a colour. He called Jacob instead. Ryan had wiped out severely on his dirt bike. Jacob, to help Ryan had wrapped his wounds in toilet paper. It took me about two days to pick the toilet paper out of the wounds as it healed. To this day, he had scars (and he was proud of every one of them). Bob: He was in bed three days, and Jacob took his meals up to him.

Bob VanValkengoed: He was very responsible. With this incident, we knew there was a problem right from the start. Lorie VanValkengoed: We were hoping this was the first time he did something out of character. But it wasn’t. Lorie: When we first got married, we were probably married about a week and I remember saying to Bob, “Let’s have children right away,” and him saying, “Yep.” As a woman, I thought there were about 15 more sentences that needed to go with that, so I waited a week and asked again, and he said, “Yep.” The hardest time Ryan ever gave us was giving birth. He was 19 days overdue. He was due December 9, and Christmas Eve, the doctor told me to come see him. I said, “You have no idea. If you put me in the hospital over Christmas, I guarantee I will make your life a living hell.” He said he just wanted to make sure I would make it through Christmas. On December 26, we went into London to be induced and on December 28 at 2:32 in the morning, he was born by Caesarean section. Bob: It’s the only time in his life he’s been late. He was pretty good otherwise. He was always a good kid. I went to London three or four times a week, and every morning I had to get up at 5 o’clock and he would get upset if I didn’t wake him up. He wasn’t even two years old. So I would wake him up and put his work clothes on and we would go to work. He would sleep on my lap. We would take a load of products to London, and I always remember going to the restaurant for breakfast. At that age, he was just so

busy fooling around or crawling under the table. We would drop off scrap at Zubick’s and every time he would get a chocolate bar. For years, if I didn’t wake him up, he would just be so grumpy that I didn’t wake him up. After that, he was always in the shop. He was blonde as snow, but he’d come out of there covered in black from oil and mud. One day I was working and I had bought an electric car for him. He wasn’t two yet, and I looked over; he had hooked a set of chain falls (for pulling engines out of cars) onto the electric car and it was sitting eight feet off the ground. Lorie: He was interested in possibly taking over the business (Advanced Auto). We just talked about it over the holidays. Bob: It was in his blood. He liked it. He could print invoices and take care of the business end of it. I always checked and there was never a time when he forgot something. And if someone came after hours, he would tell them, “I’ll deal with you this time, but you

shouldn’t make this a regular habit.” He was good at training his customers. He was a real businessman. Lorie: School was never an interest for him. He wanted to run his own business. One day, I got a call from the school saying Ryan had skipped. I asked him when he got home, and he said, “Yeah, I skipped.” I asked what he did, where he went. “To the cafeteria.” I said, “You skipped school to go to the cafeteria?” He said he was talking with the principal Jeff Reaburn. They were talking about starting your own business. So I called the school and said, “My son skipped, he was talking with the principal, so please give him detention.” He was a thrill seeker. One day, he fell out of a tree on the property and he came to the shop and said to Bob he fell. He was walking and talking, and Bob said, “You look good to me.” We found out later he had fallen 30’. His first cousin said he landed and looked fine but started crying because he couldn’t find his

Lorie: All of us were very close with Ryan. He connected with each one of us in different ways. Bob: Just a great guy to be around. Some of my hired help aren’t around this week because they’re taking it very hard. Lorie: Ryan had a good group of friends. Bob: [He didn’t like big parties.] Even on a Friday night, he was never comfortable if there were more than five people. Lorie: The only time he liked that was for concerts. In fact, I have a $600 bill on my credit cards for Linkin Park. Bob: He would take matters into his own hands and order tickets. One day he called me and said he needed (continued on p.4)

Strip Special: Remembering Ryan

4 • GrandBendStrip.com

2001 - Shawn Bibby, Mike Regier, Ryan, Jacob, and Bob VanValkengoed at Advanced Auto scrapyard.

(cont’d from p.3) $900 on my credit card. I said, “What are you doing?” He said, “We’re going to see Motley Crue and Aerosmith.” He said the tickets were $150 a ticket and if he got six guys to go he could get a limo lined up. He was 15 when he did that. He was organized and knew what he liked. Bob: He was very thrifty. He came from the movies one night and said, “Dad, I got free popcorn.” I asked how he did that. He said, “It was easy; I just went into the garbage bag and grabbed an empty bag and told the guy to fill it.” I said, “Don’t you find it gross to grab a bag out of the garbage?” He said, “Do you think I’m that stupid? I told the guy I needed a new bag!”

January 11 Bob: Lorie had gone to the States for a business meeting for the weekend. I was with the boys myself. I woke up at about 12:15 a.m. I went and checked him out and he wasn’t there. So I laid down again and kept getting up again every couple hours. All of a sudden, at 5:45 a.m., he’s still not there. I thought maybe this was the first time he slept over at a friend’s house. I had to take one of the other boys to hockey practice and on the way, I called the shop but got no answer. He would sleep out in the shop sometimes. I kept thinking he was staying at one of his buddy’s places. I had breakfast with a friend of mine that morning before 8 o’clock, and through the morning I kept trying to call a couple of his friends and got no answer. Finally I got through at 2 o’clock when I called his cousin. His cousin said, “Oh, Ryan

Jacob and Ryan on the infamous yellow golf cart.

should have been home.” There were five or six people at the house he was at Friday, and Ryan was one of them. That’s when I started getting scared. In the meantime, one of my nephews drives over here and he’s concerned. That’s when I called the police and told them it was very out of character. I thought they would just fill out a missing person’s report, but he took it very seriously. Within hours they had the dogs out and police officers all over the place. It was on the news Saturday night.

January 12 Lorie: I was at a big conference, and one of the ladies called my room Saturday night. She told me Bob had been trying to get in touch with me. I looked at my friends and told them, “It’s not good.” He wouldn’t call me for anything unless it was very serious. I phoned home and when I came downstairs, my one friend said, “You look like you’re going to be ill.” I kind of half-smiled and said, “Ryan’s missing.” A couple other friends gathered around and asked, what do you want to do, do you want to sit down, what can we do for you? I said, “Actually, I’d like to breathe for a minute.” I sat and collected my thoughts, and one friend who had disappeared showed up and said, “We’re packed and ready to go.” It was a surreal ride home. We were about four hours away and I think we did it in two-point-five. The closer we got to home, the more it started to sink in. Bob: From Saturday afternoon to Monday, we hardly slept. You doze off for a few hours

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

2005 - Ryan and his tiara at South Huron District High School. Students are planning a memorial for the teen.

here and there. I sat in the chair in the kitchen, and from that chair, I could see the door to see if anybody was coming in, I could see the road to see if anyone was coming there, and I could look at the clock. For three days, I kept looking at the clock, the door, the window. Everyone was helping. Even people I knew didn’t have their driver’s license were driving around trying to find him. Lorie: Two officers, Ralph Christmas and Jeff Adkin, were in charge. They sat with us, they gave us minute-by-minute updates. We had many people call offering to volunteer. The police had to treat it as a possible crime scene, so volunteers couldn’t come in. They tried to get a helicopter from Orillia, but it was grounded due to fog, so local pilots took officers up and did an air search. There were at least a couple of planes. There were numerous neighbours and their kids out looking. From young to old and everybody in between.

January 14 Bob: The police found some of his belongings by the tree by the river. They said that’s the last trace of where he’s been. Monday afternoon, they found him about 25’ from the bridge. The autopsy said he had drowned. My brother-in-law didn’t want to be the one to tell us, so he asked a neighbour to do it, and all he said was, “It’s not good news. They found him.” And we knew. The house was full of company - friends and family and relatives. And it was devastating. I’ll never forget that. Lorie: The O’Briens had taken the kids

for two nights and took their kids out of school to keep them company. Before the news spread, I went to tell my boys. They had some questions and some tears. I called Const. Adkin and told him I was ready to come and see Ryan, so I got to spend some time with him before he left. That was a really good time. Lorie: You couldn’t sit and write enough thank you cards. The first one would go to the police officers, then the professionals who did the search, the pilots who volunteered, the volunteers, the fire department. Bob: The phone calls, the food. I’ve never seen so much food in my life. Lorie: I’ll miss the stupid stuff. Folding laundry and making three piles. Bob: Four people for supper, not five. Lorie: It seems like it’s a lifetime away. I’ve told everybody there’s part of me that believes I knew this was coming. I don’t know if it’s just concern for a child normally or something more than that, but I’ve prepared for this for years because I believe the day he was born, the day of his death was pre-planned. Bob: I wouldn’t have believed it was this bad to go through something like this. You keep blaming yourself and wonder what you did right, and your mind is racing with what went wrong. Lorie: But if we had to change one thing, there’s nothing we could change. For a teenager, he was good. Bob: We just feel it’s a big dream and everything’s going to go away and be back to normal.

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Strip in the Kitchen

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A fresh approach to beat the winter blues! By James Eddington, Eddington’s of Exeter

GrandBendStrip.com • 5

As January rolls into February, we look to break from the whirlwind of activities of the past months. We yearn for less indulgent foods that are lower in fat - a change from the heavy sauces and extravagant desserts of December: foods with clean crisp tastes. As few believe, Ontario still has a substantial supply of locally grown produce, including beets, cabbage, mushrooms, onions, parsnips, potatoes, squash, sprouts, etc. Crispy mushroom strudel with fresh herb cream sauce and cranberries

Beautiful beet soup This delicious dish brightens any table. Serves 4. 1 tbsp (15 mL) 1/2 1/2 tsp (3 mL) 4 1 3 cups (750 mL) 1 1/2 tsp (8 mL) 2 tbsp (30 mL) 2 tbsp (30 mL)

cold-pressed olive oil medium onion curry powder medium beets, peeled and chopped medium potato, peeled and chopped vegetable stock, chicken stock or water honey Salt and pepper to taste Lemon juice to taste yogurt or kefir finely chopped green onions

In a large pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add onions and cook, stirring occasionally until the onions are soft. Add curry powder and cook for a minute longer, then the beets, potatoes and stock or water. Bring to a boil, then simmer, partially covered, until the vegetables are tender, 30-45 minutes. Purée or mash with a potato masher. Reheat the soup and add the honey. Season to taste. Ladle into bowls and garnish with the sour cream and green onions.

Braised red cabbage and apples A little sweet, a little sour, this sensational side dish of braised red cabbage and apples is an easy accompaniment to roast turkey that can be made ahead of time and reheated right before dinner. 2 tbsp (30 mL) 2 1 2 1/2 cup (125 mL) 1/4 cup (50 mL) 1 tbsp (15 mL) 2 tsp (10 mL)

vegetable oil medium onions, chopped small head red cabbage, quartered and thinly sliced apples, peeled and coarsely chopped red wine (any kind) apple cider vinegar sugar salt

In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat oil over medium heat. Add onions and cook, stirring for five minutes, until softened. Add cabbage and cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for 10 to 15 minutes or until cabbage is thoroughly wilted and softened. Now add apples, wine, vinegar, sugar and salt, lower the heat to low and simmer, covered, for one-and-a-half to two hours, stirring once in a while. Stir in apple jelly, replace the cover on the pot and continue to simmer for another 15 to 20 minutes.

Ingredients for f illing: 2 oz unsalted butter 1 lb sliced mixed fresh mushrooms (oyster, portobello, shiitake, button, cremini) 4 fresh garlic cloves - minced 1 small yellow onion - diced Salt & pepper to taste 2 oz plain breadcrumbs 2 tbsp fresh chives - chopped 2 oz chardonnay white wine Ingredients for dough: 2 oz unsalted butter - melted 5 sheets phyllo dough 1 egg Ingredients for sauce: 8 oz low sodium chicken stock 6 oz Chardonnay white wine 1 shallot onion - sliced 8 oz heavy cream 2 tbsp mixed chopped herbs (parsley, chives, rosemary, basil, thyme) Garnish: 4 tbsp sliced cranberries 1 tbsp unsalted butter Preparation: Heat medium-sized sauté pan, add butter and onions and cook for one minute. Add garlic and mushrooms and sauté for about three minutes. Deglaze pan with white wine and season with salt and pepper. Transfer mushrooms into a mixing bowl and let the mushrooms cool off. Add chives, breadcrumbs and chives and mix everything very well. Lay out a kitchen towel and place first sheet of phyllo dough on it. Brush the sheet with melted butter then place the next layer of phyllo dough and repeat the first step until the last sheet of dough is placed. Spread mushroom mixture along the longer side of the sheet - about two inches wide. Take the towel and start rolling the strudel. Transfer strudel to a greased baking sheet pan, brush with beaten egg and bake in 350 degree preheated oven for 20 minutes. Put chicken stock, Chardonnay wine and shallot into a saucepot and bring mixture to a boil on high heat. Turn the heat to medium and let the liquid reduce (cool down) to about 5 oz. Add the heavy cream and let the sauce reduce to half. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve. Taste the sauce and season with salt and pepper. Add the fresh chopped herbs. Heat cranberries with butter in a small sauté pan. To assemble strudel, pour sauce on the center of the plate, sprinkle cranberries across the sauce and place a two-inch slice of Strudel in the middle of the plate. Garnish with fresh thyme. Sautéed baby spinach or root vegetable julienne accompany this appetizer very well.

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Strip at School

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Junior kindergartner Keegan DeCalwe (also on the front page) stole the show with his (unrehearsed) dance moves. Top: Grand Bend resident Dan Sageman’s loved watching the kids. “Watching their faces, their expressions,” he said. Above: Grade 2/3 teacher Karen Schram prompted students when they forgot their lines.

Celebrating the season Grand Bend Public School celebrated the Christmas season with the annual Christmas concert (above). A packed gym watched as children performed “The Littlest Reindeer,” a play about a reindeer too small to pull Santa’s sleigh but just the right size to save Christmas. Days earlier, parents and community volunteers presented the annual Christmas dinner, sponsored by the Home and School Association and local businesses (No Frills, Aunt Gussie’s, Hayter’s, Grand Bend Community Foundation, Lioness Club, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Optimist Club, Lambton Shores, Grand Bend Produce, Colonial, and Tender Spot). Grade 7 and 8 students served 216 meals. Left: Grade 2 student Hedeel Askar enjoys her meal. Right: Andrea Matheson talks to senior kindergartner William while six-month-old Kaydence eyes dessert.

Photos by Casey Lessard

Top: Alexia Holmes, 3, of Grand Bend applauds her brother Brandon, who is in Grade 1. “It’s entertaining,” says dad Rob. Above: Cody McConnell, Grade 4, was Santa and Kloe Nardi was one of his reindeer.

Grand Bend Strip

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GrandBendStrip.com • 7

Imagining life without Grand Bend Motorplex Proposed ban on leaded fuels could shut down attraction after 2008 season By Casey Lessard The end is near for racing at Grand Bend Motorplex if fans and community members don’t take a stand against a proposed federal ban on leaded fuels, the track’s manager warns. “If this happens, professional drag racing in Canada is over,” Motorplex manager Ron Biekx wrote in a message on the track’s website. “The Canadian government are legislating Canada’s largest racing facilities out of business.” The ban on lead in fuel was first proposed in 1990, but concerns over economic impacts have led to extensions that were set to end this month. Instead, the government is giving racers one more year to end their use of leaded fuels. “It has allowed us to exist in the drag racing arena with American tracks and racers, and most importantly, American customers,” Biekx told the Strip, noting the MOPAR nationals accounts for more than half of the track’s income for the year. Most of the cars at that event are American cars that use leaded fuel. “When they take that away from us on January 1, 2009, they take away our ability to work in those markets. That lucrative market that has put us on the international map is gone overnight.” Pat Powers of Aunt Gussie’s understands the environmental concerns, but thinks the economic impact is also important. “They’re taking away one industry that generates revenue. I’m curious as to what the government is going to do to bolster the businesses that this decision is going to affect.” Besides the loss of jobs at the track (the Motorplex employs 80-100 in an average year), the ban could trigger a domino effect in Grand Bend; Biekx says the MOPAR nationals alone bring about $7.5 million into the local economy. “That money is certainly not spent in the facility. They enjoy the show and they’re done with me. Grocery stores run out of food on our national event weekend. They now plan for it. Every motel room from Sarnia to London is booked.” “That’s huge,” said Mary Jo Schottroff

Snopko of Pine Dale Motor Inn. “They bring a lot of money for occupancy from room reservations. And they’re a nice bunch of people. It’s a guaranteed weekend, and I think there’s enough factors happening in the tourism field that we don’t need a lot more between border issues, the dollar and gas prices.” “You figure, their national weekend brings in 50,000 to 60,000 people over that three day time frame,” says Mike Rahn of Mike & Terri’s No Frills, “so those weekends it would be a larger impact. It definitely would take business away from all of the businesses in town.” Biekx praised the Ontario tourism ministry for its work to support the track, recognizing its impact on the local economy. At the federal level, however, Environment Canada says leaded fuels are harmful to spectators and the local environment. Racing accounts for 1.5 per cent of all leaded fuels used in Canada; the rest is used for aviation, including pleasure craft, under a permanent exemption. Noting the U.S., Britain and Australia allow leaded fuel for racing at levels 10 to 100 times the Canadian level, Biekx says the move by Environment Canada is similar to the tail that wags the dog. “I’ve done a lot of work with a Canadian supplier who supplies excellent unleaded fuel to our races. But changes in Canada on an economic scale are meaningless. It doesn’t make sense economically for Canada to stand up and tell the U.S. how it’s going to be. We’re just going to be a ‘Remember when?’ for the American competitor.” Biekx hopes people who are passionate about the sport and those who want the Motorplex to stay open will act immediately to stop the ban. He’s asking you to call, write and email your representative in Ottawa, at Queen’s Park, and on municipal council before the comment period ends February 13. “Make yourself heard,” he pleads. “Those people who have seen and recognize the financial impact of having this should step forward and say, ‘We don’t want this piece of our economic pie taken away so someone can get some political mileage for it.’”

Lambton Shores town improvement meetings this week Lambton Shores is hoping the public will come out to give their input on the future of Grand Bend Tuesday night. The municipality and its consultants, EDA Collaborative (the same people doing the beach improvement plan), will host a workshop Tuesday, January 22 at 7 p.m. at the Grand Bend Public School gymnasium. A workshop regarding the future of Port

Franks will be held Thursday night (7 p.m.) at the Thedford/Bosanquet Community Centre; that workshop will also discuss planning for Arkona and Thedford. The North Lambton Community Health Centre will host a similar workshop Wednesday night at 7 p.m. The municipality and the consultants will present their ideas to date and seek suggestions to improve life in the community.

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8 • GrandBendStrip.com

Strip VIPs

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This love will last forever Zurich couple still lovebirds after 60 years

Lloyd and Leona Steinberg of Zurich celebrated 60 years in religion class. Tuesday night we had doctors come and teach January 10. The Strip wanted to know their secret. us. Anyway, I got to Thursday and I had no excuses left. We walked down to Victoria Park. He told me all about As told to Casey Lessard himself and my estimation of him got better. We started to go out and seven and a half months later we were married. Photo by Sandra Regier Lloyd Steinberg: I guess she thought I was all right; here we Leona Steinberg: It was 1947, and I had graduated as a are 60 years later. registered nurse from St. Mary’s hospital in Kitchener. I had broken up with my boyfriend because he was going to give me A decent proposal Leona: We were, again, in the backseat of Benny’s car a diamond ring and I didn’t want a diamond ring. I didn’t feel that way about him. His sister was in my class and she ended coming home from a ball game. Mary was in the front – she up telling me that he was going to give me this ring, so I told started going with Benny then. I had just gotten my grad ring, him goodbye. All of a sudden, I realized that our grad dance and I was playing with it. It was new and special. I was taking was coming up and I didn’t have a date. My girlfriend said, it up and down my finger, and he took my other hand and he “Don’t worry about it – I’ll get you one.” Her cousin was tak- said, “Someday, I’m going to put another ring on that finger.” ing her to the dance, and she said she’d get Harry to bring one And I thought, “Oh. Okay.” We were married January 10, 1948 on my parents’ 37th of his pals. The boy was very nice and quiet. He drove a car and wanted to know the colour of my gown so he could buy wedding anniversary. It was very quiet. We were married in me a corsage to match. And he did. He was a good dancer; he Dublin. And we were happy. I just said to him the other day, could polka like nobody’s business, and I enjoy polkaing. We “You know, in 60 years, we haven’t even had a decent fight.” Lloyd: No sense arguing. had a good time – he never talked much. We said goodnight Leona: I’d win anyway. at the door. That was Wednesday. Saturday night, Mary said to me, Kitchener’s playing in Waterloo, and we’re going to the ball game. I said, “Who’s Making a house a home Leona: You’re always short of money. The kids are always going?” She said, “You and I.” I said, “No, I’m not. I haven’t got any money.” She said, “You’ve got your grad money.” Finally part of something. But you don’t spend money foolishly. We I gave in. We had to take the trolley to Waterloo. Lloyd was didn’t have a car until 1955. We didn’t feel we could afford it. there with the boy who had taken me to the grad dance, We bought a lot and papa (Lloyd) dug the foundation with a Benny. He was noisy, yelling at a player in the field. I wished shovel and a wheelbarrow. Lloyd: How would you like to do that? he would keep quiet because he was spoiling the whole thing. Leona: He did most of the construction. Didn’t know We had to be in at 11:30 at night, and if you had to ring the bell, you lost your half-day. I said to Mary, “Look at the time. what he was doing. We took the plans for the house to We’ve got to get home.” She never worried about time. Benny Beaver Lumber. I was seven months pregnant and shingling. My heard me saying this to her and said, we’ll drive you home. father-in-law came home – they lived next door She said we could stay to the end of the game. I told her to sit in the back seat with me, “I am not taking a – and I leaned over the edge and said, “Hi there, chance on sitting with that one.” We got into the car and who pop.” He said, “What are you doing up there, woman? Don’t you know crawls into the back seat with me, but Lloyd. On the way home, he asked if he could take me out. I you’re pregnant?” Lloyd: That house didn’t know how I was going to say no. Monday night we had

cost us $4400 to build ourselves. Leona: Our oldest was born in November 1948; Susan was born October 1949; Debbie was born October 1950; Patti was born May 1952; Paul was born September 1954; and Cathy was born December 1960.

Making it last Leona: Every time that man leaves the house, he always comes and kisses me goodbye. Only a couple of weeks ago, he didn’t. And I got right upset about it. I said, “Did you know you didn’t kiss me goodbye?” He said, “I didn’t.” I said, “No, you didn’t, and don’t ever do that again.” One time in 1959, he was taking three of our girls and two leaders to a Girl Guide camping trip in Elmira. I was on duty at St. Mary’s Hospital on the children’s floor. There was a car accident in Elmira, and the girl downstairs said, “Leona, you’re getting three kids in. We don’t know who they are, but they say the mother works here at St. Mary’s, and Dr. Friday’s the doctor.” I said, “Helen, that’s my family.” I almost went crazy until they started wheeling them in by ambulance. But the one thing that kept me going was that I had kissed them all goodbye. Debbie had a fractured leg. Susan had platelets in her eyes and couldn’t see. Patti had bitten her tongue. I was afraid to ask where their dad was. I can’t live without him. Lloyd didn’t come in until much later because he was helping at the scene.

He’s a keeper Leona: There isn’t a day that goes by that my husband doesn’t tell me at least 40 times a day, “I love you, mom.” That means a lot. One woman told me a while ago that her husband has only said it once since they were married, and that was before he went in for heart surgery. When she heard my husband saying that to me, she said, “He’s a keeper.”

Strip Outside

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GrandBendStrip.com • 9

It’s so easy to be kind Living in Balance By Jenipher Appleton A kind gesture, word or deed can truly make a difference in someone’s day. It takes very little effort to be kind, and in turn, you may be rewarded by how it makes you feel. Positive thoughts and actions are part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Gesture of goodwill It is so rare to observe an overt gesture of goodwill that, when it does occur, it really stands out. This is how it was for a pair of my colleagues as they traveled the Nairn Road on their way to work each morning last month. Each day as the women ( Julie and Jaclyn) passed a section of road, they would see an older gentleman out for his morning walk. Every vehicle, passing in either direction, received a big, friendly wave along with the peace sign from him. Most drivers, like themselves, would return the wave. It got to the point that they would anticipate the encounter each morning with enthusiasm. Other members of my staff who travel the same route commented several times about the gentleman as well, all with a positive view.

Returning the favour One morning, running a bit late, the women missed the wave, but were just in time to see the waver entering his house. Now they knew where he lived! Julie decided that something must be done to return the kindness of this gentleman. She bought a small gift (a snowman mug filled with chocolates and biscuits). The package included a note saying “Thanks for brightening our day each morning – Julie and Jaclyn, East Williams School.” On the way home that evening they stopped and left the parcel on his doorstep. Their reward followed swiftly the next morning when they saw their waver coming down the road wearing a sandwich-board-

Two for the road

Richard Gauthier lives on the Nairn Road between Nairn and Ilderton, and walks along the side of the road every morning for about half an hour. Gauthier does it for the exercise, but gets attention for his friendliness: he waves at or gives the peace sign to every driver who passes. His kindness got the attention of Jenipher Appleton’s colleagues at East Williams Public School in Nairn; they bought him a Christmas gift in recognition of their roadside connection.

style sign proclaiming: “Thank you! Merry Christmas!” Julie and Jaclyn smiled, waved, and had a tear or two. They were ecstatic when they arrived at the school that morning; however, the story is not over yet. Shortly after 9 a.m., an older couple arrived in the school and asked for Julie or Jaclyn. It was the waver, whose name turned out to be Richard, and his charming wife, Catherine. They wanted to meet the people who had returned a simple, kind gesture, and to say thank you in person for the Christmas gift. Everyone felt very good and a true sense of Christmas peace was hanging about the halls. It doesn’t take much to change someone’s day for the better. Smile at someone; hold a door for someone; make a joke with people when there’s trouble at the cashier; but most of all, offer a friendly wave! The peace sign doesn’t hurt either. It might even improve your well-being.

blue Taurus that goes by every morning.” There’s enough downtrends in the world As told to Casey Lessard today, so if someone can get a laugh out of the I usually walk 30 minutes steady every joker walking down the highway every mornmorning. I exercise to try to keep all of my ing, the more power to them. parts functioning. It gives me a break, too. I get a big kick out of it. I had a triple-bypass, so I’m one of those types. Usually we (Richard and his wife Catherine) go down south, but two years ago I came down with Bell’s palsy, and that hung us up. We were going to go this year and we Every Friday decided, who needs all that hassle of trying to stay out of the way of the transport trucks? I usually have a sign (encouraging people to honk). At least half of them will honk. I don’t stop and talk with any of them, and neither do they. The next day (after the teachers dropped off their gift), another woman comes with a gift. In her note, she calls me her buddy, and 135 Ontario St. S., Grand Bend - 519-238-6786 says “I can’t wait for spring to see my buddy Beside the Bluewater Motel again.” She signed it with her name, “in the

Richard’s Story

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Strip at the Winter Carnival

10 • GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Saddle up, Buckaroos! ‘Benguin Goes Wild West’ for 2008 Grand Bend Winter Carnival Grand Bend’s 22nd Winter Carnival launches February 1 and runs two weekends at venues around town. “It’s about getting the community as a whole doing stuff together in the shoulder season,” says committee chair Lynda Hillman-Rapley. “This is my second year as chair, but I’ve been to all 21 carnivals. People respond very well. That’s how we got Ontario Lottery and Gaming; someone from their organization was here last year and they thought it was great so they wanted to sponsor it.” Hillman-Rapley wants to point out that no matter the weather, the show will go on. “No snow, no problem,” she says. “Whether there’s snow or not, this carnival happens, and the parade is huge. Jim Southcott does an amazing job.” She also praises her team of organizers. “Our committee is the best of the best. We all work together; no decisions are made without everybody doing it.”

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1  to  p.m. – Bikini Bob’s Western wine tasting  to  p.m. – Grand Bend Legion Meat draw  p.m. – Oakwood clubhouse Traci Kennedy : p.m. – Bikini Bob’s Mike’s Country Band  p.m. to  a.m. – Gables Rumblefish

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2  a.m. to end of day each weekend - Lions Park (behind Legion) Gables co-ed snow-pitch tournament (runs Feb. 2 & 3, 9 & 10). $150 per team. Top prize is $300. Contact Jane or John Musser: 238-6690. Snow-pitch is slo-pitch with fluorescent orange balls (the balls are softer as well). The tournament happens regardless of the weather. Each weekend sees eight teams


For the kids: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1  to  p.m. - Grand Bend School gym Sobey’s drive-in for the kids (free)

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2  to  p.m. - Grand Bend School gym Mad Science plus crafts, sports and a movie. Free. Call 519-238-1155.  to  p.m. – Skateboard park beside Legion

First-ever Winter Carnival fireworks. Hot chocolate and hot dogs for sale.

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Youth Darts. Call 519243-2452.  to  p.m. – Oakwood  hole and clubhouse Free tobogganing, s’mores & hot chocolate. Parents or guardians must supervise their children.

Oakwood Inn Registration closes for Febr uar y 10 Children’s Ta l e n t S h o w ( f r e e ) . Register at Guest Services before February 3.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9  p.m. - downtown Rotary Club Parade. See adults section for details.

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10  to  p.m. – Oakwood clubhouse Children’s Talent Show (free). Register at Guest

Services before February 3. Sing, dance, play – bring your original ideas to win prizes! Prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd. “We just want to have the kids come out and do their dancing or singing,” says Diana Simpson of Oakwood Inn Resort. “When they register they’ll have to say what they’ll be doing. We have a lot of talent in the area, and it’s a great way for them to get out and show people what they can do.”

compete for semi-finals, and the final is the second weekend. Winners from both weekends must be available for second weekend championship game. Teams that win at least two games win money. “It’s a favourite,” says Jane Musser. “It’s pretty funny watching them hit a ball and run in their snow pants.”

 p.m. – Oakwood clubhouse  to  p.m. – Skateboard park (beside Traci Kennedy Grand Bend Legion) First-ever Winter Carnival fireworks. Hot  p.m. to close – Riverbend chocolate and hot dogs for sale. Seating at Karaoke with Jude the ball diamond; parking at the Colonial and Beer Store parking lots. Legion lot will : p.m. to  a.m. – Bikini Bob’s be closed for safety reasons. Four teams of Mike’s Country Band professional fireworks artists from across  a.m. to  p.m. – Oakwood Ontario will each present 12 to 15 minutes  p.m. to  a.m. – Gables Snow-golf. Cost: $15 per person includes of fireworks using consumer fireworks. A Rumblefish golf (club &ball), chili with bun and hot pyro-digital display set to music will be perchocolate. Call 519-238-2324 to register formed during judging. your tee-time. “By having the competitors use consumer SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3  to  p.m. - Gables “We have a special nine-hole tire ring golf fireworks, we are able to bring the audiWild West ride: try out the Mechanical course,” says Diana Simpson of Oakwood ence closer to the action and create a more Inn Resort. “You use a tennis ball and a reg- intimate show” says organizer Kevin Poole. Bull. Cheer the cowboys on. Sponsored by ular iron, and go around the course.” Storm date is Saturday February 9th at 6:30 104.9 The Beach. p.m. Bikini Bobs  to  p.m. - Riverbend Super Bowl party. Crazy cow contest at 6 12th Annual Olympics. Call 519-238Grand Bend Legion 6919 to register. Brad Karel and the Thrillbillies with p.m. $3 food and beverages all day. Grand Bend’s Stephanie McClennan.  p.m. – Oakwood  to  p.m. - Gables Dance to new country. Presented by Grand Super Bowl party - door prizes and special Karaoke with Fat Kat Karaoke Bobbie. Bend Legion and the Winter Carnival. For Prizes. tickets, call 238-2001. Sponsored in whole drink prices! by Ontario Lottery and Gaming.

Karaoke Bobbie  p.m. - downtown : a.m. - United Church Rotary Club Parade. “It’s going to be a UCW Lunch. $6 for 13 and up; $3 for chilhumdinger, for sure,” says parade organizer Jim Southcott. “The parade starts dren. Hot dogs available for children. at the Sobey’s parking lot and goes down  to  p.m. - Bikini Bobs to Government Road and disbands there. Sleigh rides after the parade. $5/person; There is a $500 first prize award for the best entry. Local dignitaries will lead the parade, free for children five and under. and we have about 60 registered floats with  to  p.m. – Gables a chance for many more. There will be a lot Search for Talent contest with “Fat Kat of horses, plus the Seaforth and District all-girls marching band. Anyone who wants Karaoke Bobbie.” to showcase their business or put in an entry  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion should call me (519-238-8800).” Steak BBQ. Tickets available at Legion.  a.m. to  p.m. – Pine Dale Motor Inn 519-238-2120. Craft Sale. All vendors are welcome.  p.m. – Oakwood Huron Room Yuk Yuk’s Comedy Show with Joanna Gables Search for Talent Contest with Fat Kat Downey and Bobby Keele. Cost: $20 per

person includes tax. Call 519-238-2324. Buffet dinner (seatings between 5 and 7 p.m.) & show together for only $50 including tax & gratuity.

 p.m. – Oakwood clubhouse Entertainment by Murray Andrews  p.m. to close – Riverbend Kountry Karaoke Contest with Jude

 p.m. – Oakwood Huron Room Ms. and Mr. Winter Carnival Pageant SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10  to  a.m. – behind Bank of Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Call Diana Montreal Simpson at 519-238-2324 for details. “We Grand Bend Firemen’s Breakfast were looking for something different this year,” Simpson says. “We’re challenging all  a.m. – Grand Bend Legion businesses in the area to send someone to Ve t e r a n’s M e m o r i a l M i x e d D a r t represent them in the contest. There are three different rounds: a fashion round with Tournament. Register at 11 a.m. one summer and one winter outfit of their  to  p.m. – Colonial parking lot choice; a talent round where the contesWaiters’ Race tants perform a talent of their choice; and a questionnaire round where the contestants For more information, call the Grand answer questions related to the winter carnival.” All contestants will be in the pageant Bend Chamber of Commerce: 519-238-2001 float in the parade Saturday morning.

To Do List

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

GrandBendStrip.com • 11


January 24. & Feb - Throughout Grand Bend Community.  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Theme for 2008: Benguin goes wild west. Bingo Lots to do for the entire family! Grand Bend Rotary Parade, Feb 9. Visit the Grand Bend website for details, times & locations of T HURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7  a.m. - Port Franks community centre events. Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. See January 24. : to : p.m. Thedford Arena WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 Let’s Get Active Together: Skating Day. M ONDAY, JANUARY 28 : p.m. - Grand Bend CHC This is a program for children ages 8-13 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 : p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre Huron Country Playhouse Guild lun to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion years. Call Valerie Cook at the NLCHC at Scrapbooking. $2. Bring your own supcheon meeting. Guest speaker Officer John Meat draw 519-786-4545 ext. 270 for more information. plies. Contact Kim Widdis: 519-238-6390. Reurick from the OPP will talk about perils of winter driving. Guests and new members SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 : to : p.m. - The Shores welcome. For further info please call Mary TUESDAY, JANUARY 29  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Recreation Centre, Forest  a.m. Port Franks community centre at 519-238-5640. Live music with Cactus Jam Everybody Move: Skating Day. This is a Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. See program for ages 6-8 years. For more inforJanuary 24. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion mation, call Valerie Cook at the NLCHC,  a.m. - Port Franks community centre Annual Steak Barbecue. Tickets: $10, 519-786-4545 ext. 270.  p.m. Grand Bend Legion Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. available at the bar. Bingo Program includes warm up, low impact aer to  p.m. Grand Bend Legion obic workout, strength work and stretchMONDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Meat draw ing. Sponsored in part by Healthy Living WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 : p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre  a.m. to  p.m. Grand Bend CHC Lambton. Cost: Free. Everyone welcome. S ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Scrapbooking. $2. Bring your own supMen Can Cook. Monthly cooking class Contact Cindy Maxfield to register: 519 to  p.m. Grog’s, Port Franks plies. Contact Kim Widdis: 519-238-6390. with Dietitian Miranda Burgess. To register 238-1556 ext 6. Hillbillies Meat Draw call 519-238-1556 ext. 222

To Do: January 23 to February 12


: a.m. - Zurich Mennonite Church Canada’s National Teen Challenge Choir performs live in concert as part of Sunday service. Ex-addicts, dynamic music, and powerful testimonies. Singers will talk about how they’re recovering from addiction. Free to attend. Everyone welcome.




 a.m. - Port Franks community centre The Shores Recreation Centre and  to  p.m. Grand Bend Legion Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. See  a.m. Port Franks community centre Thedford Arena. Legion will be open for Super Bowl January 24. Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. See International Silver Stick Tournament: Sunday. January 24. Pee Wee and Midget age groups.  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion M ONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Bingo  a.m. to  p.m. Grand Bend CHC FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 : p.m. - Grand Bend Youth Centre Diabetes Support Program. Bring a dia to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Scrapbooking. $2. Bring your own supbetes friendly potluck dish to share. Contact Meat draw Do you want your event listed here? Aileen Knip Diabetes Educator for details plies. Contact Kim Widdis: 519-238-6390. It’s free, so call 519-614-3614, email 519-238-1556 ext 226 SATURDAY, JANUARY 26  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live music with Joan Spalding Duo


FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Grand Bend Winter Carnival, Feb -

June 3 to 21 – My Fair Lady Egotistical professor of phonetics, Henry Higgins, makes a wager that he can transform unrefined Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle into a lady – and fool everyone into thinking Drayton Entertainment is sticking to a formula that works she really is one, too! But when Higgins’ scheme is too sucfor its 2008 season at Huron Country Playhouse, presenting cessful, he faces the prospect of losing Eliza forever. Will he Broadway hits and homegrown originals on its two stages. admit he’s grown accustomed to her face before it’s too late? “Each one will carry our signature stamp of top-quality professional entertainment at an amazingly affordable price,” says June 24 to July 12 – Sorry, I’m Canadian artistic director Alex Mustakas. “Now, more than ever, people Gifted comedian Neil Aitchison presents an entertaining can experience epic Broadway productions and esteemed tal- trek across our vast country, and relive the magic of the Great ent right in their own backyard.” Canadian Song Book. Between its six venues in Grand Bend, Drayton, Penetanguishene, and St. Jacobs, Drayton sold 225,000 tickets July 16 to August 9 – Dirty Rotten Scoundrels in 2007. Already, the box office has sold 50,000 for 2008. The Broadway sensation makes its Canadian premiere with Drayton Entertainment this summer. Based on the popular Here’s a summar y of the season f rom Drayton film, the production follows the dastardly deeds of two con Entertainment: men engaged in a mirthful battle of wits.

Broadway classics highlight 2008 at Huron Country Playhouse


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 a.m. - Port Franks community centre 1-866-753-2781. Our next issue comes Healthy Lifestyle Exercise Program. See out February 13.



August 13 to 30 – A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum This fun-filled vaudevillian romp traces a day in the life of Pseudolus, the craftiest slave in Rome, as he tries to win the heart of a dim-witted courtesan for his master’s son in exchange for his freedom. One of the funniest musicals ever written. July 16 to August 30 - I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change (Playhouse II) Explore the entire spectrum of romance and its many forms – from dating to marriage, the agonies and triumphs of dealing with in-laws and newborns, trips in the family car, and pick-up techniques of the geriatric set. For more information about the 2008 season, call the box office at (519) 238-6000 or 1-888-449-4463 or visit www.huroncountryplayhouse.com.

Grand Bend’s Best Kept Secret (519) 238-2120

LIVE MUSIC! Everyone welcome Saturdays 3-6 p.m. Jan. 26 - Joan Spalding Duo Feb. 9 - Cactus Jam

Fun Darts Mondays @ 7 p.m. Bingo Tuesdays @ 7 p.m. Meat Draws Fridays @ 5 p.m. Hall rentals - contact Sharon (519) 238-6865

12 • GrandBendStrip.com

“I’m the oldest one here,” says Evelyn Vickery, 71, of Huron Woods, “but I love it.”

Strip Fitness

“The company’s great,” says Lily Pinarello. “We use the buddy system, so it keeps us coming.”

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

“It’s a great class,” says Joyce Seagrave of Grand Bend, here with Mary Margaret Prowse and Mardelle Hunt. “We do a lot of complaining, but we keep coming back.”

Making fitness fun Story and photos by Casey Lessard Workout For Your Life Mon., Wed. & Fri. -  to  a.m. Southcott Pines clubhouse Tues. & Thurs. - evenings South Huron Golf & Fitness, Exeter

If you’re looking for a workout that will push you outside of your comfort zone, Workout For Your Life may be the right fit. Beth Sweeney and Shelley Van Osch run the weekday sessions at the Southcott Pines clubhouse, and at South Huron Golf & Fitness in Exeter. In the summer, the workouts move to Grand Bend’s Lions pavilion (five days) and Exeter’s McNaughton Park. “This will be our ninth year of fitness in this format,” Sweeney says. “We started in the summertime and I got the idea when Joe and I were on our honeymoon in Australia. There were a lot of people working out on the beach in Surfer’s Paradise. We thought we could do that in Grand Bend.” After consulting with the community, Sweeney and original business partner Lisa McLlwain discovered the beach would not work in Grand Bend. Instead, the facilities they use now are preferable anyway. “There’s privacy, shelter from the sun, a water fountain, two bathrooms, a storage section,” she notes. “It’s designed for everybody,” says leader Shelley Van Osch. “It’s for people who want to meet new people and need motivation and want to have a healthier lifestyle. We give handouts each week with the newest exercise and nutrition science information.” New attendees get a fitness assessment and are assigned a workout level: low, moderate or

high impact. “We are like a personal trainer within a group setting,” Sweeney says. “We always ask what their goals are, and the goals have to be smart: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and within a time frame.” The program changes every eight weeks, but if the group routine is not enough or too intimidating, Van Osch also offers personal training. “I offer the service of going into someone’s home,” she says. “I also have clients who are training for half-marathons. I love the oneon-one of meeting people and helping them. I love working with older adults.” One of the benefits of the group sessions is the variety introduced by outings to the beach and Pinery. The group also takes part in the breast cancer and Pinery runs. “They’re very social,” Van Osch says of the class members. “They’ve realized if you don’t use it you lose it. Let’s have fun and be active at the same time.” And while most participants are women, men are on the roster; at least one proves the workout can meet the standards of even the most fit. “We have Dave McLlwain, who’s a NHL hockey player who plays hockey in Germany,” Sweeney notes. “He loves our circuit. We give you the exercise and you’ll be working at your max rates for your fitness level.”

Trainer Shelley Van Osch injects humour into the classes she leads. Van Osch pushes attendees hard, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.

“It gets me going for the day,” says Janet Coby of Grand Bend. “I come to get energized. My body misses it on Tuesdays and Thursdays.”

Classes are $8 each, and are on a pay up front or pay as you go basis. First-time attendees pay a $40 assessment fee. Bring good shoes, water and a towel. Van Osch offers personal training at $40-$50 per hour. For more information, call Beth Sweeney at 238-5555 or Shelley Van Osch at 234-6253.

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