Vol. 2 #2 Grand Bend Strip - May 28, 2008

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 2, No. 2

Grand Bend






Wed. May 28 to June 10, 2008

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70793 Hwy. 21 N.

Grand Bend

THE FINAL FRONTIER? Grand Bend’s beach house gets an elevator. It’s one small step. Now we all need to take a giant leap. A GRAND BEND STRIP SPECIAL REPORT ON WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBILITY


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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

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Take a look at Grand Bend through a wheelchair user’s eyes View from the Strip By Casey Lessard “We’re only open two months, so…” “We don’t get a lot of people in wheelchairs, so…” “It’s an old building, so…” These are only three of the reasons Rick Lewcock and I heard from business owners about why their businesses weren’t wheelchair friendly. We made a journey through Grand Bend to examine the town’s accessibility and the findings of our study – which is as comprehensive as possible in the time we had – is included in the next few pages. The results are disturbing, but should surprise few. Our rural communities are old, with some buildings erected more than 100 years ago. Many have one or several steps before you can access the door. These steps are instant barriers to accessing a business, a legacy our ancestors handed down that stops many from shopping in our stores, eating in our restaurants, playing our games, and enjoying our culture. It’s true that some people will risk the business lost by sticking to the theory that they don’t get a lot of people in wheelchairs, but do you ever wonder why people in wheelchairs aren’t customers? They can’t get through the

nity plan and proposed front door! Shockingly, changes that will cost many of the busitaxpayer money to nesses with steps cater make the town more to older customers, pedestrian friendly and the same people who attractive. are more likely to One of the first steps have mobility issues. in that progress was Maintain a “don’t get this month’s openmany ” attitude, and ing of the beach house you’ll notice you have elevator. That’s where fewer customers with I met Rick Lewcock, mobility every year. who lost the ability to I do realize Grand use most of his body Bend is a beach town. in a car crash 17 years Yes, it has a short ago. He was excited to season for the busibe able to see the view nesses on the main from the beach house strip. Maybe it’s time roof. But the elevator to change that. I have is more than the key to been an supporter of a nice view. It is a way moves to make Grand to remove a barrier to Bend ’s main street access. It’s a small step work year-round since toward giving equal my return to the area access to one location last year, and I know in our community we there are many who all take for granted. would like to see the I wanted to see what same change happen. A young Rick Lewcock on a camping trip. Rick could and couldn’t Businesses on Highway 21 seem to be able to stay open year-round. access – on his own and without any assisHow can those businesses stay open, while the tance from anyone – wherever the sidewalk Main Street ones can’t? One way is to change could take him in Grand Bend (I assessed your market to the people who live here (and Parkhill independently and will assess Exeter for a future issue). who, by the way, have money, too). Our journey through the streets opened We’ve all heard a lot about the commu-

both of our eyes to the empirical evidence about what is and what is not accessible. Rick was reminded of places he has never been able to access, but was pleasantly surprised to find he could access others. Our study is not intended to embarrass you or your business. Perhaps you are not aware of the way the construction of your building limits access for your customers. If a change needs to be made, perhaps it is as simple as moving some clothing racks or boxes on the floor, changing the way a door swings, or pouring a little bit of cement. For others, major changes are needed, and perhaps it’s not feasible for you right now. That said, whatever business you are in, you have until 2025 to make your building meet Ontario building code requirements for accessibility, and standards must also be met for the customer service, communications, transportation and employment. The rules will affect you eventually, so now’s a good time to think about how your business sets limits to access. I can see why the community plan so heavily favours accessibility. It’s going to take time and money to make change happen, but it is a good reason to change. I may not agree with all of the details (e.g. the bridge through the yacht club confuses me), but the overall plan makes sense when you look at how our community is changing. Change is happening, and it is a good thing (for the most part). The question you need to ask: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Breaking the binary: does disability exist? Alternative View By Anjhela Michielsen Male/female. Caucasian/non-Caucasian. Straight/gay. Able/disabled. Civilized/savage. Rich/poor. Rational/emotional. Mind/body. Normal/abnormal. All of these pairs appear to be polar opposites. But in every set, in Western thinking,

one part is privileged over the other. One is seen as “having” while the other is seen as “lacking.” This is called a binary. This ideology perpetuates Western power structures, which privilege white, straight, “civilized” men. Let’s examine the ability/disability binary. “Able” is privileged over “disabled,” but who decides what is ability and what is disability? If you break it down, it’s actually “invented” by us: people in a culture or society who behave according to the ideas of the binary and follow certain rules. Therefore, our society is economically and physically built to privilege

Publisher/Editor: Casey Lessard Advertising Sales: Sid Reaburn Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Distribution: Joan McCullough, Rita Lessard and Casey Lessard Contributors: Tom & Rita Lessard Anjhela Michielsen Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Jeff Reaburn - SHDHS principal James Eddington - Eddingtons of Exeter Tamara Nicola - VisitGrandBend.com

the “able” bodied individual creating the limitations that hinder all people from accessing and independently enjoying all aspects of public life, including working, shopping, recreating, traveling and worshipping. As an “able” bodied individual, I take many things for granted. I am able to move freely in the physical construction of society without struggle, not often stopping to consider what it would be like if – because of my physical state – I weren’t able to step up one step to get the medical prescription I need without calling someone to get it for me, or being limited

Advertising is accepted on condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check their ads on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Grand Bend Strip reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards and/or the law. All material herein, including advertising design, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.

to certain clothing stores because most in our area are not accessible. This realization has made me look deeper into how I’ve been privileged as an able-bodied person in our society, and how I perpetuate oppression, and this is the first step to being part of the solution. So, is there such as thing as “disability?” Or is it something that we, as a society, have created because of binary thinking, placing the rights of able-bodied people over those with other physical situations? How can we, as a community, break the binary?

Grand Bend Strip is printed every other Wednesday in the summer; 6251 homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood, Port Franks, Crediton, and Exeter received this week’s Strip in their Canada Post mailbox. An additional 1200 copies are available to residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants. Alert Canada Post if you live in one of the towns above and want to receive Grand Bend Strip but are not receiving a copy in the mail. Subscriptions are available.

Locally owned and operated © Copyright 2008

Outstanding Reporter Initiative (Circulation up to 9,999)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

Despite losing the ability to use much of his body, Rick Lewcock helped build his own home; he’s an avid woodworker and takes pride in his craftmanship. He also loves the outdoors; the photo in the mirror is one of him lying in a canoe before the accident that left him quadriplegic.

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The design of Lewcock’s home perfectly suits his lifestyle. For example, his washer and dryer are hidden in the kitchen cabinet.

Rick Lewcock: “You’re used to doing things on your own, and that stops.” Speedway and we were just outside West Lorne. The car went into the gravel and flipped eight times. I sustained a neck injury, C-5, C-6 vertebrae. I’ve been in a wheelchair ever since. That day, I remember coming to from time to time and people talking to me. I remember As told to Casey Lessard the ride in the ambulance. I remember being It was August 25, 1991. We were com- in the emergency room. From then it’s just all ing back from the Michigan International a blur. I think I went into shock because my family said they came up to see me and I was alert, but I don’t remember that at all. I think I was pretty medicated. I was in intensive care and that was a blur. I had sustained a neck injury plus the bottom of my buttocks was burned because the car caught fire. I also shattered my right elbow. They were able to put it back together, but I’m limited in my use of it. I can use from my chest up. I have limited use of my hands. I can hold a glass. I don’t have fine motor skills for picking up small things. If I dropped a penny on the floor, it would take me a while to pick it up. I met with the surgeon at Parkwood a couple months after the accident. When he did the surgery on my neck, I know he came out to my parents and was quite hopeful that I wasn’t going to be paralyzed because there wasn’t a lot of damage he could see. A lot of times when you do have a spinal cord injury, it’s the swelling that does a lot of the damage. Even three months, I was still hopeful I would walk again. I don’t think they ever said I wouldn’t. There’s always hope. I was in Parkwood six months for my rehabilitation, but your real rehabilitation starts Rick loves to work out on his UpperTone machine. Southcott Pines resident Rick Lewcock has used a wheelchair for the last 17 years after a car rollover left him unable to use most of his body. He is now a member of the Lambton Shores accessibility committee.

when you leave hospital. That’s when you hit the barriers for things you could do but can’t do now. I think that’s probably when it really sank in. You’re used to doing things and getting around on your own, and that stops. You have to rely on people. It’s tough. Relying on someone to make your meals, clean your house, go to the grocery store. You can’t go out yourself and you have to rely on somebody else. When you stop and think about it, everything you do is a challenge. I was a very outgoing person before my accident. I used to camp and I loved the outdoors. The accident was the end of the road for me working. I worked at Ford Motor Company in Talbotville. There’s no way I can go back to that; it’s impossible. You have to work your way through that and move forward. Change your way of thinking and carry on. Most of the time I’m in my manual wheelchair. The power chair is for long walks so someone doesn’t have to push you all the time. My house is completely accessible. I drive my own van and am able to travel a fair distance. Independence is important. No one wants to depend on somebody else. I have my own home and can live somewhat independently. You still need to rely on others; at least I do. I’m limited to what I can do as far as dressing and making meals. They’re almost impossible for me to do. Bayshore and March of Dimes come in the morning to get me washed and dressed. The rest of the day I’m doing woodworking with my brother. I can put myself to bed, so I have that freedom. This house was a cottage to begin with,

and eight years ago I got a divorce and chose to move up here full time. London was too busy for me. Here in Southcott Pines, I have the trees and it’s cool. I spend a lot more time outside here. The elevator is a big excitement for me because it was supposed to be installed for the 2001 Summer Games. I was disappointed then that it wasn’t installed, but now that it is installed it’s great, it has a beautiful view and it’s going to benefit a lot of people. There are so many barriers still. You can’t get into buildings, they don’t have proper ramps, the washrooms are inaccessible. I can see now I’m limited to certain businesses. It would be great if people thought about it for a minute. It’s only going to benefit them financially. There might be something in there I would like to buy, but if I can’t get in, I’m not going to buy anything. The town needs to improve some of the infrastructure. And they will. It’s going to take time and money. I’m sure that’s what’s holding a lot of businesses back. We are a town that’s seasonal, and people don’t have the money to spend on ramps and accessible washrooms. Hopefully, as Grand Bend grows, people will start spending the money to do those things. I don’t think a lot of people realize how difficult it is to get around and into places. They see a little bump and think, He can get in there. That’s a barrier to me. I don’t want to go into a place where someone has to help me go in, because I know I can’t leave on my own. The biggest thing for me is not depending on people. The biggest challenge is trying to be as independent as I can be.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

166 Grand Bend businesses surveyed 40% are 100% inaccessible by wheelchair Only 1/3 have wheelchair parking 1 in 5 has a powered door opener

Grand Bend’s average mark (on Strip survey):

47% Grand Bend results We assessed 166 businesses in Grand Bend, from the beach in the west, to the Grand Bend Community Health Cent re in the east, to Oakwood Inn in the north and G.B. Posh in the south. We also included some major tourist attractions just outside of town, including the Huron Country Playhouse, Grand Bend Motorplex, and Pinery Antique Flea and Farmers’ Market. Our eight criteria for assessment were as follows, each with equal weight (if a business did not offer the facility for its walking customers, we did not assess that criterion): 1 – Does the facility offer wheelchair parking on site? 2 – Is there a level entry to the building? If there was a step, the business automatically received zero on the assessment. 3 – Can the entry door accommodate a motorized wheelchair? Our standard was 36” wide. 4 – Does the door have assistive power, where a person can press a button to open the door or it opens automatically? 5 – Can a person sitting in a wheelchair see over the counter? 6 – Are aisles easy to navigate through the entire store? 7 – Can someone in a motorized wheelchair use the washroom? 8 – If tables are offered, are they high enough to accommodate a person using a wheelchair? [Businesses listed in order of number of applicable services and then alphabetical. If a service was not offered to people not using a wheelchair, it was not assessed, e.g. if a business does not offer seating, seating was not evaluated.]

Full Service (100% earners):

BANK OF MONTREAL (BANKING) 6 Ontario Street North 519-238-2475 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.

BEACH HOUSE (MUNICIPAL) 1 Government Road 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. CANADA POST (POST OFFICE) 20 81 Crescent - 519-238-8080 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GRAND BEND COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE (MEDICAL) 69 Main Street E. 519-238-1556 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GRAND BEND MOTORPLEX (ATTRACTION) Highway 81 - 519-238-7223 1. 2. 3. 7. Unable to assess completely

OAKWOOD INN PUB (PUB) Highway 21 North 519-238-2324 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

OPP (POLICE) 58 Main Street West 519-238-2345 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

PINERY ANTIQUE F LEA MARKET (F LEA MARKET) Highway 21 South 519-238-8382 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. One area of one building is not accessible (ramps are too steep).

PIZZA DELIGHT (RESTAURANT) 99 Ontario Street South 519-238-8330 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.



65 Main Street East 519-238-8540 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

GRAND BEND PUBLIC SCHOOL (EDUCATION) 15 Gill Road - 519-238-2091 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

SOBEY ’S (GROCERY) 55 Main Street East 519-238-8944 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

GREEN BUCKS (DISCOUNT STORE) 99 Ontario Street South 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

TD CANADA TRUST (BANKING) 24 81 Crescent - 519-238-8435 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

GROWLING GATOR (RESTAURANT) 86 Main Street West 519-238-1300 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.

T HE BEER STORE (BEER) 21 Ontario Street North 519-238-2356 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

HURON COUNTRY PLAYHOUSE (T HEATRE) B Line - 519-238-6000 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH (WORSHIP) Highway 21 South 1. 2. 3. 4. LAMBTON SHORES MUNICIPAL OFFICE (MUNICIPAL) 4 Ontario Street North 519-238-8461 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unable to assess completely LCBO (LIQUOR) 99 Ontario Street South 519-238-2191 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NO FRILLS (GROCERY) 98 Ontario Street South 519-238-6211 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Honour Roll

BACK ‘N TIME (DINER) 31 Ontario Street North 519-238-1955 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. F.I.N.E A RESTAURANT (RESTAURANT) 42 Ontario Street South 519-238-6224 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Nicest washroom in town. GRAND BEND F ITNESS CENTRE (HEALTH) 37 Ontario Street North 519-238-3488 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. J DEE’S (RESTAURANT) 23 Main Street West 519-238-5402 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Highway 21 North 519-238-2324 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. BJ’S DINER (DINER) 15 Main Street West 519-878-6666 2. 5. 7. 8.

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION (SERVICE C LUB) 20 Municipal Drive 519-238-2120 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.

GRAND BEND YOUTH CENTRE (COMMUNITY) 16 Municipal Drive 519-238-1155 1. 2. 3. 7. Unable to assess completely

SCHOOLHOUSE RESTAURANT (RESTAURANT) 19 81 Crescent - 519-238-5515 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.

SPLASH (CLOTHING) 72 Main Street West 519-238-8430 2. 3. 5. 6.

TIM HORTON’S (CAFÉ) 39 Ontario Street North 519-238-1488 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.

STATIC (CLOTHING) 39 Main Street West 2. 3. 5. 6.

ROYAL LEPAGE HEARTLAND (REAL ESTATE) 31 Ontario Street North 519-238-1800 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. FARM GATE OUTLET (FOOD) 48 Ontario Street North 519-238-5761 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. GREENE’S OPTICAL (OPTICAL) 99 Ontario Street South 519-238-3937 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. HEMPTATIONS (RETAIL) 6 Queen Street Place 519-238-5845 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. MIKE DILTS (GOLDSMITH) 4 Queen Street Place 519-238-5967 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. MOVIE GALLERY (V IDEO RENTALS) 63 Main Street East 519-238-1161 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. OAKWOOD INN OFFICE (ACCOMMODATION)

Above Average (missing two markers)

SPORT-MED (HEALTH) 38 Ontario Street South 519-238-1444 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Wheelchair parking across Highway 21. CENTURY 21 (REAL ESTATE) 38 Ontario Street South 519-238-8321 2. 3. 5. 6. Wheelchair parking across Highway 21. CHURCH OF GOD (WORSHIP) 8 Gill Road - 519-238-2142 1. 2. 3. GRAND BEND OPTOMETRY CLINIC (OPTICAL) 43 Main Street East 519-238-6086 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. HAIR BEND’RS (HAIR SALON) 38 Ontario Street South 519-238-8822 2. 3. 5. 6. Wheelchair parking across Highway 21. HAVASU/JACKSON CONSTRUCTION (CONSTRUCTION) 98 Ontario Street South

1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Only half of store is accessible HOUSE OF F LAGS (F LAGS AND BANNERS) 98 Ontario Street South 519-238-3524 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Only half of store is accessible RIPPLES (CLOTHING) 48 Main Street West 519-238-2875 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. SALON 8180 (HAIR SALON) 48 Ontario Street North 519-238-8180 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. T HE CO-OPERATORS - CHUCK HALL (INSURANCE) 48 Ontario Street North 519-238-8651 1. 2. 3. THE CO-OPERATORS - MACDER-


38 Ontario Street South 519-238-1781 2. 3. 5. 6. Wheelchair parking across Highway 21. TWISTED SISTERS (HAIR SALON) 77 Main Street West 2. 3. 6. COLONIAL (RESTAURANT/BAR) 1 Main Street West 519-238-2371 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. Parking in back is better than parking in front (front spots are too steep). Rod & Gun entry bump is too high to maneouver safely. Some obstructions between restaurant and bar on our visit. LAKEVIEW CAFÉ (RESTAURANT) 85 Main Street West 519-238-2622 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Washroom in back restaurant only, where hours are different. Must ask for assistance to get access to them. BONNIE DOONE MANOR ON THE BEACH (ACCOMMODATION) 16 Government Road 519-238-2236

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Can access rooms only, but registration desk is inaccessible by wheelchair.

BANGKOK PAD T HAI (TAKEOUT) 63 Main Street West 2. 5.

GRAND BEND CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (CHAMBER) 1 81 Crescent - 519-238-2001 2. 3. 5. 6. 7.

BEAUTY & THE BEACH (HAIR SALON) 14 Main Street West 519-238-6520 2. 3. 5. 6.



BENJAMIN MOORE (PAINT) 46 Ontario Street South 519-238-0181 2. 3. 5. 6.

34 Ontario Street North 519-238-5055 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. JUD BUMSTEAD (F INANCIAL) 46 Ontario Street South 519-238-4729 2. 3. 5. 6. 8.

CHAMELEON (ACCESSORIES) 63 Main Street West 2. 3. 5. 6. GARDEN GATE (F LORIST) 15 Ontario Street South 519-238-1701 2. 3. 5. 6.

BIKINILAND (CLOTHING) 67 Main Street West 519-238-6754 2. 3. 5. 6.

GRAND BEND HEATING PLUS (HEATING & COOLING) 14 Main Street West 519-238-6707 2. 3. 5. 6.

JALAPEÑOS (MEXICAN FOOD) 32 Main Street West 519-238-2632 2. 5. 6. 8. AUNT GUSSIE’S (RESTAURANT) 135 Ontario Street South 519-238-6786 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Men’s washroom not good for motorized wheelchair, but accessible for manual chairs. Women’s washroom is fully accessible. APROPOS AFTER F IVE (CLOTHING) 47 Ontario Street South 519-238-6776 2. 3. 5. 6.

PRO HARDWARE (HARDWARE) 57 Ontario Street South 519-238-5500 2. 3. 5. 6. STEVE’S AUTOMOTIVE (AUTOMOTIVE) 16 81 Crescent - 519-238-2475 2. 3. 5. 6. V ILLAGE GREEN (MINI-GOLF ) 48 Main Street West 519-238-2428 1. 2. 3. 5. Can get through gate, but that’s the limit.

RE/MAX (REAL ESTATE) 46 Ontario Street South 519-238-5700 2. 3. 5. 6. 8.

Average (missing three markers) GABLES (BAR) 5 Main Street West 519-238-2371 1. 2. 3. 6. 8.



Highway 81 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. PURDY ’S F ISH & CHIPS (RESTAURANT) 59 River Road - 519-238-8044 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. YÖGEN FRÜZ (FROZEN YOGURT) 68 Main Street West 519-615-5454 2. 5. 8. BAILLIE’S PICTURE FRAMING (ART) 22 81 Crescent - 519-238-1472 1. 2. 3. BATTING CAGES (BATTING CAGES) 68 Main Street West 519-615-5454 2. 3. 5. DAIRY QUEEN (ICE CREAM) 77 Main Street West 519-238-6952 2. 3. 5. GILPIN VISITATION AND CREMATION CENTRE (FUNERAL) 22 Ontario Street South 519-296-4964

2. 3. 6. Unable to assess completely.

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 5 MINI-PUTT (MINI-GOLF ) 72 Main Street West 2. 3. 5. 6. Can get around, but can’t play.

Passable (some services available)

RIVER ROAD GALLERY (ART) 63 River Road - 519-238-6874 2. 3. 6. HOUSE OF FASHIONS (CLOTHING) 15 Sauble Road - 519-238-1077 2. 3. 5. 6.


RIPPLES (CLOTHING) 84 Main Street West 2. 3. 5.

DAIRY DIP (ICE CREAM) 76 Main Street West 519-238-6408 2. 3. 5. 6.

KAZWEAR (CLOTHING) 80 Main Street West 519-238-8126 2. 3. 5. 6.

DOCKAGE (MUNICIPAL) 91 River Road - 519-238-6676 2. 3. 6. 7.

LAKESHORE LAUNDRY (LAUNDRY) Highway 21 South 2. 3. 5. 6. MISSY ’S (ICE CREAM) 75 Main Street West 2. 5. PINE DALE MOTOR INN (ACCOMMODATION) 107 Ontario Street South 519-238-2231 1. 2. 3. 6. Can stay the night, but can’t register or access washrooms. TENDER SPOT (VARIETY) 20 Main Street West 519-238-2512 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter through exit only. Once in, no aisles are passable. TWIGS F LORAL CO. (F LORIST) 54 Ontario Street South 519-238-1262 2. 3. 5. 6. GRAND BEND YACHT CLUB (PRIVATE C LUB) 55 River Road 2. 3. 7. 8.

SHAREN GMAC (REAL ESTATE) 51 Ontario Street South 519-238-2303 3. 5. 6. 8. Proprieter is planning a wheelchair ramp to match current porch upgrade.

EAT A PITA/EAT ZA PIZZA 35 Main Street West 2. 5.

SPUD SHACK (FRENCH FRIES) 63 Main Street West 2. 5.

GRAND BEND UNITED CHURCH (WORSHIP) 25 Main Street West 519-238-2402 1. Can park, but can’t get into church. Some worship is outside on lawn.

TIME FOR A BREAK ( JUICE BAR) 77 Main Street West 519-238-6237 2. 6. PUBLIC WASHROOM (WASHROOM) 56 River Road 2. 3. 7.

KIESWETTER INTERIORS (DESIGN STUDIO) 3 Queen Street Place 519-238-2157 1. 2. 3.

HUCKLEBERRIES (CAFÉ) 10 Main Street West 519-238-5740 2. 6. 8. Patio Seating only

LAUNDROMAT (LAUNDRY) 91 River Road 2. 3. 6. 7.

CHERYL ANN (ICE CREAM) 71 Main Street West 519-238-1092 2. 8.

MAC’S CONVENIENCE (VARIETY) 31 Ontario Street North 519-238-5664 1. Garbage can obstructs business access. Could be fixed by moving can to opposite side of door.

>60 businesses are not listed becuase they have no services available for wheelchair users or are inaccessible (steps at front door).

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

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Changes in the making

One of the most wheelchair accessible businesses on Grand Bend’s main strip also has a great view of the beach and the sunset. Growling Gator owner Sam Karamoutzos is committed to wheelchair accessibility at his restaurant so his brother Bill, who contracted polio as a toddler and uses a wheelchair, can enjoy the facilities. “My brother comes up two or three times a week,” Karamoutzos says. “He likes it here. He can get around, go out on the strip, use the ramp and use the washroom.” Two of the casual dining establishment’s three levels (including the main bar and one outdoor patio level) are accessible by wheelchair, and table layout is easy to navigate. The washroom is high quality. Plus, the Growling Gator is one of a

Making buildings and spaces accessible Accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities From Ministry of Community and Social Services You may be able to make buildings, spaces, and products accessible using simple or lowcost solutions. The best solutions will follow the rules of universal design. This means designing products and environments that can be used by all people, as much as possible, without having to be modified.

Making Your Space Accessible When assessing your premises for physical accessibility, there are a number of things to consider in developing your action plan: Do you own or lease your premises? This may affect how, when and at what cost accessibility changes can be made. Can your building accommodate physical changes? Can any necessary renovation work be done under normal maintenance activities, or regular update work? Do you need to hire an architect or engineer, or can a contractor do the job? What are your priorities based on your

Local and European Fare Mongolian Grill returns June 26th Reservations Recommended

Hessenland Country Inn - RR#2 Zurich - (519) 236-7707


select few businesses on the strip with wheelchair parking; it has two. “He drives and has a ramp on the side of the van. If somebody parks close to the side of his van, he will not be able to open the door to his van. Some vans have a sticker that says they need 3’ for the door, but a lot of drivers don’t realize that if there’s a ramp on the side door, they need all that space to get in.” Karamoutzos is open to suggestions about how to make the restaurant more accessible for customers; a customer last year told him the door to the accessible washroom was too hard to open, so he adjusted the tension on the closing mechanism. To pay a visit, wheelchair parking is to the east of the restaurant, which is open throughout the summer.

assessment? What are the simpler, immediate, lowercost things you can do to improve accessibility? Remember to make your premises accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities, including physical, sensory, learning, developmental and mental health. This means paying attention to more than just ramps and accessible washrooms. It also means: lighting; audible alarm systems; signage with high contrast lettering; easy-to-find directories; and accessible parking.

TWO BARBERS - HOT TOWEL SHAVES Otterbein’s Barbershop Men’s & Ladies’

Bob Sharen has been trying to make his property wheelchair accessible for two years. It will likely take another year of inspections with the municipality, but he hopes to have a ramp installed on the front porch of his newly upgraded Ontario Street South building soon. Below: Bill Steele fixes a picnic table to accommodate Rick Lewcock at his son Bram’s BJ’s Diner on Main Street, after Lewcock and Grand Bend Strip publisher Casey Lessard performed their survey.

394 Main Street, Exeter


Strip online at www.grandbendstrip.com

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565 Elginfi Elginfield eld Road, Thedford

519-294-6486 www.sylvankitchens.com

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 7

53 Parkhill core businesses surveyed

41% are 100% inaccessible by wheelchair Only 4 locations have wheelchair parking Seven have a powered door opener Parkhill downtown’s average mark (on Strip survey):


Note: some businesses not assessed; survey covered businesses between Hensall District Co-op and Parkhill Outdoor Products.

SYDENHAM CREDIT UNION (BANK) 260 Main Street - 519-294-6277 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Full Service (100% earners)

THE CO-OPERATORS (INSURANCE) 260 Main Street - 519-294-6228 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

BENDER’S FOODLAND (GROCERY) 269 Main Street - 519-294-6215 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

NORTH MIDDLESEX COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE (HEALTH) 268 Main Street - 519-294-6881 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Honour Roll:

ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION (CLUB) 200 Broad Street - 519-294-6261 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.

GRACE BIBLE CHAPEL (WORSHIP) 277 Main Street - 519-294-0211 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. Has elevator access for both floors. RECREATIVE ART (ART SUPPLIES) 184 Mill Street - 519-294-0069 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. CIBC (BANK) 244 Main Street - 519-294-6291 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LCBO (LIQUOR) 264 Main Street - 519-294-6694 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

BERTHA WOLF (OPTOMETRIST) 232 Main Street - 519-294-6767 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. KELLI’S (RESTAURANT) 226 Main Street - 519-294-0199 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. MIDDLESEX PUBLIC LIBRARY (LIBRARY) 233 Main Street - 519-294-6583 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. MING’S CHINESE (RESTAURANT) 252 Main Street - 519-294-0099 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. NORTHWEST MIDDLESEX MULTI-SERVICE CENTRE (GOVERNMENT) 185 King Street - 519-294-0442 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Features computer desks that are elevated for wheelchair customers. GRAMMIE’S (PIZZA) 264 Main Street - 519-294-0183 2. 3. 5. 6. 8.

AFFORDABLE INDEPENDENT LIVING Save $300 to $600 per month SPRING 2008 (not available to current or past residents)

Call Today for Your Free Tour - 519-524-4243 GODERICH PLACE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE 30 Balvina Drive East, Goderich

WALDEN & WALDEN (LAWYER) 260 Main Street - 519-294-6831 2. 3. 5. 6.


CANADA POST (POST OFFICE) 231 Main Street 2. 3. 5. 6.

CARRIE’S HAIR DESIGN (HAIR SALON) 221 Anna Street - 519-294-0703 2. 3. 5. 6. 8.

FOUR SEASONS (GIFTS) 210 Main Street - 519-294-6617 2. 3. 5. 6.

MUNICIPAL OFFICES (MUNICIPAL) 229 Main Street - 519-294-6244 2. 3. 5. 7. 8.

FRONTIER F LOWERS (F LORIST) 230 Main Street - 519-294-6994 2. 3. 5. 6.


OPP/LICENCE OFFICE (GOVERNMENT) 218 Main Street - 519-294-0351 2. 3. 5. 6.

DOVE DENTAL CLINIC (DENTIST) 280 Main Street - 519-294-0151 2. 3. Unable to assess completely

PARKHILL OUTDOOR PRODUCTS (AGRICULTURAL) 296 Main Street - 519-294-0659 2. 3. 5. 6.

HOME HARDWARE 264 Main Street - 519-294-6200 2. 3. 5.

PARKHILL VARIETY (VARIETY) 260 Main Street - 519-294-0600 2. 3. 5. 6. REMPEL’S SERVICE CENTRE (AUTOMOTIVE) 287 Main Street - 519-294-6302 2. 3. 5. 6. THE CURRANT (ORGANIC STORE) 216 Main Street - 519-294-1025 2. 3. 5. 6.

BEGINNINGS II (F ITNESS) 280 Main Street - 519-243-2803 2. 3. Unable to assess completely

M. BOX & SON FUNERAL HOME 183 Broad Street - 519-294-6382 2. 3. Unable to assess completely PINES MINI MART (VARIETY) 248 Main Street - 519-294-8881 2. 3. 5.

New Birkenstock Sandals Now in Stock 35% off Select Sandals

All custom work completed on-site by Reg. Orthotic Technician New Birkenstock & Biotime sandals now in stock. Select Birkenstock sandals on sale, 35% off regular price

Athletic & Orthopedic Bracing • Foot Orthotics • Orthotic Friendly Shoes & Sandals • Shoe Repair • Mobility Aids Home Healthcare Equipment Sales & Rental 38 Ontario Street South • Grand Bend

8 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Strip Feature

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Robert Stirrett’s photography reimagines Grand Bend with a view of the Sydney harbour and the Toronto skyline. Stirrett uses a simple cut-and-paste technique using a razor blade on printed photos.

From Main Street to The Killing Fields and back How a former Grand Bend entrepreneur made his way into the movies and became an Internet star Sarnia native and Kitchener resident Robert Stirrett opened a hot dog and hamburger stand for his brothers in the 1970s. Today, Stirrett is a Flickr sensation, posting photographs that consist of two images fused and therefore called a PhotoFusion, which is his Flickr name.

Robert Stirrett (left) on the set of The Killing Fields. Stirrett had a variety of jobs in the movies, from extra to stand-in to director’s assistant.

Back in the early 70s, I ran the Ponderosa off Ipperwash. I ran a riding stable for a couple of summers, and then I rented for my brothers (thinking they’d want to do it) a hot dog and hamburger stand on Main Street Grand Bend. There was lots of business, but my brothers didn’t want to run it unless it was the weekend, so we kept it shut during the week. To make any money, you had to wait around for the bar crowd from across the street to let out. In 1979, I was running a shoe store in Petrolia and I came into some money ($3500). I had always wanted to travel, so my brothers took over the store. I was with a group that takes about two months to go from London to Katmandu. You get in the back of an army truck and you go all through Europe and Turkey. Then you go into Iran. I got out of Iran three days before the hostage crisis in 1979. We went into Pakistan and went up to Srinagar in Kashmir. I wound up in New Delhi and they had a sign at the camp where we were staying looking for extras. I was a day late, but I went to the hotel to see what it was all about. They said, “You’re Canadian, can you work for three months?” and I said, Sure. Because I was Canadian I didn’t need a visa. I was hired to be a stand-in for David Niven for The Sea Wolves with Roger Moore and Gregory Peck. A stand-in stays with the actor at all times and when the actor goes to

wardrobe and makeup, you have to be their height and same skin tone, so you become the actor when the director sets the lighting and the camera. It became more than stand-in work. Three days later, they had difficulty finding extras to play German and British soldiers. They had a big dance scene in New Delhi before they flew us to Goa. I said, Why don’t you use the people from the embassy? So they sent me to all the different embassies and wound up getting all the people to work for free. They hired me and I became an assistant to the director - without the title. I did all the hiring of all the extras throughout the movie. They paid me well and I had a blast. Goa was Portuguese for 400 years. They had hired all these Sunday school teachers to play hookers and they told them they were playing party girls. They were Indian, but Portuguese Catholic. None of the local girls would do it because they’d be tainted for life for playing a prostitute in a brothel. They all quit and we needed them for this big scene. I went to an all-nude beach and found the girls with the darkest tans to do it. I was in Sri Lanka when I had a chance to go down to film Indiana Jones; Steven Spielberg came up to recruit people for Temple of Doom. But I wanted to go to Nepal first and then to Thailand. I wound up in Bangkok and I knew The Killing Fields was going to be filmed. The director, Roland Joffe, had just

won the Oscar for Chariots of Fire. I immediately got hired because I had experience. It was probably the most intense of all the movies I worked on. I was in a scene with Craig T. Nelson (who was the star of the TV series Coach). That’s my big scene. I started doing Toronto skyline pictures in 1998, and I always look for a good beach. Grand Bend’s got a perfect beach for it because it has the beach house. Some of my best pictures are out of Grand Bend. I know what I’m looking for. You have to match shadows, but it’s a really simple process. Now with computers, it’s amazing what you can do with them. I invented a comb that you put in your wallet and to go along with the comb, I thought there should be a mirror. I wanted pictures on the back of the mirror for advertising, and Toronto has four million people, so I thought they would sell if I had a nice picture of the skyline. I went over to Toronto island, and found it difficult to get the swans to match the sky, so I started slicing with a razor blade across the harbour and put another bottom in. I’m having fun with these pictures and am getting a great response. I haven’t had a day under 1,000 hits for about two months now. You get comments from around the world and I’ve been able to resurrect a whole pile of my old pictures. To see more of Robert Stirrett’s work, visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/BlairStirrett

Strip Feature

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 9

98 Ontario Street South, Grand Bend royale bath tissue

eye of round oven roast

30 roll

497 cadbury

chocolate bars selected varieties



Robert Stirrett reimagines Port Franks with a Koh Samui storm in the background (above), and another photofused storm (right).

4.34 /kg.

kraft dinner macaroni and cheese dinner


selected varieties

selected varieties



nature valley


fleecy liquid fabric softener


visitgrandbend.com Free Business Listings & Promotion Web Design & Marketing Services

519.318.4140 Building relationships one visitor at a time


9x 300ml

sausages club pack selected varieties



drumstick or thighs air chilled, club pack


8.80 /kg.




seasoned boneless

source or creamy yogurt selected varieties 12 or 16 x 100g

4 centre and 2 rib portions




rice krispies - 700g froot loops - 425g corn flakes - 750g




prod. of u.s.a.


butcher’s choice

4.39 /kg.

green beans 2.18 /kg.

boneless, skinless chicken

juice or drink

selected varieties

honey, rosemary or black forest 250g

pork chops

8.80 /kg.



pork tenderloin



peaches prod. of u.s.a. no 1 grade


2.18 /kg.

president’s choice


granola bars 160230g



piller’s ham


hot stuffs 256g

prod. of u.s.a. 1lb container


heinz beans, pasta or soup


Port Franks Fused


boneless, cut from canada aa grade beef or higher or usda select, cryovac pkg



classic mix or colourful coleslaw prod. of u.s.a.



english cucumbers prod. of canada 3 per pkg.


broccoli prod. of u.s.a.

cryovac pkg. of 2 5.45 /kg.


10 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Strip Briefs

Rhubarb Coffee Cake with Crunchy Maple Oatmeal Topping Serves 12. Courtesy Foodland Ontario If you prefer a nut-free cake, substitute oats for the walnuts. Try amber maple syrup in baking for a more pronounced maple flavour. Drizzle with more maple syrup if desired. Topping: 1/2 cup regular large flake rolled oats 1/4 cup lightly packed brown sugar 1/4 cup chopped walnuts 2 tbsp all-purpose flour 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 cup cold butter

Cake: 1 cup lightly packed brown sugar 1/2 cup butter, softened 1 egg 1 cup sour cream 2 tsp maple syrup 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 2-1/2 cups chopped Ontario Rhubarb (5 to 6 stalks) Icing sugar

Topping: In bowl, combine oats, brown sugar, walnuts, flour, maple syrup and cinnamon. Cut in cold butter until crumbly. Evenly press onto bottom of well greased 9-inch (23 cm) Bundt pan. Cake: In large bowl, cream together brown sugar and butter. Mix in egg, sour cream and maple syrup. In small bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt; stir into butter mixture until just combined. Stir in rhubarb, being careful not to over mix. Drop evenly over topping. Bake in 350 F (180 C) oven for 45 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Let cool. Run knife around outside edge of cake to invert onto cake platter. Dust with icing sugar.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Letter to the Editor: To all who helped in the Grand Bend Legion for the Dominion Cribbage championships: I would truly love to thank you: Gayle McGregor, Shirley Pole, Joan McCullough, Jeanette Wales, Rick Tiedeman (my son), Julie and Harold. We made a great team. You are the best! Plus, a special thanks to Zelda and Wayne Woods for their donation of eggs and real pancake syrup. Everyone loved it! Sheila Tiedeman

June 5 - Grow your own trees with ABCA The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority planted almost 56,000 trees on private land this spring, and landowners are expected to plant 20,000 more. That’s good news considering the ABCA watershed report card gave forest conditions a ‘D’ grade last year and water quality in the watershed earned a ‘C.’ If you want to learn how to collect seed and plan your own planting for 2009, the ABCA is offering a free workshop (including lunch!) Thursday, June 5 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Morrison Dam site east of Exeter. Call Trees Ontario at 1 877-646-1193 to register.

June 7 – Give shelter to women and children fleeing abuse Royal LePage Heartland is raising money for its charity, the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation with a barbecue Saturday June 7 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of its Grand Bend Ontario Street North location. Broker of record Fred Lobb and representatives Julie Murphy, Ruth and Jerry Zehr, Helen Miller and Brenda Triebner will serve hot dogs and hamburgers, by donation only. Proceeds go to shelters in Exeter and Goderich.

June 12 – Learn about the versatile hemp plant

Fair-trade coffee for every palette THE FIRE ROASTED COFFEE COMPANY Products: Fair Trade & Organic Coffee “Coffee is like bread,” says Fire Roasted Coffee Company owner Dave Cook. “It’s best to get it when it’s fresh out of the oven and it doesn’t have to go anywhere.” Cook’s coffees come from all over the world – Fire Roasted stocks more than 50 types from places such as Yemen, Hawaii, Jamaica and Kenya – but it’s roasted in London and available at the Pinery Antique Flea and Farmers’ Market every Sunday. “Everything’s done by hand,” by his trained chefs, including head roaster Patrick Dunham (pictured here). “We’re very much a wine store for people who love coffee.” And unlike conventional coffee, Fire Roasted focuses on fair trade and organic beans, which makes for a more sustainable brew.

“Anyone who grows conventional coffee right now is absolutely destitute; they can barely feed themselves. With the fair trade program, they get paid quite a bit more for their coffee and they’re less subject to world coffee prices. They get a guaranteed price for guaranteed fair trade coffee.” Plus, the growers have to maintain certain standards on the plantation, with improved conditions for the workers. “There has to be access to medical care and kids have to go to school. A portion of my sales goes to building schools and medical clinics.” Each bag is roasted fresh for market day, and Cook even has a Grand Bend Biker Blend for the Pinery market. “It’s high test with extra caffeine.” To try it and others, visit his booth at the market Sundays from 8 to 4.

BUY LOCAL BUY FRESH In season: Ontario Asparagus & Rhubarb



519-238-8382 pineryantiquefleamarket.com

Hemp is not marijuana, and it can be used to build homes, cars and even to build longer lasting human bodies, not to mention protect as clothing. You can learn all about the virtues of the versatile hemp plant when Angie Richter of The Currant Organic General Store in Parkhill presents a two-hour workshop June 12 at her Main Street store. Hemp contains no THC (active ingredient in marijuana) but it does contain “all the Omega3,-6, -7, -9 fatty acids, all the amino acids to make a complete protein, fibre, vitamin, minerals, enzymes,” Richter says, “and it tastes delicious.” Tickets are $65 and include one pound of hemp seeds, tea sampling and baked goods, and a chance to win prizes at the workshop. To register, call 519-294-1025 or stop by the store.

Before June 20 - Pre-register for Zurich Mennonite Church’s centennial homecoming weekend Zurich Mennonite Church turned 100 on March 27th and has a year of special events planned to celebrate God’s faithfulness and blessings. On March 30 celebrations started with a retro worship service that reminiscent of the first worship service held in 1908. Some of the old customs observed that day were a cappella singing, kneeling for prayer, all male leadership, and segregated seating with men and boys on the right side and ladies and girls on the left side of the church. Elder Dennis Estep led the worship service. Pastor Phil Wagler and former Pastor Clayton Kuepfer presented challenging messages and deacon Don Gingerich affirmed the message. A “Home Coming Weekend” is planned for June 20 to 22 and friends and former members are invited back to help celebrate. Pre registration is encouraged; call the church office at 519 236- 4933 for more information.

Long Weekend OPP log Despite cool weather, Lambton OPP officers responded to 500 service calls over the Victoria Day weekend, most in Grand Bend. • A 20 year old Grand Bend man faces weapons charges after allegedly firing pellets or ball bearings at pedestrians on Main Street overnight May 17. Three men flagged down a police officer to complained about shots being fired from a second story apartment. Police found the suspect and seized a pellet gun. • A 19 year old Parkhill man faces drug trafficking charges after allegedly trying to sell drugs to an undercover officer. The plain clothes officer allegedly met the suspect on Main Street Grand Bend and arranged to meet him in a parking lot. When the suspect arrived, police arrested him and found suspected marijuana packaged in separate baggies. • A 17 year old Chatham teen staying at Pinery Park faces cocaine possession charges. A park warden called police May 16 after witnessing a bong being used in plain sight. • Four young men from London face drug charges after a conservation officer stopped their vehicle in Pinery Park overnight May 17. They are accused of possessing cocaine, marijuana, and Ecstasy. • Two London men and and two Toronto men face drug charges after their car was stopped overnight May 18. They are accused of possessing cocaine, marijuana and Ecstasy. • A man and woman, both in their early 20s, face drug trafficking charges after their car was stopped May 18 on River Road. They are accused of possessing more than 120 grams of marijuana.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strip at School

How do you spot a leader? She (or he) is the person who says: “If I were in his shoes, I would do it differently.” That’s the message speaker Andy Thibodeau brought to students at the HOBY CLEW workshop at the South Huron Recreation Centre May 16. Students from all over the Avon-Maitland District School Board joined the hosts South Huron District High School in leadership training activities. “Leadership is figuring out who does it better than you,” Thibodeau says. “Get them on your team. Let them do the work. “I’m smart enough to know what I’m weak at.” Lesson learned. Here, Thibodeau gets a group hug from the CLEW crew.

South Huron hosts leaders in training

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 11

Grand Bend Farmers’ Market Simply in Season Dining Partnership May 28 to June 3

The Schoolhouse 19 - 81 Crescent, Grand Bend features: Spring Leek, Spinach and Broccoli Quiche

Farmers’ Market is open

Wednesdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

May 21 to October 8 Gill Road Parking Lot

See you there!!! A project of the West Coast Lions Club South Huron’s Tim Dionne cheers along to Thibodeau’s instruction.

Thibodeau has been presenting leadership training since 1992. The London native and former high school president and valedictorian brings his message to schools to foster leadership qualities among students.

12 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Strip Thoughts

Giveaways at Tim Horton’s The grand prize: Advice from mom By Rita Lessard By now, everybody knows about the incident where that employee gave out a free Timbit to an 11-month old baby. In this Sunday’s edition of the London Free Press, a woman wrote in to say she has the solution: she suggests that since Tim Horton’s has a box for people to put donations in for their camp charity, they should also put a donation box beside each one for babies so they can get free Timbits. Surely you’re kidding. Who, the heck in their right mind gives babies Timbits in the first place? Don’t babies eat baby food until they’re a certain age? I had five babies, and I don’t recall giving them sweets at such an early age. Back to the topic of the poor single mother who was fired because of her actions, I agree it was a bit harsh, but it wasn’t right and she got caught. I really don’t think she was teaching her children a good lesson when telling the world you can give free stuff away out of the goodness of your heart at the expense of your boss’ pocketbook.

I’ve worked at Tim Horton’s for almost nine years, and believe me, it’s been the best job I’ve ever had. Working the night shift, I get to see people put on their stupid-hats and think I’m working at the men’s mission and I’m there to give them day old free product (the rules are, we have to throw old product away). Sorry, folks, but I can’t and won’t do it. I remember instances where grocery store owners would complain that people would take or, for lack of a better word, steal the fruit, for example grapes or cherries. I believe a lot of people have done this and perhaps still do, but it doesn’t make it right and it is especially wrong to do it in front of your kids. Sometimes I think people don’t come to Tim’s for the coffee, but for what they put in it. We seldom get orders for black coffee; the most popular is double cream, double sugar, but as long as we start your day off with whatever fix you need, we’re only too happy to oblige. Although it hasn’t been the easiest job I’ve had, it definitely has been the most challenging; every day is a new adventure. Who would have thought working a job so many consider “lowly” would bring such satisfaction? So do come in and sit a spell, and hopefully you will have a good day. P.S. Happy belated birthday, Joan. Thanks for being such a great sister!

a rooster that lays eggs Keeping the Peace By Tom Lessard, C.D. Years ago Bill Brady, the announcer for CFPL 980 radio, ran a fundraiser for Sick Kids called “The Bunny Bundle.” Listeners of all ages found different ways of raising money. The fundraiser ran for years. One night, after work at the Dufferin, the staff was sitting around having a well-earned staff drink. I happened to mention that I was looking for a way to raise money for the cause. One of the waitresses’ husbands (a farmer) was there to pick her up. He stated that he had an old rooster that he didn’t want, and if I wanted it I was to come out to his farm later in the morning and help him catch it. I arrived at his farm at about 10 a.m. We used an old cabbage crate (which still had a few leaves in it) to put the rooster in for

transporting it. I drove back to the hotel and installed the crate on top of the bar piano. The rooster didn’t seem to mind. Next, I went across the street to the little grocery store and purchased six eggs. These I also put on top of the piano. I started selling tickets at noon for a quarter each, and by 5 p.m. I had raised $99. The draw was made. A fellow in the bar won the first prize: the first half-dozen eggs a rooster ever laid. The second prize – the rooster – went to a fellow who lived in Huron Park but had left earlier. So I loaded the crate and rooster into my car and drove over to the winner’s home, knocked on the door and waited. His wife came to the door. I told her that her husband had won the rooster. She said, “What the heck am I supposed to do with that thing?” I suggested she could sick it on him when he got home, and quickly left. We received a certificate of appreciation from the charity in the mail a week later, but I have no idea whatever happened to the rooster.

Kudos for student of the year nominees, bands and track stars Principal’s Page By Jeff Reaburn As May winds down, we look forward to a number of year end activities, including the Formal, the Athletic Awards Assembly, and Relay for Life. These are all significant activities and we certainly would like to see large numbers of students involved in all of them. Parental encouragement of this involvement would be greatly appreciated. I would like to issue my annual reminder that we would like the Formal to be a positive experience for all who attend it, and to this end, we will once again be taking steps to ensure that it is an alcohol-free event. We will be doing a breathalyzer test at the door, and students will not be admitted if the test shows that they have been drinking. If the breathalyzer indicates a significant level of alcohol, then parents will be called to pick up their son or daughter, and we will have to suspend the student from school. In the last two years since we instituted the policy of testing everyone, the students have been very cooperative and we appreciate that.

Again, parental support and involvement would be appreciated to ensure that there is no alcohol consumption at the dinner parties that take place prior to the dance. We really don’t want to turn anyone away from the dance, and we hope that students realize that they can have a great time at the dance, without having to drink before they arrive. As well, I will be issuing my usual reminders to the students to look out for one another and be responsible after the dance as well. We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable experience at this annual rite of graduation. The nominees for Student of the Year are once again an outstanding group of students who certainly represent the graduating class. Their write-ups will appear in next week’s paper, but I would like to mention them here. It is an honour for them to have been chosen by their peers and any of them would be an excellent choice as Student of the Year: Katie Anderson, Lauren Haberer, Janita Pfaff, Carly Schroeder, Dimitris Fragiskatos, Marcus Haccius, Bryce Halpenny, and Kurt Van Osch. I would like to congratulate all eight of these outstanding young people for being nominated for this honour. I would also like to congratulate Mr. Moore, Mr. Weston, and all of the band members who traveled to Ottawa for MusicFest Nationals. Not only did they perform remarkably well

in the face of some adversity, but I received numerous glowing comments on what excellent ambassadors they were for South Huron. It is always very gratifying when an individual, a group, or a team is recognized for an outstanding achievement, but it is all the more impressive when we are told how well behaved, respectful, and courteous they are. The Wind Ensemble was the first of our groups to perform and they earned a silver standard. The Senior Concert Band performed next and they achieved a high bronze standard, and the Percussion Ensemble achieved the highest standing possible - a gold standard. Considering that these groups were competing against the best high school groups in the country, these are outstanding achievements. The students, their parents, and teachers should be very proud of these excellent accomplishments, which are a fitting reward for the countless hours of practice and preparation throughout the year. I would also like to thank three parent volunteers who went along on the trip. Betty Beer, Karen Brown, and Deb Gill not only chaperoned this event, but provided outstanding service as mothers and nurses when several of our students came down with food poisoning and were very ill. We greatly appreciate their assistance and willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty. I would

also like to thank Dave Robilliard, who also chaperoned on the trip, for his work with our percussion students all year long. His instruction, support, and encouragement are also greatly appreciated. Finally, I would like to comment on our outstanding achievements in track and field this year. We are sending ten students on to compete in the OFSAA West Regionals, based on their achievements at WOSSAA last week. On Thursday Carly Mercer qualified in the Junior Girls 1500M, Ezekial McCarthy in Jr. Boys Discus, Lachlan Macgregor in Sr. Boys High Jump, Justin Anstett in Sr. Boys Javelin, Stephen Runhart in Midget Boys Javelin, and Katie Anderson in Sr. Girls 1500M. On Friday, Carly Mercer and Katie Anderson qualified again, this time for the Jr. and Sr. Girls 3000M respectively. In addition, Deanna Love qualified in the 300M hurdles, Teri Stuckless in Jr. Girls Shot Put, Michelle Hall in the Midget Girls 800M, and John Macgregor in the Midget Boys High Jump. Ezekial McCarthy also qualified in Jr. Boys Javelin to go along with his qualifying in the discus. Congratulations to all the members of the Track and Field Team and to their coaches - Dave Small, Phil Conley, Carleen Hone, Scott Halpenny, and Russ Watson - on an outstanding season.

All of our columnists can be found at http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Strip Thoughts

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

An elementary journalism education Living in Balance

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Build a better online business be turned off by a lack of attention to detail. - Blinking text, inconsistent fonts, nonsense colors, music set to auto play, or other annoying “bells and whistles”. These sites are usually By Tamara Nicola developed by your talented 16-year-old son http://www.VisitGrandBend.com or the family friend who is “technical.” Just because they can make text flip and fly off the As Will Rogers said, “You never get a sec- page, doesn’t mean they should. ond chance to make a first impression.” Your website, or lack thereof, can have an Navigation instant and lasting impact on your business. Eliminate Dead End Pages. Present a naviThis holds especially true in a village such gation section that is simple and consistent on as Grand Bend, which attracts seasonal visi- every web page of your site. At a minimum, tors unfamiliar with the area. Like it or not, a every page should have a link back to your growing number of area residents and poten- main page. Check your outgoing links often tial visitors rely heavily on internet search to ensure you are referring customers to a engines, such as Goggle, to find you. What valid websites. is their first impression when they do? Sadly, more often than not they are encountering Website Statistics poorly designed, out of date web pages that Hit Counters are bad. They scream amateur. potentially do the small business owner more You should have statistics readily available harm than good. that track the number of unique & return visJust having a website doesn’t put you ahead itors, top content, outgoing links, bounce rates of the curve anymore. You may need to and geographic location of web users visiting rethink your strategy or better said, start using your site. Don’t be in the dark about what a strategy in the first place. One place to start is happening with your website. Reviewing is to research websites that you like and incor- the data can often help you make critical porate those elements into yours. improvements.

Technically Speaking

The Eagle

Common Website Mistakes to Avoid

Site Does Not Generate Any Business

Domain Name Avoid odd spelling such as www.krazykatz. com or a long string of nonsense text such as, http://www.downtown.com/down/mypage. html. Keep it simple and applicable to your business. If your “first choice” web address is already taken, consider using a search engine friendly dash in the name e.g., http://www. best-widgets.com. Your email address should also be consistent with your web address; sales@best-widgets.com

Nerf Wars


Birthday boy says SHOOT ME, PLEASE! Casey Lessard taught Grades 4, 5, and 6 about the newspaper business on Thursday, May 17 at East Williams Memorial in Nairn. Students experienced first hand how to create questions for an interview, how to conduct an interview and then turn it into a newspaper article. The teachers were thrilled because the whole experienced was a marvellous extension of the balanced literacy program that is mandatory throughout Ontario. Here, our model Dan poses for photographer Emily’s mock magazine cover.

Jenipher Appleton returns June 11

Here are some local businesses that have - Poor image quality. Pictures don’t have to be commercial quality, but avoid bad, fuzzy good design and navigation elements incorporated into their sites: photos. Archie’s Surf Shop - Avoid pasting pictures of a different size - http://www.archiessurfshop.com and quality haphazardly on a page. Quality Dale’s Countryside Antique Market verses quantity is a good rule to consider here. - http://www.dalesantiquemarket.com - Content that is out of date, missing or The Little House Bed & Breakfast “coming soon”, be careful not to neglect your - http://www.grandbendbb.com site to the point that potential customers will

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For a small business it difficult to over emphasize the importance of taking the time to develop and maintain a professional web presence. In the next issue I will discuss how to optimize the marketing your existing website.


Think Spring

Has your content been untouched for 6 months or more? Do you have an easy way for visitors to ask questions or contact you? Do you know your search engine ranking? Websites offer you the opportunity to try different ideas, promotions and services quickly. Make your website a priority.

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14 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Strip on Stage

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Fair Lady opens 2008 Playhouse season Photos and story by Casey Lessard A film classic opens the Huron Country Playhouse 2008 season as Grand Theatre artistic director Susan Ferley directs My Fair Lady, running June 3 until June 21. Encountering Eliza Doolittle, a “curbstone flower girl with a lower class Cockney accent” on the street, linguist Henry Higgins believes he can transform her into a duchess. A fellow linguist, Colonel Pickering, wagers he cannot, and Higgins accepts the wager. Mairi Babb plays Eliza, Doug Hughes plays Higgins, and Keith Dinicol plays Col. Pickering. “It ’s a great story based on George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion,” Ferley says. “So many of the songs within this musical stood on their own and have been recorded endlessly over the years.” “George Bernard Shaw is talking about how society can define itself in such archaic ways and he finds some humour in how the upper classes behave. Ultimately, he makes the point that at its base, there’s a humanity that unites us all.” One hundred years later, it seems the tables have turned for

“Elvis” Show & Dance featuring Roy LeBlanc Saturday, May 31 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. North Middlesex Arena McLeod St., Parkhill

$25 advance, $30 @ door Call 519-294-6767 to reserve Proceeds to: North Middlesex Community Medical Centre and North Middlesex Firefighters

the Henry Higgins’ of the world: the upper class is turning to the Cockney accent. “What we found in our research for this play is now, the Cockney sound is viewed as attractive. Jamie Oliver the chef has made it a popular sound. What’s happening now is the younger people who would be part of the upper class don’t want to separate themselves to that degree. They’re often adapting their sound to a street sound. But it’s almost 100 years later that we’re hearing and recognizing a change. “There still are class distinctions. But it’s less to do with how you sound and look.” No matter how you sound or look, Ferley wants to see you in the theatre to enjoy the atmosphere created by the cast and crew. “There’s a lovely spirit around this theatre. The people love what they do.” If you want to be part of the spirit, the Playhouse is always looking for volunteers of a full range of ages to do various theatre tasks, and for housing for actors within the community.

Custom designs to fit your lifestyle. Building a new home? Renovating the cottage? Thinking of an addition?

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Melanie Hartman Melabu Design & Drafting T. 519.237.3654 C. 519.860.8338 E. melabudesign@hay.net 70352 Shipka Line, RR#2 Dashwood

Father’s Day - Celebrate weekend with Playhouse stars If dad enjoys theatre, Brentwood on the Beach’s annual Breakfast with the Stars may be a perfect Father’s Day gift. Guests who book the weekend at the St. Joseph area bed and breakfast for the Father’s Day weekend get tickets to the Saturday evening performance of My Fair Lady and will dine with the play’s stars Sunday morning. This is the 14th year for Joan and Peter Karstens’ event, and is part of a season-long promotion that earns Brentwood guests a 10% discount on tickets to Drayton’s Huron Country Playhouse performances. To book your spot for the weekend, contact Joan Karstens at Brentwood on the Beach at 519-236-7137 or beachbnb@ hay.net. For more information, visit www.brentwoodonthebeach. com.

Grand Bend’s Best Kept Secret (519) 238-2120

LIVE MUSIC! Everyone welcome Saturdays 3-6 p.m. May 31 - Jimmy Vail June 7 - Midlife Crisis Fun Darts Mondays @ 7 p.m. Bingo Tuesdays @ 7 p.m. Meat Draws Fridays @ 5 p.m. Hall rentals - contact Sharon (519) 238-6865

To Do List

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 15

Things to Do

sculpture, pottery, wood working, drawing, Theatre Camp. For all those Drama Kings hiking, games and MORE? Register for this and Queens out there, we have a Cider camp (early registration incentive) by calling House Theatre Camp for boys & girls aged JULY 7 TO 11 519-296-5556 or 519-296-5558. 12 to 15. This camp will focus on theatre  a.m. to : p.m. - Twin Pines tech, improv, staging, performance and Orchards & Cider House,  MUCH more. Register for this camp (early Kennedy Line, Thedford JULY 14 TO 18 registration incentive) by calling 519-296Arts Camp. Summer fun for boys and girls  a.m. to : p.m. - Twin Pines 5556 or 519-296-5558. aged 9 to 12. How would you like a week of Orchards & Cider House,  drama, music, creative movement, painting, Kennedy Line, Thedford

Community/Charity EVERY TUESDAY  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo

EVERY WEDNESDAY  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

EVERY FRIDAY  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw


Entertainment EVERY SUNDAY  a.m. to  p.m. - Pinery Flea Market Live Music with Brian Dale

SATURDAY, MAY 31  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music with Jimmy Vail  p.m. - Stanley Recreation Complex, Varna The Blyth Festival Singers Celebrate Canada. Featuring award-winning stepdancing and fiddling duo Matthew and Sherry Johnson. Cabaret Dinner, Concert and Silent Auction. Adults $25, children 12 and under $12. Tickets available from Blyth Festival Singers, Tasty Nu Bakery, Village Bookshop, The Dutch Store.

TUESDAY, JUNE 3 to June  - Huron Country Playhouse My Fair Lady. For tickets, call 1-888-449-4463.

FRIDAY, JUNE 6  p.m. - StarDust Dinner Theatre, Parkhill Angels & Outlaws Countr y Music Tribute

SATURDAY, JUNE 7  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music with Midlife Crisis

Mid-May and early June - Forest Canada Day Idol Contest applications. North Lambton Secondary School. Live out your idol dream! There are three age categories: 10-14, 15-18 and 19 and over. Judges will select top contestants from each category to sing on stage at Esli Dodge Conservation Area on July 1. Application forms are available at Woods Pearson & Associates, 40 King St. W., Forest or at www.lambtonshores.ca. More information is available from Don Pearson, Catherine Minielly or Ruth Illman.


Huron Country Playhouse Guild monthly




JULY 21 TO 25  a.m. to : p.m. - Twin Pines Orchards & Cider House,  Kennedy Line, Thedford Junior Science Camp. This is the first time for this camp for boys and girls aged 9 to 12. Register for this camp (early registration incentive) by calling 519-296-5556 or 519296-5558.

Grand Bend Golden Ager’s Luncheon. luncheon meeting at Sandhills Golf Course Port Franks. Speaker Bernice Santor, topic Join us for Shuffleboard every Monday, & Quilting. Guests and new members wel- Thursday, at 1 p.m. Euchre every second and fourth Wednesday. come. Call Mary 519-238-5640 for details.



 p.m. to  a.m. - Parkhill Arena  a.m. to  p.m. - Grand Cove North Middlesex Community Medical Caddyshack Centre Fundraiser. Elvis Tribute Show and Elegant Junque Sale. Bake sale and tea Dance featuring Roy LeBlanc room. For more information, call Marion Dobbie at 519-238-5401.



 a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

: a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Women’s Probus Club Annual General Meeting. Grand Bend School Musical Program. Treats by F.I.N.E.

: p.m. - Grand Bend Legion

WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 Grand Bend CHC Diabetes Conversation Map Education Sessions. Learn more about Type 2 diabetes in this fun educational session. You must pre register with Aileen Knip: 519-238-1556 ext. 226.


Alzheimer Caregiver Support Program. Everyone is welcome. Contact the Alzheimer Society for details 1-800-561-5012.


Zurich Community Kitchen Lutheran Church. Help make low cost, nutritious meals to take home. Phone Jenni Boles 519235-6267 to register by May 27th.

 a.m. to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Men Can Cook. Enjoy fellowship, new  to  a.m. - G.B. Lions’ Pavilion Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for cooking skills, food and fun. Contact MONDAY, JUNE 9 Miranda at 519-238-1556 ext 222. spouses and students. : p.m. - - Grand Bend CHC Heart Health Class. Manage or prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure. : to  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion THURSDAY, MAY 29 TGIF - Thank God I’m Fit. Exercise  a.m. - Grand Bend CHC Adult Day Phone Patricia Baker, RD to register at 519class. All proceeds to charity. Diabetes Support group. Bring a healthy 238-1556 x 235 pot luck lunch item to share. Call Aileen  to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter Knip for details 519-238-1556 ext. 226 TUESDAY, JUNE 10 Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for Diabetes Conversation Map Education spouses and students. Sessions. See May 28. MONDAY, JUNE 2 Last class until September.  p.m. - - Grand Bend CHC


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: to  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion TGIF - Thank God I’m Fit. Exercise class. All proceeds to charity.  to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Line Dancing  to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students.

 p.m. - StarDust Dinner Theatre, FRIDAYS Parkhill  to  a.m. - G.B. Lions’ Pavilion Angels & Outlaws Countr y Music Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for Tribute spouses and students. : to  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion TGIF - Thank God I’m Fit. Exercise class. All proceeds to charity.

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16 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Tory Doctor sings “Man of La Mancha” from the musical of the same title.

Strip for a Good Cause

Mairi Babb sings one half of “The Grass is Always Greener” from Woman of the Year.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pamela Scott sings “Always a Bridesmaid” from I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change.

Playhouse matrons get preview at Gala

Grand Cove Estates hosted the Huron Country Playhouse Guild Gala May 22, with entertainment from Drayton Entertainment actors and dinner by F.I.N.E. Left: Mary McFadden of Grand Bend enjoys the entertainment. “The Playhouse is wonderful,” she says. “I’ve been going for 20 years. It’s a Toronto level of entertainment at a small town price.” Above: Marnie Pollard and Mary Margaret Prowse of Grand Bend ham it up, with Pollard “digging for treasures,” as Prowse says, noting the garden tools accompanying her outfit. Right: Ward 1 councillor John Dehondt was master of ceremonies.

Photos by Casey Lessard

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