Vol. 2 #3 Grand Bend Strip - June 11, 2008

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 2, No. 3

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Wednesday, June 11-24, 2008





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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

2 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

A change would do us all good: Exeter by wheelchair View from the Strip By Casey Lessard This week’s Grand Bend Strip goes to Exeter for part two of a survey to see what barriers people with mobility issues face every day. For readers who did not see the Strip’s survey of Grand Bend and Parkhill, please visit our website, http://www.grandbendstrip.com/ where you can see the material in its entirety. To perform our survey of Exeter, I hit the streets with Denise Halpenny, who uses a three-wheeled scooter to get around. Admittedly, she doesn’t get around much because she already knows the limits she faces. She looks forward to fewer challenges when she and husband Scott move to Grand Bend this summer. The most pressing issue in Exeter is the To the Editor, I was a bit disappointed that you didn’t include St. John’s by the Lake Anglican Church in your list of wheelchair accessible buildings. St. John’s has two ramps; one to the church proper and one to the parish hall direct from the parking lot and a wheel chair marked parking space at the parish hall door. In the parish hall we have one wheel chair accessible washroom. If a person is in the church and cannot get up the steps to the altar, the priest brings communion down to him or her. The person can access the altar by coming in through the parish hall. There is a lovely large porch at the back of the hall that is also accessible from inside the parish hall and from the lawn (another ramp). Sincerely, Elinor Clarke Our assessment stopped just short of the property housing St. John’s by the Lake, so thank you for sending in your assessment of the church. Unfortunately,

state of the sidewalks, especially the curbs at major intersections on Main Street. There were several times I thought her scooter was going to flip her into the road because of the condition of the curbs at James Street and Sanders Street, which are best described as dangerous for someone using such a device. The municipality needs to address this issue immediately. The powers that be should also consider the fact that they scored fairly poorly on this survey because it is very difficult for someone using a wheelchair to get in the doors of The Olde Town Hall. Unlike the library, which shares the same building but with a different entrance, the town office lacks the option to press a button to open the door to their administration staff. There are other limits at town hall, too. For example, as it stands, anyone using a wheelchair can not sit behind the mayor’s desk in council chambers because it is on an elevated platform, and the tables for all councilors are too low for someone using a motorized wheelchair to sit behind. Want to

Rick and I noticed many churches in the area do not have ramps to their front doors, effectively blocking access to many people who would like to worship. Casey To the Editor, I read your article about the need for wheelchair-friendly businesses in Grand Bend with interest. The Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations (OACFDC), together with Social and Enterprise Development Innovations (SEDI), has created an on-line course to assist businesses with accessibility. This is an EnAbling Change Initiative to increase the awareness and readiness of small and medium businesses in northern and rural Ontario to respond to future mandatory accessibility standards being developed under the Accessibility for Ontarian’s with Disabilities Act (AODA). This is one of our free courses, Publisher/Editor: Casey Lessard Advertising Sales: Sid Reaburn Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard

Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Distribution: Joan McCullough, Rita Lessard and Casey Lessard Contributors: Tom & Rita Lessard Anjhela Michielsen Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Jeff Reaburn - SHDHS principal James Eddington - Eddingtons of Exeter Tamara Nicola - VisitGrandBend.com

sit in the bleachers? Impossible. Wheelchair users must sit in front of them. In contrast, the library is a beacon for wheelchair users, complete with tables that rise and lower to accommodate wheelchair users. I know it took some encouragement from Maxine Hyde and her son Allan, but it’s a facility they can be proud of. Why did the municipality skimp on services some find critical for access? “I want to have some amount of dignity when I’m out there,” Denise says when reflecting on her excursions downtown. “I want people to understand I was like them at one time. I want to feel like that, too. I don’t want to feel like, Oh, here comes that lady in the wheelchair.” Denise was only able to perform four hours of the survey – which took about 12 to complete – before the rain started and the battery on her scooter lost power, stranding us in the middle of the road in front of the post office. Luckily, the traffic wasn’t too heavy at the time, but it was a reminder to me about

the challenges people using such devices face regularly. I can only imagine what would have happened if she had run out of power while traveling alone. I expected to get a lot of flak for publishing the results of the Grand Bend and Parkhill surveys, and I am sure there are people out there silently upset with me. But my intention was to bring this issue to light for the people who are marginalized because of their physical condition. We’re all getting older, and the odds that each of us will face mobility issues, or live with someone who does, increase daily. I invite you to look at your store or the stores you frequent and ask, could I get in here - without help - if I were using a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair? Can’t get perspective yourself? Invite someone you know who uses such devices to assess your building to see if they can independently access it. What are the barriers to access? Find out and work to improve. Denise Halpenny and the many others who face such barriers daily will appreciate your efforts.

which can be accessed on-line at www.cfdlearn.ca. Register with the website, then go to the Course Catalogue. Scroll down to the section on Customer Service, where you’ll see “Accessibility: Its Impact on Small and Medium Business” and click “Buy ” (even though it says Buy, there is no charge for this course). This course will raise awareness about various disabilities, how to accommodate customers with disabilities, providing excellent customer service and increasing business, and how to accommodate employees with disabilities. The on-line learning website at www. cfdlearn.com is available for anyone to take courses anytime - there are courses available in English or French for a variety of small business needs. Mary Alderson Member Services Coordinator Ontario Association of Community Futures Development Corporations Inc.

To the Editor, Forest Baptist Church has become a member of Neighbourlink in an effort to reach out to those who might use the services provided by this organization, which is currently operating in Sarnia, but has no representation in areas outside the city. As Forest Baptist Church has congregational members from a vast area, it is their wish to provide the services of Neighbourlink to people living anywhere in Lambton Shores. What is Neighbourlink? It is a ministry made up of people who give practical help to those needing a helping hand. It’s a national ministry of World Vision Canada that equips churches and members to work together in local networks to respond to specific needs in their communities. This allows individuals the opportunity to express the love of God to their neighbours. Neighbourlink networks with other service organizations in order to avoid duplication and or abuse of services. When someone is beyond

Advertising is accepted on condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check their ads on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Grand Bend Strip reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards and/or the law. All material herein, including advertising design, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.

Grand Bend Strip is printed every other Wednesday in the summer; 7398 homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood, Port Franks, Crediton, and Exeter received this week’s Strip in their Canada Post mailbox. An additional 1000 copies are available to residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants. Alert Canada Post if you live in one of the towns above and want to receive Grand Bend Strip but are not receiving a copy in the mail. Subscriptions are available.

Locally owned and operated © Copyright 2008

the limits of other service agencies, Neighbourlink responds through the many volunteers who are ready to act. Neighbourlink is the only transdenominational nationwide program of its kind in Canada. Forest Baptist Church has volunteers ready to act. People needing assistance have only to call the office in Sarnia at 519-336-5465 and then Forest Baptist Church will be given directives. To l e a r n m o r e a b o u t Neighbourlink, just put that word into your search or add the word Sarnia or Canada and you get lots of information. You could also call or email me and I would be happy to try to answer any questions you might have. My wife and I are church coordinators. Thank You. Ivan Anderson 8324 Goosemarsh Line, RR2 Grand Bend, N0M 1T0 519-243-2126 ivan340@execulink.com

Outstanding Reporter Initiative (Circulation up to 9,999)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 3

“Did I think for one minute that this would be me? Never.” Scott and Denise Halpenny met in 1978 and started dating soon after. “She was a bright and fun girl – she still is,” Scott says, “and that’s why I was attracted to her.” Denise Halpenny, a former laboratory technician at South Huron Hospital, has had multiple sclerosis for 21 years, but the last four years have been the worst. The disease has taken away her mobility, and she is now struggling to preserve the last bastion of her independence: the ability to use her left arm. “I feel like she’s been short-changed,” Scott, a physical education teacher at South Huron District High School, says. “I wish it could be different, but it can’t. If she loses her left side, then what does she do? “It’s been tough adapting and realizing it’s probably not going to get any better. No one ever plans for this type of thing and you wonder why it’s happening and how you’re going to deal with it.” The quick deterioration of Denise’s condition has forced the family to move to Grand Bend, where Paul Pittao of Medway Homes is building them a wheelchair accessible house. “We just want to enjoy a certain quality of life and enjoy the time we have together, especially now that we’re going to be empty nesters. That’s why we’re building this house, so we can get rid of some of the barriers.” “In a lot of ways, (MS) has made our relationship stronger,” Scott notes, “but we certainly deal with a lot of frustration, especially with the financial burden. We’ll continue to work together and try to enjoy the years we have together.”

As told to Casey Lessard My first symptom was 21 years ago, when Kendra was a year old. It was September of 1986. I remember it distinctly. I was sitting in the car and Kendra was in the car seat behind us. I turned to look at her and had a sharp pain in my eye. I had no idea what it was about, and it persisted for a week or so. Every time I moved my eye, it was sore in the back of the socket. The eye doctor diagnosed it as optic neuritis, and they sent me to a neurologist because that’s a symptom of MS. It took about three years until I had my second symptom, which was called L’hermittes Sign. You get an electrical shock in your legs when you drop your head. The only people who get it are people with MS, so they diagnosed me then, and that was June 1989. I had a pretty uneventful first 10 years. Benign symptoms: sensory kinds of things, tingling, numbness, but no motor symptoms. For about five more years, it was the odd episode of weakness in my right side, and then the last four years have been what they call secondary progressive, where you get ongoing, increasing disability. When the disease became quite aggressive, I had allergic reactions to the recommended treatments that are available for relapsing MS. There was nothing left for me to try, so I went online looking for research studies and came across a woman in Burlington who was part of a study in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was having incredible results; she had chronic progressive MS, had been in a wheelchair

of money. That’s pretty immoral.

Facing challenges

Denise Halpenny for years and was walking. I phoned her and said, What are you on? She told me it was Zenopax. We hit it off as friends, and she took my medical files to Utah the next time she went. The doctor down there, Dr. John Rose, phoned me and recommended that I try his study. That was it; I went down and got on the drug that I’m currently on. That was in December, 2001. There were 12 people in the study, and I was the 12th. I asked him why he took me on, and he said he looked at my file and couldn’t believe my bad luck. He thought I would do well on it and that I deserved a chance to get healthy. I tried the drug and did well. It was extremely expensive. I was not covered under any drug plans down there and because it was an off-label study, I had to pay for it myself. The Exeter community and my family rallied very hard and raised a tremendous amount of money. It was $2,000 American a month, plus my flights, hotels and meals. I went to Utah every 28 days for two years. I stabilized and actually increased my disability scores, and everybody was really happy and excited. But the study ended in 2004 and I wanted to stay on the drug, so I paid for it myself as best I could.

Financial burden It became a huge burden financially, so after six or seven months, I decided to try going off it to see if I could stay healthy. I went off it for seven months and went from walking with a cane to needing a walker. Scott and I decided that I had to go back on it, no matter what. We tried to handle the finances and did so for another year and a half, two years. But the debt load was getting huge and Dr. Rose and I decided maybe we would try one drug that was still available that I hadn’t tried up here. He thought it was a long shot that I would do well on it, but because of the finances, we went for it. Went off the Zenopax and decided to try Copaxone. You need to be off Zenopax for a month and a half before you can try a new drug, but within two and a half months of being on Copaxone, I had a huge allergic reaction and then a big

Scott Halpenny MS episode. I went from the walker to the wheelchair. At that point, you go back on the Zenopax. You can’t do anything else. I had to. Now, I can’t go off it. Dr. Rose has tried to see if Roche will pay for the drug, but because I’m Canadian, it doesn’t fall under their jurisdiction; he’s still working on that. I had approached the drug company earlier and they wouldn’t help. They showed some interest in giving me some compassionate help, and then they stopped. They wouldn’t call back and dropped any interest whatsoever. I started asking for help from the government and applied for a Section 8 (Ontario’s special coverage of a non-listed drug product mechanism). They turned me down. I had an interview with Health Minister George Smitherman. The drug is in phase two of research, and after phase three they apply for approval, so we’re about three years away from approval. You can get the drug here, but it’s not approved for MS. Someone from the government called me and told me to appeal my Section 8, and I had to collect all these letters from my doctors saying this was the only drug I could take. They said I would get my 2006 and 2007 money back. We heard nothing, heard nothing, heard nothing. Finally, my doctor here, Dr. Milne, phoned me and said it wasn’t approved for exactly the same reason as the first time: that the pharmaceutical company had never applied to have this drug approved for MS. Then I got quite angry and the letters started going back and forth. Finally, someone else from the ministry phoned me and told me they should never have recommended I appeal it; I will never get approval as long as Roche has not applied. This was in March. Now, an insurance company in London has set up a fund to help with the costs. The health ministry won’t help me and the drug company says I do not qualify for their compassionate subsidy. They don’t feel accountable at all, even though people volunteer to test the drug, and they’re going to make a lot

At 28, when you have one baby, a husband and a fabulous life and your future ahead of you, you don’t think anything lousy is going to happen. Today, I have a pretty amazing life. I’m not complaining. We have three great kids and a pretty good lifestyle. I just didn’t think things would be this hard. I spent the last two years fighting for drugs to keep me healthy. I didn’t think I’d have to build a barrier free home and have no programs available to help me with some of those costs. I didn’t realize that when you get sick, there would be so little out there to help you with that. We have an incredible group of friends – the ones that did stick by us – that have been there through thick and thin. The hardest part of a disability isn’t the loss of the use of your limbs. That part has been probably the easiest. The hardest part is dealing with the change in people, and the change in the things you have to fight for to stay living normal and your kids well-adjusted. I don’t mind being in a wheelchair as much as I mind the way it affects my family.

A sense of loss You grieve what you lost. It’s not that I think it’s my fault, but I think what it would be like for Scott if I didn’t have MS. His day should not have to revolve around me. Right now he does everything twice – once for me and once for him – and then worries about me all day long. I can’t even brush my own teeth right now. In the new house, the only thing Scott will have to do for me is put me in bed and get me out. Before I had the allergic reaction to Copaxone, I was having difficulty walking up and down the stairs. Within three weeks, I was unable to do stairs at all. All of a sudden, my kids or my husband had to carry me to bed every night and downstairs in the morning. I can no longer get in or out of the house independently, go to the washroom independently, use the shower independently, and can’t use my kitchen or laundry room. I literally am carried down in the morning, put in this easy chair, and am carried up at night. That’s my entire independence lost within one month. That was a big adjustment. I went from being an independent person who could drive, who did her own shopping and cooking, took care of her kids and worked, and all of a sudden, I was completely dependent. My goal, when we move into our new house, is to not get in this chair in the morning. I’m going to stay in my power chair and do laundry and have coffee with a friend, get my own breakfast, and have my life back. What would really make it nice is if we didn’t have a huge financial fear every month with this $2,000 burden. If I have to go off this drug because we built this house, I don’t know if I’m going to be well enough to stay in the house. That’s the catch-22. Scott’s afraid to take the chance. We’re not sure what to do.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

4 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

165 Exeter businesses surveyed

Results from May 28 Grand Bend Strip

166 Grand Bend businesses surveyed

44% are 100% inaccessible by wheelchair

40% are 100% inaccessible by wheelchair

Only 1/5 have wheelchair parking


1 in 5 has a powered door opener

Exeter’s average mark (on Strip survey):

We assessed 165 core businesses in Exeter, from the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle in the south, to RONA Cashway in the north, plus stores in the plaza ending in Canadian Tire in the east. Our eight equally weighted criteria for assessment were as follows: 1 – Does the facility offer wheelchair parking on site? 2 – Is there a level entry to the building? If there was a step, the business automatically received zero on the assessment. 3 – Can the entry door accommodate a motorized wheelchair? Our standard was 36” wide. 4 – Does the door have assistive power, where a person can press a button to open the door or it opens automatically? 5 – Can a person sitting in a wheelchair see over the counter? 6 – Are aisles easy to navigate through the entire store? 7 – Can someone in a motorized wheelchair use the washroom? 8 – If tables are offered, are they high enough to accommodate a person using a wheelchair? [Businesses listed in order of number of applicable services and then alphabetical. If a service was not offered to people not using a wheelchair, it was not assessed, e.g. if a business does not offer seating, seating was not evaluated.]

Full Service (100% earners):

GODFATHER’S PIZZA 518 Main St. S. - 519-235-4235 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

HURON PUBLIC LIBRARY 330 Main St. S. - 519-235-1890 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Excellent facility with computer access using tables that can rise or lower. THE CENTRE FOR EMPLOYMENT & LEARNING 349 Main St. S. - 519-235-0471 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

TIM HORTON’S 153 Main St. N. - 519-235-4540 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. AIM HEALTH CARE (MEDICAL) 26 Thames Rd. E. 519-235-4892 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CIBC (BANK) 44 Thames Rd. E. 519-235-1050 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. FOODLAND (GROCERY) 227 Main St. S. - 519-235-0212 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HANSEN’S INDEPENDENT (GROCERY) 62 Thames Rd. E. 519-235-6131 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HEARTLAND CREDIT UNION (BANK) 118 Main St. N. - 519-235-3356 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LCBO (LIQUOR) 146 Main St. S. - 519-235-1942 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MOVIE GALLERY (V IDEO RENTALS) 220 Main St. N. - 519-235-3880 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. RONA CASHWAY (BUILDING) 265 Main St. N. - 519-235-2081 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ROYAL BANK 226 Main St. S. - 519-235-0525 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SCOTIABANK 280 Main St. S. - 519-235-1142 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SHOPPERS DRUG MART (PHARMACY) 38 Thames Rd. E. - 519-2351570 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. THE BEER STORE 78 Main St. N. - 519-235-0544 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Honour Roll

CANADIAN TIRE 100 Thames Rd. E. 519-235-0160 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.People in wheelchairs require assistance to get in through gate once inside door; staff must press a button to open gate, making independent entry impossible. GODBOLT, CIUFO INSURANCE & F INANCIAL SERVICES (F INANCIAL) 425 Main St. S. - 519-235-2740 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. GREG HODGINS DOLPHIN INSURANCE 425 Main St. S. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS (AUTOMOTIVE) 640 Main St. S. - 519-235-0363 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. MCDONALD’S (DINING) 261 Main St. N. - 519-235-4227 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. TASTY BITES (DINING) 345 Main St. S. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. EXETER CHRYSLER (AUTOMOTIVE) 136 Main St. N. - 519-235-1525 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. BANK OF MONTREAL (BANK) 400 Main St. S. - 519-235-2860 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ECLIPSE HAIRSTYLING 50 Thames Rd. E. 519-235-1880 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. GAISER KNEALE INSURANCE 284 Main St. S. - 519-235-2420 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. HERBAL MAGIC (PERSONAL) 8 Wellington St. W. 519-235-3088 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. M&M MEAT SHOPS (GROCERY) 8 Wellington St. W.

Grand Bend’s average mark:

53 Parkhill businesses surveyed 41% are 100% inaccessible by wheelchair Only 4 locations have wheelchair parking

Seven have a powered door opener

40% Criteria and results

Only 1/3 have wheelchair parking 1 in 5 has a powered door opener

Parkhill’s average mark: 43% (updated) 519-235-2682 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. PET VALU (PETS) 54 Thames Rd. E. 519-235-6124 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. UNUSUAL F INDS DOLLAR & DISCOUNT 456 Main St. S. - 519-235-2632 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. EXETER VARIETY 14 Wellington St. W. 519-235-3523 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Many aisles are inaccessible. SCOTTY ’S PIZZA 14 Wellington St. W. 519-235-1234 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE (WORSHIP) 70670 Main St. S./London Road 519-235-2991 1. 2. 3. Unable to assess completely.

(GASOLINE) 51 Main St. N. - 519-235-0444 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. HURON DENTAL CENTRE (MEDICAL) 466 Main St. S. - 519-235-0601 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Entry at back door THE RIDGE (DINING) 125 Main St. S. - 519-235-3333 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. Main bar is inaccessible. To access back part of restaurant, one must access a back door. TJ’S BILLIARDS & EATERY 63 Main St. S. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. Did not assess washrooms. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL F IRE INSURANCE 507 Main St. S. - 519-235-0350 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. Entry through side door. Did not assess washrooms.

HOME & COMPANY (HOME) 390 Main St. S. - 519-235-4663 2. 3. 5. 6. INJOY (CLOTHING) 375 Main St. S. - 519-235-1865 2. 3. 5. 6. MARK MCLLWAIN INSURANCE & F INANCIAL SERVICES 183 Main St. S. - 519-235-1344 2. 3. 5. 6. One area inaccessible. ONTARIO MORTGAGE ACTION CENTRE 388 Main St. S. - 519-235-0020 2. 3. 5. 6. PARTNERS PAINT & PAPER (HOME) 210 Main St. N. - 519-235-0181 1. 2. 5. 6. Entry door faces wrong direction for wheelchair access. Can only navigate part of store.

BAKELAAR ( JEWELLERY) 421 Main St. S. - 519-235-2720 2. 3. 5. 6.

QUILTS & CALICOS TEACHING COTTAGE (CRAFTS) 287 Main St. S. - 519-235-4084 2. 3. 5. 6.

LITTLE, MASSON & REID (LAWYER) 71 Main St. N. - 519-235-0670 1. 2. 3. Unable to assess completely.

BECKER’S/MAC’S (VARIETY) 190 Main St. S. - 519-235-2503 2. 3. 5. 6.

SAAN (CLOTHING) 193 Main St. S. - 519-235-2552 2. 3. 5. 6.

PINDER, TAYLOR, MCNEILLY, GODKIN (ACCOUNTING) 71 Main St. N. - 519-235-0101 1. 2. 3. Unable to assess completely.

BPS ENTERPRISES (FUNDRAISING) 415 Main St. S. - 519-235-2520 2. 3. 5. 6.

SK CONVENIENCE 433 Main St. S. - 519-235-1661 2. 3. 5. 6. Deserves special mention for wide aisles and low shelving.

TRIVITT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH (WORSHIP) 264 Main St. S. - 519-235-2565 1. 2. 3. Unable to assess completely.

BRIGITTE’S FASHIONS (CLOTHING) 373 Main St. S. - 519-235-0442 2. 3. 5. 6.

STRATFORD MEMORIALS (GRAVES) 141 Main St. S. - 519-235-3958 2. 3. 5. 6.

CURVES (F ITNESS) 301 Main St. S. - 519-235-0414 2. 3. 5. 6. Did not assess washrooms.

T HE PURPLE TURTLE (CLOTHING) 355 Main St. S. - 519-235-1500 2. 3. 5. 6.

CO-OPERATORS (INSURANCE) 350 Main St. S. - 519-235-1109 2. 3. 5. 6. 8.

CUSTOM COVERS (HOME) 415 Main St. S. - 519-235-2444 2. 3. 5. 6.

T HOMAS H (CLOTHING) 373 Main St. S. - 519-235-0442 2. 3. 5. 6.

F IRST CHOICE HAIRCUTTERS 10 Wellington St. W. 519-235-3580 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Looks like washroom was previously accessible, but is not today.

DESIGNERS (CLOTHING) 397 Main St. S. - 519-235-3035 2. 3. 5. 6.

TKO COMPUTERS 360 Main St. S. - 519-235-0996 2. 3. 5. 6.

ERIC CAMPBELL FORD LINCOLN (AUTOMOTIVE) 165 Main St. N. - 519-235-1380 2. 3. 5. 6.

V ILLAGE V INES (F LORIST) 391 Main St. S. - 519-235-0009 2. 3. 5. 6.

Above Average (missing two markers)


Strip Special: 2008 Accessibility Report

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 VINCENT FARM EQUIPMENT (AGRICULTURAL) 615 Main St. S. - 519-235-2121 2. 3. 5. 6.

Average (missing three markers)

ESSO (FUEL) 544 Main St. S. - 519-235-2244 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Washroom is tough to access, but possible. No grab bars within.

exit. EDWARD JONES - MARK HARTMAN (F INANCIAL) 436 Main St. S. - 519-235-3881 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. OLDE TOWN HALL (MUNICIPAL) 322 Main St. S. - 519-235-0310 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. Could attend council meetings, but could not sit in mayor’s position.

EXETER CLEANING CENTRE (LAUNDRY) 342 Main St. S. - 519-235-4101 2. 3. 5. 6. 7.

BARRY ’S BARBERSHOP 213 Main St. S. - 519-235-0451 2. 3. 5. 6. Did not assess washrooms.

DR. KLEIN & DR. BARDECKI (OPTOMETRIST) 11 Huron St. E. - 519-235-2433 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. Front door entry is diff icult for motorized wheelchair to cross, and mat caused difficulty upon

COUNTRY CORNERS (EQUIPMENT RENTALS) 586 Main St. S. - 519-235-3456 2. 3. 5. 6. Entry through one door, which was locked when we visited during business hours

MACLEANS (HARDWARE) 110 Main St. N. - 519-235-0800 2. 3. 5. 6. Some areas of store are inaccessible by wheelchair. DAIRY QUEEN (ICE CREAM) 190 Main St. S. - 519-235-2253 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. GAR’S (BAR) 58 Main St. N. - 519-235-2773 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. Entry through right side of main doors. When assessed, washroom was inaccessible because it was full of cleaning supplies.

Passable (some services available)

RANCH HOUSE MOTEL & INN 414 Main St. S. - 519-235-3141 2. 3. 5. 7. Toilets are fine, but sinks and tubs are not accessible. ELLISON TRAVEL

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311 Main St. S. - 519-235-2000 2. 3. 6.

414 Main St. S. - 519-235-4520 2. 3. 6.

KATCH A RAY TANNING SALON 362 Main St. S. - 519-235-2243 2. 3. 6. Unable to assess completely.

BDM MOTOR CARS (AUTOMOTIVE) 207 Main St. N. - 519-235-3698 2. 3. Unable to assess completely.

LICENCE OFFICE (GOVERNMENT) 388 Main St. S. - 519-235-4578 2. 3. 6. REELTIME VIDEO (VIDEO RENTALS) 309 Main St. S. - 519-235-4877 2. 3. 6. SEASONALS (CRAFTS) 294 Main St. S. - 519-235-4611 2. 3. 5. 6. Many obstacles, but it is possible to get in. Motorized wheelchairs may have slight difficulty getting out. SOUTH HURON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

GARY BEAN SECURITIES (F INANCIAL) 70778 Main St. S./London Road 519-235-4099 2. 3. Unable to assess completely. JOHN AM NORRIS (ACCOUNTING) 370 Main St. S. - 519-235-3240 2. 3. Unable to assess completely. HURON FAMILY RESTAURANT 134 Main St. S. - 519-235-4623 2. 3. 6. 8. Ramp leads to one room only, with no access to main counter or washrooms. EXETER TOYOTA (AUTOMOTIVE)

242 Main St. N. - 519-235-2353 2. 3. 6. Small bump at entry. Did not assess washrooms. WUERTH’S SHOES (FOOTWEAR) 371 Main St. S. - 519-235-0611 2. 3. 6. Can get through door, but cash register is inaccessible. BRANDER STEEL INDUSTRIES 593 Main St. S. - 519-235-1462 2. 3. Entry through bay doors. Unable to assess further. SOUTH HURON AUTOMOTIVE 70782 Main St. S./London Road - 519-235-2277 2. 3. Entry through bay doors. Unable to assess completely. DINNEY ’S F INE FURNITURE 467 Main St. S. - 519-235-0173 2. 3. Poor access to all of building. Products obstruct all aisles.

Lisa Grady: “Accessibility is hard to find” Finding a job is tough for those with disabilities Story by Casey Lessard It’s not easy to find wheelchair accessible buildings in this area, but it was a challenge Lisa Grady knew she had to overcome for her business, Sport-Med. “Accessibility is hard to find,” says Grady, whose store sells aids for people with mobility issues. “We manufacture orthotics, orthopedic products, and we sell aids for daily living – walkers, wheelchairs, bathroom aids. People who require those items usually have some sort of disability, and need help getting around. Plus, our clientele are mostly in their retirement years. They need space to get in and out, and they have to have railings to hold on to things.” Grady notes that many commercial buildings in Grand Bend used to be homes, and therefore it’s harder to find one with a level entry or wide doors. “I get people almost daily complaining that they can’t get into someone’s store,” she says. “We have an aging population. We have a

large retirement community here. These elderly people are going to require these services. You just have to deal with it.” Being able to allow a customer to maintain their dignity is another good reason to make a business accessible. “ They don’t necessarily want to come in and ask for help. It’s bad enough for them that they have to use the aids,” she says. For people who can’t come to the store, as with other store owners, Grady offers inhome service. “If they require a rental, like a bath bench or clamp-on grab bar, we’ll take the product to them. A lot of the time, it’s a person who has had a knee replacement or hip replacement. They need a walker, raised toilet seat, and bath or shower bench,” installed before they get home from surgery, she notes. If you need ideas on how to make your home or business more accessible, Grady’s store is located at 38 Ontario Street South.

The old saying about getting your foot in the door is bitter irony for people who don’t have the ability to walk through that door. Inaccessible workplaces make finding work much harder for people with disabilities. But it doesn’t have to be so hard, says Jeff Withers of Strathroy’s LEADS Employment Services. “It all depends on the person,” Withers says. “Our services are individualized. We don’t have a magic door of jobs waiting. We look where a person’s skill set lies and match that to an employer. What does this person have to offer an employer, and then we go out and target those particular employers.” This philosophy presumes that people with disabilities have skills as useful as those without disabilities, and Withers’ job is to convince employers of that fact. “We do a lot of education to employers to dispel some myths about people with disabilities,” he says. “When you say disability, a lot of time people think it’s someone who

is in a wheelchair or a physical limitation. Sometimes it’s a person who has a mental health issue but their medication has it under control. A disability could be someone who has tennis elbow, or who played football in high school and has bad knees.” Simple solutions are often all that are necessary to make a workplace accessible. “We talk about accommodations in the workplace. For people who are hearing impaired, instead of a bell going off at the break or lunch hour, there are lights that may flash. For someone who is in a wheelchair, it doesn’t have to be a big thing. Maybe it’s as simple as raising it up on wood or bricks so that person is higher.” Plus, LEADS does much of the work for the employer, including training and screening to determine suitability for a job. “We try to help them get to a point where they’re ready to go out and work.” For more: http://www.leadsservices.com/

Editor’s Note re: Parkhill results - Accentual Hair & Spa

Upon reevaluation, here are our results: Partially level entry at back, which would be difficult for an independent wheelchair user to get across. Doors can accommodate wheelchairs. Counters and aisles are accessible. Washroom is not labeled accessible, but is large enough to accommodate wheelchair; no grab bars for toilet.

Accentual Hair & Spa owner Tina Davey asked us to reevaluate her business for wheelchair accessibility as we noticed a large front step and no sign saying access at the back. For most businesses, we did look around the back, but overlooked a back entry.

Ontario’s Tobacco Display Ban As of May 31, 2008, tobacco products cannot be displayed wherever tobacco products are sold or offered for sale. What does this mean? Tobacco products must be out of view until purchased by the consumer. For more information on the Tobacco Display Ban, contact your Public Health Unit or call the INFOline toll-free at 1-866-396-1760. TTY: 1-800-387-5559. Or visit www.ontario.ca/smokefree

Paid for by the Government of Ontario

6 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

SHDHS Student of the Year Nominees - for Winners, see p.9

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Carly Schroeder Katie Anderson

Lauren Haberer

Janita Pfaff

Parents: Ron and Frances Anderson of Exeter Nickname: Katie, Kathleen, Katelyn Known for: Running Fall 2008: McMaster for Science

Parents: Steve and Michele Haberer of Zurich Nickname: Low Known for: Good Marks Fall 2008: Ottawa for Political Science

Parents: Dennis and Marian, outside of Crediton Nickname: Juanita, JP, Jan-Jan Known for: Thinking outside of the box Fall 2008: UWO-Fanshawe for Collaborative Nursing

Parents: Steve and Brenda Schroeder of Dashwood Nickname: Schroeds. Some people call me Car because they’re too lazy to say my whole name. It’s only two syllables! Known for: Music Fall 2008: UWO for Music

Most Memorable Moment: In Grade 10, our music trip to Ottawa. The whole band went and there were only a couple of Grade 10s in the concert band, so they rented a huge coach bus but there wasn’t enough seats, so all the Grade 10s had to go in this little van, and Loughlin threw up in the little van. The driver was crazy. And they all made this huge joke that the Grade 10s were treated unfairly. In 10 years I will be… hoping to get my G2. Thank you: to everyone. Sorry to: Mr. Moore for always showing up late. I live basically beside the school and I’m never on time for band practice.

Most Embarrassing Moment: We were out for lunch, the badminton team after WOSSAA, and our coach ordered 20 chicken wings. We were like, “You can eat 20 chicken wings, that’s a lot.” He said, “Man, I could eat 40 back in my day. I said, Think of all the chickens that is. That’s like 80 chickens.” Everybody stopped and said, “Uh? Does a chicken have half a wing or what?” Regret: Not playing volleyball every year. I only played in Grade 10 and 12, and I wish I had played every year. Thank you: to all my teachers, coaches, friends and family.

Most Memorable Moment: Field hockey this year. The final game that we played against Goderich is the most memorable, but it’s not pleasant. We lost by one goal and it was a penalty stroke and no one knows what it was called for. It haunts my dreams. Most Embarrassing Moment: All my moments are embarrassing. Thanks to: peers, coaches, teachers, staff. Jim Workman has been a big influence. Miss Jantzi and Ms. Burrell. Sorry to: mom and dad. We’ve had some highs and lows. Just the whole growing up thing.

Most Memorable Moment: Grade 10 music trip, and this year, being part of the National Concert Band. Most Embarrassing Moment: We were playing field hockey and my stick got caught, and my skirt ripped off, but they were in our end, so I still had to be defense and hold my skirt up. It was difficult. Regret: Not taking tech in Grade 9. It looked like fun and everyone got to make things. Thank you: to everyone. Family, coaches, especially Jim Workman, and my music teachers. Sorry to: Mr. Moore. And my family. I’ve been a pain over the years.

Dimitris Fragiskatos

Marcus Haccius

Bryce Halpenny

Parents: Nick and Jane Fragiskatos of Hensall Nickname: Frag Known for: Being loud, throwing high fives, sports Fall 2008: Fanshawe for Construction Engineering

Parents: Hubertus and Linda Haccius of Shipka Nickname: Man, Chocolate, Coconut, Tiny Known for: Announcement guy, and drama Fall 2008: Beal for Musical Theatre

Parents: Scott and Denise Halpenny of Exeter Nickname: B-Rice, Brizzo, Bryzness Known for: Volleyball. It’s my passion. Fall 2008: UWO for Engineering

Parents: Gerald and Lori Van Osch, outside of Mt. Carmel Nickname: Van O Known for: Sports. That’s about all I’m known for. Fall 2008: Guelph for Business Agriculture

Most Memorable Moment: WOSSAA soccer, or the windshield incident with Kevin Ha. I can’t tell you about that. Most Embarrassing Moment: Getting ketchup and mustard on my tie at formal, just now. Regrets?: No. I was happy with everything. Thanks to: everyone for being there with me to have a good time. I really had a good time at high school.

Most Memorable Moment: In Grade 10 I belly danced in front of the whole school. Most Embarrassing Moment: Belly dancing in Grade 10. Comedy night in Grade 11, but also one of the most memorable. I just did the roles no one else wanted to do. Screwing up lines in Our Town and trying to make it sound like they actually said those things in 1901. Thank you: to my parents and family and friends. All my classmates and the community for supporting our events. Sorry to: all those people for being myself.

Most Memorable Moment: The last game of WOSSAA volleyball. It was a bad day, we got last, but it was also one of our best days because it was one of the best games we played. Most Embarrassing Moment: Too many things to list. I do a lot of things people find embarrassing, but I’m used to it. Regret: I wish I had done more than sports. Thank you: to my best friend Marcus, who made my year a lot better. I’d also like to thank Miss Bowers, Miss Migchels and Miss Hawley. Those three teachers were my favourite this year. And my family. My mom has helped me through a lot. Sorry to: my dad. He doesn’t want me to leave.

Kurt Van Osch

Most Memorable Moment: OFSAA hockey championships in Ottawa this year. Just being in the hotel with my friends and playing my favourite sport. Most Embarrassing Moment: Grade 9. I was walking with all the Grade 12s and I dropped my book and all my papers fell out. Having the Grade 12s look down on you is pretty embarrassing. Regret: Not focusing on school enough, but I still got into the program I wanted. Thank you: to my parents for sure, all my friends and all my teachers. I’ve had good teachers for every class. Sorry to: my English teachers; I feel sorry for them having to mark my papers all the time.

Strip at School

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

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Fire victims need your help getting back on feet Pine Dale celebrates 30th By Jurgen Herrmann In June 1978, Erwin and Luzia Schottroff began the dynasty that was to become the Pine Dale Motor Inn. Erwin and Luzia gave up farming and moved to Grand Bend with their three girls, Mary-Jo, Jackie and Barbara. What was to be a five year stay turned into a lifetime of hard work. On June 15, 2008 they will have been in business for 30 years with three generations having contributed to the success of the Pine Dale. The inn started out with 23 rooms and eight cottages and remained that way for about four years before the Schottroffs expanded to the 41 rooms, two conference rooms, games room, and licensed lounge now on-site. Guests share meals in the park-like setting out back, and share a drink at the Bavarian pub. An outdoor swimming pool became an indoor pool when the building was upgraded in 1982, and is now open year round. The saltwater pool hosts swimming lessons, aerobic

groups, youth and church groups, and many people simply looking for a casual swim. The inn has a committed staff, some on the payroll for 26 years. Wherever you see a staff member cleaning rooms, gardening or shoveling tons of snow, the odds are good that you’ll see them working shoulder-to-shoulder with a Schottroff family member. The Schottroffs believe supporting the community keeps it alive, and that’s one reason they purchase most of the hotel’s supplies locally. Erwin has served on the Chamber of Commerce executive for many years, and was recently awarded the Ontario Volunteer Service Award for 25 years of outstanding volunteerism. One point of pride is seeing guests who arrived as children return with their own kids for a stay. Family is important at the Pine Dale, and perhaps one day, you’ll see a fourth generation manager running the inn. To celebrate the Pine Dale’s 30th anniversary, the Schottroffs are hosting an open house at the Inn June 16 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Community groups and local businesses are rallying around a Dashwood woman and her grandson, victims of a fire three weeks ago. Dale Schwartzentruber and Skyler, 7, lost everything in the fire at their rental home, and are staying with a friend until they can find an apartment. Dale and Skyler need help with financial donations, clothing (size 14-15 women’s, size 7-8 boy’s), food, books (e.g. activity books, crosswords), toys, smaller household items and eventually furniture.

TD CANADA TRUST Crescent Street, Grand Bend Financial donations only. Can Where you can donate: assist in getting other donations BLESSINGS COMMUNITY STORE to the Schwartzentruber family.  Main St. W., Zurich - Drop off during following hours: - Financial donations and small Monday to Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursday to Friday, 9 a.m. to and large items. 6 p.m.; or Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. GODBOLT, CIUFO INSURANCE &


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Luiza and Erwin Schottroff are celebrating 30 years operating the Pine Dale Motor Inn. Help them celebrate by attending an open house at the Inn June 16 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.


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8 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip in (and out of) the Kitchen

Burgerfest is back for round two Grand Bend Burgerfest, a fundraiser for the Optimist Club, returns to the beach this weekend, June 13 to 15. This year’s event revives favourites from ages past: bed races and the Ms./Mr. Burgerfest competition.



 p.m. – Business Luncheon  p.m. – Admission opens to the public  p.m. – Entertainment with “Rumblefish”



 a.m. – Bed races on main beach road  p.m. – Music with Yeager, Murray


Andrews, Brian Dale and Lance Bedard  p.m. – Ms./Mr. Burgerfest competition  p.m. – The Pat Waterfield Rock & Soul Review  to  p.m. – Jazz and blues artists Denise Pelley and Cheryl Lescomb  p.m. – Parachute jump on main beach Admission - $5; all proceeds to the Grand Bend Optimist Club http://www.grandbendtourism.com http://www.visitgrandbend.com

Local farms honoured


It’s appropriate to raise a glass to Twin Pines Orchards and Cider House (left), who we featured for their winery last fall, and to one of our favourite farms, Sunnivue of Ailsa Craig. Both won regional awards for the Ontario government’s Premier’s Agri-Food Innovation Excellence awards. Each won $5,000 for their innovation; Twin Pines won for making their farm a destination and offering more than just fruit for sale. The farm offers school tours in addition to the winery, which creates apple wine and apple cider. Sunnivue Organic Farm, outside of Ailsa Craig, is a not-for-profit land trust that produces and sells organic milk, beef, veal, chicken, pork, and a large variety of fruits and vegetables.


Savour spring’s delights


Strawberries are back for the next few weeks, so now’s the best time to enjoy the local fruit. This recipe makes a simple dessert using seasonal ingredients. Works best with mascarpone.

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Caramelized Rhubarb, Strawberry and Mascarpone Parfait Serves four. Modified from a Loblaws recipe.

1 kg (2 lb) 500 g (1 lb) 15 ml (1 tbsp ) 90 ml (6 tbsp) 250 ml (1 cup) 1

rhubarb, sliced and diced into 2 cm chunks strawberries unsalted butter honey mascarpone cheese or light cream cheese lime – juice and zest pistachio - crushed (to taste)

Cook rhubarb in butter for about 2 minutes. Caramelize with 60 g (4 tbsp) of honey for 2 minutes. Add raspberries, cook a few more minutes and set aside in the refrigerator. In a bowl, combine mascarpone or cream cheese, juice and zest of one lime and 30 g (2 tbsp) of honey. In a parfait cup (a conical glass), place one layer of the mascarpone mixture, 2 tbsp of the preparation obtained in step 1, then another layer of mascarpone, and 2 tbsp more of rhubarb mixture. Dust with crushed pistachios and serve cold.

Grand Bend Strip

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 9

98 Ontario Street South, Grand Bend red or green


pork side ribs seedless grapes cryovac sealed

salted butter 454g

And the winners are... Lauren Haberer of Zurich and Marcus Haccius of Shipka were named South Huron District High School’s 2008 Students of the Year at the June 6 prom, held at the school’s small gym. For more about the winners and nominees, see page 6. For more photos from the prom, see page 16. Also see Jeff Reaburn’s column on page 13.

Art gravitates to River Road centre Two new art ventures are launching this month in the same building as the River Road Gallery. Sunset Arts is hosting an open house Friday, June 20 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the 63 River Road gallery space. The new gallery is a venture by artists Ana Mattos (wax), Bill Nieuwland (acrylic), Catherine Weber (pastel and watercolour), Debra Bailey (acrylic and watercolour), Fran Roelands (watercolour), Helga Ottan (acrylic), Mary Vener (oil and acrylic), Renata Kolarova (mosaic) and Susan Garrington (watercolour and acrylic). For more information, call 519-2386914. Meanwhile, artist Teresa Marie is seeking members for a new Art Centre, which will provide a space for art and photography classes, or any other creative endeavours suitable to the space. The centre is seeking members ($50 with benefits such as discounts for classes, local restaurants and for framing at Baillie’s), sponsors of all levels (from $200 to $5000 or more), teachers, and any other supporters. Charitable tax receipts will be given for qualifying donations. Several artists have offered to teach classes at the centre, including David Bannister (photography), Teresa Marie (drawing, oil painting, portraiture), Debra Bailey (watercolour), Mary-Lynn Fluter (portrait photography), and Suzanne Terry (painting). To become a charter member, contact Teresa Marie at 519-238-8978.

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A way with words Advice from mom By Rita Lessard

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip Thoughts

10 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

rang out, “And there’s the teacher, she’s still old, nasty and wrinkled.” People make mistakes all the time, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve made many mistakes. Sometimes I know I drive my sister nuts. She always says I’m smart, but for quite some time there was a word in my vocabulary that I was saying wrong. The word was regardless, and I was always saying irregardless. Joan let me get away with this for a while, but she couldn’t take it anymore and corrected me on it. Wow. Who knew? I have a hard time correcting people and perhaps many others do to, but I guess sometimes you’ve got to bite the bullet and say something. My mother became a widow at the young age of 47. After my father’s death and a decent period of time had passed, she started dating again. Men really enjoyed her company because she was a lot of fun and quite jolly. Sometimes my mother had a bit of a problem with words. One time, when she was visiting the doctor’s office, the doctor suggested she was going through menopause. Well, my mother was very indignant about this news and said, “We’ll I’ve been a widow for three years now, and I can assure you I have not had a pause between men.”

Where does the time go? Here we are again nearing the end of another school year. Education is so very important today. Unless you have at least your Grade 12 diploma, you would be hard pressed to get any kind of job, unlike in my day, so many eons ago, when if you had at least your Grade 7 you were considered literate. In Quebec, where I grew up, you started high school in Grade 8 and were done in Grade 11, and then you were considered quite educated. Times have changed for the better. As far back as I can remember, people have asked the age old question of kids: what would you like to be when you grow up? A few years ago, I clipped out the following joke from a magazine: All the children had been photographed and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. “Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, ‘There’s Final words of wisdom: Stay in school and Jennifer, she’s a lawyer,’ or ‘That’s Michael, get all the education you can. Someone once he’s a doctor.’” A small voice from the back of the room said, Knowledge is power. How very true.

What a trip! Keeping the Peace By Tom Lessard, C.D. Sunday morning. Club Albatross, Huron Park. Hockey game in Detroit. Most of us arrived at the club early as usual. About three hours ahead of bus departure time. As there were 45 passengers, quite a bit of alcohol was being taken with us. While we were waiting, it was only natural for us to sample some of it. This went on until bus time. Where was the bus? Phone calls were made to the bus company. The bus had left the yard on time and should have been here by now. An hour or so later, the bus pulls up to the door. It seems the driver didn’t know where Huron Park was and ended up in Vanastra. This was only the first time he got lost on this excursion. We loaded onto the bus with only a part of the original supply of refreshments and headed for Sarnia. By the time we crossed the border, we were getting very low on booze. Just outside of Port Huron, we had the driver pull over so we could restock. With that done, we carried on.

Most of us had never been to the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, so considering the shape some of us were in, it was inevitable that something would happen. As we were departing the bus, one of the fellows tripped over a case of beer that had been left in the aisle and he broke a finger. Once inside the arena, a few of us got separated from the group and arrived late to our allotted seats. It seems that one of the older gents slipped on the cement steps and bounced on his butt a number of times before he could get stopped. He was hurt, but how badly wasn’t evident until we were leaving. He had a difficult time the rest of the way home. The weather was terrible when we left Detroit. A vote was taken to cross at Windsor and visit our friend Scott at the Recess Tavern in Tilbury. He, his wife and staff were very welcoming during our stay. I was hungry and went next door to a restaurant. On my way back to the bar, I slipped on some ice and cracked my head on a brick wall. We headed out for home and it wasn’t long before the driver, unfamiliar with the area and disoriented because of the weather, became lost again. Jimmy P. had to take over the wheel and drive the rest of the way home. When we arrived back in Huron Park, most of the guys were met by wives or others to take them home or to the emergency ward in Exeter. Altogether, seven of us sustained some sort of injury. Overall, a great trip. Score of the game? Who knows?!

Marketing your small business website: Build it and they will come? Technically Speaking By Tamara Nicola http://www.VisitGrandBend.com When it comes to your website, is it enough to simply build it and wait for customers to come? The answer is a resounding no and this is great news. How could this be good news? Most small business owners build a website and forget about it. Those that take proactive marketing steps will soon understand what all of this internet excitement is about. The first step is to build a professional, attractive website that discusses your service or product. Update the content frequently with the goal of adding value for the potential reader. Avoid common design mistakes (see my previous column). Once satisfied, spread the word.

Include Your URL on Stationery, Business Cards, and Print Advertising. This is a no-brainer that is sometimes overlooked. Make sure that all of your cards, stationery, brochures, and literature contain your company’s web address (URL). Continue to leverage print advertising that has proven successful, capture the reader’s attention, and then refer them to your URL for more information. Free Business Listings Add your website URL to popular online maps and free business directories. Here are just a few: www.maps.google.com www.listings.local.yahoo.com www.visitgrandbend.com – a site managed by yours truly www.kayak.com – travel site www.hotfrog.ca www.tourismpartners.com – Official Ontario Travel Guide

Take the Plunge! Hosting a birthday party? Need a relaxing swim or sauna? Our heated indoor saltwater pool, hot tub, sauna, games room and licensed lounge are open to everyone. Reasonable Rates.

Search Engines Submit your site - Submit your site to all of the major search engines. Simply type in this term “Submit my site” into Google, Yahoo and MSN. Include a submission to open source engines such as DMOZ.org as well. Create a sitemap - A sitemap is a list of web pages that make up your website usually presented in a hierarchical format. With a sitemap you can tell search engines about all of your web pages, not just your homepage. For more information check out www. sitemaps.org Optimization - Perhaps you have heard that you need special skills to “code” web pages with keywords, metadata, alt tags, etc. to improve your website rankings. If you have these skills, excellent! Go forth and build code. For the rest, here is the big secret to search engine ranking. Drum roll please… #1 - Build a professional, attractive website that discusses your service or product.

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LIVE MUSIC! Everyone welcome Saturdays 3-6 p.m. June 14 - The Persuaders June 21 - Cactus Jam Fun Darts Mondays @ 7 p.m. Bingo Tuesdays @ 7 p.m. Meat Draws Fridays @ 5 p.m. Hall rentals - contact Sharon (519) 238-6865

Strip on Stage

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 11

Lady is Fair and equal Story by Casey Lessard Photo by Mary-Lynn Fluter Being able to notice subtle details is the key to appreciating My Fair Lady, Huron Country Playhouse’s 2008 season opener, playing until June 21. The musical follows the progress of Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney street flower girl, as linguist Henry Higgins takes up Colonel Pickering’s challenge to prove that class status can be modified by modifying a person’s accent. Most obviously, viewers will notice the subtle progression in Mairi Babb’s Eliza Doolittle’s Cockney accent as it transitions to a more refined upper-class accent. “The trick is to make the subtle changes so it’s not just overnight,” Babb says. “By The Rain in Spain, she has a little bit of class and a little bit of put-togetherness. You have to be able to do both accents really well.” Babb pulls it off well, and her accent progresses appropriately. “I was born in England, so I did have an accent until I was five,” Babb says. “My mom and I moved to Canada, so I had to get rid of it pretty quickly. But I’ve had to do it in other shows. Actors learn accents through CDs and dialect coaches. Every dialect has a different placement in the mouth.” Babb also has to walk the walk, modifying her physical behaviour as much as her voice. “She has a very much Cockney walk, she

Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

has her legs apart, but I try to bring them closer together every time she sits subsequently.” At first, it seems there is nothing subtle about Henry Higgins, played by Douglas E. Hughes. “I’d describe him as a monomaniac,” Hughes says. “There’s a clue in one of the first things he says when he talks about phonetics, he says, that’s my profession, and also my hobby. Anybody whose profession is also their hobby, it screams, Buddy, get a life. He doesn’t have anything outside of that.” Then Eliza comes into his life, and challenges him to realize he must have feelings and relate to a person as something other than a laboratory rat for his research. “He ends up being the person he believes he is at the beginning of the play,” Hughes says, “and she makes that happen.” While the actors are excellent, and perform well, Stratford veteran Keith Dinicol says it’s an easy job when the text is great. “When you’re dealing with the words of a great playwright like George Bernard Shaw,” Dinicol says, “you’re in pretty good hands. It’s so well written, the lyrics are so good, the melodies are good. If you follow the instructions of what’s on the page, you’re okay.” That said, the performers still need to shine, and Playhouse newcomer Sheldon Bergstrom steals the stage when he comes on. Large and imposing, Bergstrom is light on his feet and

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a love story. (Director Susan Ferley) wanted to show we were equals and we were going forward. There is no concession given.” “In Pygmalion,” Hughes notes, “Eliza leaves with Freddy, but maintains a connection with Higgins and Pickering. All we see at the end of this play is that she comes back. It’s up to the audience to decide what happens after this.” To figure out what happens, get a seat at this show by calling 519-238-6000 or visiting http://www.huroncountryplayhouse.com/. My Fair Lady runs until June 21.



Dining Partnership

The Colonial

brings a smile to faces throughout the auditorium. “We have so much fun together that you feel it on stage. It’s important to have fun and hope the audience is willing to go along for the ride.” Still, there’s an important lesson about the male-female relationship in this story, which transcends its time to show the value of equality. “I don’t think we’ve given (the audience) a love story,” Babb says. “We’ve given them something more equal and challenging than

July 12 thru 18, 2008

West Coast Lions Club

June 11 to 17

Mairi Babb as Eliza Doolittle and Douglas E. Hughes as Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady.

SHOW HOURS Saturday - Monday . . . 10 am - 4 pm Tuesday - Thursday . . . 2 pm - 9 pm Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 am - 4 pm


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12 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip at School

Graduating student Taryn Anstett conducts a piece she arranged for the Wind Ensemble.

Katey Potter plays flute with the Intermediate Band.

Graduating musicians take one last bow Photos from South Huron District High School music department’s final  concert by Casey Lessard

Graduating student Jamie Livingston plays with the Grade 9 band.

Jon Gill (bass) and Jody Spring (alto sax) perform with the White Jazz band.

Sarah Mason performs with the Vocal Jazz band.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip at School

In harmony with Humanity Photos from South Huron District High School Habitat For Humanity Coffee House by Casey Lessard. Proceeds from the event, the second for the year, go to the Exeter build planned for next year.

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 13

Golf Tips By Cameron Rankin Sand Hills Golf Resort

Technique lesson: weight shift & balance

Music teacher Isaac Moore and technology teacher Matt Weston perform together.

It’s very important to have good weight shift and balance when you swing your club. Always be in the ready position at address, weight positioned on the middle to balls of your feet and have your body weight slightly to the right: 55 per cent right leg, 45 per cent left leg. This is mainly due to your right hand being lower than your left on the grip. This also positions your spine slightly to the right. Head definitely behind the ball with your longer clubs at address. During the swing there is weight shift to the right leg as your hips turn and shoulders turn to the top of the backswing. The downswing starts with a lateral shift of weight to the left or to the target and then a body and hip rotation to a balanced finish with your chest and hips finishing perpendicular the target at the finish. Remember: your head does move slightly during the swing! To achieve that balanced finish your left leg should be straight and the sole of your right shoe Joe Pavjeke of Exeter plays Neil Young’s Old Man. Bryn Price of Grand Bend and Tulie Ash of Credishould be facing directly away from the target. ton listen to Jace and Eric perform “Jenny.” The two key swing elements are, maintain your spinal angle during your swing and always have your spine slightly behind the ball at impact. Remember lefties, it’s the opposite continues Wednesday and Thursday from 9 exhibition will feature a wide variety of for you! creative projects f rom the Visual Arts, a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Friday until noon. Admission is free, but donations to MS Communications Tech, Construction Tech Research will be gratefully accepted. This and Manufacturing Tech classes.

June 10 to 13 - Student art for MS research South Huron District High School hosts its annual Art & Design show Tuesday June 10 to Friday June 13 in the small gymnasium. The show starts Tuesday from 6 to 7:30 p.m.,

Great students; Relay for Life; exams begin Principal’s Page By Jeff Reaburn, SHDHS I would like to start this week’s column by commending all of the students who attended this year’s Formal for their very good behaviour at the dance. As I had indicated in my columns over the last two weeks, we did do a breathalyzer test on each person who attended the Formal. I am very pleased to report that we did not have to turn anyone away, and the evening went very well indeed although it was swelteringly hot in the small gym. I would like to thank Ms. Black, Ms. Magill and the Formal Committee for their hard work in organizing the dance and decorating the gym for the evening’s festivities. I would also like to extend my congratulations to Lauren Haberer and Marcus Haccius, who were voted by their peers as Students of the Year for 2007-08. The voting was very close this year, the closest in fact that I have seen in my seven years as principal, and as I said on Friday evening, any of the nominees would have been a good choice for this honour. So congratulations as well to the other nominees: Katie Anderson, Janita

Pfaff, Carly Schroeder, Dimitris Fragiskatos, Bryce Halpenny, and Kurt Van Osch. Katie Anderson had an outstanding weekend, as the Formal took place between two races she ran in Hamilton at OFSAA, the provincial championships in track and field. On Friday afternoon, she placed fourth in the Senior Girls 1500 M race, and then she “raced” back to Exeter for the Formal. She returned to Hamilton on Saturday afternoon to run in the Senior Girls 3000 M race, finishing second and earning a silver medal. These are outstanding achievements, a great way to finish off her high school track and field career. Congratulations, Katie, on these incredible accomplishments. Katie’s performance and the performances of all of our athletes will be recognized at our annual Athletic Awards Assembly, this Thursday morning. The assembly will take place at the beginning of the day, but contrary to what some students will try to tell their parents, it will not last the whole day. The exact times for classes have not yet been determined, but we will be running all five periods following the assembly. This is a very important time of year for students to be in class as we are working on final assessments and getting ready for exams: so, if your son or daughter tries to convince you that there are no classes on Thursday, please let them know

that I have told you otherwise. Besides, we do feel that it is important to recognize the hard work of our student athletes, and we would like everyone to attend the assembly. On Friday evening, we will be holding our annual Relay for Life to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. Once again, students, staff, parents, and community members will be walking the track from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. in support of this very worthy cause. The event will open with the traditional Survivors’ Victory Lap and once again the track will be lighted by luminaries, candles placed in paper bags in memory of loved ones who have lost the battle with cancer. We encourage you to support this event by sponsoring a walker and attending the opening ceremonies. Finally, I would like to remind students and parents that exams begin on Thursday, June 19, and run until Tuesday, June 24. Students are advised that they should by now be preparing for these exams and working on any final assessments that have been assigned in class. Report cards will be available for pick up in the school office from July 2nd to 4th: reports that are not picked up by July 4th will be mailed out on July 7. Students need to ensure that all textbooks have been returned, and any outstanding library fines or fees have been paid prior to getting their report cards.

Group Golf Instruction With CPGA Professional

Cameron Rankin 6 - 1-hour sessions

$80 per person Start Date: Wed., June 18

6-7 p.m. or 7-8 p.m. (Max. 6 students per session) Topics: fundamentals, full swing, iron & wood play, plus short game Details: 519-243-1800 or headpro@sandhillsgolf.ca

Sand Hills Golf Resort 9767 Port Franks Road off Highway 21 at Northville (519) 243-1800 http://www.sandhillsgolf.ca

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Strip Outside

14 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

A stroke of luck during a lightning storm Or, How my family and two dogs survived an Algonquin nightmare Living in Balance By Jenipher Appleton

Jenipher Appleton’s future daughter-in-law Sonja Gustafson contemplates the Algonquin forest while on a camping trip with the Appleton eleven years after the lightning adventure. Sonja will marry Tom Appleton Jr. this August. Just think; he almost wasn’t around to meet her.

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bald spots behind the temple. His head had rested against the gunwale of the canoe and the screws must have conducted the electrical current and singed his hair. That was too close! We later learned that what we had experienced was a phenomenon called ‘step current.’ We assume lightning struck a tree many yards away from where we were, and the ensuing charge then traveled through the ground, eventually throwing us upward. Our fingers and toes tingled for a couple of days, but we were far more fortunate than a university student who was struck and killed on Lake Opeongo during the same storm. We learned a lesson that day: don’t ever underestimate the power of Mother Nature, or her unpredictability.

stin hri e’


Local and European Fare Mongolian Grill returns June 26th Reservations Recommended

had been thrown upward and had hit the floor of the overturned canoe. Tom Jr. complained of painful feet and Andrew clutched the helping puppy tightly. Another ten minutes of lashing rain and crashing thunder made me feel like we were in a war zone, wondering whether the lightning might strike us again. My tingling toes and fingers also made me wonder about the possibility of heart attack. At long last the pounding ceased and we launched the boats to make a hasty exit down river. I never knew we could paddle with such determination. Later that evening, around the campfire, we marveled at the wonder of just being alive and the beauty all around us with a fresh perspective. As I placed my hand on Andrew’s blonde-tufted head, I felt two tiny

in a

Nightly Specials Thursday: Fish & Chips Friday: Shrimp & Wings Saturday: Panzarotti & Ribs


of wind sent us all scurrying for cover. A well-documented rule about thunderstorms is ‘don’t stay under a tree’. We were in the Algonquin Forest in thick bush so plan B was put into place. We hurriedly ushered the boys under the upturned canoe with Molson, the black Lab puppy. Tom and I crouched together in the lowest spot possible with Daisy Mae the yellow Lab. We were pounded with torrential rain and the lightning was relentless. Suddenly, a blinding explosion of yellow light stung the air and we were hurled violently upward. We crashed back to the muddy ground. The first to regain consciousness, I immediately crawled forward to check Tom’s condition. He was breathing. A crying puppy and groans from the boys told us they had survived. They


Not very many people can genuinely say that they have been struck by lightning and lived to tell the story. It’s a tale my family (yes, all four of us plus the dogs) can share after a 1996 camping trip. Algonquin Park has attracted our family for more than two decades. On a gorgeous, warm day in August of 1996, my husband Tom, our two sons, and I settled into a lovely wooded site at Lake of Two Rivers campground. Tom Jr. was 15 at the time, and Andrew was 11. We had planned to take the cedar strip canoe and our two kayaks on a day trip the following morning. The weather forecast indicated sunny skies and warm temperatures. We arose by seven, ate a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs, beans and rye bread, and packed a picnic for the trip. We portaged the boats from the campsite to the Lake of Two Rivers beach and were on our way by ten. Our Labrador retrievers, one black and one yellow, panted excitedly to be on the water again. Tom and Andrew were each in a kayak. Tom and I were in the cedar strip, he in the stern and his trusty bows-person up front. We located the mouth of the Little Madawaska River and decided to explore it. Paddling leisurely upstream against a gentle current, it seemed an ideal day for an outdoor experience. An hour or so later, we pulled the boats up at a portage imposed by an old railroad bed, its bridge – that once spanned this part of the river – long since rotted away. Trying to imagine the sounds of the steam engines of J.R. Booth’s lumber era rumbling through the forest, we set about preparing our lunch. A single burner stove was produced and we were able to boil enough water for our ‘cup-a-soup.’ Pita halves stuffed with salami and cheddar topped off the repast. We regarded the first tremor of thunder with little concern. Ten minutes later, however, the velvet blackness of the northwestern sky, loud claps of thunder and violent gusts

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To Do List

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Things to Do JULY 7 TO 11

sculpture, pottery, wood working, drawing, hiking, games and MORE? Register for this camp (early registration incentive) by calling 519-296-5556 or 519-296-5558.

Theatre Camp. For all those Drama Kings and Queens out there, we have a Cider House Theatre Camp for boys & girls aged 12 to 15. This camp will focus on theatre tech, improv, staging, performance and MUCH more. Register for this camp (early registration incentive) by calling 519-2965556 or 519-296-5558.



 a.m. to : p.m. - Twin Pines Orchards & Cider House,  Kennedy Line, Thedford JULY 14 TO 18 Arts Camp. Summer fun for boys and girls  a.m. to : p.m. - Twin Pines aged 9 to 12. How would you like a week of Orchards & Cider House,  drama, music, creative movement, painting, Kennedy Line, Thedford

Community/Charity EVERY TUESDAY  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo

EVERY FRIDAY  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

Friday June 13 to June 15 – 2nd annual Grand Bend Burgerfest


 p.m. – Business Luncheon  p.m. – Admission opens to the public  p.m. – Entertainment with “Rumblefish”

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 15

 a.m. - Ailsa Craig Village-wide yard sales



 to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, G.B. Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students.


: to  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion TGIF - Thank God I’m Fit. Exercise class. All proceeds to charity.

 to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, Grand Bend Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students.

 to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students.

: to  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion TGIF - Thank God I’m Fit. Exercise class. All proceeds to charity.

 to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, G.B. Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students.


SATURDAY, JUNE 14  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music with The Persuaders

SATURDAY, JUNE 21  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music with Cactus Jam

TUESDAY, JUNE 24 to July  - Huron Country Playhouse Sorry... I’m Canadian. For tickets, call 1888-449-4463.

Health & Fitness

 a.m. to : p.m. - Twin Pines Orchards & Cider House,  Kennedy Line, Thedford Junior Science Camp. This is the first time for this camp for boys and girls aged 9 to 12. Register for this camp (early registration incentive) by calling 519-296-5556 or 519296-5558.

2 to 7 p.m. - Leroy Walker and Friends (Old Time Music) at the Donald Hughes Annex. 5 to 7 p.m. - Pork Barbecue at the Donald  to  p.m. - Greenway United Church Hughes Annex. $12 advance, $5 children 12 and under. Strawberry and Ham Supper Sunday 8 to 11 a.m. - Breakfast by free will offering at the Donald Hughes Annex. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Tweedsmuir Book & 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Movies of Ailsa Craig/Parkhill at Trinity Grand Bend Site. Grand Bend Farmers’ Market SUNDAY, JUNE 15 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. - S pinning  to  p.m. – Jazz and blues artists Demonstration. Denise Pelley and Cheryl Lescomb SATURDAY, JUNE 21 1:30 p.m. - Native S kir mish  p.m. – Parachute jump on the main to June  - Ailsa Craig beach Ailsa Craig & District Historical Society Demonstraiton. Native & Heritage Festival. Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 10 FRIDAY, JUNE 27 Admission - $5; all proceeds to the Grand a.m. to 3 p.m. - Native Encampment and Bend Optimist Club  a.m. to  p.m. - Co-operators Chuck Demonstrations at the Flats by the river. http://www.grandbendtourism.com Hall,  Ontario Street North, Saturday 12:30 to 2 p.m. and 3 to 4:30 p.m. http://www.visitgrandbend.com Grand Bend - Fashion Shows at the Trinity Site. Advance Join The Co-operators & The Sarniatickets only, $5. Call (519) 294-0079. Lambton United Way for a BBQ. Donations 2 p.m. - Native Skirmish Demonstration accepted.  a.m. – Bed races on main beach road  p.m. – Music with Yeager, Murray Andrews, Brian Dale and Lance Bedard  p.m. – Ms./Mr. Burgerfest competition  p.m. – The Pat Waterfield Rock & Soul Review

Entertainment : a.m. -  p.m. - Pinery Flea Market Live Music with Brian Dale

JULY 21 TO 25


: to  a.m. - Grand Bend Legion TGIF - Thank God I’m Fit. Exercise class. All proceeds to charity.

Who Wants Tues. & Thurs. evening outdoor fitness? 6-7pm at the GB Lions Pavilion? Please phone Beth Sweeney (519) 238-5555 to show interest!

 to : a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Line Dancing  to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter

It’s Strawberry Time YOU PICK - WE PICK We expect our crop will be ready starting Friday, June 13.

The Strawberry Place 338 Elginfi Elginfield eld Road (Between Sylvan and Thedford)

(519) 294-0070 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Sunday

Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students.

 a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Men’s Probus Meeting. Guest speaker Fred Knip speaks on his Missionary Work in Africa. Everyone is welcome.

THURSDAY, JUNE 19  p.m. - Lion’s Pavilion, G.B. Celebrate the Trail! Join us for this fun family walk with the theme this year “The Olympics!” After your walk enjoy

a tasty turkey burger with us! Prizes, fun and adventure await you! Contact Cindy Maxfield, at GBACHC for details 519-2381556 ext 231. Sponsored in part by Healthy Living Lambton. Everyone welcome!

SATURDAY, JUNE 21  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Grand Bend Horticultural Society Trillium Walk (Rain Date 22nd). Get your ticket for July 5th Home and Garden Tour Tickets are $15 with lunch at the Caddy Shack in Grand Cove Estates. View 5 homes and their gardens plus 4 more gardens. Tickets available at local venders. Call Bob at 519-236-7884 for details.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25  a.m. to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Men Can Cook. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a healthy yummy meal! Contact Miranda Burgess RD to register at 519-238-1556 ext 222.

30 Great Years! Miss Pia Jane Join us June 16 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. as we celebrate 30 years serving you.

Check out the hotel and our beautiful gardens & surroundings

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16 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Strip at the Prom

Lindsay Hayter enjoys the beach at a friend’s house before she and about 100 friends head to the South Huron District High School prom June 6.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Alyssa Becker of Dashwood (centre) lines up with friends for a photo.

Graduates look gorgeous at Golden gala Photos by Casey Lessard

Justin Anstett, Shane Mudge, Kurt Van Osch, Marc Denomme and Brett Oud.

Crediton’s Don MacLeod came with Kelsey Hern of Georgetown and Exeter’s Jasmine Bender. “He’s my date,” Jasmine says, “and she’s also my date.” “It’s pretty awesome,” he says.

Elanna McTavish gets into the spirit on the dancefloor. The night was truncated halfway through the last song by a power outage caused by a lightning storm that moved through about 10 p.m.

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