Vol. 2 #6 Grand Bend Strip - July 16, 2008

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 2, No. 6

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Grand Bend






Wednesday, July 16 to 29, 2008





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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip Thoughts

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A step in the right direction View from the Strip By Casey Lessard No one can deny the fact that the arts are an important part of our community. All you have to do is look at this issue of the Grand Bend Strip to see the creativity of the people who live in our community. From musicians to actors, dancers to cardboard boat builders, you can’t hide from the interesting ways people spend their spare time. That’s why it’s such a joy to see an expansion at the River Road building home to the River Road Gallery and now Sunset Arts and the Grand Bend Art Centre. It’s been a long time coming, and the leadership of people like Teresa Marie and Milford Purdy are what we need more of in this community. Not to say other people aren’t stepping up; I see other artists and arts supporters on a regular basis

taking leadership roles in community projects and organizations. It’s just nice to see a building that houses the arts almost quadruple in size (the River Road Gallery expanded this year, too). The Art Centre et al are symbolic of the change that can and needs to happen in this community. If you support such change, show it by becoming a member of the Art Centre, shopping at Sunset Arts or the River Road Gallery, buying tickets to the Playhouse, or simply attending one of the many cultural events hosted in this town year-round. You can’t make this place better sitting in your house watching television. And why would you stay home when there’s so much to entertain you just steps away?

Nine hundred and fifty people joined the Grand Bend & Area Horticultural Society Home & Garden Tour July 5. Here, people line up to visit the home of Mary Lynn Fluter and Denis Shackel.

My mom was a fantastic cook, baker and canner. Canning season is almost on us. Here are a couple of her recipes. Sheila Tiedeman

Photo courtesy Bob Putherbough

Success of Home & Garden Tour overwhelms Dill pickles Makes enough for 6 jars. Repeat until out of cucumbers.

1 pint 5 pints

vinegar water

1 cup

pickling salt dill sprigs

Pack cucumbers in jars with a sprig of dill. Bring other ingredients together to a boil and pour over unheated cucumbers. Seal.

Pickled beets 1 quart 1 cup 1 cup

beets, cooked vinegar water

1 cup 1/2 tsp

white sugar cinnamon

Pack cooked beets in jar. Boil rest of ingredients for five minutes. Pour over beets and seal.

Letters: mail@grandbendstrip.com Publisher/Editor: Casey Lessard Advertising Sales: Sid Reaburn Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Distribution: Joan McCullough, Rita Lessard and Casey Lessard Contributors: Tom & Rita Lessard Anjhela Michielsen Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding James Eddington - Eddingtons of Exeter Tamara Nicola - VisitGrandBend.com Cameron Rankin - Sand Hills Golf

Bob Putherbough of the Grand Bend and Area Horticultural Society wrote us to tell us of the Home & Garden Tour’s outstanding success, which far exceeded anyone’s expectations. “We had about 950 people,” he told the Strip. “We thought if we got up to 300, it would be fantastic. “We had to cut the advanced sales off at 800, and we had to stop day-of sales just after 10 o’clock. We would have overwhelmed the homeowners if we had allowed any more.” The July 5 tour featured five houses and eight gardens. Lunch was served at the Caddyshack at Grand Cove. “Everyone is over the top with the numbers we got. We could only serve food to 800. “I hired a policeman to be there for four hours; we heard on Sunday that a friend saw him just after he arrived, and she said he was like a deer in the headlights. He actually

Advertising is accepted on condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check their ads on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Grand Bend Strip reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards and/or the law. All material herein, including advertising design, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.

called in two of his buddies and we had three cruisers at times with flashing lights directing people across the street.” Proceeds from the event go to the horticultural society’s activities maintaining flowerbeds in Grand Bend. One of the underpromoted aspects of the event was the fact that vendors – including artists and garden centres donating portions of their earnings – would be at some of the locations. “We’ve learned a lot. We had vendors, but people didn’t know to come with money. The vendors did okay, but not nearly as well as they could have done if we had stressed there would be vendors here.” The society will decide this week whether to run the event again next year. The success of the tour has to be weighed with the small number of volunteers available to help. Stay tuned for future plans.

Grand Bend Strip is printed every other Wednesday in the summer; 7398 homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood, Port Franks, Crediton and Exeter received this week’s Strip in their Canada Post mailbox. An additional 1000 copies are available to residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants. Alert Canada Post if you live in one of the towns above and want to receive Grand Bend Strip but are not receiving a copy in the mail. Subscriptions are available.

Locally owned and operated © Copyright 2008

Outstanding Reporter Initiative (Circulation up to 9,999)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip VIPs

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 3

Love song: Pedro’s Canadian adventure Local musician and music teacher Pedro Quintana was raised in Cuba and moved to Grand Bend after meeting his wife, Marcy Walker, at the resort where he played piano. “I came down the elevator and heard this fantastic music in the lobby of the hotel,” Walker says, recalling their first meeting. “My friend and I sat and listened to his music for a while. I went over and asked if he would like a glass of champagne. I thought, he’s not only talented, but he’s pleasant and has manners; he’s not bad to look at either.” The two met on December 25, were engaged on December 31, and married the next April. They’ve lived in Grand Bend since then, and have faced their share of challenges together. “I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, and had treatment for two years,” Walker says. “Pedro was just phenomenal through that. I don’t know what I would have done without him.” Pedro is now able to do music full-time, teaching and performing locally, including Thursday nights at Hessenland for its Mongolian Grill.

As told to Casey Lessard I was born in Santa Clara, Cuba. It’s in the centre of the island. We weren’t poor poor; my father was an electrician so he made good money, and my mother was at home. There’s no comparison between what you can afford in Cuba compared to Canada. I don’t remember things being so great that we could buy toys and things. We owned a 1956 Chevrolet, and we used to go once a year to the beach. We were very much into music; I wanted to pursue music even at a young age. My mom and dad were singers with a group called Lyric, and I remember going to rehearsals with them. There was a lot of music around me growing up. I started taking piano when I was 13. An opportunity came for me where I could go to the National Music School in Havana if I did the seven years of work I would have done in elementary school; I had to do it in two years or I was out. It was quite challenging for me to learn all the subjects, including piano, history, and theory. But I did my examination in Havana and got accepted. It was a full-time music school, and I finished in 1991 when I was 18. I had to decide whether to go back to Santa Clara and be a teacher, or continue on to university for another five years. The Soviet Union had just collapsed and we didn’t know if the school was still going to be open; if you could picture Cuba at that time, it was a pretty depressing time to be away from home. I decided to go back to Santa Clara, where I taught at an elementary school for two years, and also taught adults.

It was a very rough time economically, and an opportunity came up in Varadero as a pianist in a show, and that was my start. I eventually found more opportunities and became a pianist in a piano bar at the Brisas del Caribe resort. I started taking English lessons and lyrical lessons. I was about 22 at the time. For a year I lived in Varadero in very poor conditions, paying a very high price for rent in a resort area. I got tired of that, and rented about a half hour away in Matanzas; I had a whole house and paid less than in Varadero. The resort’s drivers would pick us up at 4 p.m. and drop us off at 4 a.m., six days a week. It was good working at the piano bar because I got a lot of privileges. The food was good, plus drinks, etc. I could talk to tourists and I had a lot of free time to study my English. It was quite boring working 7 p.m. to 2 a.m., six days a week. But in those circumstances, I met my wife, and a big light came into my life.

The piano bar Being a pianist and having a love for music, I was forced to balance my night between piano and karaoke. On nights where people didn’t care for piano, I had to turn on the karaoke machine. One night, Marcy was sitting beside the bar. She had a little tape player and was listening to some nice music. I stopped by her table during a break and said to myself, “Wow! Who is she, listening to this good music and her hair bouncing around?” She certainly paid attention to me and we found something in each other right away. I sat down and she offered me a drink. She told me about her family, and that her dad had passed away a couple of months before. After that, we decided to meet for dinner. She asked me what my favourite



colour was, and I said blue. She went and changed into a blue dress! We had dinner and it was very interesting to talk to her. I was concerned at the beginning about where things were leading, but she treated me well. She treated me not as a Cuban, conscious of our situation, like other tourists do. Not too long after we met, we were having drinks in a bar on New Year’s Eve 2000. I asked her if she would marry me and she said, “Yes. I’ll marry you.” After that she went back and forth to Cuba several times and we used to email each other every day. I have several books full of printed emails from day one to the day I arrived here. In April, three months after we were engaged, we got married in a park in Cuba with a few friends; it was a beautiful wedding.

Coming to Canada I came to Canada in February 2001. Challenge number one was the language: speaking properly, understanding it, and learning how things work here. I’ve always been concerned and aware of the expectation that if you’re a teacher, people expect you to speak properly. Canada has been great because it has given me the opportunity to do anything I want. Here are the doors, you can open any one you want. I had to start from zero, so I had a vision of what I wanted to do and that’s the only thing that kept me going. Eventually people recognize the work you do if you work with love and you’re consistent with what you believe. That’s true of any business. Canada gave me opportunities to do what I wanted to do. But it could have been awful, too, if I had come here and found that people didn’t believe in what I believe, or that Marcy wasn’t the way




she was down there. Fortunately, everything was as I thought it would be. I really took a risk coming here, but my wife was the big light in my life and believed in me. Today, we’re still fulfilling the dream we started based on our mutual trust and the love of music we share.

Teaching music When I was working in Cuba, I was always dreaming, and those dreams are what I do now. Down there, there was always a big roadblock that would not allow me to realize my dreams. I used to go inside my own world to be able to survive depression and the lack of freedom. I think that’s the only way I was able to survive. When I finished school in 1991, I had this dream of teaching, and I found after a while that it wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing because I couldn’t make a living at it. That’s why I pursued the piano bar job. Now I’m free to do what I want and I’m respected. I work every day to make sure I do the right things. I know that working hard will eventually pay off. In Canada, music has to be fun, and people take it as the third or fourth thing they do (after sports, etc.). I can teach anyone who comes how to play piano the right way. There are no short cuts if you want to learn the right way. But I have students who just want to learn a little bit, for example chording. You have to understand what people want you to teach them and focus on that. I arrange my time based on when students are available. Students come for half an hour or an hour, and I teach individually or duets. I follow the Royal Conservatory curriculum, but some students prefer to just play along and learn some popular stuff. I work at the Forest United Church, and I see myself playing at church and developing choirs and working with children. I enjoy that and working around the area at restaurants and bars. I work hard at everything I do and I take all the experience I have in popular and jazz to my church, and I’ve gotten a good response. I see myself in every one of the students who come here. Everyone has something to offer and I take the best they can offer to make them start believing they can do it. You have to be patient and love what you do. To learn more about Pedro Quintana’s music program for all ages, visit pedroquintana.ca, email pedromarcy@mac.com or call 519-2382996.

SUMMER TOPS FROM JULY 15-20 15 Sauble River Road, Grand Bend (off 81 Crescent) Tuesday to Saturday - 1030 A.M. - 5 P.M.

Andrea Alexander and Val Pratt of Hensall stopped by for the opening of Sunset Arts June 20. “Our neighbour is displaying her art,” Alexander said. “We’re here showing our support,” Pratt added.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grand Bend Strip

4 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Christopher Grimes of Grand Bend, Vickie Fraser, and Terry Fenn of Thedford discuss art at the opening.

Sun rises on Sunset Art gallery Photos by Casey Lessard

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Terry Atkin of Grand Bend made the Sunset Arts sign out of scrap metal, and donated it to the gallery.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip Art

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 5

Art Centre a place to “share creative ideas”

Watercolour artist Debra Bailey is among the instructors offering art workshops at the new Grand Bend Art Centre on River Road.

Story and photos by Casey Lessard “We’ve been talking about it for ten years,” Grand Bend artist Teresa Marie says of the newly launched Grand Bend Art Centre. “I just got tired of listening to my own voice.” The centre, housed in the same building as the River Road Gallery and the new Sunset Arts gallery on River Road, runs oneday workshops for visual arts lessons and is intended as a home for arts in the community. “There was a space left open (after renovations by landlord Milford Purdy), and I thought this was as good a place as any for an

arts centre. I made a deal with Milford and he let me have the space.” The room is just enough for about a dozen people to sit and work at tables, although the space could accommodate other activities, such as yoga. “I want to see it used four or five days a week,” Teresa Marie says. “I want to see at least three or four workshops a week. We have a place to get together, grow and share creative ideas. “We have a large retirement community here, with not a lot to do. What do you do when it rains? What do you do in the winter? I hope we’ve planted a seed here for anything that’s creative.” “All of us have a lot of creativity in us,” says Toronto French and Spanish teacher Dorothy Donley, who took one of the centre’s first workshops, “and it’s a way of releasing it and getting satisfaction out of something you’re not used to doing.” The location is ideal, especially to fit Teresa Marie’s goal to create an arts core. “It’s gorgeous being here on the river,” workshop attendee Cathy Lawn of Poplar Hill says. “It’s not far for me to come; it might be as far for me to go to London.” Grand Bend artist Debra Bailey is one of the instructors, and she sees the centre’s longterm potential. “I see the Arts Centre as a 12-month enterprise, not just for the summer. I think a lot of local people would be more inclined to come Dorothy Donley of Toronto (who spends summers in Huron Woods) paints a flower during the watercolour workshop.

Cathy Lawn of Poplar Hill is one of the first workshop students. Lawn is hoping to improve her skills painting plants in her garden.

starting in September. There’s a good oppor- WORKSHOPS RUN 9 A.M. TO 4 P.M., AND tunity for teaching, and I think it will help tie INCLUDE: the art community together.” Saturday, July  While workshops are the key attraction, Plug into your Creativity w/ Suzette Terry memberships are the principal funding source. Sunday, July  It costs $50 to join, and members get disBasic Painting in Oils w/Teresa Marie counts at area restaurants and art supply Wednesday, July  stores, as well as discounts on workshops and Drawing w/ Teresa Marie the River Road Gallery calendar. The centre Sunday, August  needs 350 memberships to be fully funded for Basic Portraiture in Oils w/ Teresa Marie the year. Thursday, August  “My long-term goal is to get this into the Shoot like a Pro! with Mary Lynn Fluter hands of a future arts foundation for Grand Friday, August  Bend. It’s part of a larger plan to get Grand People in Watercolour w/ Mary Abma Bend focused in an active direction that’s creative. I hope this will grow into other buildings, that more artists will come here, and that Grand Bend will develop a really strong cultural artists’ community.” It’s an idea supported locally; among other donors, the Rotary club gave $3000 to support the project. “This was Teresa Marie’s vision,” says Debra Bailey, “and bless her, she’s accomplished it. There’s been no place to take a workshop in Grand Bend.” Members pay $75 (materials supplied) or $55 (own materials). Non-members pay $80 (materials supplied) or $60 (own materials). To register or suggest a class, visit the River Road Gallery (River Road, Grand Bend), email grbartcentre@hay.net, or call 519-238-8978 or 519-238-6874.

Janie Martini-Bowers of London gets some advice from workshop leader Debra Bailey.

Strip VIPs

6 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jimmy James Hugh Henry, 78, lives in the Pine View Trailer Park, but used to be an actor in Detroit. He was often a performer on Detroit radio and in area theatre, but his movie expertise helped land him special thanks from Carl Reiner in the credits of the 1982 film Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid.

Lunch and a movie with Jimmy ! IPPING! G N I R T P S IPTC G RH U T A C S AUGHT S T UGH


Every Friday at noon, Jimmy Henry and Craig Coltman meet for lunch at the Pine View Trailer Park clubhouse to have lunch and watch a movie. This is not your typical movie afternoon; Henry is an old-time radio and theatre actor whose memory for movie lines is as impressive for a 78-year-old as it would be for an 18-year-old. “I’m sure he could block every movie scene-byscene,” Coltman says of his friend, with whom he has been sharing lunch and a movie for two years. “He can actually get you interested because his passion is contagious. He’ll bring old Fred Astaire musicals, which I would not normally watch at home, but he is so enthralled by the movies that you watch the movie out of one eye and out of the other you can see his lips moving to the words and the songs.” Henry prepares his audience (Coltman, and sometimes another friend or two) for the show by presenting a prepared monologue describing the film and its highlights. “He always asks me how long I have, how long can I stay. I say 3, 3:30. He says, Well, which is it? He’s got the times written on the films, so if I say 3:30, he won’t start it until it’s set to end at 3:27, so he gets his full time out of me.”


Mom’s Stripping this winter! ARE YOU? You may not associate winter with Stripping, but once the cold hits, nothing will warm you up like reading the Grand Bend Strip. Grand Bend Strip VIP subscribers will be the ONLY people receiving the Strip’s monthly publication from November to April. Starting in November, you won’t be able to find find the Strip anywhere unless you are a member of the Strip Club. VIP members also get exclusive access to www.grandbendstrip.com.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Join before August 1 and pay only $10 for 6 months. After August 1, the price increases to $15. Yes, please give me VIP access to the Grand Bend Strip! My cheque for $10 ($15 after Aug. 1) is enclosed. [Visa/MC/PayPal accepted online] Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Town: ___________________________ Postal Code: _______________ Phone: _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________ Send to Grand Bend Strip, P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0. Rates listed are for Canadian addresses only, for six issues from Nov. to April. Your information is safe with us. It will be used exclusively for membership purposes. For other rates, call 519-614-3614 or visit http://www.grandbendstrip.com.

As told to Casey Lessard I was born in Windsor and worked a lot in Detroit. I had some of my training at the Grand Theatre in London. I did 10 weeks of summer stock in 1948. I was 18 and I studied dramatics at Wayne University, and did a lot of theatre work. I had a good singing voice and trained on the Messiah. I worked on the chorus of the old Ford Sunday evening hour. Henry Ford imported all the great concert artists to come to Detroit. I did a lot of shows, Shakespeare, comedies, burlesque. I was in all kinds of plays. I liked playing the grave diggers in Hamlet. I tried night clubs and that didn’t work, but I liked the old burlesque. Abbott & Costello and the Three Stooges. Up until 1995, I was still doing theatre work. I very much like Tennessee Williams and Eugene O’Neill, but comedy was my forte. Early on, there were lots of opportunities

in shows from Detroit. The Lone Ranger, the Green Hornet, Challenge of the Yukon all came from WXYZ radio. Also, there was The Hermit’s Cave, which was a real terrific horror show. It would scare the daylights out of you until you saw the man acting out the sound effects. I acted on most of the shows; they were on three times a week. A lot of actors were anonymous on those shows. That’s what kept the bread on the table. I also had a lot of walk-on parts in opera and theatre. One time, we did Guys and Dolls, and I had 12 parts but one line. I was on stage for every scene! I did some of the Soupy Sales (television) shows. I appeared sometimes as a neighbour who complained about “that awful dog.” I was going to be a great and famous movie star. I worked in theatres and managed them. How many movies I’ve seen I can’t say. I used to know every line, particularly in San Francisco, Top Hat, Wuthering Heights. In fact, those are still among my favourite films. With the actors’ studio, you could qualify to be a member of the American Film Institute, and I sent in a donation. Carl Reiner was doing Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. He asked members if they would send in their favourite films noir, and I did and got screen credit on the last frame of the film. You can’t miss it. I recommended Double Indemnity, Mildred Pierce, Laura. Most of those made it to the film. They also had Edith Head and Miklós Rózsa work on the film, and has they had done most of the original films, it really took on that film noir look. What are your five favourite movies? San Francisco, Top Hat, Wuthering Heights, Gone With The Wind, and Singing in the Rain. Least favourite movie? The only one I have really strong feelings for is Coming Home with Jane Fonda. My brother was a Vietnam soldier, and she keeps emphasizing that phrase, Vietnam crazy, which is edited out of most of the prints. If I could get it, I probably still would show it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grand Bend Strip

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 7

Faith through fun: scenes from Zurich Mennonite Church’s Vacation Bible School

The chase is on for Kaitlyn McCarter of Zurich and Jennifer Becker of St. Joseph, who played a game of Jump, Jump, Frog during their time at the Zurich Mennonite Church’s Vacation Bible School Wednesday. The game is a variation on Duck, Duck, Goose played with a water spray bottle.

Michael Rempel and Mariah Brooks compete in a game where the first person to get their ping pong ball across the wading pool - using a straw - wins. The game is a precarious one, though; the edge of the pool collapsed sending both competitors into the drink.


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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip Feature



SWEET CORN & CHERRIES Plus: Blueberries, Raspberries, Peas, Carrots, Lettuce and MORE


Running Back, Elsie-Perrin Williams Estate

Valda-Christine Glennie, London

Celebrating local art Hensall by Design’s fifth annual show runs this week until Friday. Sixty-six artists are showing a total of 190 pieces of art in the juried exhibition, judged by Heather Reddick of Zurich, Elinor Clarke of Dashwood, and Adrienne Smith-Windsor of Grand Bend. The event continues this week, 2 to 9 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. Twelve pieces sold opening night, a new record for the event.

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Weathered wood

Eskimo man

Catherine Weber, Exeter

Bert Pullen, Grand Bend

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip Feature

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 9

98 Ontario Street South, Grand Bend

Water Tramp

Jordan Brand, Dashwood (Grade 8 student, Zurich Public School)

coke, sprite or canada dry

green or red

pork back ribs

seedless grapes

cryovac pkg. of 2

prod. of u.s.a., no. 1 grade

selected varieties 18x 355mL



6.35 /kg.


soup cup

bbq sauce

selected varieties

selected varieties



fruitsations selected varieties


6x 111g


pizza pops or pizza minis 380400g



butcher’s choice

breton crackers

whole chicken 99


149 1

minute maid or five alive juices selected varieties 10x 200mL

prod. of canada canada no. 1

199 .69ea.


selected varieties

selected varieties

english cucumbers

red hots wieners selected varieties





mr. noodles


1.94/ kg.

large cantaloupes prod. of u.s.a. no. 1 grade



cured pork back loin

beef tomatoes

hot house prod. of ontario canada no. 1

rolled in cornmeal cryovac sealed


6.59 /kg.



2.18 /kg.




Maria Gotz, Zurich



maxwell house instant coffee selected varieties

selected varieties




prod. of mexico


998 599


old mill

dole greener selection

cheese slices


simply lettuce or classic romaine salad

selected varieties

prod. of u.s.a.



Walt Whitman Portrait

frozen, pkg. of 2

large red mangoes

black diamond process cheese product

Elizabeth Levesque, Zurich


10oz striploin steak


pkg. of 6





Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip Thoughts

10 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Nonsensical labels One night wasted at the Albatross Advice from mom

Keeping the Peace

By Rita Lessard

By Tom Lessard, C.D.

You really have to pay attention to labels and commercials. Sometimes they don’t make a heck of a lot of sense. I’ve been told, if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, the product more than likely isn’t good for you. I get a kick out of some of the drug commercials that tell you the produce will solve your health problems, and then they go on to tell you that the side effects of the drug could cause you to have headaches, diarrhea, cramps or nausea, and maybe all of the above. Sure, sign me up for that one! Here are a few examples of labels that caught my eye: Label on a box of rat poison – “Warning: may cause cancer in laboratory mice.” Label on air conditioner – “Avoid dropping air conditioner out of window.” Label on a cardboard sunshield for a car – “Do not drive with sunshield in place.” Really! Attached to a portable stroller – “Caution: remove infant before folding for storage.” Oh, please! I do declare, do these people really think before they put these labels on? Summer is here at last and so are the bugs, including the pesky mosquitoes. I got bitten several times the other day and I doused myself with vinegar. It’s fast, cheap, and believe me it works. No more itching or stratching. Vinegar also works on a sunburn. Enjoy the nice weather, stay healthy and happy!

During the years I worked (mostly part-time) as a waiter and bartender at the Club Albatross in Huron Park, there always seemed be someone ready to cause some kind of annoyance. I recall one night I was working along when two men and a woman came in, sat down and ordered drinks. We became chatty and were having a bit of a time telling jokes, etc. Other patrons began arriving so the three got up to leave. They said, as they were heading out, “We’ll see you later.” I replied, “I hope so.” Little did I know it would be so soon.

way to the table. One of the friends went up to the bar and got another glass. No one served the girl, yet the waitress in her area was charged with serving a minor. The OPP overlooked a number of minors in the room where I was working. Maybe it was because the three undercover cops who were in earlier gave me a break for being so friendly with them. People were getting antsy after a while because they couldn’t leave and weren’t able to get a drink. One fellow stood up and gave the Nazi salute and hollered, “Zeig Heil! Zeig Heil!” Well, the cops rushed over and ordered him to sit down and shut up. Another man (a local company manager) got up and started to leave. Four cops confronted him, telling him he wasn’t allowed to leave and that he had better sit back down. He told them that he had come in to have a drink and if he couldn’t get one here he would go somewhere else where he could drink. They insisted that he would not be allowed to leave until the raid was over. He became so adamant that one of the inspectors came over to find out what the commotion was all about. After assessing the situation, he told the officers to let him go. I don’t think anyone else was allowed to leave. The sting stunk. They didn’t nail anyone else. Since the bar didn’t reopen that night, we lost a lot of revenue and because we couldn’t sell any drinks, we lost all of our potential tips. All the raid did was create a disgruntled crowd of patrons and animosity toward the OPP. And it must have taken a big chunk out of the police budget: 38 personnel and their vehicles don’t come cheap.

The bar quickly filled up to almost overflowing. We had two bartenders, three waiters and two doormen on duty. Business was brisk when all of a sudden, every door in the building was opened and in poured 38 OPP officers. This was shortly after 9 p.m. They blocked all the doors and had officers inside the washroom. After closing the bar, they began to send people into the dining room to be checked for ID and whatever else they were looking for. At one table on the dance floor, they found a 14-year old girl with a glass of beer. She was dolled up to look like she was in her 20s. When she entered the building with three other Want $5200 worth of gas from any Esso station? Every patrons, she immediately went to the women’s washroom while her friends found a table and ordered a pitcher of beer Crediton citizen is selling tickets to the gas draw, with proceeds and three glasses. After a short time, the teenager made her going to the Crediton Community Centre building fund.

Huron Country Playhouse G









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August 11 to September 7

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip Events

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 11

Youth centre kids visit the Pinery

Erinn McCreath-Frangakis (centre with Colin Lempriere, Alex Collison): “There’s always stuff to do.”




Mom’s Stripping this winter! ARE YOU? You may not associate winter with Stripping, but once the cold hits, nothing will warm you up like reading the Grand Bend Strip.

Hailey Bayne-Foster: “I like that it’s different.”

Photos by Casey Lesssard Ask your kids if they would like to spend time this summer with other area kids, taking day trips and playing outside, and they’ll likely agree that the Grand Bend Youth Centre is a good place to spend the summer. Here’s what’s coming up this summer at the centre.


Keegan O’Neill: “I like turtles, fish, birds, beavers.”


Wet and Wild Week. Bring along a white t shirt on Tues. as we will be doing T-Dye shirts!. You’ll also need your bathing suit for a fun wet week of activities including a trip to Bluewater Fun Park!


Thrill and Chills Week. Come join us for Animal Adventures. Includes trip to some cool science experiments, help create a haunted house and then we head off to Toronto Zoo! Canada’s Wonderland!


Sports Week. Skateboarding, basketball AUGUST 19 TO 21 and a trip to East Park Golf Gardens. The Grand Finale. Join us as we explore different cultures games, foods and crafts. Bring your dancing shoes as we try out our TUESDAY, JULY 29 TO 31 Rancher Week. Backyard camping, sing Dance Dance Revolution game. We end the a longs, and smores. Trip to Dude Ranch summer with Carnival Day on Thursday! for hay rides and outdoor fun including a Survivor Game. TO REGISTER, CALL 519-238-1155.

Grand Bend Strip VIP subscribers will be the ONLY people receiving the Strip’s monthly publication from November to April. Starting in November, you won’t be able to find find the Strip anywhere unless you are a member of the Strip Club. VIP members also get exclusive access to www.grandbendstrip.com.

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Join before August 1 and pay only $10 for 6 months. After August 1, the price increases to $15. Yes, please give me VIP access to the Grand Bend Strip! My cheque for $10 ($15 after Aug. 1) is enclosed. [Visa/MC/PayPal accepted online] Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Town: ___________________________ Postal Code: _______________ Phone: _______________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________ Send to Grand Bend Strip, P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0. Rates listed are for Canadian addresses only, for six issues from Nov. to April. Your information is safe with us. It will be used exclusively for membership purposes. For other rates, call 519-614-3614 or visit http://www.grandbendstrip.com.

12 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Strip in the Water

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Does this thing float? We’ll see! Photos by Casey Lessard Parkhill held its second annual cardboard boat races at the Parkhill dam Saturday, July 12. More than 20 boats took part in the event, and some of them could actually float.

Right: Taylor Gibbs and Chris Glasgow of Strathroy make a splash with “Bubbles.”

Tony Willemse of Parkhill, and Julia and Joey Van Riel of Strathroy paddle the John Deere safely to shore.

Dustin Dumigan and Jacob Linker of Parkhill get a lift after the Good Ship Nintendo takes on water.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip on Stage

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 13

Scoundrels brings Broadway to Grand Bend Story by Casey Lessard Photo by Gary Moon If ticket sales in St. Jacobs are any indication, you should likely get your tickets for Dirty Rotten Scoundrels once you’ve read this. “It’s been a sellout in St. Jacobs,” says director Alex Mustakas, who is also Drayton Entertainment’s artistic director. Mustakas knew it was a sure hit when he saw it on Broadway two years ago. He tried to track down the rights to the show to no avail. “We did a favour for a company in the States by taking our production of Cats to Massachusetts, so they came up and went to the opening of Legends at the Playhouse and toured our other theatres. We took them out for dinner and I said to them, ‘You know, I’ve been trying to get the rights for a show called Dirty Rotten Scoundrels for two years. It closed on Broadway and someone has the touring rights for it, so I can’t get them.’ “The guy smiled and I said, ‘Oh, you know who it is?’ He said, ‘Yeah, it’s me.’ So he released the rights and sold us the sets and costumes as well. We had three transport trucks bring them up here.” Mustakas says the sets and designer

clothes are “unbelievable,” and reek of money to establish the atmosphere of the French Riviera, where the play is set. “It is identical to the movie, so if anyone has seen the movie, hopefully they’ve forgotten how it ends. It follows one suave and sophisticated conman making a living by talking rich women out of their money, and he’s up against a small-time crook who sort of does the same. They go into competition to see who can cheat this so-called heiress of $50,000.” The con works in many directions, with the two men trying to con the heiress and each other. “Ultimately, they both learn from each other and find a chemistry that has a charm to it. It becomes about friendship. The audience is on the outside looking in and they know exactly what’s going on. Will they get caught or will they get away with it? But ultimately it’s about relationships and the chemistry between these two men.” The musical adds singing and dancing, and the writers have also added a romantic subplot between the police chief and a wealthy woman.

Brian McKay, Christy Adamson, and Stephen Patterson star in “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, a swindling musical con-edy, now playing at Huron Country Playhouse through August 9.

“The biggest challenge is that music and choreography aren’t just in for the sake of being in. They have to extend and develop the plot. It’s a very clever show with clever lyrics. It’s refreshing to see a company of actors enjoying it so much because they have respect for the text.” The Canadian premiere of Dirty Rotten

I Love You... is a play for all ages By Casey Lessard If you’ve ever been single or married, you’ll be able to relate to I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change, playing until August 31 at the Huron Country Playhouse. The musical comedy revue deals with the comic aspects of dating, marriage, having kids, and getting older and still dating. “A lot of people liken it to a musical version of Seinfeld,” director Marc Richard says. “It has all the characters from the old to the young, and it’s really quite hilarious. It’s one of the funniest I’ve done, and stylistically the music ranges from pop to rock to reggae to 50s be-bop.” Four actors portray more than 60 actors in 22 scenes, which means lots of costume and set changes. “Each new scene was like a mini-play with-

in itself. The play travels through a first date, to people getting married, marriage itself, having kids, and to an elderly couple who have both lost their partners and are considering dating again. I think everyone can relate to all of those things.” The play tackles the question of what couples do after one partner dies or when they separate late in life. “Historically, there has been a precedent that once your life partner has died, you don’t generally start looking again, but I think we have a more progressive senior population, so I think we’re going to see more seniors dating. How do they meet people, what do they do on a date, how does their family feel about this?” Richard says you should look for strong

Ticket winners Fifteen Grand Bend Strip readers and their guests will be enjoying a performance of I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change at the Huron Country Playhouse this Friday, July 18 courtesy of Drayton Entertainment. Our winners were: Margaret Bright, Christine Chappell, Annette Clayton, Bob Dietrich, Patti Hunt, Jean Mason, Bill and Christine

Osmond, Nell Smeekens, Dorothy Smith, Peter Soroka, Bonnie Sterling, John Tomkin, Fred Willard, Anne Wilson, and Pam Wulterkens. Thank you to the many people who called to enter this contest, and if you don’t yet have tickets, call 519-238-6000 or visit: http://www.huroncountryplayhouse.com.

performances from actor-singers Mairi Babb, who played Eliza Doolittle in this year’s My Fair Lady, Kristen Galer, Michael Lomenda, and Mark Weatherley. For tickets, call the box office at 519-2386000 or visit: http://www.huroncountryplayhouse.com.

Scoundrels brings together Steven Patterson, who had the lead role in last year’s Miss Saigon, and Brian McKay, the former artistic director of the Huron Country Playhouse. Heather McGuigan is the heiress the two are trying to swindle. For tickets, call 519-238-6000 or visit http://www.huroncountryplayhouse.com.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strip Outside

14 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Gray catbird: master of mimicry usually singing from inside the protection of a tree or bush, obscured from view by foliage. At the back of our property there are some very tall white cedars, which are the perfect hiding spot for the catbird to render his proclamations. These birds are urban, suburban, By Jenipher Appleton and rural. They eat mainly insects and berries. If you want to attract them to your feeder, Each day as I head to the back of our prop- try cheese, bread, raisins, cornflakes, currants, erty, I hear the piercing ‘meow’ call of the peanuts and crackers. gray catbird. If I meow at him, I always get The gray catbird can mimic more than a an answer of some sort back. This handsome member of the thrasher family bears the sci- hundred different species, including a tree entific name Dumetella carolinensis. It is a frog. When I make my meowing sound at medium-sized perching bird; both sexes are him, he often responds with the ‘purp-purp’ monomorphic (or look exactly alike). It is 22 sound of a robin. He sings each phrase only cm long, dark gray in colour, with a slim black once. The catbird’s syrinx (inside its throat) bill and dark eyes. It has a long dark tail wid- is divided in half and each side can operate ening toward the tip, dark legs and an even independently. This means it can actually sing darker cap on its head. It has a rust-coloured two songs at the same time. I have yet to hear patch under the tail. The French name of the this for myself but the phenomenon is well documented. Imagine being able to sing hargray catbird is “monqueur chat.” The behaviour of the gray catbird is very mony with yourself! The nest is cup-shaped and close to the typical of a thrasher as it pumps its large tail up and down vocalizing all the while. It uses ground on a tree branch. There are usually its loud cat sound to proclaim its territory, 2-3 pale blue eggs to a clutch. Another bird,

Living in Balance

the cowbird, is known to be too lazy to raise its own young and usually lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, which are often oblivious to the additional clutch members. If a cowbird happens to lay its eggs in a catbird nest, the tenant will deftly peck a hole in the cowbird egg and knock it out of the nest. Catbirds summer all across southern Canada as far south as northeastern Arizona. Their winter range is the east coast of the U.S. southward to Central America and the Caribbean.

Recent Sighting The orange-flavoured nectar in the oriole feeder is apparently not just for orioles. This week I was surprised to see what I first thought was a woodpecker on the oriole feeder. Closer inspection revealed a young yellowbellied sapsucker (a member of the woodpecker family that drinks sap). While he was still enjoying his beverage on the feeder, along came a house finch on the opposite perch and it began drinking as well. Cocktails in the back yard.

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available in Canada. For now, you can check out the The Flip Ultra model available at Wal-Mart, where it retails for $158.64CAD. For those who want to wait for the Mino, you can pre-order yours at www.jr.com, it retails for $199.99 US.

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Win $5200 in gas vouchers Want $5200 worth of gas from any Esso station? Every Crediton citizen is selling tickets to the gas draw, with proceeds going to the Crediton Community Centre building fund.



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email or try the built in greeting card formats for something completely different. Create custom movies with your own music sound track or burn your creations to DVD. I have to say I am emotionally attached to this little camera, it goes everywhere I go. The compact size makes that possible. It weighs in at just .03 lbs and easily fits into a pocket. It is about 3 inches high, 2 and quarter inches wide, and an only an inch and a quarter deep. All of the videos posted at my blog (www. blog.visitgrandbend.com) were created with The Flip. Pure Digital has just released a new pricier version called the Mino that is slightly smaller and incorporates a built-in rechargeable battery. No word yet on when it will be readily

in a


switch and simple control buttons. That’s it. Take it out of the box and pop in the two batteries, turn on the power and you are ready to record in 3 seconds by pressing one button on the back of the unit. This fast time to record feature ensures that you will never again miss the “Did you see that?” moment. Aside from the low price, what really makes this video camera exciting is the straight to web publishing features. The built in software means you can connect, upload and edit videos on just about any computer with a USB port (PC or MAC). It features one touch video uploading to YouTube, MySpace, AOL and more. Not ready to share your flicks with the world? No problem, you can also upload to private sharing sites, send your video via


There is a new low cost video camera now available in Canada that makes sharing video a whole lot easier. It is called “The Flip” and it is manufactured by Pure Digital. It is a small, compact device that runs on two AA batteries and records up to 60 minutes of video to its built-in flash drive. It is called “The Flip” because of the signature USB connection that flips out of the side. The simplicity of the device is genius. There are no advanced features, no power cables, not even a software disk to load as the software is built into the camera. All of this simplicity means you won’t find any complicated instruction manuals in the box either. There is a built in color LCD and audio features for recording and playback, 2X Zoom, a tripod mount, power

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Annual Duck Race August 3 - 1:30 p.m. Live music by SweetFire Purchase ducks at Christine’s. Proceeds to Northville Fire Dept.

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Port Franks 519-243-3636

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Things to Do

To Do List

http://www.GrandBendStrip.com • 15


Grand Bend Youth Centre Animal Proceeds to Troop Morale fund. Adventures. Includes trip to Toronto Zoo! Call 519-238-1155 to register or for more TUESDAY, JULY 22 TO 24 details. Grand Bend Youth Centre Sports Week. Skateboarding, basketball and a trip to East Park Golf Gardens. Call 519-238-1155 to WEDNESDAY, JULY 16 register or for more details.  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market WEDNESDAY, JULY 23  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend SATURDAY, JULY 19 Grand Bend Farmers’ Market  to  p.m. - Thedford Legion Spaghetti Dinner. By donation only.

Arts & Entertainment

Health & Fitness



Community/Charity EVERY TUESDAY  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo

EVERY FRIDAY  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw


Grand Bend Youth Centre Rancher Week. Backyard camping, sing a longs, and smores. Trip to Dude Ranch for hay rides and outdoor fun including a Survivor Game. Call 519-238-1155

WEDNESDAY, JULY 30  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

Burgess at 519-238-1556 ext 222 for details 230 or Mickey Gurbin ext. 223 for details. and to register.

to August  - Huron Country  to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, Grand WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 Playhouse Bend : to : p.m. or  to : p.m. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. For tickets, call Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for – Grand Bend CHC 1-888-449-4463. spouses and students. Mental Health Education and Support Group. Monthly group support for family  to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter and friends that provides tool, strategies and WEDNESDAY JULY 16 Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for ongoing educational opportunities. Contact to August  - Huron Country social workers Lise Callahan 238-1556 ext spouses and students. Playhouse I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change. For tickets, call 1-888-449-4463. WEDNESDAYS  to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, Grand Bend SATURDAY, JULY 19 Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion spouses and students. Live Music with Don Harvey


 to  p.m. – Grand Bend CHC (Adult Day wing) Community Blood Pressure Clinic. Ever yone welcome. Have your blood pressure checked by one of our Nurse Practitioners receive health info. No appointment necessary.

What to do with the kids

SUNDAY, JULY 20 : a.m. -  p.m. - Pinery Flea Market Live Music with Brian Dale

SATURDAY, JULY 26  a.m. to  p.m. - G.B. Art Centre Plug into your Creativity workshop - with Suzette Terry. Call 519-238-8978 or 519238-6874 or email grbartcentre@hay.net.  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Live Music with Cactus Jam

SUNDAY, JULY 27  a.m. to  p.m. - G.B. Art Centre Basic Painting with Oils workshop - with Teresa Marie. Call 519-238-8978 or 519238-6874 or email grbartcentre@hay.net. : a.m. -  p.m. - Pinery Flea Market Live Music with Brian Dale

Children’s Festival

 to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for SATURDAY JULY 26 spouses and students.  a.m. to  p.m. – Main Street Exeter Presented by Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Huron FRIDAYS  to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, Grand Bend  a.m. to  p.m. - Yard Sale  a.m. to  p.m. - Pie Sale – Community Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students. Living South Huron  a.m. Come visit the White Squirrel THURSDAY, JULY 17  a.m. to  p.m.  p.m. – Blessings Community Store, Activities and Crafts – bubble pool, Zurich boat pond, princess tiaras, airplanes, Cooking Outside of the Box. Third colouring pages, paper masks and more. Thursday of each month. Taste test and  a.m. - Barbecue – hot dogs, get yummy ideas for low-cost, healthy recihamburgers and cold drinks. pes. Contact GBACHC dietitian Miranda  a.m. to  p.m. – Scribbles the Clown Burgess at 519-238-1556 ext. 222 for details.  a.m. to  p.m. – Drum circle


 p.m. – St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Zurich Zurich Community Kitchen Last Tuesday WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 of every month. Come help make low cost  a.m. to  p.m. - G.B. Art Centre Drawing workshop - with Teresa Marie. nutritious, delicious meals to take home. Call 519-238-8978 or 519-238-6874 or email Must register no later than July 22nd for the class. Contact GBACHC dietitian Miranda grbartcentre@hay.net.

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Oak Savanna Festival Pinery Provincial Park

All children will be given a passport allowing them to participate in each activity station. Additional tickets can be purchased for 25¢ each. All proceeds from the event go to Saturday, July  support Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Celebrate the Pinery’s Oak Savanna ecoHuron. Volunteers wanted, call: 226-268- system, home to half of the oak savanna in 3871 or email cw@shbbbs.on.ca the world.


Local and European Fare Restaurant Open Daily Mongolian Grill Every Thursday Saturday Night Buffet

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LIVE MUSIC! Everyone welcome Saturdays 3-6 p.m. July 19 - Don Harvey July 26 - Cactus Jam Fun Darts Mondays @ 7 p.m. Bingo Tuesdays @ 7 p.m. Meat Draws Fridays @ 5 p.m. Hall rentals - contact Sharon (519) 238-6865

16 • http://www.GrandBendStrip.com

Strip on the Reserve

Dancers show native pride Scenes from the July 12 Kettle Point pow-wow. Photos by Casey Lessard Right: Cam Johnson of Walpole Island is a fancy dress dancer, but this night he went further when challenged to wear a woman’s shawl.

Above: Nannan Williams of Walpole Island shows off a new outfit and more. “I get to show off my moves to all sorts of people. Fe els pretty good.”

Left: Sandra Albert of Chippewa of the Thames is a fancy straw dancer. Here, she mimics how men dance.

Right: Elizabeth Noble-Larocque, 2, of Kettle Point shows her joy in being at the event.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

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