Vol. 2 #9 Grand Bend Strip, August 27, 2008

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G R A N D B E N D ’S F R E E C O M M U N I T Y N E W S P A P E R

Vol. 2, No. 9

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Wednesday, Aug. 27 to Sept. 10, 2008




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Strip Thoughts

2 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is it school time already? View from the Strip By Casey Lessard I guess summer’s over, now that the kids are getting ready for school again. Anjhela and I are getting ready again, too. In preparation, we’ve both taken a brief vacation and it’s over already. Where does the time go? W ith all these people heading back to school, it’s nice to be able to encourage those who aren’t going back to consider the importance of lifelong learning. Partners in Learning (pg. 6) is a great way to learn more about yourself, your neighbours and topics of concern to all of us. After all, life continues after retirement; in fact, it seems as if the more available you are, the busier you get. A group of seniors keeping busy is the squad producing Babes of the Bend at Grand Cove (pg. 3). We had a great time producing the photos you see here, and I’m sure the show will be lots of fun. It’s been nice to watch the Olympics on

Reaction from our August 13 water issue

television, especially considering we don’t own a TV. We’ve spent many nights at our friends’ house this month cheering on Canadians and the underdogs. If you want to cheer on locals about to make a splash on the world stage, check out the Bluewater Tug of War team heading to the world championships next week. The tournament website has a live video stream. Grand Bend favourite Mookie Morris is out of Canadian Idol, but local motocross rider Dylan Kaelin had more success at the Walton TransCan championships. He won two divisions, and is hoping to get a sponsored ride in the States this year. Keep up the good work! Speaking of good work, South Huron DHS principal Jeff Reaburn got a promotion to the board office, so congratulations are in order. I’m sure the students and staff will miss you, so good luck with your new position. I’d like to mention an oversight from our food issue: I was talking about vegan food, and I forgot to mention the great burritos and other vegetarian offerings at Jalapeños on the main strip. If you can think of other great veggie places, let me know and perhaps I’ll have to do a vegetarian issue soon. To the Editor, Your recent edition covering the drowning of Jule Kovar was thought-provoking reporting at its best. For too long, safety at Grand Bend’s main beach has been an issue. While studies and reports are highly commendable, common sense might be a good way to start. The flags flying from the lifeguard posts look like a piece of rag someone left on the beach and can only be seen when you are within a few feet of the chair. In one case, the flag showing the safety level for swimming is completely obscured by a Canadian flag flying from the same site. While nationalism is commendable, the only flag that should be flying is the one related to water safety. In addition, two of the four lifeguard posts are usually unmanned. Both are on the borders of the beach: one close to the pier where Jule was drowned, and the other at the Oakwood end where the most recent tragedy occurred. Signs indicate that the beach is supervised; they should be revised to read “ Supervised Occasionally”. My adult children recently bodysurfed with life jackets and were rightly

Publisher/Editor: Casey Lessard Advertising Sales: Casey Lessard Chief Photographer: Casey Lessard Grand Bend Strip P.O. Box 218 Grand Bend, Ontario N0M 1T0 CANADA Phone: (519) 614-3614 Fax: 1 (866) 753-2781 mail@grandbendstrip.com http://www.grandbendstrip.com

Distribution: Joan McCullough, Rita Lessard and Casey Lessard Contributors: Tom Lessard - my dad Rita Lessard - my mom Anjhela Michielsen Jenipher Appleton - nature/birding Tamara Nicola - VisitGrandBend.com Cameron Rankin - Sand Hills Golf Resort

Protect Canada’s resources, wildlife and environment

New Rotarians The Rotary Club of Grand Bend is pleased to announce the addition of two new members. John Patterson (above left) and Chuck Hall (above right), both of Grand Bend, have recently been inducted into the club and will now try to make a contribution to the aims and goals of Rotary. The Grand Bend Rotary Club will be leading the way in the foreseeable future to help achieve many new improvements to the Grand Bend community. Grand Bend Rotary has approximately 40 members and meets at the Pine Dale Motel every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. Interested in joining Rotary? Contact Jim Southcott at 519-238-8800. asked to get out by a lifeguard when the waves became dangerously high. To their surprise they were advised to return after 6 p.m. when the guards would be gone for the night. How responsible is that?! A flagpole should be erected on the beachhouse roof and large coloured flags purchased to indicate swimming safety. These could be seen as people approach the beach; when a red flag is flying, local merchants might even benefit should families choose to stay away from the water. Lifeguards should either be on duty at all four posts from morning until dusk or the sign should indicate that the beach is not supervised. Finally, the water surrounding the pier should be cordoned off to prevent access to swimmers. These suggestions could be put into effect immediately without costly studies and reports. We all know the tragedies that have occurred in the past few years, let’s do what we can now to make our beach safe. Dinah Taylor Grand Bend

Advertising is accepted on condition that, in the event of an error, the portion of the ad occupied by the error will not be charged for, but the balance will be paid at the usual rate. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check their ads on first publication, and the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors in multiple insertions. The Grand Bend Strip reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement likely to offend community standards and/or the law. All material herein, including advertising design, is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.

From September 20-28, 2008, join over 50,000 Canadians for the 15th Annual TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. This national event invites people to participate by removing harmful debris from the local shorelines of ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, or oceans near you. Participating in a shoreline cleanup is easy: choose a location, date and time, and register today by visiting www.vanaqua.org/cleanup or calling 1-877-427-2422. If animals could remove our garbage, they would. Until they’re able to, you can help by joining the TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. All registrants will receive cleaning supplies and the first 50,000 will also receive a free T-shirt. Registration ends August 31, 2008.

To the Editor, I would like to comment on the lifeguard issue because it just goes to prove that Grand Bend lifeguards are doing a wonderful job. I do feel for the families who have lost people due to drowning. You could sit down day after day to try to figure out how to improve the safety of people. If parents could be there every minute of the day to protect their children, they would be, but we all know that is not possible. People need to take responsibility for their own actions. Leaving life rings on the beach after hours is not the right thing to do because people who come to Grand Bend only have one thing on their minds: drinking and having a good time. They have little respect for people’s property; they steal things just for the fun of it. If there is no lifeguard on duty then it’s up to you to decide whether you want to take the chance to go in the water. We can’t expect lifeguards to be on duty 24-7. Patti Wilton Via GrandBendStrip.com

Grand Bend Strip is printed every other Wednesday in the summer; 6236 homes and businesses in Grand Bend, Zurich, Dashwood, Port Franks, Crediton and Parkhill received this week’s Strip in their Canada Post mailbox. An additional 1000 copies are available to residents and visitors at local stores and restaurants. Alert Canada Post if you live in one of the towns above and want to receive Grand Bend Strip but are not receiving a copy in the mail. Subscriptions are available.

Locally owned and operated © Copyright 2008

Outstanding Reporter Initiative (Circulation up to 9,999)


Strip on Stage

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 • 3

Sandra Nice, Darlene McKaig, Marian Milne, Shirley Clark and Peg Seller are bathing belles in Babes of the Bend at Grand Cove.

Reliving Grand Bend’s good old days Babes of the Bend recalls music and lifestyle of the early 20th century Babes of the Bend: A Musical Comedy Based on events in Grand Bend between  and  Grand Cove Caddyshack Friday, October  –  p.m. Saturday, October  –  p.m. Sunday, October  –  p.m. Tickets - . each, available to nonCove residents starting September  at the Caddyshack Mon & Fri - p.m. or Call Jo Dabrowski at --

Photos and story by Casey Lessard Photo textures courtesy www.flickr.com/photos/ghostbones Grand Bend has its share of babes, and if you ask the folks at Grand Cove, a lot of them live in the retirement community at the town’s north end. Babes of the Bend is the Cove’s latest musical theatre production written and directed by resident Doreen Newell. “I’ve always been interested in light theatre and after doing the Fred and Ginger show

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last year, I thought it would be nice to do something that reflected the community this time,” Newell says. “It brings in the beach and the main street. It has a little bit of historical background, but it’s so farfetched now that there is no history left in it except that it is set in Grand Bend.” Even still, Newell consulted local historian Dorothy Graff, who grew up in Exeter, where her father owned the canning plant. “A whole pile of us used to come over to Grand Bend to the dance hall,” Graff says.

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“It was 5 or 10 cents a dance. Eric McIlroy had the dance hall when I was there. The thing that I remember the most was when I’d walk up the stairs it had a big sign that said ‘Gentiles Only.’ “The air force was based at Centralia and Clinton and that’s how I met my husband Jack, who was at Centralia graduating as a pilot. I was 15 and he was 20. He told me to come back when I grew up and I did. I went into nursing training at St. Joe’s in London. (continued on page 4)

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Strip on Stage

4 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ron Russell is Constable Gadsby.

We kept in contact with one another and when I graduated we got married.” Graff ’s local knowledge helped guide Newell’s sense for what was happening here in the time during and between the two world wars; Newell also brought her experience growing up in England’s Channel Islands. “Although it was a sort of sad time in England and we were getting the Blitz and the bombs and that around us, we still had the Americans and the soldiers around us, coming in and dancing with the local girls at the salons,” Newell says. “I can remember how the Londoners used to come up to where I lived and they were always singing. They sang a lot of the songs that we have in the play. I’ve tried to get the real feel of Grand Bend, but not promote the sadness of war, and show there was a happy side to the war era.” One of the challenges to recreating the era was finding music true to the time. “You can’t buy any sheet music from that era to any large extent,” Newell says, “so we’ve

had to rely very much on memory and old discs that we’ve got and that sort of thing, and Sylvia the music director has been absolutely fantastic. You can go to her and sing her a song and she’ll work with you and be able to get it on the keyboard.” “It is a lot of work,” Sylvia Rees says, noting she does this type of recreation work through manual dictation, “but when you know what the end product is going to be, that spurs you on to do it.” The music will be familiar to most audience members, even though some of it is more than 100 years old. “It’s a very wide spectrum of music because it goes from the early part of the century up and past World War II,” Rees says. “We have the Victorian Era, which would have been called top music at the time; Betty Boop music from the early 1920s; Irving Berlin ballads; well-known dance numbers; music from the early through Duke Ellington jazz, and some patriotic stuff for WW2 and then big

Bev Breen is Strawberry, the abolitionist.

band music.” Newell did take some liberties in recreating a local fixture, abolitionist Strawberry Desjardine. “When the air force was here, half of Grand Bend was dry and the other half was wet,” says Graff, “so there used to be a lot of bootlegging on one side and Strawberry Desjardine was a very religious lady who used to go around and bang on the doors and talk about not drinking. Doreen’s got her yelling and hollering. I don’t know that Strawberry ever did that.” Not that Graff had to worry about facing Strawberry’s wrath herself, she notes. “We really didn’t drink much, but we had a lot of fun. There was always a gang that came every year and we had a grand time. You can’t help wanting to relive that.” “The reason it’s good for Grand Cove is they can identify with the people and identify with the music,” Newell says. “They sing along. They can come and laugh at their neighbours; whatever they want to do. To sing

and be together like that keeps you well. It keeps you happy.” Getting good representation f rom the Grand Cove community was critical to making this play work, Newell says. “It had to be a creation where whoever came forward in the community could get in it. You can’t say when people come, ‘Oh come on. You’re 71. You can’t go in it. Or you’re 80 and you can’t go in it.’” As a result, the average age of the cast members is 69, including eight men and many women. “A lot of people have been interested because we’ve used music from the era that they know. It was good music at that time. And let’s be honest, old ladies love to dress up.” And Newell expects audiences will love it, too. “People are going to come out, and they are going to laugh. They are going to have a really good evening out for $7.50.”


Strip on Stage

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 • 5

Dorothy Campbell, Marg Bright and Kathy Nathan are the Andrews Sisters.

Eileen Bank, Al Noxell, Peg Seller and Irene Nicolson are Black Bottom Girls.

The Black Bottom Girls (Al Noxell portrays one) performed a Charleston-like dance in the 1920s.



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Strip VIPs

6 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Lifelong learners Partners in Learning program proves you don’t have to go to school to be a student

Partners in Learning Open House September  –  to  p.m. Southcott Pines clubhouse -- For those people, they’re not forced to do it. Don Santor: It’s a non-threatening atmosphere where people feel free to bring their experience to the topic of discussion. Dinah: This fall we have three courses, and each person can take two each semester. We’re having an open house September 10, and people can meet the moderators to talk to them about their courses. What’s the structure of Partners in Learning? Frances: We often go on field trips. For the How does it work? lighthouse course we went to Kincardine and Cam Taylor: It’s a 10-week course run in we’ve been to the Pinery and other places. the fall, and also in the winter. One person moderates and keeps the class in line and How do you prepare for the courses? on topic. From there, each one of the 20-22 Cam: I’ll be moderating the course with people in the course will do a bit of research Mike, and it’s such a wide topic that there and a presentation on an aspect of whatever are many things that can be done. First of all the class is about. there are our sources of energy, how we use Dinah Taylor: The range of topics is as energy, the energy machines, the history of wide as your imagination, and it’s entirely up energy from fire to the steam engine and the to the individual. The moderator may suggest boat and the airplane. There’s a lot of scope some topics, but what tends to happen is that here for anyone with interest in any of those. people will latch on to something that you Molly Russell: I want to present psychic would never think was part of the course. energy, so that’s a different sort of thing. You don’t have to be a genius to do it. Some people do PowerPoint, others show pieces Why is this important? of paper, and others photograph albums. Nancy Winters: I was going to take a Everyone’s respectful; they ask questions and course at Western. Once I had to drive there listen to your answers. in the winter and had to drive the whole way Frances Vink: There are some people who in the left lane because it was the only one don’t feel comfortable making a presentation. that had been plowed yet. I thought, I don’t Looking for a way to stretch your mind and meet people with a different perspective? Perhaps Partners in Learning is the right answer for you. The group meets Wednesday afternoons at the Southcott Pines clubhouse to share ideas and learn something new. The Grand Bend Strip’s Casey Lessard sat down with some of the group’s members to discuss the program.

Top: Glen Russell. Above: Nancy Winters. Right: Cam Taylor, Frances Vink and Molly Russell.

Partners in Learning 2008 Fall Program 10 WEDNESDAYS Sept.  - Nov.  Energy with Cam Taylor & Mike Ash Hollywood with Dinah Taylor Questions That Matter with Don Santor


Socrates Café

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think I can make this drive all winter. I didn’t even have to look for this. Someone told me they were doing this here, so I don’t have to risk life and limb to do it. What has generated a lot of discussion at Partners? Frances: The Purpose and Meaning of Life, which Don Santor moderated, created a lot of interest. Molly: Then I did The Philosophy of Anything to explore some of these ideas. Frances: Courses like local history have been very interesting. Dinah: One of the first courses I took was on the history of architecture. That was fascinating because it brought in people from a wide variety of backgrounds. But every course has a personal element and you get to know the people in the course very well. What are some topics of concern for Grand Bend that need to be addressed? Nancy: This is something we would address in Socrates Café. The group sits around and each person writes down what they want to talk about that day. The moderator lists the topics on the board and the whole group votes on the one or two issues they want to talk about. The hot button issues tend to get a lot of discussion.


Strip VIPs

Don Santor

Jackie Southcott

Molly: It ’s going to be held at the Schoolhouse Restaurant on Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m., and it runs every other week. Dinah: In the past we’ve talked about provincial funding for faith-based schools, and we had one on euthanasia, immigration, and local issues like main street development. I expect beach enhancement will be a topic this year. Mike Ash: The course I’m helping moderate on energy is going to be pretty topical. Are we heading for doom or is it all hype? Glen Russell: It’s an opportunity to deal

with local issues that may never come up otherwise. Everyone can add something to these issues. Mike: Back in my university days, 80 per cent of what I learned was from the other people who were participating. This is absolutely no different. It’s a great way to go through the winter and get a little education. Cam: It helps everyone think outside of the box and take off the blinkers. Dinah: One of the best things about Partners is that you don’t get a grade. It’s like the best parts of being in school: you make

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would like to thank the following for their continued support to our school, the lunch program, and the wonderful Christmas dinner. ★ Aunt Gussie’s ★ Colonial Hotel ★ ★ Garden Gate Gifts & Floral ★ ★ Grand Bend Community Foundation ★ ★ Grand Bend Motorplex ★ ★ Grand Bend & District Optimist ★ ★ Grand Bend Produce ★ Hayter’s Turkeys ★ ★ Jalapeños ★ Julie Nelson ★ ★ Lioness Club Grand Bend ★ ★ Municipality of Lambton Shores ★ ★ New Orleans Pizza ★ ★ No Frills ★ Pizza Delight ★ ★ Royal Canadian Legion Grand Bend ★ ★ Rotary Club of Grand Bend ★ Sobey’s ★ ★ Stephanie Donaldson ★ TD Canada Trust ★ ★ Tenderspot V&S ★ Tim Hortons ★ ★ Westland Greenhouses ★

We are very grateful for all the community support you gave to us throughout 2007-08!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 • 7

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Mike Ash

friends, you have fun, have stimulating conversations, no one criticizes you for what you said, and there are no grades or tests. It’s a huge confidence booster. My assumption is the target audience is an older audience. Dinah: The hours we meet are more suited to those who are retired and semi-retired, but we would love to have people of all ages. We’re perceived as an intellectual group, and we like to think we are, but we’re not academic. We like to think and we like to discuss

things. We want people to feel that if they’ve never done things like this, there’s a place like this, too. The course I’m moderating is Hollywood. We thought it would be fun to have a course that you could look at from any aspect. There’s an endless variety of topics and they’re not all academic. This is a group that’s very welcoming and it’s wonderful to belong if you’re here in the winter; you look forward to the Wednesday and we’d like to see anyone join us. For more info or to register, call 519-238-5335.




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8 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Strip Feature



The Hoffman boys (Tim, Rob and Ted (r)) lead the Bluewater tug of war team as they prepare for the world championships in Sweden Sept. 4-7.

“It’s time to win gold”


Ten-time Canadian champions chase elusive world tug-of-war title September 4-7 in Sweden

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Photos and story by Casey Lessard

BRING A LOCAL FLAVOUR TO YOUR SUNDAY DINNER It’s a great time to eat local! The Pinery Antique Flea & Farmers Market has the best selection of Ontario fruits and vegetables, homemade pies, breads, fresh roasted organic coffee beans, dried meats, plants, fresh cut flowers fl owers and much more...

The Bluewater team practices on Matthias Metzger’s farm northwest of Dashwood. They use one of his buildings for winter practices.

They’ve been the best tug-of-war team in Canada since 1997, but they’ve never tasted success on the world stage. For the Bluewater squad based at Matthias Metzger’s farm northwest of Dashwood, this year is different. “If they believe they can win a gold medal, I think they can,” says coach Jim Connolly of London. The team heads to Stenungsund, Sweden to fight for the world championships September 4-7. The difference this year, Connolly says, is the team has a cohesive plan to win thanks to help from his son-in-law, life coach Rob Di Cesare. He’s been helping the team overcome the mental barriers to their success. “I always noticed that in and around Ontario and this area, they dominate,” says Di

Cesare, who has been following their progress over the years. “They’re physically stronger and better trained than any other team. However, whenever they go to competitions in Europe, even as they prepared, you would see a difference. The results would show.” “We tend to put our (international) opposition up on a pedestal,” Connolly says. “You can’t beat them if you’ve already done that. Rob has taught us to concentrate more on ourselves than on our competition. We’re ready this time.” For Di Cesare, the first step was setting a cohesive goal for the team. “Everyone had a different idea of why they were going to Sweden,” he says. “Some of them were going to finish in the top six. Some

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Coach Jim Connolly leads the team through its pulling routine.


Strip Feature

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 • 9

98 Ontario Street South, Grand Bend red, green or black

black diamond

pork back ribs seedless grapes cryovac pkg. of 2

cheese bars Coach Jim Connolly and his team evaluate their technique after each portion of practice.

were going to finish in the top four. Some were going to win a medal. Some were going just to compete.” Di Cesare encouraged the men to decide on a team goal, and they decided it was to win the world championships. The quest to achieve that goal hasn’t been easy; the team reached a breaking point last month. “On their way to achieving the gold medal,” he says, “they had to set some smaller goals, and one of them was that in order for the team to go to Sweden, each had to hold their own weight for five minutes by Monday, July 21. If even one of them couldn’t do it, the team wasn’t going, even though they’d already bought their plane tickets, etc. They had three weeks to get to that point. “In my Friday night session before the deadline, I checked in with the guys and none of them was able to do it. They couldn’t even get past a minute-and-a-half. That night, they suggested they should move the deadline back because the goal was too high. I called them on their backing down and said the deadline wasn’t changing. “That Monday morning, Matthias tried several times and couldn’t hold it for even a minute-and-a-half. But that night at training, something changed and every single guy held it for at least five minutes. The lowest was 5:09, and the longest was close to nine minutes. Nothing changed physically, but mentally something changed and they made up their minds that they were going to do this.”

Even the casual observer would see the team is focused on their goal; it’s a stark contrast to when Rob Hoffman went to his first world championships in 1996. “I went over with an all-star team from Ontario, and we weren’t fit to do the laces of the European teams,” Hoffman says. “The following year, Bluewater won the right to represent Canada, and we’ve been doing that for the last 10 years. This is the best team we’ve had.” “I think there will be a different result this time,” says Di Cesare. “We’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on the Olympics. Stereotypically, Canadians will say they’re there to do their best and to participate. If you asked an American athlete, stereotypically they say they’re there to win a gold medal. Nothing else is acceptable. That’s probably the fundamental reason the Americans do better than Canadians.” “At this point we’ve trained hard and we’ve been there enough to know we’re as fit as the other teams,” says team captain Ted Hoffman. “Tug of war becomes very mental when you get into the top four and the team that doesn’t give in to the strain and the pain will win.” “It’s a good feeling to be on top in Ontario or Canada,” says Matthias Metzger, a puller since 1991. “But you always want to do more. We’ve been somewhat successful at the international level, but now it’s time to win a gold medal.” For more info: http://www.tug-of-war.net.



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Grand Bend Strip

10 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Corbett car fun

Car fans brought their best looking vehicles to Corbett for the Fun Day August 9. Among the sweet rides, a 1951 Studebaker owned by Grant Westlake of Exeter (“She rides very lovely,” he said), a Ford Ranchero owned by Donna McLinchey, and a 1917 Ford Depot Hack owned by Clinton Gilbert.


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Grand Bend Strip

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 • 11

Racing for the rescuers

Christine’s Marina Bar and Grill in Port Franks held its annual Rubber Duck Races August 3. Proceeds went to the Northville Fire Department. Top left: Aaron Wilcox, BJ Cremers, Mike Stanlake and Tom Meister release the rubber birds. Left: Tom Meister tries to retrieve one of the finishers. Above: the winning number is relayed to shore. Veronica Brennan won the top prize, $500, and donated it to the fire department.


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Light Refreshments Brochures: Grand Bend Library & Post Office Partners-in-Learning Box 1224, 519-238-5335

We’re all getting older daily Advice from mom By Rita Lessard According to the dictionary, old means having lived or existed for a specific time, so even if you are two, three or sixty, you are old. So if you think you’re old, you can feel better knowing it’s true and that you’re not alone. As the old saying goes, it’s a mind over matter thing; if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Just for you, I created an old alphabet for this column. Two old aged people kindly agreed to live with an old bat of a mother-in-law, who brought along her old cat and old dog, who all ate from old earthenware dishes. The old fart of a husband was always complaining about the old greasy food while wearing his old hat - which made him look like an old idiot – while the old juices spewed from his old kisser, which resembled an old lemon that seemed to have been permanently set on his old man face. Perhaps this was because his old nag of a wife constantly reminded him of his old ogre of a mother that she had to put up with ever since she moved in when she got her old-age pension years ago. The mother liked to be treated like an old queen and much to the wife’s distress, she had a hard time adjusting to their living arrange-


Strip Thoughts

12 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ments. One of her main concerns was the fact that if the old lady sat too long on her old rump, she would get old sores on her old tush and this would make her oh so old ugly to live with and then they would probably never get to fulfill their old vacation plans because they’d be stuck trying to find someone to look after the dear old soul. She imagined going in their old Winnebago to places where they would buy postcards to send with old xxx’s and old “Yes, we are having a great time” notes, and finally getting all the old zzz’s that they’d hankered for all those years. Whew! Enough already with the old alphabet.

Helpful hints I haven’t given any in a while, but here are a few: Never wash windows on a sunny day – they will dry too fast and leave streaks. Bee sting – rub a slice of onion to ease the sting. Mosquito bites (this is old advice that I gave previously) – dab vinegar on bites to relieve itching.

Reminder: The 2nd annual Bill and Helene Regier memorial golf tournament is Sunday, September 7. Golf is $100 per person, or if you don’t golf, you can attend the dinner for $25 per person. Plus buy tickets for a “wheelbarrow of cheer”. For info: 519-237-3593.

Septic Problems? Tired of paying too much?

A cat and mouse tale Keeping the Peace By Tom Lessard, C.D. Back in the good old days – the early 70s, that is – there was a company in Huron Park by the name of Hall Lamp. It was a large employer that produced taillights and mirrors. The company used most of the industrial park’s hangars. In the southwest corner of Plant 3, the shipping department was staffed by two very competent forklift drivers and a clerk typist who knew virtually everything there was to knw about shipping, especially how to get those shipments across the border by car, truck or airplane. Her name was Julie. Now in that office there was a baseboard that ran around the perimeter; it was about 5” high by 3” wide. Along the baseboard ran one of Julie’s pets – a mouse. She would place peanuts, candies or whatever she had left over from her lunch on the baseboard. You could walk in almost any time during the day and watch that mouse chomping down on the goodies. A year passed and Julie felt it was time for a birthday party for her pet. Arrangements were made at the Club Albatross, decorations were purchased, a cake was made and invitations were sent to all management personnel and a few workers who we knew could get away. The mouse had a mouse house that we took to the bar, in which it had a TV set, a portrait of Mickey on the wall, and a sofa

with two little mice seated watching a Disney “Mickey Mouse show”, probably Annette and the Mouse Club. The day arrived and everyone gathered at the Albie on the dance floor. Tables were set and balloons and hats were provided. A toast was made and everyone sang “Happy Birthday”. Then we ate and imbibed a little more while presents were opened. It was a wonderful party. S/he got lots of neat gifts, mostly food. One day a stray cat arrived on the shipping office doorstep. It was a cute little dirty furry mess. Julie, the animal lover, took it into her domain. It had to have some place to stay so a house was provided with a blanket, a bowl and a litter box; we called it “Julie’s cat house”. Of course, with a little imagination, you can figure out what we called the cat. We had a lot of fun with that cat and it got along well with the mouse. An elderly foreman, Vic, would take the cat home every weekend for a cleanup. He rigged up a length of twine and tied a foam seal from a Chrysler taillight to use as a leash and would take the cat for a walk through the plant. The women on the lines loved that cat. One day Julie set the cat on her desk and he pawed the electric typewriter. The words that appeared on the sheet of paper made us realize we had been calling him the wrong name. Apparently his name was OIY OIY. Come on out to the Crediton Harvest Family Fun Day September 6 at the park. Lots of entertainment, fun and games, and plenty of good food. Get your tickets for the top prize of $5200 worth of gas in aid of our building fund.

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Three free issues of the Strip left! Subscribe now to get the paper in your mailbox all winter!


Strip on Stage

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 • 13


Karen Edissi, Doug Chamberlain and Keith Savage star in A Funny Thing Happened... at the Playhouse.

Last chance to catch A Funny Thing Story by Casey Lessard The Huron Country Playhouse’s 2008 season wraps up this week after a solid run of crowd favourites and Canadian premieres. The season wraps with the musical farce A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, featuring Steve Ross as Pseudolus, a slave trying to win his freedom by winning the heart of the beautiful maiden Philia (Elena Juatco) for his master’s son, Hero (Kyle Blair). “It’s light hearted and fun,” says Juatco, the Canadian Idol finalist who played the lead in last year’s Miss Saigon. “I’ve never been so nervous as those first day rehearsals seeing the talent. You’re among so many great actors who have so much experience and you learn so much just watching them work.” Stage veteran Doug Chamberlain, who plays Hero’s father Senex, brings his experience from years ago to Grand Bend. “I’m at the point in my life where I can say no; I’m only doing the fun things,” Chamberlain says. “I did this play before a thousand years ago and I played Hysterium. Now that I’m older, I’m old enough to play Senex. Kenny Wicks, who plays Erronius in this, played Erronius then. He’s 85 now, so he was 60 or something when he did it. It’s great to be back together. We’ve known each other since the 1950s. We did it in Toronto at what was then called the St. Lawrence Centre; it’s right next door to the O’Keefe Centre. “It’s just a romp. It’s a joy to do and of course all my buddies are in it and I’m enjoying it very much.”

“There’s nothing better than rapid-fire physical comedy when you’re working with someone who gets it,” says Steve Ross, referring to Keith Savage, who plays Hysterium. It’s surprisingly physical. I take a lot of ibuprofen.” Audiences will recognize Savage as the host and sometime singer from Legends and Twist and Shout. “They don’t hire me for dark and serious,” Savage says. “It would be nice to try it, but you get pigeon-holed. But so far, so good.” KK Edissi (Domina) plays off Savage’s humour, too. She’s the one with “the chest”, as she says. “It’s hanging in the dressing room right now,” Edissi says. “It’s pretty heavy. I think they padded a 44 DD bra, if there is such a thing. My favourite scene is my solo to Keith: ‘Dirty Old Man.’ I do this thing with my tongue where I always go unnnnn. Last night, I guess I did it a little bit longer and he just cracked up. I started laughing because he laughed. I got off stage and I said I’m sure the audience knew we laughed, but it was fun. That happens because it’s live theatre.” Elena Juatco agrees that the play is fun for the actors. “This is such a fun role on stage, so I’m really lucky,” Juatco says. “I had so much fun last year, and I felt really honoured to come back this year with an amazing cast, and in a different role from Miss Saigon, which was very dramatic and heavy.” A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum ends August 30 at the Huron Country Playhouse.


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14 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Strip Thoughts

Get lost! With GPS, it’s easier said than done Technically Speaking By Tamara Nicola http://www.VisitGrandBend.com Like many others, I’ve always been a gadget person and I’m always interested in the latest gadgets that hit the market. However, I was late to the table when it came to purchasing a GPS receiver. I don’t travel by car that much so I didn’t see the need; boy was I wrong. With prices starting at around $125, a GPS device will ensure that you never get lost again and you might just find yourself confidently exploring back roads for fun. You simply type in the address of your destination and a

soothing voice along with a color display begins to guide you along the way. It is almost an eerie experience to see this device pinpoint your exact location and gently guide you back to your route should you make a wrong turn. If you have wondered how this technology works, here is a great description from the website, howstuffworks.com: “The Global Positioning System (GPS) is actually a constellation of 27 Earth-orbiting satellites (24 in operation and three extras in case one fails). The U.S. military developed and implemented this satellite network as a military navigation system, but soon opened it

up to everybody else. “Each of these 3,000- to 4,000-pound solar-powered satellites circles the globe at about 12,000 miles (19,300 km), making two complete rotations ever y day. The orbits are arranged so that at anytime, anywhere on Earth, there are at least four satellites ‘visible’ in the sky. “A GPS receiver’s job is to locate four or more of these satellites, figure out the distance to each, and use this information to deduce its own location. This operation is based on a simple mathematical principle called trilateration. Trilateration is a method of determining the relative positions of objects using

the geometry of triangles in a similar fashion as triangulation.” There are several cool models on the market; one of my favourites is the Asus R300 Handheld Personal Navigator. This little device seems to have it all and is priced around $150. A mounting kit makes it easy to use in the car but you can also slide it into your pocket, and get directions in pedestrian, bike and even bus mode. It also has an “entertainment hub” and can carry photos, music files, even videos. It accepts external Micro SD cards as well. It has Bluetooth and an embedded FM transmitter, which lets you stream directions through your car stereo. With the R300, you can even field phone calls!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year New school year ushers in big changes, including one for this principal Principal’s Page By Jeff Reaburn, SHDHS Once again the summer has flown by and it is time to get ready to return to school. The custodial staff at South Huron has been working diligently throughout the summer and the school is shiny and clean, in great shape for the arrival of the students on September 2.

The only major change to the building has been an upgrade of the boiler system, which is ongoing, but should be completed well before the arrival of cold weather. The first day of school will begin with an assembly in the large gym, after which students will report to their first period classes. Class lists for first period classes will be posted in various locations on the main floor, and students are asked to check these lists prior to the assembly so that they know where to go when they are dismissed from the assembly. Grade Nine students will be held back at the end of the assembly and escorted to their first period classes by their teachers. In first period students will receive several items: a planner, a student information sheet, a copy of their timetable, and an insurance form. They are asked to take the information sheet home to be verified and signed by a parent, and they are asked to take the insurance form home as well. They will also be given their locker assignments in first period, and

Grade Nine students will be able to purchase a lock from their first period teachers for $6.00. Students in Grades 10 - 12 who need a new lock may purchase one in the main office. The locks we sell cost a little more than those available in stores but we guarantee them and will replace them at no charge if they are defective. In addition, our locks have serial numbers that allow us to determine the combination if a student should happen to forget it, avoiding the necessity of having to cut the lock off. First period teachers will also be collecting Student Council fees and yearbook money. The student fee will remain at $25 this year, but we have had to raise the price for a yearbook to $30 due to increased production costs. Students who wish to buy a yearbook are asked to order one as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. New staff members will be introduced at the opening day assembly, but there is one staff change that I would like to mention now.

This will be my last column as principal of South Huron as I will be moving into the position of System Principal of Information Services for the Board, effective September 1. Kevin Mills, who has been principal of St. Marys DCVI for the last seven years, will take over as principal at SHDHS. Kevin and I have been colleagues and good friends for the last eight years, and I know that he will do a great job. I have greatly enjoyed the last seven years and would like to thank the students, staff, and community for the wonderful support they have shown me. The decision to leave South Huron was a very difficult one for me, and I will miss the school tremendously. I have told Mr. Mills that he is moving into a great school, and I am sure that he will enjoy the same level of support that I have received for the last seven years. Though I will no longer be at the school, the Panther spirit will remain with me.

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Things to Do Community/Charity EVERY TUESDAY

To Do List  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market


 p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Bingo

 a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

EVERY FRIDAY  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Meat Draw

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 • 15

Colborne Street, London vehicle extraction display, children’s mini The ULTIMATE Tribute Show Dinner & tractor pull, beef on a bun. 2 p.m. - Crediton Cubs ladies’ fastball team vs. Crediton Dance. Daughter of Nile Supreme Sessions cuties. Support your community: visit our Fund 2009 “Viva Las Vegas” night. Cocktails followed by Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Show and Crediton community table Dance at 8 p.m. $40 per person. For tickets, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 contact Norm Camp at Mocha Shrine office  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, 519-672-1391 or Patricia Sampson 519-685Grand Bend 3449. Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

Widder Station Golf Club, Thedford Huron Country Playhouse Guild luncheon meeting. Guest speaker Playwright Paul Ciufo. Everyone welcome! Call Mary at 519-238-5640 for details. Dinner for Eight tickets are still available on a limited basis for $5. Call Doreen at 519-238-5423.

: p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Golden Ager’s Luncheon. Join us for Shuffleboard every Mon. & WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Thurs. at 1 p.m. Euchre every 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAYS TO OCTOBER 29  a.m. to  p.m. - Port Franks Wednesday. Community Centre SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Beginner and Intermediate Bridge. Cost All day - Crediton ball park is $45.00. Call 519-238-1239 for details. Crediton’s Harvest Family Fun Day. 711 a.m. - fireman’s breakfast. Activities FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 AND 13 : p.m. - Mocha Shrine Centre,  throughout the day: midway, firefighters

Arts & Entertainment

Health & Fitness




A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum. For tickets, call 1-888-4494463.


I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change. For tickets, call 1-888-449-4463.

SATURDAY, AUGUST 30  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion Elimination Draw and Bob Finlay

Mental Health Education and Support Group. Monthly support group for family  to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, G.B. and friends that provides tools and strategies Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for along with ongoing educational informaspouses and students. tion. Contact social workers Mickey Gurbin or Lise Callahan at 519-238-1556 ext. 223 or  to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter 230 for details. Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for spouses and students.  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC community room WEDNESDAYS Grand Bend Area Community Health  to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, Grand Centre Strategic Plan. We welcome particiBend pants from our focus groups and the general Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for public as we unveil our Strategic Plan for spouses and students. the Health Centre to the Community.


 to  p.m. - McNaughton Park, Exeter T HURSDAY, AUGUST 28  to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC adult Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for centre wing spouses and students. Community Blood Pressure Clinic. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 FRIDAYS Ever yone welcome. Have your blood  a.m. to  p.m. - G. B. Art Centre  to  a.m. - Lions’ Pavilion, Grand pressure checked by one of our Nurse The Celebration of You with Suzette Terry Bend Practitioners. No appointment necessary. (Photo Transfer). Workout for Your Life. $8 per class; $5 for MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 spouses and students.  to  p.m. - Grand Bend Legion  p.m. – Grand Bend CHC WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27 Live Music with Mike Fagan Alzheimer Caregiver Support Program.  a.m. to  p.m. - Grand Bend CHC Everyone is welcome. Contact the Alzheimer SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Men Can Cook. Advance your cooking Society for details 1-800-561-5012. : a.m. -  p.m. - Pinery Flea Market skills and enjoy a healthy, yummy meal. Live Music with Brian Dale Contact Dietitian Miranda Burgess at 519- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16  to  a.m. – Port Franks Community 238-1556 ext 222 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Centre  a.m. to  p.m. - G.B. Art Centre Healthy Lifestyle Exercise C lasses : to : p.m. or  to : p.m. Drawing with Teresa Marie. begin. Please join the Grand Bend Area Grand Bend CHC

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: a.m. -  p.m. - Pinery Flea Market Live Music with Brian Dale

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Hall rentals - contact Sharon (519) 238-6865

Sundays on the Patio (4-7 pm):


 a.m. - Grand Bend Legion Grand Bend Men’s Probus Club meeting. Speaker Graham Hitchins speaks about “Double Lung Transplants”.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17  a.m. to  p.m. - Gill St. parking lot, Grand Bend Grand Bend Farmers’ Market

Community Health Centre’s “FREE” Exercise Program ever y Tuesday and Thursday from 9-10 a.m. Instructors Cathy and Faye. Please contact Health Promoter Cindy Maxfield for details 519-238-1556 ext 231.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18  a.m. to  p.m. – Blessings Community Store, Zurich Cooking out of the Box. Taste test and get ideas for yummy, low-cost, healthy recipes. Contact Grand Bend Area CHC Dietitian Miranda Burgess at 519-238-1556 ext 222 for details.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24  a.m. to  p.m. – Grand Bend CHC Men Can Cook. Advance your cooking skills and enjoy a healthy, yummy meal. Contact Dietitian Miranda Burgess at 519238-1556 ext 222 : to : p.m. or : to : p.m. – Grand Bend CHC Mental Health Education and Support Group. Monthly support group for family and friends that provides tools and strategies along with ongoing educational information. Contact Social Workers Mickey Gurbin or Lise Callahan at 519-238-1556 ext. 223 or 230 for details.

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16 • Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Strip at the Cove


At the 4th annual Glen Urquhart lawn bowling tournament, Joyce Duchesne shows she knows her lawn bowling. “It’s fun, and you’re outside. You get to meet different people.” She’s facing off against John Wassing (left).

Grand Cove lawn bowlers know how to roll

Closest to the white ball wins.

Anne Brandsma, Bill Duchesne and club president John Towie measure to see who the winner is.

John Hatton, a three-month veteran of the sport, loves the game. “It’s great. There’s no pressure. It gets you outdoors, you meet a lot of people and it’s great fun.”

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