Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
Vol. VIII, No. 2
Hiram Words Hiram Words
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••••• ••••• The official quarterly publication of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Illinois December 2013 C.E. ~ December 2543 A.I.
Brotherly Love
Companion Tim Ward, Grand Webmaster, Editor - Hiram Words The holiday season is upon us once again... it is time to eat, drink, and be merry. But that is not really what the season is about. Set aside the commercialism, the desire for physical “stuff” , the frantic need to have fun no matter what.
Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message
Remeber that line from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas? “What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
Our Illinois 2013-14 Strategic Plan contains 5 Pillars or primary initiatives, supporting the “roof of Royal Arch Masonry”. Join me in exploring one of the initiatives contained in Pillar 2 which is dedicated to improving that element that connects us all; our 4 degrees. We are building on that foundation created by these degrees, but expanding their core value by taking them beyond the walls of our individual Chapter rooms; even beyond the borders of our State. In doing so, we are not only rekindling the fires of camaraderie within our State, but magnifying the connective power of these allegorical lessons as we unite with companions of neighboring states.
As Masons we are encouraged to embrace the concept of Brotherly Love. There are many definitions but the most fitting I have found is from thefreedictionary.com: “a kindly and lenient attitude towards people”. It is considered synonymous with Charity and is related to Benevolence. Yes, Christmas is a time of religeous celebration, but after reading that definition, who can argue that Brotherly Love is not an important part of that true spirit of Christmas? So go forth my Brothers, my Companions, my dear friends; embrace Brotherly Love, show your charity and benevolence, let that be your gift to others, not just during the holiday season, but all the year round. May you all find peace and happiness and life bring you joy. Remeber your friends and know that even in hardship, you always have a Brother to lean on. Any materials you would like to submit for publication should be emailed to me directly at: ilshriner@gmail.com. In addition, I welcome any comments or suggestion on how we can improve our publication. å
Companion Alan M. Hubble, MEGHP
Chapter Camaraderie: Build good memories; Make new friends “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years”, Abraham Lincoln Brotherhood. Fellowship. Camaraderie. These words describe that quality which is at the heart of our Fraternity. Understanding and inspiring this quality therefore becomes of tantamount importance to our path for the future.
Build good memories; Make new friends Reflecting on my past Masonic travels, I recall the fun I experienced when two or more of us York Rite Masons would pile into a car and set out to support another Chapter in exemplifying their degrees; sometimes it would be multiple cars from the same Chapter or in concert with other area Chapters. The drive would give us sequestered time, not unlike a lodge or chapter meeting, to banter back and forth, exchange Masonic and secular news and trivia, and to engage in what some may term, humor. Upon our arrival, we were welcomed by smiling members of the host Chapter, delighted that we showed up to either assist in the degrees or to support their candidates; sometimes bringing candidates of our own. On almost every occasion, I met someone new, learned something about the local chapter or gained some tips on how we might add value to the exemplification of our degrees back home. Often resulting from the drive time there and back, I would learn something about Companions of whom I thought I knew everything. But at every event we visited, there were always elements of the familiar and elements of the new. Masons are often referred to as “travelers”; our rituals are saturated with such references. Performing degrees with Companions with whom we have never worked before, somehow made the degrees new. In working together with guys we haven’t worked with in the past, in itself creates a new connection with that team, an element of the “new”. But we also had an opportunity to reinforce the elements of familiarity based on the values that we hold in common. (continued on page 2)
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Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message (cont) Re-minting the “Traveler” We have given high visibility to local Chapter Days within our State by asking all District Deputies and Secretaries to report their local Chapter Days to our Grand Webmaster. He will add them to our calendar for all to refer to who are in search of scheduled degrees. We are encouraging our District Deputies and Chapter Secretaries to encourage their Chapters to get groups together on a monthly basis to visit other Chapter meetings or degree work. Build Good Memories, Make New Friends. Expanding on the theme What works within our state, will work even better in interacting with neighboring states. We recently had the privilege of holding our first ever Joint Indiana-Illinois Chapter & Council Day at Vincennes Lodge No. 1 in Indiana providing easy opportunities for Chapters in the Southeastern part Illinois to participate. Illinois exemplified two Chapter degrees and one Council degree; Indiana did likewise. We returned to Illinois with even grander memories and ideas for improving our degree exemplification and degree equipment. Our Chapter experience suddenly had expanded, particularly with new Masonic friends who we plan to see next year when we hold the same event format but in Illinois. By doing so we started the course of a new path of good memories with new friends. • Chapters in the Southwestern part of Illinois are enthusiastically looking forward to our first ever Joint MissouriIllinois Chapter Day which will take place next year on March 22 in Granite City, IL. • Chapters in western Illinois are excited about our first ever Joint Iowa-Illinois Chapter Day to take place in Burlington, Iowa on April 26. • And finally Chapters in the Northern and Northwestern Illinois are making preparations for our first ever Tri-State IowaWisconsin-Illinois Chapter Day to be held at Freeport, IL. on May 3, 2014. Having covered the peripheral area of the state; now something to benefit the central part of the state. On April 19, 2014, we will hold our first ever Grand Chapter Quarry Day…all four Chapter degrees exemplified in a rock quarry. This was the original idea of Sean McBride, Grand King. We created a team to expand our degree exemplification with special effects and more pronounced drama, led by Jerry Starks, Grand PS and Patrick Robin, Grand Chaplain. Not to give away secrets, but they promise a real burning bush, true “fire from the heavens”, and several other interesting twists and turns which we hope will bring out a solid number of members and candidates.
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
As Masons, we are by nature, “Travelers”. Our ritual refers to building good memories and making new friends through our travels when we are reminded in the Royal Arch Degree; “so many means of refreshment and satisfaction are available to us while traveling the rugged paths of life”. Hope to see you all out there on the road. Alan M. Hubble M.E. Grand High Priest Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the State of Illinois å
The Fraternal Link?
By William J. Hussey, Jr. REDGHP As Grand Officers we are asked to write something for the newsletter. We have had articles submitted about everything from King Solomon to the Triple Tau. I had something else written to submit but two events yesterday (Nov. 30th) made me change course. The Fraternal Link: It could be the ritual, our Lodge or it’s the human side of Masonry. I believe it’s all three but most importantly its family. The morning began as every Saturday morning getting up early because we had a Masonic event to go to. Unlike weekend degree work or banquets we were heading to help a brother. Brother Felkamp has been in and out of Hospitals and rehab centers for over a year. They found tumors on his brain and the heavy medications have taken its toll on his mortal body. Some of his brothers decided to have a work day at his house and do some things for his wife before winter hit. No gavels or award presentations but something much much more. Experiencing Masonry at its finest as he gave us a big smile as we walked into his rehab room together. Then driving home late last night I received a phone call that I will always remember. A friend who happened to be a brother was gone. Anyone who had met him would never forget him. His smile was as big as his coffee mug he carried at all times. God had given him a short bent body but he stood as tall as most men I know. He was that one guy who was at everything trying to help in some way. Larry Scott Niccum you were loved and will be missed. As the Holiday season is upon us so is a greater need to check on our brothers. Give them a visit or call because it could just be the warm light they need at that exact moment. You could very well be that Fraternal Link. May God Bless å
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
Hiram Words
Communications from the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons The General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International Organized October 24, 1797
Edmund D. Harrison - General Grand High Priest P.O. Box 737352 Elmhurst, NY 11373 USA Tel.: 718-592-0529 Cell: 917-406-5470 e-mail: harnich@cs.com December 11, 2013 Dear Companions! By courtesy of your Grand High Priest, I am privileged to offer you further information about General Grand Chapter. In the previous commentaries, we have reviewed the history and development of General Grand Chapter and have considered the merits and reasons for its international expansion. Let us now, then, review some of the substance and services that are provided to each member Chapter or Grand Chapter. Commitments: General Grand Chapter has only two binding commitments required by each of its member subordinate Chapters (chapters operating in a jurisdiction where there is no Grand Chapter) or Grand Chapters. The first of these concerns the ritual. General Grand Chapter offers a ritual book which provides the words and ceremonies for the presentation of each of the four degrees of the Royal Arch Chapter. Slight variations of this work occurred in many jurisdictions as these new Grand Chapters developed since, in the early days, the work was frequently transmitted from mouth to ear and written transcriptions were either forbidden or not available; hence, we find differences in the work from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. This is acceptable as long as the essence and key points of the work are not modified or eliminated but, should such action occur, General Grand Chapter would be obliged to require the error to be corrected. Such a situation occurred in recent years when Austria developed a ritual which did not conform to our work and as a result, being unwilling to conform at that time, separated from General Grand Chapter. Fortunately earlier this year, ceremonies took place in Vienna acknowledging adjustments that were made in the ritual structure in Austria that now conform to our requirements and Austria has been welcomed back as a member of General Grand Chapter.
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The second binding commitment is that each member Chapter or Grand Chapter must subscribe to the Constitutions of General Grand Chapter. These are very general and basic and do not interfere in any way with the operations of the member Chapter or Grand Chapter. The key point which must be observed is the annual report and payment of the per capita fee by the member to the General Grand Chapter. The complete Constitution is available for your viewing at www.yorkrite.org , click on the General Grand Chapter seal and then click on “Constitution”. The website is a useful guide into the many additional services that General Grand Chapter offers to its members. Entry is through www.yorkrite.org and then click on the General Grand Chapter seal. This will lead you to a system of links that will provide useful information on many topics. Here are a few: -Emerging Leaders – this is a dynamic education program available to candidates recommended by the Grand High Priest. Classes are given annually at the Regional Conference and there are four graduated courses. This program is provided in concert with Grand Encampment and General Grand Council and provides high level leadership training presented by experienced motivational instructors who are York Rite officers. This is an incredible value, which in the commercial world would cost many dollars and which is offered at no cost other than the requirement to attend the Conference and pay a small registration fee and such accommodations or meals as are necessary. Books supporting the program are provided at no cost. Any Companion seeking to advance in the line of their Chapter or seeking position in their Grand Chapter is encouraged to approach your Grand High Priest and seek his recommendation. Graduation from these courses is no assurance of appointment to any office but will certainly be a factor in consideration of your credentials. -Vision Statement – a current triennium statement of the goals of General Grand Chapter -Newsletter – published on line monthly, this offers an opportunity for General Grand Chapter to report to you and to give you a schedule of each officer for the month as well as to receive photos and stories from you to publish for the world to view. This can only be as effective as your contributions allow. Please provide stories and photos of events in your chapter. For further information or assistance, contact our General Grand Scribe, James Hodge at jhhsnow@aol.com. -Membership Development Programs – several programs are available that can enhance your meetings and help you to recruit new members. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel – the programs listed here can be adapted and modified to your needs. Our General Grand King, Louis Bartrand, has scoured our membership for this information and has compiled a very useful assortment of information. Contact him at lbartrand@comcast.net. Also check out the Education Bureau for listings of pertinent books, brochures, forms and ceremonies.
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-Awards – General Grand Chapter provides certain awards for service. These include recognition of the service of the Grand High Priest with appropriate engraved presentation at the end of his term. The Bronze Medal is awarded for outstanding service to a worthy recipient selected by each Grand Chapter/Grand High Priest annually. The Silver Medal is awarded each Triennium to a worthy recipient in each region recommended to the Regional Deputy General Grand High Priest and forwarded to the General Grand High Priest for decision and presentation at the Triennial. The Gold Medal is reserved for presentation at the Triennial by the General Grand High Priest. There can be as many as three Gold Medals presented at each Triennial. The Ritual Award reflects extraordinary commitment to the presentation of ritual and details of qualification are listed. The Sweetheart Award is available for any Royal Arch Mason to obtain for his lady. This is a beautiful jewel and is much coveted. Check out the Sweetheart Award tab for pictures and ordering details. Information will soon be published announcing the new Ephraim Kirby Award in honor of our first General Grand High Priest.
I am the Bible
-Website – The website offers much more for the exploring and inquiring Royal Arch Mason under the categories of: Grand Chapters on line; Grand Secretary contacts; links or tabs to an assortment of topics. There are links or tabs to sites for Grand Lodges, Grand Councils, Grand Commanderies, invitational and honorary orders; General Grand Council; Grand Encampment. On the opening page, you will find excellent membership videos, references, papers and important information on the degrees. The Events tab will provide a listing of all York Rite activities internationally and usually provides registration and program information for most events.
A Supplication for Crippled Children
-General Grand Secretary – The office of the General Grand Secretary is the veritable administrative heart of the General Grand Chapter. This officer has extraordinary responsibility to maintain contact information with all the Chapters, Grand Chapters, Committees and General Grand Officers. His office maintains the website, prepares and send the appropriate awards to each jurisdiction in time for the annual convocation, maintains all records, receives all funds and supervises reports and receipt of per capita payments from all members, as well as fielding a wide array of questions and requests from around the world. This office is here to serve you but we urge you to check out the website first for the answer to your question. If unable to find the information you need, the General Grand Secretary, Most Excellent Larry Gray, PGGHP, can be contacted at ramintl@sbcglobal.net.
The fragile bodies and the withered hands
by author unknown Just use me I am the Bible, I am God’s wonderful library. I am always and above all The Truth. To the weary Pilgrim, I am the good strong staff, To the one who sits in gloom, I am a glorious light. To those who stoop beneath heavy burden, I am sweet rest. To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide. To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm. To those who are distressed by the storms of life, I am an anchor. To those who suffer in lonely solitude, I am a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow. Oh, child of man, to best defend me, Just use me.
by Warren Grimes. Printed in J. Ed. Hart, “Unto the Least of These” A Story of the Shriners’ Hospitals for Crippled Children (Greenville, South Carolina Most Gracious God and Lord of all the Lords, Pity, we pray, our many tender wards; Bless Thou our work, on which we set Thy Name, To right the crippled feet, the broken frame, Of little ones in this and other lands; That they may grow the better to sustain Thy Kingdom and Thine everlasting reign.
The Secretary’s Dream by author unknown I fell asleep the other night
and, while I had my snooze, I dreamed that each companion stepped up and promptly paid his dues; and when I found it was but a dream,
We hope you have found this information to be useful to you and that this gives you a greater insight into the service General Grand Chapter provides to its members. In our next column, we will explore the Royal Arch Mason magazine and Royal Arch Research Assistance as our charity. Meanwhile, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Your General Grand High Priest, Edmund D. Harrison å
I nearly threw a fit. Now, it’s up to you to make it true. Please remit!
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
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Thoughts on Nature’s God and Atheism by Companion Matthew R. Stolz, EHP of Macon Chapter #21
Being Thoughts on Reading “Nature’s God and Atheism,” by Companion Doctor Steven C. Monrotus, M.E.P.G.H.P. of the Grand Chapter R.A.M. of Missouri, Printed in The Royal Arch Mason Magazine, Vol. 30, No. 4, Winter 2011-2012, pp. 20-26. One may or may not consider the profession of philosopher to be a noble one. Be that as it may, but little consideration should suffice to admit that there are degrees of philosophy and philosophers. My father has a term for the lesser philosophy, however vulgar; he denigrates it as “a twiddling of the mental thumbs,” to put it euphemistically. The greater philosophy, on the other hand, has a point, a purpose; it pushes the thresholds of human understanding, allowing humanity to transcend itself. When one approaches the thresholds of the worldview, the Weltanschauung, one encounters certain paradoxes, certain propositions, which, though contradictory, both appear to be true, and that simultaneously. Niels Bohr is quoted by Max Delbrück in his “Mind from Matter: An Essay on Evolutionary Epistemology” (1986) as saying, “It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth.” The existence or non-existence of God, theism versus atheism, is, I would argue, a matter of the very deepest Truth. The debate clearly continues in the world around us, while we, as Masons, are squarely oriented in the theist camp. Positing theism as the royal road to true philosophy is not to say that deep truths cannot be approached by philosophers, who, if not atheistic, at least refuse to address theism in their work. It is just that the works of such philosophers, if they approach deep truths, will have the ring of theism, while, if they do not approach deep truths, their works will seem like “the twiddling of the thumbs.” I am reminded of Dr. Michio Kaku’s interview with Art Bell in which the former discussed the quantum as that which makes the void unstable. Here he was discussing something unseen and universal, which, by its existence, guarantees Creation. Art Bell then quoted Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Dr. Kaku countered by quoting John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The good doctor finished by clarifying, “We call the Word the Quantum.” When one approaches the concept of God philosophically, one encounters certain paradoxes. God is immanent; “… the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 18:21). And yet, God is transcendent; God is beyond the loftiest concept of which we can conceive, beyond even the potentiality of conception. These concepts are contradictory; God is within us, beyond even the greatest possible constriction of our perceptual focus, and yet, God is without us, beyond even the greatest possible expansion of our perceptions of reality. As Hermann Hesse expressed it in his short story, “Inside and Outside” (1920), “Nothing is outside, nothing is inside, for that which is outside is inside.” There is a cyclical nature to reality. If one looks without, beyond even the limits of perception, one arrives within; if one looks within, beyond even the limits of perception, one arrives without. As Hermes Trismegistus so eloquently put it, “As above, so below.” God is beyond the limits of our perception; if not, God’s existence would be obvious and not subject to debate.
This is the crux of the issue: Philosophers confine themselves to their conceptions of reality; their conceptions are limited by their perceptions, and their perceptions are limited. Why read philosophy? We seek an understanding, which is beyond that, which we have gleaned from our own perceptions. We seek an understanding, which is transcendental, “transperceptional,” to coin a term. Yet, if philosophers constrain themselves to musings based solely upon their own perceptions, is such a degree of philosophical insight even theoretically possible? We return to “the twiddling of the thumbs.” To attain true insight, inspiration, illumination, and enlightenment, we must transcend the limits of our understanding and enter uncharted territory. Like Theseus or Odysseus, we must enter those areas of our conceptual map, marked, “Here be dragons!” “…The kingdom of God is within you,” (Luke 18:21), yet is not the kingdom within you your own kingdom? Does Jesus’ message have a deeper significance than is commonly understood? Is the Core of our being, the Creator and Sustainer of our very existence, the Guarantor of our free-will, God Him-/Her-/It-self? And yet, if the Quintessence of our very being is God, we cannot allow ourselves to succumb to the illusion of solipsism; if we are, each of us, God, so, then, is everyone else. God is immanent (within us) and transcendent (without us). We are still left with a kind of unification of reality, a rectification, righting, or squaring of the world within us with the world without us. We must realize that not only is our neighbor worthy of the same love we accord ourselves; our neighbor is our self. We are quintessentially the same. To frame the point theologically, collectively we constitute the Elohim (cf. Gen. 1:1-Rev. 22:21, esp. Ps. 82:6-7 & John 10:34-38), yet this collective is a gestalt, greater than the sum of its parts. Or, to put it another way, the parts are more than they seem. In The Holographic Universe (1991), Michael Talbot posits that the whole of the universe is included in each of its constituent parts. This view of God as simultaneously immanent and transcendent implies a kind of holographic theology in which not only is the whole of Creation to be found in each of its parts, so is the Creator to be found in each creature. Avicenna puts this differently, expressing that God is the Quintessence of being. Thus, without God, nothing is. Therefore, instead of Descartes’ classic, “Cogito ergo sum,” we have, “Sum ergo Deus est;” rather than “I think, therefore I am,” we have, “I am, therefore God is.” In other words, knowing that we exist, we know that the Source of existence itself also exists. God is this Source of existence. The Word is mysterious and difficult to understand; let us apply the Key, that all may be made clear! Deus vult! God wills it! Pax vobiscum, Fratres! Peace be with you, Brothers! å
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A Visit to a Lodge in Southern Germany by Companion Patrick Van Oosten, EHP Wilmette Chapter #253 Badenia zum Fortschritt Lodge 427, Baden Baden, Germany November 29, 2013 Between 7:30 and 8:30 pm the Brothers arrived and socialized. A grand total of about 50 Brothers were present, several local, some from Lodges in the area, Canadian Lodges several International, even from Romania. Two District Deputy Grand Masters, five visiting Worshipful masters. The Badenia Lodge works normally with the official German A.F. & A.M ritual, however because their own historic ritual dates from before 1933 they are allowed to use this impressive ritual once a year, which was the case during my visit. The Meeting started European style, first the Officer of Ceremonies guided the Officers into the Temple, than a couple of minutes later asked everybody else to ‘dress Masonically’, in other words put on an apron and other regalia.
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
He also congratulated the Lodge to its 142nd year anniversary This was followed by a most interesting presentation on Masonry and the history of the Lodge by the Secretary. Visiting Brothers congratulated the WM and the Lodge. During closing of the Lodge the Candles were extinguished first by the JW, then the SW and finally by the WM. Also during closing of the Lodge the Brotherly chain is formed. At specific places in the Temple, three roses were put in a vase, one red, one pink and one white. They are a very strong symbol in German Freemasonry. They are also used at Masonic Funerals. In America they could e.g. represent Strength, Beauty and Wisdom. The evening ended with a great Brotherly meal, which consisted of several German specialties: schnitzel, potato salad, local wine etc. å
Winecellar Degree
by Companion Jack Hall, EGO The Brethren were lead into the Temple starting with the EA, FC, MM, visiting WM and finally the DDGM’s. The EA, FC, have their own place in the Temple, the MM are allowed to sit anywhere, during this special day, the visiting WM and DDGM’s were asked to sit in the East next to the WM. Once everybody was seated the German anthem was played followed by the European Anthem for the visitors. (on a side note the music that is being used as the European Anthem, was written by Br. Ludwig van Beethoven). Thereafter the Lodge was officially opened on the First Degree, it is custom that the WM lights the first –real- Candle, the SW the Second Candle and the JW the Third Candle. Part of the Opening procedure is the Brotherly chain. A translation of an impressive part of the opening ritual: Br. SW. are all Brothers present and can we start our Meeting ? No Worshipful. Who is missing ? Those Brothers are missing, who are held somewhere in the world due to violence and inadvertence, are incarcerated or are denounced Freemasons and so prevented from doing their Masonic duty. If not all, at least some of them also would also desire admittance in our Temple, if they were in freedom or could express themselves freely. After the Lodge was opened the WM handed the Gavel to the local DDGM, who honored a 93 year old Brother to 50 years of Freemasonry with an Apron with a gold color lining, and the WM to his 25th anniversary with a an Apron with a silver color lining.
We did not have any description at the time of publication other than Companion Jack Hall was present at the conferral of the Most Excellent Master degree that was done in a wine cellar in Northern Germany. Be sure to ask Jack for more details if you would like to know more. å
A new Standard Club
by Companion Randy Vawter, DDGHP The newest Standard Club in Illinois is now up and running. The Willard D. Skaggs Capitular Standard Club of Illinois will meet in Canton, Illinois on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (dark in July and August). At present they have members from four area Chapters that are attending on a regular basis. å
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
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Capitular Standard Clubs by Companion Patrick B. Jones, REGS
DeKalb Chapter No. 52 hosted a Capitular Standard Club on Sunday December 8th, 2013 following the pancake breakfast at the temple. Grand officers Jim Tome and Pat Jones were on hand to assist with the instruction. The class was on first level ritual certification and the companions rehearsed opening and closing the chapter, as well as reception of Grand Officers. If you are interested in creating enthusiasm among your chapter members than forming a Capitular Standard Club in your area is a great way. This is particularly effective when several chapters come together to study our ritual and floorwork. Instruction in the chapter working is cooperative. Everyone comes together to learn and have fun. If you are interested in organizing a Capitular Standard Club at your chapter please let the Grand Chapter know and we will do everything we can to support you.
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A Visit to Vienna
by Companion Patrick Van Oosten, EHP Wilmette Chapter #253 An outline of Wilmette Chapter 253 Excellent High Priest’ visit to the Royal Arch Masons of Vienna Austria, October 4th, 2013 In Vienna there are currently five Chapters of Royal Arch Masons, two of which work according to US Ritual translated in German. All Chapters meet on the same day of the month in the same Masonic building My visit was to one of the Chapters that work with US Ritual. Before the Meeting, snacks and beverages were served, including beer. The size of the Temple is about 15 by 25 feet. The Meeting was opened on the Degree of Most Excellent Master (6th ), the opening ritual is different than Illinois, e.g. three candles are lit on the altar, after which a “Bruder Kette” (chain of Brothers) is formed and a prayer is said. There were 15 Brothers at this Meeting, Another visiting HP and I were asked to sit in the East with the EHP. During this Meeting a Brother gave a presentation on what he thought was the meaning and most important thing in the sixth Degree. Thereafter others gave their own explanation and thoughts on this subject. At all times there was only one person speaking, sometimes followed by (inspirational) silence. Depending on who is present the Meetings are normally held on the Degree of Mark Master (4th), this because it normally takes about a year to advance from one Degree to the next to give the Brothers a chance to understand the meaning of the different Degrees. Before advancing they have to give a presentation on the Degree they currently hold.
What’s happening in Wilmette
by Companion Patrick Van Oosten, EHP Wilmette Chapter #253
Instead of an organ this particular Chapter used a CD player with music that was very well chosen. Normally no more than 5 Companions join a Chapter per year. Meetings take place twice a month on a Friday. After the Meeting the members of all five Chapters meet again for dinner (wine is also served), during my visit there were about 80 Companions present.
Companion Alan Hubble, MEGHP made his Official Visit to Chapter on November 12th, it was the first Stated Convocation for our one of our newest Companions. Others present were PMEGHP, several current Grand Chapter Officers, as well as the DDGM, all this resulted in good camaraderie.Companion Harold’s fine cooking made the evening even better. Several portrait pictures of Past High Priest were made and will soon added to the ‘York Rite wall of fame’ in the Wilmette Masonic Temple. Wilmette Chapter 253 Stated Meetings, second Tuesday of the month. Dinner 6:30 pm, Meeting 7:30 pm
The food is catered by their own kitchen and served by full time staff. After this great meal some us went to a very good wine bar and enjoyed a good conversation as well as a good glass of wine. This was my first visit to a Royal Arch Chapter in Vienna, the Companions made me feel at home right away ! å
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Grand Chapter’s Arch of Excellence Award by Companion James Tome, EGCoH Show your pride, Companions,
The Capitular Year is about half over – how is your Chapter doing? Are your officers perfecting their ritual and conferring degrees? Have you had some social activities to bring together the Companions in fellowship? Are you reaching out to members that you haven’t seen in a while, seeing how they are doing and inviting them back to Chapter? I certainly hope so! The Grand Chapter’s Arch of Excellence Award is more than just an annual award your Chapter can qualify for – it’s a roadmap for your Excellent High Priest and his officers to use for managing a thriving and growing Chapter. More than that, however, is that it’s a way to restore pride in your Chapter. Last year, 13 Chapters participated in the program, more than in any year that many Grand Chapter officers could remember. You see, the Arch of Excellence Award is something your Chapter can easily qualify for. It covers simple ritual perfection, conferring degrees, social events, charity and fundraising, membership retention and development and much more. At least half of the requirements are something every Chapter should be able to attain. And by qualifying for the award, your Chapter will get recognized at the Grand Chapter’s Annual Session – and that’s something else you can be proud of, Companion. I encourage you to take a look at the Grand Chapter web site, RAM-IL.org, and review the requirements of the Arch of Excellence Award (under “Programs”). You can also ask your Chapter’s Secretary, I am sure that he is keeping track of the award and how your Chapter is doing. Good luck in making your Chapter the best it can be this Capitular Year. I look forward to naming your Chapter as one of the participants in the program this upcoming July! å
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
Improving the Value of Your Chapter by The Pillar 3 Team
Greetings from the Grand Chapter’s Pillar 3 Committee! As one part of a five-point strategy to enhance your Grand Chapter this Capitular Year, our mission is improving the “value” of Royal Arch Freemasonry to local Chapters. You may have heard your Chapter’s Secretary read one or more of our monthly letters we send out with tips on how your Chapter can improve attendance and interest in meetings and events. Well, this month, we’re releasing a set of guidelines that covers how to run efficient (and interesting!) meetings as well as a list of specific program and presentation ideas that will make attending your Chapter’s meetings something to look forward to. Many of the ideas in these documents have been contributed by Companions just like you. They contain years-worth of ideas that are guaranteed to help your Chapter be the great Masonic experience you have always hoped it would be. If you have any ideas or experiences to share on how to improve the “value” of Capitular Freemasonry, please forward them via email to Pillar3@RAM-IL.org. We’re always looking for great ideas – and feedback – and value your opinions, Companion. Grand Royal Arch Chapter’s Pillar 3 Committee Rt. Ex. Comp. Sean McBride Ex. Comp. Jim Tome Ex. Comp. Bo Cook Ex. Comp. Neville Diamond å
Grand Chapter Launches a New Charitable Foundation Fundraising Campaign
Your Grand Chapter is about to launch a new charitable fundraising effort under the Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation. With a new web site, located at www.RAMCF.org, and social media campaign on Facebook (www.facebook.com/ RAMCharitableFoundation), the Grand Chapter is upping their game. Once again, the Foundation will be providing relief to the cause of autism through a new awareness, education and fundraising campaign entitled “Autism. Part of the puzzle is missing. You.” The new web site will soon allow you to make donations to the Foundation, purchase Charitable Foundation lapel pins and specially-designed Royal Arch Mason license plate holders, download educational material to distribute to your members, learn about upcoming events related to the Foundation and its fundraising efforts, find out what’s new with the Foundation and get ideas for fundraising. The web site “officially” launches January 1st, 2014, but you can take a look now at www.RAMCF.org. If you’re active on Facebook, please “Like” our Page at www.facebook.com/ RAMCharitableFoundation – we’ll be posting almost every day with educational facts and figures, news and other great things your Grand Chapter is doing for this needy cause. å
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
Hiram Words
A Great Day in Sullivan
Page 9 Companion Robert H. Wright, our immediate Past Grand High Priest, introduces Companion Alan M. Hubble, Most Excellent Grand High Priest at the Chapter Day in Sullivan Illinois on Saturday November 16th, 2013.
by Companion Patrick B. Jones, REGS
The Companions of Sullivan Chapter No. 128 hosted a very successful Royal Arch day on Saturday November 16th. It was the first time that Sullivan had conferred these degrees in some time. In advance of this event Companions Robert H. Wright, MEPGHP, and Sean McBride, REGK, visited Sullivan and helped these companions to rehearse. Several officers and members of Sullivan Chapter accepted the challenge and filled important roles in the work. Seven new companions were Exalted. Everyone had a lot of fun. Alan Hubble, our Grand High Priest, was present and participated in the degree work. He complimented Sullivan Chapter for taking the initiative and hosting this event. He reminded the companions of his belief that every chapter in Illinois can confer these degrees, and also that the Grand Chapter stands ready to assist them. If your local chapter would like to host a chapter day at your temple please let the Grand Chapter know. Patrick Jones, our Grand Scribe, spoke to the companions present about the importance of the work that the Grand Royal Arch Chapter Charitable Foundation is doing to support the treatment of individuals - particularly children - who suffer from Autism in Illinois. The companions purchased charitable foundation pins and license plate holders. Over $70 was raised for the foundation at this event. Thank you, Sullivan! Sullivan has a very well equipped chapter, with all the regalia and paraphernalia necessary to confer all the degrees of the Royal Arch. We were pleased to discover that several younger members of Sullivan Chapter have taken an active interest in Royal Arch Masonry and are promoting the growth of their chapter. NEW LONDON
Companions Alan M. Hubble, Most Excellent Grand High Priest, with the seven companions who were Exalted as Sullivan, Illinois on Saturday, November 16th, 2013.
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Page 10
Hiram Words
Vol. VIII, No. 2 (December 2013)
Pigpen decryption contest by Companion Tim Ward
Due to an issue with the last pigpen (I had to make a correction a few hours after publication) we had several entries that were close but incorrect due to my error. The correct answer was: Haggai, Joshua, Zerubbabel
Application for Perpetual Life Membership in the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International
This months answer is a name from the History of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ilinois... The companion who sends the first correct decryption of the following encryption to NewsletterSubscriptions@RAM-IL.org will be recognized in the March issue. å
henry griswold
Please print or type Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State ____________
ZIP _________________________
Phone _____________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________ Alan M. Hubble Most Excellent Grand High Priest William J. “Bill” Hussey, Jr. Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest Sean P. McBride Right Excellent Grand King Patrick B. “Pat” Jones Right Excellent Grand Scribe Mark Donnell Right Excellent Grand Treasurer
I am a member in good and regular standing of __________________________________________________ Lodge No. _______________, located in the city of __________________________________________________, in the Grand Jurisdiction of ____________________________ and a member in good standing of ________________________________________________ Royal Arch Chapter No. _____________ located in the city of __________________________________________________
Richard E. “Dick” Yena, MEPGHP Right Excellent Grand Secretary
in the Grand Jurisdiction of _____________________________.
Dale L. Corrice Excellent AssistantGrand Secretary
The sum of US$25.00 submitted this __________ day of
James M. “Jim” Tome Excellent Grand Captain of the Host Jerald H. “Jerry” Starks Excellent Grand Principal Sojourner Dean Clark, Sr. Excellent Grand Royal Arch Captain
Timothy J. “Tim” Ward Grand Webmaster & Editor of Hiram Words
___________________________ , 20______. I understand that, should I forfeit my membership in my lodge or chapter for any reason, that the fees for Perpetual Life Membership are not returnable.
Signed ____________________________________________ Mail to: General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Intl PO Box 128 Greenfield IN 46140-0128