The Offical Publication of the Grand Chapter of Illinois
Volume XIV, Issue3
Hiram Words
ON PAGE 3 Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message
ON PAGE 13 An Amazing and Generous Year
ON PAGE 16 Year in Review
Hiram Words
Grand Officers Most Excellent Grand High Priest Alan M. Hubble
Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest William J. “Bill” Hussey
Right Excellent Grand King Sean P. McBride
Right Excellent Grand Scribe Patrick B. “Pat” Jones
Right Excellent Grand Treasurer Mark Donnell
Right Excellent Grand Secretary Richard E. “Dick” Yena, MEPGHP
Excellent Assistant Grand Secretary
Volume XIV, Issue 3
In this issue 3
Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message
by Excellent Companion Alan M. Hubble, MEGHP
Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest’s
Message by Excellent Companion William J. Hussey, REDGHP
Right Excellent Grand Secretary’s Message
by Excellent Companion Richard E. Yena MEPGHP, REGSecretary
Keystone Quest
Keystone Quest State Championship set for Friday, July 25th in Normal by Companion Paul Scheeler, PHP
A New Chapter Begins
by Companion Charles M. Harper
The Call to Leadership
by Excellent Companion James Tome, EHP DeKalb Chapter #52, REGK
The Curious Case of Bro. Beachy: Mason -
Dale L. Corrice
Journalist - Businessman
Excellent Grand Captain of the Host
Only person buried in the La Fayette Chapter No. 2 section at Chicago’s Rosehill Cemetary by Companion Paul Scheeler, PHP
James M. “Jim” Tome
Excellent Grand Principal Sojourner Jerald H. Starks
Excellent Grand Royal Arch Captain Dean Clark, Sr.
Excellent Grand Webmaster & Hiram Words Editor Timothy J. “Tim” Ward
Contact If you have any questions about one of our publications, please email us at
The Curious Case of Bro. Beachy - cont
An Amazing and Generous Year
by Excellent Companion James Tome, Fundraising Committee, REGK
Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation
by Companion Mark Donnell, REGT
Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation - cont
Year in Review
A look back at some of the events from the past Capitular year
From the Editor
by Companion Tim Ward, EGWebmaster, Editor Hiram Words
Hiram Words
Volume XIV, Issue 3
Most Excellent Grand High Priest’s Message by Excellent Companion Alan M. Hubble, MEGHP If we surround ourselves with people of good character, it brings out the good character in us. This is an observation I made a couple of years ago when asked what Masons are all about. Somehow, it continues to resonate as I meet more and more members of our Fraternity in other parts of our State, other states, and other countries. There seems to be something particularly “Masonic” about spontaneously helping others to set up for an event, preparing and serving food, and putting everything away at the end of the degree or a meeting. You see one guy carrying chairs, you suddenly find at least a handful of guys walking over to help. Masons seem to be more willing to hold the door or help people in other ways whether those being helped are Masons or not. It also appears that Masons seem more likely to look someone in the eye, smile, and greet them when in public. We seem to go the extra mile to visit someone who is sick or in the hospital; to help out with a degree or social function. In short, it is often the Mason who goes out of their way share a simple act of spontaneous kindness. Maybe we do “make good men better” as our slogan states. When you are around someone who operates from a high moral and ethical ground, it seems a natural attraction to admire him and seek to emulate his behavior. Our Masonic allegorical degrees teach high standards of behavior. But nothing can make them as real than when someone continually exemplifies them in his daily life, inducing others to follow in kind. I believe we have had a very positive year as Royal Arch Masons. And if so, it was due to the quality of those around us who have assisted with the planning and implementation of programs, abundantly donated their expertise, dared to do things differently, and never missed an opportunity to share a lighthearted moment. Great teams of high quality people sometimes just happen…and in our case, it happened for us. And because those same high quality people will remain a part of the team, I am confident the intensity of the Light emanating from the Grand Chapter, will continue to shine this Light of good character and teamwork into the future. Fratnerally, Alan M. Hubble, MEGHP
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
Right Excellent Deputy Grand High Priest’s Message by Excellent Companion William J. Hussey, REDGHP
As I write this our Grand Sessions is just a few weeks away. Another year has flown by and I hope we are ready for the day. I hope everybody is as excited as I am. First, I want to commend our Grand High Priest for setting the bar high. We tried many new things around the state, in hopes to generate interest in our Chapters. Last year, as well as this year, we will have several breakout sessions. I hope you pick out a couple to attend. I have heard for several years that our members wished there was something to do in the afternoon. This is the perfect opportunity to learn/ share information with other members across the state. I attended each session last year to see how well they were attended and if they were being enjoyed, I have to say I was well pleased and will continue them my year. Our Chapters should be proud of our Grand Officers. We all have the same goal, as brothers and friends, to move our Grand Chapter toward the future. It’s not going to be easy with declining membership in our Chapters but we are all committed to excellence. Now share the Light with a Brother Mason. Let him know why he should be a York Rite Mason.
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
Right Excellent Grand Secretary’s Message by Excellent Companion Richard E. Yena MEPGHP, REGSecretary
To the Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Illinois
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the cooperation, fellowship and assistance from the
Royal Arch Companions of Illinois during my five years as your Grand Secretary. I wish my successor the best as he assumes the responsibilities as Grand Secretary. To the membership nothing but a positive wish for growth of Grand Chapter in the next years.
Fraternally and Sincerely Richard E. Yena, MEPGHP/REGSecretary
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Keystone Quest Keystone Quest State Championship set for Friday, July 25th in Normal by Companion Paul Scheeler, PHP
Competition was intense during the second round of the 2014 Keystone Quest which featured questions from the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences by Albert G. Mackey. Questions were taken from entries under the letter T (first round) and U (second round). Of the Capitular Champions returning materials postmarked by the April 30th deadline, median score was 90 and average time was 5:56.
First round participants qualify for one of the requirements in the Arch of Excellence program.
The three Omnific Champions, all of whom posted perfect 100-point scores, are eligible to compete in the third round held at Grand Convocation at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott on Friday morning, July 25, 2014. They are: Aurora No. 22 (competes first; second round time 2:39), Warren No. 30 (competes No.
Third entries
round under
questions the
will V
second be and
taken fully
2:15), round
proctor, to foster competitiveness and test actual knowledge rather than memorization. Any Companions present including honorary members may compete on behalf of a particular Chapter. The third round is a “lightning round” with nine questions per Chapter within a maximum time of three minutes. The State Champion receives the Rabboni Traveling Trophy to display in their Chapter for the ensuing year. Complete rules and results are posted on the Keystone Quest page of the Grand Chapter website. For information, contact Paul Scheeler at:
Keystone Quest 2014 Round #2 Results No. District Score Time Days 2 1S 100 4:52 0 13 2W 100 5:24 0 14 2W 75 4:21 3 21 5W 100 4:31 1 22 2W 100 2:39 1 26 4E 100 4:18 3 30 4N 100 2:15 2 32 5E 50 18:05 4 38 7E 85 7:28 1 47 4N 100 4:00 1 50 5E 70 7:45 1 52 2W 75 4930 12 59 5W no entry 98 4E 100 6:31 3 106 6S no entry 111 4N 100 2:01 1 144 1S 100 4:22 1 160 7N no entry 164 7S 75 6:10 1 180 1S 60 5:50 4 182 6S 100 6:43 1 206 1N 70 8:00 1 207 2E no entry 221 6S 100 5:32 10 237 7E 100 6:45 1 242 2W 100 5:10 n/a 253 1S 100 4:22 1
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
A New Chapter Begins by Companion Charles M. Harper
It was a very exciting evening in Addison, Illinois last, June 23, 2014, as the Officers of Keystone Chapter, U.D. were installed. Companion Alan Hubble, the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch Masons for the State of Illinois, issued a dispensation for this new Royal Arch Chapter, the first in many years, that has a slightly different business model than previous Chapters. Though it will be conducting the usually business of a Chapter, conferring the degrees and such, the platform for this Chapter will be to focus on facilitating education through mostly Table Chapters, with most of the education being made available to Master Masons as well, when appropriate. How is this possible? The Chapter must open in the Royal Arch Degree to conduct business, but it then will be relaxed to accommodate education that is appropriate for those of the Master Mason Degree as well. Alan Hubble, the current Excellent Grand High Priest, is an education first minded leader. He instituted the 5 Pillar Program that focused on improving many aspects of Royal Arch Masonry in Illinois which can be found here: It makes sense that he would be excited to give a dispensation for such a new Chapter led by Companion Patrick Robin, the installed High Priest of Keystone Chapter, that intends to build on the great work that Illinois Chapters have been doing since 1850, and that embraces the aspect of cultivating a culture of education and high standards as the nucleus for learning and fellowship in Royal Arch Masonry. Congratulations to High Priest Patrick Robin, Keystone Chapter, U.D., and to Illinois Royal Arch Masonry! Best wishes for a fruitful year! 7
Hiram Words
Volume XIV, Issue 3
The Call to Leadership by Excellent Companion James Tome, EHP DeKalb Chapter #52, REGK
This past month, I was elected to lead a local Chapter as Excellent High Priest, my third time in the Oriental Chair. Some of my more experienced Companions questioned this move. “Why bother being High Priest another time? Why not just let the Chapter succeed or fail on the leadership (or lack of it) of those coming up the line? Don’t you have too much to do elsewhere than to devote time to the local Chapter?”
These were valid questions and I knew what the Companion was really saying: I tend to take on too much and don’t know when to say “no.” As active Masons, we often find ourselves on countless committees, sitting in various chairs in different organizations, taking parts in degrees on multiple weeknights and even the weekends, and maybe taking on a lot of responsibilities at many Masonic events. I guess when you’re active, people see that you are willing to take on just a little bit more. And then a bit more after that. And so on. And so on.
So why did I agree to lead our local Chapter one more time?
It’s been said that the one ingredient for success in any organization is leadership. And leadership may be best defined in two words, “inspiring influence.” Effective leaders are people who inspire other to follow. There may be a difference in style, technique, personality and involvement in the job, but all good leaders inspire others to follow.
I care about my Chapter, as I am sure you all do about yours. In the past, while I may have done a good job of planning interesting meetings or building membership I didn’t do a great job at the one thing a leader is most responsible for – inspiring influence. So I took on the mantle of leadership one more time with the main goal of getting the guys below me ready for being great leaders. I plan to meet with them on a regular basis, talking about how they can plan their year. I want to be an example to them so that other, more junior officers will see that being a leader is more than just showing up for meetings. And I want to make sure that they think about the future as well. 8
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
Do not turn your back on the gift of leadership. The worst thing you can do is take on the attitude – much less saying it out loud! – that you are “just trying to get done with my year.” Imagine the perception that makes on those under you – that service to our fraternity isn’t an honor, but rather a burden. How is your poor attitude inspiring others now?
I would challenge each of you to cherish the time you spend in leadership with our Fraternity. Remember, you don’t have to be the Worshipful Master, the Excellent High Priest, the Thrice Illustrious Master or the Eminent Commander to realize that you are a leader. The actions, perceptions and statements of senior, and even junior officers, are often seen as examples to the Craft. Many times we realize too late that we are being closely watched, even emulated, by younger or newer Masons. Even those that have sat in the East before observe the behavior of the officers; they may have preconceived notions of what’s correct or just, and your behavior can affect – positively or negatively – those perceptions.
Hiram Words
Volume XIV, Issue 3
The Curious Case of Bro. Beachy: Mason - Journalist - Businessman Only person buried in the La Fayette Chapter No. 2 section at Chicago’s Rosehill Cemetery by Companion Paul Scheeler, PHP Albert D. Beachy was born January 22, 1855, the eldest son of Daniel L. and Elizabeth (Lichty) Beachy of Milford Township, Somerset County, Pa. His boyhood was spent on a farm adjoining the village of Summit Mills to which his parents moved when he was a child. His father died before the children were grown, after which his mother managed the family farm and reared him and his siblings. Albert left for Chicago after his brother, John, died of diphtheria and all but his younger sister, Elizabeth, also succumbed to the disease, at which time the farm was sold to a neighbor.
Bro. Beachy was elected to receive the Degrees in Masonry in Dearborn Lodge No. 310 on November 5, 1891; he was initiated November 19, passed December 3, and raised December 10, 1891. His age is listed as 36, occupation as “real estate.” It has not yet been determined if he went on to serve as an officer in that lodge, what date, if any, he was exalted a Royal Arch Mason, or whether he was a member of any other York Rite or appendant bodies.
As evidenced by references in a number of Midwestern newspapers of his being available to interview local citizens, Beachy pursued a career as a sort of traveling reporter, researching city histories and writing about their civic attractions. While it may be rather odd that no by-lined article of his has yet been located, the few citations known include the following:
Jefferson County Weekly Journal (Fairfield, Iowa), May 15, 1884: “Albert D. Beachy, representing the Chicago Times, is here to-day, and purposed writing up the city for his paper. A good writing up
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of Fairfield, in as attractive style as Mr. Beachy is capable of doing, in a paper of the immense circulation of the Times, would be of incalculable benefit to our city, and we trust our people will take hold of the scheme.”
St. Paul Daily Globe (St. Paul, Minn.), September 2, 1884: “A Good Undertaking – The Globe had the pleasure of meeting yesterday Messrs. Albert D. Beachy and Howard M. Dwyer, representatives of the Chicago Times who are spending a few days here. These gentlemen are greatly impressed with the appearance of St. Paul, its natural as well as acquired advantages, the immense business already concentrated here and the almost limitless future in store for the city. They are proposing to give the Times the benefit of their impressions of St. Paul and in so doing cannot fail to give great prominence to this thriving center of trade. The great circulation and prominence of the Times in the newspaper world gives them a medium which few possess and our citizens are to be congratulated upon the prospective benefits resulting from their labors. It is to be hoped that business men will extend them every facility for obtaining the desired information, and render such encouragement that they will have no occasion to reverse their present views relative to the public spirit of St. Paul.”
The 1880 U.S. Census lists his occupation as “collector” and spouse as Mollie C. Beachy. But years later, Cook County records show Albert D. Beachy married Lemma A. Bronaugh October 17, 1886; Los Angeles County voter registration records have her residing in California 1916-1938, where she relocated as a widow.
Genealogical records show some of his relatives married within the Brethren religious movement, which encompassed several conservative Protestant Christian missionary faiths; today, the Beachy Amish Mennonite constituency is a loose confederation of Anabaptist churches. He is mentioned as assisting a fellow Brethren church member during her visit to Chicago in the book My Northern Travels, by Julia A. Wood, 1887, Chapter III, p. 17 (from the William B. Cairns Collection of American Women Writers):
“Upon the recommendation of Dr. Fahrney, of Chicago, Bro. A. D. Beachy was appointed to meet and conduct me around to the places of interest in that ‘Garden City.’ A drive along the banks of Lake Michigan, on which Chicago is situated, was delightful—the breeze from that broad expanse of water so braced me, my strength revived.”
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
Incorporated as Albert D. Beachy & Co., he also was an established real estate professional as well as an insurance broker, with an office on Washington Street, as listed in the Chicago Directory of Licensed Real Estate Dealers and Brokers, 1890-91.
The circumstances are unclear, but Beachy is the only person buried in the La Fayette-owned Lot 10 of Rosehill Cemetery’s Masonic Section O. A letter (see next page) from Rosehill to La Fayette Chapter dated February 17, 1938, states, “The Albert D. Beachey [sic] buried in this lot died on September 16, 1915 at the Passavant Hospital. This was a coroner’s case and the cause of death is unknown.”
The 1916 Annual Report of Dearborn Lodge No. 310 (since consolidated with Tinley Park No. 810) indicates that Bro. Beachy died as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident near downstate Jacksonville.
An October 17, 1915, obituary ran in the Meyersdale Commercial: “Albert D. Beachy, aged 60 years of age, a native of Milford Township, was killed recently in an auto accident in Chicago. He was the eldest son of Daniel L. Beachy. Deceased was a prominent insurance man. He is survived by his mother, widow of the late Jacob D. Livengood, of Salisbury; Mrs. Jacob M. Musser, of Berlin, a sister; and a brother, Cyrus M. Beachy, of Wichata [sic], Kansas.”
May he rest in peace.
Hiram Words
Volume XIV, Issue 3
An Amazing and Generous Year by Excellent Companion James Tome, Fundraising Committee, REGK
Truly an amazing and generous year, Companions As the Capitular Year comes to a close, I have to congratulate you Companions around the State for your generosity, kindness and compassion. Because of your thoughtfulness, the Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation is poised to make a significant donation to the Illinois Advocate Medical Center this year – far larger than in many years past. Though the numbers are still being compiled, our last count of our two major fundraising efforts this year has yielded some pretty impressive numbers: First, over 4,000 mailing were sent out in our first ever Red Envelope Campaign, asking for a direct donation to the Royal Arch Charitable Foundation. While the number of returned was less than we expected (just short of 200), the amount donated was incredibly generous – nearly $7,000. Next, your Grand Chapter’s Fundraising Committee ran a 50/50 raffle with 2,000 tickets printed and offered for sale at $10 a piece. Tickets were mailed out to the local Chapters, District Deputy Grand High Priests, other Grand Officers and made available for sale at various events all over the state during 2014. Nearly $4,000 in sales (but more coming in!) which means payouts of $2,000 and another $2,000 to the Royal Arch Charitable Foundation. Winners will be drawn at the Grand Sessions Friday Night Banquet. Remember, you can still send in your donation – as little as a dollar and as much as you would like to donate – and raffle tickets, RAM license plate holders and charitable pins are all still for sale at the Grand Sessions as well as by contacting myself ( or any Grand Officer. Once again, thank you Companions, for your outstanding generosity!
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation by Companion Mark Donnell, REGT Your Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation supports children and families with autism.
Every year in the United States, one in 88 children, and one in 54 boys is diagnosed with autism. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), autism and asperger syndrome are terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Autism can be associated with intellectual disability, difficulties in motor coordination and attention and physical health issues such as sleep and gastrointestinal disturbances. Some persons with autism excel in visual skills, music, math and art. Autism appears to have its roots in very early brain development. However, the most obvious signs of autism and symptoms of autism tend to emerge between 2 and 3 years of age. There is no cure for autism but early intervention can significantly improve the quality of life for these children and families. The cost of treatment is significant, in the tens of thousands of dollars a year.
Several of your fellow companions of the Royal Arch of Illinois have children with autism. Under the direction of MEGHP Alan Hubble, the charity fund raising committee has designed five programs to support fund raising for the Royal Arch Masons Charitable Foundation. 1)
Communication – EG Captain of the Host Jim Tome designed our campaign theme: Autism, Part of the
puzzle is missing. You. With the “u” in Autism outlined as though it is missing . A facebook page (www.facebook. com/RAMCharitableFoundation) and webpage ( have been set up. 2)
Raffle – We have distributed tickets for a 50/50 raffle to grand officers including district deputies and
chapter secretaries to sell The funds raised will support the charity fund. The drawing will be at grand conclave. If you would like a ticket, please see a grand officer or your chapter secretary. Buy a ticket..ypu wil raise money in support of our families and have a chance at winning. Thank you and good luck!
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Red Envelope Campaign – In conjunction with autism awareness month in April, all companions in Illinois
will receive a letter discussing autism requesting a donation to the charity fund. This is our greatest opportunity to raise funds to support families with autistic children and I ask you personally to support the red envelope campaign generously. Thank you 4)
Adopt a Patient – Illinois Masonic Hospital in Chicago the leading autism treatment program in Illinois. At
least one Royal Arch family has a child treated for autism at Illinois Masonic. The actual cost of treatment can be $65,000 a year and rarely covered by insurance. We will be distributing materials about specific patients at Illinois Masonic asking chapters or companions to adopt a patient at a cost of one dollar a day to help these families. 5)
Walkathon – Autism Speaks, the major national autism charity is hosting to fund raising walkathons at
Soldier field in Chicago and New Trier West High School in Northfield in May. Royal Arch companions will assist at these walkathons providing station labor and distributing water. If you cannot help out financially, this is an opportunity to help with our campaign. If you would like to volunteer, please contact me. The need is great; the resources are few for families and children with autism. The time to act is now. We are asking for your help to help these children and families. Your fund raising committee thanks you for your generous support. RE Grand Treasurer Mark Donnell -
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
Year in Review A look back at some of the events from the past Capitular year
Left: Sullivan Chapter #128 played host to a Chapter Day on October 17, 2013
Right: Illinois and Indiana came together in Vincennes, Indiana for a day of Capitular and Cryptic Degrees on October 26, 2013
Left: Edgar Chapter #32 played host to a Chapter Day in Paris on January 18, 2014
Right: Illnois and Missouri came together in Granite City for a Joint Chapter Day on March 22, 2014
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Above: We took the show on the road and held a Capitular Day in an actual rock quarry in Danville on April 19, 2014
Left: We crossed the border into Iowa for a Joint Chapter Day at Iowa Chapter #1 on April 26, 2014
Below: We held the first ever Joint Chapter Day at Freeport along with the Grand Chapters of Iowa and Wisconsin on May 3, 2014
Hiram Words
Volume XIV, Issue 3
From the Editor by Companion Tim Ward, EGWebmaster, Editor Hiram Words
Have you ever had to much to say and end up not knowing where to begin? That’s how I am feeling as I write this. What a year this has been.... Hiram Words has been totally re-designed into more of a magazine format with a cover page, table of contents, and an easier-to-read layout. We will continue to make improvements as we go since no work is ever truly finished. We have also added a magazine reader to the Grand Chapter website so you can read this publication in it’s full magazine layout (last quarter’s edition has been viewed over 1000 times). I would like to add a new section to Hiram Words and I need your assistance Companions. I would like to add a “Letters to the Editor” section. This is your chance to respond to what you have read, offer comments (or even criticisms), and ask any questions you might have. (and thy do not need to be based on anyting published if you have unrelated questions). We will do our best to publish and answer every letter that comes in in the next quarterly publication. You can submit your letters, questions, etc to me at:
The Grand Chapter website has been a beehive of activity this year with 13 seperate front pages to the site. Some of these were merely changes to the main content area, but many involved special themes, music, countdown timers, and even Triple-Tau “snowflakes”. However, I cannot take credit for all of the changes for no craftsman can achieve greatness without designs on the Trestleboard and to that end I sincerely thank MEGHP Alan Hubble for always asking me “can we do this?”. We pushed each other through the creative birthing process and the end results of our collaborations have been outstanding.
As always Companions, your feedback is not only appreciated, but necessary so we can continue to
improve the publication. What do you like about it, what don’t you like? What would you like to see more of? Please send all feedback as well as contributions to:
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Volume XIV, Issue 3
Application for Perpetual Life Membership in the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International Please print or type Name _____________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State ____________
ZIP _________________________
Phone _____________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________ I am a member in good and regular standing of ________________________________________________ Lodge No. _______________, located in the city of _____________________________________________, in the Grand Jurisdiction of ____________________________ and a member in good standing of ______________________________________________ Royal Arch Chapter No. _____________ located in the city of ________________________________________________ in the Grand Jurisdiction of _____________________________. The sum of US$25.00 submitted this __________ day of ___________________________ , 20______. I understand that, should I forfeit my membership in my lodge or chapter for any reason, that the fees for Perpetual Life Membership are not returnable.
Signed ____________________________________________ Mail to: General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons Intl PO Box 128 Greenfield IN 46140-0128