GPE Media Kits_ Region 1 Meseta Norte_ALONSO DEL YERRO_EN
Viñedos Alonso del Yerro cultivates 54 acres (26 ha) of meticulously grown Tempranillo in the heart of DO Ribera del Duero. Launched in 2002 by husband-and-wife team Javier Alonso and María del Yerro, the château-style winery is surrounded by their vineyards in Roa, Burgos. Their family is dedicated to making wines that express the character of each vintage from this extraordinary place, carefully showcasing the complexity created by the 32 distinct parcels of their vineyards.
Less than five years after its creation, Alonso del Yerro emerged as a benchmark in DO Ribera del Duero following its own style, a personality that is clearly distinguished from the other wines of the region.
It is a family business where the human factor prevails. To honor the family, the four principal plots that make up the Alonso del Yerro estates are named after Javier and María’s children: Santa Marta, Quinto de Pedro, Pago de los Mayores (Miguel, María, Fátima), as well as Viña Montserrat, in honor of Javier's mother.
The vineyards are worked independently by handaccordingtosoiltype.Organiccompost made by the winery is incorporated, and synthetic products are not used. Alonso del Yerro also cultivates more than 5 acres (2 ha) of fruit trees and pines to attract birds and promotebiodiversity.
In 2022, 20% of energy consumption was produced by the winery’s own solar panels, extending to 40% in 2023 and with a target of60%in2024.
The team at Alonso del Yerro is guided by the values of companionship, respect for the environment and the search for excellence. Co-founder of the project, María del Yerro, and her son, Miguel Alonso, lead the project. María also handles communications, and Miguel is the winemakerandgeneralmanager.
Stéphane Derenoncourt has been the consulting winemakerfromtheproject’sstart.
Antonio Cancho, Antonio Lázaro and Ruzha Volevska managethevineyards.
Terroir expert Claude Bourguignon worked with Alonso del Yerro for four years on a detailed soil analysis. The soil survey has been a significant contributor to maximizing the unique character of each subplot. This area is characterized by miocene sediments covered with quaternary alluvium. Soil composition is primarily sandy-gravelly clays with calcareous concretions. Some subplots are characterized by areas of concentrated sand, thick strataofchalkorothervariationsofthecomponents.
The climate is characterized by moderate to low rainfall. Dry,hotsummersandlong,coldwintersarea hallmark of the area. Wide diurnal temperature shifts helpsteadyripeningattheendofthegrowingseason.
THE VINEYARD Alonso del Yerro is dedicated to Tempranillo: they strive to express its character through the lens of their terroirandtheconditionsofeachvintage.Theestate’svineswerefirstplantedin1989,priortothefamily’sownership.The vineyard has a planting framework of 7,040 vines per acre (2,850 vines per ha), is trellised, and dry-farmed. Organic methods are used, such as composting and the use of cover crops to break up clay and enrich soil. Average yields are 30 hectolitersperhectare.
Eponymous wines, Alonso del Yerro, and María Alonso del Yerro, are thetwolabelsfromthisestate.ThesubplotsforAlonsodelYerroarevinifiedseparatelyaccordingtosoiltype,andarethen groupedinto12differentlots.Nocoldmacerationisused;fermentationiswithnativeyeasts.The12lotsareagedinFrench oakbarrels,withagingtimeadjustedaccordingtothelots.Thewineisthenblendedtobecomeaexpressionofthewhole estate.
María is a blend of two special subplots with different soil types, Violeta and El Circo. Violeta provides the elegance and distinct floral aromas from chalky gravel, while El Circo brings roundness and density. Every effort is made for gentle
In an effort to explore the expression of their fruit, the winemaking team is testing additional aging vessels like foudres and terracotta vats. They will taste the results individuallyandblendedwith thebarrel-agedwines.
How is the terroir reflected in the wines of Alonso Del Yerro?
Overall, wine from limestone and clay soils combined with sand and gravel shows freshness and fruit aromas on the nose. For María, the chalk and gravel soils of the Violeta plot give the wine floral aromas, including violet. The clay of the El Circoplotprovidesstructureandminerality.
Intense fruit aromas come from fermenting and aging by soil type. For example, wines from sandier soils sometimes remain unoaked, while wine from clay soils require 12 to 14 months in barrel to soften tannins. With aging, the bright fruit persists and the tannins provide a generous palate. Limestone soils add minerality, especially saline notes which encouragefurtherdrinking.
María, Alonso del Yerro
100% Tempranillo
Singularities of the winery
Alonso del Yerro has focused on the fine details of their terroir to produce extraordinary Tempranillo with the estate’s signature. They are proud to name vineyards, barrels and other winery assets after familymembers,tomakeittrulyafamilyaffair.
Why is Alonso Del Yerro a Grandes Pagos de España winery?
Alonso del Yerro shares the GPE philosophy that places focus on the vineyards, the soils and maintaining high standards for expression of terroir andvintage.
Malolactic in barrel, 15 months in French oak
Good to Know
Very limited production, and is only released in good years
100% Tempranillo
12 months in French oak
Good to Know
A slow and gentle vinification yields the best tannins
Calle Carr, Roa Burgos Km. 1,8 09300 Anguix Burgos
Contact: Miguel Alonso del Yerro