GPE Media Kits_ Region 3 Ebro River Valley_J CHIVITE FAMILY ESTATES_EN
Since 1647, J. Chivite have built their winemaking reputationonaccomplishmentand experience. Now in their 11th generation, J. Chivite leverages hundreds of years of winemaking knowledge to make memorable wines that express the subtlety of the Navarra Valley. Their wines have appeared everywhere from state dinners to international galas, earning their place in the history andfutureofSpanishwine.
The Chivite family dates back to 1647, when Juan Chivite Frías and his sister-in-law María Rubio requested a loan of 100 ducats from the Ana Sanz Foundation to start a winery. J. Chivite has served wine to everyone from Napoleon’s troops to various heads of state. The family is thus not only a part of wine history, but of world history as well.
Now in its 11th generation, J. Chivite is truly a family estate.
Winemaker David González Marcos has degrees in enology, agricultural engineering and a masters in business administration. He is passionate about viticulture, and aims torespecttheoriginandcharacterofthegrapes.
Legendary French Winemaker Denis Dubourdieu was consultant winemaker at a crucial juncture in J. Chivite’s modern history, helping to produce the Colección 125 Chardonnay, which was the first barrel-fermented Chardonnay inSpain.
Winemaker David González Marcos
Finca Legardeta has 255 acres (103 ha) of vineyards planted among 605 acres (245 ha) of forest hills. The vineyard is perfectly integrated in an ecosystem of scrubland andgrovesofgalloaksandoaktrees.
J. Chivite a holds great respect for the ecosystem, using sustainable farming practices in the vineyard, avoiding any herbicide in order to avoid erosion and keepingtheuseofpesticidestoanabsolute minimum.
While the vineyards share some unifying elements – such as calcareous-sandstone bedrockandloamysoils–thevariablelandscape and elevation give each parcel a unique personalityandallowthewinerytomatchvarietal to exposure. The soil texture is predominantly loamy clay. The balance of gravel, sand, clay and silt influences the soil’s ability to store water and supplymineralstoplants.Inthelowerpartsofthe estate, the soil is more clay-dominant, and greaterdepthallowsmoreregularsupplyofwater andnutrients.SoilshavebasicpH,finegrainsand limestonecontentsthatrangefrom4to18%.The family undertook intensive studies to understand what varietals would thrive in a given parcel and havecarefullytailoredproductiontotheresults.
Denis Dubourdieu: “I got to know the estate in 1993 and from that moment on I knew we could do something great. The family asked me to help them make a great white wine that would be able to age elegantly. When I realized that the Chardonnay vineyards were planted on calcareous soils, in an Atlantic climate at an average altitude of 500 meters, I knew we had to pursue the Burgundy methodology to obtain the great white wine that the Chivites dreamt of.”
The planting layout of Finca Legardeta is unique to J. Chivite Estate. With as much as 2,430 plants per acre (6,000 plants perha),itismorethandoubletheplantingsinastandardvineyardinthesurroundingareasofRiojaorNavarra.Thiscreates competitionbetweentheplants,yieldinghigherqualitygrapesofgreatdepthandconcentration.
Each vineyard is specifically matched for its suitability to a given varietal. The La Isla parcel, for instance, is planted to Tempranillo, thriving on a south-facing slope at 1,640 feet (500 m) to receive the perfect mix of sunlight and rainwater. Alluvial stone soil promotes natural drainage while preventing compaction. Chardonnay vineyard parcels are planted on a north-facingslopewithloamyclaysoilthatallowsthedeep-rootedvinestomaturegraduallywithoutriskofdehydrationor excessivealcoholcontent.
BoththeTempranilloandChardonnayvinesareprunedandharvestedbyhand,beforebeingtransferredbysmallcratesto gently preserve fruit for vinification. The grapes undergo light maceration and manual press, and is fermented in oak barrels.Eachvarietalisvinifieddistinctlyinaccordancewithwhatwillbringoutitssingularqualities.
texture with intermittent alluvial stone content. This givesrisetoroundwineswithsmoothtannins.
The Atlantic continental climate with infrequent extremes in temperatures, the large diurnal temperature shifts and the particular mesoclimate allow for complete and gentle ripening of the grapes. The result are full-bodied, lively wines with great aging potential.
Why is J. Chivite a Grandes Pagos de
Chivite 125, Chivite La Zorrera, Chivite Legardeta Range, Chivite Las Fincas Range