GPE Media Kits_ Region 3 Ebro River Valley_SECASTILLA_EN
Derived from the Latin "Septcastelum,” Secastilla draws inspiration from the seven castles that once guarded the valley, serving as a final stronghold against successive waves of invasion. This enduring legacy is intertwined with the vines that have played a pivotal role in the Ebro Valley life since Roman times, with evidence of vine cultivation and elaboration from those ancient civilizations. Today, the steep slopes of Secastilla’s vineyards are home to the native Garnacha Tinta.
The roots of the Secastilla valley date back the Roman settlement in Labitolosa, nestled between the Cinca and Esera Rivers. This unique terroir yields wines that express the region’s distinctivegrapevarietiesandcharacter. Secastilla is committed to preserving localbiodiversity,aimingtogivebackto the earth a legacy better than the one inherited.
José Ferrer, the manager and winemaker of Secastilla, hails from a village close to the vineyards. This makes him connect with the terroir in an extraordinary way. Accordingtohisunderstanding,theonlywaytoproduce wines is through respectful winemaking. His winemaking philosophy centers on respect for the terroir, with an innovative approach to allow vines and grapes to express themselves based on meteorological conditions.
Ferrer is particularly proud of the work that has led him torediscoverandpreservetheancientGarnachasofthe SecastillaValley.
Winemaker: JoséFerrer
Secastilla does not use any chemical additives such as fertilizers, herbicides or insecticides. Agroforestryinitiativesacrosstheestateinclude plantings of gall oak and Aleppo pine complemented by native aromatic and medicinal species such as thyme, rosemary, lavender and juniper. To further encourage biodiversity, the winery preserves habitats for vultures,kites,owlsaswellasbadgers,roedeer andwildboars.
The Secastilla valley lies at the northeastern end of Somontano, halfway betweenthetworoutesthatconnecttheSomontanowiththePyrenees.The valley benefits from a distinctive Continental microclimate that is ideal for mountain viticulture. The complex geology results in three main soil types, influencingtheorganolepticprofilesofthewines.
In the Guardia plot, the deep, rocky, well-drained soils sit atop sedimentary conglomerates. Poor in organic material, this Garnacha was planted in the 1940s. In the Purruego plot, there is an accumulation of thick elements fromthePyreneesinatypicalhillsidegeology.Itssouthorientationhelpsthe Garnacha planted here reach maturity during its long ripening cycle. The Almunias plot is a valley floor with clays and marls, planted with both GarnachaandGarnachaBlanca.
The Guardia plot, with an amphitheatre shape, enjoys inanextraordinaryway of 3differentsunorientations.
IntheGuardiaparcel,Secastillahasrestoredold-vineGarnachaplantedinthe1940s.Thevinesarelocatedonsmall,richly planted “bancales” (terraces) interspersed with almond, olive, apricot, quince and “melocotón de viña” (local white small peach) trees. Later, Secastilla planted a massal selection of local Garnacha vines in the Purrego plot in 2000, and in Almuniasin2010.Allvineyardsaredry-farmed,andeachplotisprunedandcultivatedaccordingtotheirindividualpruning characteristics.
Due to the steep and challenging geography of the vineyards, Secastilla has developed a mobile harvest and pre-vinificationtrailerthatallowstheteamtoselect,destem,chillandvatthegrapeson-sitebeforetransportingthefruitto thewineryundertemperature-controlledconditions.
The wines are vinified with the intention to show the high-altitude, low-yielding origin of Secastilla’s Garnachas. Pre-fermentativemacerationprecedesatemperature-controlledfermentation.AgingtakesplaceinFrenchoak,prioritizing fruitcharacter.
GarnachaisagrapevarietyrootedinSecastilla.Poor soils and dry conditions force the plants to send roots deep in the soils, resulting in low yields of concentrated grapes. The Continental surrounding forest and mountain vegetation also contributes to the aromatic profiles of the wines. Complex soils result in a characteristic minerality that will lead to finesseinthewine.
The Garnacha Blanca reflects the terroir with freshnessduetohighervineyardaltitudes,providing the wines with a rich and interesting aromatic complexity.
Secastilla, La Miranda de Secastilla, La Miranda de Secastilla Garnacha Blanca
La Miranda De Secastilla
Garnacha Blanca DO Somontano
100% Garnacha Blanca
Four months in French oak
Good to Know
Made from the first-run juice
Secastilla DO Somontano
100% Garnacha
10 months in French Allier oak
Good to Know
Garnacha from very old vines in the Secastilla Valley
Ctra. de Barbastro a Naval, km 3.7 22300 Barbastro Huesca
Contact: Marta Molina Ballesteros