Alta Alella is a family winery located in the privileged environment of the Serralada de Marina Natural Park, next to the Mediterranean and a few kilometers from Barcelona. With a commitment to area and to sustainability, the Pujol-Busquets family has practiced certified organic agriculture since its origin in 1991, creating an ecosystem in harmony with the native flora and fauna. Their philosophy is to produce wines that capture the essence of the Alella territory, and offer a unique and authentic experience. The main values on which they are based are: family, vanguard and respect.
CLIMATE: Mediterraneanclimatewithhot, drysummersandmildwinters.Torrentialrainfall inautumn.
ELEVATION: 328to820feet(100to250 m)
SOILS: Sauló:graniticandsandy,naturally acidicsoilwithverylowlevelsofactivelime,little organicmatterandgooddrainage
CLASS: DOAlellaandDOCava
VINE: 123acres(50ha)
KEY VARIETALS: Pansa Blanca (Xarel.lo), Pansa Rosada (Xarel.lo Vermell), Chardonnay, Mataró, Garnatxa Negra, Macabeo, Parellada, PinotNoir,Syrah
ECO: Certifiedorganicsinceinceptionin1991
INNOVATE: Pioneers in the production of sulfite-free wines, bottling the first sulfite-free cava in Spain in 2006. Part of a project to develop resistant and native varieties adapted to climatechangesince2012.
Josep María Pujol-Busquets and wife
Cristina Guillén founded the winery with only two hectares of vineyard, after years as the technical director and consultant to several other wineries.
At the head of the team is founder and soul of Alta Alella, Josep Maria Pujol-Busquets. An agronomist and oenologist, he was technical director at renowned wineries such as Marqués de Monistrol and Parxet, wine consultant at several wineries, and professor of oenology attheRovirayVirgiliUniversity(Tarragona).
Mireia Pujol-Busquets is one of Josep Maria's daughters and technical director of the winery. A sommelier with a masters degree in organic agriculture, she brings a passion for maintaining the quality of Alta Alella wines and cavas, a 360º vision of the future and a strong commitmenttosustainability.
SustainabilityisoneofthecorevaluesofAltaAlella. The winery has practiced certified organic agriculture since the beginning of the project in 1991. In addition, the winery has the following sustainability measures: reduction of the carbon footprintwithISOcertificationin2023,certification of the company's environmental management system in 2015, recovery and conditioning of all bottles consumed in the wine tourism center, reduction of packaging and bottle weight, installation of solar panels and use of renewable energy, biosphere certification, and sustainable winetourism
The Alta Alella vineyards are located in the Serralada deMarinaNaturalPark,10kmfromBarcelonaand1,5 km from the Mediterranean Sea, lying within the territory of the DO Alella and the Serra de Mar subzone (Comtats de Barcelona) of the DO Cava. A singularity of the winery’s terroir is the minerality that the Sauló soil brings to the wines. It is a sandy soil fromthedecompositionofgranite(80%sand,4%silt and 16% clay), which is also acidic and very poor in organic matter. They are moderately deep soils with intensedrainage,verypermeableandwithlowwater retention capacity. At the same time they are very erodible, so it is important to protect them from autumnstormswithvegetationcovers.Inaddition,the terroirischaracterizedbyasalineenvironment(1.5km from the sea) and vineyards surrounded by forest (NaturalPark).
VITICULTURE Alta Alella's vineyards are spread out on slopes and terraces between 328-820 feet (100 and 250) above sea level and grow in Sauló. This sandy soil of decomposing granite characterized by excellent drainage and little organic matter,givesthewinesaverygoodnaturalacidity.AltaAlellaworkswithmicrovinifications,maintainingtheorography,the forestareassurroundingthevineyardsandplantingtheoptimalvarietyineachplotaccordingtoitsorientation.Althoughit requires tending vines on slopes, this type of viticulture permits maintenance of the soil structure, organization of the land andthepreservationofbiodiversityandthelocalecosystem.Italsohelpstopreserveanaturalsiteintheperi-urbanareaof Barcelona, which is under heavy urban pressure. Native varieties are cultivated, and traditional varieties such as Pansa BlancaandMataróhavebeenrecoveredinAlella.
WINEMAKING The winery is distinguished by its constant innovation (producers of the first Cava without sulfites, research in resistant varieties adapted to climate change, pioneers in wine tourism) and its commitment to excellence. Organic wines without added sulfites are produced within the DO Alella and DO Cava appellations, which stand out for their authenticity and expression of their origin. In 2017 the Vallcirera plot was certified by DO Cava with the superior category Paraje Calificado, and in 2022 they received the Elaborador Integral quality seal, which recognizes producers who make 100%estatewines.
Mediterranean, provides an ideal climate for viticulture. The terroir of Alta Alella is dominated by sauló (sandy soil of decomposing granite), organic farming that respects the natural environment and biodiversity, and the recovery of traditional varieties such as Pansa Blanca and Mataró. These characteristics produce wines and cavas with a very good natural acidity and balance, with capacity for long aging. Each wine expresses a very distinctive minerality, salinity and freshness, with distinct varietalandvintage-specificnuances.
Mirgin Exeo, Mirgin Opus, Cau d’en Genís Blanco, Lanius, 10, Dolc Mataró
Why is Alta Alella a Grandes Pagos de España winery?
Alta Alella joined the association in 2024, sharing the same philosophy of producing high quality wines that are the result of the constant effort to capturetheessenceofitsterroir.
Mirgin Exeo
60% Pansa Blanca, 40% Chardonnay
Barrel fermented; aged for a minimum of 66 months
Good to Know
100% pressed and vinified on the property. Vineyards grow on Sauló in the qualified Vallcirera site
Selection of grapes from organic farming. Fermentation and aging on lees in concrete eggs
Good to Know
Selection of best Xarel.lo grapes from the
Camí Baix de Tiana s/n
08328 Alella
Contact: Mireia Pujol-Busquets
Tucked into the Massís del Garraf mountains, Can Ràfols dels Caus works at the nexus of innovation and tradition to make singular wines. The winery was founded when winemaker Carlos Esteva returned home from Menorca in search of a new challenge. Esteva now organically farms 222 acres of vines and makes estate wine in a cellar carved into the mountain. Committed to preserving heirloom varietals like Sumoll, the winery focuses on parcel winemaking to create expressive and authentic wines.
CLIMATE: Highheatdaysregulatedby proximitytothesea
ELEVATION: 984feet(300m)
SOILS: Dolomiticrockwithcalcium carbonateandmagnesium
CLASS: DOPenedès
In 1979, after making wine on the island of Menorca, Carlos Esteva decided to relocate to his grandfather’s estate, Can Ràfols dels Caus in Catalunya. His goal was to make quality wines with structure and character founded on sustainability. Carlos began restoration of the masia (a traditional Catalan farmhouse), introduced new methods of cultivation in the vineyards, and started to recover traditional varietals lost to history. Today, the winery is focused on organic farming and sustainable practices.
VINE: 222acres(90ha);individual parcelsdonotexceed5acres(2ha)
KEY VARIETALS: Xarel.lo,Sumoll, GarnachaandCariñena
ECO: Certifiedorganic;focusonenergy conservationandorganicfarming
INNOVATE: Pioneerinintroducing newvarietalsandpreservingheirloom varieties
Winemaker and Proprietor Carlos Esteva has dedicated muchofhislifetorestoringandexpandingCanRàfols.
The family affair continues, as two of Carlos’ three children are involved at the winery. Son Giaco is a designer and lends his creativity to the packaging, website, social media and others. Daughter Carlota was in charge of the wine tourism program, and now works in the general management of the winery with her brother-in-lawJordiEsteve.
CanRàfolsemphasizesbalancedcultivation of the vine, using only organic fertilizers, harvesting by hand, and relying entirely on spontaneous fermentations with native yeast. The winery practices ecological methods such as vegetable treatments to cut back on the use of sulfur and copper in the vineyard and cellar. Cereals and legumes are planted in parts of the estate to help control vine vigor, reduce erosion andpromotebiodiversity.
The Massís del Garraf mountain range defines the terroir. Rainfall is rare and the days are hot, but the humid, cooling effect of the sea allows the plants to complete a full vegetative cycle. The ripening of the grapes is long, which favorstheconcentrationofsugarandphenolic maturity,producinghighlyaromaticwines.
Can Ràfols dels Caus is located at an elevation of 980 feet (300 m) between the valleys of two river beds, where the land has been terraced and planted with vines. Dolomitic rock predominates in what was a prehistoric ocean bed, rich in calcium (up to 40%) and magnesium, which lends the wines pronounced minerality and acidity. Crushed marinefossilscanevenbefoundintheparcels ElRocallísandLaCalma.
CELLAR WORK Can Ràfols’ new cellar is intentionally designed to streamline the winemaking process. Completely invisible from the outside, the cellar is carved into the Garraf mountainside and totally integrated in the landscape. Distinct levelsintheinteriorenablethewinemakingprocesstomaximizegravityflows.
SUSTAINABLE WINEMAKING Can Ràfols is committed to sustainable viticulture without chemical fertilizers. All wines are harvested by hand and fermented spontaneously. This produces high-quality wine that captures the distinct personality of eachparcel.
Can Ràfols dels Caus works with Sumoll, a drought-resistant, rustic red varietynativetoPenedès.
How is the terroir reflected in the wines of Can Ràfols?
The bare white rocks reflect the sun's rays, abnormally heating and drying the first several feet of the air that surrounds the vines. Plus, rainwater easily seeps through the cracks of the rocksandthethin,discontinuoussoilretainslittle water. All this means that, even in years with abundant rain, the vines can’t access it, and the drought increases. However, the influence of humidcurrentsfromtheMediterranean(whichis about nine miles away) help cool the air. This permits a longer ripening period and a greater synthesisofaromaticprecursorsinourgrapes.
Rocallís, Gran Caus
Tinto/Blanco/Rosado, Xarel·lo
Pairal, Caus Lubis, Sumoll, La Calma
Additionally, the diverse flora around the estate, especially the numerous aromatic species such as thyme, fennel, rosemary and savory, are aromas thatarelaterperceivedinthewines.
Singularities of the Winery
Can Ràfols cultivates autochthonous and international varieties of grapes. This, coupled with the age of the vines, allows for the crafting of unique winesthatareclearlydifferentiatedfromothersinthe region.
Can Ràfols a Grandes Pagos de España winery?
Can Ràfols joined GPE in 2004 during the first expansion of membership, as the estate clearly shared the same mission as the founding members.
El Pairal DO Penedès
100% Xarel.lo
Spontaneous fermentation in chestnut barrels for 40 days.
Aged 6 months on lees, then 24 months in bottle
Good to Know
Chestnut barrels allow moderate micro oxygenation for this reductive grape
Gran Caus Blanco DO Penedès
Xarel.lo, Chenin Blanc, Chardonnay
2 years of bottle aging
Good to Know
Comes from 65-year-old Xarel.lo vines
Masia Can Ràfols dels Caus 8793 Avinyonet del Penedes Barcelona
Jordi Esteve
Set into foothills of the Sierra de La Llena mountains in an area known as Las Garrigues, Celler Cérvoles is distinguished by what winemaker Tomàs Cusiné calls “mountain viticulture.” Every growing and vinification decision showcases the spectacularly unique terroir spanning 135 acres (55 ha) of vineyard. Cérvoles is committed to developing the specificity of place in their wines with well-known varieties like Garnacha and lesser known indigenous grapes like El Trobat. Balancing a respect for tradition with the vision of tomorrow, Cérvoles takes elegant mountain winemaking to new heights.
CLIMATE: Transitionzonebetween Mediterraneanandcontinentalclimate; averageof66°F(19°C)duringgrowingcycle
ELEVATION: 2,296-2,460feet (750-800m)
SOILS: Calcareoussoilofloamysiltand loamyclaytexturewithvariablelevelsofgravel
CLASS: DOCostersdelSegre
VINE: 135acres(55ha)across12 differentplots;54acres(22ha)areGPE approved
KEY VARIETALS: Garnacha,Syrah, Tempranillo,Cabernet,Merlot, Chardonnay,Macabeo
ECO: Certifiedorganic,some biodynamicpractices
INNOVATE: Experimentationwithnew woodsandconcretevessels;recoveryof ancestralwinemakingmethods
In1997,theownersoftheCastelldel Remeiwinerydiscoveredthespecial characteristicsofthevineyardsatLa Pobla de Cérvoles, and acquired the property of Cérvoles Celler. Winemaker Tomàs Cusiné saw an opportunity to pursue a unique mountainviticultureproject:working the vineyards organically with a focusonnativevarietalsthatwould thriveonsite.
With more than three decades of experience, Winemaker and Owner Tomàs Cusiné is the driving force behind Cérvoles. Under Cusiné’s direction, Cérvoles has dramatically restructured their vineyards, analyzing the characteristics of each plot as precisely as possible. As president of the Lleida-Costers del Segre Wine Route, Cusiné is also involved in boosting the area’s wine tourism, promoting visits to wineries and vineyards,themedroutes,tastingsandotheractivities.
Winemaker: TomàsCusiné
The vineyards of Cérvoles in Les Garrigues feature a northern exposure which rises gradually towards the south, up to the Serra de La Llena, a natural border with El Priorat and La Conca de Barberà.
The predominantly poor, calcareous soils have loamy silt and clay textures, and varying levels of gravel. The soils provide excellent water retention and oxygenation, and stone slabs or compact clays limit soil depthandtheproductionofthevines.
The different plots of the estate are surrounded by Mediterranean forests. They range in elevation and sunlight hours, enjoying very mild weather. Dry winds from the west in the morning combined with more humid coastal winds from the nearby Mediterranean sea in the afternoon support temperatureswingsbetweennightandday.
Cérvoles is an active participant in the TROBAT project, which is aims to recover native varietals for DO CostersdelSegre.
When Tomàs Cusiné came to the foothills of the La Llena mountains in Las Garrigues, he was inspired by what he calls “mountain viticulture.” While high altitude vines here offer lower yields, they are of remarkable quality, possessing a concentrated structure and a unique, aromatic character. Any new vines will be trained to the traditional goblet form. EmphasizingthisspecialterroirinthewinesisthedefiningqualityofCusiné’sproject.
Cérvoles’ approach emphasizes organic agriculture and sustainability, including majority dry farming, harvesting by hand, highleafexposure,greenpruning,sortinggrapesinthevineyardsandyieldcontrol.Biodiversityisaprioritytohelpkeepthe bacteriapopulationhealthyandthriving.
Cérvoles is equipped with technology custom-fit to its cellar and placed in service of a philosophy of minimal intervention. Harvested grapes from various plots are vinified separately to best preserve terroir identity. Tanks are loaded from the bottom to protect the fruit and prevent laceration of the skins. Vats and tanks are custom-made to accommodate the ElTrobat isoneofthemany native varietals Cérvoles cultivates:alight,particularly flavorful red grape whose cultivationisinsharpdecline.
How is the terroir reflected in the wines of Cérvoles?
The elevation of the vineyards and the temperature contrast in Les Garrigues impact the grape skin thickness, encouraging the concentration of anthocyanins and tannins while enhancing acidity andfreshness.
The surrounding Mediterranean forests and aromatic plants are one of many influences on the aromas of the wines. The native yeasts used in fermentation also contribute heavily to the aromatic profilethatoriginatesinLesGarrigues.
Singularities of the Winery
In 1997, Cérvoles became the first mountain viticultural project in Catalunya. Each parcel has been painstakingly documented in order to tailor the cultivation and vinification. The winery has been custom-designedtovinifyeachplotseparately.
Why is Cérvoles a Grandes Pagos de España winery?
Cérvoles joined GPE during its expansion in 2004. In doing so, Cérvoles reaffirmed its commitment to the land, which requires taking on new challenges every day, and the character of the unique vineyards in a terroirasdistinctiveasthatofLaPobladeCérvoles.
Estrats, Garnatxa de Cérvoles, Tros de Tossal
Cérvoles Blanc
DO Costers del Segre
Chardonnay, Macabeo
Macabeo fermented and aged in 3,000L foudres; Chardonnay fermented and aged in 225L, 600L French oak barrels. Battonage in the first months
Good to Know
Chardonnay is from Finca Cametes; Macabeo is from Finca Oliveres
Cérvoles Negre
DO Costers del Segre
Tempranillo, Garnacha, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon
Varieties are vinified separately. Garnacha is aged in 4000L French oak vat; Tempranillo and Cabernet in 225L French oak barrels
Good to Know
Grapes from vineyards at different altitudes, expositions
25471 La Pobla de Cérvoles Lleida
CERVOLES .COM @cervolesceller
Contact: Carlos Mora
Located amidst the Gavarres mountains, Clos D’Agon lies in the middle of a natural amphitheater facing the Mediterranean Sea. A striking geographic location between mountain and sea shapes the terroir and imparts an extraordinary character to the wines. With just under 40 acres of vines, Clos D’Agon cultivates predominantly French varietals in Catalan soil, making wholly singular wines with a striking sense of personality. With an international team at work on the project, the wines show subtlety and grace.
CLIMATE: Mediterraneaninfluencesfrom theTramontanawindandcoastalbreezes
ELEVATION: 130-460feet(40-140m)
SOILS: Clayandslate
CLASS: DOEmpordàand DOCatalunya
VINE: 40acres(16ha);30acres(12ha)are GPE-approved
KEY VARIETALS: CabernetFranc,Syrah, PetitVerdot,CabernetSauvignon,Merlot, Garnacha,Viognier,Roussanne,Marsanne
ECO: CertifiedinIntegratedProductionand inprocessoforganiccertification
INNOVATE: Conductingsolarthermal studiesanduseofphotovoltaicenergyinthe winery
The story of Clos D’Agon begins in 1989, when Philippe Dambois and Daniella Bagon acquired an 18th-century farmhouse surrounded by 20 acres (8 ha) of vineyards. Dambois quickly began planting new varieties, favoring French grapes like Cabernet Franc, Syrah and Viognier among others.. By the end of the century, Dambois turned over the reigns to the current owners, who began work on a new winery in collaboration with architect Chus Manzanares. In 2019, winemaker Miguel Coronado began planting native varietals typical to the area like Garnacha Tinta and Blanca.
Winery operations are led by Miguel Coronado, who serves as technical director and head winemaker. He is supported by Winemaker Paco Balsera and an internationalteamworkinginthevineyardsandcellar.
Winemaker: MiguelCoronado
Clos D’Agon is certified by the Catalan CouncilofIntegratedProduction.Treatingthe vineyard as though it were their garden, Clos D’Agon favors hand craftsmanship as much as possible and avoids the use of synthetic treatments. The winery also practices green pruning to ensure natural aeration of
The terroir of Clos D’Agon is shaped in an amphitheater form by the Gavarres mountain range. This lessens the effects on the vineyards from the dry and cold north wind phenomenon called the Tramontana. The proximity of the Mediterranean supports coastal breezes that bring humidityandsalinity.
The estate features great climatic variability and the wines reflect the temperature and humidityofeachvintage.
The soil is primarily clay and slate with loamy-clay and loamy-sand texture. Slate is morepresentathigherelevations.
In order to mitigate the effects of humidity and prevent rot, Clos D’Agon practices greenpruningtoaeratethefruitand supporthealthyvines.
ClosD’AgonhaspioneeredtheplantingofwhiteRhônevarietalslikeViognier,RoussanneandMarsanne.Morerecently,the wineryhasincorporatednativevarietalslikeGarnacha,givingtheestateascopethatisregionallyandgloballydefined.
The striking structure where the wines are made was designed by Spanish architect Chus Manzanares. The modern, Mondrian-referencing aesthetic is matched by a fully modern oenological system inside, featuring a gravity-fed vinifying process.Treatingthefruitwiththeultimaterespectandcleanlinessinthewineryaretheguidingprinciplesoftheirwork.
Clos D’Agon works to preserve the character of each vintage in their wines. Length of macerations and barrel aging, composition of the blends and other variables are all adapted to the condition of the fruit. A vertical tasting of their wines shouldbeacatalogoftheclimateconditionsofeachvintage.
Viognier: The plant material of this plot comes fromthelegendary Château Grillet in theRhôneValley.
the red wines, which feature balsamic notes and an aromas of the plants from the undergrowth surroundingtheplots.
Wines from plots lowest in clay content show fruit notes, while those from plots with higher clay contentshowmoreconcentrationandfinesse.
Why is Clos D’Agon a Grandes Pagos de España winery?
Like the rest of GPE, Clos D’Agon makes terroir-driven wines reflective of vintage and place. They joined GPE as a way to exchange experiences with like-minded winemakers, as well as sharing bothtechnicalinformationandglobalvision.
Clos D’Agon Red & White, Valmaña Red & White, Viognier, Selección Especial, Más Palet
Clos D’Agon Blanco
DO Catalunya
48% Roussanne, 33% Viognier, 19% Marsanne
Fermented 70% in stainless steel tanks, 30% in oak barrels; aging 7 months in barrels and stainless steel tanks with continuous battonage
Good to Know
Viognier, Roussanne from sand and slate soils, Marsanne from clay soil
Clos D’Agon Tinto
DO Catalunya
46% Cabernet Franc, 41% Syrah, 10% Petit Verdot and 3% Cabernet Sauvignon
Destemmed, fermented in stainless steel tanks, malolactic in barrels; 18 months aging in oak barrels (40% new, 60% neutral)
Good to Know
Grapes from parcels with different orientations
Afores S/N, Apt. Correos 117 17251 Calonge Girona
On the slopes of Priorat, Mas Doix cultivates 42 acres (17 ha) of vines in iconic Licorella soil with a timeless bedrock of slate. The estate focuses on producing classic expressions with fruit from centennial plantings of Cariñena and Garnacha. With a recently built winery designed with sustainability and energy efficiency in mind, Mas Doix now stands poised to continue its long legacy of making unexpectedly elegant, fresh wines with the classic character of Priorat.
CLIMATE: Mediterranean:cold,drywinters andrainysprings;dry,warmsummers,with greatthermalcontrastbetweendayandnight
ELEVATION: 820-2,132feet (250-650m)
SOILS: Predominantlydecomposedslateand shale,locallyknownas licorella
Valentí and Ramon Llagostera arrived in Poboleda because of family ties with the Doix family. While harvesting the 110-year-old Garnacha and Cariñena vines in October 1998, the Llagosteras approached the Doix family about making wine with the grapes that were taken to the Poboleda Cooperative. Winemaking started in a small winery in 1999, Mas Doix’s first vintage. The Llagosteras acquired the Doix share of the project in 2015, and in 2019 went into partnership with the Cliff Lede family, owners of the eponymous winery in Stag’s Leap, Napa Valley. A new winery outside the village of Poboleda was inaugurated a year later.
VINE: 59acres(24ha),with30acres (13ha)GPEapproved;soxprincipalsites
KEY VARIETALS: Cariñena, Garnacha,GarnachaBlanca,Macabeo
ECO: Certifiedorganicandbiodynamic practices
INNOVATE: Experimentalirrigation system
Since the beginning of the winery in 1998, co-founders Ramon and Valentí Llagostera have defined the style and characteristics of the wines produced, which from the very first moment on aim at reflecting the terroir of Priorat and Poboleda in particular. Gradually creating a greatteamwithJordiJutglarasdirectorofviticultureand SergiBatetaswinemaker.
Winemakers: RamonandValentíLlagostera
powered by an autonomous power generating system and rainwater collection facilities. They also installed a wastewater treatment plant. All vineyards are organic and guided by biodynamic practice, such as following the lunar phases. Biodiversity efforts include planting of olive, hazelnut and native fruit trees. The entire river area is protected to allow birds, fish, amphibians andsmallmammalsintheareatoflourish.
Mas Doix has six vineyards throughout Poboleda. Each has different exposures and soil composition, depending on its proximitytotheSiuranariver.At1,125feet(340m)abovesealevel,itisoneofthecoldestmicroclimatesinPriorat.
Located in the northeastern part of Priorat, Poboledahasloweraveragetemperaturesanda higher average rainfall than the rest of the municipalities. Of note are the sharp diurnal temperature shifts. During the summer months, temperatures can drop to 54º F (12ºC), while theycanalsoclimbtohighsof104ºF(40ºF).
There are few vineyards planted on soils as ancient as those of the Priorat. Two different types dominate: licorella on the steep slopes formedbythedisintegrationofslate,andalluvial deposits in flatter areas. The decomposed slate strata have siliceous materials and limestone cements, not calcareous. The soils are slightly acid,withaneutralpH.
FACT: After the arrival of phylloxera in the 19th century, entire vineyards had to be replanted. Mas Doix’s “1902” bottling is sourced from 115-year-old vines from that early 20th century recovery effort.
Due to the great variability of growing sites, there is strong vineyard identity in the wines of Mas Doix. From old-vine Garnacha growing on hillsides to high exposure terraces of Cariñena, each plot shows remarkable specificity matched to the most appropriate varietal. For example, the Tossal d’en Bou vineyard has been declared a Gran Vinya Classificada (GrandCru)withthenewvineyard’sclassificationinDOQPriorat.Locatedbetween1,476and1,640feet(450and500m) ofaltitudewithsouthernorientation,itprovides extendedripeningtimeforCariñena.Theresultsareanexcellentbalance betweenacidityandphenolicripening. Otherwise,thebestPrioratvineyardsfacenorthsothattheyarenotroastedbythe late-afternoon sun. With almost no summer rainfall and zero irrigation, yields are incredibly low—as little as four or five fist-sizedbunchespervine.
All fruit is harvested by hand with minimal manipulation in the cellar. Selection happens three times: first in the field, then as the fruit arrives at the winery, and finally after destemming. These methods allow Mas Doix to preserve the essence of thegrapeandgrowingsite.Limitedyieldsresultinfreshandelegantwineswithasubtleminerality.
MasDoixfarms100-year-oldGarnacha and Cariñena vines. Old vine fruit is prized for healthy root structure and spectacularconcentration.
The soil is mostly decomposed slate and shale, with very little organic material. This composition facilitates drainage and is porous enough to allow vine roots to reach deeper than anywhere else on earth. This slate soil shows in the wine as a pronounced minerality typical of many wines of the Priorat. Since the soils are slightly acidic, there is tension and verticality to the wines. Stress due to the lack of organic matter produces concentrated grapes with extremelyhighphenolicmaturity.
The winds also play a factor in the vineyards. Usually, the main winds blow from the northwest. This dry wind is known as El Sereno and originates from the interior of Spain.
considerably lessens the effects of the hottest summer days, maintaining freshness in the wines and theexpressionofterroir.
Singularities of the Winery
The vineyards are located in the coolest part of the Priorat. Mas Doix’s new winery permits them to be self-sufficient, without the need for external energy andwatersupplies.
Why is Mas Doix a Grandes Pagos de España winery?
Good to Know
Grapes grown exclusively on steep with very low yields of 10.5 ounces of grapes per
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