GPE Media Kits_ Region 6 Meseta Central_Dehesa del Carrizal

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Located in the Montes de Toledo next to Cabañeros National Park, Dehesa del Carrizal is distinguished by the singularity of their site, capturing the most varied aspects of the Mediterranean ecosystem. Vines are surrounded by a breathtaking array of flora, fauna and wildlife, like the majestic deer or the golden eagle. As a Vino de Pago and founding member of Grandes PagosdeEspaña, DehesadelCarrizalmakeswinesthatgenuinelyexpressitsmicroclimateandsoil.


CLIMATE: MediterraneanwithAtlantic influence.Rainyinspringandautumn,dry summers.Averagetemperatureof59°F(15°C)

ELEVATION: 2,526-2,953feet (770-900m)

VINE: 65acres(26ha)across24plots

KEY VARIETALS: Tempranillo,Petit Verdot,CabernetSauvignon,Syrah, Chardonnay


Dehesa del Carrizal was born when 20 acres (8 ha) of Cabernet Sauvignon were planted in 1987. The first wines produced from those vines were noted for successfully expressing the terroir. In the years that followed, the vineyards were expandedto65acres(26.4ha),andDehesa del Carrizal received the Vino de Pago classificationin2006.TheVillarMirFamily bought the property in 2010, bringing a newvisionandvitalitytothewinery.


Winemaker Pierre-Yves Dessèvre is from the Loire Valley, and studied agronomy and enology in Bordeaux. HehasworkedinBordeaux,NapaValleyand Mendoza.

French Consultant Stéphane Derenoncourt has collaboratedwiththewinerysince2016.

Winemaker: Pierre-YvesDessèvre

DehesadelCarrizalisextendingtheir sustainable values to the wine tourism program. They are being certified for the Europarc program, which aims to qualify sustainable tourisminprotectedareas.

estate’s proximity to Cabañeros National Park, their aim is not only to minimize their impact, but make the area richer in biodiversity. For example, they plant cereals or leguminous plants as a winter cover crop. Additionally, they are measuring their carbon


While Dehesa del Carrizal’s climate is broadly Mediterranean, it also includes Atlantic influences, creatingamicroclimatewhereawidediurnal differentialpromotesaslowripeningoffruit.

The vineyards sit on a raña, the local term for slopes and plains at the bottom of a mountain which have been eroded by water and rainfall. The erosion causes the accumulation of clay and quartz sand which, combined with the micro-climate, contributes a pleasing acidity in thewines.

The vineyards and surrounding areas also display a healthy biodiversity, with scrubland hosting typical plant species such as rock roses, heather, thyme, lavender and rosemary.



DehesadelCarrizalworksinparticularwithCabernetSauvignon.Thealtitude,climateandsoilconditionsallowforslow ripeningofthefruit.Chardonnay,SyrahandPetitVerdotareothermonovarietalbottlings.GarnachaandMonastrellwere plantedin2015.Thewinesclearlyshowtypicity,butwiththeuniqueexpressionfrompagoDehesadelCarrizal.


DehesadelCarrizal’sapproachistointerveneaslittleaspossibletopreservetheexpressionoftheterroir.Harvestisdone byhandandthegrapesarecooledinthewinery.Afterthedoubleselectionprocess(inbunchandberry),thegrapesare transferredbygravitytoconcrete,stainlesssteelorFrenchoakvatsthataresizedbyplot. AgingoccursinFrenchand EasternEuropeanoakfromdifferentcoopers,adaptingtotheneedsofeachwine.Barrelsarerenewedeveryfouryears. Blendingisthefinalcrucialstep,toensurethecomplexityandbalanceofeachwine.

Dehesa del Carrizal has five acres (two ha) of Petit Verdot. The grape’s long ripening cycle is suited to the local conditions, making a fresh, concentrated monovarietal wine.

How is the terroir reflected in the wines of Dehesa del Carrizal?

Dehesa del Carrizal aims to make monovarietal wines that respect their variety and typicity. The microclimate, altitude and northeast vineyard orientation of their pago allow for a long ripening period, key to letting each variety reach its full expression.

Alltheirwinesshareanacidityandfreshnessfrom thelowpHsoils,andparticularnotesofscrubland, wetearthanddriedleaves thanksinparttothe vegetationthatsurroundsthevineyards.


Pago Dehesa del Carrizal Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Petit Verdot, Pago Dehesa del Carrizal Colección Privada

Singularities of the Winery

Dehesa del Carrizal’s privileged location in the Montes de Toledo creates a unique combination of soils and microclimate that helped them become one of the first wineries to earn Vino de Pagoqualification.

Why is Dehesa del Carrizal a Grandes Pagos de España winery?

Dehesa del Carrizal was a founding member of GPE in 2000. Their passion for estate-bottled wines,diligenceinpreservingthecharacterofthe grapes and drive to be in harmony with their surroundings led them to join forces with similar-mindedwineries.

Dehesa del Carrizal

Petit Verdot

DOP Dehesa del Carrizal


100% Petit Verdot


Aged in new and 1-year old French oak barrels

Good to Know

Will continue to improve for up to 10 years

Dehesa del Carrizal

Cabernet Sauvignon

DOP Dehesa del Carrizal


100% Cabernet Sauvignon


Fermented in French oak vats, aged in barrels between 12 to 14 months

Good to Know

Grapes from a parcel planted in


Km 5 13194 Retuerta del Bullaque Ciudad Real

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