GPE Regional Terroir Profiles - Meseta Central

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Located in the Montes de Toledo next to Cabañeros National Park, Dehesa del Carrizal is distinguished by the singularity of their site, capturing the most varied aspects of the Mediterranean ecosystem. Vines are surrounded by a breathtaking array of flora, fauna and wildlife, like the majestic deer or the golden eagle. As a Vino de Pago and founding member of Grandes Pagos de España, Dehesa del Carrizal makes wines that genuinely express its microclimate and soil.


CLIMATE: MediterraneanwithAtlantic influence.Rainyinspringandautumn,dry summers.Averagetemperatureof59°F(15°C)

ELEVATION:2,526-2,953feet (770-900m)

VINE: 65acres(26ha)across24plots

KEYVARIETALS:Tempranillo,Petit Verdot,CabernetSauvignon,Syrah, Chardonnay


Dehesa del Carrizal was born when 20 acres (8 ha) of Cabernet Sauvignon were planted in 1987. The first wines produced from those vines were noted for successfully expressing the terroir. In the years that followed, the vineyards were expanded to 65 acres (26.4 ha), and Dehesa del Carrizal received the Vino de Pago classification in 2006. The Villar Mir Family bought the property in 2010, bringing a new vision and vitality to the winery.


Winemaker Pierre-Yves Dessèvre is from the Loire Valley, and studied agronomy and enology in Bordeaux. HehasworkedinBordeaux,NapaValleyand Mendoza.

French Consultant Stéphane Derenoncourt has collaboratedwiththewinerysince2016.

Winemaker: Pierre-YvesDessèvre

Dehesa del Carrizal is extending their sustainable values to the wine tourism program. They are being certified for the Europarc program, which aims to qualify sustainable tourism in protected areas.

estate’s proximity to Cabañeros National Park, their aim is not only to minimize their impact, but make the area richer in biodiversity. For example, they plant cereals or leguminous plants as a winter cover crop. Additionally, they are measuring their carbon


While Dehesa del Carrizal’s climate is broadly Mediterranean, it also includes Atlantic influences, creatingamicroclimatewhereawidediurnal differentialpromotesaslowripeningoffruit.

The vineyards sit on a raña, the local term for slopes and plains at the bottom of a mountain which have been eroded by water and rainfall. The erosion causes the accumulation of clay and quartz sand which, combined with the micro-climate, contributes a pleasing acidity in thewines.

The vineyards and surrounding areas also display a healthy biodiversity, with scrubland hosting typical plant species such as rock roses, heather, thyme, lavender and rosemary.



DehesadelCarrizalworksinparticularwithCabernetSauvignon.Thealtitude,climateandsoilconditionsallowforslow ripeningofthefruit.Chardonnay,SyrahandPetitVerdotareothermonovarietalbottlings.GarnachaandMonastrellwere plantedin2015.Thewinesclearlyshowtypicity,butwiththeuniqueexpressionfrompagoDehesadelCarrizal.


DehesadelCarrizal’sapproachistointerveneaslittleaspossibletopreservetheexpressionoftheterroir.Harvestisdone byhandandthegrapesarecooledinthewinery.Afterthedoubleselectionprocess(inbunchandberry),thegrapesare transferredbygravitytoconcrete,stainlesssteelorFrenchoakvatsthataresizedbyplot. AgingoccursinFrenchand EasternEuropeanoakfromdifferentcoopers,adaptingtotheneedsofeachwine.Barrelsarerenewedeveryfouryears. Blendingisthefinalcrucialstep,toensurethecomplexityandbalanceofeachwine.

Dehesa del Carrizal has five acres (two ha) of Petit Verdot. The grape’s long ripening cycle is suited to the local conditions, making a fresh, concentrated monovarietal wine.

Howistheterroirreflectedinthe winesofDehesadelCarrizal?

Dehesa del Carrizal aims to make monovarietal wines that respect their variety and typicity. The microclimate, altitude and northeast vineyard orientation of their pago allow for a long ripening period, key to letting each variety reach its full expression.

Alltheirwinesshareanacidityandfreshnessfrom thelowpHsoils,andparticularnotesofscrubland, wetearthanddriedleaves thanksinparttothe vegetationthatsurroundsthevineyards.


Pago Dehesa del Carrizal Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Petit Verdot, Pago Dehesa del Carrizal Colección Privada


Dehesa del Carrizal’s privileged location in the Montes de Toledo creates a unique combination of soils and microclimate that helped them become one of the first wineries to earn Vino de Pagoqualification.

WhyisDehesadelCarrizalaGrandes PagosdeEspañawinery?

Dehesa del Carrizal was a founding member of GPE in 2000. Their passion for estate-bottled wines,diligenceinpreservingthecharacterofthe grapes and drive to be in harmony with their surroundings led them to join forces with similar-mindedwineries.

DehesadelCarrizal PetitVerdot

DOP Dehesa del Carrizal


100% Petit Verdot


Aged in new and 1-year old French oak barrels


Will continue to improve for up to 10 years

DehesadelCarrizal CabernetSauvignon

DOP Dehesa del Carrizal


100% Cabernet Sauvignon


Fermented in French oak vats, aged in barrels between 12 to 14 months


Grapes from a parcel planted in


Located in the town of El Bonillo (Castilla-La Mancha) at an altitude of over 3,280 feet, Finca Élez makes wine reflective of its extreme growing conditions. The estateborders the Special Protection Area for Steppe Birds of El Bonillo, which is part of the Natura 2000 Network, home to protected species such as the bustard and sisón. Certified organic, Finca Élez produces wines in harmony with the surrounding land that are deeply reflective of its extraordinary terroir.



Pago Finca Élez was founded in 1992. It was created with the ambition to make unique, high-quality Spanish wines. In 2000, Finca Élez was the first winery awarded the Vino de Pago classification, and later became one of the founding members of Grandes Pagos de España, also in 2000. Nearly 30 years from its founding, the estate was acquired in 2020 by the current owners, agronomists Olallo Villoldo and Llanos Ruiz. The new owners are equally passionate about the countryside and its agriculture.


Finca Élez has been certified organic since 2014, showingaclearvocationforsustainability,respectfor the environment and biodiversity. Their long history of organic farming is reflected in the health of the vineyardsandthequalityofthegrapes.

All the energy consumed at Finca Élez is green and generated in a photovoltaic plant on the roof of the winery, and the estate also belongs to the plan to save water from the local aquifer. Both measures are part of Finca Élez's commitment to a more sustainableworld.


Olallo Villoldo was born in El Bonillo, the municipality where he spent his childhood among the vineyards and thewineryownedbyhisgreat-grandfather.TheFincaÉlez project is very special because it is located in the same municipalityandrepresentsareturntohisorigins.

Miguel Ángel Benito is the technical director in charge of viticultural management and winemaking, with previous experience working in Castilla-La Mancha. Javier García Alonso and Carlos Sánchez, both winemakers and advisors,providetheirvisionandstyletothewines

Winemakers: CarlosSánchezandJavierGarcíaAlonso

Finca Élez is located in the southern area of one of the best preserved juniper groves in Spain.


precipitation as well as cold winters and hot summers. During the growing season, days are hot with cool nights. The high altitude ensures good insolation, and influences 35° (F) diurnal temperature shiftsduringtheendofthecycle,causinga fullandslowripening.

Shallow clay and limestone soils with a sandy-clay texture are poor in organic material. The high quantity of stones promotes good drainage and regulates vinevigor.



Finca Élez has been certified organic since 2014. The winery leverages natural advantages such as constant winds and dry summerweathertonaturallyprotectthevinesfromfungusanddisease,avoidingallsynthetictreatments.


Finca Élez believes that great wine happens when the grape variety is perfectly adapted to the growing site. When Finca Élez was created, the estate had never been cultivated. They chose to plant varieties that were best adapted to the soil and the extreme climate conditions. For more than 40 years, Tempranillo (originally sourced from Rioja) and Chardonnay have thrived,perfectlyadaptedtotheterroirofFincaÉlez.


The vinification process involves minimal intervention and manipulation so that "winemaking is never above the vineyard". SimplicityandpurityaresoughtsothatthenaturalcharacteristicsofthegrapesandthePagoFincaÉlezterroirarereflected in the final wine. Through this way of winemaking, Finca Élez aims at a line of wines that reflect authenticity, finesse, freshness,tensionanddelicatestructures;butwithdepthinthemouth.

The estate and winery are château-style. The grapes from the surrounding vineyards only travel minutes to be processed at the winery.

Secreto de LZ, Cencibel, Syrah


DO Finca Élez


100% Chardonnay


Fermented in both French oak barrels and stainless steel tanks. Aged on lees for 6 months with occasional batonage


Grapes from La Vieja parcel


DO Finca Élez


Cencibel, Syrah and Merlot


Grapes fermented and aged separately by plot. Wine is blended after aging in French oak barrels


Grapes from La Nueva, La Vieja and El Palomar parcels


Ctra Ossa de Montiel a El Bonillo Km 11,5

2610 El Bonillo


Marqués de Griñón wines are legendary. They are the legacy of Carlos Falcó Fernández de Córdova, the heir to the title who consistently pushed the boundaries of Spanish viticulture, producing ethereal wines known for their complexity and expression of terroir. The family holdings include the exceptional Dominio de Valdepusa vineyard, renowned since the 13th century and the first estate to receive the Vino de Pago designation in 2002.


CLIMATE: Continentalwithaverage summertemperatureof79°F(26°C)


SOILS: Well-drainedclay-limestone

VINE: 121acres(49ha)across11plots;90 acres(40ha)areGPE-approved

KEYVARIETALS:CabernetSauvignon, PetitVerdot,Syrah,Graciano,Merlot

ECO: Soilmanagementtechniquessuchas naturalcovers;fertilizationandcontrolofpests anddiseasesavoidingsynthetictreatments

INNOVATE: Conductingastudyonirrigation efficiencyaswellasnaturallyincreasingmust acidity


Marqués de Griñón Carlos Falcó Fernández de Córdova was widely recognized as one of the most influential names in Spanish wine of the 20th century. Falcó studied viticulture and enology at the University of California-Davis before returning home to make wine. In 1974, he introduced the Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot varieties to Castilla-La Mancha, as well as drip irrigation and night harvesting. In 1999, Falcó published the 18-volume EntenderdeVino , the guide to Spanish winemaking. The founder of Grandes Pagos de España, Falcó passed away in 2020, leaving an extraordinary winemaking legacy.


Since 1990, Falcó invited the world’s best winemakers and specialists to consult at Dominio de Valdepusa, including legendary Bordeaux Enologists Michel Rolland and Émile Peynaud; Soil Expert Claude Bourguignon; andAustralianViticulturistDr.RichardSmart.

Raquel Carrasco is the current winemaking director for Dominio de Valdepusa and has 16 years of experience with Marqués De Griñón Family Estates. She holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering and a Masters in Enology and Viticulture from the Polytechnical UniversityofMadrid.


Marqués De Griñón uses natural cover crops to prevent soil erosion. They have also reduced the weight of their bottles in an efforttoreducetheircarbonfootprint,aswell as implemented a recycling program to best use auxiliarymaterials.

As pioneers in irrigation techniques, Marqués De Griñón continues to study ways to improve results while using as little water resourcesaspossible.


Theclimateismarkedbycontrastsbetweenhot,dry summers and cold winters, along with high variation in diurnal temperatures during the growing season. Dominio de Valdepusa has a relatively flat topography, with an altitude of 1,068 feet (500 m) abovesealevel.

The soils of Dominio de Valdepusa are formed by a superficial layer of clay 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 cm) thick, resting on a subsoil of fragmented limestone 6 ½ feet (2 m) or more deep. Soil pH is high (>8), with excellent structure, porosity and drainage, similar in this sense to Burgundy and other well-knownwineregions.


TECHNOLOGY MarquésDeGriñónwasthefirstestateinSpaintousedripirrigation.Rootsarepartiallydried by alternating irrigation, which produces smaller, more concentrated fruit and helps develop water efficiency in the vine. Thisprocessismonitoredusingdendrometerstomonitorthewaterstressofthevines.


ROOTS On the advice of renowned consultants Claude and Lydia Bourguignon, Marqués De Griñón has been using techniques to encourage vines to establish deep root systems. For example, in the vineyard of Graciano planted in June 2007,tillagewasavoided.Itwasreplacedwithsuperficialmulchingfromaprevioussowingofbarley,mowedandchopped a few weeks before planting. Other techniques include vegetation cover, planting in ceptonic pots so that nascent roots deepen sufficiently until they reach the limestone layer, high planting density, drip irrigation and the elimination of surface roots.


Theprocessforeachvarietyandparcelisadapted,butingeneralgrapesaredestemmed,andfermentedin stainless steel tanks. Most wines have maceractions of four to five weeks before barrel aging. French oak barrels from Allier areusedexclusivelyforagingontheestate.

Carlos Falcó was the first to plant Petit Verdot and Syrah in Spain in 1991, and the first to plant Cabernet Sauvignon in Castilla-La Mancha in 1974.

roots systems are so that the vines can take advantage of the nutrients and resources in the soils and better express a sense of place. The grapes reach maturity with a high content of polyphenols and anthocyanins. This produces wines with a good balancebetweenfruitiness,alcoholandacidity.

Other specific characteristics that the clay soils bring are the power, complexity and intensity in the wines, while the subsoil of pure limestone confers elegance, minerality and velvety texture to its tannins.


Emeritvs, Petit Verdot, Graciano, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah


DO Dominio de Valdepusa


100% Cabernet Sauvignon


vanguardofsingle-estatewinesinSpain. They continueto investigate the latest viticultural and enological techniquesinservicetothequalityoftheirwines.

WhyisMarquésDeGriñónaGrandes PagosdeEspañawinery?

Carlos Falcó’s passion for unique Spanish terroirs led him to join others with similar ideas to share knowledge and raise the visibility of their estates and wines. Grandes Pagos de Castilla was born, but with his wider vision, it soon adapted its mission to celebrate all great Spanish terroirsasGrandesPagosdeEspaña.


12 to 14 months of barrel aging in 225L new barrels of Allier French oak


From vines planted in early 1970s

DO Dominio de Valdepusa


100% Syrah


12 months of barrel aging in 225L new and used barrels of Allier French oak


Wine is not filtered or fined


Finca Casa de Vacas

Ctra. CM-4015, Km.23 45692 Malpica de Tajo

Located in the Montes de Toledo region, in the area of influence of Cabañeros Natural Park, Pago de Vallegarcía is known for a pioneering spirit that brought the great traditions of French viticulture to Spain. The wines seek to give expression to singular terroir formed in the valleys of the Montes de Toledo. The results have been stunning, such that renowned French winemaker Eric Boissenot – the man behind many of the world’s most famous Bordeaux – now lists Vallegarcía as his only Spanish project. With a restless spirit and commitment to innovation, Vallegarcía stands poised to continue its work in making unique, terroir-driven Spanish wine.



Pago de Vallegarcía began in 1997, when Alfonso Cortina de Alcocer commissioned Dr. Richard Smart, renowned professor of Australian viticulture, to design a vineyard on the Vallegarcía estate. Motivated by his love of the great wines of Burgundy and Bordeaux, Cortina began with 59 acres (24 ha) of primarily French varietals. The reception of the first wines from the estate encouraged Cortina to build his own winery, and on September 14, 2006, King Juan Carlos I inaugurated the new facilities.

Vinification occurs in a minimalist building on the property designed by Martinez Pita. The winery was designed to reflect a respect for the surrounding environment: discreet form, natural materials, and a color palette borrowed from the vineyards all work together to minimize the visual impact on the landscape.


Adolfo Hornos has been with Vallegarcía since its inception. He started in 1997 as vineyard manager and helped in the design and construction of the winery; today he serves as general director, technical director andwinemakerofVallegarcía.

Adolfo has a master’s degree in viticulture and enology, andinagri-foodindustrymanagement.

Winemaker: AdolfoHornos

Toledo, and home to refuge of large raptors, black storks, eagles and vultures. It is also the habitat of medium-sized carnivores such as the wildcat, the gineta, the garduña, the meloncillo and the badger that compete with theIberianlynxforitsmainprey,therabbit.

Solar panels have recently been installed as a sourceofrenewableenergy.


Surrounded by valleys and mountains, the Vallegarcía vineyard is situated on raña, which are slopes and plains at the bottom of a mountain that have been eroded by water and rainfall. They are composed of alluvial deposits from the mountainsides, and by very weathered slates and quartzite blocks on a sandy matrix.

The estate receives more rainfall during the year than other areas of the province, though summer brings an absence of precipitation. This, coupled with the relative altitude, brings a natural freshness to the wines even with highalcoholandmoderateacidity.

One of the more distinguishing traits of the soil is its quartzite origin with no presence of limestone, which offers a nuanced sense of minerality. There are alsohighlevelsofclay,whichretainswaterwhilemakingitdifficultforthevine tomakeuseofit.ThelowsoilpHisanotherfactor,facilitatingalowerpHinthe mustsandwines.

Vallegarcía uses various canopy training systems according to the variety: Smart Dyson, cordon royat, vertical axis and California T trellis.



When Vallegarcía Founder Alfonso Cortina came to the region, there was no winemaking tradition to speak of, so he made his own. “I chose French grapes because they are the ones that tune in best with my own taste, trained in the consumption and enjoyment of great Bordeaux,” says Cortina. These varieties thrive in the Montes de Toledo, producing complex and elegant wines that faithfully express the terroir. Vallegarcía now looks towards the southern Rhône for inspiration for their newparcelsofMonastrell,GarnachaandCariñenaplantedin2016-2017.


Winemaking at Vallegarcía also follows the Bordeaux model, intervening in the process only to influence tannic structure. Blending is the one of the most important decisions made in the winery. In addition to the free-run wines, the press wines can be used to finesse the profile of the wine. French oak is used to further round out the final blend. Elegance, expression ofthevarietalandterroirarealwaysthemarkofsuccessforVallegarcíawines.

Howistheterroirreflectedinthe winesofPagodeVallegarcía?

The limestone-free quartzite soils produce a minerality that glides along the palate, unlike when limestone is present. The soils are also quite acidic, which expresses themselves in the wine two different ways. The first is the bright colors that can be maintained with a minimal doseofsulfur.Thesecondisabitternessthatlengthens the wine on the palate. Lastly, because of the high clay content,retainedwaterisdifficultforthevinetoaccess. The hydric stress can be mitigated by techniques that prevent the grapes from being diluted. Summer and the harvest season are usually dry, so grape skins overflow with their most precious compounds. The reflection in the wines is the respect for the varietal typicity.


Vallegarcía Viognier, Vallegarcía Syrah, Vallegarcía Garnacha Cariñena,Petit Hipperia, Hipperia


DOP Vallegarcía


100% Viognier


80% fermentation in stainless steel, 20% fermentation; 6 months aging in barrels


New French oak is used


Pago de Vallegarcía’s unique terroir starts with their location on the raña, and the unique geological and chemical composition of their soils. Their proximity to the Montes de Toledo and Cabañeros Natural Park puts them at the heart of one of the most biodiverse areasinSpain.

WhyisPagodeVallegarcíaaGrandes PagosdeEspañawinery?

In 1999, Pago de Vallegarcía joined four other wineries to create Grandes Pagos de España in the spirit of defending and promoting quality single-estate

VallegarcíaGarnacha Cariñena

DOP Vallegarcía


Syrah, Garnacha, Monastrell, Cariñena


For 21 days with frequent aerated pump-overs; 12 months in French oak barrels


8 month of cellar bottle aging before release


Finca Vallegarcía s/n

13194 Retuerta del Bullaque

Ciudad Real



Contact: AdolfoHornos

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