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The oldest winery on the island of Mallorca, Bodega Ribas was built in 1711. The Ribas family has produced wine there for 10 generations. The estate specializes in the study and recovery of native varietals, preserving grapes like Prensal, Mantonegro and Gargollassa across 118 acres (48 ha) of vineyards planted at the foot of the Sierra de Tramuntana. With their exceptional terroir, framed by the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, Bodega Ribas is regarded as a landmark estate on the island.



CLIMATE: Mediterranean with mild winters and very hot, dry summers; average temperature of 63° F (17°C)

ELEVATION:393 feet (120 m)

SOILS: Poor, stony alluvial soils

CLASS: Vino de la Tierra Mallorca

VINE:118 acres (48 ha) across 38 plots

KEYVARIETALS:Mantonegro, Gargollassa, Syrah, Prensal, Viognier, Giró Ros

ECO: Certified organic

INNOVATE: Precision viticulture and research to optimize the use of resources and fight against climate change. Clonal and sanitary selection of heirloom varieties and recovery of extinct varieties (Gargollassa). Coollaboration with University of Baleares


Bodega Ribas, located in the town of Consell in Mallorca, was built in 1711 and wine has been produced on site for more than 300 years. For the majority of this time, Bodega Ribas made wine in bulk, unlike the artisanal wine they offer today. It wasn’t until the 80s, when María Antonia and Juana Oliver-Ribas modernized the winery, that they began to produce quality, terroir-driven wines. In 2019, renowned architect Rafael Moneo carried out an expansion of the winery, ensuring that Bodegas Ribas can continue their work for generations to come.


Bodegas Ribas is committed to sustainability across all aspects of the winemaking process. For example, they have conducted optimization and dose reduction trials of phytosanitary products and make tangible efforts to reduce C0² emissions. They are also conscious of water management in the vineyards and cellar. An onsite water treatment plant facilitates reuse of treated wastewater. Ribas also works towards maximizing renewable energy with theuseofsolarpanelsandelectriccompanycars.


The current owner of Bodega Ribas is María Antonia Oliver-Ribas. Her children, Javier and Araceli, serve as technical directors and have begun several research-driven projects focused on varietal improvement. The Colom family works closely with the Ribas family in the care of the vineyards and winemaking (and has done so for several generations). Joan Colom has more than 80 years of experience in the maintenance of vineyards; his son, Toni, serves as vineyard manager. The rest of the team, which is madeupof22people,istight-knitandsharesthelovefora jobwelldone.

Winemakers: JavierandAraceliServeraRibas


The terroir is primarily shaped by the estate’s proximity to the Sierra de Tramuntana and the Mediterranean Sea. The alluvial soil, which is composed of pebbles and gravel, combined with the Mediterranean climategivesthevineyarditsdistinctidentity.

Extreme temperatures are mitigated by the closeness of the sea, and rainfallisconcentratedmostlyintheautumn,butisirregularfromoneyear to the next. Long periods of drought often occur during ripening. The Embat, a coastal breeze, is present almost daily during the spring and summermonthsandhelpscountertheeffectsofthehighrelativehumidity.

The soils, quite distinct from their neighbors, range from shallow to moderatelydeep,withasandyloamtexturematrix.80%ofthegravelisof small size, resulting in small nutrient and water retention capacity, quick permeabilityandagreaterconductionandrefractionoftemperature.


ThenativeGargollassa,the most widely planted red on the islandbeforephylloxera,wasonce thoughttobeextinct. In1998,four vines were located on the farm of Joan Torrens de Ca'n Amer, who gaveupthebudsforreproduction. In 2001, Bodega Ribas began a study of the recovery of Gargollassa and now eight acres areplantedtothenativevariety.


ORGANIC VITICULTURE Bodega Ribas practices organic viticulture with a focus on control of vigor and judicious use of water. With the heirloom varieties, the goblet-trained vines are tied to a vertical guide to allow maximum air circulation and sun exposure to the bunches left below, helping prevent disease in their humid climate. In August, they begin carefully monitoring and tasting grape samples for ripening controls, so as to harvest at the best possible moment. This produces lively and structured wines that come from healthy, balanced fruit.


Mallorcan varieties like Prensal, Mantonegro and Gargollassa are central to the work of Bodega Ribas. The estate believes that native grapes are best able to adapt to their unique growing site, will best adapt to continue producing quality wines in a scenario of climate change, and express the unique character of place in their wines.

Prensal: a large-size white grape with thick skins in large, loose bunches. Wines are fruit-forward with citrus and white fruit aromas, medium-low acidity, and moderate alcohol (11.5 to 12%) in poor soils and low levels in richer or clay soils.

Gargollassa: medium-colored red grapes in loose, medium-sized bunches. Wines have low acidity and medium alcohol levels (12.5-13.5%). A peculiar, intensely aromatic variety that is reminiscent of Pinot Noir.

Mantonegro: large-sized red grapes, rich in sugar that produce wines with medium-low acidity and alcohol levels around 14%, and up to 16% in poor soils. Its intense red fruit aromas are compared to Garnacha. Most Mantonegro wines should be drunk young, but low-yielding vines produce grapes with the proper concentration to age well. In a blend, it lends aromatic fruit without additional tannins.

MatteoRibas,thefifthgenerationofthefamily,learned grafting techniques and introduced American rootstocksintheirvineyardsbeforephylloxerastruck Mallorca in 1891. Thus, Ribas is one of the oldest, continuallyproducinggrowersinSpain.

Howistheterroirreflectedinthe winesofRibas?

The white wines show fruity aromas (white fruit, citrus, pineapple)andgoodacidity.Themediterraneanclimate and alluvial soils with a high composition of gravel produce wines with great complexity and depth, while fermentation in stainless steel with native yeasts further bringoutfruitaromasandimproveacidity.

The red wines show great volume and depth. Insolation and long periods of drought, combined with a constant summer breeze make wines with high concentration and ripeness. Fermentation in stainless steel and concreteshowriperedfruitcomplementedbybalsamic andspicynoteswithsoft,polishedtannins.


Ten generations of the Ribas family have cultivated the estate. Their oversight has overcome obstacles such as the arrival of phylloxera, made the transition to produce high-quality wines and helped recover the viticultural patrimony of Mallorca by working with native varieties. To improve and increase production, Ribas built a modern, new winery in 2019 designed by Rafael Moneo, a Pritzker prize-winning architect. Today, Ribas is one of Spain’s oldestwineries,alegacytheyworktocontinue.

WhyisRibasaGrandesPagosde Españawinery?

RibassharesGPE’sphilosophybasedonthesearchfor excellence.Ourpillarstoproducehighqualitywinesare: people,experience,respectoftheterroirandinnovation.


Ribas Blanc, Ribas Rosat, Ribas

Negre, Sió Blanc, Sió, Ribas de Cabrera, Desconfío de la Gente que no bebe


VdT Mallorca


60% Mantonegro, 35% Syrah and 5% Gargollassa


12 months in 225 and 500 liter French oak barrels


Made from old-vine Mantonegro


VdT Mallorca


100% Mantonegro, from the oldest vines


12 months aging in 500 liter French oak barrels


Named from the Humphrey Bogart quote, ”I don’t trust anyone who doesn't drink”


Muntanya2 07330Consell,Mallorca BalearicIslands BODEGARIBAS.COM @BODEGARIBAS

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