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Surrounded by valleys and mountains, the Vallegarcía vineyard is situated on raña, which are slopes and plains at the bottom of a mountain that have been eroded by water and rainfall. They are composed of alluvial deposits from the mountainsides, and by very weathered slates and quartzite blocks on a sandy matrix.
The estate receives more rainfall during the year than other areas of the province, though summer brings an absence of precipitation. This, coupled with the relative altitude, brings a natural freshness to the wines even with highalcoholandmoderateacidity.
One of the more distinguishing traits of the soil is its quartzite origin with no presence of limestone, which offers a nuanced sense of minerality. There are alsohighlevelsofclay,whichretainswaterwhilemakingitdifficultforthevine tomakeuseofit.ThelowsoilpHisanotherfactor,facilitatingalowerpHinthe mustsandwines.
Vallegarcía uses various canopy training systems according to the variety: Smart Dyson, cordon royat, vertical axis and California T trellis.