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Located in the northeastern part of Priorat, Poboleda has lower average temperatures and a higher average rainfall than the rest of the municipalities. Of note are the sharp diurnal temperature shifts. During the summer months, temperatures can drop to 54º F (12ºC), while theycanalsoclimbtohighsof104ºF(40ºF).
There are few vineyards planted on soils as ancient as those of the Priorat. Two different types dominate: licorella on the steep slopes formedbythedisintegrationofslate,andalluvial deposits in flatter areas. The decomposed slate strata have siliceous materials and limestone cements, not calcareous. The soils are slightly acid,withaneutralpH.
FACT: After the arrival of phylloxera in the 19th century, entire vineyards had to be replanted. Mas Doix’s “1902” bottling is sourced from 115-year-old vines from that early 20th century recovery effort.