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Mariano García has worked alongside sons Eduardo and Alberto since 2001 in all three of their winery projects. There has been no generational change in management; Mariano says that he has left his sons freedom and confidence, even to make mistakes. The brothers respond good-humoredly that the sameholdstruefortheirfather.
The topography of Mauro’s vineyards is influenced by the Duero River. In fact, the town of Tudela de Duero is known as la lágrima del Duero (tear of the Duero) due to its location in a pronounced bend of the river. The area’s flat terrain is broken up by paramos up to 2,780 feet (850 m) high. The majority of Mauro’s vineyards are on the sides of the Páramo de La Buena Rubia, someofwhichhavea15%grade.
The dominant soil of the vineyards is loose, light and deep with a sandy-clay and sandy-calcareous composition. It has a balanced texture and high pH with low rainfall. This causes water stress, mitigated by the well-developed root structure. On the páramo and its slopes, the brown soil is covered in stones, while the valleyshavegrayclaymarlandsandyclaywithgravel.