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SIX DISTINCT VARIETIES: There are six different varieties planted in Mauro’s vineyards, although more than half the vines areTempranillo.Theaveragevineageis35yearswithyieldsbetween1.21to2.2tonsperacre(3,000and5,000kg/ha).In 2017,CabernetSauvignonwasplantedatmorethan2,640feet(800m)tohelpmaintainfreshnessinthegrapes.
ORGANIC VITICULTURE: Inadditiontoorganicpractices,someparcelsarefarmedbiodynamicallywithnaturaltreatments suchashorsetail,valerianrootandnettles.Amongthegoalsaretopromotehealthysoilbalance,minimizeerosionandhelp stimulatetheplant’snaturalimmunity.
WINEMAKING & AGING: After a staggered harvest, the cooled, selected grapes are destemmed and moved to fermentationvats.Nativeyeastsareusedinfermentation.Malolacticfermentationtakesplaceinacombinationofstainless steeltanks,oakbarrelsandvats.
Knownfortheirexpertiseinbarrelaging,Mauropracticesmicro-vinificationbyseparatingthegrapesbyplotsandvarieties from harvest until the end of aging in oak in order to respect the diversity and personality of each parcel. The French oak barrelsareallfine-grained,subjecttotwoandthree-yeardryingprocedures,andarereplacedatarateof30%eachyear.
75% of all vines are goblet-trained,though all the Godello and CabernetSauvignonis trellised. The plant densityisaround6,175 vines per acre (2,500 vinesperhectare).

Howistheterroirreflectedinthe winesofMauro?
The terroir in Tudela is expressed in a precise and clearfruit,andaripeandsofttannin.

BODEGhttps://www.bode gasmauro.com/en/wines/ ASMAUROPORTFOLIO: Mauro, Mauro VS, Terreus, Mauro Godello
Vino de la Tierra Castilla y León
85% Tempranillo, 15% Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon
Fermentation with native yeasts, then about 15 months in French oak foudres and barrels
Grapes from the Tudela de
Vino de la Tierra Castilla y León
100% Tempranillo

Fermentation with native yeasts, then about 25 months in French
Grapes from the Tudela de Duero and Transpinedo

Ctra de Villaibañez, Km 1
47320 Tudela de Duero
On the slopes of Priorat, Mas Doix cultivates 42 acres (17 ha) of vines in iconic Licorella soil with a timeless bedrock of slate. The estate focuses on producing classic expressions with fruit from centennial plantings of Cariñena and Garnacha. With a recently built winery designed with sustainability and energy efficiency in mind, Mas Doix now stands poised to continue its long legacy of making unexpectedly elegant, fresh wines with the classic character of Priorat.

CLIMATE:Mediterranean:cold,drywinters andrainysprings;dry,warmsummers,with greatthermalcontrastbetweendayandnight
ELEVATION: 820-2,132feet (250-650m)
SOILS: Predominantlydecomposedslateand shale,locallyknownas licorella

Valentí and Ramon Llagostera arrived in Poboleda because of family ties with the Doix family. While harvesting the 110-year-old Garnacha and Cariñena vines in October 1998, the Llagosteras approached the Doix family about making wine with the grapes that were taken to the Poboleda Cooperative. Winemaking started in a small winery in 1999, Mas Doix’s first vintage. The Llagosteras acquired the Doix share of the project in 2015, and in 2019 went into partnership with the Cliff Lede family, owners of the eponymous winery in Stag’s Leap, Napa Valley. A new winery outside the village of Poboleda was inaugurated a year later.
VINE: 59acres(24ha),with30acres (13ha)GPEapproved;soxprincipalsites
KEYVARIETALS:Cariñena, Garnacha,GarnachaBlanca,Macabeo

ECO: Certifiedorganicandbiodynamic practices
INNOVATE: Experimentalirrigation system powered by an autonomous power generating system and rainwater collection facilities. They also installed a wastewater treatment plant. All vineyards are organic and guided by biodynamic practice, such as following the lunar phases. Biodiversity efforts include planting of olive, hazelnut and native fruit trees. The entire river area is protected to allow birds, fish, amphibians andsmallmammalsintheareatoflourish.