May 2023 Grand Lifestyles

Page 49

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2 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
4 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

Heat Related Illness




National Senior Fitness Month at the Grand


Grand is the premier active, age−restricted community in Arizona.


Grand provides residents with a high value community, with resort style amenities, in which every person can choose to participate and live well, based on their needs and desires. This high standard will maximize our investments and promote our well being in an active close knit community.


Job opportunities are posted on the website at (Grand Living/Human Resources & Employment). You may submit your application to the Human Resources Department at 19726 N. Remington Dr., Surprise, AZ 85374, fax to 623-546-7447 or email You are encouraged to submit an application for each employment opportunity for which you would like to be considered. and Surprise & Daily Independent. Please cancel delivery of your complimentary newspapers whenever you will be gone—delivery can be restarted upon return—call 623-972-6101


In support of our Mission Statement, we hold to these values: We foster relationships built on respect, trust, and effective communications.

We listen to understand.

We are open minded, collaborative, and always look for ways to improve our community. We believe in life long learning and a desire for active well being. We are a forward looking, fiscally sound community. We encourage an environment of empowerment and personal responsibility.


The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only. SCG Community Association, its Board, its employees and all other entities within SCG do not guarantee, endorse, nor promote any of the products, services or individuals advertised herein and assume no responsibility or liability for the veracity of the statements made in this publication. Information regarding advertising rates can be obtained on our website at, scroll down to Grand Lifestyles Advertising. The deadline for commercial ads is the 10th of the month prior to placement. Sun City Grand Community Association, Inc. reserves the right to revise or refuse submitted articles and/or ads. If you have any questions about the Grand Lifestyles, please feel free to contact the Activities Office at 623-546-7452.

Financial Results
From Golf Operations
Activities Director’s Message
Fitness Director’s Message
Ticketed 23 Travel Opportunities 30 Grand Learning 34 Club Connections
Interest Groups and More
Ask Cappie the Computer Cat RESOURCES
Employment Information
Advertising Information 05 Mission Statement
Resource Numbers
Community Association Contacts
Grand Lifestyles
5 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


The detailed financial results are presented in the monthly financial report:>document center>association information & documents>financial information>financial reports.

Mar-23 Mar-23 Variance YTD YTD Variance Forecast Budget Variance OPER ATIN G FUN D Actual Budget Fav/(Unfav) Actual Budget Fav/(Unfav) CY23 CY23 Fav/(Unfav) Annual Assessments 1,290,540 1,291,284 (745) 3,809,818 3,812,052 (2,234) 17,640,365 17,642,599 (2,234) Less: Reserve C ontributions 211,680 211,680 - 572,880 572,880 - 4,430,000 4,430,000Assessment R evenue 1,078,860 $ 1,079,604 $ (745) $ 3,236,938 $ 3,239,172 $ (2,234) $ 13,210,365 $ 13,212,599 $ (2,234) $ Fitness & Activiti es 208,361 210,709 (2,349) 635,546 443,824 191,722 1,272,895 1,081,173 191,722 Grand Lifestyles 13,423 11,166 2,257 37,350 33,231 4,119 116,438 112,319 4,119 Rent 41,815 85,276 (43,461) 107,106 149,839 (42,733) 611,004 653,737 (42,733) Membership Fees 62,961 56,193 6,768 221,319 181,779 39,540 592,036 552,497 39,540 Recreation Revenue 326,559 363,344 (36,785) 1,001,321 808,673 192,648 2,592,373 2,399,725 192,648 Annual Pass 232,682 243,491 (10,809) 674,021 661,891 12,130 2,162,098 2,151,356 10,742 Premi um Pass 19,649 19,630 19 58,808 57,848 960 234,441 233,481 960 Flex Pass 58,016 64,909 (6,893) 183,886 201,807 (17,922) 395,967 413,889 (17,922) Resident D aily 811,960 807,247 4,713 2,052,256 2,063,251 (10,996) 4,899,258 4,910,253 (10,996) Guest 210,630 194,429 16,201 510,317 390,200 120,118 987,890 867,773 120,118 Public 22,593 - 22,593 61,366 - 61,366 191,366 130,000 61,366 Merchandise 129,807 155,857 (26,050) 283,034 351,060 (68,026) 716,423 784,449 (68,026) Driving Range 61,627 72,829 (11,203) 160,216 196,532 (36,316) 396,867 433,183 (36,316) Golf Revenue 1,546,963 1,558,392 (11,429) 3,983,903 3,922,589 61,315 9,985,698 9,924,384 61,315 Other Revenue 63,791 76,151 (12,359) 175,911 189,858 (13,946) 352,824 366,771 (13,946) Interest Income 16,904 11,250 5,654 47,696 33,750 13,946 148,946 135,000 13,946 TOTAL R EVENUE 3,033,077 3,088,741 (55,664) 8,445,769 8,194,041 251,728 26,290,207 26,038,479 251,728 Cost of Sales 184,621 208,239 23,617 471,746 475,256 3,510 1,140,309 1,143,819 3,510 GR OSS PROFIT 2,848,456 2,880,502 (32,047) 7,974,023 7,718,785 255,238 25,149,898 24,894,659 255,238 Payroll 1,025,456 1,050,170 24,714 2,967,688 3,184,648 216,960 11,962,491 12,179,451 216,960 Uti lities 138,842 152,833 13,991 429,212 428,815 (397) 2,015,280 2,014,883 (397) Repai rs & Maintenance 83,149 63,100 (20,049) 229,197 181,900 (47,297) 811,397 764,100 (47,297) Insurance 70,341 70,300 (41) 210,941 210,900 (41) 906,911 906,870 (41) Professional Fees 16,126 22,000 5,874 72,437 60,000 (12,437) 308,507 296,070 (12,437) Food / Beverage 13,877 - (13,877) 71,560 300,197 228,637 71,560 300,197 228,637 Landscaping 201,574 199,882 (1,692) 598,514 599,646 1,132 2,408,792 2,409,924 1,132 Operating Expense 413,387 402,930 (10,457) 1,230,488 1,192,672 (37,816) 6,060,980 6,023,165 (37,816) TOTAL EXPENSES 1,962,751 1,961,215 (1,536) 5,810,037 6,158,778 348,741 24,545,918 24,894,659 348,741 SU RPLUS/(DEFICIT) before PR OJECTS 885,705 $ 919,287 $ (33,582) $ 2,163,986 $ 1,560,006 $ 603,980 $ 603,980 $ 0 $ 603,980 $ Turf Reduction 129,229 - (129,229) 129,229 - (129,229) 129,229 - (129,229) SU RPLUS/(DEFICIT) 756,476 $ 919,287 $ (162,811) $ 2,034,757 $ 1,560,006 $ 474,751 $ 474,751 $ 0 $ 474,751 $ OP ERATI NG FUND Ma r-23 RES ERV E FUND Ma r-23 CARE FUND Ma r-23 YI ELD Ba l a nce YI ELD Ba l a nce YI ELD Ba l a nce Tota l 1. 40% 13, 813, 099 $ Tota l 2. 00% 22, 702, 939 $ Tota l 3. 05% 6, 520, 233 $
6 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


The Board of Directors accepted the Consent Agenda items as submitted:

1. January 26, 2023 Board Workshop minutes

2. January 26, 2023 Special Board Meeting minutes and resolutions

3. February 9, 2023 Board Meeting minutes and resolutions

4. February 16, 2023 Special Board Meeting minutes and resolutions

5. Appointment of Denyce Mulflur as Neighborhood Representative for the Sunrise Vista neighborhood.

6. Appointment of Stephanie Sloggett-O’Dell as Neighborhood representative for The Point neighborhood.

7. Appointment of Vicki Sommers as an additional Neighborhood Representative for the Desert Sage II neighborhood;

• The Board of directors approved the proposed changes to the Charter Club Policies and Procedures as submitted;

• The Board of Directors approved to amend the Project Proposal Process (PPP) by renaming the document to “Small Project Proposal (SPP)” and change the maximum threshold of $100,000 to $200,000 in CARE Funds;

• The Board of Directors approved the Large Project Development Process (LPDP) as submitted;

• The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the current

Food & Beverage Committee (F & B) to a Board Advisory Committee;

• The Board of Directors approved Purchase Request 23-192 RFReplace (66) Common Area Irrigation Controllers including Installation in the amount not to exceed $382,200;

• The Board of Directors approved Purchase Request 23-001 CF –Village Center – Installation of the new Veterans Monument not to exceed $68,000;

• The Board of Directors approved CLA Audit/Tax proposal for a new three-year agreement for 2023, 2024 and 2025 totaling $130,070;


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P: 623.222.5400 F: 623.222.5002

CITY OF SURPRISE, 623.222.1000

Non-emergency police, 623.222.4000

Non-emergency Fire, 623.222.5000

Mayor’s and Council’s Office, 623.222.1300

SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS Faucet Doctor Plumbing & HVAC Services, LLC 623-214-7161 Licensed-Bonded-Insured PORA-SCHOA-BBB Listed Complete Plumbing & HVAC Service Company Water Heaters, Water Softeners, Main Water Line Repair or Replacement, Slab Leaks, Toilets, Faucets, Circulating Pumps, Disposals, Bathroom Remodels, Sewer Inspection, Repair and Replacement, All Irrigation Services, Air Conditioning New Install, Service and Repair ROC License # 320540 ROC License # 320541 Greg Singletary Owner VICE PRESIDENT Carol White TREASURER Bob Aiken PRESIDENT René Mitchell SECRETARY Jeff Gibbs BOARD MEMBER Tony Spata BOARD MEMBER Doug Brady BOARD MEMBER Alan Meyer 7 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


With the summer months quickly approaching we would like to discuss some of the signs of heat-related illness. Exposure to abnormal or prolonged amounts of heat and humidity without relief or adequate fluid intake can cause various types of heat-related illness.

There are 3 types of heat-related illnesses:

• Heat cramps

• Heat exhaustion

• Heat stroke

Heat cramps are the mildest form of heat illness and consist of painful muscle cramps and spasms that occur during or after intense exercise and sweating in high heat.

Heat exhaustion is more severe than heat cramps and results from a loss of water and salt in the body. It occurs in conditions of extreme heat and excessive sweating without adequate fluid and salt replacement. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body is unable to cool itself properly and, if left untreated, can progress to heat stroke.

Heat stroke, the most severe form of heat illness, occurs when the body's heat-regulating system is overwhelmed by excessive heat. It is a life-threatening emergency and requires immediate medical attention.

Below are some helpful tips to help us avoid heat related illnesses.

1. Wear loose, light colored clothing and a hat.

2. Adapt to golfing in hot conditions

gradually, avoid over-exerting yourself during peak temperature periods.

3. Drink water frequently—at least eight ounces every 20 to 30 minutes. Stay away from liquids containing caffeine, which causes rapid depletion of body liquids.

4. Watch for the following signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses:

a. Heat Cramps – severe muscle spasms in the back, stomach, arms, and legs, which are attributed to the loss of body salt and water during periods of heavy perspiration.

b. Heat Exhaustion – heavy sweating, cool or pale skin, nausea, headache, weakness, vomiting, and fast pulse.

c. Heat Stroke – high body temperature, minimal sweating, red and dry skin, rapid breathing and pulse, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, confusion, or unconsciousness.

5. Treat heat illness as soon as possible by doing the following:

a. Heat Cramps – move to a cooler area and drink approximately six ounces of water every 15 minutes. Follow-up with a medical examination.

b. Heat Exhaustion – move to a cooler area and lie down with your legs slightly elevated. Cool your body by fanning and applying cool, wet towels and drink approximately six ounces of water every 15 minutes. Follow-up with a medical examination.

c. Heat Stroke – Call 9-1-1 immediately. Move to a cooler area, remove your outer clothing, immerse yourself in cool water or apply cool, wet towels or cloths to the body. Place ice bags on the armpits and groin areas. Offer cool fluids if alert and able to drink.

We hope everyone has a safe and fun filled summer on and off the golf course!

Thank you, Brandon

8 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
Independent Living • Assisted Living • Memory Support • Skilled Nursing • 13373 N Plaza Del Rio Blvd. in Peoria, Arizona Plan For Tomorrow, And Live For Today Providing freedom, support, and control is our way of putting our dedication to our residents into action. From our purchase and lease programs to our dining and services options, the choices are all yours. At Freedom Plaza, our goal is to help you plan for tomorrow and live for today... everyday. For the Retirement of a Lifetime Your Smart Choice in Senior Living To request a brochure, schedule a personal tour, or attend a complimentary luncheon, Call 623-404-9730 or visit 9 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

For all things

Grand, visit us online or in the Activities Office, contact us at 623-546-7449.


Anytime is a good time at rand G

Looking for fun ways to pass the time this summer? Have we got options for you!

Thirsty Thursdays in May

May 4th featuring the 303 West Band and the 18th in the Village Center from 3-6pm. Come out for an afternoon of food, fun and friends!

Market at Grand

It’s the last Market at Grand of the Season

Stay happy, stay healthy and stay safe. Thank you for your support of your Activities Department.

—Saturday, May 6th from 8-11am. Thank you for your support of this community favorite event. We look forward to its return in early fall.

Grand Movie Series

We’re ready for a movie afternoon, we hope you’ll join us! It’s the Grand Movie Series— May 19th, begins promptly at 1pm. Feature presentation is, A Man Called Otto, starring Tom Hanks.

Cinco de Mayo

It’s time for fiesta…come out and celebrate Cinco de Mayo! The Happy Mariachi Trio will entertain us from 10am-12noon in the Village Center. Evening entertainment will be provided by KoolTraxx from 4-7:30pm.

Happy Hour

Have you joined us for a Happy Hour at the Palm Center? Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:

May 9th and 23rd

June 13th and 27th

Cash bar will be available, 3-5pm. Look for more details in forthcoming email blasts for food specials that will be available for purchase.

Grand Cabaret

Save the date Grand Residents, July 7th is the return of the Grand Cabaret! We are looking forward to hosting you…and as always, it returns in GRAND fashion. Stay in the know – look for upcoming eblasts with more summer fun details, all here for you, in your Grand Community.

…from monthly Trivia Challenges to weekly Karaoke and Game Nights…even weekly live music at the Grand Café, we hope you will come out and enjoy all that Grand has to offer.

10 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
11 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

National Senior Fitness Month at the Grand

All older adults—both men and women— can benefit from regular, moderate physical activity. This is true even for people with medical conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure, issues that can be mitigated through exercise.

The month of May at the Grand will see the celebration of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month and National Senior Health and Fitness Day on the 31st. To celebrate, we have chosen a select number of classes to be offered on certain dates, for $1, during the month of May. This temporary schedule will be communicated via email blasts for Fitness subscribers and posted at the Fitness centers. In addition, we are asking you to share with the community your Health, Wellness and Fitness success stories. Your story may inspire and encourage someone else to pursue their own health and fitness journey. Please email Fitness Director, Allison Adams, at or, if you have a fitness/health/wellness success story you’d like to share, up to 400 words. Let us know if it is okay for us to use your name. We’ll be selecting several of these stories to share with our community via email communication and flyers in the fitness centers.

We are hoping that Grand residents will take this opportunity to participate in the many fitness, strength-training, flexibility, balance, and coordination programs and workshops on offer. Whether you have participated in the past, or want to jumpstart your fitness and progress to a higher level, we encourage you to register or attend our programs.

As we age, it's totally normal to lose some of the stamina and agility we enjoyed in our younger years. But getting older doesn't mean settling into complacency or acceptance.

It's a fact that regular activity will positively impact our physical health as well as our mental and emotional wellbeing. It will provide give us with more energy and greater self-confidence, enabling us to embrace our later years with renewed vigor.

Some of the key benefits of exercise for older adults include:

n Prevents Bone Loss: Both men and women lose bone density as they age, with post-menopausal women losing up to 2% each year. Strength training counteracts this loss and actually restores bone density. Stronger bones lead to fewer fractures and also aid in balance. By reducing the risk of falls and injuries, exercise can help seniors live independently for longer.

n Relieves Osteoarthritis Pain: Movement can actually lessen the pain and stiffness of arthritis. Arthritis-friendly exercise includes

low-impact cardiovascular activity, strength training, and range-of-motion exercises. By strengthening the muscles surrounding our joints and stimulating the fascial lines that coordinate muscular dynamics, we can reduce joint inflammation and aid in synovial lubrication, reducing pain and stiffness.

n Helps Prevent Chronic Disease: Exercise provides a prophylactic effect against a host of chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. If you already have a chronic condition, physical activity can minimize symptoms. It can even help reduce cognitive decline, as exercise floods the body and the brain with oxygen, resulting in fewer Alzheimer's disease bio-markers even with just 30 minutes of exercise daily.

n Boosts Immunity: Moderate exercise correlates with a lower incidence of acute respiratory illness and a reduced risk of illness. While the precise modality of exercise-supported immunity is not known, many scientists believe that the anti-inflammatory effects of physical activity enable better immune function. Exercise will also improve immune cell performance.

12 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

n Improves Mood and Enables Mindset: Simply put, exercise makes us feel good. It eases anxiety and depression symptoms, increases relaxation, and creates an overall sense of wellbeing. The mood-boosting benefits of exercise can continue well into old age, underscoring why it is so vital to stay active.

Ideally, workout routines for older adults should incorporate an holistic blend of aerobic exercise, strength/resistance training, and stretching/flexibility/ coordination exercises. Below are some great workout options that you can tap into at the Grand. All of our instructors and trainers are highly professional and are well-versed in working with seniors to improve mobility, build strength, and enhance balance and coordination.

n Yoga: Yoga is a low-impact activity that won't strain your joints. At the same time, it helps you build up your muscles, stabilize your core, improve your flexibility, and strengthen your bones. We offer a broad spectrum of classes, from

introductory to advanced. We even offer yoga programs that include seated and standing options.

n Pilates: Like yoga, Pilates offers an effective workout while being gentle on joints. It focuses on building a strong core in order to improve balance and stability and has been shown to reduce the symptoms of arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and Parkinson's disease. Many of the exercises are performed in sitting or reclining positions. Pilates is a smart option to go if you haven't exercised in a long time.

n Aerobic exercise: Adding endurance component to your day can help boost cardiovascular function, strengthen lungs and airways, and improve everyday stamina. Walking, swimming, and using the stationary bike are all good choices for older adults. Thirty minutes a day is the recommended amount, which you can start by doing three 10-minute sessions spread out over the day.

n Strength training: Our gyms at the Grand offer state-of-the-art equipment.

We can also supplement strength training with precise sports-specific routines to assist in golf, softball, pickleball., and tennis. There are also simple, low-impact body weight training exercises you can do on your own to help reverse muscle loss and burn body fat. Aim for two to three workouts weekly to reap the most benefits.

Most adults over the age of 65 can exercise safely, even those with chronic conditions and mobility challenges. Before starting any exercise regimen, it’s important to talk with your doctor to learn which options are right for your health and activity level. You are encouraged to share these options with your trainer or instructor to better fine-tune your workouts.

Get ready to experience the proven and immense benefits of exercise firsthand by celebrating National Senior Fitness Month with us at the Grand!

Charles Crevequer

Grand Personal Trainer and EXOS Sports Performance Specialist


FROM THE FITNESS DIRECTOR 13 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

We are looking for SCG men and women volunteers to help with Vacation Watch and Evening Patrol. We will supply vehicles and training. Call (CAM) 623-546-7432 or the C.H.A.P.S. office 623-546-7553 and leave a message if you are interested in joining us! You may also find more information about C.H.A.P.S. (including an application form to join) at – Volunteer Central – C.H.A.P.S. Resident Patrol


Before I go on about the services C.H.A.P.S.* offers our residents, here are a couple of items that need to be addressed. When we drive around in the evening, our C.H.A.P.S.* volunteers report there are many house numbers that are unlit. As I counted one evening, there were 20% of the house numbers on one street that were not lit. So please put this article down, walk outside, and check to see if the bulbs that light your house numbers are indeed lit. They should be as they burn 24 hours a day. Your lighted house number is critical because emergency personnel will be able to find your home much faster. Replacement bulbs may be purchased at any local hardware store.

With the summer heat fast approaching, we are starting to see more people out walking at night. We recommend you wear light colored clothing, and even use reflective clothing if possible. When crossing the street, please use a crosswalk! Keep in mind, it can be virtually impossible to see walkers

wearing dark clothing until it is almost too late.

Leaving your garage doors open: Please check daily to see if your garage door is closed. And, contrary to the belief that it helps to leave your door open a bit (18 inches) to let the heat escape, it does not work! When it is 100 degrees inside your garage and 106 outside, it will only allow more heat to enter your garage. And, if you are leaving the door open 18 inches, you are simply inviting someone or something to crawl into your garage. When your doorbell rings in the evening, it is likely one of our C.H.A.P.S.* volunteers with a friendly reminder that your garage door is open.

The duties of C.H.A.P.S.* volunteers appear below.


When residents are away from home for two weeks or more, they are encouraged to fill out a Vacation Watch form which is available at the Welcome Center and the Membership Office at the Palm Center, as well as online at Completed forms are to be returned to the Membership Office in the Palm Center.

Two criteria are required for homeowners to use this program: (1) homeowner must be away for a minimum of two weeks; (2) a keyholder must be identified on the request form. C.H.A.P.S.* volunteers will walk around the home checking for unlocked doors, unlocked or broken windows, etc. The goal is to make the house look occupied. When an irregularity is found, the designated keyholder will be notified. C.H.A.P.S.* does not report homeowner violations to the Standards Office.


During evening hours, volunteers patrol our streets in Association vehicles to observe and report unusual activity. The volunteers look for breaches of security such as open garage doors, suspicious vehicles and/or people. Street light outages and road hazards will be reported to the proper authorities. As an additional reminder, when going out for an evening walk, please close your garage door. If one of our C.H.A.P.S.* volunteers stop to let you know of your open garage door and finds no response to the ringing of your doorbell, we are obligated

to notify Surprise Police to perform a courtesy check at your home that evening.


We are actively looking for new volunteers. All residents are welcome! We will provide classroom and field training. There are two-person patrols where you select your days/ evenings to volunteer and you select how many times each month you wish to volunteer. Call Carol Murr (CAM) 623-546-7432 or the C.H.A.P.S.* office (623) 5467553 if you may be interested in joining us.


We meet the fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm in the Sonoran Plaza. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 23. We welcome you to come to one of our meetings to learn more about C.H.A.P.S.*


C.H.A.P.S.* welcomes all donations. Those wishing to make donations may do so at the Membership Office. Make checks payable to Sun City Grand Community Association and designate “Donation to C.H.A.P.S.”

*C.H.A.P.S.: Community Homeowner Association Patrol Service

C.H.A.P.S. MEETS THE 4TH TUESDAY EVERY MONTH (except December) AT 1:30 P.M.


14 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |




“Living Trusts vs Wills ... Straight Talk” – Back in SCG by popular demand, this FREE class has helped thousands of Arizonans at every income level to protect themselves from probate. Learn what to do and save 50+% on expert estate planning services. Schedule a free review of any Will or Living Trust. See Ad on page 24.

RSVP: 623-853-6775.

FREE | 10 a.m. OR 12 p.m. | Palm Center



Join Michael Shepp home solar instructor teaching his college class. Everything you must know before you ever invite a solar salesman into your home. Join the 8,000 Arizona residents who've attended this class. APS rate increases, interest rates rising, inflation. Federal tax credit disappearing. Now is the time.

FREE | 1 p.m. | Sonoran Plaza

Stop Dreaming, Donald Simpson NMLS# 450311 Sr. Mortgage Loan Officer | 623.428.2202 | 36197 Dreaming of a vacation home where you can retire in style? Let Bell help you make your home dreams come true!
Doing 15 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |







16 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


On March 31, 2023, once again the SCG Softball Club and friends made a visit to the Granite Falls South Course to play a scramble for a local veteran’s

organization. This is our eight year playing for the vets. This year we raised $5, 037 in donations for the “Soldier’s Best Friend” an organization that helps vets

Lost & Found

Have you lost something in the Village Area or out in the Community? If so, check at the Welcome Center to see if your lost item has been turned in.

Lost and Found is located in the Welcome Center in the lobby of the Palm Center. Open hours are 9 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. Or you can phone 623-546-7501 and ask the volunteers to check for your lost item. Valuable items such as cell phones and jewelry are kept in the Membership Office. The Golf Courses and Fitness Centers keep their found items, so if you lost something there, please check at those facilities.

in finding a “Best Friend – service dog” to assist the vets as they re-enter and become a valued member of our community.

The Women’s winning team (net 46) consisted of Karen Gioia, Tina Jaska, Carol Roberts and Jackie Schirpke. The Men’s winning team (net 45) consisted of John Boland, Ralph McKeever, Eric Swobody and Joe Chlebeck. The Mixed winning team

(net 47) consisted of Dennis Estes, Sonia Estes, Tom Ranalls and Kris Ranalls. Vickie Ray (Red Tees), Pat Urzada (Orange Tees), Bret Baker (White Tees) and Dennis Estes (Gold Tees) were the Long Drive winners and Arlene Weslosky and Tim Brown were the Closest to the Pin winners.

Players are already looking forward to next year’s fun Softball golf Tournament.

17 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


The Sun City Grand Lady Putters have a long history of Community Service. We are so proud to announce that this year we raised $5,335 cash for the Valley View Community Food Bank. Jesse Ramirez, the founder of Valley View is not only a worthy community advocate, but a true friend of the Lady Putters.

Jesse Ramirez believes that nothing can be accomplished in a person’s life if hunger is their primary focus. The fear going hungry —or actual empty cupboards— can lead to depression, domestic violence, or even suicide. While working at West Side Food Bank in Surprise, Arizona for 21 years, he saw firsthand the kind of devastation that food insecurity can bring to a people of all ages.

In March 2007, Jesse and his family founded Valley View Community Food Bank (VVCFB) to help meet the needs of his community. His open-door policy welcomed – and continues to welcome – everyone who needs help. Originally launched in a Sun City location with 500 square feet and three volunteers, the “little food bank that could” began to grow, and by 2023 became the largest food bank in the northwest Valley, providing clients with nutritious, healthy food in a respectful, compassionate manner.

The main pantry in Sun City is open mornings Monday through Friday. Emergency food boxes are also available in El Mirage. In addition, the El Mirage location has a shared maintenance program where clients can purchase food at greatly reduced prices, a special program for seniors on Thursdays and a Farmer’s Market on Saturdays. VVCFB also does food distributions in Sun City West (Mondays), and Youngtown (Fridays). Senior clients may come weekly for additional items. Clients also access food through VVCFB’s supplemental food program and a weekly Farmer’s Market.

VVCFB is unique in that food boxes are made to made to meet clients’ health

needs, family size, and food preferences. VVCFB does not income or Zip Code verify, making services available to all who request them.

In 2022, emergency food boxes were given to 393,481 individual clients. Over all, VVCFB provided 1,541,766 food boxes valued at approximately $300 apiece to needy clients. More than 161,000,000 pounds of food were distributed. VVCFB provided extra holiday food boxes at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Families were also helped with school supplies and holiday gifts. VVCFB operates thrift stores in Sun City, Sun City West, and El Mirage to assist clients, repurpose household items, clothes and furniture,

and generate income to support the pantries.

VVCFB is also supported by volunteers who work in the pantry and the thrift shops, or who organize food drives and special events.

At the height of the recent pandemic, the numbers of people seeking help soared to more than 1,000 per day. Jesse remarked, “We’re not a huge food bank, and we were used to assisting 700 people a day, so the numbers were shocking. We continue to have more and more clients in the 55 years and older age range, and seniors have become a primary concern for us. Our pantry in Sun City West is open a few hours a week, and I have seen the line stretch down the sidewalk by the time

FROM THE LADY PUTTERS CLUB 18 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

WEEDS Friendly Reminder from Standards

We all want to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of our homes in Sun City Grand. We also recognize that there are many things that impede us in this common desire. The intrusion of nature in the form of weeds is certainly on top of our list. Weeds do nothing but detract from the effect we sought to achieve when we landscaped our property. Please help us to help you and your fellow owners by ensuring that your property stays free of these unsightly intruders.

we open. Many of our older community members are struggling to survive.”

It is Jesse’s hope that there will eventually become a day when the services of Valley View Community Food Bank will not longer be needed by a food secure and well-fed community that is free from worries about hunger. However, until that happy day arrives, he is determined to expand the food bank’s outreach to include additional services and resources, and to increase the number of pantries in strategic locations. He continues to be focused on senior citizens, and their increasing numbers as Boomers age into their “golden years.” He also

hopes that younger people step up to help out, and augment the efforts of his dedicated army of volunteers.

Jesse and his wife, Rose, are the parents of eight children. Several are following their father into his work with Valley View Community Food Bank, and devote many hours to its ongoing efforts.  Jesse is also an accomplished musician and owns a music studio that attracts a number of wellknown artists.

Valley View Community Food Bank is a 501C-3 charity (FEIN 77-069633) and donations are eligible for the Arizona charitable tax credit (QCO 20405). More information is available at

19 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

Visa/Mastercard Credit/Debit Cards Only – Sun City Grand adheres to the "NO REFUND POLICY"



$3/pp | 6pm Trivia Starts | 5:30pm Doors Open

Sagebrush Ballroom


Join us for this season's musical finale with a lively evening of music with two of The Grand’s favorite homegrown bands, Gold Rush and The CBD Project.  Our featured band, Gold Rush, will entertain you with their unique blend of music, storytelling and style. They are a fun, lively Americana band who perform songs you know and will also introduce you to some you may not.

The CBD Project is named for founding members Craig, Bob, and Dave. Not what you might have been thinking, although they are both therapeutic. CBD will entertain you with songs by artists including Lyle Lovett, Jerry Jeff Walker,

Tom Petty, and a couple of original songs featuring all kinds of musical instruments - electric, steel, wood and whatever a banjo is made of. Both bands always sell out their shows.  Act fast, you don't want to miss this one! Producer:  Jake Gibbs. Tickets are also available at the Sonoran Plaza Activities Desk (open M-F 8am – 4pm)

Reserved Floor & Tiered Seating $15/pp

6pm Cash Bar | 6:30 p.m. Doors open 7pm Performance | Sonoran Plaza Ballroom



Back by popular demand, Thaddeus Rose and his talented musicians, will once again entertain us at our final dance of the season. Join us for a fun evening with family and friends as we dance to our favorite songs from the 50’s through the 90’s. For further information please contact:

$12/pp | 6:30pm Cash Bar | 7–10pm Dancing Sonoran Plaza



$5/pp, Open Seating

6 pm Doors/Cash Bar open | 7pm Performance

Cimarron Center



Visit, for a schedule of events. For all things Grand, visit us online or in the Activities Office, or contact us at 623-546-7449.

$3/pp | 6pm Trivia Starts

5:30pm Doors Open | Sagebrush Ballroom



Visit, for a schedule of events. For all things Grand, visit us online or in the Activities Office, or contact us at 623-546-7449.

$3/pp | 6pm Trivia Starts

5:30pm Doors Open | Sagebrush Ballroom

PULSE WAVE THERAPY is one of the most advanced, noninvasive, highly effective methods for restoring blood flow and accelerating the body’s healing process. Pulse Wave Therapy is approved by the FDA and has been shown most effective in cases of neuropathy and other repairs of injured muscle and pain. This is not a gimmick—over 90% of our patients experience real relief from their pain. Pulse Wave Therapy is real regenerative healing for those who suffer from pain. CALL

20 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
TUESDAYS 3-5 P.M. PALM CENTER MAY 9 MAY 23 JUNE 13 JUNE 27 15820 W Clearview Blvd, Surprise 623-977-6000 Weekly Worship Saturday @ 5 pm - Sunday @ 8am & 10am On-line Worship Anytime: Bringing the Spirit of Grace to All! Desert Living You are the MVP of our TEAM! • Sun City Grand Softball Sponsor • Service you deserve - a TEAM you can TRUST Heather Van Peursem Realtor® Recognized Industry Leader 602-456-2328 Linda Van Peursem, GRI Realtor®, Sun City Grand Resident Recognized Industry Leader 623-640-7153 21 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |





To submit an ad online visit or email or fill out your form and submit it to the Activities Ticket Desk.

n Classified Advertisement is restricted to Sun City Grand Residents as it is a free service. A membership number must be provided.

n Merchandise sales, home sales, or rentals only— no business advertising or personal ads.

n Ads received by the end of business day on Wednesday’s will appear online that Friday.

Look for eblasts for upcoming dates and times

22 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |




For more information, and a complete listing of tours call 480-497-2478 or visit the website at


May 25th | Thursday | $145

Arizona’s most hidden treasure, the Rock Art Ranch is considered a sacred site by Native Americans. Archaeological records show that people have been passing through this area for over 13,000 years. Chevelon Canyon, a narrow, deep and watered gorge, cuts through the ranch, and thousands of petroglyphs dated from 5000 BC to 1400 AD, etch the steep canyon walls. This remarkable tour includes so much. Call for more information.


May 27th | Saturday | $110

The spirit of the Old West comes alive every Memorial Day weekend, as Tombstone honors its most legendary lawman. This wild party on the blood-soaked streets of the “Town Too Tough To Die” should not be missed!


June 3rd | Saturday | $110

There are four beautiful lakes in Prescott: Goldwater, Watson, Willow and Lynx. We’re going to visit them all, with a stop first on Prescott’s famous Whiskey Row for lunch on self.


June 5th-8th | Monday-Thursday

$984 (Double Occupancy) | $192 (Single Supplement)

Journey with us into Southwestern Colorado and the Four Corners Region. Visit Mesa Verde NP for a spectacular look into the lives of the Ancestral Pueblo people who made it their home for over 700 years. We’ll also board the Durango/Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad to travel 45 miles on rails originally laid in 1882, winding along the Animas River through the ruggedly beautiful San Juan National Forest—a wilderness inaccessible by any road. This tour includes 3 nights at the luxurious Sky Ute Casino Resort and buffet breakfast every morning.


June 15th | Thursday | $115

Established as a National Monument in 1915, Walnut Canyon preserves numerous cliff dwellings located along the limestone ledges of this deep canyon in the Flagstaff region. We’ll also enjoy lunch on self in historic downtown Flagstaff, home to many wonderful little restaurants.


July 3rd-6th | Monday-Thursday

$957 (Double Occupancy) | $306 (Single Supplement)

This MOTORCOACH TOUR includes so much! Call Kindred Tours for the full itinerary.


For more information or reservations please contact Free Spirit Vacations and Events at 480-926-5547 or


Departs 2nd Monday every month

$1,950 pp/double | $2,199 pp/single | Airfare Is Additional


Wednesday | May 10

$140 per person



May 17–18

$499/double | $625/single


June 2–3

$385 pp/double | $485 pp/single


Saturday | June 24 | 2023

$99 per person



Friday | June 30

$165 per person


Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our SCG community.

MAY 2023


Margarita Ruiz Fitness

Jorge Sevillas

Granite Falls Golf Maintenance


Elias Maldonado



Felipe Cruz

Cimarron Golf Maintenance


Dorene Evans

Desert Springs Golf

23 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
24 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
the action at
the new Independent
cued up to
you want to be – yogi, card shark,
lover, sports fanatic, you name it. It’s your
It’s lights, camera, and all
Inspirata Pointe,
Living expansion project at Royal Oaks!
spectacular amenities, including a dog park and three beautiful restaurants, immerse you in a luxury lifestyle built on food, fun, and freedom. Now, with even more choice and opportunity, you’re all
your terms and be whoever
25 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


MAY 2023 7 AM Aqua Mitzi $4.00 7 AM Beg Strength Bal Maggie n $4.00 7 AM Aqua Mitzi $4.00 8:15 AM Aqua Express 30 Minute Class Maggie $2.00 9 AM Aqua Maggie $4.00 9 AM Gentle Yoga Alicia $4.00 11:30 AM Aqua Rusty Hinges Maggie $4.00 1 PM Chair Fitness Rusty Hinges Maggie $4.00 2 PM PWR Moves Therese $4.00 3 PM Chair Yoga Therese $4.00 3 PM Aqua TBD $4.00 6 AM Boot Camp Nat n $4.00 7 AM Kataflex Nat $4.00 8 AM Suspension Training Nat $4.00 8:05 AM Cardio Interval Michele $4.00 9:15 AM Pilates Jerry $4.00 11 AM Stretch & Tone Sherry $4.00 4 PM Aqua Maggie $4.00 7 AM Beg Strength Bal Maggie n $4.00 7 AM Aqua Jodell $4.00 8:15 AM Aqua Express 30 Minute Class Maggie $2.00 9 AM Aqua Maggie $4.00 10 AM Zumba Therese $4.00 10 AM Tai Chi movement Workshop Tina (IN THE PAVILION) $50.00 pre-paid RESUMES OCTOBER 11 AM Muscle works DeAnn $4.00 11:30 AM Aqua Rusty Hinges Maggie $4.00 1 PM Chair Fitness Rusty Hinges Maggie n $4.00 2 PM PWR Moves Therese $6.00 3 PM Chair Yoga Therese $6.00 3 PM Aqua TBD $4.00 6 AM Boot Camp Nat n $4.00 7 AM Kataflex Nat $4.00 7 AM Aqua Mitzi $4.00 8 AM Suspension Training Nat $4.00 8:05 AM Cardio Interval Michele $4.00 9:15 AM Pilates Jerry $4.00 4 PM Aqua Maggie $4.00 7 AM Beg Strength Bal Maggie n $4.00 7 AM Aqua Jodell n $4.00 8:15 AM Aqua Express 30 Minute Class Maggie $2.00 9 AM Aqua Maggie $4.00 9 AM Zumba Jerry n $4.00 10 AM Chi Gong Workshop Tina (IN THE PAVILION) $50.00 pre-paid RESUMES OCTOBER 10 AM Yoga Jerry n $4.00 11 AM Pilates Jerry n $4.00 11:30 AM Aqua Rusty Hinges Maggie n $4.00 12 PM Grandettes Carol RESUMES JANUARY 1 PM Yoga Renee n $4.00 2 PM High/ Intermediate Tap Carol $6.00 3 PM Intermediate / Beginner Tap Carol $6.00 7 AM Pure Body Barré Jeanne $4.00 8 AM Pure Balance Bosu Jeanne $4.00 Class size limit to 16 9 AM Zumba Jerry $4.00 10 AM Pure Golden Glutes Express 30 Minute Class Jeanne $2.00 10:30 AM Pure Arm Toning Express 30 Minute Class Jeanne $2.00 MAY 2023 Blue—Aqua Aerobics | Green—Outdoor Classes | Orange—pre-paid prices For more information contact *SCG Community Association, its Board, its employees and all other entities within SCG do not guarantee, endorse, nor promote any of the products, services or individuals advertised herein and assume no responsibility or liability for the veracity of the statements made by any instructors. 26 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


8:30 AM Deep Water Mitzi $4.00 9:45 AM Stretch & Tone Sherry $4.00 11 AM Chair Yoga Sherry $4.00 6 AM Pure Power Pump Jeanne n $4.00 7 AM Pure Core Crunch Jeanne n $4.00 8 AM Glute Express 30 Minute Class Therese n $2.00 8:30 AM Core Express 30 Minute Class Therese n $2.00 8:30 AM Deep Water Jeanne n $4.00 9 AM Dance Fitness Therese n $4.00 10 AM Stretch & Relax Maggie n $4.00 11 AM Pure Cycle Lite Jeanne $5.00 12:30 PM Yoga Renee $4.00 2 PM Cardio Tone Lite DeAnn n $4.00 3 PM Yoga/Pilates DeAnn n $4.00 4 PM Cycle+Core Sue n $5.00 RESUMES OCTOBER 6 AM Pure Power Pump Jeanne $4.00 7 AM Pure Body Barre Jeanne $4.00 8 AM Cycle Chris $5.00 8:30 AM Deep Water Mitzi $4.00 9 AM Roll & Release Chris $4.00 10 AM Total Body Conditioning Chris $4.00 11 AM Tai Chi Workshop John $50.00 pre-paid 10 Weeks RESUMES OCTOBER 12 PM Grandettes Tiana RESUMES JANUARY 1 PM Grandettes Tiana RESUMES JANUARY 1 PM Gentle Yoga Jerry *Gila $4.00 2 PM Tone Zone DeAnn $4.00 5:30 AM Muscle, Steel, Rip Trainer Nat $4.00 7 AM Pure Burn It Up! Jeanne $4.00 8 AM Pure Strength & Sculpt Jeanne $4.00 9 AM Pure Jammin’ Jeanne $4.00 10 AM Stretch & Relax Maggie $4.00 11 AM Hatha Yoga Claudia $4.00 12 PM Grandettes Tiana RESUMES JANUARY 1 PM Pure Leg Day Express Jeanne $2.00 1:30 PM Pure Arm Toning Express Jeanne $2.00 2 PM Cardio Tone Lite DeAnn $4.00 3 PM Cycle +Core Sue $5.00 RESUMES OCTOBER 7 AM Pure Core Crunch Jeanne n $4.00 8 AM Pure Cycle Lite Jeanne n $5.00 8:30 AM Deep Water Mitzi n $4.00 9 AM Pure Jammin Jeanne n $4.00 10 AM Nutrition Workshop Cimarron Club Melissa $80.00 pre-paid 4 Weeks 10 AM Pure Golden Glutes Express 30 Minute Class Jeanne n $2.00 10:30 AM Pure Ab Blast Express 30 Minute Class Jeanne n $2.00 11 AM Tai Chi Workshop John $50.00 pre-paid 10 Weeks 12 PM Grandettes Carol RESUMES JANUARY 1 PM Grandettes Carol RESUMES JANUARY 2 PM Grandettes Carol RESUMES JANUARY 3 PM Zumba Jerry $4.00 5:30 AM Muscle, Steel, Rip Trainer Nat $4.00 7 AM Pure Burn It Up! Jeanne $4.00 8 AM Pure Strength & Sculpt Jeanne $4.00 9 AM Pure Jammin’ Jeanne $4.00 10 AM Stretch & Relax Maggie $4.00 11 AM Happy Hips Therese $4.00 12 PM PWR! MOVES Therese $4.00 1 PM Chair Yoga Therese $4.00 2 PM Tone Zone DeAnn $4.00 7:15 AM Muscle Works DeAnn $4.00 8:15 AM Yoga DeAnn $4.00 10 AM Dance Fitness Therese $4.00 11 AM Yin Yoga Therese $4.00 MAY 2023 Blue—Aqua Aerobics | Green—Outdoor Classes | Orange—pre-paid prices For more information contact *SCG Community Association, its Board, its employees and all other entities within SCG do not guarantee, endorse, nor promote any of the products, services or individuals advertised herein and assume no responsibility or liability for the veracity of the statements made by any instructors. 27 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
MAY 2023 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CHAPS Board Meeting 9:30am–PC, Sago FABC 10am–Hybrid & PC, Mediterranean LRP 1pm–Hybrid PC, Mediterranean Grand Trivia Night 6pm-SP —SOLD OUT Neighborhood Reps 8am–SP Architectural Review 9:30am–Hybrid & Med.Rm. Music-Evening with Gold Rush & Friends 7pm-SP Celebrate Cinco de Mayo Times vary-VC Farmers Market 8am–SPP/VC Music-Evening with Gold Rush & Friends 7pm-SP Happy Hour 3-5pm-PC Board of Directors Meeting 1pm–Hybrid & PC, Mediterranean Room Dance-Rock & Swing Dance 7pm-SP —SOLD OUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 Covenants 9am–Via Zoom Golf Advisory 2:30pm–PC, Mediterranean Room Financial Advisory 10am–PC, Mediterranean Room Grand Movie Series 1pm–SP Veterans Monument Unveiling 10am–VC CHAPS General Mtg. 1:30pm–Palms/PV Happy Hour 3-5pm-PC Music-Live at Cimarron 7pm-CM —SOLD OUT Board Workshop 1pm–Hybrid & PC, Mediterranean Room 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SP=Sonoran Plaza • SPP=Sonoran Plaza Parking • CC=Chaparral Center • CMP=Cimarron Center Parking • CM=Cimarron Center • AD=Adobe Spa • PC=Palm Center • GC=Grand Cafe VC=Village Center • AM=Amphitheater • Meeting dates are subject to change. Check for the most up–to–date information Items in blue are Activities or Community Events • Items in black are Committee Meetings • Items in green are Board Meetings • Items in red are Cancelled Meetings Admin. Office and Welcome CenterClosed MEMORIAL DAY Fitness Centers: 5am-9pm Golf Courses: 7am–5pm Activities Office: Closed Admin. Office and Welcome Center: Closed Chaparral: 7am-10pm Palm Center: 8am-6pm Sonoran: 7am-10pm 28 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
JUNE 2023 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FABC 10am–Hybrid & PC, Mediterranean LRP 1pm–Hybrid & PC, Mediterranean Neighborhood Reps 8am–SP CHAPS Board Meeting 9:30am–PC, Sago Board of Directors Meeting 1pm–Hybrid & PC, Mediterranean Room 1 2 3 Grand Trivia 6pm–SP Happy Hour 3-5pm-PC Grand Movie Series 1pm–SP Covenants 9am–Via Zoom Golf Advisory Meeting 2:30pm–PC, Mediterranean Room Financial Advisory 10am–PC, Mediterranean Room 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SP=Sonoran Plaza • SPP=Sonoran Plaza Parking • CC=Chaparral Center • CMP=Cimarron Center Parking • CM=Cimarron Center • AD=Adobe Spa • PC=Palm Center • GC=Grand Cafe VC=Village Center • AM=Amphitheater • Meeting dates are subject to change. Check for the most up–to–date information Items in blue are Activities or Community Events • Items in black are Committee Meetings • Items in green are Board Meetings • Items in red are Cancelled Meetings 25 26 27 28 29 30 CHAPS General Meeting 1:30pm–PC, Lobby Happy Hour 3-5pm-PC Board Workshop 1pm–Hybrid & PC, Mediterranean Room 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WEEKLY WEDNESDAYS ☛ Grand Karaoke—4:30pm–SP THURSDAYS ☛ Thirsty Thursdays 1st & 3rd—3-6pm–VC FRIDAYS ☛ Friday Night Live!—Times vary–VC FRIDAYS ☛ DJ Bingo—5:30pm–CC SATURDAY ☛ Live Lunchtime Music–VC 29 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

For Information and Registration call 623-546-7470


Grand Learning uses a 3rd party web-based software - each participant must have a Grand Learning account to take classes and pre-registration is required.

Visa/Mastercard accepted— No cash/checks


Log in to your RESIDENT account with your CAM # and password at WWW.SUNCITYGRAND.COM

Grand Learning is under the Recreation category.

(Under Golf & Recreation heading) Click on Home Page where you can login to your existing account, and view classes.

The Grand Learning program at Sun City Grand offers enrichment courses to the residents of Sun City Grand and the surrounding communities. The benefits of attending classes include stimulating your curiosity, engaging your mind, and building new relationships. Courses on a variety of topics are offered, such as history, STEM, writing, health/wellness, art history, music, and more. Many of the courses are taught by our residents. For these courses, there are no tests, homework, grades, or pressure—just enjoyment and stimulation.

We adhere to the CAM No Refund policy. If you drop a class with more than 48 hours notice, we can offer class credit only. No credits will be issued for missing Zoom links. Please call the GL office prior to day of class if you did not receive the link.

Be aware that the material presented in all SCG Grand Learning classes is determined at the discretion of the instructor, who is an independent contractor or volunteer and not an employee or otherwise affiliated with SCGCA. The course content presented does not necessarily reflect the views of SCGCA and its Board of Directors. See Instructor biographies on the website.

Courses in the SCG Grand Learning program are provided for informational purposes only. The information provided should not be considered complete and should not be relied upon in place of communication and consultation with appropriate professionals. SCGCA makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information presented in the SCG Grand Learning program.

No legal liability or other responsibility is accepted by SCGCA for any errors, omissions, or statements by individual instructors, and SCGCA disclaims any liability or responsibility for any loss, damage, or adverse effect resulting from reliance on information presented by an instructor, whether such damages are direct or indirect, consequential, or special.

Our classrooms may be warm or cold so wear layers!

n Silence your cell phones in the classroom.

n Treat your classmates and instructors with respect.


OR type this URL in your browser to access the Grand Learning Homepage directly: https://go.asapconnected. com/?org=511

Classes are held in the Havasupai/Maricopa classroom (Chaparral Center) unless otherwise specified. Check your invoice for room location.


use the above link *

For online ZOOM classes: a link will be sent to the email address on file with your Grand Learning account. Please call the day before class if you didn't receive the link—remember to check your SPAM folder.

hours may vary)
N. Remington Dr. Surprise, AZ 85374
EMAIL 623-546-7470
623-546-7470 GRAND
HOME GOLF & RECREATION / RECREATION / GRAND LEARNING Grand Learning ➞ Home Page ➞ Volunteer - Grand Learning Ambassadors are needed.
Instructor Login ➞ Organization Code 511 30 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


Meets 12 times on Tue 6/6/23 - 8/29/23

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM FEE: $30


Let's meet weekly to discuss the current events of the day. Be prepared to actively participate as we debate the pros and cons of the topics selected by the group. Each participant is encouraged to bring an item or topic currently in the public's eye. We are not limited to political items for discussion. At the beginning of each session, I will poll the group for topics. Once we have a complete list we will vote on all topics and the one garnering the most votes will be the first topic discussed at each meeting. Lively discussions will ensue, followed by resolutions. If you enjoy brisk and vigorous debate, this is the group for you.



Meets 1 time on Thur 6/8/23 OR 6/22/23

5:30 PM - 6:15 PM FEE: $10

Laughter Wellness is a unique exercise routine developed by Indian physician Dr. Madan Kataria. It combines laughter exercises, cardio, and yoga breathing (Pranayama) which helps bring in more oxygen to the body and brain. The body needs 25% more oxygen than any other body organ. Laughter Wellness increases the supply of oxygen, not only to the brain but the entire body. It also helps build the immune system, lower blood pressure, control blood sugar and keep your heart healthy. It is a powerful antidote against depression--- a major issue today. Offered on ZOOM. The link will be sent to your email address the day before class. Please contact Grand Learning well in advance of class if you did not receive the link.


Meets 1 time on Wed 6/14/23

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

FEE: $10

The intent of this class is to help people understand how Medicare works. Defining what Part A B cover, how and when to take Part D, what is the donut hole?. These are questions many people have about Medicare. The class will explain what the difference is between a Medigap policy (Supplement) and a Part C (HMO, Medicare Advantage). The class will define what circumstances can help determine why you may pick one type of plan over another as well as one insurance company over another. Everyone's scenario is different whether they are currently in Medicare or entering into Medicare for the first time.



Meets 7 times on Wed 6/14/23 - 8/2/23

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM FREE


Do you enjoy movies? Each week we will watch one of my favorite Tom Hanks movies with introductory remarks and discussion afterwards. Join us for seven weeks of fabulous entertainment! No charge but must pre-register.

*Big *Green Mile *Larry Crowne

*Saving Mr. Banks *Bridge of Spies

*News of the World *A Man Called Otto



Meets 6 times on Thur 6/15/23 - 7/20/23

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM FEE: $15

This six-session class will help you get a handle on the New Testament, comparable to a New Testament Survey class. It is appropriate for people with no Biblical understanding or people who have a good working knowledge. The first session will give background information on the New Testament including human authorship, language, canonization and literary types. Two sessions will be spent examining the life of Christ as described in the gospels. Two sessions will examine the epistles. And an entire session will look at the book of Revelation. The goal is to help you to get more out of future study of the New Testament by understanding the big picture and how individual passages fit into it.



Meets 1 time on Wed 6/21/23

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM FEE: $10

Enjoy the desert environment we live in more by understanding the birds that are here during this time of year. We will consider what birding, or birdwatching, is. How to go about it, what equipment is helpful, what are common safety concerns and more. The instructor will also review some wonderful digital tools that assist birders using their smart phones. But the majority of the time will be a slideshow of local birds present this time of year. For those able to do so, we will take a short walk around the grounds to see what we find. Consider bringing optics, if you have them for this portion, but they are not essential.


Meets 1 time on Thur 6/22/23

5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

cardio, and yoga breathing (Pranayama) which helps bring in more oxygen to the body and brain. The body needs 25% more oxygen than any other body organ. Laughter Wellness increases the supply of oxygen, not only to the brain but the entire body. It also helps build the immune system, lower blood pressure, control blood sugar and keep your heart healthy. It is a powerful antidote against depression--- a major issue today. Offered on ZOOM. The link will be sent to your email address the day before class. Please contact Grand Learning well in advance of class if you did not receive the link.



Meets 1 time on Fri 6/23/23

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM FEE: $15

This 90-minute presentation will address the history and personalities of the U.S. World War II research effort into developing a working atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project was created based on the fear that the German war machine had been working on an atomic bomb since the 1930s and that Adolf Hitler was poised to use the bomb in Europe. Later revelations indicated that this was perhaps not the case. We will look at the history of the project, briefly review the German effort to develop the bomb, and provide an overview of stories related to the political reality of what was reported at the time.




Meets 2 times on Tues 7/11/23 - 7/18/23

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM FEE: $10

Attorney David Eastman will present the common mistakes in estate planning. In this class he will cover myths that can become very costly and derail any estate plan. Dave will also be covering the advantages and disadvantages of Wills and Trusts and how to mitigate taxes within your estate planning documents. Additionally, he will discuss things you can do today that will preserve and protect your legacy. Dave's true skill is communicating complex principles in a way that is easy for clients to understand. Often told he should have been an educator, David enjoys speaking to various public and private audiences about the importance of establishing a personalized estate plan.



Meets 1 time on Wed 7/12/23

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM FEE: $10

FEE: $10

Laughter Wellness is a unique exercise routine developed by Indian physician Dr. Madan Kataria. It combines laughter exercises,

This presentation provides foundational information, in a mostly non-technical format, on how to integrate automated lighting, door locks, temperature control,

31 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

garage door monitoring, smoke/carbon monoxide detectors and other devices in a unified manner to achieve a “Smart” home. It also goes into “what they don’t tell you” in those slick ads that imply all you need to do is talk into your TV’s remote control (or similar device) and things magically happen. See LED Lighting Class on 7/19 at 9 am).



Meets 3 times on Thur 7/13/23 - 7/27/23

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM FEE: $20

Discussion on the current geo-political situation between the major powers today. There will be much information to discuss about what is currently happening in the world, and the dangerous economic ramifications taking the United States from its’ premier reserve currency status in the world. David Rosenberg will help you gain a new dimension of understanding from his irreverent, meandering yet entertaining point of view.



Meets 1 time on Wed 7/19/23

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM FEE: $10

Have you gone to Home Depot or Lowe's lately to buy a "60 Watt light bulb"? How about Best Buy that has multiple shelves devoted to not only lights that can change their color, but also controls for them that are either wireless or voice activated? Welcome to lighting and their controls in the 21st Century! LED's have rendered incandescent and compact fluorescent lamps obsolete. Electronic lighting controls are now capable of not only Offand-On functions, but are fully automated for either pre-scheduled, voice or wireless operation. This class will present an in-depth examination of how to select appropriate LED lights, and the controls required to achieve their maximum benefit. It's recommended (but not required) that you know the material in the Home Automation for Beginners Class (Wed 7/12 at 9:00 am).



Meets 1 time on Mon 7/24/23

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM FEE: $10

This class will review the pluses and minuses of the government insured reverse mortgage program. We will review the basics of how the reverse mortgage works and hopefully have fun doing it! At the end of the class, you'll be able to understand it better than most financial planners.


Meets 1 time on Tue 7/25/23

FEE: $15 Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen were both prolific poets in addition to being accomplished songwriters and musicians. They are acknowledged as “the great pop poets of the 1960s.” They came into public view at the same time young people were beginning to openly question the personal, social and political ideas of the time. Both musicians were seen as writers that translated what the current generation was thinking and feeling. This is the first of a five-part series that will look at 10 classic rockers and musicians who were also published poets. We’ll discuss the artistic personalities of each musician, listen to some of their music, and look at examples of their published poetry.

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

then known as hippies, freaks, or longhairs. Members of this counterculture worked to establish their own towns, economies, politics, and values. The women’s movement and the gay rights movement were among the ideas that emerged during this time. The public memory of this period is not a positive one. This program will look at the actual history of the era and provide a retrospective view of the reality of these iconic times.



Meets 1 time on Mon 8/14/23

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

FEE: $15



Meets 1 time on Thur 8/3/23

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

FEE: $15 Opposing forces, powerful men. Ulysses S. Grant came from common stock. Robert E. Lee was the star wherever he was at. Grant came through West Point with few possibilities for a future. Lee was very successful and it was known that he would become a great military force. They met briefly during the Mexican War. Lee didn’t remember and to Grant, it was a highlight of his life. They faced each other on several battlefields in the Civil War and met in April of 1865 across a kitchen table to bring about an end to that uncivil war. One became a college president and one became president. Come and hear their stories.




Meets 1 time on Wed 8/9/23

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

FEE: $15

The 1960s counter-cultural movement was an alternative lifestyle chosen by what were

Elvis Presley is regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century and is often referred to as the "King of Rock n' Roll". We will travel with Elvis from his early days in Memphis and his trailblazing recordings with Sun Records, with his complete dominance of the music charts in the 50s. His 50s success led him to a successful 60s Hollywood film career and on to his acclaimed television comeback, which opened the door to triumphant tours and a seven-year sold out concert residency at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. Elvis has been inducted into multiple music halls of fame and still remains the best-selling solo artist of all time.



Meets 1 time on Wed 8/16/23

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

FEE: $15

We will travel with the most successful folk/rock duo as they craft hit singles and albums while establishing themselves as counterculture icons of the 60s. Our journey will start with their early recordings in high school to their folk/rock anthem "Sound of Silence" through their love/hate relationship dealing with personal and artistic issues to their classic "Bridge Over Troubled Waters". We will also briefly explore highlights from their solo careers.

32 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
ONE DISCOUNT PER CATERING EVENT. MAY NOT COMBINE WITH OTHER PROMOS. EXCLUDES TAX & GRATUITY. NOT VALID ON DINE-IN PURCHASES. Sun City Grand Specialists For Both Buyers and Sellers! Softball Team Supporters Our Company has changed but NEVER the goal. Yvette Kaplan Realtor® 623-238-2388 Susan Markus Realtor® 623-229-7900 Sisters by Chance . . . . Real Estate Partners by Choice 33 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


You do not have to be a Veteran to belong to the AFSG, although many of our members are Veterans. You only need to have a desire to say “Thank You” to our active and Veteran military families and wish to continue to help many of them on their journey of healing. The AFSG has been very successful in raising and donating money to vetted 501c 3 Veteran support foundations. Three of these foundations are within the state of AZ –Honor Flight AZ, Soldiers Best Friend, Foundation for Service Dog Support, and one national organization, Feherty’s Troop First Foundation. We would like you to join us in our mission of supporting those who have served, do serve and continue to serve and sacrifice so much to give us our freedom. For more information check out our website –

“We shall never forget”


THE GRAND ART CLUB welcomes EVERYONE IN THE GRAND! You can try a class without joining – and bring a guest! We know it can be terrifying trying something NEW, but not at our welcoming Art Club! MOST classes are for beginners!! This month we are offering MANY DAYS OF CREATIVE FUN! There are so many varied classes, one or two are sure to catch your interest! If you enjoy a class, discover the benefits of joining the Art Club for only $20/year. Paint with others who also use your medium – Or enjoy socials (we are a very friendly group!) and foster lasting friendships. You might want to exhibit your work in our Gallery or participate in Market Days! Get ready to circle the classes you’d like to take listed below – and mark your calendar! The following classes have varied pricing. All the Info is AT THE ART CLUB – OR - GO ONLINE at and check out the details! You’ll be glad you did! STAY AND PLAY WITH THESE GREAT CLASSES!

NOTE: All classes with an “*” in front provide all the materials – You just bring yourself! How easy is THAT!?!?

MAY 1, 8, 15, 22 | MONDAYS | 9 AM–NOON

Oil and Acrylic workshop with Pat O’Brien

Work on your own projects

*MAY 2 AND 9 | TUESDAYS | 1–4 PM

DRAWING! With Dodie Ballantine

YES! You CAN DRAW with Dodie!


Amazing Alcohol Ink with Evelyn Cardone McPeak

Create beautiful Wildflowers!

*MAY 8 | MONDAY | 1–5 PM

The Sentinel Painting with Ruth Stewart

Don’t we all love Quail??

*MAY 9 | TUESDAY | 9–11 AM

Mat Cutting w Evelyn Cardone McPeak

Learn to cut your own mats and SAVE MONEY!

*MAY 10 | WEDNESDAY | 9–4 PM

Watercolor with Judy Wolf step by step

Paint beautiful Cone Flowers

*MAY 11 | THURSDAY | 3–6 PM

PAINT PARTY with Ruth Stewart

Sign up at the Art Studio 1 – clipboard in back

*MAY 13 | SATURDAY | 9 AM–4 PM

Paint Your Pet with Kelly Bowman

Send in your pet picture ASAP!

MAY 16 | TUESDAY | 1 PM–5 PM

Acrylic on Glass with April Heller

Paint Floral Poetry

*MAY 19 | FRIDAY | 1–5 PM

Acrylic Painting with April Heller

Paint a Tangerine Hibiscus

*MAY 23 | TUESDAY | 1–4 PM

Alcohol Ink with Evelyn Cardone McPeak

Sunrises and Sunsets on Tile


Mixable Oils with Judy Wolf

Paint Wildflowers and Water

*MAY 25 | THURSDAY | 2–4 PM

Mat Cutting with Evelyn Cardone McPeak

Learn to use the Art Club May Cutter!


We are open to all SCG Community Association Members no experience necessary! We have eight new Diamond Pool tables, which are some of the best available for professional players. Check out our calendar for Club activities. Visit our website at for activity schedules, photos, and more.


Rolling, rolling let’s keep those Bocce balls rolling . . .join us for Drop-in bocce on Tuesday mornings, 9am or Wednesday evenings, 7pm Time Change . . . no fees or membership required and we’ll teach you how to play (if you don’t know how).



n 1st Place Winners: (League 89) Randy & Amy Radcliff, Bob & Jackie Zahler

n 2nd Place Winners: (League 60) Gary & Dianne Romine, Gary Sams & Phyllis Conley

n 3rd Place Winners: (League 24) Bob Cornfield, Marlene Grounds, Lois Mumford & Allen Jones

n 4th Place Winners: (League 45) Bill Bender, Vicki Haase, Scott & Carol Burroughs


n 1st Place Winners: (SCG Bocce) Lee Kent, Roger Burrell, Art Spalding & Peter Simoneau

n 2nd Place Winners: (SCG Bocce) Tom Christiansen, Skip Hopper, Don Dixon & Doug Chaney

The Sun City Grand Bocce Club would like to thank our club members, Sun City West Bocce Club, Sun City Bocce Club and the Sun City Grand Bocce Deaf League for their participation in the tournaments and making them successful events.

If you would like to join us in league play in the fall of 2023, please contact Micki Brown, league

coordinator at or Mick Sunde at via email. Club applications are available at scgbocce. com website.


The Boomers Club just wants to have fun, meet people, enjoy our beautiful Grand community and the nearby venues.

March was jam-packed with activities, events and socials, i.e., a catered St. Patrick’s dinner and happy hour, a New Members' Breakfast, happy hours on and off site, a trip to Barleens, DJ Bingo, a New Members’ Welcome Breakfast, Ladies and Mens Lunches, Spring Training, and more.  If you weren’t there, you missed out.

As of this Newsletter, we have a total of 593 Club Members.

We are always pleased to invite and welcome new members into our Club. There are so many opportunities for our members to become acquainted with all members, through events, social activities committees for events, and socials, etc.  We encourage our members to network with other members to enhance members' experiences and continuously inject new energy, new enthusiasm, and new ideas into the Boomers Club.    Check out our website for a preview of April events. If you live here at Grand, you too are a Boomer.  Don’t miss another month of fun-filled, friendly, delights.



Let’s say you hold...

• KQ ♥KQ 10 9 8 6 ♦K65 ♠K9

Your pair is vulnerable, you open 1 heart, your partner raises to 2 hearts, the opponents pass. Do you jump to game in hearts? Do you invite at 3 hearts? You have 16 high card points but no Aces. You could be down before the 5th trick. For the answer to this and other questions, attend our free lectures at 11:30 am every Wednesday. Also note, for those non-life masters who want to gain gold points, consider attending the Phoenix NLM Gold Rush Regional Tournament at the Fountain Hills Community Center, April 28th-30th. For information contact

Our club always strives to include those players who love the game and want to play it in any form. Join us and continue to enjoy the unique experience of bridge in all formats.

Just Play Bridge: (all comers) Wednesdays at 9:30 am. No sign-up needed.

Casual Games: (Club members only) Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon, and Wednesdays at 6 pm. (Come at least one-half hour early to be assured of getting a table).

Duplicate Games (ACBL-sanctioned): (All comers) Wednesdays and Sundays at 1:00 pm. Learn/Sharpen Your Game: Sharpen your game every Wednesday with lectures given at 11:30 am. No sign-up needed.

34 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

Our games are played & lessons given in the Apache and Pima Rooms at the Chapparal Center. We welcome players of all skill levels. For information, see our website https://www. or contact Membership Chairperson Debbie Lerew (

Quote of the Month: “Anyone who desires a perfect dummy need only look in the mirror.”

•♦♠♥ Come play with us!! •♦♠♥


Canasta is played at the Chaparral Center on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 p.m. Tournaments are held on the first and third Monday and Wednesday of each month. We welcome new members! Two training sessions are required before joining. Training is not available in November or December. Parties are held throughout the year. Contact Joan Mattick, 623-975-1150.


WELCOME TO THE GRAND CLAY ARTS CLUB. The purpose of our Club is to provide and support Club Members in the entire spectrum of the clay art form, including but not limited wheel thrown clay pottery, hand built clay art, sculpturing, and all the associated finishing techniques. The Club

will promote all clay art forms to the general public, including sales. The Club provides many educational activities including numerous classes taught by our members. We have one of the few Alternate Firing opportunities available in the western suburbs. There are also social activities during the year for our members to enjoy.

The Grand Clay Arts Board meets the first Thursday of each month at 9:00 in the Palm Center. Sago Room. General meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 9:00 in the Chaparral Center, Pima Room.

Stop by the Clay Arts Studio anytime and enjoy the expressive selection of pottery displayed in both the Gallery studio lobby and the Gallery display windows facing the Village Center common area. Clay arts is one of the oldest forms of artisan expression known to man. Come to Grand Clay Arts Club and explore your creative talents!


Whether you are a computer enthusiast, user of other smart devices or someone interested in learning more about them, we are the club for you! Grand Computers Club is located in the Chaparral Center. We're open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 3:30pm from October

through April and 12:30 until 3:30 from May through September.

Membership entitles you to many benefits, including:

n Use of any of the equipment in our "Open Use Room." Available equipment includes PCs, MACs, B&W and color copiers, a Fax machine, a flight simulator, VHS to DVD converter, Super8 or 8mm film to DVD converter and much more;

n One-on-one technical help addressing your computer or devices issues, available Tuesday afternoons from 12:30 pm until 2:30 pm, all year long at the club.

n Nine Special Interest Groups (SIGs), each addressing a specialty with popular appeal. Education—Classes will resume in October. Go to > Education

Membership—Membership in our Computer Club offers so many opportunities!

Credit/Debit Card payment ONLY! More information at >

Membership For additional information contact Membership@

35 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

Tech Help for members EVERY TUESDAY from 12:30–2:30 pm at the club. More information at > Tech Help

Must be a Club Member to participate. Bring your device, passwords, & power supply for in person help.


Non-Members may attend 3 meetings before joining the Club.

During the Summer Months:



Contact Gloria Young for additional information at

Share Your Written Story; Participate in Discussion.

TUESDAY, MONDAY | MAY 2,15 | 12:45 PM


Please visit our website at www.grandcomputers. org



The Sun City Grand Dance Club is delighted to host both lessons and dances for residents and guests.  Dance information for our Ballroom, Country Western, and Rock and Swing dances can be found in the Ticketed Events section of the Grand Lifestyles.  For the latest information on the Dance Club, please visit our website:  www.


The Sun City Grand Dance Club hosts lessons and dances that promote fitness, mind-body connections, and social interactions for a myriad of ages and physical abilities.  Ballroom is the place for an hour of movement and education that suits most couples.  Line dance provides one or two hours of non-stop contemporary dance for the dancer without a partner.  Each week of instruction includes fun and inclusion with fellow dancers.  The latest information is posted on the Dance Club website:


Ballroom lessons are held each Tuesday from October through March at the Cimarron Center. Basic/beginner lessons are from 4 to 5 pm. The intermediate class from 5:15 to 6:15 pm. The cost is $5 pp/hr for Grand residents, $7 for guests. For information contact Denice @ ballroomlesson@ or visit our website at http://


Line Dance Lessons go year-round with Brenda Thomason at Cimarron Center. During June, July and August, line dance lessons will be held on Wednesdays. The cost is $5 per person.

In addition to twice-weekly lessons, Line Dance also holds a Line Dance Social. The Socials are from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Cimarron Center.  Tickets are $6 per person and may be purchased at the door.  Everyone is welcome, but no lessons

are given at the social.  If you can’t get enough dancing, join this friendly group of dancers for a lively evening of beginners through intermediate line dancing.

For information on lessons or socials, contact

NEW PROCEDURES FOR DANCE CLUB TICKET PURCHASE: Dance Club Members are able to order Advanced Dance Club Tickets one day before they go on sale by logging in to our “Members Only” section of the Dance Club Website.

Tickets then go on sale at the Activities Desk in the Sonoran Plaza for one week for residents only, two months before the dance. The general public can then order tickets on-line @ www.


Looking for some FUN??  Come on out to play Dominoes.  We meet at the Cimarron Center, Gila Room every Monday starting at 6:00 PM.  Play starts at 6:30PM.  If you have never played or are rusty we provide up to 3 free training sessions.

Annual dues if you join us are $8 per calendar year and a game fee of $1 each night that is paid out at the end of play to lowest scores.  Any questions, email or call Club President Pat Johnson at 623-203-7713.



Members of The Grand Drama & Comedy Club provide live theater entertainment to the Grand community and surrounding areas, performing plays and musicals on the Sagebrush Stage, and comedy skits by our Cabaret Players at the Cimarron Nightclub. We live our motto, “On Stage, Back Stage, A Place for Everyone” and welcome everyone to our club recognizing that each person has talents and creativity to share. Our club welcomes all and fosters teamwork and friendship to make everyone feel welcome and productive. We offer so many opportunities to be involved in costuming, make-up, marketing, and communication, and that’s not all. Do you like to redecorate? You might be a wonderful set designer. Are you a DIY kind of guy? Or gal? Join the construction crew building sets, or join in for a “painting party” to turn flats into garden scenes. Do you have a flair for applying make-up? You will play a very important part in “creating” the actor’s character.

We offer training for our sound crew and our lighting team. Here may be a chance to learn a new skill or use your experience in a new rewarding and creative way. For more information, please contact Ove Jakobsen at 256721-0431 or for sound or Bob Nix at 623-214-8280 or for lighting info. They are happy to train interested folks.

We also offer dance classes at many levels, sure to fit one of your styles, from beginner to advance tap and jazz. For any inquiries about dance, please

contact Robin Kachurak, Dance Committee Chairperson, at 818-795-4859.

Not interested in learning a lot of lines but always had a desire to be on stage? Our Cabaret Players Committee presents 3 comedy performances a year by actors who use their scripts as part of their performance – no memorization needed. Always a sell out, this venue is small and intimate in the Cimarron Theater.

For information on all the many ways to participate in the ativities, “on stage or back stage”, or to join our club, please visit our webpage: https://www. Come see us!


Euchre Club meets on Thursdays in the Chaparral Center, Hopi Room. Check in by 6:15PM. For additional information call Richard Eggen, 248-310-7561.


The Grand Fishing Club is dedicated to promoting both spin fishing and fly fishing. Club members take an active role not only in the promotion of fishing, but environmental sustainability as well. Many club members have years of fishing experience and have fished all over the United States, in Canada and other parts of the world. The club sponsors single day fishing trips locally to Lake Pleasant, Deadhorse Ranch State Park in Cottonwood, Bartlett Lake east of Cave Creek and the Salt River. Multiday trips include the White Mountains, Lees Ferry near Flagstaff, the San Juan River in New Mexico near Farmington, Alaska and Canada. In Grand, the club helps support the viability of Lake Nine adjacent to the 9th Hole on the Desert Springs Golf Course as a fishery for all Grand residents and their families. The Grand Fishing Club meets the first Tuesday of the month from October through April. Coupled with the various club fishing trips, members are also committed to making our community a much better place in which to live. Volunteer opportunities include Project Healing Waters in support of disabled veterans, the Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge program, the City of Surprise Adaptive Fishing program and the Phoenix VA Rehabilitation Hospital. In addition, we provide equipment and guidance to Grand residents to take their grandchildren fishing at Lake Nine. For more information, check out our website at or to contact an administrative staff member please email


"Gardening to Attract Hummingbirds, Butterflies & Other Beneficial Pollinators” with Tony Sarah, is the topic for the Garden Club meeting on May 18.  We will review a wide variety of plants, shrubs, trees and vines that attract hummingbirds, butterflies, bees and other beneficial pollinators to your garden!  Tony Sarah has been working in the garden and landscape industry in Arizona since January of

36 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

1981.  He received his B.S. in Horticulture from the University of Arizona, and is a member of the International Society of Arboriculture and the Southern Arizona Arborist Group.

The Garden Club meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month from October thru May.  Each meeting features an expert speaker addressing a topic of interest to our Low Sonoran Desert Gardeners.  We typically have a field trip in March and brunch in April, and no meeting in December.  Meetings are in the Cimarron Center, check-in is at 8:30, and the meeting starts at 8:50. We pride ourselves on being a friendly group that welcomes everyone to the joy of gardening in The Grand.  Membership is $10.00/year; our year runs from January thru December.  Membership forms are available in the Sonoran Plaza Club trays, on The Grand website, or can be emailed to you by sending a request to the contact person.

The meetings feature a hospitality table—coffee is provided by the club, and snacks are contributed by club members.  Members are encouraged to bring a plant donation or gardening item for the plant give-away table.

More info?  Contact the Garden Club by sending an email to


Grand Glass Arts (GGA) welcomes new members!

Whether you aspire to make a beautiful stainedglass window for your home, design a mosaic masterpiece, or enjoy creating a one-of-a-kind fused glass piece, GGA encourages you to explore the world of glass arts.  We offer an extensive education program for new and experienced glass artists.  Please visit our website at www. to view the benefits of GGA membership and look over our list of classes.

To join, please, click on the JOIN US link on the GGA website menu bar, read through the important information provided, then complete our membership application.  For questions, email: While we offer New Member classes September through March for those new to the glass arts, we welcome Experienced Glass Artists to join throughout the year.  Experienced artists: on the Join Us page of our website, fill out the application and describe your experience in the space provided. Our New Member Contact will be in touch to go over the entry process.



Par–3 golf at Sun City Grand. The co–ed 150 Golf Club plays nine holes from tees 150 yards or less from the pin Sunday afternoon. If you want to work on your short game, are new to golf or just want enjoy nine holes from a shorter distance, give us a try. We would love to have you as our

guest. We are a relaxed, fun–loving group. Info: Denny Spencer 425–210–6973.


The Ladies Grand Niners has approximately 300 members. We prefer to play nine holes of golf rather than the traditional 18.  Desert Springs is our home course, though we also play Cimarron, Granite Falls North and Granite Falls South during our season. We play by USGA Rules and expect our members to have a general knowledge of the Rules of Golf and some golf experience. Our motto is “Fun, Friendship, and Golf"!

For information on how to join our club through Arizona Golf Association go to ladiesgrandniners. and click on the link for our membership information or contact our membership co-chairs at membership.

The Ladies Grand Niners membership year is October 1st to September 30th.  We play golf in alternating shotgun or tee time formats on Tuesdays, November through May. Members sign up to play shotguns at either 12:30 or 3:00 or tee times between 12:00 and 3:00. In the summer months, members can choose to play nine holes of golf between 6-7AM or 18 holes at 7 AM. Members are required to have an active membership in the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) and be a resident of Sun City Grand with

37 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

a valid Community Association Member (CAM) number. Members are required to have a GHIN handicap index. If you do not have a GHIN handicap index, you must establish one. A 9-hole handicap index is also required to be eligible for prizes in any of our monthly Play-of-theDay events and for our annual President's Cup Tournament. An 18-hole World Handicap System (WHS) GHIN Handicap Index is established by playing six 9-hole rounds or a combination of 9and 18-hole rounds to equal 54 holes. The 18-hole handicap index is converted to a 9-hole handicap index for our league.

A member must play with the Ladies Grand Niners a minimum of five 9-hole rounds to be eligible to play in the annual President's Cup tournament (held in March each year).


The Men’s Nine Hole Golf Club is comprised of fun loving, supportive golfers of all skill levels who enjoy the game of golf. If you love the game, but 18 holes is too much, this club is for you. We offer you alternating week guaranteed shotgun starts on Mondays at 12:30 or 3:00 (your choice), and alternating week tee times from 12:00 and 2:00. Free range balls, once-a-month team games e.g. Scramble, etc.

Also, periodic free golfing clinics with our resident golf pro, prize tournaments, and annual free hot dog/chili day. Come enjoy the camaraderie and friendships, that are an important part of our game playing experience.

For an application please contact: Wayne Mercil , Membership Director at


If you enjoy golfing and socializing with other friendly women, then the Grand Ladies 18-Hole Golf Association (GLGA) is a perfect fit for you. We are affiliated with the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) and members are required to comply with USGA rules of golf. We play every Tuesday, rotating among the four SCG golf courses.

GLGA is a year-round league with a schedule of shotgun or tee time starts. You can play GLGA only in the winter if you are not here in the summer. We have the opportunity to choose from multiple tee box combinations. You must have a current handicap or establish a handicap within 30 days of joining the league in order to compete in weekly (Tuesday) events. The maximum handicap allowed is 40. In addition to our weekly events, several major tournaments are held throughout the year including a Member-Member, MemberGuest, and League Championship.

The league also supports a variety of charitable activities. Our President is Nancy Foy. To learn more about GLGA visit our website at www. glga-grandladiesgolfassociation.golfgenius. com or feel free to email our Membership Janet Tarr at A membership information bulletin is available

at Granite Falls Golf Course and Sonoran Plaza just left of the library entrance.


The Sun City Grand Lady Putters Charter Club is a social group whose main purpose is getting together for laughs, prizes and friendship while putting and enjoying the outdoors.

We meet five (5) days a week, Monday thru Friday, at the Cimarron 18 hole putting green at the Cimarron Center. Pick out the day that suits you the best! We check in at 9am and begin putting a 9:30am.

Our group is intended for every level of putter. Be our guest, putt for free and come check us out! For more information, please visit our website at



Want to meet others that share this interest? If so, then plan to come over to the beautiful 18-hole putting green located just west of the Cimarron club house, right off of W. Clearview Blvd. You are invited to play a “guest” round with a Men Putters club member.


The Men Putters do “their thing” weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday at 1:00 PM, on both days, starting in November. Members feel free to pick whatever day they prefer to participate and some even putt both days.



Register to play, be paired with another person, putt 18 holes, and lastly, participate in a 19th hole challenge (this is a special one-hole challenge). Other change-of-pace fun putting challenges are offered throughout the year long program.


There are some occasional social activities when members meet to vote on new officers OR just meet for club sponsored soda and hot dogs.


Member volunteers run the club’s daily putting activities such as setting up the course, registering members and guests, etc.

If you are a golfer, the club is a great way to sharpen your putting skills. If you don't golf, or no longer golf, the club offers an opportunity to enjoy one of the best parts of the sport in a friendly, yet competitive manner. All skill levels are welcome. To equalize performance results and the receipt of monetary awards, individual handicaps are recalculated weekly. The new season starts on November 1. Rules and regulations are simple and will be explained to newcomers when you sign in. COME JOIN US. For more information, contact Jim Cottrell at


The Couples Putting Club is a charter club at Sun City Grand in Surprise, AZ. We are a putting only club that plays on an 18-hole course that is set-up differently each month. Our goal

is to provide an opportunity for experienced golfers and novices alike to compete on the putting green and at the same time, have fun and make new friends. Above all, we want our members to enjoy themselves while utilizing our wonderful putting facilities at the Cimarron Center. For more information visit our website:


Enjoy competition and have fun.   Test your golf skills and make new friends while enjoying a round of golf on our beautiful community golf courses. The SCG Men’s 18 - Hole Golf Club welcomes resident golfers to join our club and compete for bragging rights and prize money in weekly tournaments. We play our tournaments on Wednesdays under USGA Rules of Golf and use the USGA’s Golf Handicap Information Network (GHIN) for tracking handicaps. Participants are flighted based on handicap and generally play with other golfers of similar ability. Our season starts the first week of November and runs through September. Membership information/ applications can be obtained in the Granite Falls Pro Shop or by visiting our website at www. The 2022 Membership Chairman is Tom Jones. The club currently has over 400 members and we invite you to join our roster.


Take a Hike! Our Grand Hikers club provides members a chance to enjoy and appreciate the splendor and beauty of our Arizona trail systems. Throughout the year we offer day hikes in varied terrain and elevation for members with different hiking abilities. Join us to discover places you would never visit on your own and get up close and personal to the great outdoors. We schedule two out-of-area overnight trips annually (think Moab, Kanab, Sedona, etc). If the deserts, mountains and canyons are calling you to enjoy healthy exercise and the challenge of hiking - along with friendly camaraderie - this is your group! In addition, we schedule fun social gatherings to get to know each other outside of our hiking element and form lasting friendships. The Grand Hiking group is committed to safe and responsible experiences. New members are invited to participate on an introductory Hike prior to joining.

Summer Season (May–September):

One moderate hike a week with an optional breakfast post-hike. No membership meetings are held. Contact Membership Team below to begin your summer hiking adventures! The schedule is available on our website,

Peak Season (October–April):

Includes mid-week day hikes and occasional Saturday hikes. Information on Peak Season hikes and meetings will post in October.

Membership Director: Leslie Paul, 775-427-4438

Membership Co-Director: Darlene Ayers, 847-909-1904


38 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


The SCG Language Club would like to increase its foreign language offerings to our residents. We currently offer Spanish, French, Italian, German, and ASL (American Sign Language). We need volunteers in any other languages, to teach our resident students. We would also like to start ZOOMING CLASSES and need volunteers to ZOOM. If you have an interest to participate, come join us at the Ocotillo Building! New classes begin the first week of October. Current German and Italian classes meet through the summer. Email


We welcome all levels and ages to join us for a relaxed but competitive game. We have one of the best greens in the country and it is situated just behind the tennis courts. You absolutely have to check this out and then ask about the free introductory lessons we offer. See more information on or go direct to our website at for starting times, contact information, pictures and much, much more or contact David Shaw at 623-584-2743.


Remember the old English proverb “April showers bring May flowers?”  Well, you are going to need

those flowers for this new 2023.   Join our Mah Jongg club and explore the new card now that many of our friends are heading north for the summer and you are looking for another game. Come down and experience what it is all about or how it might have changed over the years. Our email address or check out our website:

Our club offers open play Tuesday afternoons from 12 PM to 4 PM and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM in the Chaparral Center, Hopi Room.  We play $5 pie game. “Go PIE” and you can continue to play.

We have our second tournament on Tuesday May 9th so there will be no open play on that day.


The Sun City Grand Music Club is composed of residents who share a love of music. It is dedicated to the performance of Vocal and Instrumental Music for the enjoyment of both our participants and the general public. Its activities give members performance opportunities as singers and instrumentalists, both singly and in groups. Members also participate in production, technical, and backstage activities for our shows and support the club through Board and committee functions. There’s a place for everyone! If you have an interest or need further information, please visit our website, www., or contact Jim Ward at or 623-2663606.


If you play the guitar, banjo, mandolin, bass, ukulele, fiddle, conga/bongo drums, harmonica (any non-amplified, non-horn instrument), then this is the group for you. Come and play, sing and jam in a friendly and no pressure setting. We will meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 1:30 pm, in the Cimarron Club Room. Please contact David Durham at 970-216-8279 or for more information. FREE


For people who aspire to write a song. Participation is open to all members of the community. If you have written songs, thought about writing a song or would just like to explore the idea of writing a song, please come and find out what it's all about.  The meetings are the first and third Fridays of the month at 1:00 in the Cimarron Club.  If you wish, bring your song lyrics, a recording of your melody, or your songwriting instrument of choice.  An electric piano will be provided.

Lyricists, composers, strummers and hummers are all welcome. If you have any questions about the new group, please email Frank at art@ or James at

39 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


Paper Arts and Memories (PAM) is a unique club designed to help people “create” in a friendly and helpful environment.  Whether you’re interested in card making, paper crafting, mixed media or scrapbooking, we’re the club to check out.  Stop by the Hopi & Pima rooms at the Chaparral Center on Mondays between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. One of our knowledgeable PAM Ambassadors will give you a tour and answer your questions.  Don’t forget to check out our Card Boutique to purchase a variety of greeting cards made by our members.  Cards are sold on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. or on the 1st Saturday of the month at the Market at Grand.  Interested in joining?  Our dues are $20.00 for 2023 for all with a CAM card.  Contact us at with questions or to indicate your interest.


The next Pet Club meeting will be held on Friday, May fifth at 11:30 in the Lakeside Pavilion. This is our annual Pet Club social. Please bring a dish to share. Water service will be provided. Hope to see you all there.


Grand Photo Digital Studio takes center stage in the summer months. While most formal educational opportunities take a brief hiatus during the heat of the summer, the Photo Studio remains open for members desiring to process and mount their photos.

The studio offers members the use of one of its photo quality printers, scanners to make digital images of prints, and computers for processing your memories. A fee is charged with ink and photo paper. A Digital Image Converter is also on site for those wishing to make jpeg images of up to 5x7 photos, slides or negatives.

There is always someone available to answer your photography questions or point you in the right direction. Sign up today to gain immediate access to the Digital Studio, and later access to educational programs with the return of the community’s snowbirds in the fall.

Membership is open to anyone interested in photography. If you own a smartphone with a camera; a point-and-shoot, digital or specialty camera, this club is for you. Membership in the club comes complete with a myriad of free classes, Special Interest Groups, Photo Shoots and Travelogues.

Click on the Membership form button on the home webpage or scan the QR code for additional information. Potential members can also swing by the Photo Studio during open hours Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-noon to see all the benefits the club provides. Besides photo specific

activities, the Club is also active in state photo organizations and is a major component in the dynamic Grand artist community. Visit the Club May 6 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the communitywide Market at Grand.

May Events include:




Studio Lighting: Using light in studio settings to enhance portrait and still life photos.

Creative Eye: See the world around us in photographically creative ways.

Seekers and Sojourners: Casual review of historical and contemporary photo styles.

Micro 4/3rd: Discussions and hands-on learning experiences in the function and operation of Micro 4/3rd equipment.

Getting the Most From Digital Images: Discussion of post processing of images.

Wildlife: Focuses on wildlife photography and how to capture interesting wildlife photos. Sony Mirrorless Cameras: Explore operating characteristics and advantages of operating and owning a Sony mirrorless camera.


n Reception and Showcases: Featured Artist and Photographers’ Showcases.

n Classes

n Travelogue

n Photo Shoots

For more info on Photo Club activities, check back on the Grand Photo website or future issues of Lifestyles.


The Grand Pickleball Club is a great place to meet other fun-loving active residents, and get a great workout!  There are 22 pickleball courts located at the Cimarron Center.  The club offers introductory lessons and has ongoing group lessons, clinics and ball-machine drills all designed to help you learn pickleball skills.

Check out the club website at www. The website is updated regularly and includes information about how to join, daily activities and how to reserve a court. Any Sun City Grand resident can make court reservations at any time that is not set aside for club functions. Court reservations are displayed on the monitors located in the pavilion and in both breezeways.  If you are unable to use your reservation, please delete your reservation so that other residents can use that time. Nonmarking, court shoes are recommended. For more information check website www. Hope to see you on the courts soon!


THE SCG Pinochle is Welcoming new members to play Pinochle on Tuesday and Friday starting at 6 PM and ending by 8:30 PM. All skill levels are welcomed and we will train any new members interested in playing. On Tuesday we play single deck Pinochle and on Friday we play double-deck Pinochle. We are a fun-loving group that enjoys tournament playing for those interested and a year-end banquet.

Contact the club President- Larry Sebastian @ 480-376-3819 or our club Vice PresidentTrudy Morone @ 602-509-7201 if you would like additional information. Looking forward in hearing from you.


Come join the fun for various poker games.  All residents are welcome.  We offer Texas Hold’em, 7 Card Stud and Omaha-High/Low, with buyin costs from $10-$30.  For a small fee we have lessons to help you learn the game.  Additional cash games are available.  For more information on what we offer, please contact John Luher, President, at or visit our website at  MAY THE CHIPS BE WITH YOU!!


Have an RV and want to travel with a fun group of fellow Grand residents or you don't have an RV but want a fun group to socialize with at our meetings with pot lucks, pizza parties and Ice cream socials well come on over to the Grand RV’ers next meeting, any SC Grand resident is welcome, you don't need to own an RV to become a member. Our meetings are usually the 3rd Tuesday in Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, March and April with our Christmas party in December.

Previous members who sold their RVs are encouraged to rejoin for all of our great comradery! For more info call club President Mike Dawson @ 925-727-4625 or Membership Chair Sharron Navratil @ 602-430-0820


The Shalom Club is welcoming new members and we invite all Sun City Grand Residents to join us! We’re a fun–loving and energetic social club with over 300 members who enjoy a variety of social, educational and cultural activities related to Judaism, although we are not a religious group. We have an annual calendar of diverse Monthly Program Meetings and our members host many fabulous Socials throughout the year. We also enjoy our partnership and periodic socials with all the West Valley Shalom Clubs. Check out our Club at for the latest on events and activities. For more information, or if you would like to join us as a guest to look us over, please contact our Membership Director, Donna Davidson, or 925-216-2129 or Debbie Harris, 623-399-3200.

40 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


The Singles Club is an active social club in Sun City Grand. We provide a caring and supportive environment with activities that offer opportunities for members to share interests, develop friendships and enhance a great quality of life. A variety of monthly events may include Theme Dinners, Poker Night, Game Night, Crazy Bocce, Trivia or other specially arranged outings. Check our website for additional information –



Will be held in the Phoenix Room in the Palm Center. If you wish to attend, please call Interim President Marge Trudell (623) 975-9849.



Bring your favorite game (scrabble, mah jongg, cards & shuffler for hand & foot, Rummikub, or any other game). Also bring your own soft drink. Come to the Cimarron Club at the Cimarron Center (on the 2ND Wednesday each month). Hosted by Maxine Sanborn (623) 694-6502.


Due to an inability to find hosts for this evening, we have to cancel this date. In the future, if you’re willing to host an event please contact the activities director.



Get your questions answered and find out all

that the Singles Club has to offer. Come to the Phoenix Room at the Palm Center (on the 3rd Wednesday each month). Hosted by Diane Dugovic (847) 867-1713.

MAY 18, THURSDAY 6-9 PM $15


Your reservation includes pizza and game chips. Bring your own soft drink. Prizes given. Beginners and guests of members are welcome. Meet at the Cimarron Center in the Cimarron Room (on the 3rd Thursday each month). Make your reservations and pay $15 by Monday, May 14. Guests add additional $5. Hosted by Jan Clark (623) 810-2236 and Rick Haskell (623) 810-5068



To join this dinner and comedy show at the Arizona Broadway Theatre, contact Lorrie Schaut. (262) 391-9527. Only a few $70 tickets remain.



Bring your favorite game (scrabble, mah jongg, deck of cards and a shuffler for hand & foot, Rummikub, or any other game). Also bring your own soft drink. Meet at the Cimarron Club in the Cimarron Center (on the 4th Wednesday each month). Hosted by Roger Tharp (408) 391-7337 and Pat Olszewski (814) 392-5391.

MAY 26, FRIDAY 6-9 PM $10


Join us for an old fashion Ice Cream Social in the

Gila Room at the Cimarron Center from 6-9pm. Several flavors of ice cream plus all the toppings and a cash bar will be available. Prizes. Tickets cost is $10 for members, $15 for guests. Hosted by Randy Crook (623) 388-3190 and Ann McGrath (623) 680-5885.


Social Games Charter Club is comprised of 5 Special Interest Groups. These interest groups are as follows:


Tucked away in Sun City Grand, three times a week, we play Chess and forget about everything else. It’s true, while playing Chess with us, you think only of Chess, an inexpensive (no membership fees) and calorie-burning activity (yes, it’s true, you burn lots of calories playing Chess).

You’ll need to know the basics as we won’t be spending too much time teaching, but we are welcoming and friendly to everyone, even if you aren’t Bobby Fischer!

So, check us out, Mate. Just show up, with or without a board and pieces, and be ready for a rewarding escape. We usually meet in the Agua Fria room (Cimarron) at 11:30 -3:30 Monday and Wednesday and the Sago Room at the Palm Center on Friday. This is subject to change, so call us first at 623-293-2884 for Paula, or 203979-1194 for Marty.

4 Good reputation 4 Honest & trustworthy 4 Knowledge of the market & community 4 Caring personality & good listener 4 Accessible & technology savvy Josée Plant REALTOR®, e-PRO®, GRI 602-524-6586 Whether you are looking to make a purchase or market your home for sale contact me for a complimentary personal consultation. Plant - The Grand Resident - Top Producing Agent - Licensed since 2005 - #SA559207000 “Josée’s market knowledge, industry expertise & contacts made this usually arduous & difficult process easy & pleasurable - wouldn’t want to work with any other Realtor. Bradley W What are you looking for in a real estate agent? Surprise 41 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


We play in the Pima Room at Chaparral Center on Tuesdays from 9:00- 11:30 a.m. We start promptly, so please come at least 15 minutes early to sign up and get acquainted. We collect $4 to play, which is awarded back to the winners. You are invited to play twice as our guest. If you would like to become a member, our dues are $5 per year. Please come join us.


We play every Tuesday at 1:00 in the Pima Room at Chaparral Center and Friday at 6:00 in the Agua Fria Room at Cimarron. We play two games and draw cards for random partners each game. You will need $4. in quarters and $4 in bills for the two games. If you have your own cards (6 decks) and shuffler, please bring them. We are currently playing “Progressive Hand & Foot”. For a copy of the rules or questions, please contact Joy Kreick at Come and play! We’re a friendly group and try our best to be inclusive no matter your skill level.


Rummikub is new to The Grand but has been a FUN top worldwide board game for 2-4 people for 40 years and is played with tiles. It gently exercises your brain and is similar to Gin Rummy, Mahjongg and Canasta. To attend, you’ll need to know the basics and new rules. If you want to learn or haven’t played for a while, call for free private lesson. Easy to learn. Come 15 minutes early to check in. Just show up with or without a game set; we have extras. The schedule sometimes changes, but we meet on 1st and 3rd Thursdays and 2nd and 4th Saturdays. We meet in the Pima Room at Chaparral Center from 11 to 2 PM, but you can come later and will still find partners. For info: Barbara Powers: 480567-2533 or


We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the Pima Room in the Chaparral Center. Meetings are always open to anyone interested in collecting postage stamps, whether to learn about stamp collecting, discover the worth of an existing collection or to donate a collection to a non-profit tax exempt foundation. Our friendly group will encourage your interest in stamps, whatever it may be. More info is available from Gene Trinks at 602-339-8243 or


Who wouldn't want to be a kid again? Lasting friendships are formed through a game for kids! We play all year long on the beautiful Del Webb Ballpark on Mountainview just west of Goldwater. Stop by any day and meet some great guys and gals; all of whom are there to have fun and relive their youth. There are four different seasons each year as well as different skill levels for annual and parttime residents. We have special events throughout the year. Pick up an application at the field or online at our website: Click on the Club tab for the New Member Application.


Contact: Steve Rothschild


From Joyce Craft, Grand Stitcher member since 1998 I've been a member of Stitchers since the very beginning, 1998! We moved here in 1997 and I belonged to a sewing group in an RV park before coming here so I was anxious to continue getting back into sewing. Our group was very small but very active. There were no "SIGs", that didn't come until much later. We were all just one group and we all did just about everything, sewing, machine embroidery (on very simple embroidery machines), taught each other what we knew how to do, etc., etc. Great times and many wonderful people! Grand Stitchers has grown since 1998. We now have 7 Machine Embroidery Machines, 22 sewing machines, a knitting machine, a long arm and 10 looms. Our members still teach each other and give their time for many charities in our community. We still have a great time and enjoy our time in the “sewing room”.


Celebrating 25 years as a Charter Club We Weave and Spin, do all types of Needlework, General Sewing, Machine Embroidery, Beading, Quilting - and donate our time to help with Community Service. We have a knitting machine, embroidery machines, sergers, looms, sewing machines and a longarm machine. Stitchers meet Monday through Saturday 9AM - 3PM. Dues are $30 a year. Each day is dedicated to one of the fiber arts Special Interest Groups. Come by the Palm Center, Grand Stichers Room, see what we create, and find out how easy it is to get certified on one of our machines or looms.


Already know how to sew? Great! Come join our classes where qualified instructors take you every step of the way. Want to learn? We can teach you the basics and a little bit more. Machine Embroidery: Learn how to embroider on towels and placemats, make stand up decorations for the holidays, spiffy up your pant legs and more!! We start you at the beginning and help you through any and all projects. Experienced members are more than willing to offer assistance. Come join the world of machine embroidery.


Needlework means hand sewing like crochet, knitting, felting and hand appliqué. We offer classes on all of these techniques, plus we have a knitting machine you can get certified on. Imagine knitting a sweater in hours not days! Needleworks, as part of Community Service also helps out Eve’s Place on the Navajo Reservation knitting and crocheting hats and scarves. Another activi-ty is dedicated to Knitted Knockers. A soft knitted prosthesis for breast cancer patients, all at no cost to recipient.


We are a group of Quilter who like to cut up material and put it back together in various creative designs. If you know how to piece/quilt,

do come join us on any Wednesday. We have a variety of teachers from nationally recognized members to those who would like to pass along their tips, tricks, and techniques. If you don’t know how to piece/quilt, we have classes for that. Meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month. Caring Quilts are on the third Wednesday of each month. Caring Quilts are made by many members, washed, and prepped for breast cancer surgery patients. We also make Quilts of Valor and Quilts for Organ Donors. There’s always room for finishing those UFOs among fellow members.


Dedicated to making projects that benefit Organizations in Arizona and mostly the West Valley: Early Head Start, Eve’s Place, Family Promise, Food Bank, Hospice of the Valley, Luke Air Force Base, Blue Star Mothers, No Kill Animal Shelters, Dell Webb Hospital, and Phoenix Children’s Hospital.


If you know what TILA, Swarovski, and Czech Glass are, you know some-thing about beading. If you’d like to learn more - or if you know a lot and want to share - Beading will welcome you with open arms. Come see our display of what you can do with a few beads and little know how.




Weavers and Spinners enjoy working with all kinds of fibers. We learn about the animals and plants that are the fiber's source; we prepare the fiber with cleaning, carding, dyeing and blending it. Fiber is spun into yarn using spindles and traditional and electric spinning wheels. We utilize many types of looms on which we create fabric for household items, clothing and art pieces. More information is available on our website


2023 is doing well, with lots of active players. Give yourself a gift this year by joining the SCG Table Tennis Club. If you are already a member you know how much fun your $15.00 provides. If you are new, stop by for three complimentary sessions and experience the fun, the exercise, the friendships the club offers.

SCG Table Tennis Club prides itself for being friendly and welcoming for all levels of play. Our sport combines healthy fun, low impact aerobic exercise that’s gentle on the joints, and excellent eye hand coordination practice. We play yearround in Cimarron’s air-conditioned clubhouse. While we love this sport, we don’t take ourselves too seriously. Play is peppered with lots of goodnatured laughs. Just show up when we are in session and join the fun – no reservation required. Don your athletic shoes and drop by. Any of our members would be happy to assist you in getting started. We have paddles ready for your use. We

42 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

look forward to welcoming YOU. First three club visits are complimentary. Just sign in, with your email and phone #, and tell us you’re new! Yearly membership just $15.

Interested? For our current schedule, more information… or to just let us know you’ll be joining us, please contact our Club President, Dick Bertrand at or 925-698-2155. Gila Room at Cimarron Center: Current 2023 scheduled hours: M, Th, F, mornings 9a-noon; Wed, Sat, Sun afternoons 1p-4p.


Do you want to get moving? Get off the couch and become a member of The Grand Tennis Club! $20 annually


n Play in “Club Play”- a great way to meet people and find out where you belong in The Grand Tennis Club

n Club sponsored clinics.

n Use of three ball machines

n Emails directly to your inbox from our coordinators regarding club activities if you opt in for them

n Participation in the many club sponsored activities

n Bulletin boards at the courts have pertinent information posted. They are located between the sports building and the stadium and also between courts 3 & 4


4.0 A Women’s Coordinators

n Aleta Basso 623-606-7090

n Odette Coutu 623-755-7566

4.0 B Women’s Coordinator

n Charlene Thomas 623-455-9360

3.5 Women’s Coordinator

n Donna Gropp 603-451-5456

3.0 Women’s Coordinator

n Elaine Weber 586-801-9953

All Levels All People Coordinator

n Barb Drummond 509-560-9643

Just show up at the courts. Meets Monday through Friday at 1 PM. Find recreational tennis for all players of all skill levels. Players are free to rest or withdraw from play at any time. Players rotate after every game in a Round Robin format.

Open Mixed Weekly Sign Up

n Linda Campanelli 623-214-1029

Saturday mornings. Call ahead to register. More information on website:

3.5 and up Mixed Weekly Sign Up

n Dave Schaum 623-544-1060

Saturday mornings. Call ahead to register. Check out our website for all the new and upcoming events:

So many ways to get involved and get moving! Come “Sweat and Giggle” with us!


The Woodshop, situated near the Ballpark, is open daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Thursday evenings 6-9 p.m. (always subject to a volunteer Monitor being on duty). The shop is equipped with all the machines and hand-tools necessary to construct furniture and cabinetry. For more information visit our website: http://www.

43 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
You Deserve to be Comfortable $25 OFF on ANY REPAIR Not valid with other offers or promotions, one coupon per person. ROBIN & JOHN MCCOMBS VETERAN OWNED & OPERATED 602-789-3000 ROC#300933 • BONDED & INSURED Feel the Comfort You’ve Been Missing! HEATING • COOLING • INDOOR AIR QUALITY 44 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


Contact(s) for Interest Group: Pamela Gralton Kohnen, 480.292.1992,

Website: Find us on Facebook at "Grand Alaskans"

The Grand Alaskans welcome all Alaskans living in Sun City Grand. If you enjoy getting together with fellow Alaskans for special events, entertainment, tours, or social hours, this is the group for you. We hold several events October through April.



Meets the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, 1011:30 am, in the Chaparral Center, Hopi Room for more information or to register call our 24/7 Helpline at 1.800.272.3900

Visit to learn more about caregiver programs and resources. To further extend your network of support, visit ALZ connected®, our online community, at


Xi Delta Sigma Chapter is a member of the Beta Sigma Phi Sun Cities Coalition of Beta Sigma Phi International. The Coalition consists of chapters in Sun City, Sun City West, Sun City Grand, Surprise and the surrounding area. Inactive members, Leave of absence, Members-at-large or transferring members who wish to affiliate with one of these local chapters are invited to contact through text or email a member of the coalition.

Contact:Karen Montoya at smithmontoya10901@ or Roberta Chargin at robertachargin@ Please list your name, degree, status or any pertinent information. Include your phone number, address and email information. If you have an interested friend, then include their information with their permission, a coalition or chapter officer will make contact with you. Chapters hold meetings at various times during the month as well as socials. We, as a coalition, are not a part of the BSP Phoenix City Council but valid members of Beta Sigma Phi International. Membership is by invitation.


Grand Mixers – fun mixed league (guys and gals)

Contact: Sally Such, President, 623-975-1377



We are a group of Canadians from coast to coast who winter in SCG from as little as a few weeks to up to 6 months. Some own homes and some rent. We meet from Oct to April for coffee, lunches or dinners. In addition, we play everything from bocce / golf /billiards /bowling etc. We discuss common border crossing experiences and try to keep up to date on changes for Visitors Visas on proposed changes. We also discuss problem solving in the desert, from plumbers to landscapers. For more information see our

calendar of events on our website. Come on out to one of our fun filled events and who knows you might meet a neighbor, an old co-worker or even a long lost relative from Canada! email:


Residents of Sun City Grand who have a special car (old or new) are welcome to join our group and show their car at our meetings, shows and parades in Sun City Grand. Our annual car show will be in the spring of each year in the parking lot behind the Chaparral center. For more information contact


The Grand Connection is a social club representing the African-American Community residing in 'the Grand'. Twice a year in May and November, social events are planned which includes music, dancing, fantastic food and insight into the life experience of AfricanAmericans. All residents are welcome. For additional information regarding the group, you may contact Steve Doolittle, 623-533-3455 & Laura Garrett-Williams, 623-215-7884.


Cows Corn and Canola is a group of retired farmers, ag professionals and people just interested in food production. We come from all areas of the US and Canada. Our activities include organized tours and getting together for conversations and guest speakers. Contact: Mark (306) 378-7693 (Saskatchewan). Email:


Contact: Bob Walling, VP, 602.573.5942 or


Meeting Information: Fourth Wednesday of each month in Cimarron Center-Agua Fria (watch website for changes and meeting agenda and speakers). 2023 meeting dates: 2/22, 3/22, 4/26, 5/24, 6/28, 9/27, 10/25 and 11/15. Meetings are not held in July, August or December though social events occur throughout the year. Cookies, coffee, and conversation start at 6 pm, followed by a business meeting at 6:30 and presentations. To establish a strong presence in the community to ensure a voice in local Democratic politics; to prepare for upcoming elections by supporting local and national Democratic candidates and participating in Get-Out-The-Vote campaigns; to develop relationships with state, county and local officials holding democratic values; and to inform members about important government issues and actions.

Two speakers will address our May 24, 2023, meeting. Aly Cline, Surprise City Councilmember for District 2 which includes The Grand will join us to discuss the issues that are important to you and learn more about what's happening across

the city. Redistricting and the 2040 General Plan process and results will be shared. Cline currently Chairs the City’s Boards and Commissions selection Committee and serves on the Education Committee. In addition, she serves on the Maricopa Association of Government (MAG) Human Services and Community Initiatives board, MAG Domestic Violence board, and the Valley Metro Regional Public Transportation Authority. Cline also serves on the Broadband USA Committee relating to the need for Broadband access in rural areas of Arizona and the impacts on businesses, families, students, and local schools.

Additionally, a representative from Voter Choice Arizona will speak on Rank Choice Voting (RCV), an option changing the way candidates are selected being utilized in several states and being introduced to Arizona voters. Ranked-choice voting is used for state primary, congressional, and presidential elections in Alaska and Maine and for local elections in more than 20 US cities. Our May Blue Breakfast on 5/2 and Blue Dinner on 5/18 social activities will be held at locations announced on our website at www.granddems. org. Check the home page for details. Come join us on May 24 at 6 pm for another informative meeting of the Grand Dems!



The Grand 4-Wheelers are SCG residents who are interested in taking rides off-road into the beautiful areas of Arizona not accessible by standard vehicle. The roads we travel range from “easy” to “moderate” to “difficult.” The rides are for all types of four-wheel drive vehicles (No ATV’s that’s another group). Our rides will allow you to see remote areas of Arizona in the safe environment of a group activity. We provide an environment to learn the off-road capabilities of our vehicles, off-road driving techniques, the use of GPS devices & maps, and available recovery tools. Please refer to our website to see a calendar of future rides, as well as photos and narratives of our previous rides.


We are a social group that plans monthly events at restaurants in our area. Just $10.00 per member per year to join. Guests are welcome!

Contact: Toni Helgeson, membership, 623-544-5988

Meeting Information: We send a notice to all of our members throughout the year advising them of our planned activities, either a lunch, dinner, or a happy hour, and we request that they sign up for the event! There is always a gala event for Christmas! Lunches and dinners will be prepaid but you will be on your own for cocktails and of course for any Happy Hours! You may attend as many or as few events as you like. You are able to bring guests, unless we have limited seating!

45 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

Always check our website, www.fundiners., for forthcoming events and pictures of our past ones! We welcome volunteers to help find new places and to help coordinate events at their favorite restaurants. The annual dues are $10 per person each year.

You may call Gerri at 623-374-7917 or Toni at 623-544-5988 for more information.


Our own masters swim team right here in Grand! We believe in staying fit and building friendships while having fun. Our workouts are fresh, full of variety and will help you get and stay in shape. While you should be able to swim freestyle for at least 10 lengths, you don’t need to know the other strokes to join us at practice. If you are willing to learn, we are there to provide coaching and camaraderie. Our practices have organized sets that are geared from beginner-level swimmers to advanced swimmers and competitors. We focus on technique to improve your strokes, your stamina, your speed and your endurance. For more information contact


Most/many of you have played horseshoes at picnics, family reunions, etc. With your renting or owning a home in our community, you have the opportunity to play this fun game, whenever you want, for free. The horseshoe pits (5 of them) are always open. You can even play under the lights!! Additionally, there is a horseshoe group/league that plays every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday each week. Generally, at 8 am. This time is adjusted during the year for warmer/cooler temps in summer/winter. We also have league play with 5 other retirement communities in late winter through early spring. We will provide horseshoes for you to use as well as assistance on "pitching" horseshoes if you might need/want. We can also assist in helping you order your own horseshoes when you find out how much fun the game really is. Open to all ladies and men.

The horseshoe pits are located just right of the Dell Web softball diamond and storage building on Mountain View Blvd.

For more information call Tom Conzemius at 218556-2404 or Dave Johnson at 623-308-6036.


Connect and socialize with residents and former residents of Iowa. Club contact information:




Social Media:

Meeting Information: Meets frequently each month. The SCG LGBTQ invites residents to join us for a variety of social activities including dining out, theater, concerts, sporting events, etc. We are about making new friends, socializing and supporting one another. Residents and allies who

are looking to connect with other like-minded members of our community are welcome to join.


Contact(s) for Interest Group: Cecelia Kelly, 612860-4676,

Born in the North Star State/fall in love with L'toile du nord while living there? Currently a part time resident of Minnesota and/or live full time in Sun City Grand? Our Minnesota welcomes your participation in our social events, nature walk/ potluck events, putting contests, wine tastings, casino parties, theater/dinner parties. Whether you call Sun City Grand your full time or part time residence we would be pleased to have your input regarding offerings that you would find of interest and welcome your participation.


Moms Like Me is a support group whose goal is to reach out to the hurt and hearts of mothers who have experienced the loss of a child. Every day there are thousands of mothers who have lost a child who are living in the depths of despair, feeling they have lost all hope. Our support group falls under the banner of Umbrella Ministries, a network of mothers throughout the United States who have lost a child, and whose soul mission is to reach out with the Lord’s love, to broken hearted mothers. The ways of losing child can be quite broad, from infants to adult children, miscarriages, to a still born death of a full-term pregnancy. Other mothers have lost a child through suicide, a fatal accident or illness. The death of a child is different than any other loss and only a mother who has experienced that loss can relate to the grief that a mother is feeling. We plan to meet twice a month in Sun City Grand, location to be determined later.

If you have any questions please call or text Nina Montgomery at 623-606-3160.




Contact: Julia Schoen (805) 325-1807

Dues: $10 per person per year


AND FRIENDS… We are a newer group looking to expand. Though most of our current membership originally called New York State home, we are open to all with an interest in having fun. Recent events have included Get-to-know-you Happy Hours, a Sunset Music Cruise, and DJ Music Bingo with cash prizes.

Events on the horizon for the upcoming year are a pool party, a repeat of both the very successful DJ Bingo and the Sunset Cruise on Lake Pleasant, and possibly, a Mets/Diamondbacks game. Also planned are get-togethers for smaller groups, focused on specific boroughs, areas, and neighborhoods of New York and surrounding areas, so that the participants can reminisce about schools, hangouts, and friends they have in common.

We welcome spouses, significant others, and anyone with an interest in a vibrant, fun-loving group of folks. For information, please contact Julia Schoen at (805) 325-1807.


1. Drop In’s – at the Palm Center 5-7 pm

May 25th – Long Island and Queens

June 22nd – all non Nyer’s and anyone who would like to come!

2. Bocce Round Robin tournament

Round #1 beginning on Thursday May 4th

Round #2 Thursday May 11th and the Final round on Thursday May 18th.

3. The Lake Pleasant Sunset Cruise May 12th – If you wish to participate email Julia at ASAP. Cost is $25 per person.

4. Save the Dates

Additional events (with more information to follow)

Wednesday, June 14–Trip to the Music Museum

Thursday, July 13 – Game & Trivia Night

Wednesday, Aug. 16– Pool Party


The Muhammad Ali Parkinson Support group has moved to Grace Community Church, 16165 W. Mountain View Blvd #4900, Surprise, AZ 85374

It is held on the 1st Wednesday of the Month 3:00 - 4:30 pm.

Please contact Kristina Watts at 602-406-4921.


Contact(s): Dorothy (Rzeszutek) Higdon, 218-821-3033,

Meeting Information: Meetings are scheduled periodically during the year to correspond with new matters of significance and availability of speakers, at which time an e-mail is sent to all members. Notification is also sent regarding any known Polish-American activity in the Phoenix area. Sharing of Traditions, Customs, Travel, Delicacies, and History. Socializing while receiving cultural enlightenment concerning holidays and also cuisine with regards to Catholic, Jewish and nondenominational citizens. Enjoy the long-established foods of Poland through planned luncheons and tours of Polish-American restaurants, bakeries and delis in the Phoenix area. Translation is also available through Maya Zubriski, mariazubriski@, 623-546-6960


If you enjoy large scale (G Scale) outdoor model trains, the Grand Central Railroad is the place for you. From operating trains, painting buildings, decorating and landscaping, track maintenance, electrical service and repair, to public relations and more…. there is literally something for everyone. While most members own and operate their own trains, it is not a requirement to join the group. Our primary function is operating and maintaining the Model Railroad Park for the enjoyment of our members, residents and visitors, young and old alike. The

46 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

Railroad Park is located near the tennis courts behind the Chaparral Center. Trains run on a regular schedule as posted at the Railroad Park and on our website (GrandCentralRailroad. info). Please stop by during operating hours and introduce yourself. We will be happy to show you around and tell you more about what we do. For additional information or to make special requests, please contact chairman@


The Grand Republicans meet on the 3rd Saturday morning each month, and plan to meet every month during 2023 and 2024. We meet in the Hopi and Pima rooms in the Chaparral Center. Doors open at 8:30, coffee and pastries available by 9:00 ($2 fee for non-members.) The meetings start at 9:30. Guests are always welcome.

With our March 18 speaker, Steven Chealander, needing to reschedule from March to May, we were very fortunate to have Professor Nick Damask speak to us. Drawn from his popular five-lecture series, his topic was entitled “How they Cheat: Democrats & Ballot Harvesting.” It was quite a (discouraging) eye-opener! At press time we were looking forward to hearing Ms Shelby Busch, Chairman of We the People AZ Alliance PAC at our April 15 meeting. As Chairman, Ms Busch was a driving force behind the 2022

Election and has provided bombshell testimony before the Senate Committee on Elections. Her findings, including Signature Verification and Voting Machine Failures, have put over 500,000 2022 Election Ballots in question.

Ms Busch is a constitutional conservative who is “ready and able” to fight for the people. She wants to get the American people back to work after the pandemic and to assist business owners and entrepreneurs in their successful pursuits of the American Dream. Other goals include: Cutting taxes and wasteful regulations, restoring due process, and protecting our 1st and 2nd Amendments rights.

Our May 20 meeting will feature the popular and much sought-after speaker, Retired Air Force Colonel Steven Chealander. He has many stories about his time as Military Aide to President Ronald Reagan. He carried the nuclear “Football,” worked as the Presidential Emergency Actions Officer, and served as ceremonial aide and personal aide to the President when required. Colonel Chealander had a long and prestigious career, including tours of duty in Vietnam and Spain. He served in the U.S Air Force Security Police from 1964 to 1968. After a separation period, he rejoined in 1973 and flew with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds demonstration team from 1981 to 1985 and transferred to Luke Air Force Base in 1989.

Please visit for more information on speakers and events. Under Useful Links you will find the faces and contact information for our Board members. Under the Liberty Ladies tab, you will learn of the ways that they are serving the cause of conservativism in the community. Read our mission, vision and values statements under the ABOUT tab. We may be just the group you are looking for!


The SCG state of Mindfulness is a mindfulness community, practicing together, bringing peace, compassion, and gratitude to our selves and those around us. Group meditation can help develop a real connection with people while tapping into the same silence and source of peace, all at the same time. The SCG State of Mindfulness is focused on science and evidence based tools and resources. We are not based in any religion or spiritual beliefs; however, we do believe in religious harmony and all are welcome.


8 monthly Drop/in meditation opportunities OctMay. First Monday of each month


Group meetings are facilitated group discussions that begin with a topic introduction and end with a meditation. Group to meet at least 3 times per year.

Char Wheeler-Riley 623-451-7687 Your#1 Softball Fan and Realtor Promising Exceptional Representation In Sun City Grand Knowledge + Dedication = Results Call me for your next move! • Circle of Excellence • Realtor Since 2003 • Director’s Circle Top Producer Member Realtor®, ABR, SREs, GRI, rCRMS
47 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


Information to follow regarding an introduction/ refresher course.

For those interested in enhancing wellbeing and resilience join us! For more information check out our or email us at


Contact(s): Mark Wood, 623-308-5018,

Meeting Information: We meet every Wednesday at 9 a.m., weather permitting.

We are an informal group of average skilled trap shooters that meet weekly at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center (W. Carefree Highway), shoot several rounds of trap and socialize about various shooting sports. We occasionally venture over to the sporting clay and skeet ranges during the year when the trap ranges are reserved for tournament shooting. Besides trap shooting, the members discuss activities that foster a network of things to do, places to visit and assistance with shooting technique and gun safety for all shooters. If you are interested in joining our trap shooting group, please contact us for specific location information and other details necessary to prepare for a fun experience.


Valley of the Sun Ski Club calling all skiers! We

meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at the Kuentz Rec Center in SCW starting in November thru April. We have 3 great trips planned in 2023; Telluride Jan 8-13, Whitefish, MT Feb 5-10 and Winter Park March 5-10. If you are interested in learning more please contact Judy Ainsworth 602-909-4333."


Contact(s) for Interest Group: Susan Brinkley, 206-276-2080,

Meeting Information: Notification of events are sent via email to individuals who sign up on the roster. Events will be included in the Grand Lifestyles publication and will be posted on the community bulletin boards at the Cimarron Center and Sonoran Plaza.

The Washington State Group provides opportunities for interested Washingtonians to get acquainted and enjoy common interests. Events have included socials, golf tournaments, hiking, and attendance at Spring Training Mariner games. Volunteering is critical to keeping this vibrant. Ideas for future events are always welcome.


The group conducts tastings of wines from countries of the world. Each tasting begins with an introductory educational preview of the topic, followed by the wine tasting done in an informal

atmosphere. Light foods and finger desserts are available. Members have the opportunity to learn about wine and find new varietals to enjoy and also meet and befriend fellow wine enthusiasts. Meeting Information: We meet on the second Tuesday of each month except July and August at 7:00PM at the home of a member host. Annual dues are $10 per person and the tasting fee is $15 per person. We also have an annual multi course Wine dinner featuring cuisine from around the world prepared by a fine local restaurant and paired with quality wines of the region.

Contact for the Wine Interest Group: Judy Helderman, 623-322-9425,


Our 2023-2024 Planning is underway. Be assured that we will continue to add new events and provide all our members with a plethora of fun and diverse activities. Our energetic group holds more than 15 events each year and if you are interested in learning more visit our web site at Click on the ‘Contact Us’ tab and send us a note. We can also be reached at Our monthly breakfast at Tivoli Gardens will be held at 9 am on May 5. Weekly Sheepshead games are held in the Chaparral center every Tuesday. Thanks to our many new members who, in the last year, Volunteered in leading new events. We wish all a safe and healthy Summer.

48 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


What should I look for when choosing a VPN to keep me safe on the internet?


Dear George, Great question, but for those who don’t know, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) provides a secure connection between you and the internet and gives you an extra layer of privacy and anonymity.

A VPN hides your browsing and search history and your location. It also uses advanced encryption to secure data, but it usually does not improve your internet speed. If you are searching for a specific product, it can save you money if location is a factor in a product’s pricing. Here are some tips to consider:

n View and review a VPN service provider’s privacy policy to identify what data the VPN logs in and what they do with the stored data (like login info, email address, web searches). Regardless of what is advertised, VPNs do log data. It’s just a question of what data, how much, and what they do with it. Don’t rely just on advertisements or YouTube videos that tout certain VPNs. Many are paid by the vendor to advertise their product.

n Stay away from “free” VPNs. If they’re not charging, they’re getting income by selling your personal data and promoting ads (the exact reasons why you are getting a VPN). Most subscriptions offer a monthly and a yearly rate. At the start, opt for a “free trial” or the monthly rate (about $5 to $10 a month) just in case you want to switch. An annual

subscription does save you money. Some offer a lifetime contract but be wary (they can go out of business in a few years or decrease support because there’s no incentive of periodic payment).

n Check for multi-device availability so the VPN can be used with your desktop/ laptop, smartphone/tablet, and any other devices your VPN service could protect in total and simultaneously. Make sure all your devices and operating systems are supported.

n Make sure the VPN has a Kill Switch feature (a protective mechanism that helps keep your connection safe). It constantly monitors your connection to the remote VPN server. If the connection drops, the kill switch will cut off internet access to your device. This ensures that your device will automatically be disconnected from the internet until you’re able to reestablish a connection with the VPN.

n Data encryption is a major reason for getting a VPN-both to and from your device to the remote VPN server. Currently, two of the best encryption protocols are IKEv2 (OpenVPN) and AES256. Check to make sure they are using 256-bit, not 128-bit because 256 is more secure.

n Check if the VPN uses Two-Factor Authentication before logging in. It helps to prevent phishing attacks (where a hacker obtains access to someone’s login credentials). 2FA is a

deterrent that prevents a hacker from logging into your account—even if they obtained the correct credentials—and it adds an extra layer of authentication by requiring the user to verify their identity with a one-time password, sent by email or text, valid for a short amount of time. Make sure your password is difficult to guess.

n A VPN connects your device to a remote IP address (generally in another country or state). Most VPN providers will have server locations worldwide but where the headquarters are located is vital because the company must follow the rules and laws of the home country. In some countries, the VPN must collect, store, and provide data to the government of that country if requested. (The US, Canada, UK, US, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Australia can obtain your data if they request it from the VPN. Switzerland, Iceland, Panama, Romania, and the British Virgin Islands have no such agreements.)

n You want your connection to be fast, so check where the servers are, how many, and how fast they are. The more servers a VPN provider has, the faster and more reliable your connection generally will be. When you use a different IP address other than the one that’s at your current location, expect

View the digital version of “Ask  Cappie” monthly column by going to Click on the More News>Grand Lifestyles Magazine> to choose the month you want to view.

Special thanks to Arlette and Mitch for sharing this photo of one year old Murphy and two-year-old Molly, both Borderdoodles, (a mix of Poodle and Border Collie). The two breeds are listed by the AKC as “the top intelligent dogs of all breeds.”

a slight delay in speed but it is worthwhile from a standpoint of safety.

Practically, to set up a VPN, go to Settings of your device and search for VPN. You may be directed to enter log-in data and/ or to download the VPN’s app. When you are connected to the VPN, those letters will show rather than the wireless symbol or 5G, etc. Be aware that not all websites will allow VPN access, e.g., Hulu, Amazon, Netflix and BBC are known for blacklisting VPNs unless the IP address of the VPN is in the US. In other words, if you cannot connect to a site through your VPN, you need to evaluate your location, VPN server location, and the website you are attempting to access. Some banking sites or sites that deal with money (like Pay Pal) will not allow VPN usage for fear of money laundering.

49 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |

Bases and Brews Music Fest

Thank you to Steve LeVine Entertainment for putting on the City’s first music festival and to our incredible Sports and Tourism Department for their support. The three-day event featured national headlining music acts like Andy Grammar, Chris Lane, WALK THE MOON and lovelytheband; live entertainment; a carnival; artisan booths and so much more! What a great way to bring the community together and celebrate the end of the Spring Training season.

National Water Challenge

The Wyland National Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation was held this April! Residents pledged to use water more efficiently, reduce pollution and save energy. In addition to participating in national and statewide water conservation campaigns, Surprise offers rebates to city-serviced water customers, landscape workshops, school presentations and more. To learn more about the Surprise water conservation program and resources for residents, visit waterconservation.

City of Surprise Children’s Book

At State of the City on Thursday, March 30, we unveiled our very own City of Surprise children's book! Click the link to read about the adventures of the 'Surprisenstein Bears' as they start a business in our great city!

News and Announcements

Poetry, Art and More!

Are you ready to discover arts and culture events in Surprise? From theater performances, gallery tours, poetry readings and more, make sure to mark your calendar to attend!


May 18 ● 10–11 a.m.

Public Art Tour of City Hall

May 23 ● 11–12 p.m.

AZ Speaks - “Why Arizona Dark Skies Matter”


June 16 ● 6–8 p.m. Poetry Slam at WHAM

All dates and times are subject to change. All events are free unless otherwise stated. To register for Public Art Tours and AZ Speaks presented by Arizona Humanities, head to artssignup. To learn more about Poetry Slam, contact WHAM at 623.584.8311 or visit Want to see what else is on the 2022-2023 arts & culture calendar? All events are listed online at

Celebrations in Surprise

n Friday, March 3, Mayor Hall, Vice Mayor Chris Judd, Councilmember Nick Haney, Councilmember Ken Remley and I joined Arts, Culture & Library Director Kelsey Lamphier in celebrating the grand reopening of the newly renovated Surprise Regional Library. We can’t wait to see what's in store for the Surprise Public Library System!

n At the City Council meeting on March 7, we recognized the winners of the Dysart Unified School District essay contest. Tied for first place in the 3rd-4th grade category are Cadence Fumia and Rose Vasquez; first place in the 5th-8th grade category is Tatianna Pellegrino; and first place in the high school category is Kaleb Delgado.

Congratulations to all of the winners!

n Tuesday, March 21, City Council recognized the Valley Vista High School girls basketball team for winning the 2023 Arizona Interscholastic Association 6A State Championship. This is the Monsoon’s fourth consecutive 6A girls basketball state title and sixth championship in the last seven years. Congratulations to these outstanding student athletes!

n On Friday, March 24, Mayor Hall, Vice Mayor Chris Judd, Councilmember Patrick Duffy, Councilmember Ken Remley, Councilmember Nick Haney, Councilmember Jack Hastings and I joined owners Sean Collins and Dave Rutter; CEO Paul Brockbank; and GM Thomas Wilson to celebrate the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of FatCats All Out Fun in Surprise! We are all excited to have this wonderful new addition to our community!

Community Meetings

My monthly Community meeting will be at 6 p.m. on May 23 at The Grand in the Pima Room, 19781 N. Remington Dr. I look forward to discussing the latest City news and answering any questions you have.

Subscribe to my newsletter

To receive my newsletters by email each month, please visit surpriseaz. gov/subscribe and sign in or create an account. Then select text and/or email for “District 2 Council Updates” and any other news you may want to receive.

City Council Meetings

The next regularly scheduled Council meetings will be on May 2 and 16 at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers. You can also watch live on surpriseaz. gov/surprisetv, the Surprise City Gov Facebook page at cityofsurprise or on Cox channel 11.

50 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |



The Wigwam

300 E. Wigwam Blvd.

Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

n May 14, 2023


n 866-976-6894

n 10am-2pm

n $85++ per adult | $30++ for children 4-12* Reservations required.

*Children 3 and under are complimentary

The Wigwam's brunch buffet, featuring delicious options from fresh salad assortments to savory carving stations and decadent desserts, is the perfect gathering spot this Mother's Day.

Litchfield's Mother's Day Brunch

10am-3pm | $99++ per person

Celebrate Mom with a three-course prix-fixe chef-driven menu featuring exquisite twists on brunch classics.


Footprint Center

201 E. Jefferson Street Phoenix, AZ 85004

n 602-379-2000

n May 20, 2023

n 6:05pm



Fairmont Scottsdale Princess

7575 E. Princess Dr.Scottsdale, AZ 85255

n 480-585-4848


n Recurring weekly on Friday, Saturday

Oh, snap! This summer is going to be all that and a bag of chips. The ‘80s and ‘90s are back and flyer than ever at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess. SKATE at an outdoor roller rink, GAME your way through a vintage arcade and themed laser tag adventure, and get your GLOW on at the Neon 9 mini golf course. On the weekends, Get jiggy with it at our Let’s Glo Pool Parties and Dive-In Movies. As if there couldn’t be more, don’t miss fireworks every Saturday night. Raise the roof, because Summer at the Princess is rolling in hot!

Other Resort Activities Include:

n Dive-In Movies:

Friday & Saturday Nights | 8 - 10 pm

n Let's Glo Pool Parties:

Friday & Saturday Nights | 8 - 10 pm

n Fireworks!: Saturdays | 9 pm

CARRYING ON THE TRADITION. Please visit the various websites for face mask and safety guidelines.
Each month, we are proud to provide GrandKids Corner, a varied list of activity options for you, our Residents, and your families.
51 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
EMERGENCY ................................................................................ 9-1-1 Poison Control Center ................................................. 800.222.1222 Sheriff’s Office (Bell Rd. Substation) ............................ 602.876.1011 Surprise Fire Department ............................................ 623.222.5000 Area Agency on Aging 24-Hour Helpline ................... 602.264.4357 After Hours and Weekend Landscaping Emergencies Gothic Landscape .................................................. 760.892.2455 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Maricopa County Animal Control 602.506.7387 4 Paws Animal Rescue 623.876.8778 Surprise Animal Care/Control 623.222.4000 opt. 3 CITY OF SURPRISE Adopt-A-Street 623.222.6000 Code Enforcement 623.222.3013 Citizens Patrol ..................................................................... 623.222.4277 City Clerk ............................................................................ 623.222.1200 City Council ........................................................................ 623.222.1300 City Hall ............................................................................... 623.222.1000 Community & Recreation Services ................................ 623.222.2000 Crisis Response .................................................................. 623.222.5040 Dead Animal Pickup (On Public Streets) ........................ 623.222.1900 Disability Information .......................................... (voice) 623.222.3543 (TTY–deaf) 623.222.3503 Noise/Nuisance Complaints ................................ 623.222.4000 opt. 3 Non-emergency Fire .............................................. 623.222.5000 Non-emergency Police .......................................... 623.222.4000 Northwest Regional Library ............................................. 602.652.3000 Post Office (14955 W. Bell Rd.) .......................................... 623.544.4672 Senior Services/Center 623.222.1500 Trans Valley Metro 602.253.5000 Voter Registration 602-506-1511 We Care Program 623.222.4277 CONSUMER SERVICES Birth/Death Certificates 602.506.6800 Hazardous Waste Questions 602.771.4673 Health Department, Maricopa County 602.506.6900 Motor Vehicle Department (MVD) 602.255.0072 Registrar of Contractors 602.542.1525 Social Security Administration 800.772.1213 PORA – SCW Consumer Services 623.584.4288 Helping Hands 623-975-5499 HOSPITALS Banner Del E. Webb, 14502 W. Meeker Blvd. ................ 623.524.4000 Banner Walter O. Boswell, 10401 W. Thunderbird Blvd. 623.832.4000 NEWSPAPERS Arizona Republic 602.444.8000 The Daily Independent and Surprise Independent 623.972.6101 UTILITIES City of Surprise Water 623.222.1900 Arizona Public Service (APS) 602.371.7171 APS Street Light Outage ........................................ 602.371.7171 and/or APS Street Light Cox Communications 623.594.1000 Century Link ......................................................................... 800.244.1111 Epcor Water ....................................................................... 623.445.2400 Southwest Gas Co. ......................................................... 1.877.860.6020 Pulte Warranty Service .......................................... 800.664.3094
52 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |


Architectural Review Committee

Tony Spata

Code of Conduct Committee &

René Mitchell

Finance Advisory Committee

Bob Aiken

Golf Advisory Committee

Alan Meyer

Long Range Planning Committee



General Manager

Rod Rankin 623.546.7468

Assistant General Manager

Jeff Hochman ................................. 623.546.7468

Executive Administrative Assistant

Theresa Fleck .................................. 623.546.7468

Communications Manager

Christine Helton .............................. 623.546.7533

Custodial Supervisor

Ken Crossno .................................... 623.546.7460

Director of Golf

Brandon Dougherty ....................... 623.546.7412

Finance Director

David Reber 623.546.7453

Fitness Director

Allison Adams 623.546.7463

Information Systems Manager

Rebecca Bird................................ 623.546.7503

Activities Director

Lorena Nieto 623.546.7455

Maintenance Operations Director

Scott Phillips

Norma Gaitan ................................ 623.546.7551

Membership Director

Debra Goodman 623.546.7435

Standards Director

Jody Snider 623.546.7439

Purchasing Specialist

Laurie Segler 623.546.7561

Volunteer Program Manager

Denise Alessi ................................. 623-546-7451



Activities Office 623.546.7449

Sonoran Plaza, 19753 N. Remington Drive



After Hours and Weekend Landscaping Emergencies

Gothic Landscape 760.892.2455

Report Common Area Landscape/Water Leaks/Repairs/Facility Maintenance


Golf Course Maintenance/Leaks

M-F 623-546-7551

Weekends 623-764-0809

Cimarron Golf Course 623.975.5654 17100 West Clearview Boulevard

Golf Pro ........................................... 623.975.5657

Desert Springs Golf Course ....... 623.546.7401 19900 North Remington Drive

Kim McCann – Golf Pro ............. 623.546.7403

Granite Falls N & S ....................... 623.546.7580 15949 West Clearview Boulevard

Kevin Reagan – Golf Pro 623.546.7582

CAM INFORMATION GrandTV 623.546.7533 Website 623.546.7533 Membership Office 623.546.7444 Palm Center, 19726 N. Remington Drive Welcome Center 623.546.7501 Lost & Found 623.546.7501 Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Standards Compliance Office 623.546.7450 ARC Applications .......................... 623.546.7474 Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. CHAPS Office .......................... 623.546.7553 Grand Election Team
ON-SITE EMERGENCIES Association Patrol 623.764.0809 Sunday – Saturday, 24 hours, 7 days a week Maintenance Emergencies 623.546.7551 Bus. Hours: Monday-Friday 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. Report Landscape/Golf Course Maintenance/ Water Leaks/Repairs Submit work order to
Jane Barry
p.m. Grand
p.m. Grand Lifestyles Magazine 623.546.7449
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4
Chaparral Center, 19781 N. Remington Dr.
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4
CENTERS Adobe Fitness Center 623.546.7456
p.m. Saturday
p.m. Children’s Hours Leisure Pool 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Cimarron Fitness Center ............ 623.975.5630 17100 West Clearview Boulevard Hours: Monday – Friday 5 a.m. – 9 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. No children under 16 permitted at this pool Miller Massage Therapy 602.832.0864 RESTAURANTS/CATERING Angela’s Kitchen ........................ 623.399.6514 The Grand Café 623.546.7512 CLUB ADDRESSES & PHONE NUMBERS Art Club .........................................623.546.7484 19745 North Remington Drive Billiards Club ................................ 623.546.7482 19781 North Remington Drive Clay Arts Club.............................. 623.214.9067 19751 North Remington Drive Computer Club ........................... 623.546.7508 19781 North Remington Drive Glass Arts Club 623.214.6723 19751 North Remington Drive Language Club 623.546.7488 19739 North Remington Drive Poker Club 623.546.7486 19749 North Remington Drive Photo Club 623.546.7483 19735 North Remington Drive Stitchers Club 623.546.7566 19726 North Remington Drive Woodcrafters 623.214.3813 15134 West Mountain View Boulevard 53 Grand Lifestyles | MAY 2023 |
19775 North Remington Drive Hours: Monday – Friday 5 a.m. – 9
– 9
Tired of loose dentures, missing or loose teeth? Let us give you the confidence and smile you deserve. 17220 North Boswell Boulevard, Suite 200W Sun City, Arizona 85373 623-972-8217 - Scan this QR code to schedule your appointment today! Financing is available on approved credit. The Grand Residents: Mention "The Grand" when scheduling to receive up to $3000 OFF a full smile restoration! Deadline is 4/30/23. To schedule your FREE consultation and FREE iCat scan: Call us at 623-972-8217, go online at, or scan the QR code below.




Start your week off right with a new b r ea k f a st sp eci a l every week this May! Each week we will offer a new and delicious breakfast creation that will tantalize your taste buds. Don't miss out on the opportunity to treat yourself to something special at The Grand Café. O

Monday – Wednesday 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Thursday & Friday 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Saturday 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Sunday 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

(623) 546-7512

Scan the code to stay in the know with the Sun City Grand Facebook page.


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