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FROM THE FITNESS MANAGER Fighting Inflammation

Allison Adams

Fitness Manager Treating the root cause of these diseases by reducing inflammation, enables one to take control of their health and improve their condition. One of the best ways to attack and reduce inflammation is with proper nutrition and using the medicinal properties of food. You do not have to be on a special diet to take advantage of these foods. You can incorporate them in your everyday life and reduce inflammation while you enjoy them. My top 3 foods to reduce inflammation are: 1 Turmeric, is a very highly researched compound. Several studies confirm

Melissa DiLuzio

Certified Holistic Health Coach

Inflammation is a word most of us have heard of and experienced in one way or another during our lifetime. Inflammation affects us all. Whether you experienced inflammation due to an injury, illness or both; usually it’s not the most pleasant experience. Inflammation is a natural process triggered by the body’s immune system. Our immune system responds to a perceived threat such as an injury or illness with inflammation. The red, swollen tissue surrounding an injury or cut is the body’s immune system at work. Inflammation is designed to be healing. Acute or short term inflammation is also the mechanism the body uses to rid itself of foreign invaders like virus’ and bacteria including the common cold. Inflammation is designed to be a temporary response triggered by an injury or an encounter with a virus or bacteria. The inflammation created by your immune system is your body telling you it is aware something is wrong. Short term inflammation is good. It’s when we experience long term or chronic inflammation that we need to pay closer attention to what is going on in our body. It is now understood that chronic disease is driven by chronic inflammation. Many auto-immune diseases are driven by chronic inflammation. There is sufficient evidence now to show that heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's and obesity can be influenced by the prolonged immune response of inflammation.


November 16, 2022 | 10:30–11:30am | Cimarron Center $20 REGISTER AT CIMARRON CENTER DESK Taught by: Melissa DiLuzio, Certified Integrative & Nutrition Coach IN THIS CLASS, YOU WILL LEARN Foods that fight & reduce inflammation. Foods that promote inflammation.In this class, you will learn: Why we have inflammation. What you can do to protect & improve your health. • Foods that fight & reduce inflammation • Foods that promote inflammation • Why we have inflammation 14 • What you can do to protect & improve your health Grand Lifestyles | November 2022 | suncitygrand.com

the anti-inflammatory properties of Turmeric. The active compound in turmeric is curcumin. A delicious way to enjoy turmeric is a drink called a Golden Latte. You can find Golden Latte mixes online and in grocery stores. Turmeric/ curcumin is also found in curries.

If drinking or eating it is not for you, it is available in supplement form. Whichever form you wish to enjoy the benefits, make sure you are adding cracked black pepper and a little healthy oil or fat with it.

Both of these are needed for your body to absorb the curcumin and get the most benefit from it. 2 Fatty Fish and Flaxseed. These two foods are loaded with healthy

Omega 3’s. We’ve been told that we need omega 3’s for brain health however we now know that Omega 3’s are a powerful antiinflammatory fatty acid.

Omega 3 fats can reduce the production of molecules and substances linked to inflammation.

There is consistent peer reviewed evidence that highlights the relationship between high intake of these fatty acids and reduced inflammation. 3 Leafy Greens. This is actually my favorite food in the category or antiinflammatory foods. Leafy greens are alkalizing and detoxing for your body in addition to being anti-inflammatory. Greens like kale, spinach, arugula, chard and collard greens are full of nutrients that reduce chronic inflammation in the body. Vitamins, A,D,E & K which are fat soluble vitamins have shown in multiple studies that they fight inflammation. Once again, since the vitamins in the leafy greens are fat soluble, you will want to add some healthy oils or fat to your plate to increase absorption of these nutrients and get the most benefit.

One healthy oil is extra virgin olive oil. You can drizzle olive oil over your cooked greens or your salad; either way works. Whether you have chronic inflammation or would just like to improve your health. Adding these 3 foods to your diet is a great start. If you would like to learn more about your immune system and why food can be a determining factor in your health, register for this one time class; "Fighting Inflammation with Food” on Wednesday, Nov 16th from 10:30 -11:30 at the Cimarron Center. FREE ORIENTATIONS AT CIMARRON Instructor Maggie Ruiz Nov 15—Tuesday Nov. 29—Tuesday 10:15 am Must sign up in person. Class is cancelled if less than 3 sign up.


Instructor Jan Bailey Monday—November 7 Monday—November 14 11 am

Must sign up in person. Class is cancelled if less than 3 sign up.

My name is Melissa DiLuzio. I am a Certified Integrated Nutrition & Wellness Coach. I’ll be teaching this class and a 4 week series beginning in January. Keep your eye out for more details in upcoming emails from SCG Fitness Department and in flyers posted in the recreation centers. If you have any questions regarding the class, inquire at the Cimarron Desk or call me at 509-879-0123.


At our Board meeting on October 13th, the Board of Directors approved the annual budget for our Association for 2023. The process of planning, developing and agreeing on a final budget can be very time consuming for all involved. The challenges presented staff as they attempted to reforecast this year’s budgeted line items were many. n A 13% Inflation rate over the past 12 months for the Phoenix Metro area is the highest recorded in recent decades and the highest of any other city in the nation. n A Cost of Living Index at 8.2% is higher than any I have ever experienced in my many years of building a budget. If we are to achieve our goal of attracting and retaining a solid workforce we must do what we can to maintain their ability to keep up with the cost of living challenges. n Our Reserve Fund was adjusted to reflect the higher costs to repair and or replace our assets. Total

“Estimated Replacement Costs” were increased by over 15% to adjust to the expected higher cost to replace those assets. n Some examples of comparisons to the 2023 budget versus that of 2022: ❖ Reserve Fund contribution:

Up $130,000 ❖ Utilities: Up $202,000 ❖ Payroll: Up $1,151,000 ❖ Repairs and Maintenance:

Up $84,000 ❖ Landscaping: Up $120,000 ❖ Operating Expense Up $828,000 I need to compliment Staff and the work put in prior to the beginning of reviews. Each department was involved in defining needs and agreeing upon targeted revenue goals. This has not happened in a long time, if at all, in our community and I thank our General Manager, Rod Rankin and his team for implementing a more inclusive process in “building” the budget. On the Revenue side, the challenge of “fair and equitable” fee increases is a consistent goal each year. A great deal of time was spent debating golf related revenue. Many residents believe golf is an income source at Grand. As with all of our activities, it is subsidized. We all own the golf courses and we share in the value of having them within our community. The following changes will take effect in 2023 for golf and other activities: n Daily rate for all residents: $3 increase n Increases in guest fees, and public fees as well as cart rental and use of range balls. Increases in fees for Fitness and Activities are: n Fitness classes: $1 increase n Personal training and ticketed events: $5 increase The final outcome is an increase in our annual assessment of 7% or $120 for the year. The Board of Directors and Staff worked hard to get to that number as it originally began at a 10% increase when staff initially put together their proposed budget. We spent three days reviewing each line item so all understood the rational tied to each expense and made appropriate changes as best we could. This new assessment does not take effect until July 1, 2023. The increase of 7% is the largest I have experienced in the past ten years of developing a budget, yet given the market conditions and challenges, I believe we did the best job we could. A summary page is on the opposite page for your review. If you would like to review the entire budget on line it is available under Association & Documents/ Documents/Association Information and Documents/Financial Information/ Budget. I need to again thank Staff, my fellow Board Members, members of the Reserve Sub-Committee, the Golf Advisory Committee, and the Finance Advisory Committee for the time and effort in completing this very difficult and challenging task. Stay Well, Keep Moving, and Be Kind to Others Bob Aiken

Aldrich, Richard Anders, Dave Anderson, Anthony Anderson, Ed Anderson, Jim Anderson, Leonard J Apple, Larry J. Asher, Don Avard, John Babicke, Robert Bache, William F. Badsgard, Charles W. Barberi, Robert J. Barbour, Jim Barish, Robert Barkus, Chuck J. Barone, Vincent Basso, Dominic J. Beach, Alan J. Beggs, Gary L. Belmont, Allan Beltz, Ron Benbow, James E. Bennett, Douglas Bernard, Michael J. Bertholdy, John F. Biechler, William L. Bigornia, Art Bisesi, Phil Bizak, Timothy Blomquist, Rodney O. Blum, James K. Blunt, David F. Boe, James F. Boesen, Gordon Boostrom, Donn Bredlie, Burton E. Brown, Beverly J. Brown, Doug Brown, Mark C Brunner, Jerome Brunskill, Joseph Bunker, Steven Busenbark, Dale T. Cameron, Robert D. Campbell, Marlin J. Cantrell, Jimmie Cappello, Frederick Carnes, Harry Carpenter, Michael R. Carson, William A Cary, Bob Chaffee, Sidney J. Chandler, William R. Chapman, Leon D. Chilton, Bill Chipman, Phillip Clark, Ken Clark, Ken R. Coffey, Elizabeth A. Coffey, Jr., Denis M. Cole, Donald Collins, Rodrick Collins, Steve Colville, Glen H. Conley, Bill Conley, John W. Conrad, Carl C. MD (WWII) Copeland, Thomas Coppola, Vito Coren, Lyle Costello, Stuart N. Craig, Robert Crawford, Kenneth E. Cromey, Ronald Crotty, Jim E. Cruz, Chuck Culp, Gerald E. Cuyler, Marvin Dahl, H. Wayne D'Ambrosio,

Michael R. Deach, Don Debber, Stanley L. Deckhut, Joseph A. DeLanty, Perry Desmarteau, Mike Di Domenico,

Anthony Di Sano, Peter V Dietrich, Marvin F. Dietrich, Neil Dobbert, Arnold Donaldson, Charles Dotts, Robert A. Douglas, Dana DowDell, Charles R. Drohomyreckyj,

Jaroslaw Drolet, Robert H. Drosky, Frank D.

Thank you, we will never be able to repay you, but we will never forget your bravery. Names listed here are Veterans who currently live here in Sun City Grand.

Duran, Ramon F. Durham, David Edwards, Donald P. Edwards, Thomas M. Eggermont, Al Ellenberger,

Andrew C. J. Ellis, John C. Ellis, Phillip L. Ellis, Robert Engle, Glen B. Esch, Robert Evangelista, David Evans, William F. Everton, Eldon Falen, Bill Faunce, Don Febock, Ida Febock, Paul Fee, Gary L. Fentiman, Allen Ferguson, Joseph A. Fernstrum, J. Ross Ferrell, Charles E. Finberg, Roger M. Fisch, Sid Fitzgerald, John P. Fleck, Howard E. Fontaine, Leonard J. Fontejon, Sam P. Forde, Erwin B. Fortner, Rick C. Foy, Larry Frazier, Dennis E. Frantzve, C Kenneth Fromson, Howard M. Gallagher, Michael J. Galperin, Lance J. Gamache, Gary Garcia, Roland Garrigan, Jim Genser, Dale S. Gentry, Herbert H. Geremia, Anthony Gialinas, Milton G. Gilcrease, William

Lee Gill, Don Goemer, Michael Goodger, John Goodwin, Jerry A. Graham, Doug Granack, James Grose, Jim Guisinger, Michael J. Gunderson, Susan J. Gustincic, David Halker, Bill Hanneman, Roger R. Hansen, Dale Hanson, Phil J. Hardy, John Harris, Douglas D. Harrison, Roger A. Hart, Jim Heaton, John W. Heinricher, Jack Hennefer, Steve Hennessy, Michael W. Herivel, Wayne Hernandez, Dave Hewes, Jim Heying, Paul Heying, Tina Hickman, William B. Hilgers, Denny Hillas, Peter W. Hoffman, Arnold C. Holcomb, Rich Holley, Norman Holliday, Don Hornburg, E. Peter Huston, Jerry Ignatowski, Joe Imming, Maurice M. Iverson, Wendell Jacobsen, Steven C. Janquart, Roger J. Jensen, Ronald Johnson, Armand Lee Johnson, Kenneth Jorgensen, Dale R. Joy, Timothy S. Julian, Robert A. Justice, Robert A. Jutila, Vern Karonis, George Keavy, Bob Keeler, David Keim, Robert Kennell, Jim Kiddoo, Jack King, Tom E Kirkpatrick, Harry Kisicki, Larry R. Kohler, Thomas A. Kohnen, Richard G. Kraker, Randy Kroencke, Daniel Krzeminski,

Kenneth A. LaBlonde, Jr.,

George T. Lafferty, Jerry L. Lane, Rich Lang, William G. Lanning, Gary J. Larsen, Carl Laundy, Hank Lebrecht, Horst Lee Jr, Morris Harold Lervick, Robert M. Leshney, Tom Lindner, Lawrence R. Lingbloom, Philip T. Lints, Rick Loewith, H. Howard Lowe, Annie Lowery, Dan E. Luedke, George R. Lundquist, Loren G. Lussier, Bob Mackey, William

Frank Madden, Howard Madio, Jack Madsen, Robert L. Maez, David J. Magiera, Jr. Joseph E. Mahan, John T. Majeska, Ray Malinowski,

Thomas S. Manthie, Robert J. Manuelian, Robert Manzi Jr., Joseph F. Marcus, Elliot Martin, Dave A. Matter, Matt Mazzola, Graziano McCloskey, Thomas J. McDermott, James F. McGill, Jack McGlynn, Ronald L. McGrath, David Mead, Daniel N. Merrill, Joseph J. Michael, Cal Michels, David Miller, Albert P. Miller, Allen Miller, Dave Miller, Dean C. Miller, Ennis B. Miller, Glen D. Miller, Russell J. Milleville, Richard A. Missureli, Bud Mjelde, Ronald G. Monnett, Dwayne D.

Montenare, Gene Montgomery, Phil Morgan, Dennis P. Morrison, Joseph Moser, Dean Mosier, James E. Most, Marc A. Much, Diane Mulligan, Mike Murphy, Bob Murphy, Denis C. Murphy, Edward Myers, R. Michael Myhre, Marvin Navratil, Sharon Neigoff, Eugene N. Nelson, Dick Nelson, Roger Nemchin, Jack Nerdahl, John H. Nevin, Jack, F. Newman, Max Niccum, Thomas E. Nickerson, Jeffrey D. Nixt, Thomas A. Noteboom, Donald Noto, Vic Nudo, James M. Nugent, Myles E. Oberg, Mike R. Oehler, Orlin Olmstead, Lee Olsen, Gregory P. Olson, John O'Meara, Mike Oristian, Joan Palma, Jim F. Parkel, Lynn Parks, Jack G. Paulsen, Jerald D. Perdelwitz, Dennis R. Perry, Herb Peterson, Richard W. Petrillo, Larry Pietrandoni, Ron Pihl, Niels Pitsenberger, Brian Plante, Linda Plante, Robert Platt, Mel Poinier, Laurance H. Popiel, James L. Preite, Frank D. Prygocki, Peter J. Pullmann, Dutch Quigley, John J. Quimby, Robert W. Quintrall, Jack Raffo, A.V. Randall, Larry Redar, Gerald Redding, John Robert Reed, Carl Reeve, Walton Richardson, Gordon Rivers, Horace Riviere, Burt Rizzo, Frank Rose, Charles Rosenfeld,

Charles L PhD Roth, Gary R. Royer, Pat Rufrano, Tom Ryan, Patrick Saffer, Robert Salsbury, Richard D. Salter, Doug C. Sanders, Bob Saunders, Ralph Schaffner, Hermann Scheidegger, Larry Scherer, Robert C. Schmitz, Dave Schubring, Robert O. Schuver, Fred Schweig, Barry B. Scott, Don W. Scovill, Nicholas Seago, Anna Lea Seddon, Michael Seibert, Steve L. Seiler, David Seith, Howard Serin, Charles Shanahan, Bill P. Shank, Norman Shaw, E Joe Sheridan, Robert D. Shepherd, Tom R. Shevlin, Joseph F. Sibley, Burt D. Siemieniec, Leonard Sikes, David B. Silversteen, Patricia Sinder, Carl J. Sisak, Michael A. Skala, Terry Skala, Tim Slinger, Billy J. Smith, Carlyle A. Smith, Edwin Smith, Gerald W. Smith, Jeffery P. Smith, Jeffrey C. Smith, Paul D. Smith, Roland Smith, Shirley E. Solomon, Arthur A. Sonstroem, Jon M Squires, T. Wayne Stanerson, John Starr, Charles A. Stead, Ivan W Stevens, Craig Stewart, Collin Strickland, William L. Summers, William A. Swafford, Dan Sweeting, Roger L. Tamburello, Bob Tejada, David Tennison, Richard C. Terry, Tom Teter, Del F. Thielman, Gary L. Thomas, Jim Thomas, Michael Thomczek, Larry Timgren, Lynn W. Tolar, Larry Tolliver, Melvin J. Trueman, Lee Vaccaro, Joseph M. Vachon, Roy Valdez, Robert Valenti, Sam Van Winkle, Ken VanNoy, Ronald M. Vaske, Jim Venema, William A. Vreeke, Bill A. Wahls, Philip F. Waldal, Harold Walker, Robert D. Wallner, David Washburn,

Clarence D. Washington,

Clarence S. Waters, Elizabeth A. Wathey, Wes Weatherson,

Frederick W. Weber, Daniel R. Weber, James Weber, James S. Westland, Stan Whitehill, Michael W. Wienkes, Paul G. Wilityer, Steve Will, Roger L. Willard, Bennett Williams, Dale A. Williams, James A. Williams, James P. Williams, Roger A. Wilton, Michael Wilton, Ray Wirth, Richard G. Witkowski, Jim Wohlbrandt, Donald Wojda, Wayne Wojtas, Jerry Wolcott, James L. Wraspir, Robert Wresh, Frederick L. Wynant, Dick Young, Brenda Zagorski, Joseph Zapka, William Zekman, Rick Zell, Hans Peter Ziegelmann, Lee Ziegler, Al Zimmerman, Jerry C. Zmugg, Thomas J. US AIR FORCE

Alton, Dennis R. Andersen, Donald Anderson, Jr. John C. Anderson,

Maynard C. Anderson, Paul Anderson, Robert Askern, Lee Auberg, Lanny Baran, William Barborak, Kenneth J. Barnes, Jerry P. Bartolotta, Donald A. Becker, Richard A. Bedwell, Ray B. Beelman, Robert Bender, William R. Bicho, Alan P. Bjerk, Vern R. Blake, Jerry E. Bobeck, Adrian Boesen, Randel K. Boldt, Burleigh E. Borchert, Bruce Bornhoeft, Fred Borst, Raymond H. Brandt, Barbara G. Brenno, Lester Bromberg, Victor Bronersky, John E. Brooks, Loy Brotsky, Larry J. Brower, Larry V. Brown, Jim A Brown, Robert M. Bunn, Roland C. Carson, Arnold B. Cavalier, James A. Chapin, Bill S. Clark, Kenneth H. Clark, Larry G. Clesi, Philip A. Cloonan, Timothy G. Coslett, Ron Counihan, James J. Craig, Guy L Cushing, George E. Cutler, Dennis Cuyler, Marvin Daniels, Ron Davis, Bobby J. Dion, Bobby Dirkse, David L. Dirschberger, Gary L. Donan, David J. Doucet, Gerald O. Dourney, Marty W. Downing, Jeff Dunker, John M. Duran, Ramon F. Dushan, George Dye, Richard Easton, David Ellis, Lynn Fair, William M. Fedor, William Felling, Merle J. Ferrell, Chuck Fischer, Raymond P. Fossey, Kenneth Fox, Ron Foy, Denis J. Francis, John E. Frank, John E. (Jeff) Frese, Gerald W. Furrey, Tom Garlick, Barry Geck, Gretchen M. Geer, Michael Geller, David E. Gerke, David J. Gerlach, Gerry Gibson, Raymond Gilboy, James Glim, Mark A. Gossett, John F. Gray, Theodore F. Gural, Cheryl L. Gural, Steve A. Haggerty, Phil Halsey, Daniel Hammel, John Hanson, James W. Harala, Wayne H. Haubrich, James H. Haxton, Doug Heikkinen, Gilbert Herbel, Robert G. Heroux, Mark A. Hinkel, Larry Holden, John Homan, John Hopkins, Walter C. Hossele, Anthony Houston, Scott (William) Hrapchak, John Huendorf, Robert H.

Humphrey, Larry Inman, Gary G. Jensen, Jim Jevens, James M. Jilek, Dennis Johnson, Roger D Johnson, Stan Johnson, William J. Kaufman, Wendy Lu Keating, Richard A. Kennedy, Richard P. Kepler III, George W. Kerekes, Michael A. Kimble, James L. Klemmer, Howard Korski, Edward P. Kravitz, Kenneth B. Kuestermeyer, Guy Kundrot, Joseph M. Lafferty, Thomas E. Langer, William Langlois, Ronald J. Lasater, William Latourelle, Eugene Lee, Don E. Lekawa, Donald E. Lewis, Russ Lemcke, James R. Lervick, John Ludwig, Robert J. Lyes, William G. Lynch, Henry Macy, John E. Maki, Ken E. Maligro, David Markert, William J. Markert, Marge S. Markitans, Ansis Marotti, Anthony Marx, William F. Maynard, Larry G. McAfee, Ronald L. McCleerey, Dennis L. McCurdy, William McDonald,

Richard Q. McGill, Jack McKean, Winston (Mick) McMullen,

Gordon C. Megee, Michael T. Meine, John Melville,

Milton A. (Andy) Meschi, John Miller, Michael K. Miller, RogerL. Moberly, Jack Montat, Paul P. Moody, Joseph E. Mortensen, Garry Motko, Peter Motko, Sherry A. Muhs, Charles W. Mulch, Leroy R. Newark, Dave Notestine, Les Nussbaum, Sigmund Oglesby, Tracy J. Olson, Dwight R. Opp, Gilbert M. Parkin, Stephen E. Paul, Earl Fred Pescitani, Ronald J. Petty, Ralph B. Phipps, Joe Pierce, Terrence K. Pintler, Curt N. Posey, Floyd Powell, Berry Price, Charles Roger Quamma, Thomas Ramstine, Kurt Rebenack, Larry Reeves, Don A. Reineking, George A. Reiners, Gaylyn W. Rice, Jim Roberts, Brian N. Rogerson, Ron Rohan Jr, Thomas J. Romine, John Rosiek, Judith Ryan, Michael

Edward Sabo, James Sbrega, John A. Scanlon, Joe Scarboro, Gary L. Schanche, Clarence Schierscher, Anton Schussler, John Scott, Glenn D. Seago, Donald A. Seike, Ullrich Seiter, Charles E. Sewell, Richard M. Shadwick, Barry A. Simms, David Sjoberg, Oscar Smith, Larry D. Smith, Robert L. Speaks, Kenneth Specht, David Stansbury, Bob Statman, Al Stevens, Darryl Stirling, Jim Stollar, William P. Stone, William M. Strong, James W. Swafford, Marc S Swain, Allen Swartz, Jeff Sweet, Bill Synan, David J. Tanner, Robert W. Tanner, Stacey L. Thompson, David E. Thompson,

Patricia A. Tibolla, Frank Trzceinski, Francis Vanderford, John Vandever, Wayne G. Vasica, Frank P. Veigel, Jon Verderose, William Vogel, Don K. Wadleigh, William F. Walker, Wayne D. Walsh, Richard K. Walters, Robert H. Ward, David Wegmann, Curt S. Westgate,

Whitney (Earle) Whaley, Mel Whitlock, Jim Widman,

Lawrence R. Wiener, Dr. Irwin Wilder, Richard Wilkinson, H. Dale Williams, John W.O. Williams, Robert E. Willis, Herbert Willis, Jimmy R. Winger, Clayton E. Zeitz, Stan Zielsdorf, Bernie US COAST GUARD

Barnes, David B. Barnes, Michael E. Bengtson, Allen Borchert, Ray Bunse, Mike Collier, Sandra Elliott, John S. Foy, Denis J. Hennefer, Steven D Hutchins, Calvin C Kelso, Jim J. Kuhn, Ted J. Lockner, Ed Onstad, Skip Parker, Bill Powell, James R. Schafer, Robert


Ballard, Bob Colville, Glen H. Hutt, Wayne J. Roepke, Henry Seiter, Charles


Gunderson, Susan J.


Abate, Sam Abrams, Duncan Aiken, Bob Anderson, Myron "Bud" Anderson, Russell C. Ardito, Tony Armenti, Dominick Ash, Donald Axelrod, Phil Baker,

Bruce T. ("B.T.") Baker, Edward Baldridge, Mike Banner, Scott Banton, Mark J. Barbour, Joseph P. Bemiss, Don Berg, Ronald V. Bernauer, Bernard Bessler, Michael B. Bigler, Thomas Binette, John R. Blick, Kenneth W. Block, Marvin Bluml, Lynn F. Boche, Robert Bolles Jr., George Bolles, Joan Bopp, Alex Borchert, Karen Borden, Richard C. Bradford, David M. Bradley IV, Joseph J. Brandom, Steve Brandt, John O. Brenner, Mark Brown, Dennis D. Brown, Ron Brunsvold, Dan Bunse, Mike Burrell, Roger Calvert, Jerry Cama, R. Seven Camarigg,

Don "Cam" Campbell, Roy Carlson, Gary Carpenter Jr.,

Norris R. Carpenter, Ruth Carter, Michael L. Chargin, Kenneth J. Chavez, John Clark, Jim Cohn, Cal Cordeiro, Tom Counihan, James J. Couser, Robert J. Currie, Drew Dadd, Al Davis, Ronald (Ron) Denton, William H. Diekmann, Bob Dietrich, Manford Dillon, F Patrick Dionne, Richard Dirksen, Lawrence Donlan, Michael Ehrlich, Donald L. Eissing, Frank Ellingson, Kenneth I. Ellsworth, Earl England, Liz Field, Mark Ivan Fink, Bill Fisher, Charles E. Flanagan, Rich Fordney,

Donald (Don) French, Paul F. Gabehart, Tom Gardella, Jay Giel, Michael Gipp, Clifton Gossard, Raleigh Earl Groh, Jake Hall, Wayne I. Halvorson, Randy Hansen, Richard L. Hanson, Harl Hartman, Thomas J. Hartman, Tom Harvey, Tom E. Haskel, Luana Hayes, Tom C. Hessler, Paul Hetzer, Mark Hill, Gary C. Hodges, Sam Holden, Jim Homewood,

William C. Hug, Michael Hunter, William A. Hutchinson, William Ingebritson, Roger Innecken, Ron Insler, Stuart R. Jack, Robert W. Johnson, Robert Johnson, Robert D.

Jones, David Juhl, Ronald E. Keeffe, William F. Kelleher, John M. Kolstad, Joe Kugler, Lloyd Kumke, John Lagerwey, John R. Lamb, Thomas Lambert,

Raymond A. Laskowski, John (Seabees) Lebsack, Will D. Liedel, Albert J. Lindner, Howard L. Lobsenz, Herbert Loewith, H. Howard Lucas, David E. Ludolph, Ron Madison, Donald L. Madvig, Michael J. Magno, Dante Magno, Marianna Martin, Tom Materie, Mike Mathews, Steven J. McCaskill, John P. McDonald, Michael McGill, Jack McHenry, Bill McVey, Thomas Miller, Myles P. Miller, William Minnick, Kristine Minnick, Thomas Minnix, Daniel D. Monte, Gene Lee Montgomery, Dan Montoya, LeRoy N. Moran, Jim C. Muller, John D Murphy, Rosemary Myer, Al Nash, Claudetta D. Nash, Ronald Nelson, Daniel L. Nielsen, Alan E. Sr. Nyman, Terry Olsen, Karen Olson, John Olson, Robert C. Olson, Robert L. Overson, Larry Pahlke, Don Pannecouk, Gary Panther, Don G. Parkins, Jack M. Pearlstein,

Lawrence D. Pearson, Ronald C. Pegler, Dale Perlis, Seymour Phillips, Thomas A. Pitner, Lee Platts, Donald E. Plowman, Herschel Pomrenke, Walter W. Pond, Bill Prien, Dave Ranzinger, William Rautenkranz,

Arden D. Reck, Melvin Reynolds, Chuck Ribaudo, Frank Riley, Richard E. Ritchey, Vic Roberts, Mike Roberts, Mike G. Roskens, Tom L. Rumsey, Jim Rutherford, David A. Rynn, Brian K. Salzwedel, Walter Sawatzki, Larry Schenck, Gary A. Schlogel, Raymond P. Schmidt, Don L. Schnauffer,

Patrick M. Schnyders, Don Schreiber, Gerald A. Schroeder, Dale A. Schwartz, Bill Schwartz, Steven R. Scott, Anne Sexton, James H. Shackelford, Clyde Shanahan, Patrick Skinner, Steven L. Smith, Bill Smith, Larry W. Smith, Lloyd L. Smith,

Thomas M., Sr. Solin, John Spencer, Bob Stackpole, Arthur Stenzel, Fred K. Storck, Theodore Strachan, John L. Stenzel, Fred K. Stretz, Robert C. Sugzda, Diane E. Suhr, Bob Talbot, Richard B. Tedell, John Troy, Peter Truttman, John Turley, Shelley Umbarger, Richard L. Valley, Bruce E. Vaughters, Jon Vivian, John Vogt, Alan Walker, James J. Wallace, James A. Walton, Pete Ward, Al L. Watts, Patrick R. Weakland, Len A. Weber, Robert Westhoff, Dennis A. Wilkins, Ray G. Williams, George

O., Jr. Williams, Juvann Willis, David Wilson, Larry D. Wynn, Larry Zentner, Darryl D.


Griffin, Ronald USMC

Abate, Anthony J. Ahrens, Fred E. Allison, Jim Ash, Donald Asher, Hal Ballantine,

Carlyle M. (Jack) Beazie, Richard Bender, Dennis Bennett, Douglas Bisson, Edward E. Biundo, Jim Braun, James L. Bray, Bob Brown, Coy M. Brown, Larry R Brown, William F. Bryant, Charles E. Burke, Thomas F. Butler, Mike Butts, Ron Cable, Steve Caddick, Thomas A. Callies, Curt Caulfield, Denis R. Coltom, Ron Cross, John Cuyler, Marvin De Angelis, Al Diekman, Jim Diener, Delbert Dotson, Dave S. Duffy, Tim Edwards, Allen Eisenhut, James F. Esch, Robert Fasano, James Faso, Salvatore P. Finan, John Fournier, Ernie E. Fouts, Gordon Gaver, Jim Grady, Michael C. Greene, Kenneth A. Grimes, Robert Grosvenor, Forrest Haberkorn, Ronald Harrigan, John P. Hirschfeld, David Huber, John "Jack" Hughes, Therlon Indig, Jack Jaskowick, Dick Jessen, Mark H. Johnson, Art Julianelle, Ralph Kellerman, Dale Kirk, Leo Koenig, Roger Kreis, Clair (Rocky) Kreis, Virginia (Ginger) Kubiszyn, Jerry Kurtz, Emmet Lambert, Richard L. Langhals, Tom Love, Don McGeever, John E. McInerney, Ken McLaughlin,

Ronald P. McPherson, Harry J. Mead, Arlin Melchionda, Ron Meng, John A. Merring, Richard Miglino, Michael J. Monge, Henry (Skip) Nakagawa, Morio W. Nancarrow, John R. Nemetz, Mike Neuber, Rick Overmire, Milton C. Patterson, Greg Perry, Herb Petras, John (Ed) Politi, Salvatore F. Porter, Donald Pricer, Keith M. Pruisner, Sonja D. Purtee, Bob Radkiewicz, Ted Ratajczak. Arlin Reber, Joseph M. Reph, Kenneth L Richter, John Rios, J.D. Roccanova, Rocky Rodosta, Anthony J. Sather, Jerry Schatz, Ken Schwab, Jack Sciabica, Sib Sefic, Ed Sicilia, Terry J. Smith, Don Smith, James T. Smith, Larry Smith, Richard Squires, T. Wayne Stanley, Allan F. Steele, John R. Stillwell, Dick Stoffel, Gary Strop, Jack B. Struck, Steven G. Swafford, Dan Thompson, Rod Trovato, Thomas N. Urbahns, Franklin A. Velasquez, Dan G. Walker, David R. Weidner, Dick J. Werner, Claude B. Whipple, William Williams, George E. Yokubison, Michael Yuma, Margaret


Bona, Adam Fischer, Raymond P Glanzer, Roger Lyes, William G. Mercil, Wayne D. Olson, Dwight R. Raymond, LeRoy A. Schaeffer, Tom Spranger, William E.


Aronovitch, Avery A. Blainey, Robert


Jakobsen, Ove K.


Corns, Kenneth Lundin, Norman Wilcox, Sara



We're proud to present this fantastic concert line up for YOU!! You won't want to miss out. $25 PER PERSON PER SHOW. LIMIT 6 TICKETS PER PERSON Tickets go on sale at 8am, residents only Tuesday, November 1 at the Activities Desk (Mon.-Fri., 8am-4pm) Wednesday, November 2 online at suncitygrand.com











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