Shannon and her family at Grand Pacific Palisades Resort & Hotel
Giving the Gift
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month every October, Grand Pacific Resorts encourages Owners to donate their week to a breast cancer survivor through our GPX Revive & Thrive Program ( together with Send Me On Vacation (, a non-profit organization dedicated to gifting vacations to cancer survivors. Thanks to our partnerships and incredibly charitable Owners, we’ve been able to provide much-needed R&R to more than 50 women so far. For each donated week, we help cover additional costs like transportation, meals, plus anything else the survivor may need in order to enjoy a completely carefree vacation. If you’d like to get involved with this cause, you can do so by donating your week through GPX Revive & Thrive (https:// or by making a direct donation to Send Me On Vacation ( #sthash.yEPG8196.dpbs). We are so touched by your immense generosity and look forward to sending many more survivors on a well-deserved vacation.
we sent our vacation recipient and her family on a week-long stay at Grand Pacific Palisades in Carlsbad, California where she described experiencing deep restoration and a sense of renewed peace.
Read more about her journey
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