Headlines December 2011

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Headlines Head Boy and Head Girl Elections Congratulations to Barnaby Byrom and Hollie Bousefield on being elected to the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl. They have made an impressive start, attending the Awards Evening and delivering the opening address to the class of 2011 and their families. They have also chosen to support Halton Haven as their charity and have organised a contingent of Grange Santas to take part in the 5Km Santa Dash on Sunday 11th December 2011.

Alfie has very generously set up an award in his name for outstanding contribution of the community. The very first recipient of this award was Nathaniel Capes. Listed below are the award winners; congratulations and good luck to them and all of the record breaking class of 2011!

Mr Carney presenting the Knowelden Award to Alex Cross.

Cllr and Mrs Swain with our Head Boy and Head Girl.

Nathaniel Capes receiving the Alfie Neild Award for contribution to the community from Mr Neild himself.

Awards Evening

The class of 2011 returned to receive their certificates and enjoy a reunion with friends and staff. It was a great delight to see them all again and chat over old times and discover what they are doing now. Amongst our guests were Councillor John Swain and Mrs Swain, Councillor Stef Nelson, the very first Head Boy of the Grange, Mr Alfie Neild and recently retired, former Assistant Headteacher Mr George Elsby.

Mr Talbot presenting the Head of Year Award to Georgina Smith.

Mr Stanley presenting the Head of School Award to Savannagh Maguire.

December 2011 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

Headlines School Forum

Public Speaking Competition

Each half term I meet with parents and carers who, together with Mr Beard, one of my Assistant Headteachers, form the Grange School Forum. We discuss issues of interest and concern, canvas views and opinion and listen to details of new initiatives.

On Tuesday 15th at Riverside College in Widnes I attended the Halton public speaking competition. I was impressed by the quality of our two competitors, Lilly Gaynor and Richie Redmond whose witty, satirical talks were entitled “To Queue Or Not To Queue” and “Much Ado About Nothing (to talk about)”. I was very proud of them. I know from first-hand experience how daunting it can be to speak in public, especially when up on stage with the spotlights literally shining in your face. Whilst neither took first place, which confounded me because I thought they were brilliant, they both delivered accomplished performances. Well-done Lilly and Richie and to Miss Bate who coached them so expertly!

At our last meeting three of our Y10 Anti Bullying Ambassadors, supported by another Assistant Headteacher, Mr Gill gave a presentation explaining their role in school, what they had already done in school and what they plan to do in the future. Should you wish to become a member of our School Forum, please contact Mr Beard.

Building Update

In addition to the latest photograph below showing progress to date, you might like take time to visit our website at www.thegrange.com to see a fly-through, artist’s impression of how our new school will look when it is completed. Whilst some details may change, you get a pretty good idea how it will look both inside and outside.

Security of Pupils’ Property Often, the start of the new term in January brings with it lots of new and expensive bikes, mobile phones, IPods and the like. Whilst we make every effort to provide a secure environment, please note that responsibility remains with the pupil should they decide to bring such items of personal property into school.

December 2011 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

Headlines Bright Sparks Mrs Rutter and Mr Burton organised and ran an event on Saturday 26th November, to which the most able Grange pupils from years 5, 6 and 7 were invited. On the day 60 pupils arrived to enrich their skill, knowledge and understanding of music, ICT, French and History. Mrs Foster, Mrs Harries, Mr Milne, Miss O’Loughlin and Miss Yan provided the expert tuition ably supported by Mrs Jackson, Mrs Coleman and Mrs Wainwright from the junior school. Also in attendance were some of our brightest Y10 and Y11 pupils who helped out and guided the younger pupils through the various activities. Thanks to Emily Dowling, Chloe Furnival, Lily Gaynor, Anthony Goble, Georgia Leatherland, Jack McAdam, Reece Moore, Alisha Nutall, Shannon O’Reilly, Aaron Owen, Natasha Preston, Ritchie Redmond, Patrick Swift, Sarah-Jane Thompson Mayers, Anna Timms, Bethany White and to our Head Boy, Barnaby Byrom and Head Girl, Hollie Bousfield for giving up their Saturday morning to help out.

House Tug of War We have been planning to hold a tug-of-war competition for over a year and finally, on Children in Need day we held the inaugural event. Teams from the building site, teaching staff and kitchen staff competed fiercely in a gruelling competition that saw several team members being pulled, prostrate across the gym floor! It was decided then, that a pupil, inter-house competition should be held soon after; and so on Friday 2nd December, four teams assembled and tugged their hearts out. The mighty Bridgewater team won the completion easily, remaining undefeated throughout. In second place were Castle followed by Brindley and then Priory.

I am pleased that such was the success of the day that we are already planning to hold similar events after the holiday. It is a priority of the school to push our brightest, most able and talented youngsters to achieve the highest.

Uniform and Appearance Again I am pleased with the standard of uniform worn by pupils and their general appearance. Thank you for your support in these matters and I ask you to continue to do so when we return to school in January after the Christmas break.

December 2011 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

Headlines Farewell Sadly we are saying farewell to Mrs McGregor who, after 11 years, is moving with her family to pastures new. I asked Mrs McGregor to say a few words: “A huge thank you to all staff, pupils and parents for your kind comments and good wishes. I will really miss working with you all. The Grange has been such a huge part of my life and I have made some lifelong friends. I have got married and had both of my children during my 11 years here, (my fabulous Year 11s were only 4 & 5 years old when I started). I wish you all the best for the future especially Year 11. Mrs Thomson and I are extremely proud of each and every one of you and I know with determination and a lot of hard work you will achieve the success you deserve. Make sure you save me a seat at the Prom as I am looking forward to celebrating with you!!!!” Mrs McBride also leaves us for a short while as she prepares for the arrival of her first child. We wish her lots of luck and look forward to her returning later on in the school year.

End of Term Festivities

The Grange traditional Christmas lunch will be served on Thursday 15th December 2011. The following day is the final day of the term and as in previous years school will close a little earlier. Each year group will be dismissed at the following times; 12.30pm for Year 11 12.35pm for Year 10 12.40pm for Year 9 12.45pm for Year 8 12.50pm for Year 7. On the final day we plan to inject a little more festive fun as pupils and staff enter in the spirit of things with an Inter House Fancy Dress Competition. The school council are judging the staff competition and the winners will be announced by Head Boy and Head Girl, Barnaby Byrom and Hollie Bousefield. The winners of the pupils’ competition will be awarded points for their houses and certificates and prizes for themselves. The autumn term always seems to be the longest and most exhausting of the year and so it is quite fitting that we have the Christmas festivities to look forward to at the end. Thank you for your support this term. School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday 4th January 2012 at 8.30am Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Our festive celebrations kicked off with the Music Evening on Thursday 8th December; and on Tuesday 15th December the choir along with Mrs Foster will be visiting Simonsfield Residential Home for Carols around the Christmas tree. The following day the residents form Simonsfield are visiting school in the afternoon for a tea party organised by Mrs Westwood and Y10 ASDAN students. December 2011 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

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