Headlines January 2012

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Headlines Maths Results

New Building

Congratulations to Y11 pupils who were entered early for their maths GCSE.

The façade of what was once the Grange CLC has been stripped away to reveal the framework around which the main reception of our new building will be constructed. Progress is good and we are on track for the much anticipated opening in April 2013.

Mrs Bentham is delighted that the hard work of the pupils who took their GCSE maths exam in November has been rewarded with success. Seventy seven pupils achieved a grade A* to C with approximately 40% achieving an A*, A grade or 4 levels of progress exceeding their targets.

If you visit our website you can view a movie of what our building will look like.

Congratulations and well done to: Patrick Brady, Anthony Delahunty, Denica Durr, Nathan Edwards, Craig Goulder, Robyn Grey, Michael Hazlehurst, Stan Houghton, Miramar Jackson, Lewis Jones, Natalia Kasprzyk, Hannah Kenna, Mathew Rider, Jordan Lloyd, Macauley Lyon, Jordan maddock, callum Moore, Sian Murray, George Newby, Matthew O’Carroll, Gemma Rees, Crisjon Roberts, Alisa Robinson, Jamie Weeder, Katie Whitmarsh and Georgia Wright. A special mention to our Head Boy, Barnaby Byrom, who achieved an outstanding 5 levels of progress in securing an A*.

Sports Relief The Grange is preparing for another huge fundraising event to support Sport Relief on Friday 23rd March 2013. Planning is underway to make it a huge success and whet the appetite for the London 2012 Olympics. I can’t disclose our top secret plans just yet, but I can assure you it will be a fun packed week of activities leading up to the day itself.

January 2012 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

Headlines Singing Success Last week we received a set of excellent results from ten of our pupils who passed their vocal exams, certificated by the London College of Music. The examinations took place at the Capstone Theatre, Liverpool Hope University. The 10 pupils were from both Key Stages, three of whom achieved the highest possible grade of a Distinction. The pupils are coached weekly by our Vocal Specialist, Miss Kate Smith and they have been studying various genres of vocal music, including Musical Theatre and Contemporary Singing to achieve these wonderful results. The outstanding pupils involved were: Reece Moore, Bethany White, Sarah-Jane ThompsonMayers, Shannon O’Reilly, Lily Gaynor, Alisha Nuttall, Natasha Preston, Anthony Goble, Aaron Owen and Patrick Swift.

Congratulations to the pupils and to Miss Smith and not forgetting Mrs Foster and Mrs Healey our resident music teachers. And finally, thank you to parents and carers who organised the transport to and from the venue.

Flying Fabia High flying science teacher, Mr Fabia, is raising money for Halton Carers Centre by jumping out of an aeroplane. Asked if he was a little nervous about this perilous activity he replied “If my parachute doesn’t open I know I can count on the pupils of the Grange to catch me!” If you would like to find out more about the valuable work that Halton Carers Centre does you can go to their website at www.haltoncarers.co.uk.

Vivo Miles Congratulations to the following pupils who are the top 10 Vivo earners since September. Sophie Sloan Thomas Furey Jordan Danks Jack Baines Joel Graham Anthony Carter Samantha Caine Jack Brown Megan Hughes Jaydn Dunbebin


184 180 171 169 164 163 162 160 160 159

January 2012 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

Headlines Attendance and Punctuality What counts as good attendance? The national average for attendance at secondary school is 93.1%. Halton average for attendance at secondary school is 93.7%. Currently our attendance is 94.5%. We expect all our pupils to aspire to an attendance of at least 95%. A pupil who achieves only 90% attendance misses almost 4 weeks of school every year. That’s over 120 lessons missed!

175 non school days per year to spend on family time, visits, holidays, shopping, household jobs and other appointments

13 days absence

19 days absence 190 school days in each year

29 days absence 177 days of education

171 days of education

38 days absence 161 days of education









Best chance of successful learning

Less chance of successful learning

152 days of education

47 days absence 143 days of education



Serious concern Little chance of successful learning

January 2012 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

Headlines Attendance and Punctuality Why is punctuality important? Being late adds up to loss of learning. If your child is 5 minutes late every day that adds up to over 3 days lost each year!

Minutes late = days lost 20

Number of days lost

18 16 14

12 10 8 6 4 2 0






Number of minutes late Parents and carers can download a useful booklet on attendance and punctuality from our website.

January 2012 Issue The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney

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