Headlines July 2013

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House Roundup The day consisted of a variety of sporting activities on the wonderful i-pitch This year has been an exciting one for all of the House Leaders. The including a host of athletics events, penalty taking and of course the egg Grange House system has been bigger and better than ever before with and spoon and space hopper sprints! Inside the stadium itself, the gym was each department running its own House competition and the emphasis given over to a marathon cardioquest activity. being taken away from just sports and physical activities. The wider range The sports hall hosted indoor archery and 16 and variety of activities has meant that more and more of the students and table tennis tables with around 70 students staff have been able to take part and show off their strengths, as well as competing at any time. All-inclusive events helping out in the competitions no matter where their interests lie. A huge such as New Age Kurling and Botcha were thanks must go to all of those students who have risen to the challenge and presented in the glamorous surroundings of taken part in any of the competitions and thanks to all the staff who have the Bridge and Karalius Suites. put on activities that have ranged from the more traditional sports to chess tournament and quizzes. Meanwhile the executive boxes in the stadium were filled with students listening to fantastic inspirational speeches from Halton Disability Highlights of the year include the Year 11 Netball Tournament which was Partnership's Mark Eccleston and Mike Pilling and Liverpool Ladies organised by our 2012-13 Head Girl, Amy Pinkney. This was a storming Football Star Natasha Dowie who had flown in from Dubai the previous success and Mr Milne and Miss Crozier seemed to have had more fun than evening. at any other point during the last three years. We stepped into the 21st Century as we did away with the old cardboard boxes for the LogoBlock The Mayor, Council Members, Stadium staff, parents, Faculty staff and and replaced them with touch screen technology and Gettin’ Jig-E With it. students all commented on how thrilled they had been to be involved in such a magnificent event. After a close competition with results shifting the The biggest event of the year, and perhaps in the lead throughout the day, Castle came out victorious after an amazing school’s history, was the Select Sports performance in the relay races. Spectacular. The entire teaching faculty and student body of The Grange School were transported to the Select Stadium to take part in the largest whole school Competitive House event ever staged. The stadium opened it’s doors and provided the complete facility for the school.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

The table of events won by each house so far is as follows:

Bridgewater Successes: - Year 6 Kurling - Year 11 5-a-side - Game Show Marathon - Humanities Quiz - Logo Block - Getting’ Jig-e With it

Brindley Successes: - Year 6 Penalty shootout - House Countdown - Science Quiz - Mario Kart - Logo Block - Chess - Cookie Decorating

Castle Successes: - Kendo - Swimming Gala (Joint Winners) - Logo Block - Music Event - Select Sports Spectacular

Priory Successes: - Wii Bowling - Bop it - Swimming Gala (Joint Winners) - Music Event - Netball

With everything to play for, all students will be involved in the last day’s activities, so watch this space.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

Enterprise Day Our Year 10 students showed themselves to be budding entrepreneurs in a very successful Enterprise day held in school on 27th June. After an introduction in the hall, they divided into groups for form business to design and make prototypes of products which would encourage young children to eat healthy food. The market research was done at break with our own students, and they then had to create the publicity, decide on pricing and pitch their product to a teacher and a volunteer from industry - a mixture of The Apprentice and Dragons’ Den! After much discussion and negotiation the businesses decided on their products which ranged from Super Smoothies served in special containers to appeal to young children, to a playground which gave out fruit as a reward for completing the activities and plates which had a secret compartment with a small toy as a reward for healthy eating. Competition to be the winning business was fierce and there were prizes for the best teams plus the best innovators, team leaders and team members. Our students took on the challenge with enthusiasm and showed themselves to be excellent communicators and negotiators as the teams worked together to find solutions and develop their ideas. The enterprise skills they displayed on the day will stand them in a good stead when they leave us for the workplace or college.

New School Uniform Uniform plays an important role in setting standards and creating a positive and professional impression. It is also a key factor in establishing a sense of community and identity with school. I am a keen advocate of school uniform and I expect all pupils to comply and for parents/carers to support me and my staff by ensuring their children come to school in the correct uniform. The uniform is straightforward and so it is always very disappointing when a few parents/carers each year do not co-operate fully and buy items of clothing that do not meet the requirements. In particular this applies to shoes.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

Uniform List: Boys School Uniform is: - White shirt (stiff collar) - House Tie (clip on) - School Blazer (grey with badge) - School Jumper (black with school name) which is optional - Black Trousers (must be plain, not denims, jeans or cords) - Black shoes (plain, leather and polished) - Black socks

Girls School Uniform is: - White shirt (stiff collar) - House Tie (clip on) - School Blazer (grey with badge) - School Jumper (black with school name) which is optional - Black skirt/trousers/pinafore dress - Black shoes (plain, leather and polished) - Black socks

The Uniform for Physical Education is: - A navy, red and white round neck T-shirt - Navy blue shorts - Navy blue socks These items can be purchased exclusively through the school - Trainers, but not canvas type shoes (e.g converse)

Appearance Students must also attend school with a sensible hairstyle, which is not extreme or which includes unnatural, bright colouring or outrageous hair patterns. Jewellery is not allowed with the exception of a watch and one plain, small stud earring in each ear; no other jewellery or piercings are allowed. Hair bands if worn, must be simple and plain.

Blazers, sweaters, ties and P.E kits are available from the school shop throughout the summer holidays Shirts, trousers and skirts are purchased elsewhere but I would urge parents/carers to buy functional and cost effective items rather than expensive brands that usually only last as long as a non-branded product. For the new Year 7 students starting in September 2013, the uniform can be purchased at cost but for older students who are currently in school, the cost of the replacement blazer, tie and sweater will be free of charge. Please make sure you take along your certificate which was included with a previous letter, which entitles you to the free uniform. School will be open for uniform purchases every working day (except Bank Holiday) between 10:00am—2:00pm. Please ensure that you clearly label uniform and P.E kits.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

June 2013 Issue

Cronton Visit

Sports Leaders lend a helping hand

As our Year 10 have become Year 11, their focus is increasingly on their next steps after The Grange. At the beginning of June, we took the entire Year Group over to Cronton College for a ‘College Taster Day.’

Recently, five of our Sports Leaders were asked to help Mr Bradshaw and other staff at Halton Lodge Primary School organise and run their Sports Day. Mr Bradshaw wrote to me and praised Callum Watts, Louis Young, Owen Crothers, Chloe Gresty and Louise Graven for their contribution saying that “...they were brilliant! Polite, hardworking and have a go.”

Students were able to experience a number of different subjects with particular highlights including photography, wheelchair basketball, motor mechanics, animal management and media make up. The event was a Such was their contribution that Mr Amesbury, Head Teacher at Halton huge success and students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity, as you can Lodge also passed comment: clearly see in the photographs. “I thought I would just thank you for sending five helpers to our Sports Day. There will be further opportunities available to students and parents to The young adults you sent behaved impeccably all day and allowed the explore possible ‘next steps’ in their education with our ‘Passport to The events to run smoothly. At a time when pupils are often castigated for their Future’ event coming up in the new academic year. behaviour, your pupils bucked the trend! They were polite, courteous, wellmannered and willing to do any activities asked of them. I really cannot commend them highly enough. I have thanked them, but can you also pass on my thanks to all at The Grange who are obviously doing a fantastic job in producing such fine individuals.” Well done to all and a big thank you to Halton Lodge for their comments and for providing our young Sports Leaders with the opportunity which they so obviously enjoyed and gained useful experience.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

Grange School commended for rapidly improved GCSE results We recently received national recognition from SSAT (The Schools Network) for achieving some of the fastest improving GCSE result nationally. They said: “Successful schools like The Grange understand the value of data in helping to ensure all young people perform to the very best of their ability.”

We are one of the top 20% of schools nationally for improving our GCSE results year-on-year from 2009 to 2012 by at least 17 percentage points overall. SSAT - the representative body for schools, ranked schools according to how much progress they made during this period. The award is only made to schools that have shown continuous improvement over that time. An impressive fact not recorded by this award is that since 2006, GCSE results have improved year-onyear by a staggering 31%. I believe that shows consistency and sustained improvement that bodes well for our future. Very few schools nationally could boast better and in Halton we stand alone in being able to make such an impressive claim. Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT said:

Parents and carers can give their views of our school any time of the school year and at the time of a school inspection using an online questionnaire called Parent View. When our school is notified of it’s next Ofsted inspection, parents will be invited to give their views about the school to inspectors using the Parent View online facility, as this has replaced Ofsted’s paper questionnaire. Please make sure we have your most up-to-date contact details. Please register with an e-mail address and a password at http:// parentview.ofsted.gov.uk Once your login has been activated, it only takes a few minutes to complete answers to 12 short questions about aspects such as bullying, the quality of teaching, level of homework etc.

Your views are important in helping inspectors make a decision about our school, and to help us know what is going well and what could be “The Grange School should be congratulated for their stunning achievement… it improved. If you do not have a computer or an e-mail address or if you has proved to be one of the best schools in the country at improving GCSE outcomes for their students. There is plenty that other schools could learn from The would like help to use Parent View, please come into school and ask at Grange’s success. These results are testament to the commitment and hard work of reception. the students, teachers and leadership team at The Grange and a vindication of their belief in high expectations, good teaching and ambition for every young person.”

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

Induction Days On the 1st and 2nd July we greeted our new Year 7 students as they arrived at school for their Induction Days. The two days were packed full of learning, fun and gave a taster of new and exciting times ahead. The first day started with an assembly, during which I welcomed them to their new school as “Year 7”. The youngsters were then introduced to their Progress Tutors by Mrs Foster. We were fortunate enough to have some former students return to us and help the newcomers around school and in their lessons. During the two days the soon to be Grange students took part in numerous lessons getting a taste of what life will be like in Year 7 in September 2013. Lessons pupils participated in included: English, Maths, Science, Modern Foreign Languages, P.E, Design or Food Technology, House Activities and The Mayor’s Award.

In their initial assembly Mrs Foster gave them a challenge of making five new friends by the end of the day, and in the assembly at the end of the school day, ALL students informed Mrs Foster that they had done this. An extremely successful induction evening was had, where parents came for a tour of the school which they were all impressed with and even had some parents asking if they could come back to school! Following an address from myself and Mrs Foster, the parents and carers then had the opportunity to meet their child’s Progress Tutor. The second day involved more learning and also a House Activity. Each form was told which House they were going to be in and then the competition which was New Age Kurling, began. I have never met such an enthusiastic year group and the competitive spirit between them all was unbelievable. The team spirit between them was equally fantastic and the support they were giving each other was lovely to see. It was a close call but in the end there can only be one winner and that was Priory House.

The Mayor’s Award is being delivered for the first time in Halton by Catch 22 and is being piloted in September in The Grange School. The Mayor’s Award is similar to The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award but for students in KS3. The day finished with an extremely positive assembly where all the Over the two days, all of the students took part in practical activities, students agreed that they had had a brilliant time and couldn’t wait to join making bicycles out of newspapers and other more physical activities. Our us in September. thanks go to Barry Selby and Dave and Luke Achilles from Catch 22 for providing the activities. Barry commented about how good the students were and said: “We thought the sessions went very well and we collected 87 feedback cards from the young people saying they would like to be involved in the Award in September. That’s a fantastic response and we look forward to delivering the Mayor’s Award to these young people in conjunction with The Grange School in September”.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

Summer Showcase ‘Shows Off’ the talent of Grange students On Wednesday 10th July, a packed auditorium of almost 200 parents, family and friends attended the inaugural show in our new building and It was not just the facilities that were fantastic, the students of The Grange were too; in fact, they outshone the impressive accommodation!

their exploration of the GCSE examination test. Along with the performances, the audience was treated to a Summer Style inspired Buffet including Pimm’s for the adults, which was prepared by Mrs Knight’s GCSE Catering classes. There were finger sandwiches, quiches, sausage rolls, olives, Eaton Mess, fruit tartlets and even profiteroles. No surprise then, that Mr Washbrook spent a lot of time greeting parents around the buffet table!

The Summer Showcase brought together over 100 students from across The Grange School to present performances of music, gymnastics, dance and drama. What was even more special was that youngsters from the Junior School had been working closely with students from the Secondary School since June on a selection of pieces. All of the rehearsals took place in the various ‘extra-curricular’ clubs during the six weeks leading up to the Showcase Evening.

As we saw, all of those involved worked incredibly hard to get the performances to the exceptional standard on the night. It certainly bodes well for the months and years ahead, Mr Washbrook, who produced the show and deserves a special mention for his efforts in putting the whole event together, said: The wide variety of items on the night included solo recitals and choir pieces, to the rock band’s own composition, not to mention the KS2 Violin group who performed over five extracts of music. There was a Pirate Dance including Year 5 and Year 6 which had been choreographed by the Year 10 GCSE Dance class, Hip-Hop and Gymnastics routines. Finally, there were performances of Drama from the GCSE classes demonstrating

“On behalf of the PE and Creative Arts Faculty, I would like to thank the students, staff and guests in making the evening so memorable. If you did not get to see this year’s Summer Showcase, make sure you do not miss out on the next performance at The Grange.”

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

Also leaving at the end of term are the following staff: Thank You and Goodbye Each year we say goodbye to a number of staff as they move to pastures new. To each of them I extend good wishes for the future and sincere thanks for their contribution to The Grange. Mr Spracklen started teaching at The Grange in in 1978, whilst Mr Tust joined him in 1980. Both have taught Science throughout their time although Mr Tust has for some years now, proven to be equally at home in a Design & Technology workshop as he is in a Science laboratory. Mr Spracklen has demonstrated his versatility too, as for several years, he has been responsible for the school’s LSU. Both Messrs Spracklen and Tust have decided to hang up their lab coats for the last time and I wish them both well in their retirement and express my gratitude for their dedicated service to The Grange over many years.

Mr Higgins joined us in 2001 and quickly made his mark and became a Progress Tutor. He has secured a promotion to Assistant Head Teacher at the Bluecoat School in Oldham.

After nine years of service to the school, Mrs Hudson leaves to join the staff at Lymm High School as Examinations Officer. Mr Washbrook who was appointed to the staff at The Grange in 2007, is casting his net further afield as he flies off to become Head of Drama at Al Yasmina International School in Abu Dhabi. Mrs Hughes has gained promotion after four years of learning the craft of the classroom at The Grange. She is joining the staff at Bridgewater High School as second in the Maths Department. Miss Quigley joined the staff in 2011 as a newly qualified teacher and is now returning home to Ireland to spend time with her family before travelling to South America to use her skills and knowledge as a Spanish teacher teaching English to the Spanish speaking locals.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

Autumn Term 2013 The new term begins for all students on Wednesday 4th September 2013. Year 7 start at 8:30am and Year 8 - 11 will start at 10:45am. And finally‌ Term dates 2013 - 14 Return Finish Wednesday 4th September 2013 Friday 18th October 2013 Half term break Monday 28th October 2013 Friday 19th December 2013 Christmas break th Monday 6 January 2014 Friday 14th February 2014 Half term break Monday 24th February 2014 Friday 4th April 2014 Easter break Tuesday 22nd April Friday 23rd May 2014 Half term break nd Monday 2 June 2014 Friday 18th July 2014 Summer break

We have had a very successful year but without your support, achieving the standard we do would be so much more of a challenge. There is still more we can achieve and we are determined to continue making improvements to our school for the benefit of the young people who study here. There is a great deal of which we can be proud and I would like to thank parents and carers who have paid compliments to the hard work of students and staff throughout the year which gives great encouragement to us all. Thank you for your continued support and on behalf of the staff and Governors may I wish you a pleasant and enjoyable summer.

INSET days (staff only, closed to students) INSET day 1 Monday 2nd September 2013 INSET day 2 Tuesday 3rd September 2013 INSET day 3 Monday 21st July 2014 INSET day 4 Tuesday 22nd July 2014 INSET day 5 Wednesday 23rd July 2014 Bank Holiday (closed to staff and students) Monday 5th May 2014

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue

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