Grange Headlines November 2014

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Bushcraft This year we embarked on a new ‘adventure’ by organising the Year 7 residential trip to the woods with Bushcraft. The woods are a great place to start your adventures with the Bushcraft Company. Living in the wild, sleeping under canvas and cooking over open fires, this residential school trip took our students on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery. The woods residential included a wide range of activities, designed to enhance social and personal development, whilst having fun and learning new skills. From bushcraft, shelter-building and wilderness cookery, to archery, orienteering and roped tree-climbing, no two days were ever the same. Progress Leader and Bushcraft Tribe Leader, Mr Talbot picks up the story.

The Year 7 Bushcraft trip was a resounding success - despite our emergency evacuation on the Monday evening as the remnants of Hurricane Gonzalo threatened to flatten our tents! Hasty arrangements were made to get our students back out to camp on the Wednesday, with parents, staff and the Bushcraft company rallying round to ensure Year 7 did not miss out.

And what an experience they all enjoyed! The students literally threw themselves into all activities (as their muddy clothes so clearly evidenced!), as their tribe leaders led them through bushcraft skills such as, archery, knife craft, shelter building, first aid, fire building and map reading, to games including ‘Chicken in a Hen House’, ‘Splat’ and the mighty ‘Predator’. Tents were surprisingly comfortable and cosy and the food was five star (not sure about the fish eyes though!). Best of all was the spirit and attitude of our Year 7s, who were truly a credit to their families and the year team is a much stronger unit for the experience. Progress Tutor, Miss Simms seemed a little cautious as she explains... As I stepped off the coach wearing gleaming (and presumably unused) wellies, Miss Rowe observed that we were not exactly the most ‘outdoorsy’ of people. And she was right. The experience of trying to sleep with only a tent to protect me from the elements is one that I had only encountered once before in sweltering August. So the idea of repeating this experience towards the end of cold October had me shivering before I’d even got there. However, when the students piled excitedly into their roomy tents and spread out their multi-coloured roll mats and sleeping bags, the place soon began to feel much more homely and cosy.. So much so that I almost wanted to clamber in with them all! Almost!

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Jokes aside, the accommodation really was fantastic; it allowed students and staff to sleep fairly comfortably whilst still experiencing ‘proper’ camping. Despite this, it wasn’t an easy task getting students into their tents for bed as we had so much fun at night time. ‘Chase the Lantern’ was a nightly ritual that had students and staff alike hurtling through the darkness, desperate to be the first to reach the lantern without being caught. After wearing ourselves out with games such as this, we returned to camp to enjoy delicious, steaming hot chocolate and marshmallows around the inviting camp fire. This has to be one of my favourite memories, especially given that we were kept entertained by hilarious (and interactive) stories, as well as a parade of wacky onesies. Now that Bushcraft is over, I must admit that I share the feelings that the students have expressed-disappointment that it’s all over, pride at having tried new things and for throwing myself into being ‘outdoorsy’ for once. But most of all, excitement that the trip was such a resounding success that we will simply have to do something similar in the future. Slugs and snails and Bushcrafting tales! A culinary perspective from Mr Elliot.

For an outdoors camping trip, the food that was on offer was nothing less than gourmet! I myself was a bit sceptical when the kids began making their first meal of the day (succulent skewered lamb kebabs with peppers and cucumber!) on a DIY barbeque, but my word they were good! Absolute heaven they were, I may have had three or four… The students seemed to enjoy them too! They ravenously devoured the kebabs in seconds, it was a good job there was so much meat on offer. So many of the students had mucky faces where the juices from the meat had spilled down but no one seemed to care because they were so good!

We were supplied with a veritable feast of food every meal time from delicious spaghetti bolognaise to plump homemade hamburgers! At breakfast we were given a wide variety of choice! A true American breakfast with pancakes! Who doesn’t love pancakes!? However, the highlights for me were the handmade pizza and venison! Move over Nandos because you have nothing on these! The handmade pizza was especially made for us in a cement oven; we could even choose our own toppings! Needless to say, Mr Talbot and I got pretty much everything on there. It was delicious! A crispy stone baked base with just the right amount of melted cheese layered across the top, topped with pepperoni! What more could a person want! The piéce de résistance had to be the superb Venison. Slow cooked over an open flame for the entire day, we could barely keep our eyes (and fingers) off it. In fact I’m sure Mr Talbot was having a nibble during one activity. The sweet smell crept up the noses of every single one of us! We could hardly wait! Needless to say when tea time rolled around, there were clean plates all around. The venison really was worth waiting for, a mixture of spices and sauces they had poured over it during the day made for possibly one of the most tastetingling meals I have ever had! Seconds for me please!

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney. The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

July 2013 Issue



Mr ‘Ray Mears’ McLindon, on the other hand, writes about the art of bushcraft. Year 7 learnt essential survival skills whilst forging new friendships during their exciting “Bushcraft” trip. The experience included discovering many survival techniques, such as lighting fires and laying traps. Students also had a chance to try out first aid skills. For many students, the highlight of the trip was rescuing and tending to two stricken passengers who had survived an air crash- Miss Simms and Miss Rowe! And of course, there was time for fun in the woods, with the chase and stalk game “Predator” becoming everyone’s new favourite past time.

Owen O’Neil Bushcraft was an amazing trip, full of laughter, excitement and amazing food! My first impression of getting there was excited and very happy. When we got there we went to the parachute and the camp leaders told us some facts about the camp. At lunch we had kebabs with lamb, tomatoes, pepper and courgette. We played ‘Predator’!! It was awesome, even though I got out most of the time, and then we had burgers for tea. At night we played ‘Capture the Lantern’ in the dark. It was awesome!! Before we went to bed we had hot chocolate and marshmallows. Yum Yum! When I went to bed I fell asleep straight away! This was just one day of my Bushcraft adventure, but it was the best EVER! I hope we will have the opportunity to go again. Ashleigh Taylor My favourite part of Bushcraft was when Mr Talbot ate a fish eye! He started gagging and then swallowed it. It was so funny! Megan Grainger My favourite part of Bushcraft was all the riddles and puzzles they made us do! For example, the land of confusion and where you can take a train from and where to. In the land of confusion there are riddles, but no jokes. I can take a train from...erm… Liverpool to Manchester.

To get the real story however, I asked a few students to write about their experiences.

Jamie Cain-Hendry I enjoyed making the traps because it was extremely funny .and creative. Finding out the names of different sticks was amazing.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Ethan Edge

Daniel McHutchison

My highlights of Bushcraft are when we all attended shelter meetings. Another fantastic part of Bushcraft is when Chris funnily crashed an aeroplane with our very own Miss Rowe and Miss Simms inside right on the badger display. Hopefully none of them were squished! When we first saw them everyone prioritised on Chris even though he was the closest to death everyone went to him and forgot about Miss Rowe and Miss Simms even though they had a better chance of survival. Well, so I thought! What about you?

I really enjoyed Bushcraft. It was the best trip ever! Especially when we made our own lunch! We had to collect wood to start our fire. It was the yummiest lunch ever!

Another nice thing is how kind and caring the staff were. They would help you, make you laugh and teach you possibly life-saving skills, of which could help you save both friends and family members’ lives.

I really enjoyed it when we all played ‘Predator’. The teachers and people who worked there were really helpful and kind. I will never forget when we went to see the badgers, when it was actually a plane crash. Because we learned first-aid earlier that day we had to help Miss Simms, Miss Rowe and Chris who worked there. I really enjoyed Bushcraft and I want to go there every year! The people are really nice. I really enjoyed it on the bus because we all started singing songs.

Therefore, conclusively, Bushcraft was my favourite trip in school that I have ever been on!

p.s. The Plane crash wasn’t real!

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Younger students in the school will be able to show their creative side and enter into the poetry/ drawing competition. The winner of the event will have their work placed on the school’s plasma screens for all other students to see and will also win a prize! Students in year seven will also be able to participate in a quiz on Monday 17th November led by three year eight Ambassadors. Assemblies will also be delivered to year seven to highlight the During November each year, The Grange School participates in importance of this week in the school calendar. National Anti-Bullying Week. This year we are involving our students in a variety of activities to promote anti-bullying. The school’s Anti-Bullying Throughout the week, students will be Ambassadors have created a programme of different events within able to see the fantastic Local Authority the school to ensure that their fellow students embrace the ethos of video that was produced in the summer by some students from The Grange and the week. other local schools. The video was This year, six of the school Ambassadors have been selected to produced and also stars the students and represent the school at the National Training Event in Blackpool on is a discussion based drama production Wednesday 12th November to attend workshops led by celebrities surrounding different bullying scenarios. and network with other schools. More information regarding this event Finally all students will also be given the opportunity to contribute to will follow in future newsletters. a Compliment Wall in their form rooms. Students will be issued with pre-written compliment slips which they will then write another At school there will be daily cake sales during break one. All cakes will person’s positive attributes. This will result in all form rooms containing be made and sold by the school Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and will be positive comments/messages regarding their forms’ members! emblazoned with the blue icing (anti-bullying colour). All proceeds from the ‘positive cakes’ will be added to the school’s current fundraising towards Teenage Cancer Trust.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Open Week Following the overwhelming success of our Open Evening, we were delighted to welcome so many visitors through our doors during our recent Open Week. Old and new friends of the school took advantage of the opportunity to see the school in action! Some visitors toured the school to see the state of the art facilities, whilst others participated in lessons. A few also joined staff and students at break time and lunch. The feedback from the week was extremely positive. All visitors commented upon the calm atmosphere and were unanimously impressed by the behaviour of our students both in lessons and around school. If you were unable to visit us during Open Week but would like to arrange a convenient time to tour our school, then please contact the school office.

The new season of Schools Fantasy Football is well underway and League Chairman Mr Burton has been busy delivering the Manager of the Month Awards. Winning the House award for October was Castle’s tactical genius Callum Barker. The competition overall is fierce but it came as no surprise that I was ahead of the rest by the end of the month with a staggering 111 points! I invited a few friends around to help me celebrate receiving the Manager of the Month award from Mr Burton.

We look forward to seeing you!

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Alumni - Joel Beavon “When I first revisited The Grange, five years after leaving, I was unsure of what to expect. A new building, a new generation of students and new staff. However, I instantly felt that the heart of the school was very much how I remembered it. Many of the staff who had supported and encouraged me throughout my time at school greeted me with the same enthusiasm they had done when I was a student at the school. I was inspired, while here, to always push myself and work to achieve my goals and ambitions. After leaving The Grange I went onto Priestley College where I studied English Language, Law, Media Studies and Performing Arts. I achieved a triple distinction with full marks in Performing Arts which led me to become Creative Arts student of the year. My successes in college allowed me to gain a place at The Arden School of Theatre in Manchester where I went on to gain a First Class degree in Musical Theatre.

Working with a professional media company I was awarded the opportunity to use my passion for music to compose for a feature length horror film and underscore a number of adverts. My love for all things creative stems from my time at The Grange where I had the chance to perform in many school productions and music celebration evenings, gaining confidence as a performer. It fills me with great pride that I now have an opportunity to work as a member of teaching staff in the school, working to set the high standards for the students that teachers set for me during my time here. It is great to see so many students returning to the school in different capacities, reinforcing the idea that The Grange is here to serve the community in a variety of ways.�

Since leaving education I have been lucky enough to be involved in a number of professional productions, international cabaret tours and I have written a play which gained backing from a producer and is currently on tour around the North West.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Sir Bert Massie visit to The Grange School Monday 10th November As part of the “Speakers for Schools” programme Sir Bert Massie visited The Grange to talk to our year 11 General Studies students. He delivered a short presentation on his life experiences and talked about his role as a Disability Rights campaigner. Students were then invited to ask any questions to widen their understanding thus supporting their progress in General Studies. Sir Bert Massie, CBE, DL, FRSA, is a British Disability Rights campaigner and was a commissioner of The Equality Human Rights Commission. Sir Bert contracted polio in 1949 and spent years in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, and then in a special school, before leaving with no qualifications.

Sir Bert has received many honours and was knighted at Buckingham Palace by Prince Charles in 2007. In April 2014 he was commissioned as Deputy Lieutenant to the Lord Lieutenant of Merseyside! During a break and a cuppa, Natasha and Brandon, our Head Girl and Head Boy, told Sir Bert about their nominated charity this year which is The Teenage Cancer Trust. Sir Bert was very impressed and generously donated £20 to help their fund raising efforts.

After leaving school he started working for Liverpool Association for the Disabled and started studying! He graduated from Liverpool Polytechnic in 1977 with a Bachelor of Arts and then went on to Manchester Polytechnic to continue his studies. He is currently a governor of Motability - a car scheme for disabled people.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Readathon 2014 Champions The Grange Learning Resource Centre would like to thank the

This is a review of ‘The fault in our stars’ by John Green; created by

students who participated in the charity reading event for the

the learning resource centre book club.

Readathon organisation last summer. The total amount raised was

The book is about two teenagers’ Hazel and Augustus, who meet

£123.65. The funding raised goes towards charities for sick children

through a cancer support session. They are destined for love and

such as Click Sargent. A special congratulation goes out to Erin Kelly

tragedy as they embark on a journey to meet a long admired

for her total amount raised and Callum Thomas for most words read

author. However, things do not turn out as they had expected. The

during the challenge. Their outstanding efforts were rewarded by

book is sad and yet there are funny moments because Hazel and

Readathon and they each received a £5.00 book voucher.

Augustus share a dry sense of humour as they deal with the trials of illness and disappointment. It is a beautiful story and one that stays with you long after the last word is read. This book is a definite recommended read. 10/10 from LRC book club. “This is by far my favourite book” Erin Kelly “A slow start but then it picks up and it kept me on the edge of my seat” Robyn Furnival

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

GRANGE SCHOOL Debate Mate Debate Mate is a charity that teaches debating in schools across the UK. Students compete in nationwide debating competitions against other students from other schools, with the chance to participate in the final round of competition at the House of Lords in London.

Headlines The motion of the debate was: ‘This house believes bullies should be made an example of’. The proposition argued that bullies should be singled out and made to wear a clown costume for a day in school, Cobi opposed the motion and asked the proposition, “Where is the justice for the victim?” This argument was then taken forward by the opposing team to help them support their summarising statement. Well done Cobi! It was an extremely enjoyable evening and the students gained an important insight into how a formal debate is conducted. The event also illustrated the level of confidence and ability our students can reach by the end of the year.

The programme will help students to develop their skills to listen and speak On Monday 10th November, with confidence; to structure logical following the Launch, our students arguments; to see the world beyond the classroom and engage with the attended their first after-school issues that affect them. Debate Mate session. Students got to know their tutor from the On Thursday 6th November students from The Grange School attended the University of Liverpool, Sophie North West Debate Mate Launch at Alsop High School in Liverpool with Mr Morris. Sophie is currently studying Burton and Miss Allen. As one of six schools in attendance, students watched Law and is a skilled debater, and a debate led by top debaters from The University of Liverpool. will guide our students for the forthcoming year and get them Our students thoroughly enjoyed their experience, were wellready for competitions. engaged throughout the Launch, and were a credit to their school. They also had the opportunity to get involved in the We wish our students luck in their debate itself by volunteering to be floor speakers, an debating practise and anticipate opportunity which was enthusiastically taken up by Cobi their first competition! Campbell from Year 9.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



Maths Puzzle

This month’s fiendishly difficult task may look easy but...

The answer to last month’s teaser

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



2Engage production company Cheshire Constabulary have been co-ordinating a Cheshire wide Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) programme. Each month has a particular focus ranging from taxi drivers and the night time economy to children in care. October has a particular focus on young people and schools and education. During PSHCEE time, years 10 and 11 where presented with a play from “2ENGAGE” a performing arts company. The drama portrayed a number of scenarios were young people were exposed to risk regarding child sexual exploitation. A question and answer session took place at the end of each role play. This event raised awareness and showed the students what they need to do if they felt at risk. Young Addaction and Catch 22 CSE supported the event with a stall during the break and lunchtime so young people can ask questions and receive information and also support any young people who may make a disclosure.

In attendance were; Dominic Rogers, Youth ambassador to the Police and Crime Commissioner. Addaction a service provided by Halton Healthy Schools who provide advice on Smoking, alcohol awareness and personal wellbeing. Melanie Woods from Catch 22 a social business providing services that help people in tough situations to turn their lives around

Also in attendance was Olly Clay from Runcorn Weekly News. The performance was hard hitting and provoked a good deal of discussion. Students asked and responded well to discussions. Also running for Year 8 students is a 6 week programme of personal wellbeing. This is provided by The Halton Healthy Schools team who have always supported The Grange in their PSHCEE provision. Students receive a variety of lessons, all based around personal wellbeing. Please see the timetable of events below. Week 1: 3.11.14 – Maureen Gleave – Mental health and emotional wellbeing awareness. Week 2: 10.11.14 – Ange /Sarah – Tobacco awareness Week 3: 17.11.14 – Sophie Talbot – Healthy Eating /Energy Drinks

Week 4: 24.11.14 – Liam ( Widnes Vikings community coach ) – Cyber bullying Week 5: 1.12.14 – Ange – Alcohol Awareness

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



The Grange Unplugged Thursday 23rd October was a wonderful celebration of acoustic music at The Grange School where over 35 students were involved in an intimate evening of acoustic music. Not a lead, microphone or amp was in sight!

The event took place in the Drama Studio and it was laid out like a café bar where parents and friends could socialise under mood lighting, around tables, sipping “mocktails” that were all named after our Houses: Priory Pina Colada, Brindley Bug Juice, Bridgewater Back Shot and Castle Cosmopolitan.

The students performed a variety of solos, duets as well as small ensembles and our choirs “Accascuse Me” and “The Treble Makers” performed a selection of popular songs whilst Mr Pealing, our peripatetic Brass teacher led the Brass Group who performed jazzy versions of some well know tunes. The hard work, dedication and enthusiasm that the student demonstrated leading up to the event and on the night was outstanding and every single one of them was a credit to the Music Department and the school. The total amount raised on the evening was the amazing sum of £181.00, which is going towards the Electric Grand Piano fund. This is a target that we have set ourselves that by the end of the school year, the Music Department will own due to the students’ hard work and commitment.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.


GRANGE SCHOOL Enrichment List

There is such a lot happening outside lessons to enhance our provision and give our students opportunities to take part in activities to broaden their experience. Every month, through this newsletter, I report on many different enrichment activities that take place regularly or are one-off events. The following information is also available to download in booklet form from our website. Whilst we cannot guarantee that there is something for everyone, we do attempt to put on as wide a range of clubs, societies and teams as we can. We encourage all students to take part in something and at least try it once!

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Netball - All years Football - Years 7 and 8 Spanish Club - Year 7 Code Club - Years 7 and 8 - Start Date 06.01.15 ‘During Code Club you will learn computing skills, how to rebuild a PC and many other skills’

Library Assistant Training - 1st Break in the LRC Franklin Scholars - Selected Years 7 and 10 Accascuse Me - All years Takes place in the Music Department C303. This is a choir open to anyone but must commit to attending on a weekly basis.

Insanity - Before School KS4 The ultimate cardio workout

Dance - All years Football ) - KS4 Rugby League - Years 7 and 8 Mine Craft Club - Years 7 and 8 You do not need a Mine Craft account, come along and meet our crafters

Debate Mate - During Year 9 Lunch Franklin Scholars - Selected Years 7 and 10 Library Assistant Training - 1st Break in the LRC Keyboard Club - Years 7 and 8 Takes place in the Music Department C303. Learn to play fun pieces of music.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

Zumba - Before School all years Dance and aerobic exercise

French Film and Culture - Year 11 (with Head of Languages from Cronton College)

Franklin Scholars - Selected Years 7 and 10 Library Assistant Training - 1st Break in the LRC


Headlines Cookery Club - Years 6 and 7 Craft Club - Years 6 and 7 Girls Football - All years Badminton - All years Football Match Night Football - Year 9 Wii Club - Year 7, 8 and 9 Maths Department

Franklin Scholars - Selected Year 7 and 10 Library Assistant Training - 1st Break in the LRC

Japanese Studies MFL Department C106

Basketball - All years Franklin Scholars - Selected Years 7 and 10 English Booster Session - Year 9 LRC Book Club - 1st Break in the LRC Library Assistant Training - 1st Break in the LRC Composition Drop-in - Years 10 and 11 Music Department C305

Remembrance Our Head Girl, Natasha Preston, and Head Boy, Brandon Hayes, were accompanied by Mr Burton at the Civic Procession and Service at the Cenotaph in Greenway Road. It was attended by The Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, our Local MP, Derek Twigg, and local dignitaries. Natasha and Brandon laid wreaths on the Cenotaph during the service and what was particularly pleasing was the number of our students, past and present, who took part in the procession. We are looking to extend our involvement to include all members of the School Council in 2015. Back in school on the 11th November, the ‘Last Post’ was sounded across the school to signal a two minute silence which was observed immaculately.

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.



The Grange School - Ice Bucket Challenges Fund raising in aid of the Head Boy and Head Girl Charity, The Teenage Cancer Trust.

Term dates Term



Autumn 2


Spring 1

Monday 5th January 2015

Friday 13th February 2015

Spring 2

Monday 23rd February 2015

Thursday 2nd April 2015

Summer 1*

Monday 20th April 2015

Friday 22nd May 2015

Summer 2

Monday 1st June

Thursday 16th July 2015


November 2014

Friday 19th December 2014

* School is closed on Bank Holiday Monday 4th May 2015.

Upcoming events Event

Go to the Grange website to see the full video.


Awards Evening

Thursday 20th November

House Event

Thursday 27th November

Year 11 Mock Exams

Monday 8th December

Christmas Carols at Simonsfield

Monday 15th December

Christmas Retold at The Grange

Tuesday 16th December

Christmas Retold at St Andrews

Wednesday 17th December

Last day of term. Information will follow in next month’s newsletter.

Friday 19th Decmeber

Follow us on @grange_school

The Monthly Newsletter for Parents and Carers from the Head of School, Mr B. Carney.

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