Propositions conquaestor projects change 140401

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Propositions ConQuaestor Projects & Change Lid Grant Thornton International Ltd

Project portfolio management

Our vision

ConQuaestor Projects & Change Processes

In order for any organization to realize its strategy, they need to change and most changes are realized through projects. The project portfolio needs to have maximum dafdsfd added value. Project portfolio management is a controlled way of defining, planning and managing an organization's project portfolio, in order to realize plans, ambitions, and balance the use of all resources.

Strategic inventory Strategy


 Coaching the PPM of a Dutch government agency

 Implementing project portfolio management

 Implementing processes, tools en templates

 Linking the PMO to the new processes, using P3O

 Implementing project portfolio management  Linking the PMO to the new portfolio processes


 Implementing project portfolio management

Realization of projects

Benefit Realization

Controlled projectmanagement

Benefit Tracking

Selection based on strategic goals

‘what do we want to do?’

Selection based on resource availability

‘what are we able to do?’

 Setting up a enterprise or project portfolio management office (PPMO)  Consult on resource and capacity management  Optimizing project processes and increasing project management maturity

 Implementing a new method for project management

Propositions | ConQuaestor Projects &

Defining the project portfolio

Systems & Tooling

 Defining an organization's governance and processes for decision making on projects

Our activities

Our references




Member of Grant Thornton Intenational Ltd

Project Management Offices Project Management Offices support projects, programmes and project portfolio’s by defining, implementing and managing dafdsfd integrated standards for processes, tools and templates. The PMO is focused on a well managed project, with a project management which is always in control. Thirteen components of excellent project management form the basis for every PMO.

Our references

 Setting up project management offices  Increasing control over complex projects (compliancy, change & ICT)

 Setting up a programme office  Completing the files for the external audit by authorities

 Setting up a central PMO, and all underlying PMO’s  Implementing a new PMmethodology

 Setting up a PMO for large corporate clients  Increasing control over complex projects

 Defining standards for project management processes, tools & templates

Our activities

Our vision

ConQuaestor Projects & Change

 Providing support to project, programme and portfolio management  Controlling projects, programmes and portfolio’s  Defining management information for steering committees and project boards

Member of Grant Thornton Intenational Ltd

Change management Change management is not a predefined phase of an advisory process. Instead, change management will enable organisations dafdsfd to transition successfully from the current state to a new status quo. We utilize change management to create support by designing and embedding interventions, and by mobilising positive energy during the change process.

 Design and execute transition management for several projects

 Design of a management system, stakeholder engagement

 Definition of the desired change in the organisation

 Embed results

 Training and education

 Design of the transition approach

 Change & Implementation management training  Large scale interventions

 Cultural change through process transfer  Coaching and development

Our activities

Our references

Our vision

ConQuaestor Projects & Change

 Design and execute communication plan  Stakeholder management  Facilitate large scale interventions  Design training material and train stakeholders

Member of Grant Thornton Intenational Ltd

Capital projects Projects with a large capital investment components (e.g. building of tunnels, roads, hospitals) require a special approach dafdsfd and individual projects should be managed within the project portfolio. Pivotal in our vision is an integrated project approach, combining disciplines like project- and process management, procurement, system engineering and finance.

 ISO 15504-6 assessment

 ISO 15504-6 assessment

 Improvement of integrated project control

 Leading project ISO 15288 compliancy project

 Optimizing asset management  Improvement of integrated project control


 Providing integrated project control  Supporting tender management

Our activities

Our references

Our vision

ConQuaestor Projects & Change

 Implementing integrated project control  Transition management & economic efficiency improvement

Propositions | ConQuaestor Projects &

 Project & process management, quality management & ISO15288 certification  Performance delivery: reduction of fail factors and defining continuous improvement by the standing organization  Designing and implementing standards for change & configuration management


Member of Grant Thornton Intenational Ltd

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