
Page 1 August 2016

Fi F rs R M t F EE on r th ida ly y

a window on your world

Š Grapevine • August 2016


Upfront Can’t help but make a comment about the weather… horribly hot and humid. I’ve never known a summer like it in my twenty five or so years here! However we have managed another issue, noticeably slimmer but just as full as ever with good things for you all to read about. A lot of our publicised events aren’t happening until September, just scan through our events pages and make your bookings. It’s also the last month to try your luck at winning free Greek lessons – check out P.35 for details and watch this space for the winners next month. The ever popular Viewpoint section of the magazine is packed with personal comment that you might not necessarily agree with, but will give you much to talk about while eating at one of our recommended eateries!

Cooling Jump photographed by Cynoclub

I know a lot of regular readers are away in cooler climes for August, but for those of us staying in Cyprus this month, whether you are sitting watching the Olympics under your air-conditioning or plodding the streets in pursuit of summer sale bargains, generally temperatures improve somewhat after the holiday on the 15th August.

Full Moon This Month August 18th

Back next month,

Next Issue Friday, 2nd September

Catch up online www.grapevinecyprus .com

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Email: Website: Deadline for all finished Adverts and Submissions 15th of the preceding month. See website for advertising rates Grapevine Magazine does not hold itself responsible for the accuracy or opinions of correspondents. Advertisements are accepted in good faith. Any complaints should be taken up with the advertiser. With thanks to all our advertisers and contributors for the articles / photos / ads that makes Grapevine the leader of the pack - we aim to stay leader and will continue to innovate and change to make sure our readers and advertisers are getting the best service on the island

© Grapevine • August 2016


Baggage Bugs by Barbara Strain

Flying off in August? Worried about the airline losing your bags? Concerned about damage to your valuable possessions? Summer is such a busy time at airports, with millions of bags passing through hourly. Accidents happen. You can obviously help yourself in many ways. Don’t pack valuables or breakables in checked-in luggage. If possible take only cabin baggage. If you are pessimistic about you and your suitcase arriving at the destination together, at least make sure you have spare undies and a toothbrush in your cabin bag. If your bag goes missing on the outward flight and you find you’re on holiday with no possessions, airlines are obliged to cover costs of “essential items”. Depending on the attitude of the airline, it may argue that “essential items” are classified as toiletries, underwear or laundry costs rather than a brand new outfit. Ask the airline what its policy is and keep receipts for anything you buy. The good news is that baggage rarely goes missing permanently. The bad news, of course, is that you may have to start your holiday without essentials. If your luggage turns up a day or two late, it’s up to the airline to make arrangements for getting it to you as efficiently as possible. That means it’s up to them to track you on safari, or through the jungles of Borneo. If there’s no sign of it after three weeks, the bag will be declared lost. A potential complication is when your bag has been transferred between airlines within a single journey. In this case it makes sense to claim from the last one flown, as it’s this airline which usually handles the claim. If your bag arrives, but it is damaged, the airline will generally pay for repairs or possibly a new bag but do not leave the airport without reporting the damage.


© Grapevine • August 2016

What if your bag arrives and it’s in good shape but some of your valuables are missing or damaged? Where airlines are concerned, the term ‘valuables’ covers a lot of ground including the obvious luxury goods like jewellery and furs, but it also includes mundane things like spectacles, medications, documents, even cheap stuff like non-prescription sunglasses. Most airlines say they take no responsibility for damage or loss of valuables in checkedbaggage and clearly state this in their contracts of carriage. File a claim anyway; it never hurts to ask. If you packed something special in your luggage, open it as soon as you retrieve the bag to be sure it’s in good condition before you leave the airport. Airlines are more likely to accept responsibility and pay up for lost or damaged luggage if you report the problem straightaway. Before leaving the luggage reclaim hall, go to the airline desk where you’ll be given a copy of the Property Irregularity Report (PIR) that’s used by airline staff to record the details. While this isn’t a legal requirement, and there may be a reason why it’s not possible to get one (an unmanned desk at a small airport, for example) you’re still entitled to claim. But without a PIR, the process is likely to be more of an uphill battle. Compensation usually comes in the form of an upfront cash payment, a fixed daily budget or remittance once your claim and receipts have been submitted. The maximum compensation you are likely to receive is about €1,200. If you are carrying particularly valuable items, it may be best for you to make a declaration to the airline, and pay a supplementary fee. This must be done by checkin at the latest. An alternative, of course, is to have an insurance policy, either through travel insurance or, possibly, through your credit card.

© Grapevine • August 2016


Revolution of the Mind Series: Nato Tactics & Warmongering By Andreas C Chrysafis

The upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw on July 8-9 is expected to be yet another planned provocation against Russia. Its main purpose is to work out a strategic military plan that could probably raise the barometer of the war threat to neardanger levels. Why such madness? The answer is simple: Washington has broken its ironclad guarantees that it would not expand NATO’s jurisdiction or allow its forces to move Eastward! The Ukraine/ Crimea situation provided the right pretext for NATO to act recklessly. US navy ships as well as military vessels of NATO member-states enter the Baltic and Black Sea in a show of strength if not intimidation. The decision to break that pledge has been at the heart of the arms build-up in the region and all sorts of excuses are being drummed up to justify the unjustifiable. One of those excuses has been the latest fabled threat of a “cyber attack syndrome” in a virtual world. In reality, wars are none other than a lucrative business for some and misery for others! The government-sponsored arms procurement and weapons industries worth billions would not exist without armed conflicts, hostilities and tension. In consequence, human lives have simply become “collateral damage” and to be discarded at will. The ravages of war in Syria, Iraq and ongoing ISIS brutalities are a prime example of a human virus gone berserk. What is worse: it seems unstoppable! In spite of that, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has recently announced that: “a cyber attack against NATO by persons in a non - NATO country”, is an act of war and, “requires each NATO member country under a “collective defense provision” to strike back if required to do so.” Have they all gone mad? For the past few years NATO – a war organization with 3.5million wellequipped active personnel at its disposal - surreptitiously has been trying to expand eastwards against a perceived Russia threat. Deploying thousands of troops with tanks and missiles alongside the Eastern European borders is none other than a strategy based on paranoia.

In response, Moscow has taken precautionary measures in case NATO army chiefs decide to act on their war games and churn the wheels of their own phobia into an act of insanity. Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister did not mince his words and warned that if: “the boundless expansion of the Alliance to the East does not stop, the bloc’s leaders have to understand that if NATO’s military infrastructure approaches Russian borders, Russia will have to respond reciprocally with adequate military and technical measures.” That response is precisely what any self-respecting nation would undertake; protect its territorial integrity! After the Brexit results were decided EU foreign policy chief Frederica Mogherini, immediately announced: “Our Union is under threat. Our European project, which has brought unprecedented peace, prosperity and democracy, is being questioned. To the East, the European security order has been violated.” The EU has now picked up NATO’s scaremongering tactics officially. Ms. Mogherini’s statement on suggesting setting up a EU-Army is nothing new but has been on the table for years! If so, it would commit EU member states to contribute financially but also with troops to build this new EU pet project. One of those prized countries in NATO’s ever-expansion sight is the island of Cyprus. With the election of president Nicos Anastasiades the timing was perfect to move in and try to influence the new pro-American government to reduce its links with Russia; links that have been getting stronger by the day! The US immediately began sending a horde of top-Pentagon officials to visit Cyprus as a show of solidarity. Washington is now subtly coercing the Anastasiades government to support the island’s membership into the Atlantic Alliance and the US Ambassador Victoria Nuland has conveyed the Pentagon’s message to President Anastasiades in Nicosia. Apparently, Nuland’s plan would maintain the presence of Turkish occupational troops on the island but this time, under a “NATO flag”. A very convenient ploy indeed! The secretive Bi-Zonal, Bi-Communal Federation (BBF) negotiations would probably entrench NATO’s footing on the island and legalize the presence of Turkish troops. The recruitment of 3000-troops of a new Cyprus “private army” and reducing its armed forces raises serious questions of Cyprus’s BBF role in the future. A demilitarized island would be an ideal solution but it does not appear to be so; not with NATO, the British Military bases, the Turkish army and now the EU-Army! As it happens, the Anastasiades government has already annoyed Moscow by voting in favour of the US/EU sanctions against Russian and to repeat the same mistake twice, it would be unpalatable to say the least! “Moscow is not prepared to be double crossed again by anyone”, stated the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi as a caution to the EU. To abandon an ally and a longstanding friend like Russia could leave the country vulnerable to all sorts of trickery by Turkey - a NATO’s pet ally! As a result of an unclear strategic foreign policy, Cyprus is facing a minefield of traps set by others. To overcome those it requires a strong leadership with a clear vision to resist the temptation to join the NATO military alliance but to also reconsider its long-term relationship with the EU; both have so far failed the island miserably! Without a doubt, Cyprus seems to be entering deeper and deeper into a dark maze and the sooner it gets out of it so much the better. The BBF would not bring about the perceived reunification of the island but generate another dark maze to overcome like all the rest…


© Grapevine • August 2016

A “Water” Bus System for Paphos By D.J. Slimin

Being a retired Naval Architect living in Paphos, for the past 15 years, I have read with interest in the various local newspapers about the politically motivated and poorly thought out proposal for the delayed dual carriageway that splits the tourist area of the Tombs of the Kings Road in two. I assume the idea behind this proposal is that, the taxis and coaches will be able to transfer tourists a few minutes quicker than they can do at present to and from Paphos airport to the various seafront hotels in Kato Paphos and Coral Bay owned by the millionaire hoteliers. Incidentally the dual-carriageway at present never reaches the airport by some 5 kilometres having been diverted back onto the old airport road and there is no news from the authorities as to why this is so and when this section will be completed! However with a speed limit of 30 miles per hour (50 kilometres per hour) being imposed by the local authorities, overtaking is legally out of the question and therefore the overtaking lane is unnecessary and furthermore this speed limit theoretically hinders taxi drivers and coaches from delivering their passengers “speedily” to and from the airport within the statutory speed limit imposed by the local authorities! This scheme does not however help to reduce the number of taxis and coaches on the already overloaded roads of Paphos town and therefore it does not help to reduce the air pollution to the seasonally dusty and increasingly polluted atmosphere of Paphos, a subject which receives very little mention if any in local magazines and newspapers! Having covered and read about the many Water Bus Systems that operate very successfully in and around the world cities which have water adjacent to them i.e. London, Paris, Venice, New York, Sydney etc. a quick and simple Feasibility Study would have shown that the Paphos climate and coastal waters would be ideal for a Water Bus System, which would have precluded the building of this unnecessary and expensive dual carriageway through the once idyllic town of Kato Paphos. Instead the money could have been better spent on water buses and jetties using the Mediterranean coast as a highway instead of tearing up Kato Paphos and filling it with concrete and tarmac. With Paphos airport terminal buildings being sited adjacent to the seashore, a covered access with a travelator could have been constructed to transfer passengers to and from the airport terminal to a well lit and protected jetty where the awaiting water buses could then transfer large numbers to and from the various “seafront” hotels in Kato Paphos , Geroskipou, Chlorakas and Coral Bay. These glass topped water buses would also provide the perfect instant panoramic views of the Mediterranean sea, sea front hotels and surrounding hillsides to the many first time visitors arriving in Paphos instead of being herded into existing coaches and expensive taxis bound for their hotel destinations which afford limited panoramic views of Paphos. First time visual impressions, together with a courier explaining the various sights of the surrounding area, are most important for selling Paphos to the incoming first time visitors.

This building contract however would benefit being placed in the hands of private contractors (i.e. the hoteliers since they are the ones that benefit from this system). It has been shown that costs can run out of control when being built and operated in the public sector (i.e. the existing dual carriageway is incurring penalties and is costing, according to the newspapers, 16 million euros for 5 kilometres). Each hotelier could sponsor their own jetty’s and water buses! These water buses, (named after the hotel!), could also be used by the various hotels to transport their tourists on day trips to Polis and Limasoll etc In addition to the permanent water bus jetties, mobile wooden jetties could also be easily installed by the local municipalities at the various beaches between Limassoll and Polis, whereby the sights of the Akamas and Aphrodites Rock etc. could be visited. These mobile wooden framed jetties (cheap to build and install) fitted with large rubber wheels could easily be retracted from the sea during the heavy winter storms thereby preventing heavy weather damage. Obviously coach and taxi companies will lose trade, however with the introduction of a water bus system many of the people employed on the land based coaches and taxis could be transferred onto the operation of a water bus service. There could even be the thought of introducing a “small” G.R.P. / wooden boat building and engineering yard in the Paphos area which would be required to maintain and repair these water buses. There already exists the expertise in Kato Paphos via Blue Line boat building company, a small company who employ a handful of men, who could give guidance and assistance and would offer further employment (of which there is a desperate shortage!) to those who may lose their present employment. Maybe the application for a grant from the European Union could assist in the construction of the boat yard! The bottom line is that these water buses would be unique to Cyprus and offer a huge tourist attraction and would probably serve to boost the number of tourists for which the people of Paphos depend so heavily upon.

The Royal British Legion Paphos Branch By David Perry

Once again we are commemorating the centenary of a battle that lasted many months and cost so many lives on both sides, yes I refer to the Somme offensive which started at the beginning of July 1916. It was after WW1 that the Royal British Legion was formed to aid comfort, comradeship and assistance to those who had served and suffered in the name of King and Country. The Royal British Legion is the custodian of “Remembrance” and once again we are approaching that time of the year when we think about the Poppy Appeal. Even here in Cyprus we get our Poppies from the Poppy Factory in England, they have now arrived and we will be looking for venues to place our boxes for the duration of the Poppy Appeal, this mid-October until just after Remembrance Sunday. Our Remembrance Service will again be held in front of the fort at Paphos harbour by kind permission of the mayor of Paphos Phedonas Phedonos. Anyone interested in The Royal British Legion or assisting us can contact us by email on or you are welcome to come along to one of our monthly branch meetings at Neo’s Sports Club. October – April: - 2nd Sunday of the month 3.00pm. May – September: - 2nd Thursday of the month 7.30pm. Our annual General Meeting will be held at Neo’s on 16th October 7 for 7. 30pm. When we launch the Poppy appeal. We also hold functions at other times of the year, which again are open to all. © Grapevine • August 2016


Selection of Events in August and September Summer Sales Starts Saturday 6 August 10am – 1pm

At PPDS Charity Shop – top of St Georges Hill, Chloraka (Next to Alegro Kiosk). All Summer Clothes At Half Price. Paphos Private Dog Sanctuary (PPDS) is a registered rescue & re-homing centre for dogs & puppies found in the Paphos Region. All proceeds from our shop go towards the upkeep of the sanctuary, vaccinations, food and vet bills. (Registration No 26/65/537) Sunday 7/Aug Farmers & Crafters:

“FARMERS & CRAFTERS MARKET in Pano Akourdaleia Herb Garden. 10am-2pm. Local, natural, homemade and handmade. Supporting your local community by buying directly from the producers, artists and crafters. Coffee shop on site. Great social atmosphere! For more details visit heavenonearthherbals or contact 96425879/99993412.”Paphos Saturday 27 August 2017 1pm – 4pm.

Charity Event at Bonamare Beach Bar, Timi Beach, Airport Road, Tickets €12 Including a Buffet. (proceeds from the event will be donated to Paphos Private Dog Sanctuary (PPDS), a registered rescue & rehoming centre for dogs & puppies found in the Paphos Region (Reg No 26/65/537). Tickets can be purchased from Bonamare Beach Bar, the PPDS Charity Shop, Top of St Georges Hill, Chloraka (next to Alegro Kiosk), via private message on our Facebook page PPDS community or call 96 785 976 On Sunday 28th August from 7pm

Pentaras Restaurant (Tombs of the Kings-Chloraka), Moonriver Swing & Jazz will be performing live raising money for the Alzheimer’s Association of Pafos. Tickets cost €10 each. Come to see & hear cover hits from Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bobby Darin, Matt Monro, Andy Williams & Al Martino! Seats are limited so booking early is advised For tickets call Michael on 99 854 375 or Pentaras Restaurant on 99 416 224 Sunday 4/Sep “FARMERS MARKET

Pano Akourdaleia Herb Garden, 10am-2pm. Local, natural and homemade! Supporting your local community by buying directly from the producers. Coffee shop on site. Great social atmosphere! For more details visit or contact 96425879/99993412.” Tala amphitheater September 9th 8.00 p.m.

Composer: Polis Charalambus. Organizer: Culture tones org/ CoOrganizer: Tala’s Community Council. Music Hyper-producrtion. Oratorio-Fantasy-Ballet. “Evagora of Cyprus”. The work is probably one of the biggest production ever been presented in Cyprus. It presents the history of Cyprus from 411 b.c. with Evagoras as a King of ancient city of Salamis until 1960 a.d. the hero Evagoras Pallikarides and the Intipentance of Cyprus. The music is composed by Polyvios ( Polis) Charalambous and the lyrics belong to anciet Poet Homer, Vasilis Michaelides, Andros Pavlides and Polis Charalambous. The work is composed in a so called serious style and uses various aspects from differents musical periods. There is also a significant use of jazz and even rock harmonies and rhythm. The production is part of the PAFOS 2017 program and will be presented at Tala’s Anphitheater on September 9th at 8.00 p.m. Tickets by SOLD OUT tickets . 30.00 / 20.00 euro. Saturday 17th September

Paws Annual Raft Race Are you the ones to beat our current champions? This year’s PAWS annual Raft Race is on at the Bona Mare beach at Timi. Why not come along a join us either to take part or simply to have fun watching the teams compete. All you need is a team of 2 to 4 people and a home-made raft to paddle. It is only

Magically yours by Peter Stammers

Paphos Magic Society easy trick series.

€20 to register (by 10th Sept) and we ask each team to raise at least €50 in sponsorship. Following the race is a fantastic BBQ meal for only €7 per head. After all that paddling and cheering we are sure that everyone will need it! Last year we had six rafts taking part; this year we want to beat that! So, come on you water babies out there, get designing and building. Do Something Different this Month

Donate some of your “Time “ to help out with our Animal Welfare Programme Even an hour or two a week,a month or when ever you can really helps,no experience needed we will show you the ropes. We always need volunteers,for the Table Top sales,fundraising,cat feeding,and out TNR programme,(Trap Nueter Release). Next TT September 17th. If you have any unwanted gifts, bric a brac,clothing,household items etc,then please donate them to PARC. call Jean (96219797)or Julie (99712149)for more details. Alternatively you may leave your donations at Swanky Wags at Coral Breeze,Only Vets,next to the Post Office or RSS near the Peyia Chippy Please kindly note PARC does not have a shelter to take in animals,we also do not have a shop in the Peyia area. For more information please visit our website ( or our Facebook page (

For this month’s live music listings visit Catch them if you Can

Dictionary definition of midlife crisis: a period of emotional turmoil in middle age caused by the realization that one is no longer young and characterized especially by a strong desire for change. Here in Cyprus, however, there is another definition of MidLife Crisis: a band consisting of five musicians who know how to rock it up! Ask anyone who has caught the band performing at O’Neill’s Irish Bar, the Frog & Toad, Sea Rays, etc, and they’ll tell you about the blistering sets the guys play, including tracks from Free, Tom Petty, The Jam, Kings of Leon, Lenny Kravitz and The Rolling Stones, to name but a few. Are they subtle? No, they’re not! Do they play background music? No, they don’t! Are they for an “easy listening” audience? No, they are not! What they are is a band who can turn out rock covers with enthusiasm, talent and some humour, and all without a laptop in sight! Now, that’s what I call “LIVE music”! Visit their Facebook page at for all their upcoming gigs, or you can email the guys – Simon, Paul, Donald, Eric and Bryan – at If you love live rock music, you won’t regret it!

Interested in magic then visit: Or email:

This month: Perplexing Pencil Effect: A pencil adheres to one hand and then to the other. Secret: The secret is a small pin pushed into the pencil. Hold the pin between the fingers of your right hand. The pencil seems to stick to the fingers. Bring your left hand to the pencil. Tum to the left and revolve the pencil between your hands. This causes the pin to move from your right fingers to your left fingers. .Remove your right hand and the pencil is now apparently stuck to the left fingers. By reversing this movement, you can move the pencil back to the right hand. 8

© Grapevine • August 2016

© Grapevine • August 2016


Getaway Sites by Barbarian

If you are feeling that the summer heat is too much, maybe you would like to find a last minute deal for a holiday. Whether you are roasting in Nicosia and fancy a weekend at the coast, or if the cooler weather of a Scandinavian summer is what appeals, there’s probably a bargain to be found. We checked out several websites for a one week break in Ayia Napa or for two weeks flight and hotel in Sweden. is a good site to start for a search for flights and hotels. They also do car hire. The site is easy to navigate. They claim that you can save up to 15% by booking hotel and flight together. Prices are quoted in sterling. The search results for accommodation can be sorted in a number of ways, including ‘best deals’, which does not necessarily give the cheapest offer. Stockholm for a fortnight in August can be found for about £600 (€700) per person, with hotel and flight. Interestingly, the same site can only find Ayia Napa hotels from about £500 (€600) for a week – no flight included! has a similar layout to Ebookers, prices are in US dollars. Again, there are a number of ways of sorting results for both flights and hotels. Their claim for discount on booking flight+hotels is ‘Save up to $570’. Their cheapest offer for Stockholm was $796. (€720). Their Ayia Napa deal looked amazing value, but the price quoted at $85 (€68) was per night rather than for a full two weeks gives a choice of currencies, so you can easily match up price to your credit card. The site does not offer combined flight/hotel packages. Flights can be sorted by cheapest/quickest/best. The Stockholm


© Grapevine • August 2016

trip is quoted at €300 for the flight (per person) and a room for two for the two weeks at about €1400. Ayia Napa for a week comes from around €500. has a handy setting that allows you to fix your departure country by default. Prices are offered in multiple currencies although the Stockholm flight required linking to the airline’s site for prices. In this instance, the cheapest flight, via Norwegian Airlines, was priced at £238 (€330) per person. The hotel price quoted was about €2,000. Ayia Napa hotel for a week at €800. The website is not so easy to manoeuvre as some of the others, but it does show recent searches, so you should be able to pick up an earlier search easily. allows you to set up your language, country and currency. There’s the possibility of logging on to a price alert, so that you can keep track of any deals on offer. The price quoted for the flights to Stockholm is €246. Clicking on the hotels tab keeps the destination and dates, which saves you having to input them again. The sort options are good as well, in this instance giving us the cheapest at €780 for a central Stockholm hotel for the fortnight. Similarly, the cheapest week’s accommodation in Ayia Napa shows at €455. has the flight+hotel option, by which they claim you can save a whopping 20% Prices were given in euro by default and at €642/person for the Stockholm trip, apparently very good value too. €450 for accommodation in Ayia Napa seems good value too. Again, the results can be shown in a variety of ways; by star rating, popularity or by prices. is a very easy-to-use site, with no frills, apparently offering the same deal as opodo at €642 for Stockholm and €450 for Ayia Napa. Interestingly, the ‘top pick’ sort at edreams came out with a deal at €4,850 for the week in Ayia Napa. For that price, you could install new aircon in your house and browse pictures of the sea whilst playing games on your ipod.

© Grapevine • August 2016


Very Moveable Property Tax Savings by Sam Orgill

Confirming the Cyprus Property Taxes and Savings for 2016 and More

Penalties are still applied for late payments of IMPT, any 2015 payments after 31/12/16 will suffer a 10% tax penalty.

In Cyprus the Tax payment year starts on 1st July, for the current calendar year. Around the start of June a budget and tax changes for the current year 2016 is proposed – with the idea that changes are passed to law by the end of June.

Property Transfer Tax The 50% reduction in Property Transfer tax payable in 2016 has been extended indefinitely. So any applications for title deeds will still get the 50% tax saving if issue is after the end of year.

In 2016 came the culmination and possible resolution of Cyprus Property Tax changes – but not as you imagined, or was proposed in 2016, 2015 or 2014. A fierce debate has raged in parliament and delayed voting until well into July, the outcome of the long term property tax plan is a further sign of the intentions of the Cyprus government. The very Movable solution creates a big immovable property tax savings for expats owning overseas property in Cyprus. You will be astonished at the changes in annual property taxes and title deed taxes. Modernising Cyprus As Cyprus introduces technology to its government, financial, tax and civil services, it’s tax income has risen strongly, resulting in a position you may have suspected: taxes are too high in Cyprus. Cyprus is not burdened with an expensive welfare state or health service or military. Enabling Cyprus to be a low tax jurisdiction.

In addition those receiving title deeds now have the additional tax saving option of a further 10% for early payment. Alternatively, the payment of transfer tax can be deferred by up to 12 months without penalty. If Property transfer tax remains outstanding beyond 12 months then a 10% tax penalty is added. This change allows those trapped in Cyprus property ownership to get their title deeds, then sell the property, using the funds to pay the Transfer tax at the sale. Developers IMPT Don’t get caught out. Since 2014 contract of sale owners, without title deeds, have been able to register and pay IMPT directly. This is always at a lower IMPT rate than the developers who pay at a rate based upon their total land holdings.

If the government can achieve a truly low tax, low cost, low bureaucracy economy then Cyprus will grow in the coming years. Good for business, good Developers pay an IMPT rate based upon the whole title deed owned. This for property ownership in Cyprus. could be 3 times as much, 1.9% instead of 0.6%. So registering to pay IMPT direct, if you hold a contract of sale, gives a big tax saving on your 2015 Immovable Property overseas property. In 2015 the government proposed to introduce new Immovable Property Tax (IMPT) rates based upon a 2013 revaluation of property in Cyprus. Buyers only have to pay developers IMPT for previous years if their contract 2013 rateable values increased the base figure for property tax calculation by of sale explicitly states the buyer is responsible for IMPT. around 10 times ie 20,000 became 200,000 A new tax rate was proposed to leave the net effect the neutral for most….. but the exceptions felt their treatment unfair. The Parliament debates dragged on and in the end no changes where made in IMPT for 2015 – instead deferred until 2016.

While a tax rebate is available to buyers for paying IMPT to developers for previous years, this is only rebated if the contract confirms the liability, and the rebate will not include any IMPT tax penalty paid by the developer for late payment of IMPT from previous years.

2016 Immovable Property Again changes were not implemented at the start of the tax year. So the tax office carried on charging at the same IMPT rates. The proposals for the 2016 June budget were different again: to use 2013 rateable values but reduce the IMPT tax by 50%. Again this was not agreed and well into July agreement was not reached. Local authorities and the tax office stayed calm, and carried on – issuing bills at the old rates for IMPT form 1/7/16 . Any IMPT change in 2016 was looking impossible again.

ProACT assist clients to negotiate to pay the minimum IMPT in such cases on the principle IMPT is the tax of the title deed owner. Ask us how if you have not reclaimed IMPT paid to a developer.

Perfect Storm With a number of proposals, amendments, opinions, coupled with the states administration carrying on, and the clock ticking the legislature came up with a wonderfully concise solution that has resolved the IMPT conundrum. Adopting the philosophy: If you cannot live with it, change it, if you can’t change it, stop doing it. The government stood back and took a different perspective cutting through all the debates. IMPT Property Tax Saving Summary 2015 -2016 – 2017 The attempt to use 2013 Rateable Values for IMPT is abandoned. The taxable Bands do not change. Immovable Property Tax Savings for each year are as follows: 2016 2016 IMPT based upon 1980 Rateable Values 75% reduction in IMPT tax payable for 2016 2016 overpayments made to date will receive the discount and receive a tax credit or cheque refund 2015 25% tax reduction in IMPT retrospectively applied to 2015 IMPT paid 2015 receipts are now being issued with the discount applied. Any rebate for 2015 can be credited to pay 2016 IMPT – effectively no payment will be due for some. 2017 2017 IMPT is ABOLISHED – IMPT to be no more 12

© Grapevine • August 2016

Tax Saving Plans What steps should the overseas property investors be taking to protect property assets from the taxman? Tax Changes make this a good time to review how best to protect your wealth and income. By gifting property to family, creating more owners, the overall IMPT rate for the property can be reduced, which means the family can save IMPT tax. Gifts of Cyprus property to family can also avoid inheritance tax at up to 40% in the UK. This process can also capitalise capital gains and reduce any potential capital gains tax of 20% on a future sale. The gift can be made to a family member, Investment Company or a family trust that you can control and manage as you would with a investment or pension fund. Someone administers for you while you retain ownership. Can You Trust? In crusader days Knights would lock up their wife’s in a chastity belt and entrusted the key to a friend who was responsible for protecting his assets. This law became part of English law and is a basis of inheritance tax trust and estate planning. Make a Will and Trust to protect overseas property assets for your family and friends on death. A Family Trust avoids Cyprus laws of succession where only blood relatives can benefit. By creating a Family Trust today for Cyprus Property you could also make tax savings in capital gains, inheritance tax, IMPT and inheritance taxes on your death. Look Forward – Plan Ahead Overseas Property in Cyprus has become a better investment with lower property taxes in Cyprus. ProACT can offer help and guidance about the Movable Property Taxes for Expats. Asset Protection is about looking forward to make tax savings. ProACT expat experts offer tax saving for people living and working and investing abroad. Find out more at our website.

If you need to make regular or one-off transfers of money between banks and countries, then go to GrapevineCyprus. com and check out the TorFX Currency Converter on our download issues page or the links page.

They make moving money around fast and simple. For a more personal approach Call Natalie Collins Tel: +44 (0)1736 335234 Email:

When Moving Money Matters Š Grapevine • August 2016


Regatta Recipe by Alice Stanley

Take a full sail of steady breezes, lay them over a clear blue sea, simmer for three days on a magic Cyprus Sun Setting, invite your good friends from Dhekelia and Episcopi, and ENJOY. PISC recipe for strong competition and lots of fun - our Summer Regatta 2016 was acclaimed by all to be “FANTASTIC”. However good weather and great friends, alone do not a fantastic Photo by Pete Dawe & Chris Scorer Regatta make! Vice Commodore Tony Davenport’s immaculate organisation inspired lots of members to volunteer in the knowledge that they knew what to do, when and how. Our Commodore Paul Hutton stepped up to the mark to take on the vital role of “Race Officer”, so denying himself the opportunity to compete. Our Fisherman Partner let us do a “make over” to change his vessel into our “Committee Boat”. Thank you Captain Savvas. Many thanks to Councillor Ms. Linda le Blanc and Deputy Mayor of Pegeia Councillor Mr. Marinos Lambrou who presented the prizes. To our Premier Partner, Mr. Stavros Pantelides of Neo’s Sports Club and Neptune Hotel & Apartments. Thank you Stavros. To Mr. Lee Hinton of Felicitas Management Group who presented the “Felicitas Cup” to the overall winners, our very own Richard Peacock and Sharon Kimber sailing “Black Magic”. Big hugs to Madam Koula who again allowed the PISC Regatta Gang to invade her Cafe on the Beach. Efharisto Koula. To our non sailing members who gave up their weekend (and more). We value your support, many thanks; we could not sail without you. Our next Regatta is in October. Yet another not to be missed event. Simply go to to learn more about this great club.


© Grapevine • August 2016

Peyia Bowling Club News A Ditty - About ‘Us’ Green Bowlers. It’s August and hot, at 30 degrees plus – are we mad to bowl, ‘oh no’! ‘not us’! We are stalwarts and have loads’ of true grit – or are we just an insane type of Ex-pat Brit! We turn up at the green, at 8.30 for 9.0 – all dressed in white and looking truly sublime! As we walk through the gate, pretending we are raring to play – we are really wondering, whether we will have a good or bad day! Tags taken, Teams decided and Positions known – a quick reminder to ourselves that the bowl should be bowled, not thrown! So it’s onto the green to shake hands all around – to play on carpet not grass, which is faster we have found! As soon as we start, so does the banter – whether good or bad shots played, the ‘comments’ often reaching a canter! Along with ‘Good Shot’, ‘Good Try’, ‘Unlucky’, encouragement not blame – the true thoughts in our heads are not always necessarily, the same! For 2-3 hours we battle to the end of the game – win or lose, as long as we enjoy it, is our main aim! Then comes the crescendo, it’s all off to the bar – for a well deserved drink and to hear new jokes, which can be bizarre! Was it all worth it, getting up early today – ‘yes’, it was fun and we may even have improved how well we can play! So for all you out there looking for something to do – ‘us’ Green Bowlers would like to meet you! Our Club Members pride themselves on their welcome to new or experienced Bowlers and Social Members too. We offer new or experienced Bowlers of any level, coaching on an individual or team basis. Look us up on our Club Web site or phone Mike Holtom on 99296508. Or pop down to the Green at the Corallia Beach Hotel, on a Saturday or Wednesday at 8.30am for 9.0am, or a Monday afternoon at 3.30pm for 4.0pm, to meet us and see for yourself just how much we enjoy our game of Bowls.

For Sale -deSituated in a quiet residential cul Exo sac on the escarpment above m fro ow thr Vrisi yet only a stone’s ng Paphos Town Hall, the Cyta Buildi of rt hea the and Makarios Avenue in Paphos. se A unique modern town hou ard designed and built by a local aw winning architect. rs Open plan design on three floo and e rac with an extensive roof ter the panoramic views to the airport in st. we east and the lighthouse in the Accommodation comprises:Ground floor: Multipurpose room/garage, bathroom, enclosed open atrium and storage areas. First floor: Open plan kitchen and living room with large picture window to the panoramic view of Kato Paphos and the coast beyond. Second floor: Large bedroom with bathroom. Third floor: ter Roof terrace with electric and wa points. Fully carpeted stairs throughout. For sale with full title deeds at 170000 Euro. For appointment to view and fully appreciate this unique property please telephone 99 580320

BREXIT and Interest Rates by Mark Hollingsworth

Increases in UK State Pensions, healthcare, right to own property … just some of the questions on everyone’s lips as natural concerns are raised by all of us that left the UK to settle in Cyprus. At the time of writing, the UK has just elected a new Prime Minister to drive the UK forward in successfully exiting the European Union. Her task is a mammoth one to deliver what the majority of UK voters wanted. The full impact on expats is not yet known but rest assured there will be negative implications in the short term, one of which is most likely to be the further depreciation of the pound. For pensioners this means that your monthly pension is now more than 10 per cent less than what it was last month in euro terms and the likelihood is that further drops will unfortunately occur. Another significant impact of the vote is the effect this will have on sterling interest rates. Rates have been kept on hold since March 2009 at 0.5%. It is clear now that interest rates will have to fall further. It could be worse however – the Swedes, Danes and Swiss now have negative interest rates, following Japan earlier this year. Now over 500 million people of the world economy are now suffering from rates in the red. Retirees and other savers are the obvious group who will suffer from this UK policy, though arguably interest rates are so low that going a bit lower will not make any difference. Less obvious are the pension funds, because of the impact lower long-term interest rates have on annuity rates. Even less obvious losers are the banks, as low interest rates put pressure on them too. Beyond the summer, what happens to UK interest rates? The popular view is that they stay low for a far as the eye can see. If inflation starts to rise, as is expected following the decline in the pound, then the Bank of England will look through the rise and pay more attention to the real economy. It expects things to weaken seriously next year. For now, an interest rate cut to 0.25% in August is more likely than unlikely. At difficult times like these it is essential to review your savings and investments to ensure that the goals you set maybe one, five or ten years ago are still achievable. With interest rates now certain to remain low, alternatives must be sought for anyone requiring a real, positive return on their capital. There is however no obvious, glaring solution as of course we are all individuals and have separate financial needs and priorities. The role of the financial adviser is therefore more important than ever now. Due to the very high need for help, we are operating post-Brexit clinics throughout July. These clinics are available to anyone wishing to review their current savings and investments without any obligation or commitment. For further information, please contact us. Mark Hollingsworth, Director, Hollingsworth International Financial Services Ltd Tel: +357 99066840, +356 21316298 e-mail: Website: Authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to provide investment services, license IS/32457


© Grapevine • August 2016

The Savvy Shopper 2016 by Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI

I published my first Savvy Shopper in August 2009 as a respite from all of the financial articles every other month and have done so every summer since. As I try to give different online stores and tips in each article I have decided to detail some websites that have appeared in previous articles for those readers that are new.

Orders free if over Euro 30 and you can return items from Cyprus free of charge!!!

There are many companies in the UK that deliver to Cyprus often free. It does mean that you would need online access to make your purchase.

The Entertainer You can buy a book of vouchers or download the app to your phone. A fantastic site offering a range of beauty products cheaper than you can get them on the UK high street and vastly cheaper than in Cyprus. Delivery is free worldwide on orders over €40 and you can pay either in Sterling or in Euro. They also give cash back if you introduce friends. When ordering from Feel Unique or any site that is based in Jersey or Guernsey only order one or two items at a time. For large orders you may be charged duty as the larger package means that it will go through customs unlike the smaller packages that come via normal post. Delivery to Cyprus is free on orders over 20. Excellent prices when compared to local outlets. formerly They sell CD’s, DVD’s, computer games and books. You have to pay in Euro if delivery is to Cyprus but they are much cheaper than what you pay here and delivery is free.

Discounts in Cyprus There are a range of online discount voucher sites in Cyprus; some are in Greek but the page can be translated. They offer discount vouchers on a whole host of deals such as eating out, beauty treatments, hotels and others.

I bought this last year and have just purchased another one for this year. They cover the whole of the Republic. Offers are wide ranging including bars and coffee houses for drinks, restaurants, take away outlets and cafes for meals, Beauty and hairdressing treatments, sports and other activities all on a buy one get one free basis. I have saved a small fortune on hairdressers, gym membership, eating out, water park & bowling. I have detailed new ways to save money with purchases here and thank all of those who sent tips in. Any readers who missed the previous articles can contact me to receive a copy. I would encourage you to email me with any sites you find or helpful tips that will save our readers money. Mrs. Vivian Nagel, MCSI Elgin AMC Ltd, Mobile 99579149

Fax: + 357 22 455626

Email: Website Elgin is a trade name of Numisma Capital Ltd which is authorised and regulated by CySEC (License Number 122/10)

Opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not constitute financial advice in any way. Familiar to many Brits, this kitchenware and household goods company offers decent savings on many items when compared to the cost locally for similar goods. It also offers items that are difficult to get elsewhere. Delivery to Cyprus costs 7.50 A wonderful department store selling a wide range of quality goods, delivery to Cyprus is 7.50 per order and arrives by courier within a few days.

© Grapevine • August 2016


Recipes for Vegans by Cherry Dobbins

Vegans are complete vegetarians eating no meat, fish or animal products. This can cause problems for the unwary as products such as gelatine may not be realised as coming from animals. These recipes could be served as a main for a vegan and a side dish for a chop or piece of steak. Because vegetables do not contain as much protein as meat or fish helpings for a vegan should be generous.

Tahini Lentils

If you use frozen green beans let them thaw and then add right at the end. 50g tahini 1 lemon, zest and juice 2 tbsp. olive oil 1 red onion, thinly sliced 1 garlic clove, crushed 1 yellow pepper, sliced thinly 200g green beans, trimmed and halved 1 courgette sliced into half moons 100g shredded kale, use the local laxana or cabbage 250g cooked or canned lentils Mix the tahini with the lemon zest and juice to make a runny dressing. Add water if necessary. Season to taste and put to one side. Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok. Fry the red onion for two minutes until it begins to soften and colour. Add the garlic, pepper, courgette, beans if fresh and a pinch of salt. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the kale, lentil and beans(if frozen) along with the tahini dressing. Heat through for a couple of minutes until the kale has wilted and it is all coted in the tahini dressing.

3 x 400g tins black beans, rinsed and drained large handful of chopped coriander 16 cherry tomatoes, halved 1 large red pepper, de-seeded and sliced thin 1 red onion, thinly sliced 5 spring onions, trimmed and thinly sliced 1 bunch of rocket, washed and trimmed 2 large ripe avocados, skin and seeds removed, flesh cubed For the dressing; 4 tbsp lemon juice 7 tbsp olive oil 1 red chilli, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, minced Pinch ground cumin Salt and ground black pepper Put all the dressing ingredients in a jam jar and shake well until combined. Put the beans in a large bowl and pour over half the dressing. Toss lightly. Add the coriander, tomatoes, red pepper and onions. Stir well to combine. To serve, divide the rocket between soup plates, spoon the salad on top.

Pougouri Salad

Pougouri is the local name for cracked wheat and can be found in packets at your local supermarket. If oranges are out of season omit the slices and use orange juice from a carton to make the dressing. 200g pougouri 150g fresh or frozen soya or broad beans, cooked or thawed. If nothing is available use a can of red kidney or black eyed beans.

Cover with the avocado cubes and drizzle over the remaining salad dressing

Spinach, Aubergine and Chick Pea Curry 1kg fresh spinach 2 tbsp olive oil 2 med sized red onions, chopped

2 Romano peppers, sliced into fine rounds, seeds removed

200g tinned chick peas, rinsed and drained

150g radishes, finely sliced

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

75g whole blanched almonds

2 fresh green chillies, halved and finely sliced

small bunch mint finely chopped

1 tbsp ground coriander seeds

small bunch parsley, finely chopped

1 tbsp cumin seeds

2 oranges

400g/ 1 large aubergine, cut into 2cm dice

3 tbsp. olive oil

400g can chopped tomatoes

Cook the pougouri according to instructions on the packet. Drain and tip into a large serving bowl to cool.


Peel one orange carefully, removing all the white pith. Cut away the segments and add to the cooled pougouri. Halve the other orange and squeeze the juice into a jam jar with the oil. Season well. Add all the remaining ingredients to the pougouri and mix gently. Shake the orange dressing well and pour over the salad. Toss well and serve.

Black Bean and Avocado Salad

If you cannot find black beans use red kidney beans, black eyed beans, foules mesdames or even lentils. All the quantities look large but this will serve 4 people as a main. 18

Š Grapevine • August 2016

Cook the spinach in boiling water for a bare two minutes and then cool immediately by running under cold water. (Have some ice cubes ready if you are doing this in summer!). Squeeze out the water gently and then chop to a coarse puree in a processor. Heat half the oil in a large pan and fry the onions with the chick peas, garlic, chilli, coriander and cumin for 5 minutes over a medium heat. Add the remaining oil and the aubergine and fry for a further 10 minutes, stirring frequently, until the aubergine is coloured. Add the tomatoes and a pinch of salt. Cover the pan, lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes until the aubergine is soft. Stir in the spinach puree and serve.

Beach Bars at Sunset by Cherry Dobbins

A few years ago there was not a decent beach bar to visit in the district of Paphos. For one summer there was a reasonable attempt at one on Coral Bay which hosted the Jazz Festival. Sadly it changed hands the following year and reverted to a perfectly adequate beach café but without that extra atmosphere. Last year there were three beach bars offering drinks, food, wonderful views and the right atmosphere; Sea You in Kissonerga, Oniro by the wreck on the Peyia coast and Suite 48 in Kato Paphos. This year another has opened, Baracas on the seafront in Khlorakas. All four are quite individual in their approach and what they offer other than they all have great cocktail menus. Oniro was the first to open. It started small with a few tables overlooking a stupendous view of sea caves and serving drinks and snacks. Each year since then it has expanded and is now a pristine, beautifully manicured place to eat lunch or drink cocktails as the sun sets. It also hosts the wreck of The Edro 111 on its coastline. The food here is very good. The lunch menu has much more variety than the fairly brief evening menu. The last time I ate lunch here I had an Angus steak burger with caramelised onions and Mediterranean wedges. My companion had a smoked salmon salad with apple and radish slices. The main problem with Oniro is that it is too popular. To get a decent table for lunch you need to be there well before midday. You cannot reserve a table but they do serve drinks to people sat on the grass waiting for a table. I reviewed Suite 48 for the September 2015 issue of Grapevine. It is in Kato Paphos as part of the Amphora Suites complex, on Poseidonos Ave close to the ‘triangle’. It has a large expanse of grass that runs down to the sea and the Euro walkway. The tables are very well spaced and there are sun beds if you need an after lunch siesta. The atmosphere is laid back and relaxing. The food here is also good, offering generous helpings of imaginative combinations for salads and sandwiches. Suite 48 also offers live music

events often with a buffet meal. On August 27th the band is Cuban and should be a great event. For reservations and further information call 26 910 808. Sea You is really the only true beach bar being virtually on a beach. At sunset the half clad bathers mingle with the well dressed pre-dinner drinkers. They sit at rough wooden tables shaded by palm trees and bamboo shades, listening to live music and drinking cocktails out of jam jars. Stones and feathers dangle from the trees and flowers are falling out of piled, painted tyres. The atmosphere is perfect. It is an experience not to be missed. The place is so laid back it is almost falling over yet the service is fast and friendly. The food here is along the lines of kebab or burger and chips. They also offer platters. Our favourite is the ‘ouzo plate’ which is a selection of slices of things such as tomato, cucumber and salami, along with olives, anchovies and chunks of cheese. Best of all are the strips of deep fried pitta bread. The plate does as nibbles for four people. The Sea You is on the road heading for Coral Bay, just as the road runs alongside the sea. The Baracas Lounge on Klorakas seafront is the new kid on the block and has been open just a few weeks. It is situated between the Laura and Azia Hotels on the slip road that runs parallel to the coast road and in front of the Laura Hotel. The Baracas is as pristine and manicured as Oniro but with some funky lighting and touches. They offer food from breakfast to midnight including salads, sandwiches and platters. A sushi menu will be added shortly. On some evenings they offer live music at sunset. Baracas is already a talking point and has become popular very quickly. However at present it is large enough to cater for everyone who wants a table.

Health Foods by Cherry Dobbins

All the big supermarkets in Cyprus now have a ‘health food’ section. This makes life easy when searching for soya or almond milk, gluten free snack bars and crisp breads or for diabetic chocolate. But are all these health foods truly healthy? The problem is that even health food marketers have a specific job to do and that is to sell you the product by fair means or foul. A popular label today is ‘gluten free’. Gluten is not harmful to your health unless you have celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity. Gluten is a protein found in many types of grain including wheat, spelt, rye and barley. If you think you may be gluten sensitive ask your doctor to give you a test. Many people who think they are gluten sensitive are not. UK Channel 4 ran a small test on 36 people who thought they were gluten sensitive. Half were given a gluten free powder to take daily for a couple of weeks and the remainder were unknowingly given a powder containing wheat. They were told to eat no gluten foods during the test. Every single person came back saying that they felt better even the ones who had unknowingly eaten gluten on a daily basis. A gluten free product is just as likely to have too much salt, sugar, trans fats or other harmful ingredients as any other product. Always check the list of ingredients in what you buy. Many of the so called ‘nutrition’, ‘protein’ and ‘breakfast’ bars contain large amounts of sugar and some could contain trans fats. There are some wonderfully tasty flapjack bars shelved in the health food section. I admit I love them. They are made in England and ‘free from artificial colours, flavours and hydrogenated fats.’ They are also ‘suitable for vegetarians’. However reading the small print they offer 1910 kilojoules (456 calories) per 100g. I weighed a bar and it was 115g in the cellophane wrap. That is quite a lot of calories for a flapjack. Along with 57% oats the ingredients include vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, coconut) emulsifiers E471, natural butter flavouring, partially inverted sugar syrup, sugar, 6% cranberries and salt. It

would seem that nearly 40% of the bar is sugar, fat and salt. Also palm oil is definitely considered a saturated fat and is not good for you. Healthy foods are more likely to list fewer ingredients and ones that you recognised. Trans fats are hydrogenated oils. This process solidifies the oil, gives it a longer shelf life and makes it taste better. However they are bad for you. They raise the levels of cholesterol in your body and make you more likely to get heart disease. The USA is slowly phasing them out by law. They are often described as ‘partially hydrogenated oils’. Avoid them. Fruit juices are often loaded with sugar. ‘All natural products’ just means that the added colourings, flavourings and sweeteners come from plants rather than chemicals. Even those that are 100% juice will contain a lot of sugar as fruits do contain a lot of sugar. Apple juice and grape juice are loaded with sugar and often make up a large part of juices with more exotic sounding names. My doctor warned me off grapes as my sugar levels are not ideal. “Oh I don’t eat many grapes” I replied and then rushed home with a sinking feeling to re-examine my favourite ‘super berry’ juice. Oops, grape 15%, blackberry 2% blackcurrant 2% and blueberry1%. Not so much of the three good fruits in that drink. Agave nectar has become a popular natural sugar alternative because although high in fructose it is low on the glycaemic index which measures its effect on blood sugar. However more recent research suggests that excessive fructose can damage the liver and add unwanted belly fat. Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame and saccharin are also better avoided. At the moment stevia and coconut palm nectar are considered the best options. You might note that I say ‘at the moment’. In this rapidly changing world large corporations can pay for research to prove something is good or bad, depending on how they want it portrayed. We can all read about these tests on the internet but really good scientific research takes a long time, a great many test subjects and a lot of money. It is carried out by people who want to know the truth and not just prove something their way. © Grapevine • August 2016


What is Skype Counselling? by Dr Vasilios Silivistris, DipComp DipSup MBACP BA MA FRSH PhD

Skype counselling has revolutionised therapy because modern technology is changing the way we communicate. With Skype counselling, choosing a therapist is not limited to your geographic location, you may choose a therapist from almost anywhere in the world. For several years, I have used Skype successfully to provide therapy around the world to countries such as; •


United Kingdom, • United States,

• Canada,



Hong Kong,

South Africa,









The Netherlands,



Although nothing can replace traditional face-to-face therapy, Skype counselling has made therapy accessible to everyone, anywhere. Skype counselling may be useful to clients who live in countries where therapy in their preferred language is not readily available, or for clients who prefer the privacy of therapy from their own homes. Skype counselling is also invaluable to people who are disabled or housebound, allowing he/she access to counselling and psychotherapy without the need to travel. Clients are often surprised how comfortable they feel and find themselves more able to ‘open up’, and share personal details because they feel safer and more relaxed in their own home.

Using the free Skype software, therapists and clients can be linked together all over the world. Whilst not replacing traditional face-to-face counselling for those who prefer this (indeed many therapists continue to meet local clients personally), there are many benefits to Skype. Skype counselling also gives you access to a therapist from outside your local area. It makes it so much more likely that you will find a therapist who you feel you can relate to, or who has a particular approach, style or experience. It has been proven that it does not really matter what style of counselling is used, the main factor affecting the success of counselling is whether the client can identify with, relates to, get on well with or just plainly likes the therapist. This ‘therapeutic relationship’, as it is known, will obviously have a far better chance of being successful when the client has a wider selection of counsellors to choose. Whether it is for individual, couples or family counselling, the era of Skype counselling is here and its usage will only increase because it offers so

© Grapevine • August 2016

The only area I will not be able to provide Skype counselling are to those who are currently experiencing suicidal ideation. This is because the geographical distance will limit my ability to ensure the client’s safeness. Nonetheless, should this apply to you, I urge you to seek medical or psychiatric attention immediately so that you can get the necessary support and assistance. As mentioned earlier, Skype is a free software that enables people to make free phone and video calls to each other using their computers, a web camera and an Internet connection. If you do not already have Skype installed, it is very easy. Just go to and download and install the appropriate version for your computer (for example PC or Mac), and follow their simple instructions. Once you have installed Skype, choose a Skype user name, check that your web cam is working and that you are familiar with the controls, then you are ready to commence Skype therapy. My Skype name is dr.v.silivistris

Dr Vasilios Silivistris is a UK trained Psychotherapist and Counselling practitioner. Tel: 99 109177. Email:

Elean Opticians in Makarios Ave is open 9am - 1pm. There is access at the back of the shop. Follow the signs from road turning right opposite the wedding park, next to Timinis on Gladstone road. We are offering 49% OFF NEW FRAMES due to the roadworks!


many advantages.

Archangel Michael Hospice Charabanc Tours Archangel Michael Hospice Charabanc Tours was set up 2 and half years ago by Linda Fletcher Locke and Mona Skordi, not only to raise funds for Archangel Michael Hospice which is located in Mesa Chorio, but also to have a fun day out and make new friends.

There are three trips per year Spring, autumn and the last one is the very popular Xmas Shopping trip to Nicosia first stop Marks and Spencer’s then to Ledra Street bus station which gives you the opportunity to cross over to the North and the final stop is Ikea and the Mall. Our first trip of 2016 took place in May it was a great success visiting Omodus then onto the Church of Archangel Michael which is located in the tiny village of Pedulas followed by a delicious lunch at the Rose Mountain Restaurant. Their next trip is on the 11th October to Famagusta more details together with cost will be coming next month. The date for the Xmas Shopping trip has been set for the 9th December more details to following in the coming months. Linda’s hails from Glasgow and her background was travel and tourism working for Thomas Cook as Customer Service Manager based in Reading Berkshire, she has been living in Paphos for 17 years. Mona hails from Larnaca and is the hard working General Manger of the Hospice so being Cypriot has the background of places to visit in Cyprus. If you would like more information on the forth coming trips please call Linda on 99562387 or Mona on 99494140. If you would like more information on the Hospice or would like to visit please do not hesitate to contact Mona

The Friends’ Hospice Dr Aristos Georghiou of The Friends’ Hospice, Paphos, receiving a cheque for €7,000 from Liz Pearce, Director of William Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well which was staged over three nights at the Ancient Curium Amphitheatre near Episkopi under the auspices of the Performing Arts for Cyprus Charities. Also pictured are Chris Jones, President of the Hospice’s Foundation, and nurses Rafaelia Gregoriou and Chrysanthi Charalambous. Each year, one of The Bard’s works is staged by the Performing Arts for Cyprus volunteers who donate all profits to charity.

© Grapevine • August 2016


“Second Nature”: Open Call For Architects & Artists The Organisation European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017 announces an open call for an Architectural/Artistic project for the creation of structures entitled: “SECOND NATURE” The European Capital of Culture – PAFOS2017 announces the architectural/artistic project entitled “SECOND NATURE”, for the creation of light, small scale structures that will be placed in the Municipal Garden, in the centre of Pafos. The open call is open to professional architects, artists, designers and students of architecture schools of member states of the International Union of Architects (UIA). This call is characterized, firstly, by a general interest in urban planning, involving issues of open towns, green spaces and generally issues that relate to the following pairs: town-nature, nature-humans. It is, in other words, related to the ascertainment that today the historical and traditional town centres exhibit a generally degraded image. A typical example of such an area is the Competition’s study area, the Municipal Garden, located in the central core of the town of Pafos. With the obvious lack of maintenance, the Garden is now an abandoned area and, as such, a not so attractive green space in the urban fabric of the town, with little interest and few proposals for uses and activities by the visitors. Today, due to this image of abandonment, the weaknesses of the Municipal Garden and the living environment in general, it is essential to improve and utilise the Garden, as well as to redefine its role in relation to the whole town. With this as the main aim – the redefinition of the Garden’s relationship with the town and generally the redefinition of human coexistence with nature – we suggest the investigation, study and design of structures entitled “SECOND NATURE”, that can strengthen these relationships/pairs: town-nature, nature-humans, since the present state of the park prohibits this potential interaction and fosters an alienation that is due to the Garden’s definitive separation from the whole town. The Structures The call entitled “SECOND NATURE”, proposes the creation of 7 light, small scale structures that will be placed in the open space of the garden. The main objective of the project is the promotion and upgrading of the garden, as well as its diffusion to the whole town and, most of all, the strengthening of human presence in this area. The main objective of the theme of this call – “SECOND NATURE” – is to create structures that will act as receptors of nature, i.e. green corescontainers that will be the natural extension of the garden. These structures will act as urban points and forms in the garden areas, which will mainly carry in their construction planting and generally plants such as flowers, herbs and others, thus creating a new peripatetic experience in the garden area and, also, giving the opportunity to the town’s residents to come into contact with nature. At the same time, the structures will act as a background for numerous activities and events in the garden, providing new challenges and experiences to the visitors. Due to the particularities of the site, the structures will be based on a general intend of mild intervention in the park. The aim is: the materials, the way of construction and the composition to become part of the particularly challenging given environment of the garden, to make little impact on the landscape, in the context of sustainability, and to combine low cost of construction and environmental friendliness.

The structures will be made of light materials such as wood, metal, wire, aluminum etc, and not heavy materials like concrete and stone. Because of the particularities of the site, the total external dimensions of the structures will not exceed 9,0m2 with a maximum height of 3,5m. The structures, due to their small scale and simplicity in design, as well as their ephemeral nature, must have the ability to be easily and quickly assembled on site without special adaptive ground constructions. Respectively, they should be able to be disassembled and be removed if necessary, without leaving any irreversible traces in the area of the Municipal Garden, apart from the new urban memories. For more information, the terms and conditions and the submission form click here Competition Timeline 06 July 2016 Commencement of the open call. Disclosure of the call via the official website of Pafos2017 Opening entries in the open call and, at the same time, starting date of receipt of documents from the website of Pafos2017 Teams/people that wish to participate in the peoject are required to register by completing an online registration form, which has been posted on the official website of Pafos2017. The completion of the application is necessary, so as to enable the teams to have access to the call’s documents. 15 July 2016 Deadline for the submission of questions by the participants via email: 22 July 2016 Disclosure of all responses. Τhe answers will be forwarded to all participants by 08/07/2016. 31 August 2016 Deadline for the dispatch and receipt of proposals. 05 September 2016 Meeting of the evaluation committee. 07 September 2016 Announcement of the results on the official website of Pafos2017, http:// The initiators of the 7 selected proposals will be informed, so as to proceed with the preparation of an implementation study for the completion of the project. November 2016 The exact date will be announced later. Workshop (construction festival), a 10day workshop for the completion of the structures. The 7 chosen proposals will be constructed in the Municipal Garden area, in the centre of Pafos. 28 January 2017 Official ceremony for the illumination of the structures, alongside with the opening ceremony of the European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017, to be held on January 28th, at the October 28th Square.


© Grapevine • August 2016

Maggie’s Beauty Spot: Just Add Sunshine ! Shake up your look in mood-lifting brights, eye-catching prints and feelgood hues – this is your happiest summer wardrobe ever! EMBRACE THE PETAL POWER! Nothing says summer like fun and flirty florals. Try them on your trousers for a fresh take on the trend. Style with a tucked-in tee and cardi and add metallic flats for sightseeing chic or block heels for evening glam. SHORT AND SWEET Show off sun-kissed legs in a pair of brilliantly bright shorts. Neat and chic cotton cut-offs are versatile enough to be dressed up or down. Layer them over your swimsuit for trips to the beach bar and add a crisp cotton shirt for city strolling – easy! GET PLAYUL IN PRINT When it comes to holiday packing, power-print tees, statement trousers and glam sunnies will give you even more reasons to be cheerful. Colour not your thing then mix and match in monochrome. SASHAY IN SASSY SWIMWEAR Try a fun retro-style swimdress for allout poolside glam. Skirted styles suit curvy figures as they nip in at the waist and skim over hips. While a halterneck offers stylish support up top. TIME TO MAX OUT! Feeling leg-shy? Swish through the season in a wow-factor maxi. It’s one of the most versatile items you’ll pack, so choose floaty

fabrics in mood-lifting brights to see you effortlessly from poolside to party. Minimum packing, maximum impact! EARN YOUR STRIPES Colour your wardrobe to the max in rainbow stripes and bright block tones. This summer, try trading in your navy and white striped tees for bold deckchair styles... instant feelgood mood, guaranteed! BE A SIZZLING COVER GIRL On a beach, boat or for dinner alfresco, no item will work harder than a cotton cover-up. Get suitcase savvy and choose a style that will work double time – on the beach and off. Throw it on over your swimsuit for days at the seaside, and pair with skinny jeans and shiowpiece earrings for evening’s easy answer. GET CLASH HAPPY Mixing prints in the same colour palette is the easy way to clash with confidence. Sailor stripes are a great starting point, as they pair beautifully with splashy florals, polka dots and seaside motifs. Simply add an eye-popping bag. CATCH YELLOW FEVER! Put sunshine shades top of your packing list – not only are they lovely for daytime, they’re fabulous when the sun goes down, too. Treat yourself to a colour consultation - 10% off for Grapevine readers. Vouchers are available for special occasions. For more information contact Maggie Wright, Colour Me Beautiful, on 99318477 maggiecmb@yahoo.

© Grapevine • August 2016


BREXIT – JEXIT? by Valerie Morgan

Well, like it or not the UK has just voted itself out of the EU! I think most of those that voted out thought they could be part of Europe one day and out the next, but the process of leaving will be long and complex with even the politicians who wanted the UK out not being sure what to do now they have got the vote even they were not expecting! The political structure of the UK seems to be falling apart with MP’s on all sides resigning. I know there is uncertainty here and in other parts of the EU where British nationals have made their homes, with many of us unsure of how our pensions and health care will be affected or even our right to stay. But I also have friends in the UK from France who are now uncertain if they have a right to remain and work in the UK even though they have lived there for some 25 years. This is the time we need to run into God’s strong tower, because God is the one person we can be sure of. 2 Samuel 22: 2 ‘The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my saviour; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my saviour, the one who saves me from violence. I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies’. New Living Translation. The one person we can be sure of in this life is God. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His views never change and they are not influenced by politics, fads or fashions and He never lies or distorts the truth to suit the situation. God is truth and if you apply the situations and circumstances in your life to what it says in the Bible you can never go wrong. When everything else seems to falling apart the one thing we can be sure of is that God is our Father and if we believe that Jesus is God’s Son, then we become part of His family. So, if we are His children He wants what is best for us. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7: 9 ‘You parents – if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?’ New Living Translation. We may have had Brexit but Jexit is not an option. Now is the time to run into that strong tower provided by God. After all, Jesus died on the cross so that we could become once again part of God’s family. Now is the time we need to go to church and become part of that family. God created us to be family, not to live alone. If you would like to know more about becoming part of the family of God, join us for our Sunday service at Coral Star Restaurant (opposite Philippos Supermarket) in Coral Bay – 10.30am. Or join us for a coffee and chat, same place on Thursday mornings 11am – 12 noon. May I wish you all ‘safe journey’ if you are travelling, or if you have family visiting, enjoy the precious time with them. 24

© Grapevine • August 2016

Paphos Classic Vehicle Club Paphos Classic Vehicle Club is a group of people who either own or appreciate classic vehicles, and enjoy getting together, using and discussing them. We usually hold our monthly Socials at the Ayios Epiphanios Taverna in Anarita on the third Saturday of the month at 15.00 Not all members actually own a classic vehicle, and some that do are in the process of restoring them and use their ‘modern’ vehicles in the meantime. It is my sad duty to inform you that our Chairman Mr. Stephen Kennard Brown lost his long battle against cancer on the 12th June . His funeral was in this home village of Choletria where a procession of classic vehicles followed him to the cemetery. His last public duty for the club was to present the awards at the Harbour Event which he bravely carried out. Steve (on the left) was presented with a trophy by Yiorgos the clubs president for his Service to the club at this event. His wishes were that donations will go to local cancer charity`s. He will be sadly missed. Colin Upton will be taking over as temporary Chairman until the re election of the committee at the A.G.M. Contact us on e-mail address: Phone: 99046466 or view our Facebook page: Website: for regular updates and details of events.

© Grapevine • August 2016


CLASSIFIEDS SERVICES MOBILE AUTO ENGINEER British trained with over 35 years experience. Any vehicle catered for. Call any time 99 802067. See Main advert for more details. MARK The CARPENTER City & Guilds, also advanced craft, 32 yrs experience, kitchens, storage solutions, suspended ceilings, bedrooms, pergolas, fencing, decking, sound/heat insulation. All bespoke joinery. Portfolio/ references. All workmanship guaranteed. Free quotes. Mark: 96 395309 or email FRIENDLY ENGLISH GARDENER Friendly, reliable Englishman with 20 years gardening experience & City & Guilds qualifications, certificates & references available. Weekly/ fortnightly/as required. For a free quotation & consultation call Peter 99 137874 or PJ 96 234965 or check us out at THE COMPLETE PROPERTY SOLUTION Madock Ltd, All aspects of house refurbishment: kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms. Building works including, electrics, plumbing (including central heating), carpentry, plastering, painting, tiling roofing and mains sewerage connection. All work undertaken by our team of qualified tradesmen. No job too small. Call Tony on 99 009665 for a free, no obligation quote. EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTERER Soft furnishings, curtains, alterations, garden furniture, loose covers, canopies, large selection of quality fabrics & canvas available. For free quotation ring Busy Bees on 99 229778. SAM’S DECORATIONS Professional plasterers and painters. Alterations, tiling, stonework, graffiadou, roofs and ceiling repairs, plasterboard works, tape and joining and much more. Please don’t hesitate to call Sam for your free quote. Tel 96 330553 or 99 262147. ALPHA CARPENTRY & JOINERY Fully qualified carpenters, custom made joinery i.e. storage solutions. Radiator cabinets with wide range of grills. All types of fencing & gates, pergolas, carports, wooden or composite decking. Plasterboard partitions & suspended ceilings. References available & all workmanship fully guaranteed. For all your woodworking needs with free quotes please call Mark 96 395309 or Rab 96 845598. email:

ATOM EXTERMINATORS LTD Pest Control, Termites, Woodworm, Rodents, Fleas etc. Members of British Pest Control Association, Royal Society of Health U.K. Licensed by Ministry of Agriculture (License n.9) Tel: 26 220336, 99637193. MARTYN THE ELECTRICIAN British electrician available for all electrical work big or small, fully qualified City & Guilds 236/2391 & NICEIC level. Extra sockets, water heaters, lights, installation work, testing, inspection and fault finding. Please call Martyn on tel 96 558321. Paphos, Peyia & Polis areas. 24-hour call out. For further info please visit AT YOUR SERVICE’ - COMPLETE MAINTENANCE For all you property requirements, Specialist Painters and Decorators, Roof repairs, Drainage/Damp solutions, Balcony repairs, Patios, Double Glazing & Shutters, Fencing, Pergolas. Free quotation. Excellent prices, over 15 years experience. Please call 99112055 Email: Web: WANTED LEAVING CYPRUS?? Cars bought for Cash 99 315649.

FOR SALE Unique Town House Paphos Town Hall Area. 3 floors plus Roof recreation area. 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1 multipurpose room, living room & kitchen, decked back yard. Stunning panoramic views. 170,000 Euro with title deeds. Viewing by appointment only. Strictly no agents. Tel: 99 580320

To advertise on classifieds section, please send your advert clearly written, including € 10 for 30 words inclusive of VAT. Extra words are chargeable at € 0.25 each. Carefully count the number of words and decide how many insertions you require. Payment must be included with order. Email us on grapevine@cytanet. or post your advert to PO Box 62068, Paphos, 8060 or call direct to our office at 26819167, 24a Marias Loizidou, Paphos, 8047.

Deadline -15th of the preceding month. 26

© Grapevine • August 2016

The European Capital of Culture A Positive Final Evaluation by the European Committee for the Pafos2017 Organisation & A Positive Nomination for the Award of the Melina Mercouri Prize [1.5 million] “An excellent example of how a small town can achieve a successful European Capital of Culture” The European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017 Organisation has gone through its most significant evaluation by the responsible European Union committee, receiving very positive comments. This is a customary procedure that takes place six months prior to the assumption of the title of the European Capital of Culture. As specifically stated in the Committee’s report “Pafos is a very good example of how a small town can design and set up a high level programme, which is up to the standards of the European Capital of Culture institution.” The official position of the EU Evaluation Committee was notified to the Pafos2017 Organisation after its comprehensive and analytical presentation to the Committee, regarding the stage of readiness of the European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017. The presentation took place in Brussels on the 21st of April 2016, by the Organisation’s team, led by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr Christos Patsalides. After the positive evaluation, the Committee recommended the Melina Mercouri prize to the Organisation(1.5 million), which is essential for the completion of the programme and the work of the Organisation. The weight of the “Melina Mercouri” prize lies not only in the financial support for the Organisation, but it is also a sound confirmation that the programme and the progress on all operating levels of the Organisation managed to reach the implementation stage for the year 2017. The high level organisation of the artistic programme, which is in advanced stages of implementation, in relation to the standards and requirements of the EU, has received exceptionally positive reviews. At a press conference held on Tuesday, 28th of June 2016 at the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture, in the presence of the Minister of Education and Culture, the Chairman of the Organisation, Dr Christos Patsalides, said: “We are extremely proud because, despite all adversities in the beginning, especially the limited financial resources, as well as the question whether Pafos would carry out this great work, not only it looks like we will succeed, but also we have a very positive evaluation by the responsible European Committee, which characteristically states that Pafos is, as of now, an example of how small towns can achieve a successful European Capital of Culture.” The Minister of Education and Culture congratulated the Organisation and confirmed the Ministry’s support in this important institution. The final evaluation report for the European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017 Organisation has been posted on the official website of the European Commission -

ANNOUNCEMENT The Centre of Cultural Heritage, a non-profit organisation, asks for volunteers in order to form various Committees of Volunteerism they will contribute for the realisation of various projects and events, as well as for the maintenance of the headquarters of CCH; an old classified neoclassical residence, which is one of the most important historic buildings in the centre of Lefkosia, 10, Alexander the Great Street, near Ledra street. For further information on the projects, activities and events of CCH, interested people could visit the site and contact the Centre at the email or at the phones 22 003 111 or 99 67 35 92.


© Grapevine • August 2016

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