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Topaz Wordsearch
Nicky and Sarah would like to introduce Alan Bendrey and welcome him to Topaz
Alan has over 40 years’ experience and had his own salon for 30 years, at one stage employing 22 people. He has worked in theatre, film, and TV; had work published in major hair magazines and location shoots for the Daily Telegraph. He has also worked in conjunction with Trevor Sorbie on the My New Hair website giving advice and help to women having treatment for breast cancer - which wig to buy and shaping the wig to suit the person. Topaz has been in Ledbury for 30 years and in that time we have always aimed to take you away from the hustle and bustle of life in tranquil surroundings, with the philosophy of offering only the very best in service, treatments and products. More importantly a salon where the stylist and therapist really listens to you!
Topaz Hair is a L’Oréal Professionnel Appointed Salon. We use only the best products to help protect and restore your hair, so your hair will look the best it can be! At Topaz we believe in creating hairstyles that suit you, making you look great and feel fantastic! Topaz Touch Therapy offers traditional and light touch massage treatments that help relax and pamper the inner soul and calm the mind. Whilst traditional massage is beneficial to most, there were some people for whom it would not be suitable ... this is where we offer ‘Light Touch’ and ‘Cancer Touch Therapy’ accredited by the Complementary Medical Association (CMA).
Light Touch Massage is for those needing a lighter touch and for whom a traditional massage may be too firm. Cancer Touch Therapy™ (CTT) allows therapists to perform safe and nurturing spa treatments on those being treated for, living with or in remission from cancer, a condition usually contra-indicated.
Whatever your reason for needing a lighter type of massage, you are sure of a relaxing therapeutic experience in our treatment room, using 100% certified organic products made in the UK by Made for Life Organics.
We offer a fusion of up-to-date techniques, a relaxing environment and a first class service. We are confident that you will feel as pampered and rejuvenated as you deserve!
HOW TO ENTER Find the words associated with Topaz in our wordsearch below and send your answer, which is a 3 word related phrase, together with your full name and postal address to : 2-3 Tudor Mews, The Homend, Ledbury, HR8 1BT or email to topazledburycomp@gmail.com The first two correct answers out of the hat aer the closing date of 30th April 2020 will win. Manager’s decision is final. Terms and condions apply.
Find the words in the grid and the remaining leers will spell out a related phrase
Appointment Balayage Blowdry Calming Cleanse Colouring Conditioner Cut Gents Hair Ladies Loreal Massage Nails Oil Perm Relaxing Shampoo Stylist Therapy Touch Weddings