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Clubs & Groups

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The Master's House

The Master's House

1st Ledbury Scout Group 07803 015344 Agricultural Society 01684 584900 Amateur Dramatic Society 01531 670843 Angling Association 01531 633600 Army Cadets Ledbury 01432 359917 enquiries.hwacf@rfca.org.uk Facebook.com/HWACF Art for Pleasure 01531 634710 Arts and Crafts Group 01684 310437 Badminton Club 01531 632430 Bell Ringers Eastnor 01432 853271 Bell Ringers ledburychurchbellringers@gmail.com Bosbury WI 01531 641982 Bowling Club Ledbury 01531 631680 Bowls Club Eastnor 01531 634530 Boxing Club Ledbury Amateur 01531 631879 Bridge Club 01531 670226 Carnival Association 01531 633172 Community Voluntary Action 01531 635339 Country & Western Club 01531 635682 Cribbage 01531 635116 Cycling UK, Ledbury Group 01684 564018 Eastnor Cricket Club 01531 633055 EFT Group 01531 631603 Evergreen Club 01531 631347 / 01531 635076 Ex-Round Tablers 01531 632298 Guides and Brownies 01531 634785 Hereford Deer Management www.hdms.org.uk Herefordshire Photographic Society e: dachsman78@yahoo.co.uk 01432 850554 Horticultural Society 01531 632489 Ladies Guild RNLI 01531 633286 Ladies Welcome Club 01531 636176 Leadonites Basketball 07872 400848


Leadon Vale Ramblers 01886 821544 Ledbury Allotment Association 01531 635139 Ledbury Amateur Dramatic Society 01531 632093 Ledbury Archery Club lacarchery@gmail.com Ledbury Area Cycle Forum chairman@lacf.org.uk Ledbury Art History Group 01531 890835 Ledbury Art Society 01531 631099 Ledbury Choral Society 01531 805080 Ledbury Cricket Club 07834 805841 Led Community Brass Band lcbb@hotmail.co.uk Ledbury and Malvern Swimming Club contact@lamsc.co.uk Ledbury Community Choir 01531 632801 Ledbury Community Day 07941 364282 Ledbury & District Civic Society 07977 781826 Ledbury & District Harriers 07960 866381 Ledbury & District Sports 01531 633703 Ledbury & District U3A 01531 633637 Ledbury Flower Club 01531 635404 Ledbury Ladies Afternoon Club 01531 633620 Ledbury Fairtrade Group 01432 890532 Ledbury Food Bank 07581 283092 Ledbury Food Group 01531 633637 Ledbury Friendship & Activity Club 01531 633787 Ledbury Horticultural Society 01531 670037 Ledbury In Bloom 01531 634716 Ledbury Marie Curie Fundraising Group 01531 630253 Ledbury German Circle 01531 633429 Ledbury Motorcycle Club 01432 860069 Ledbury Poetry Festival 01531 634156 Ledbury Probus Club ledburyprobus@gmail.com Led Library Development Group 01531 632133

Ledbury Quilters 01531 636165 Ledbury Short Mat Bowls Club 01531 631272 Ledbury-Stromstad Twinning Assoc. 01531 636176 Ledbury Support Group St Michael’s Hospice 01531 635404 Ledbury Swifts Football Club 01531 631675 Ledbury Tennis Club 01684 301643 Ledbury Town Football Club 01531 631463 Ledbury Young Farmers 07531 752651 Ledbury Youth Centre 01432 261589 Ledbury WI 01531 636808 Ledbury Naturalist Field Club 01531 635355 Ledbury Walkers’ Club 01531 634884 Malvern Hills Tools For Self Reliance 01684 540491 Parkway (Ledbury) WI 07909 902612 Ploughing Society 01531 634871 Rifle and Pistol Club 01531 636808 Ring & Ride 01531 635503 Rotary Club 01531 890696 Royal British Legion 01531 632491 Rugby Football Club 01531 631788 Skittle League 01531 632338 Simply Singing 01684 576681 Swimming Pool 0845 241 2590 Table Tennis Club 01531 630168 Theatre Club Ledbury 01531 632101 The Madison Shelbie Trust - Bereavement Support Service 01531 633654 Trumpet Agriculture Society 01531 670608 Visually Impaired Persons (V.I.P.) Support Club, Ledbury 01531 633853 WEA Ledbury 01531 634333

25 Running from Ledbury and Ashperton, The Magpies is a running group offering sociable and fun sessions, where you can run at your pace or be challenged to a higher level. It is your choice. If it is your ambition, we can work on improving your running but we also love to cater for people who simply wish to run for fun. Running is your hobby and we will ensure that you run to your agenda.

Call Kate: 07968 829306 or book online groups.runtogether.co.uk/TheMagpies runtogetherthemagpies

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